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Mitologia do Milagre: Renascido para Desafiar Meu Destino

``` Xiu Wanxue acordou e descobriu que havia reencarnado. Desta vez, ela aprendeu que não era ninguém neste mundo onde existiam a filha e os filhos do destino. Olhando para trás, para todos os eventos trágicos que aconteceram em sua vida anterior, ela suspirou amargamente. Não é de se admirar; eles a odiavam tanto, mesmo que ela não tivesse feito nada de errado além de desejar receber o 'cuidado' e o amor 'dela'. Não é de se admirar; todos amavam tanto 'ela'. Acontece que Xiu Wanxia, sua irmã gêmea, era a filha do destino, cercada por oportunidades que desafiavam o Céu, homens extraordinários e poderosos parceiros bestiais. O Céu e a terra lhe concederam uma chance de mudar de vida, ela não cometeria os mesmos erros e interpretaria as pessoas erroneamente outra vez. Ela só será gentil com aqueles que a tratarem com bondade e punirá aqueles que machucarem seus entes queridos. A velha pulseira que ela usava no pulso era na verdade um pequeno mundo portátil onde ela poderia plantar tudo dentro. Aprender alquimia, desenhar runas, fazer contratos com bestas, explorar tesouros... muitas coisas mais emocionantes vão acontecer aqui. Através do sangue e do trabalho árduo, ela embarcou em sua jornada para a imortalidade e voou além do céu para encontrar sua liberdade e desafiar seu destino da última vida. Entretanto, algo estava errado. O que aconteceria quando ela descobrisse que tudo estava exatamente diferente do que parecia ser? Quando os segredos começaram a se revelar, tudo se mostrou tão....... Este livro está concorrendo ao Prêmio Spirity da Webnovel 2024. NOTA: Este livro é um romance harém reverso, e o final é absolutamente harém reverso. Capa de: Gerador de IA da Webnovel Imagem do Personagem: Pinterest, créditos a todos os proprietários originais As citações de cada personagem não são minhas. Eu as pesquisei em um site. Créditos aos donos dessas citações. Meu nome de usuário no DISCORD: littlecarrot6510 Meu Instagram: Littlecarrot006__ #HarémReversoFL #Reencarnada #PequenoMundoPortátil #AlívioCômico #Romance #ParceirosBestiais #Aventuras #RomanceSombrio #MundoImortal #Xianxia #EnredosComplexos #Luta #DetalhamentoNovel #PassadoMisterioso #MemóriaDeVidaAnterior #RomanceComMoral #Inspiração ```
Littlecarrot · 6.9K Views

Senhora Gu É Fraca Demais Para Se Defender Sozinha

``` Corria o boato de que Qiao Xi tinha uma constituição fraca — uma beleza doente. Diziam que ela gastava uma fortuna todos os dias com medicamentos — comendo-os como se fossem doces. Corria o boato de que dez criados a atendiam na cama todos os dias — um fardo para todos. Todos esperavam que a família Qiao jogasse Qiao Xi de volta para o campo e a deixasse se virar sozinha. Qiao Xi: "Estão todos dizendo que sou fraca e não posso cuidar de mim mesma. Parece que também gasto dinheiro sem pensar.” Ela olhou para a sua camisa esfarrapada e ficou exasperada. Qiao Xi: “Estão dizendo que essa família rica deixa sua filha usar roupas rasgadas todos os dias?” A rica filha da família Qiao? Ela já tinha o suficiente! Ela não seria mais! Portanto... Carinha escroto: "Sem a família Qiao, você não é nada." Qiao Xi: "Se eu for expulsa da família Qiao, estou acabada." Garota escrota: "Mana, não fique muito decepcionada. Contanto que você se esforce, um dia será elogiada." Qiao Xi: "Cala a boca, eu não conheço traidora como você." O carinha escroto e a garota escrota: "???" Corria o boato de que o filho mais novo da família Gu, Gu Zheng, se casou precipitadamente com uma mulher que não tinha nada além da aparência. Qiao Xi: "Alguém está me subestimando?" Um dia, Qiao Xi viu um dos funcionários de Gu Zheng quebrando a cabeça com uma série de números na tela do computador. Como ela estava de bobeira, ela deu uma mão. Ela acabou de quebrar o firewall criado pelo esforço conjunto dos melhores hackers de elite?! Gu Zheng se aproximava a cada passo. "Qiao Xi, do que mais você está me escondendo? Hmm?" Qiao Xi: "Ai, não! Estou tonta de novo! Sou tão fraca. Esse meu corpo é muito frágil!" ```
Qiaoqiao · 58.1K Views

Guía para domar a mis maridos villanos

