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Percy Jackson Kidnap Reyna

Sorpresa matrimonio con un multimillonario

La vida de Rain Clayton da un giro salvaje cuando destroza el coche de su novio infiel, solo para descubrir que no era suyo: pertenecía a un extraño. Para empeorar las cosas, descubre accidentalmente que está casada con este extraño, nada menos que Alexander Lancaster, el recluso Vicepresidente y Director Ejecutivo del poderoso Grupo Lancaster. Criada en una familia que la maltrató y ahora presionada por su padre para casarse con el hijo psicópata del alcalde, Rain ve este matrimonio sorpresa como una bendición disfrazada. Después de años de sufrimiento, parece que los cielos finalmente han tenido piedad de ella, regalándole un esposo multimillonario guapo, un hombre despiadado con sus enemigos y exactamente lo que necesita para escapar de las garras de su familia. Pero hay un problema importante: Alexander quiere un divorcio inmediato. Determinada a mantenerlo, Rain hace un trato para extender su matrimonio, bajo sus condiciones. Ahora todo lo que tiene que hacer es convencerlo de que la mantenga para siempre... Unas semanas pasaron desde su matrimonio sorpresa... —¿Qué estás haciendo? —exclamó Rain, con los ojos muy abiertos mientras observaba a Alexander trepar a su cama. —Cumpliendo los deberes maritales —respondió él con una sonrisa casual. —¡No puedes dormir aquí! ¡Está en contra de nuestro contrato! —No lo estoy rompiendo —dijo Alexander encogiéndose de hombros—. El contrato especifica que cumplirás todos los deberes de esposa, excepto compartir mi cama. No dice nada sobre que yo no pueda cumplir los deberes maritales, incluido compartir tu cama. La situación había cambiado, y parecía que ya no era la única en control...
Eustoma_Reyna · 143.2K Views

La Loi de l'Attraction

``` Tout a commencé par un baiser volé lors de leur première rencontre. [Attention : Contenu mature *PAS de viol et PAS de gros malentendus !] Statut : TERMINÉ ****** « Mademoiselle Lana Huang… Attendez-vous à recevoir une notification de harcèlement à votre porte très bientôt… » C'est ce que Lana a obtenu pour avoir embrassé un inconnu pour se sauver d'un mariage arrangé indésirable. « Pour autant que je me souvienne, vous m'avez embrassé avec fougue et avez même dominé tout le baiser. Vous avez clairement apprécié votre moment avec moi, alors s'il vous plaît, ne faites pas semblant que j'ai abusé de vous ! Et je vous ai dit, je suis prêt à vous dédommager ! » « Et comment comptez-vous faire ça, hein ? » Liam s'approcha, essayant d'intimider la femme fière qui ne clignait même pas des yeux sous sa pression suffocante. Lana fit quelques pas en arrière, leva la main et grogna, « Arrête-toi là Avocat Sy si tu ne veux pas goûter à la douleur d'un coup de pied dans les couilles après avoir été embrassé ! » ***** Rencontrez Lana Huang, une femme fière qui a gravi les échelons du succès dans sa carrière. Une avocate et une femme audacieuse, d'une beauté exceptionnelle qui fait rêver et saliver les hommes. L'amour était la dernière chose à l'ordre du jour car elle détestait les hommes… Mais le destin a voulu lui jouer un tour car elle a accidentellement embrassé Liam Sy, un homme riche, puissant et arrogant. Avocat de profession, la gloire et le succès le suivaient partout où il allait. Un avocat féroce qui gagnait chaque affaire sur laquelle il mettait la main. La fierté coulait dans ses veines et l'amour n'était pas à son ordre du jour car c'était un misogyne... Que se passerait-il quand ces deux... beaux et belles, fiers et têtus, misogynes et misandrines... se rencontrent et s'impliquent dans un mariage ? Bienvenue dans un tourbillon de romance entre ces deux-là - un manège émotionnel d'amour quand il se mélangeait avec la fierté, la jalousie, l'entêtement et la haine... Des gifles ? Pourquoi pas ! Vous allez sûrement aimer suivre leur parcours où tous les deux ont pris le risque de tomber amoureux… Un voyage de la haine se transformant en amour... ================ Note de l'auteur: J'espère que vous apprécierez la lecture de ce roman ORIGINAL de moi. Ceci est absolument une fin heureuse. Merci beaucoup d'avance pour votre soutien. Avec beaucoup d'amour, EUSTOMA_reyna Autres Livres : Le PDG qui me déteste (terminé) Le Général qui me déteste (terminé) Le Docteur qui m'aime (terminé) Ne m'embrasse pas (en cours d'écriture) The Untamed: Jeu des Cœurs The Crown's Entrapment Contactez-moi à : Lien Discord : twitter : @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram : eustoma_reyna Page Facebook : @eustoma.reyna La couverture du livre est à moi... art de couverture par ava_arts38 (instagram) ```
Eustoma_Reyna · 63.8K Views

A Armadilha da Coroa

