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Yue Sakura

Transmigrasi: Sang Koki Kecil yang Memimpin

Novel baru "Tremble, Universe's Great Beings" saat ini sedang diserialkan~ Semalam, seorang dewi kuliner yang cantik berubah menjadi Bintang Bencana Kecil yang dibenci Sebuah rumah tua dengan tiga kamar, seorang ayah yang cacat, ibu yang lemah, dan dua adik perempuan kurus yang harus diurus Apa?! Ibunya melahirkan tiga anak perempuan hanya karena menghambat kehidupan saudara-saudaranya? Ayahnya jatuh dari atap dan sudah terbaring di tempat tidur selama setengah tahun, hanya karena dia sedang bermain lumpur di dekat sana? Dia menelepon kakek nenek sekali, dan langsung salah satunya sakit dan yang lainnya mengalami kecelakaan; bahkan anak-anak kesayangan keluarga Paman tersedak makanan mereka karena hari itu kebetulan adalah hari ulang tahunnya Humph! Paman mungkin mentolerirnya, tetapi Bibi tidak bisa! Jika saya tidak menunjukkan kekuatan saya, apakah mereka semua akan memperlakukan saya seperti kucing Garfield?! Mereka pikir dengan lima taels perak, mereka bisa menjual saya ke orang lemah sakit untuk mendapatkan keberuntungan? Baiklah, karena saya Bintang Bencana Kecil, mari kita ubah rumah kalian menjadi zona bencana! Mereka ingin menjual adiknya ke rumah tangga kaya untuk menjadi budak atau pelayan? Dia berteriak, mencabut golok, melawan setan yang dia temui, dan membunuh hantu-hantu yang dia jumpai. Sejak saat itu, reputasinya sebagai wanita liar tersebar di seluruh desa Biarlah saya menjadi liar. Demi orang yang saya cintai, saya dengan senang hati menjadi Wanita Dapur yang liar. Dengan keterampilan memasak saya yang luar biasa, saya membuka restoran, menjadi koki teratas, mengembangkan resep baru, menaklukkan hati para pencinta makanan, dan bahkan menemukan cara baru untuk mendapatkan kekayaan besar, membawa seluruh keluarga saya ke arah kekayaan dan standar hidup yang lebih baik! Bagi kerabat tak tahu malu yang menjilat wajah mereka dan kembali untuk mengakui hubungan kekerabatan, dia memberikan senyum manis, melambaikan tangan untuk perpisahan: Semoga perjalanan kalian menyenangkan. Surat pemutusan hubungan sudah di bingkai dan digantung di tembok! Adapun para pria, baik, bahkan adik perempuan saya tahu: Tampan tidak bisa mengenyangkan perut. Seorang pria yang menghasilkan uang, memanjakan istrinya, dan mengikuti tiga ketaatan dan empat kebajikan adalah ipar yang berkualitas tinggi. Pernyataan serius: Artikel ini murni fiksi. Harap jangan meniru plot, perilaku, tindakan, dll. Hargai hidup Anda dan hiduplah dengan baik~
Xin Yue Ge · 8.2K Views

