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Re: Évolution en Ligne

Un lundi comme un autre, un nouveau jeu de réalité virtuelle appelé "Evolution Online" a été lancé de nulle part et a pris le monde d'assaut. Les gens ont été époustouflés par les caractéristiques hyper-réalistes et les aventures infinies du jeu. Tout le monde, des petites entreprises aux grandes corporations et aux gouvernements, a tenté de prendre pied dans ce jeu vidéo mystérieux. Mais ce qu'ils ne savaient pas, c'est que ce jeu était en réalité un tutoriel pour l'apocalypse imminente qui allait frapper la planète ! Le jeu était un précurseur de la première évolution de la Terre, où le mana allait être libéré dans le monde réel ! Liam, un lycéen qui avait rencontré de nombreux revers dans sa vie, s'est tourné vers 'Evolution Online' dans l'espoir de changer son destin, mais au lieu de cela, il s'est retrouvé piégé dans le monde tordu du jeu, et les choses sont allées de mal en pis. Lorsque l'apocalypse est finalement arrivée, Liam a à peine réussi à s'échapper, mais sa situation ne s'est pas améliorée. Avec des millions d'autres, il est mort d'une mort misérable, incapable de riposter et rempli de regrets. Cependant, l'histoire de Liam ne s'est pas terminée là. Il s'est retrouvé inexplicablement transporté dans le passé, avant que tout ne commence ! Armé de la connaissance de ce qui allait arriver, Liam était déterminé à devenir le joueur le plus fort et le plus puissant, libérant la destruction sur le monde qui l'avait ruiné auparavant ! Cette fois, les choses allaient être différentes !
Yolohy · 30.3K Views

Accouplée au Prince Cruel

[Contenu Mature] Sauver un Fae blessé dans la forêt n'était pas dans les plans d'Islinda, et pire, il s'avère être de la royauté, le Prince Valérie de la cour d'été, héritier et prince héritier du trône d'Astaria. Mais alors, les humains se méfiaient de ces créatures d'un autre monde pendant que les Fae méprisaient les humains, les considérant comme des créatures inférieures. Islinda et le prince étaient mondes à part, mais cela ne les a pas empêchés de tomber amoureux. Malheureusement, le Prince Valérie ne pouvait pas rester dans le royaume humain pour toujours et devait retourner dans son royaume avec la promesse de revenir pour elle. Et elle l'a cru. Mais c'est l'autre qui vient à la place. Sombre, maussade, impitoyable mais dangereusement séduisant, tout le monde craignait le Prince Aldric. Même étant un guerrier redoutable et fils du roi d'Astaria, Aldric se voit refuser son droit au trône et est maudit à ne jamais prendre sa place en raison de son héritage obscur. Tordu de l'intérieur et privé d'affection, le Prince Aldric fait ce qu'il sait faire de mieux, engendrer la misère. Il a capturé Islinda – la femme qui a attiré l'attention de son frère. Il l'a volée de chez elle pour ses desseins cruels. S'il ne pouvait pas avoir la couronne, il pouvait au moins jouer avec l'intérêt amoureux de son frère. Son nouveau prix. Islinda le haïssait. Elle le détestait pour lui avoir tout pris ce qu'elle aurait pu avoir avec le prince de l'été. C'est le méchant. Maintenant elle a été entraînée au milieu des politiques sales jouées dans les cours de la cour d'Astaria, sans parler de survivre aux jeux glacials joués par le prince. Mais tout espoir n'était pas perdu, car le prince cruel pouvait la tenter autant qu'il le voulait mais il n'aurait jamais la chose qu'il désire le plus. Être aimé. Il n'aurait jamais son cœur ! Ou pourrait-il l'avoir ? ________ « Que peux-tu m'offrir, petit humain, » Il souriait, lent et cruel. Elle ferait un si merveilleux jouet. « Je t'en prie, » Elle le suppliait, les larmes commençant maintenant à s'accumuler dans ses yeux, « Laisse-moi juste partir. » « D'accord, » Il haussa les épaules comme si c'était une demande facile, « Tu peux y aller. » « V-vraiment ? » Elle murmura, trouvant cela difficile à croire. « Petit humain, tu découvriras que mon esprit change très facilement. » Ces mots semblaient miséricordieux et pourtant elle pouvait sentir la menace en dessous. Mais le pensait-il vraiment ? Islinda n'attendit pas pour le savoir car elle s'élança en sprint. S'il y avait même la moindre chance qu'il change d'avis, alors elle la saisirait. Elle n'abandonnerait pas l'espoir pour autant. Elle ne savait pas pourquoi, mais après un moment, Islinda risqua un regard par-dessus son épaule et le sang se figea dans ses veines à la vue de ce qui s'approchait. Oh non, elle venait de faire une terrible erreur. Ce n'était jamais la liberté. C'était une chasse. Et elle venait de devenir la proie. _________ Note : C'est un livre de fantasy sombre et le personnage masculin principal est un méchant, alors ne vous attendez pas à une romance douce. À quoi s'attendre ? Mort, sang, tension sexuelle intense et scènes explicites. Et ce n'est pas un harem inverse. Cadeau magique château = 5 chapitres bonus ! Venez, faisons une chasse sauvage !
