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Aphelios Montage

Re: Evolution Online

An einem ganz normalen Montag startete ein neues Virtual-Reality-Spiel namens "Evolution Online" aus dem Nichts und eroberte die Welt im Sturm. Die Menschen waren begeistert von den hyperrealistischen Funktionen und den endlosen Abenteuern des Spiels. Alle, von kleinen Unternehmen bis hin zu großen Konzernen und Regierungen, bemühten sich, bei diesem geheimnisvollen Videospiel Fuß zu fassen. Was sie jedoch nicht wussten, war, dass dieses Spiel in Wirklichkeit eine Anleitung für die bevorstehende Apokalypse war, die über den Planeten hereinbrechen sollte! Das Spiel war ein Vorläufer der ersten Evolution der Erde, bei der das Mana in der realen Welt entfesselt werden sollte! Liam, ein High-School-Schüler, der in seinem Leben zahlreiche Rückschläge hinnehmen musste, wandte sich an "Evolution Online" in der Hoffnung, sein Schicksal zu ändern, aber stattdessen wurde er in der verdrehten Welt des Spiels gefangen, und die Dinge wurden immer schlimmer. Als die Apokalypse schließlich eintrat, konnte Liam gerade noch entkommen, aber seine Situation verbesserte sich nicht. Zusammen mit Millionen anderer starb er einen elenden Tod, unfähig, sich zu wehren, und voller Bedauern. Liams Geschichte war damit jedoch noch nicht zu Ende. Er fand sich auf unerklärliche Weise in der Zeit zurückversetzt, bevor alles begann! Bewaffnet mit dem Wissen, was kommen würde, war Liam entschlossen, der stärkste und mächtigste Spieler zu werden und die Welt zu zerstören, die ihn zuvor ruiniert hatte! Dieses Mal sollte alles anders werden!
Yolohy · 223.9K Views

I accidentally bonded with a failed god experiment?!

In a world where gods experiment with creation and discard their failures, one Tokyo high schooler's life is about to get cosmically complicated. Reo Kisaragi, an ordinary teenager with a passion for urban legends and a desperate need for TikTok likes, accidentally performs a summoning ritual that was never supposed to work. To his shock, he finds himself bonded to Kuro—a sarcastic, overpowered "failed divine experiment" with a casual attitude toward reality-bending chaos. What starts as a comedy of errors quickly escalates when their bond creates "reality cracks" that begin affecting others. Haruto, the school's feared delinquent, suddenly develops destructive voice-based powers. Yui, an eccentric occult enthusiast, discovers her shadow has a mind (and agenda) of its own. And all of them find themselves targets of the Divine Order—celestial enforcers tasked with "purifying" anything the gods consider imperfect. As Reo and his newfound allies struggle to master their chaotic abilities, they discover they're caught in the middle of a cosmic conflict. The Forsaken—other failed divine experiments cast aside by their creators—offer protection and training, while revealing the gods' darker secrets. What began as an accident becomes a battle for survival against increasingly powerful divine enforcers, from robotic Exorcists to the deadly Seraphs who serve the King of Gods himself. With the help of rebel deities, cosmic outcasts, and their own growing powers, Reo and his friends evolve from hapless teenagers into something the divine never anticipated: proof that their "failures" might be their greatest success. But as the Divine War escalates from school hallways to city streets to cosmic battlefields, they face an unsettling question: in a world ruled by gods who demand perfection, is there room for those who are perfectly imperfect? Part comedy, part action epic, and part exploration of what it means to be deemed a "failure," this story follows Reo's journey from accidental summoner to potential world-saver, all while trying to survive high school, manage newfound powers, and deal with a cosmic entity who thinks everything is an opportunity for a training montage. Inspire by dandadan but sorry no romance. Sorry,I am not that type of writer
HereIam_ForBlood · 1.5K Views