Transmigration: Le Petit Chef Mène la Danse

Le nouveau roman "Tremble, Grands Êtres de l'Univers" est actuellement en cours de publication~ Du jour au lendemain, une magnifique déesse de la cuisine se transforme en la méprisée Petite Étoile du Désastre Une maison délabrée de trois pièces, un père handicapé, une mère fragile et deux jeunes soeurs maigrichonnes à s'occuper Comment ?! Sa mère a donné naissance à trois filles juste parce qu'elle portait la poisse à la vie de ses oncles ? Son père est tombé du toit et est alité depuis six mois, juste parce qu'elle jouait avec de la boue à proximité ? Un seul coup de fil à ses grands-parents et l'un tombe malade tandis que l'autre a un accident ; même les fils chéris de la famille de son Oncle s'étouffent avec leur nourriture parce que, par hasard, c'est le jour de son anniversaire Humph ! L'Oncle pourrait le tolérer, mais pas la Tante ! Si je ne montre pas ma puissance, vont-ils tous me traiter comme le chat Garfield ?! Ils pensent qu'avec cinq taels d'argent, ils peuvent me vendre à un faible maladif pour porter bonheur ? Bien, puisque je suis la Petite Étoile du Désastre, transformons leur maison en zone de désastre ! Ils veulent vendre ma petite soeur dans une famille riche pour qu'elle devienne esclave ou servante ? Elle crie, saisit un hachoir, combat les démons qu'elle rencontre et pourfend les fantômes sur son passage. Dès lors, sa réputation de mégère sauvage se répand dans tout le village Tant pis si je suis sauvage. Pour l'amour des miens, je deviens avec joie la Dame de Cuisine peu commune. Avec mes talents culinaires exceptionnels, j'ouvre un restaurant, deviens une chef renommée, invente de nouvelles recettes, conquiers le cœur des gourmands, et même découvre de nouvelles façons d'amasser une grande fortune, menant ainsi ma famille toute entière vers la richesse et un meilleur niveau de vie ! Quant à ces parents sans honte qui reviennent lécher leur visage et reconnaitre des liens de parenté, elle offre un sourire sucré, les salue d'un geste de la main : Bon voyage. L’acte de désaveu est déjà encadré et accroché au mur ! Et pour les hommes, eh bien, même ma petite soeur le sait : Être beau ne remplit pas l'estomac. Un homme qui gagne de l'argent, gâte sa femme et suit les trois obéissances et les quatre vertus est un beau-frère de qualité supérieure. Déclaration sérieuse : Cet article est purement fictif. Veuillez ne pas imiter les intrigues, comportements, actions, etc. Chérissez votre vie et vivez bien~
Xin Yue Ge · 12.8K Views

Transmigration: The Little Chef Calls The Shots

New novel "Tremble, Universe's Great Beings" is currently being serialized~ Overnight, a beautiful culinary goddess turned into the despised Little Disaster Star A rundown house with three rooms, a disabled father, a weak mother, and two skinny younger sisters to take care of What?! Her mother gave birth to three daughters just because she was hard on her brothers' lives? Her father fell off the roof and has been bedridden for half a year, just because she was playing with mud nearby? She calls her grandparents once, and instantly one falls ill and the other has an accident; even the beloved sons of her Uncle's family choke on their food because that day happens to be her birthday Humph! Uncle might tolerate it, but Aunt cannot! If I don't show my power, will they all treat me like Garfield the cat?! They think for five taels of silver, they can sell me to a sick weakling for good luck? Fine, since I'm the Little Disaster Star, let's turn your house into a disaster zone! They want to sell her sister into a wealthy household to become a slave or maidservant? She shouts, grabs a cleaver, fights the demons she meets, and slays the ghosts she encounters. From then onwards, her reputation as a wild shrew spreads throughout the village So be it if I'm wild. For the sake of loved ones, I gladly become the wild Kitchen Lady. With my superb cooking skills, I open a restaurant, become a top chef, develop new recipes, capture the hearts of food lovers, and even come up with new ways to make a big fortune, leading my whole family to wealth and a better standard of living! As for those shameless relatives licking their faces and coming back to recognize kinship, she gives a sweet smile, waves them farewell: Have a good trip. The disownment paper is already framed and hanging on the wall! As for men, well, even my little sister knows: Being handsome can't fill your stomach. A man who earns money, spoils his wife, and follows the three obediences and four virtues is a top-quality brother-in-law. Serious statement: This article is purely fictional. Please do not imitate any plots, behaviors, actions, etc. Cherish your life and live well~
Xin Yue Ge · 1.1M Views

The CEO's Naughty Wife

In the eyes of her peers, Chi Yue stands out. She often skips classes, but never fails any. She comes from an impoverished area, but never lacks money. She has a face that could make her the campus belle, but she doesn't date. She has earned a lot of money, but never spends a penny. In Mr. Qiao's eyes, Chi Yue is... well, a nutcase. That night, when Chi Yue pulled open his robe and saw his secret - she became a dark moonlight in his heart that haunted him, causing heartaches whenever he thought about it. He is Mr. Qiao, the one and only in the whole world. She is the one and only for Mr. Qiao. ☆★☆★ Everyday life story One: The two of them went out. Mr. Qiao tossed a mask to Chi Yue. Chi Yue: Is there smog today? Mr Qiao: I’m afraid I won’t be able to resist kissing you in public. ☆★☆★ Everyday life story Two: Whenever Chi Yue gets angry, Mr. Qiao buys her something. Chi Yue: Do you see me as such a materialistic woman? Mr. Qiao: Of course not. He calmly gave a limited edition handbag to the cleaning lady. Later, Chi Yue was heartbroken when she saw the cleaning lady use it to carry vegetables. ...... ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ Highly recommend Si Jin's completed works. Modern: "Muchuan Xiang Wan", "History's First Spoiled Marriage", "Step by Step Startling Marriage", "Only Wish Not to Disappoint You in This Life", "Addicted to Indulgence" Ancient: "Lend Time to the World", "The Lonely King and the Single Woman" ......
Si Jin · 121.5K Views