``` [Aviso: conteúdo adulto r18+/forte] “Tenho certeza de que você vai achar meus braços mais confortáveis do que qualquer outra coisa neste mundo...” Rei Darius Grant - o poderoso governante do Reino de Cordon. Ele era implacável e impetuoso contra seus inimigos. Sua mera presença gritava com autoridade rústica; sua aura sozinha já era mais do que suficiente para alguns de seus inimigos admitirem derrota e fugirem apenas ao vê-lo. Mas, apesar de tudo isso, ele estava impotente e sem-vergonha por uma mulher… sua companheira - a Princesa de Ebodia que ele se recusava a deixar ir. Descubra como as coisas irão se desenrolar para o nosso Rei possessivo que está totalmente decidido a usar o Entrapment da Coroa para fazer de sua companheira sua por quaisquer meios necessários. Será que ele conseguirá obter sucesso e conquistá-la por completo - corpo, coração e alma? * Nota: Volume 1 e 2: História Principal Status: Completo (Capítulos 1 a 555) Volume 3: História Paralela Status: Completo (Capítulos 556 a 641) “Só posso me declarar vencedor uma vez que eu conseguir conquistar o seu coração...” Volume 4: História Paralela Status: Completo (Capítulos 642 a 701) “O amor nunca esteve em meu vocabulário quando se tratava de mulheres até você chegar...” Volume 5: Status: Completo (Capítulos 702 a 805) “Eu escolho você… você que ocupa avidamente todo o espaço do meu coração…” Capítulos Especiais a partir daí - completo **** PS: Capa do Livro Encomendada de propriedade do Autor! Não a use! ```
Eustoma_Reyna · 70K Views

Surprise Marriage to a Billionaire

"I'm at your mercy, didn't you know that, my adorable wife?" ***** Rain Clayton’s life takes an unexpected turn when she discovers she’s suddenly married to a billionaire named Alexander Lancaster, a powerful and dangerously captivating man who wants their marriage over before it even begins... Raised by a family that never cared for her and desperate to avoid a twisted arranged marriage, Rain seizes this unexpected twist of fate. Her new husband might be a cold-hearted billionaire, but he's her only escape. Yet Alexander demands a swift divorce. Refusing to lose her one chance at freedom, Rain strikes a risky bargain to keep their marriage alive, even if it means playing by Alexander’s rules. She just has to convince him to want her around—FOREVER. Weeks into their unexpected arrangement, Rain begins to see through Alexander’s icy exterior. But one night, she’s taken by surprise. “What are you doing?” Rain burst out, eyes wide as Alexander casually slid into her bed. “Performing husbandly duties,” he smirked. “You can’t stay here! It’s against the contract!” “I’m not breaking it,” Alexander said with a shrug. “The contract specifies that you’ll fulfill all wifely duties, excluding sharing my bed. It doesn’t say anything about me not performing husbandly duties, including sharing your bed.” The situation had shifted, and it seemed like she was no longer the only one in control... [Warning: r18+/strong mature & sexual content]
Eustoma_Reyna · 1.2M Views

The Law of Attraction

It all started with a stolen kiss on their first encounter. [Warning: Mature content *NO rape and NO major misunderstanding!] Status: COMPLETED ****** “Miss Lana Huang… Expect a notice of harassment on your doorway soon…” That was what Lana got for kissing a stranger to save herself from an unwanted arranged marriage. “As far as I remember, you kissed me back fiercely and even dominated the entire kiss. You clearly had enjoyed your moment with me, so please don’t make it sound like I took undue advantage of you! And I told you, I’m ready to compensate you!” “And how do you plan to do that, huh?” Liam stepped closer, trying to intimidate the proud woman who did not even bat an eyelid under his suffocating pressure. Lana stepped backwards a few steps, raised her hand and growled, “Stop right there Attorney Sy if you don’t wanna taste the pain of getting kicked on your balls after getting kissed!” ***** Meet Lana Huang, a proud woman who climbed the ladder of success in her career. A lawyer and a bold woman, exceptionally beautiful to make men dream and drool for her. Love was the last thing on her schedule because she was a man hater… But fate wanted to play a trick on her as she unintentionally kissed Liam Sy, a wealthy, powerful and arrogant man. A lawyer by profession, fame and success followed wherever he went. A fierce attorney who won every case he put his hands on. Pride ran in his blood and love was not on his agenda because he was a woman hater... What would happen when these two... handsome and beautiful, proud and stubborn, woman-hater and man-hater... come together and get involved into a marriage? Welcome to a whirlwind of romance between these two - a roller coaster ride of love when it got mixed up with pride, jealousy, stubbornness and hate… Face slapping? Why not!  Surely you would love to follow their journey where both took the risk of falling in love… A journey of hate turning into love... ================ Author's Note: Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. This is absolutely a happy ending. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love, EUSTOMA_reyna Other Books: The CEO Who Hates Me (completed) The General Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who Loves Me (completed) Kiss Me Not (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts The Crown's Entrapment contact me at: Discord Link: twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna
Eustoma_Reyna · 11.2M Views