My Mage System (BL)#

Er war in seiner Welt der beste Attentäter aller Zeiten gewesen, und als er schließlich getötet wurde, nutzte eine Göttin die Gelegenheit, seine Seele in den Körper eines Jungen in einer anderen Welt zu schicken, der im Moment noch schwach war, aber dazu bestimmt war, der mächtigste Magier dieser Welt zu werden. Dieser Junge hieß Kevin, und er beschloss, seine Identität anzunehmen, da er seine Erinnerungen behalten hatte. Das Einzige, was er mit ihm gemeinsam hatte, war, dass sie beide Waisen waren, aber Kevin hatte einen schwachen Geist und einen schwachen Körper, kurz gesagt, alles, was er am meisten hasste. Nachdem er erfolgreich als Magier in die Sonnensekte eingetreten war, gelang es ihm, das Buch zu öffnen, das Kevin von seinen Eltern geerbt hatte und das er nicht hatte öffnen können. Wie groß war seine Überraschung, als er feststellte, dass sich dieses Buch in ein System verwandelt hatte, mit dem er wie in den Virtual-Reality-Spielen, die er in seiner Heimatwelt zu spielen pflegte, aufsteigen konnte. Mit Hilfe dieses Systems wird er sich seinen Wunsch erfüllen, er wird der mächtigste Mensch dieser Welt werden, nicht einmal Gestaltwandler oder Dämonen werden ihm etwas anhaben können. ............ Kevin drehte seinen Kopf zu ihm und als er sah, dass er immer noch nackt war, sagte er, den Blick wieder abwendend: "Zieh dich erst an, dann reden wir." Axel fand ein paar Klamotten, die locker aussahen, und zog sie sofort an, er nahm auch ein Paar Dolche, deren Klingen nur etwas kürzer waren als seine Unterarme, und dann ging er auf Kevin zu und umarmte ihn von hinten. Kevin ließ ihn machen, was er wollte, obwohl einer der Dolche jetzt ganz nah an seiner Kehle war, sagte Axel zu ihm dicht an seinem Ohr: "Ich möchte dir vertrauen Kevin, also gib mir einen guten Grund dafür." Kevin fragte ihn daraufhin: "Was willst du wissen?" Axel seufzte, Kevin mit seinen eigenen Dolchen zu bedrohen, würde ihm nichts nützen, und er riskierte, das Band zu brechen, das sie gerade geknüpft hatten. Dann fasste er einen Entschluss und steckte die beiden Dolche vor ihnen in den Boden, fuhr mit seinen Händen unter Kevins Pullover und umkreiste mit ihnen seine Taille, um ihn noch mehr an sich zu drücken. Kevin hatte diese Wendung nicht erwartet und er spürte, wie sich sein Herzschlag beschleunigte. Axels Hände waren warm und er konnte seine riesige Erektion an ihm spüren, eines war sicher, er ließ ihn nicht gleichgültig. ............. WARNUNG, dies ist keine Slowburn-Romanze und es ist ein R18 BL-Roman mit vielen pikanten Szenen, wenn du also gerne 100 Kapitel liest, bevor mc und ml sich zum ersten Mal küssen, dann lass diese Geschichte aus, sie ist definitiv nichts für dich Ansonsten folgt den Abenteuern unserer beiden Helden, wenn ihr Welten voller mysteriöser Kreaturen, Magie, Kämpfe, Dungeons, ein System, das euch einen schnellen Levelaufstieg ermöglicht, und eine einzigartige und starke Liebesgeschichte liebt, dann ist diese Geschichte etwas für euch. ................ Wenn dir diese Geschichte gefällt, probiere doch mal meine anderen Romane aus: Das göttliche Magier-System Der himmlische Phönix und sein Wächter (BL) Reinkarniert, um das Universum zu retten (GL/BL) Neues Update: Sonntag/Montag/Mittwoch/Freitag/Samstag Viel Spaß beim Lesen und vergesst nicht abzustimmen, zu kommentieren und zu rezensieren :)
CeliaNaya · 21.5K Views

Hello World Face Reveal - MYSTORY Nr1

Hello World Face Reveal - MYSTORY Nr1 My First Video Hello World, Hello Viewers! Welcome to my first proper post ever! If you can read this you are literate, congratulations. #atmodepth, #firstvideo, #introduction _______________ Main Text Body _______________ For Lack Of A Better Description 0:00 - INTRODUCTION: #introduction Hello World! Welcome to the first post in a long line of videos and blogs in which I will tell you my story. I am writing these lines to let you know that I will create as much content as I can during the next few months, so don’t be confused if I break the internet. In the case this happens I apologize… In fact I am glad to announce that you are witnessing the dawn of a new “online channel series of entertainment videos” and I know that this is what I have said in my video too but I think that there should be at least some connection between my video and text content. I will be creating different types of entertainment videos as well as telling the true story of this project which is basically the saga of a guy with a camera. 1:00 - CONTINUATION: #overview I am a simple content creator, I see upload, I click! This text has to be finished at some point… So don’t be confused if this post does not become as long as the Bible (not counting the Bible’s different versions). 2:00 - WHY: #reasons You might ask yourself why I am doing this. If this is the case I can tell you that I have no idea… Just kidding! I want to have a way to express myself and to let other people participate on my journey! (not really, I simply want your money) 3:00 - WHAT: #content I will create always a video together with a blog post which I will then share to as many different pages as possible. Below this text you can find links that lead to all the websites and social networks that I use. Feel free to follow me everywhere and share this stuff or use it as your startpage if you are completely insane! 4:00 - DISCLAIMER: #danger The consumption of my content can lead to the strong urge to klick like and subscribe buttons all over the internet. If one can withstand this pressure they shall be granted with large amounts of love… No! Of course I want you to hit, kick, shoot, slice, rip, tear or destroy the like button in any imaginable manner as fast as possible you can do this if you want. 5:00 - ENDING: #montage After the introduction part of my video there is a little montage with two music or noise tracks that you can listen to. But be aware of the fact that my content can cause a loss of brain cells. Ps. To stay in contact with ATMODEPTH follow me on social networks, pages and blogs. You are obligated to be entertained and give me feedback if you want and have a nice day if possible! Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section: My Personal Area This is a unified part of my posts and it features a compact list of my links and tags! Keywords: This Is Self Explainig If You Have A Translator videogame, videospiel, 电子游戏, видеоигра, ビデオゲーム, jeuvidéo, videojuego, βιντεοπαιχνίδι, वीडियो गेम, משחק וידאו All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Signature: #youtuber, #gaming, #blogging, #fun, #entertainment, #creativity #indiegamedev, #videos
ATMODEPTH · 2.3K Views