Monde Éthéré : La Route de l'Immortalité du Chair à Canon Vicieux

Bei YueYue était une personne généreuse et douce. Par la suite, elle a transmigré et est devenue 'Huang Ying Yue', un personnage secondaire féminin qui est tristement célèbre pour sa méchanceté, son impitoyabilité, son insatiabilité charnelle, son inhumanité et sa personnalité nymphomane dans le roman sur les immortels qu'elle venait de lire. Dans le roman, l'originale 'Huang Ying Yue' a commis d'innombrables actes maléfiques pour offenser bon nombre de personnages puissants à l'intérieur. Non seulement l'héroïne du roman, mais aussi tous les hommes de son harem ont été harcelés et abusés physiquement et mentalement par 'elle' de différentes manières. La route vers l'immortalité est pleine d'épines, de dangers et de menaces imprévisibles. Des cultivateurs maléfiques, des monstres et des démons font rage partout. Tout en poursuivant la voie de l'immortalité, tous les cultivateurs doivent unir leurs forces pour éliminer ces êtres maléfiques. Tout en essayant d'atteindre son objectif, YueYue doit faire face à d'innombrables ennemis puissants que 'Huang Ying Yue' a offensés dans le passé ainsi qu'aux dettes que 'Huang Ying Yue' a commises. Simultanément, elle doit affronter l'héroïne d'une beauté glaciaire, Huang Bai Xing, qui est entourée d'une multitude d'hommes séduisants et de fortunes défiant les cieux. Avec un avantage providentiel et l'amour du ciel, Huang Bai Xing a reçu des aides surnaturelles. Grâce à ces aides, elle devint de plus en plus forte jour après jour et attendit le meilleur moment pour tuer 'Huang Ying Yue'. Des gens puissants, les hommes de Huang Bai Xing, un par un, sortent leurs armes, dans l'intention de tuer et de lui donner une leçon terrifiante parce qu''elle' a blessé leur femme bien-aimée. Heureusement, avec le monde éthéré incroyablement avantageux qu'elle a reçu, elle pouvait planter les plantes spirituelles, récolter les fruits spirituels, cultiver avec le pouvoir spirituel abondant et tricher avec le temps, se baignant dans la cascade spirituelle à l'intérieur de l'espace, tout en conservant sa vie 'paisible' à la poursuite de la route de l'immortalité. Avec son armée de bêtes loyales, elle s'est lancée sur la voie de la cultivation pour rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, l'amour, l'amitié, les épreuves, l'excitation et un passé mystérieux tout en changeant son destin et celui des autres autour d'elle pour un meilleur avenir. Inconsciemment, elle ne se rendait même pas compte que, de par sa personnalité, elle attire d'innombrables fleurs de pêcher qui ont changé son existence monotone pour toujours. Avertissement : Fin 1VN, une femme qui finit avec plusieurs hommes. Il y a des amours tabous (mais pas sans réflexion) Veuillez lire les étiquettes avant de vous plonger dans mon monde. Image de couverture de : Pinterest, les crédits reviennent à leur légitime propriétaire. Mon compte Instagram : Littlecarrot006_ Mon nom d'utilisateur DISCORD : littlecarrot6510 Mon deuxième livre : Mythe du Miracle : Renaître pour défier mon destin Ce livre participe à la WSA 2024 (En progression) #Portalspace #Harem inversé #Tabou #RomanceNoire #ProtagonisteFéminineXianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivation #Aventure #Immortalité #Polyandrie #Beaucoupd'hommesbeaux #Transmigrée #Chairàcanon #Romance #Combat #Bête #Multicontinents #PasséMystérieux #ProtagonisteFémininedouceetgentillemaispassansforce #Pardonnemaisn'oubliepas #ProtagonisteFéminineIntelligente
Littlecarrot · 46.4K Views