Secuela de Guía para criar a mis adorables esposos. Mo Qiang, una arquitecta, fue elegida por el hada de la naturaleza que la llevó al mundo interestelar donde fue castigada a revivir la naturaleza que ella misma había destruido con sus propias manos mientras creaba arquitectura que pensaba estaba abriendo el camino hacia el futuro. Ahora, atascada con un sistema de revitalización de la naturaleza en un mundo lleno de gases venenosos y cosas intergalácticas donde tiene que empezar desde el principio y plantar más bosques y cultivos mientras crea un mundo habitable para los humanos, Mo Qiang estaba sufriendo. Pero suena fácil, ¿verdad? ¡No! En su camino tiene tres esposos villanos, todos ellos quieren matarla para poder casarse con su capaz hermana después de echarla a patadas, quien era una inútil y buena para nada. Mo Qiang no tiene nada en contra de ellos, de hecho, está más que dispuesta a divorciarse de ellos después de asegurar su vida y aumentar su favorabilidad en sus corazones para que no la maten pero —¿Por qué vienen por ella ahora? Hola, todos ustedes querían casarse con su hermana, ¿verdad? Extracto: —Aquí tienes —dijo Mo Qiang mientras empujaba el acuerdo de divorcio mirando a su primer esposo que era gentil pero venenoso como una serpiente—. Ya he firmado el documento de nuestro divorcio, puedes echarle un vistazo —espera, ¿por qué te estás quitando la ropa? El tritón la miró y sonrió suavemente mientras se quitaba las gafas y dijo: —Parece que mi esposa no está contenta conmigo por no haber tenido nuestro hijo, no te preocupes trabajaré duro esta noche. Mo Qiang: "....." ¡No quiero que trabajes duro! ¡Toma el segundo! —Toma esto y fírmalo —dijo Mo Qiang, esta vez con más firmeza mientras miraba a su segundo esposo que estaba leyendo un guion para su película—. Estoy segura de que quieres divorciarte de mí, ¿verdad? Ya he firmado —¡guau! ¿Para qué me estás poniendo en la cama? —preguntó mientras miraba el rostro magnífico. Su segundo esposo la miró fijamente y con una expresión vacía y voz fría como el agua dijo: —Tengo que practicar una escena de amor, ayúdame, querida esposa. Mo Qiang: "......" ¡Esta película que estás filmando se basa en el apocalipsis Zerg, no me mientas! ¿Con quién vas a hacer el amor? ¿Un Zerg? ¡Toma el tercero! —Huff, huff... este es el acuerdo de divorcio, fírmalo... Sé que tu compañía no permite que los ídolos salgan con alguien así que aquí, fírmalo —le dijo a su tercer esposo que estaba practicando sus pasos de baile. El tritón que estaba vestido con una camisa de seda suelta y sudor bajando por su cuerpo echó un vistazo al documento que ella le estaba entregando y luego abrazó a Mo Qiang. Un segundo después escuchó su voz sollozante mientras le llenaba el cuello de besos: —¿Esposa, ya no me quieres? ¿Es ese nuevo ídolo quien captó tu atención, lo sabía! ¡Me ocuparé de él! —¡Deja ese cuchillo! ¿Y por qué el tercer príncipe de la familia imperial que la odia hasta los huesos viene tras ella con flores? ¡Ya tiene suficiente con lo que tiene en las manos! ...
fairytail72 · 118.7K Views

La Señorita Gu es demasiado débil para defenderse por sí misma

"Corría el rumor de que Qiao Xi tenía una constitución débil —una belleza enfermiza. Corría el rumor de que gastaba una fortuna todos los días en medicamentos, comiéndolos como si fueran caramelos. Corría el rumor de que diez sirvientes la asistían en su cama todos los días —una carga para todos. Todos esperaban que la familia Qiao devolviera a Qiao Xi al campo y la dejara valerse por sí misma. —Todos dicen que soy débil y no puedo cuidarme a mí misma. Al parecer, también gasto dinero de manera imprudente —dijo Qiao Xi. Miró su camisa desgarrada y estaba exasperada. —¿Estás diciendo que esta familia rica permite que su hija use ropa desgarrada todos los días? —preguntó Qiao Xi. ¿La hija rica de la familia Qiao? ¡Ya tenía suficiente! ¡No lo volvería a ser! Por lo tanto… —Sin la familia Qiao, no eres nada —dijo el chico canalla. —Si me echan de la familia Qiao, estaré acabada —asintió Qiao Xi. —Hermana, no te desanimes demasiado. Mientras trabajas duro, algún día serás alabada —lamentó la chica canalla. —Cállate, no conozco a una traidora como tú —replicó Qiao Xi. El chico y la chica canallas: —¿?¿? Se decía que el hijo más joven de la familia Gu, Gu Zheng, se casó precipitadamente con una mujer que no tenía nada más que su apariencia. —¿Alguien me está subestimando? —dijo Qiao Xi. Un día, Qiao Xi vio a uno de los empleados de Gu Zheng devanándose los sesos con una serie de números en la pantalla del ordenador. Como estaba libre, decidió echar una mano. ¿Acaba de romper el cortafuegos creado por los esfuerzos conjuntos de los hackers de élite más destacados?! Gu Zheng se acercaba cada vez más a ella —Qiao Xi, ¿qué más me estás ocultando? ¿Hmm? —¡Oh, no! ¡Me siento mareada otra vez! Soy tan débil. Este cuerpo mío es simplemente demasiado débil —se lamentó Qiao Xi."