Glimmy · 111K Views

Odyssée du Dieu Aveugle

``` Dans un monde désolé où les humains sont au bord de l'extinction, conquérant d'innombrables donjons, luttant contre des bêtes féroces, qu'advient-il de quelqu'un d'aveugle et sans pouvoir ? Le destin glorieux de Nial lui fut ôté lorsqu'il n'avait que trois ans, le laissant aveugle et sans la moindre trace de mana. 15 ans plus tard, il endurait toujours l'humiliation d'une société corrompue qui favorisait les puissants. La société faillit lui voler son innocence et sa luminosité, le forçant à mûrir, lui donnant une volonté inflexible. Cependant, tout changea au moment où il éveilla son Origine. Il dévora des Malédictions Anciennes et massacra des Dieux et des Diables! Des Anges ? Il les fera mettre à genoux ! Des Diables et autres ? Tous seront dans son étreinte ** Bien que je sois aveugle, je vois plus que quiconque ! Je dévore les Malédictions et prends le contrôle des ténèbres. Retenez bien mes paroles… [Ce sera vous tous qui devrez vous agenouiller devant moi !] Venez m'affronter, Dragons, Anges, Diables et Dieux… si vous l'osez ! Sinon, ma montée sera votre perte ! Suivez l'odyssée d'un jeune ordinaire et aveugle vers la divinité alors que son destin, autrefois retiré, lui sera rendu. Témoignez de sa douleur et de son évolution vers une existence crainte même par les Dieux Anciens et les Démons des temps primordiaux ! ** [N/A : Le comportement du MC au début du roman sera différent de ce que suggère le Synopsis. Veuillez prendre note de cela en lisant :D] ```
HideousGrain · 60.3K Views


Hutan Sancang, tempat yang dikenal sebagai tanah sakral bagi para pendekar, diselimuti kabut tipis saat fajar menyingsing. Di antara pepohonan raksasa dan akar-akar yang menjalar, seorang bocah lelaki berdiri tegap, tubuhnya kecil namun penuh tenaga, matanya tajam menatap seekor kijang yang tengah minum di tepi sungai. (Cicit burung terdengar bersahutan, air sungai mengalir dengan gemericik lembut…) Namanya Wira, seorang anak yatim piatu yang sejak kecil hidup di alam liar. Tubuhnya berbalut kain sederhana yang sudah usang, tetapi matanya penuh dengan semangat tak terkalahkan. Hari ini, ia harus berburu untuk bertahan hidup. Dengan nafas teratur, ia melangkah perlahan mendekati kijang itu. Namun tiba-tiba… (Dentuman keras! Seperti petir yang menyambar…) Dari dalam semak-semak, seekor harimau kumbang meloncat menerjang kijang itu dengan cakarnya yang tajam. Wira terperanjat, tapi bukan karena takut—melainkan karena kagum. Harimau itu melirik sekilas ke arahnya, seolah memberi peringatan untuk tidak mendekat. Namun, Wira tidak mundur. “Kau hebat,” gumamnya pelan. (Hening. Angin berbisik lembut di antara dedaunan…) Tanpa diduga, langkah kakinya justru membawanya lebih dekat. Harimau itu menatapnya tajam, tetapi bukan dengan amarah—melainkan dengan ketenangan yang menggetarkan jiwa. Saat itu, terdengar suara langkah kaki berat mendekat dari balik pepohonan. (Suara ranting patah, gemuruh langkah mendekat…) Sosok berjubah hitam dengan sorot mata tajam muncul dari balik rimbunan hutan. Wira menatapnya tanpa gentar. Ia tahu siapa pria itu—Prabu Siliwangi, penguasa Pajajaran, seorang raja sakti mandraguna yang konon memiliki ikatan batin dengan harimau putih. “Anak kecil, mengapa kau tidak lari?” suara Prabu Siliwangi bergema seperti petir di langit yang tenang. Wira menatapnya langsung. “Aku tidak takut.” (Guruh menggelegar di kejauhan…) Sang Prabu tersenyum tipis. Ia melihat ke dalam diri bocah itu—bukan sekadar keberanian, melainkan juga ketulusan yang langka. “Kau tidak takut mati?” “Aku hanya takut jika hidupku tidak berarti,” jawab Wira mantap. (Desir angin berhembus lebih kencang, dedaunan berjatuhan…) Mata Prabu Siliwangi berbinar. Di usianya yang telah matang, ia jarang menemukan seseorang seperti Wira—seorang anak yang tidak hanya kuat, tetapi juga memiliki jiwa yang bersih. “Aku akan mengajarimu ilmu sejati,” ujar sang Prabu. Wira mengernyit, tidak percaya dengan apa yang baru saja didengarnya. “Mengajarku?” Prabu Siliwangi mengangguk. “Kejujuran dan keberanianmu lebih kuat daripada pedang mana pun. Kau layak menjadi muridku.”