La Seducción de la Corona

[Advertencia: contenido maduro r18+/fuerte] Él es su salvación. Ella, su perdición. Sin embargo, se niega a dejarla ir... Mineah, la Princesa más joven de Ebodia, fue maldecida al nacer para permanecer inmaculada y traer desgracia a los que la rodean. Esta profecía se cierne sobre ella como una nube oscura, creciendo cada año que no se cumple. Existe en rumores susurrados como una figura lastimera: frágil, sumisa, indeseable. Debajo de esa máscara se encuentra una zorra fuerte y feroz digna de ser reina. Y esta posible reina ha puesto sus ojos en romper su maldición, incluso si eso significa engañar al vampiro más astuto que jamás haya nacido. Nikolai, aunque recluso y enigmático, es reverenciado por el Reino de Valcrez como un gobernante sabio y poderoso. Sin que sus leales súbditos lo sepan, su imagen de perfección es una red de mentiras que, si se expone, puede hacer que su reino y todo lo que aprecian se derrumbe bajo sus pies. Cuando estos dos encuentran sus caminos cruzados en una alianza matrimonial, comienza el juego de la Seducción de la Corona. Pero, ¿quién es el cazador y quién es la presa? ******** Extracto: —¿Por qué te estás desnudando frente a mí? —preguntó con el ceño fruncido, haciendo poco por ocultar la irritación en su voz—. ¡Su objetivo era capturar solo su corazón, no todo su cuerpo! —¿No se me permite tomar un baño con mi esposa? —respondió con tono frío—. Pedí a propósito una bañera grande para estar seguro de que los dos cabríamos en ella juntos. Ella suspiró, sin apartar la mirada de él mientras recuperaba la compostura. Al verlo sonreír con suficiencia, se obligó a sentirse cómoda mientras él hablaba. —Así está mejor. Dijiste tú misma que nadie te obligó a casarte conmigo. En cambio, te ofreciste y te ofreciste voluntariamente para hacerlo, así que espero que tengas la seguridad suficiente para compartir un baño con tu marido —afirmó con confianza Nikolai—. Después de todo, pronto haremos más que solo esto. Descarado... Evitando rodar los ojos, logró darle una sonrisa mientras decía: —No me culpes si luego mueres por mi culpa. **** Nota: La portada del libro fue encargada y es propiedad del autor. Por favor, no la utilice!
Eustoma_Reyna · 242.9K Views

A Sedução da Coroa

[Alerta: conteúdo maduro r18+/forte] Ele é a sua salvação. Ela, a sua decádida. No entanto, ele se recusa a deixá-la ir... Minéia, a Princesa mais jovem de Ebódia, foi amaldiçoada ao nascer para permanecer imaculada e trazer desgraça àqueles ao seu redor. Esta profecia paira sobre ela como uma nuvem escura, crescendo a cada ano que não se realiza. Ela existe em murmúrios silenciosos como uma figura lamentável - frágil, submissa, indesejada. Por trás dessa máscara há uma fêmea forte e destemida digna de ser rainha. E esta aspirante a rainha tem seus olhos postos em quebrar sua maldição, mesmo que isso signifique enganar o vampiro mais astuto que já nasceu. Nikolai, embora recluso e enigmático, é reverenciado pelo Reino de Valcrez como um sábio e poderoso governante. Desconhecido para seus leais súditos, sua imagem de perfeição é uma teia de mentiras que, se expostas, podem enviar o seu reino e tudo o que eles prezam desmoronando a seus pés. Quando esses dois encontram seus caminhos cruzados em uma aliança de casamento, começa o jogo da Sedução da Coroa. Mas quem é o caçador e quem é a presa? ******** Excerto: "Por que você está se despindo na minha frente?" ela perguntou com uma carranca, fazendo pouco para esconder a irritação em sua voz. Seu objetivo era capturar apenas o coração dele, não todo o seu corpo! "Não posso tomar um banho com minha esposa?" ele respondeu com um tom frio. "Pedi especificamente uma banheira grande para garantir que nós dois caibamos nela juntos." Ela suspirou, não desviando o olhar dele enquanto recuperava sua compostura. Vendo-o sorrir maliciosamente, ela se esforçou para se sentir confortável enquanto ele falava. "Isso é mais parecido. Você mesma disse que ninguém a forçou a se casar comigo. Em vez disso, você se ofereceu e se voluntariou para isso, então eu espero que você esteja confiante o suficiente para compartilhar um banho com seu marido", Nikolai afirmou com confiança. "Afinal, faremos mais do que isso em breve." Descarado... Impedindo-se de revirar os olhos, ela conseguiu dar-lhe um sorriso enquanto dizia, "Não me culpe se você morrer então." **** Nota: Capa do Livro Comissionada pertencente ao Autor. Por favor, não a use!
Eustoma_Reyna · 170.1K Views