Qiaoqiao · 298K Views

Nuevo Edén: Vive para Jugar, Juega para Vivir

``` En un mundo de constante competencia, un hombre apunta a lo más alto. En este nuevo género de VRMMORPG, planea convertirse en el más fuerte a toda costa. Las clases, las razas, las zonas de inicio, todo es un misterio en Nuevo_Eden. Este juego sale sin ni siquiera un detalle revelado. Lo único que se promocionó fue la libertad de elección de habilidades. Nuestro protagonista Alexander, alias en el juego Astaroth, siempre ha soñado con convertirse en un atleta de E-Sports. Sus padres apoyaron su sueño, pero ya no están en este mundo. Está totalmente decidido a triunfar en este nuevo juego, si no por él, al menos para honrar su memoria. Sin tener idea de cómo quiere jugar su personaje, Alexander elige la raza de inicio más misteriosa. ¿Será este el camino hacia su éxito o su perdición? El asistente del juego ciertamente pensó lo segundo. —Haz lo que quieras, joven aventurero. Solo quiero añadir esto. No vuelvas con quejas cuando te des cuenta de que has tomado la decisión equivocada —dijo el elfo, mirándolo con claro odio. —Ya veremos —respondió secamente Alexander—. Me encantan los desafíos —agregó. —¡Muy bien! —bufó el elfo—. Ten la aventura de tu vida, por más corta que sea —agregó sarcásticamente. Por delante tiene un camino incierto, lleno de pruebas y dificultades. Pero una cosa está clara en sus ojos. Se convertirá en el jugador más fuerte del juego, incluso si tiene que pasar sobre montañas de cadáveres para hacerlo. Se acabaron sus días de trabajar duro para nada, ¡ahora es todo o nada! Ahora tengo un discord donde puedes hablar con otros lectores y conmigo. También hay canales para discutir nuevas armas; personajes; clases; o monstruos que quieras diseñar y ver incorporados en la historia. Siempre daré crédito a la persona que creó dicha cosa, tenlo por seguro. El enlace es ```
Galanar · 96.5K Views

Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Soma, a college student and also an orphan, who is on his way back after finishing his part-time job, plus his college in the morning, made his life feel monotonous. Still, of course, he didn't have any complaints about the situation he is currently in. To distracted his exhausted body and mind, Soma always finding some times to enjoy the web novels. As a person who likes to immerse himself in the world of novels to find some enjoyment, every day at night, he always reads a web novel he has read for years, and it is called Chronicles Saga. *** Chronicles Saga is one of the many web novels that were serialized years ago, and it's already nearing its end game with a couple of final chapters. The story was depicted in an alternate Earth where Magic, Dungeons, Sword, and System exist. It tells the story of a young man who holds high justice in his heart named Leon, who has been chosen as a savior trying to save the world from the incoming disaster in the future by the great Demon Lord. *** Then, an unimaginable thing happened to Soma when he suddenly got transmigrated inside the story he read for years. Not as a protagonist who led the story or a Villain but as a 'Side Character'. Soma was transmigrated inside the body of a young man with the same name. To make things much worse, he is being transmigrated into one of the crucial scenes, which becomes a turning point for one of his favorite Heroines in the novel. Then, one thing led to another as Soma was thrown into multiple events. He discovered that the boy named Soma had an unexpected mysterious background and past coming from a ‘Side Character’ who had no role in the main stories. Follow Soma’s story inside the novel world he transferred into as a Side character that will overthrow the story and the world, with his reliable comrades. *** Author's note: This was My first book. I hope you can enjoy the series I wrote. Also, sorry in advance. English is not my first language so I think you guys would find some misspelled words or grammar mistakes, I hope you can tolerate it. I welcome any suggestion/feedback that will help me grow as an Author.