popyy_5435 · 135 Views

Crazy Blood Demon

My new villain novel: Demonic Skeleton God Just a warning the first few chapters may be worse because I wrote them when I couldn't write well but in my opinion 18+ chapters will be much better than the previous ones, please give it a chance. I was pretty inspired by ORV to begin with, so if that bothers you you can leave. Because I've been annoyed by people who've read 5 chapters and say it's a copy. The first 7 chapters it's going to be very similar to 40 chapters it's going to be a little bit similar and then not at all. Bob Reloud was a strange kid—psychopathic, autistic, and introverted. On the surface, he didn't fit the typical image of a psychopath, but when he got angry, he became something else entirely: a bloodthirsty predator, driven purely by instinct. The first sign of his violent nature emerged in kindergarten when he was just five. A classmate destroyed his favourite toy car, a cherished gift from his grandfather. Enraged, Bob's face turned red, and foam gathered at the corners of his mouth. In a fit of uncontrollable fury, he gouged the boy's eye, causing severe injuries that left the child hospitalized for a week. His parents, horrified, took him to a psychiatrist who reviewed footage of the incident. But when the psychiatrist met Bob, he found a calm, seemingly ordinary autistic boy. After weekly sessions revealed nothing abnormal beyond his autism, the psychiatrist concluded that it was an isolated incident—a strange, unexplainable outburst. However, Bob's parents remained cautious, assigning him a special tutor and treating him with apprehension, afraid to provoke another violent episode. One evening, his father came home drunk, as he often did, and began his habit of throwing insults at Bob's mother. Bob had grown accustomed to these rants. Afterward, his father sat down to watch football. Bob, fiddling with a stolen phone, accidentally blasted music at full volume. Bob’s dad started beating him, and his mom tried to calm him down, but it was too late. Bob became extremely angry, went into his psycho mode, and murdered his parents. Officer Danzel responded to the call. Breaking down the door, he was met with a chilling scene: a boy covered in dried blood, sitting calmly on the couch, the decomposing corpses of his parents beside him. "Don't move, or I'll shoot!" Danzel barked, his hand on his gun. Bob raised his hands. Danzel covered up the murders, taking Bob under his wing. Over the years, he moulded Bob into a spy and assassin—a tool for his purposes. Bob excelled at killing, but he despised espionage, finding it tedious. Worse still, Danzel kept him trapped, threatening to expose his past if he ever tried to leave. Eventually, Bob devised a plan to free himself. Over months, he deliberately botched missions, creating enough trouble to provoke Danzel's wrath. Finally, Danzel snapped. Now, Bob stood on the subway platform, a grin on his face and a backpack on his shoulders. For the first time, he felt free. Boarding the train, Bob heard the powerful voice of the demon. The apocalypse was about to begin, and his story could finally unfold.