The Crown's Seduction

[Warning: r18+/strong mature content] He is her salvation. She, his demise. Yet, he refuses to let her go… Mineah, the youngest Princess of Ebodia, was cursed at birth to remain untainted and bring misfortune to those around her. This prophecy looms over her like a dark cloud, growing bigger every year it does not come to pass. She exists in hushed rumors as a pitiful figure - fragile, meek, unwanted. Underneath that mask is a strong and feisty vixen worthy of being a queen. And this would-be queen has set her eyes on breaking her curse, even if that means tricking the most cunning vampire ever born. Nikolai, though reclusive and enigmatic, is revered by the Kingdom of Valcrez as a wise and powerful ruler. Unbeknownst to his loyal subjects, his image of perfection is a web of lies that if exposed can send their kingdom and everything they hold dear crumbling beneath their feet. When these two find their paths crossed in a marriage alliance, the game of Crown's Seduction begins. But just who is the hunter and who is the prey? ******** Excerpt: “Why are you stripping naked in front of me?” she questioned with a frown, doing little to hide the irritation in her voice. Her goal was to capture only his heart, not his whole body! “Am I not allowed to have a bath with my wife?” he remarked with a cold tone. “I purposely asked for a big tub to just make sure that the two of us will fit in it together.” She sighed, not tearing her gaze away from him as she regained her composure. Seeing him smirk she forced herself to get comfortable as he spoke. “That’s more like it. You said it yourself that no one forced you into marrying me. Instead, you offered and volunteered yourself willingly for it, so I expect that you’ll be confident enough to share a bath with your husband,” Nikolai confidently stated. “After all, we’ll do more than this soon enough.” Shameless… Preventing herself from rolling her eyes, she managed to give him a smile as she said, “Don’t blame me if you die on me then.” **** Note: Volume 1: Main Story Status - Completed (Chapters 1 to 403) Volume 2: Side Story Status - Completed (Chapters 404 to 472) Volume 3: Side Story Status - **** PS: Commissioned Book Cover owned by the Author! Do not use it!
Eustoma_Reyna · 2M Views

The Crown's Fire

[Warning: r18+/strong mature content] Amidst the clash of desire and betrayal, who will dare to sacrifice everything for the sake of love? With the ability to foresee the future, Tarah could propel kings to unprecedented heights of success or plunge them into the depths of irreversible failure. But when her kingdom fell, Tarah was forced to offer herself into servitude to her captor in exchange for her brother’s life, becoming a spy in a dangerous game against Ezekiel, the future Dragon King of Ebodia. Haunted by a prophecy of his doom by a woman’s hand, Prince Ezekiel has meticulously avoided female company throughout his life. However, everything changed when he met Tarah, the new fated Seer of Ebodia. Initially only caring about ruling the world, Ezekiel now finds himself strongly enamored by Tarah, at the risk of losing sight of his own goals. Caught between safeguarding her brother's life and the growing affection for the domineering ruler, Tarah faces a dilemma. Will she navigate this dangerous path, risking everything for her heart's desires? ********* Excerpt: "You can't escape me. There's nowhere in this world where you can hide from my reach," Ezekiel whispered, his breath warm against her neck. Her throat tightened as his lips grazed her skin. With a firm yet gentle grip on her chin, he tilted her head, urging her to meet his intense gaze, causing her heart to pound in her chest. "I'm here to make you remember every detail of the agony you've caused me," he declared. "Agony?!" she protested. "Yes, your cruel betrayal. Leaving me, breaking your promise..."
Eustoma_Reyna · 1M Views