Resett · 1.2M Views

Law of The Web

Gideon Harley never asked for a second chance at life. In his past life, he was a venom tester, experimenting with the deadliest poisons on Earth. But when a spider’s venom unexpectedly tears through his body, he’s hurled into an entirely new world, Doktrine, a place where supernatrual and science intertwine. The twist is that he now inhabits the body of Axter Sauron, a 10-year-old boy with no memories of the life he once had. Currently being transported in a cargo with a bunch of other orphans on their way to Black Moon Clan, one of the most feared assassination clans in the world of Doktrine. In this world, every child awakens at the age of 10. The awakened child can then make a contract with a law beast, gaining the ability to shape their destiny. But while most awaken common powers, like increased strength or quick healing, Gideon’s new life brings a far more complex and dangerous gift. He can see the evolutionary pathways of beasts, guiding them toward unimaginable power. With his spider beast as his first companion, an entity tied to the laws of Fate, Origin, Time, and Fusion, Gideon’s journey is one of discovery, power, and chaos. Each ability comes with a price. His visions of fate can be misleading, the souls he sees can drive him mad, his ability to travel through time is unreliable, and his power to fuse objects could backfire. But with every trial, he grows stronger and more aware of the responsibility that comes with his powers. And the cost of survival; in this new world, he vows to survive at all costs. Yet, there are those who seek to control the beasts and the very Visionary Garden where all this power originates. As Gideon navigates this world’s web of politics, hidden agendas, and impossible beasts, he’ll have to learn what it truly means to control his fate, and whether he can avoid the catastrophic consequences of his actions. In a world where power is everything, can one man, bound by fate, ever truly escape it?
Iam_hastur · 717 Views

The God's Deceit - The Web Begins

Jeremiah Weedling, an unassuming teenager with a sharp mind and a quiet demeanor, finds his life upended when a moment of bravery leads him into an otherworldly realm. After surviving a grueling trial in mysterious caves, he awakens in a world both magical and perilous—a realm filled with humanoid fae creatures ruled by fear and oppression under the tyrannical Radamar. Seeking only to return home, Jeremiah learns that his path is anything but straightforward. To escape this realm, he must navigate the treacherous politics of the fae village, endure brutal training from unlikely allies, and face down powerful Guardians bound by Radamar's magic. As he journeys through lush forests and shadowy landscapes, Jeremiah unravels secrets about this realm, the beings who inhabit it, and even himself. Despite his initial reluctance, Jeremiah cannot ignore the villagers' plight. Their suffering stirs a resolve within him, pushing him to stand against Radamar and his cruel reign. With the help of his newfound companions—a silent but wise warrior, a fiery rival, and a timid yet insightful guide—Jeremiah grows stronger, braver, and more determined. But defeating Radamar is only the beginning. Jeremiah's choices will not only shape the future of the fae but also forge the path that may lead him home—or deeper into the web of deceit that binds this world. With each step, he must balance his desire to escape with the growing responsibility to heal a fractured community. Will Jeremiah's journey to find himself and his way home be enough to mend the scars left by tyranny and unlock the truth behind The God's Deceit?
Wyatt_Joansy · 16.2K Views

Tangled in his web; I do not know my baby's father!

Nora has been married for five years only to find out her husband is attracted to men after she catches him in bed with another man. Desperate for an outlet for her woes, she finds herself tangled with another strange man at her office. At first, Nora assumes that it will be a fling, but when she finds out she's pregnant, she is confused and still embittered knowing she has entangled herself in some kind of web. After all, she is still married to a husband who doesn't love her and never will. "All I wanted was just peace of mind and a healthy and loving family. Instead, you have chosen to betray me in the most embarrassing way!" She wept. "I want a divorce!" Unfortunately, her husband and his family is unwilling to let her go. As such, Nora attempts to keep her pregnancy a secret, not knowing what her in-laws will do to her and her baby if they find out. But it gets more and more difficult to hide her growing bump, and soon enough, her husband finds out about her pregnancy. This places her on a stage to be shamed and soon enough her husband claims to be the Father in order to keep his reputation. === Is this how you decide to treat me? How could you be so disgusting?!" "That is definitely none of my business, I love Jerry too much, and you are just a third party in our relationship." "Curse you!" ____ "All I wanted was just peace of mind and a healthy and loving family, now he decided to betray me," she palmed her face and wept. "Come, let us be a family," the stranger slid his hands in her thighs and then pleasurable sounds could be heard.