Morfus · 112.6K Views

Ultimate Minion System

[On Hold For NoW] In a world where strength dictates fate, Deus is reborn in a brutal realm ruled by kings, Emperors, monsters, and ancient factions. Alone and Unaware of his memories, he stumbles upon a mysterious system—the Ultimate Minion System—a power only exclusive to him, that grants him the ability to summon and evolve an army of powerful, specialized minions. From towering warriors to cunning archers, master builders and much more, Deus must strategically grow his forces, upgrade their abilities, and conquer the world’s most dangerous threats. But as his power rises, so do the stakes. While kingdoms and empires wage wars of conquest and unknown forces stir in the shadows, Deus must prove that he is more than willing to fight for his survival and way of life and carve out a piece of the world for himself. In a world where only the strong survive, will he rise to the top or Fall To his demise. Well you can read to find out. \\ Hello guys author here. English is not my native tongue so i might not be able to properly articulate what i wish to write at times, but i will try my best to improve as the story goes on. You, the readers can also help me on this journey, if you can comment on what you think needs to be changed or redone and i welcome criticism so Don't be afraid to criticise. Well that's all for now, and if you could add this story to your reading list i shall be very gratefull and powerstones are also very much appreciated \\ //PS: Also the novel Won't be very fast paced but not too slow either and the system while important is not the main focus, the main focus will be the base building and minions, so if any of you like Clash of clans and Age of empires (My personal favourite games which also inspired to me write this) you will find this very fun, i tried to make the complicated stuff as simple as possible. With all that said no more ranting, and enjoy.//
GGCalamity · 2.2K Views

I Shall Perverse The Heavens

**Tag:** R-18, Harem-seeking protagonist, Evil protagonist, Perverted protagonist, Handsome male lead, Cruel characters, Special abilities, Eastern and Western settings in a SciFi world, unhinged comedy, tragedy, slightly above average intelligent characters and plot twist. Synopsis: Zachary "Zach" Walters is the ultimate nerd: 22 years old, perpetually unemployed, and perfectly content to spend his days locked in his room, devouring fantasy novels. Living off rent from a shop his late parents left him, Zach believes the world outside is overrated, especially when he has his trusty laptop and an endless supply of energy drinks. But after spending weeks reading Chronicles of the Archmage: Arkanis Ascends, Zach hits his limit. The novel's ending—was shit, the power of friendship nonsense—pushes him into a full-blown rant. He tears into the author with an unhinged, scathing comment in the forums, mocking the novel, the villain's pathetic defeat, and even the author's "beady eyes" for writing something so cringe-worthy even saying he who isn't a author can write better. "You think you're better than me as an author? Better than my protagonist? Let's see how you fare in my new world." Suddenly such text appeared. Before he can reply, Zach is yanked into a very similar fantasy universe he mocked, reincarnated as a disgraced prince banished from his kingdom for sleeping with the king’s concubine. Stripped of his royal status but not his charm, Zach quickly realizes that fighting villains or becoming a hero is overrated. Instead, he decides to focus on the finer things in life: building a perverted waifus harem and indulging in every smutty fantasy he’s ever dreamed of. But in a world of cunning regressors, overpowered plot armour characters, arch mages and scheming heroes, Zach's carefree antics might just land him in hot water—or worse, dead. Can this trash-talking keyboard warrior survive his own delusions, or will he end up as another failed side character in someone else’s story? When fantasy meets debauchery, chaos is sure to follow.
Daoistf7YZbm · 12.3K Views

God Shelter (Fr)

Dans un monde où la magie et la technologie se mêlent étroitement...où des énergies mystiques sont exploitée et des royaumes sont en guerre, Areyos, un jeune prodige aux ambitions insondables, entame sa dernière année à l’académie Moore avec ses camarades Kaiser et Yoko, espérant une paix éphémère avant de se confronter au vaste monde. Mais leur quotidien vole en éclats lorsqu’une enquête sur le mystérieux meurtre de la sœur de Yoko les plonge dans les profondeurs d’un complot dépassant l’entendement. Des ennemis surgissent des ombres, porteurs de secrets anciens et de pouvoirs capables d’ébranler l’équilibre fragile du monde. Tandis qu’un groupe d'êtres aux pouvoirs extraordinaire traquent des reliques légendaires et mystérieuses, Areyos se révèle être bien plus qu’un simple étudiant. Sous son masque d’indifférence se cache une force implacable, une âme souveraine prête à briser toutes les chaînes du destin. Hybride entre deux races puissantes et mystérieuses, il se retrouve au centre d'intrigues complexes et de mystères ancestraux. Entre trahisons, révélations et alliances improbables, Nos héros s'élèvent, semant petit à petit le désespoir parmi leur adversaires et réduisant leurs volontés en cendres. Mais derrière chaque victoire se cache une vérité plus sombre : les véritables menaces, tapis dans l’ombre, attendent leur heure. Et lorsque le passé s’entremêle au présent, Areyos pourrait bien être la clé pour sauver leur monde… ou le précipiter dans un chaos éternel. God Shelter est une épopée de découverte de soi, de pouvoir et de responsabilité, où chaque choix peut déterminer le destin de nombreux mondes. (Note : la couverture n'est pas de moi, je l'ai trouvée sur Pinterest. Si le propriétaire souhaite que je la retire, je n'ai aucun problème avec cela. D'ailleurs, elle est vraiment cool ;) )