Ätherische Welt: Vicious Cannon Fodder's Immortality Road

Bei Yue Yue war eine selbstlose und sanftmütige Person. Danach wanderte sie aus und wurde zu "Huang Ying Yue", einem weiblichen Kanonenfutter, das in dem unsterblichen Roman, den sie gerade gelesen hat, für seine Bösartigkeit, Gnadenlosigkeit, Geilheit und Unmenschlichkeit bekannt ist und eine nymphomanische Persönlichkeit hat. In dem Roman hat die ursprüngliche "Huang Ying Yue" unzählige böse Taten begangen und damit viele der mächtigen Charaktere im Inneren beleidigt. Nicht nur die Heldin des Romans, sondern auch alle Männer im Harem der Heldin wurden von "ihr" auf unterschiedliche Weise physisch und psychisch belästigt und missbraucht. Der Weg zur Unsterblichkeit ist voll von Stacheln, Gefahren und unvorhersehbaren Bedrohungen. Überall wimmelt es von bösen Kultivatoren, Monstern und Dämonen. Auf dem Weg zur Unsterblichkeit müssen sich alle Kultivierenden zusammentun, um diese bösen Wesen zu vernichten. Bei dem Versuch, ihr Ziel zu erreichen, muss sich YueYue zahllosen mächtigen Feinden stellen, die "Huang Ying Yue" in der Vergangenheit beleidigt hat, sowie den Schulden, die "Huang Ying Yue" begangen hat. Gleichzeitig muss sie sich mit der eisbergschönen Heldin Huang Bai Xing auseinandersetzen, die von unzähligen schönen Männern und himmelstürmenden Reichtümern umgeben ist. Mit goldenen Fingern und der Liebe des Himmels erhielt Huang Bai Xing goldene Finger. Mit goldenen Fingern, Huang Bai Xing wuchs stärker von Tag zu Tag und warten auf die beste Gelegenheit, um "Huang Ying Yue" zu töten. Mächtige Leute, Huang Bai Xing's Männer, einer nach dem anderen nehmen ihre Waffen heraus, beabsichtigen zu töten und ihr eine schreckliche Lektion zu erteilen, weil "sie" ihre geliebte Frau verletzt hat. Glücklicherweise konnte sie mit der himmelstürmenden ätherischen kleinen Welt, die sie erhalten hatte, die spirituellen Pflanzen pflanzen, die spirituellen Früchte ernten, sich mit der reichhaltigen spirituellen Kraft kultivieren und die Zeit betrügen, indem sie mit dem spirituellen Wasserfall im Inneren des Raumes badete, während sie ihr "friedliches" Leben auf dem Weg der Unsterblichkeit weiterführte. Mit ihrer treuen Tierarmee machte sie sich auf den Weg der Kultivierung, um neue Menschen, Liebe, Freundschaft, Schwierigkeiten, Aufregung und eine geheimnisvolle Vergangenheit kennenzulernen, während sie ihr eigenes Schicksal und das aller Menschen um sie herum für eine bessere Zukunft veränderte. Unbewusst war ihr nicht einmal bewusst, dass sie aufgrund ihrer Persönlichkeit unzählige Pfirsichblüten anzieht, die ihr tristes Leben für immer verändern. Warnung: 1VN Ende, eine Frau endet mit vielen Männern. Es gibt Tabu-Liebe (aber nicht hirnlos) Bitte lesen Sie die Tags, bevor Sie in meine Welt eintauchen. Cover von: Pinterest, Credit geht an den richtigen vollen Besitzer. Mein Instagram Account: Littlecarrot006_ Mein DISCORD-Benutzername: littlecarrot6510 Mein zweites Buch: Mythos des Wunders: Wiedergeboren, um meinem Schicksal zu trotzen Dieses Buch ist für die Teilnahme am WSA 2024 (Progressing) #Portalspace #Reverseharem #Tabu #Darkromance #Femaleleadxianxia #Xianxia #Np #Kultivierung #Abenteuer #Immortalität #Polyandry #Manybeautifulmen #transmigrated #cannonfodder #Romance #Fighting #Beast #Multicontinents #Mysteriouspast #KindandgentleFLbutnotweak #Vergebenabernichtvergessen #CleverFL
Littlecarrot · 39.7K Views