Tessy_Writes · 19.1K Views

Shadows of the Divine: Web of trials

In a world transformed nearly two decades ago by the intervention of ancient gods, Kwame, a young Ghanaian with a passion for detective novels and a knack for disappearing into the background, is thrust into a deadly series of trials. The gods of various pantheons have bestowed powers upon chosen individuals, known as Rankers, to prepare them for a coming war against creatures from other dimensions. These creatures will emerge through mysterious gates, and only those who ascend through the trials can hope to protect their world. Kwame, chosen by the trickster god Anansi, finds himself in a web of fate far more complex than he ever imagined. His powers aren’t those of brute strength, but of deception, illusion, and fate-weaving. As he navigates the dangerous trials, Kwame must learn to master his abilities, outsmart powerful guardians, and understand the deeper connection he shares with the fabric of reality itself. With each step forward, Kwame uncovers a larger mystery: the gates he and others are being prepared to face are more than just doorways—they are tied to an ancient threat that could wipe out entire worlds. The trials are not only about survival, but about understanding the web of fate that binds all living things. Kwame’s power to manipulate these threads will determine not just his fate, but the fate of his world. However, Kwame is not the only one navigating the trials, and not everyone chosen by the gods seeks to protect their world. As alliances shift and enemies emerge, Kwame must decide whether he can trust those around him, or if his journey will lead him down a darker path, one of betrayal, power, and sacrifice. With 1300 chapters planned, "Weaving Shadows" explores Kwame’s growth from a quiet, unremarkable young man to a powerful figure capable of shaping destiny itself. Along the way, he will face trials of wit, fight powerful beings, and learn the true meaning of power—not just to wield it, but to understand the delicate balance of trickery, fate, and responsibility. As the gates begin to open, Kwame’s choices will determine whether his world stands or falls. And with each new challenge, he must face not only the monsters lurking beyond the gates, but the shadows within himself.
CatfishEatsSalmon · 5K Views

Mysteries of Archipelago: Legenda Para Dewa

Di tengah keindahan alam Indonesia yang kaya akan mitos dan legenda, terdapat sebuah kisah yang belum terungkap tentang pertempuran antara kekuatan kebaikan dan kejahatan. "Mysteries of Archipelago" mengikuti perjalanan Raka, seorang pemuda biasa yang tinggal di desa kecil di Jawa Tengah. Suatu malam, saat mencari bahan untuk tugas sekolah di hutan, Raka menemukan sebuah artefak kuno—sebuah liontin misterius yang memancarkan cahaya aneh. Liontin itu ternyata merupakan kunci untuk membuka portal ke dunia lain, tempat di mana para dewa dan makhluk gaib dari mitologi Indonesia berkuasa. Setelah mengaktifkan liontin tersebut, Raka terjebak di antara dua dunia, di mana ia harus menghadapi ancaman dari makhluk-makhluk gelap yang ingin menguasai dunia manusia dan merusak keseimbangan alam. Bersama dengan sahabatnya, Arif, yang memiliki pengetahuan mendalam tentang sejarah dan budaya lokal, serta Sari, seorang gadis berani yang memiliki kemampuan khusus untuk berkomunikasi dengan roh-roh, Raka harus mencari cara untuk menutup portal tersebut sebelum kekuatan jahat merusak kedamaian desanya. Dalam pencariannya, mereka menghadapi berbagai makhluk mitos seperti Nyi Roro Kidul, Garuda, dan Si Pitung, masing-masing memiliki tujuan dan agenda sendiri. Setiap tantangan yang mereka hadapi membawa mereka lebih dekat pada kebenaran mengenai asal-usul liontin dan rahasia yang tersembunyi dalam mitos-mitos yang telah lama terlupakan. Raka belajar tentang kekuatan persahabatan dan keberanian, sementara Arif dan Sari menemukan kekuatan dalam diri mereka yang tak pernah mereka duga sebelumnya. Dengan aksi yang mendebarkan dan intrik yang mendalam, "Mysteries of Archipelago" adalah sebuah perjalanan epik yang menggabungkan elemen fantasi, mitos, dan petualangan. Raka dan teman-temannya harus berjuang tidak hanya untuk menyelamatkan diri mereka, tetapi juga untuk menjaga keseimbangan antara dua dunia yang saling berhubungan. Saat konflik antara kebaikan dan kejahatan semakin memuncak, Raka dihadapkan pada pilihan yang akan menentukan nasib kedua dunia.
Aiki_Baik · 737 Views
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