The_Great_Overlord · 36.5K Views

The Star Actor Is a Daddy: He Became an Internet Sensation After Transmigrating

When every news outlet published reports on a certain rising star having a daughter out of wedlock, Song Qianming's personal image crumbled, despite his positive work attitude and constantly striving to improve himself. However, while the public was eagerly awaiting his downfall, they suddenly found out that the father-daughter pair were something else! When they took part in a variety show that left them in the wilderness, the daughter's luck proved extraordinary, allowing them to gather whatever resources they needed. Even the antis were left fuming and ranting that Song Qianming was useless, yet had somehow landed such an amazing daughter! Antis: Come on, sweetie! Your daddy is a fossil, come to Mommy! Baby: My daddy is a superb actor, and is unmatched in horse-riding and archery! Also, everyone should be learning his calligraphy instead! I'm not leaving, but I can bring a mommy home. The fossil flashed a tsundere smile. The baby could only belong to his family because he was the best daddy she could get! But why was she trying to get him a wife too? Thoughtful antis: Can we still be baby's mommy if we used to flame Song Qianming?***Song Qianming was the prince of an old dynasty. After usurping his brother to claim the throne, he was living carefreely, passing his time with operas and bird-watching. One day, he transmigrated to an unfamiliar era, where blackhearted companies squeezed him dry for any penny he had, and he had barely any savings. Still, the sight of his smart and adorable daughter made him work hard again... It was just being a celebrity. Was it any more difficult than eluding assassination attempts and usurping his brother?
Cimicifuga · 218.1K Views

The Dragon Prince's Bride

*Author's other work (She belongs to the Demon King)* *** They say opposite attracts, that's a lie. Opposites kill each other! When a hot blood meets another hot blood, things are bound to get burnt. That is exactly what happens when the pompous and prideful elven princess, Neriah of the Avelah Kingdom is forced to marry the brash dragon Prince, Barak of the Trago Kingdom. Neriah's goal is to someday break away from her marriage and run away with the love of her life, Lyle of the Niles. While Barak will do everything to keep her as a wife. Neriah is certain she's in love with another, but she's also certain that no one can ignite the kind of passion her husband brings. Her husband who she hates more than anything. Can the flames of passion be drawn from hate? Can that same passion burn down the walls of lies, betrayal, and hurt? Can its ashes transcend into love? Excerpt "I am a rose, a beautiful flower, delicate and precious! But you my dear sir are nothing but the thorny stem! Prickly, dangerous and very harmful!" ranted Neriah while poking his chest with her index finger. "Well you seem to forget one important detail, my love." He calmly grabbed her poking hand. "And what would that be, my fine sir?" "That the thorny stem and the rose grow together. The delicate rose and the prickly thorn, they belong together my dear." "You—" "And no amount of ranting and raging will change that. You think I want to keep a witch like you? You are a pain in the neck. If I am a thorn then you are a piece of fish bone stuck inside my neck. I cannot swallow and I can not spit it out! I just have to bear it!" "You insolent bastard! Do you mean to say I am a burden!" "Well you are no precious prize, are you?" And that was it, she threw herself at him with her claws ready to mar his face, but he was quicker and he caught both her hands with one of his own and pressed her heaving chest upon his. Golden eyes stared deep into hers. They were as green as the fresh leaves on an orange tree. His fingers caressed her face, “You might not be a precious prize, but by the heavens, you are mine.” And his lips fell on hers, and once again, another argument was drowned.
AnnieQuin · 308.7K Views

Secrets of the Lonely

This is a rewrite of the previous novel by the same name. Just re-doing some of the plot because I was pretty unsatisfied with it and restarting was easier than editing entire chapters. - Enno 'I've seen suffering, and these people haven't even witnessed what it truly is. The true face of suffering comes in the form of the ones you trust the most. It lurks underneath your shadows, in your past. Hiding beneath the surface, just waiting to enrapture you. None of these students see it. They don't understand it as I do. It's not as simple as they seem to think. A killer on the loose scares them, but the look of disdain their parents give them after every failed test doesn't even phase them. Really, they should all be worried about what goes on behind closed doors. Aruna's father is a cheater, lying and gambling his way to fame. Takue's mother drowns her sorrows in liquor, attempting to forget her husband's suicide. Ayato's sister sleeps with a different guy every day in a desperate attempt to hold together her failing life. True suffering, the essence of which can't even be looked at in the eyes, hides from them, and they're too scared to even look it in the eyes.' I slammed my journal closed. I couldn't have spaced out for more than a few minutes. Guilt weighs on my mind, but I shove it down nonetheless. Emotions are worthless, set in place by a God that doesn't even care for you. Ahh...I guess school starts soon. Oh well, it'll be at least somewhat interesting, maybe.