Ethereal World: Vicious Cannon Fodder's Immortality Road

Bei YueYue was an unselfishness and a gentle person. Afterwards, she transmigrated and became 'Huang Ying Yue', a female cannon fodder who is being famous for her viciousness, merciless, lustfulness, inhuman and had a nymphomaniac personality in the immortal novel which she just read. In the novel, the original ‘Huang Ying Yue’ has done uncountable evil deeds to offend a lot of the powerful characters inside. Not only the heroine in the novel, even all the heroine’s men in the harem were harassed and abused physically and mentally by ‘her’ in different methods. The road to immortality is full of spicules, hazards, and unforeseeable threats. Evil cultivators, monsters and demons are rampaging everywhere. While pursuing the immortality road, all the cultivators have to join force to eliminate those evil beings. While trying to accomplish her goal, YueYue has to face countless powerful enemies whom 'Huang Ying Yue' offended in the past as well as the debts which 'Huang Ying Yue' committed. Simultaneously, she has to face the iceberg beauty heroine, Huang Bai Xing who is surrounded by countless beautiful men, and heaven defying fortunes. With golden finger and the love from the heaven, Huang Bai Xing received golden fingers. With golden fingers, Huang Bai Xing grew stronger day by day and await for the best opportunity to kill ‘Huang Ying Yue’. Powerful people, Huang Bai Xing’s men, one by one take out their weapons, intend to kill and teach her the horrible lesson because 'she' hurt their beloved woman. Fortunately, with the heaven-defying Ethereal small world that she received, she could plant the spiritual plants, harvest the spiritual fruits, cultivate with the abundant spiritual power and cheating time, bathing with the spiritual waterfall inside the space, while keeping her ‘peaceful’ life of pursuing the immortality road. With her loyal beast army, she embarked on the cultivation road to meet new people, love, friendship, hardships, excitement and mysterious past while changing her and everyone’s fate around her for the better future. Subconsciously, she didn’t even realize that because of her personality, she attracts countless peach blossoms that changed her dull life eternity. Warning: 1VN ending, one female end up with many men. There are taboo love here Please read the tags before you immerse yourself in my world. Cover from: Webnovel AI Generator Character Image: Pinterest, Credit goes to all original owner My Instagram Account: Littlecarrot006_ My DISCORD Username: littlecarrot6510 Please comment for the discord link. My second book: Myth Of Miracle: Reborn To Defy My Fate That book is for participating in WSA 2024 (Progressing) #Portalspace #Reverseharem #Taboolove #Femaleleadxianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivation #Adventure #Immortality #polyandry #Manybeautifulmen #transmigrated #cannonfodder #Romance #Fighting #Beast #Multicontinents #Mysteriouspast #KindandgentleFLbutnotweak #Forgivebutnotforget #CleverFL
Littlecarrot · 2.2M Views

Signing-In: The Lazy Moon Goddess

Yue Xuexia is just an ordinary salted fish that rarely lives in her house, but suddenly one day she woke up, received a sign-in system, and thought she was dreaming. The sign-in system rewarded her with multiple things, including houses, money, cars, and talent scrolls, which led her to the life of the richest lady in the world. She could sign in once a day. One morning, with her eyes groggily and blurry, Xuexia was welcomed by a holographic screen only she could see. Yes, like the ones in the novels and manga. Ding! Xuexia waves her hand in the empty air and mumbles, "Noisy, I told you to turn off the damn alarm, whoever owns it!" When a robotic voice lingered near her ears saying, Signed in successfully. Congratulations to the host, and you've received [1 Million RMB in cash!] Xuexia, who is currently in need of great money, was in disbelief as she looked at the words one million and laughed. "Heh~ even in my dream, I was wishing to receive free money. What nonsense, let's go back to sleep. Yue Xuexia was about to close her eyes back to sleep when the old touch screen phone near her pillow vibrates. Bzzt~ Bzzzzzt~ "Urg~ who the hell is calling now?" complained Yue Xuexia in her half-asleep state. She picked up the phone only to see a message notification saying the following words: [Your bank card account ending with 5567 had received a deposit transfer from XXXX at 6:45 am. You had received a 1 million deposit and your current saving balance is 1,003,000.00 RMB (Autumn Field landbank)] Yue Xuaxia mumbled in disbelief and said, "Fucking hell! This is awesome." Who doesn’t like free things?~' This lady wants it too!!!
Nilphy · 907.9K Views

Contract Marriage: The Lycan Queen's Tempting Fate [GL]