Naga Sejuta Cinta

Di dunia yang dihuni oleh manusia dan makhluk mitologis, legenda tentang Naga Sejuta Cinta menggema di seluruh penjuru negeri. Konon, naga ini memiliki kekuatan luar biasa yang dapat mengubah takdir seseorang. Namun, kekuatan itu tidak bisa dimiliki oleh sembarang orang. Hanya mereka yang benar-benar memahami arti cinta sejati-bukan hanya untuk orang lain, tetapi juga untuk diri mereka sendiri-yang mampu membuka hati sang naga. Reyna, seorang gadis desa sederhana, hidup damai bersama keluarganya hingga tragedi menghantam desa mereka. Penyakit misterius merenggut nyawa penduduk satu per satu, termasuk orang-orang yang paling Reyna cintai. Dalam upayanya menyelamatkan keluarga yang tersisa, dia secara tak sengaja memanggil naga legendaris itu. Hubungannya dengan sang naga membawa Reyna pada perjalanan berbahaya melintasi benua, di mana cinta, pengorbanan, dan pengkhianatan akan menantangnya di setiap langkah. Di perjalanan itu, Reyna bertemu Lian, seorang pemburu naga yang terkenal kejam namun menyimpan luka batin mendalam. Rahasia besar Lian terungkap: dia mencari naga legendaris untuk alasan yang sangat pribadi-untuk menebus kesalahan besar yang pernah dia lakukan kepada seseorang yang ia cintai. Meskipun awalnya penuh dengan ketidakpercayaan, hubungan Reyna dan Lian perlahan berkembang, mengajarkan mereka bahwa cinta sejati bukanlah tentang memiliki, tetapi tentang memberi tanpa pamrih. Namun, mereka tidak sendirian dalam perburuan ini. Pihak lain yang berambisi menguasai kekuatan naga mulai memburu mereka. Dunia pun menghadapi ancaman kehancuran ketika para penguasa tiran memanfaatkan legenda naga untuk tujuan gelap mereka. Reyna dan Lian harus berhadapan dengan keputusan sulit: apakah mereka akan menggunakan kekuatan naga untuk menyelamatkan orang-orang yang mereka cintai, atau mempercayakan segalanya kepada takdir? Di tengah konflik batin, pengorbanan, dan keajaiban yang tak terduga, Reyna mulai memahami bahwa cinta sejati bukan hanya tentang perasaan terhadap orang lain, tetapi juga keberanian untuk melawan ketakutan terbesar di dalam hati. "Naga Sejuta Cinta" adalah kisah epik tentang harapan, pengorbanan, dan kekuatan cinta yang mampu mengubah dunia. Dalam perjalanan penuh rintangan ini, Reyna dan Lian akan menemukan bahwa cinta sejati memiliki kekuatan yang jauh lebih besar daripada yang pernah mereka bayangkan. Apakah Reyna dan Lian cukup kuat untuk memahami hati naga dan menyelamatkan dunia? Atau akankah mereka kalah oleh ketamakan dan kebencian yang menguasai jiwa manusia?
Oyex_Sabiansyah · 3.9K Views

Celestial Academy of Mystics

What if you wake up on the morning of your fifteenth birthday to discover a system screen floating over your head? It means you are a Mystic, one of the hundred people born each year who have access to the Celestial system and powers of the universe. What if when you go to get registered as a Mystic at their Academy you discover that all the slots are taken? There are already a hundred mystics in the system. You are a strange anomaly that has never happened in a billion years. Well, you must be none other than Xavier Xerxes. The weird teenager who was bullied for his strange white skin, long snowy hair and pink eyes is now also a Mystic who shouldn't exist. It couldn't have gotten any worse for him. Now he has to attend Celestial Academy to get basic training in leveling up and growing into the full potentials of his powers so he can slay demons and battle monsters from real to realm. He has the opportunity to grow from a human to an Immortal, saving the world along the way. Cool, right? But there's one little problem. Xavier doesn't do anything that could pass off as stressful. No, he prefers to read books in the library. He loves to write stories and poems. He cries through romantic movies. He has never walked farther than a meter in his life. No sporting activity whatsoever. He hates violence. Now they expect him to carry a sword. He is supposed to turn his body into a weapon of destruction, and his mind into a fortress of power. What the hell? How is he expected to survive a day at Celestial Academy when he has been home schooled since he was a child? How is he supposed to kill a bloodthirsty troll when he is scared of spiders? Exercise drills, push ups, war games...meditating? Never before in his life! Right. We all have to wait and see. Hopefully he'll find a way not to die on the first day.
Percy_Seacrest · 206.6K Views


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Jackson_Winkeler · 403 Views
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