Rhasha_Trulin · 767 Views

Canceled, See: Secrets of the Lonely

The Original title of this Novel was called: "Secrets of the Lonely" however, I am currently in the process of re-writing most of the novel's plot to be quite different. The name of the novel however, will remain the same. You can find another book written by me with this same synopsis and an actual cover. It will say it's the rewrite in the synopsis. 'I've seen suffering, and these people haven't even witnessed what it truly is. The true face of suffering comes in the form of the ones you trust the most. It lurks underneath your shadows, in your past. Hiding beneath the surface, just waiting to enrapture you. None of these students see it. They don't understand it as I do. It's not as simple as they seem to think. A killer on the loose scares them, but the look of disdain their parents give them after every failed test doesn't even phase them. Really, they should all be worried about what goes on behind closed doors. Aruna's father is a cheater, lying and gambling his way to fame. Takue's mother drowns her sorrows in liquor, attempting to forget her husband's suicide. Ayato's sister sleeps with a different guy every day in a desperate attempt to hold together her failing life. True suffering, the essence of which can't even be looked at in the eyes, hides from them, and they're too scared to even look it in the eyes.' I slammed my journal closed. I couldn't have spaced out for more than a few minutes. Guilt weighs on my mind, but I shove it down nonetheless. Emotions are worthless, set in place by a God that doesn't even care for you. Ahh...I guess school starts soon. Oh well, it'll be at least somewhat interesting, maybe.
Rhasha_Trulin · 10.2K Views

Villain's way to live

Prologue I always hated my life. Bland, uninspired, a loop of mediocrity. My mornings started with the sound of a cheap alarm clock and ended with sleepless nights haunted by dreams of a better life—dreams that never came true. Life was cruel, unfair, and unrelenting. But even in my wildest nightmares, I never imagined that dying would be my gateway to something worse. When I opened my eyes again, I wasn’t in the comfort of my dingy apartment. No peeling wallpaper. No stack of ramen cups piled up on the table. Just a cold, cavernous room dripping with opulence, the kind only an aristocrat could afford. At first, I thought it was a lucid dream or some twisted afterlife. Then, I caught my reflection in a massive gilded mirror. Long, dark hair. Sharp features with an almost cruel beauty. Eyes that radiated arrogance and menace. I knew that face. Anyone who played "The Princess is in love with me" knew that face. Killian Nux, the Major Antagonist of the story, destined to be defeated by the plucky protagonist and his harem of magical misfits. He wasn’t just a villain—he was the villain. The one everyone loved to hate. And now... I was him. Great. Just great. If reincarnation was supposed to give me a second chance, someone really screwed up. I didn’t just end up in a fantasy world; I landed right in the middle of a sadistic dating sim known for its brutal difficulty and relentless drama. In the game, Killian Nux wasn’t just a spoiled noble. He was a monster. An overpowered, sadistic tyrant feared and hated by everyone. His fall was as inevitable as the sunrise. By the end of the story, his power, his pride, his very existence was crushed under the protagonist’s boot. If I didn’t want to meet the same fate, I needed to change everything. But fate had other plans. To survive in this world, I had to attend the Olympus Academy, the melting pot of heroes, heroines, villains, and victims. The place where the story began. The place where Killian's path to ruin was set in stone. And it gets better—or worse. Because walking into that academy means meeting him. The Protagonist. That righteous, golden-haired beacon of hope destined to unite everyone against me. Along with him come the Main Heroines—the princess, the knight, the healer, the mage—and even the Villainess, the one character I might have been able to rely on if Edward hadn’t been such a bastard to her in the original game. So what am I supposed to do? Watch the Protagonist steal the spotlight, woo every girl in sight, and forge his path to glory? No. I’m not playing by the game’s script. If I’m destined to be the villain, then so be it. But I won’t go down quietly. If Killian Nux is supposed to fall, he’ll do so as the strongest, most feared villain this world has ever seen. After all, if I’m going to live in this hellhole of a game, I might as well make it my story.
carl_Zedrick · 0 Views
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