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 21+// She Hates Me, But She's Mine in EVERY Way] “No… I won't.” “Oh, petal, I wasn't asking. You WILL marry me.” **** Dr. Kiyomi, a neurosurgeon rogue lycan, lives in & never leaves the human hospital— the safest place for her. That’s until a high-profile mafia surgery goes wrong and she’s blamed for it despite being on leave. Suddenly the limelight is on her, forcing her rare last name back into the memories of people who have long wanted her dead — the Bogdan Lycans. As if that isn't enough, the Ivanov Russian mob is after her with vengeance in their hearts. Scared, Kiyomi leaves the hospital pretending to be a night-shift male nurse — which works, only for her to be kidnapped at the hospital’s entrance, by the cruel lycan queen’s guards who drag her to the queen Sakura’s human home. — — — Sakura Watanabe; the soulless crazy queen known to screw up everyone for fun. She ruins everything she touches and sucks the life out of everyone around her. She is bad, cruel, and a menace who does whatever she wants, however, and whenever she wants it. When she hears of Dr. Kiyomi’s misfortunes, she is curious to see what will make that lycan break, and orders that Kiyomi be brought to her, so she can sign the infamous Sakura contract that always leaves the signee dead, dead and dead. What Sakura doesn't factor in is the fact that the woman who walks through her door is her soulmate. And even worse is the desire she gets to protect Kiyomi. Not one to relent in the hands of fate, Sakura forces Kiyomi to sign the oppressive contract. What happens when Sakura's heart starts beating for Kiyomi, and she goes after everyone who hurt her soulmate? Will she cancel the contract and embrace love, or will she stay the stoic soulless queen with nothing to live for? And even better, how long can Sakura fight fate?
she_osprey · 314.7K Views

Quick Transmigration: Irresistible Beauty

An unearthly beauty with black hair, snow-white skin, and bright red lips... Yue Ran has been told that she was born exceptionally beautiful for as long as she can remember. She meets all people's expectations for beauty, but she is a girl who loves no one but herself. Only such a person can be invincible in many small worlds. Ah, but there is one thing she lacks: free will. [World 1- White Rich Beauty (Completed)] Villain: "You saved my life, but I still treated you so badly… How about I promise you with my body?" Male protagonist: "Don’t be scared, Ran Ran. Don’t look if it’s scary." Male Supporting Character 1: "You look very beautiful today." Male Supporting Character 2: "Yue Ran, you are the one who provokes me first!" [World 2 - Unloved Daughter of Yue Mansion (Completed)] [World 3 - Dodder Flower in the Zombie Apocalypse (Completed)] [World 4 - Loyal Maid Who Died Because of Beauty (Completed)] [World 5 - White Lotus Transfer Student (Completed)] [World 6 - The Gentle Psychiatrist (Completed)] [World 7 - Blackened Junior Sister (In Progress)] [World 8 - Substitute Bride of the Demon King ()] [World 9 - Young Lady With a Heart Disease ()] + - + - + - + - + - + Also known as: "I am a villain, and I act like a villain, but everyone loves me", "I feed on love". + - + - + - + - + - + [Current Update Schedule: 2 chapters/week] + - + - + - + - + - + Please help support me at: Every donation is greatly appreciated!
Xanaclarke · 1M Views

The Echoes of Eternity

In the Jade Empire, where secrets linger in every corner, there exists a girl, Yue, the illegitimate daughter of the king, burdened with the weight of her hidden heritage and extraordinary abilities. Born into a world where bloodlines define destiny, Yue's illegitimacy marks her as an outcast, shunned by society and scorned by her father's legitimate heirs. But unknown to them, Yue possesses a rare and ancient power - the ability to hear the echoes of past lives, a gift passed down through generations of her bloodline. As Yue struggles to conceal her true nature, she discovers that her gift is both a blessing and a curse. The echoes reveal fragments of forgotten history, unlocking hidden truths about her world and her own identity. But they also attract the attention of dark forces that seek to exploit her power for their own nefarious purposes. With the help of Mingze, a charming rogue with a mysterious past, and a band of unlikely allies, including a wise old sage and a fierce warrior, Yue goes on a journey to uncover the truth behind her gift and her origins. Along the way, she must confront her deepest fears and darkest secrets, while battling enemies both seen and unseen. But as the threads of fate entwine and destinies collide, Yue finds herself torn between loyalty to her family and allegiance to her true self. And when her forbidden romance with Mingze threatens to unravel the very fabric of her empire, she must make a choice that will shape the destiny of her world. In a world where bloodlines define destiny and secrets lurk around every corner, Yue's journey will test her courage, challenge her beliefs, and ultimately lead her to discover the true power of love and forgiveness.
Aurora_Montague · 7.1K Views
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