Epic Fortnite Clips But Random - MYSTORY Nr16

Epic Fortnite Clips But Random - MYSTORY Nr16 Funny And Very Random Clips In Fortnite Hello World, Hello Viewers! A hilarious Fortnite battle royale clips montage was made today. It might be funny but at least it is very random and very Fortnite. #fortnite, #random, #clips #fortnitefun, #battleroyale, #gameplay, #funny #video, #epic _______________ Epic Fortnite Random Clips _______________ New Fortnite Battle Royale Epic Random Stuff 0:00 - FORTNITECLIPS Hello World! In this new Fortnite blog post and in my video I decided to try something new. I made lots of weird and some funny clips and added them together. My main goal of this post is to provide some entertainment value and I hope I was successful. With that being said I hope that you will enjoy this post and my video and I think that I need some feedback. I will make more and I must know what people like about my content. Feel free to let me know your thoughts, I love engagement. 1:00 - BATTLEROYALEMONTAGE The game Fortnite has brought me some laughs so far because it is very chaotic when you know as much about it as I do. I am still very new to this game and I have only played it yet in front of a camera. The game videos are also very fun to make when I do not know hope to play a game. Otherwise I would probably not be able to try so many new games in a row. 5:00 - RANDOMGAMEPLAY I enjoy some funny fail here and there. In my case I had many fails and I also messed around on purpose which turned out to be unnecessary because I am always heading in into strange situations in this game. 10:00 - NEWVIDEO If you read this or watched the video I want you to know that I have tried online modes and the creative mode myself and it was very entertaining. Especially one custom map I have tried was very funny. It was also exhausting because I had to try the same parts over and over but luckily the creator of the map was nice enough to place some respawn points. 15:00 - FUNNYSTUFF In the end the Fortnite video seems to perform well and brings me viewers and people might like the gameplay. I my case the game is made the right way so that I can project my creativity on it. At least that is what it want to write here because it sounds smart. Or maybe not. 20:00 - ENTERTAININGFINAL With this new content post I am also willing to thank everyone who is supporting me and who will support me in the future. Thank you for reading this. I will make more and I will post many comments and make much more content in the soon. I will also keep telling my story of trying to create this online project and how it scales. Follow me on my journey! Greetings from the Fortnite planet! Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section This is a compact list of my standard universal text and content! All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Signature: ATMODEPTH gaming, fun, creative
ATMODEPTH · 4.1K Views

New Destiny2 Video But By Me - MYSTORY Nr3

New Destiny2 Video But By Me - MYSTORY Nr3 New Destiny2 Content Gameplay Hello World, Hello Viewers! Welcome to this new Destiny2 Beyond Light free update test! If you can read this you are welcome here, congratulations. #atmodepth, #destinybeyondlight, #update _______________ A New Video _______________ And A New Season For Destiny 0:00 - DESTINY: #beyondlight Hello World! A small step for a game but a giant leap for a gamer! Welcome to my new Destiny2 Beyond Light quest dungeon and chaos gameplay, welcome to arguably the most lit asmr video ever in which I will try do not get destroyed as much as possible. In fact the making of this video was relatively “intense” so please forgive me if I am not the Lance Armstrong of gaming here. 10:00 - GAMEPLAY: #gaming I am a simple gamer, I see game, I play! I also thought about writing something that makes sense but I got hungry and needed a granola bar. So please drop lots of likes, comments and destroy the websites user-interface in any imaginable way. 15:00 - ADDON: #content I was tuned to see the new content in this epic Destiny2 update so I decided to try to play some of the new quests but it turned out that I had some problems with bugs (not the insects) and my inability to level up properly in games so I had to try to explore the areas that I could already access. 20:00 - FUN: #entertainment In fact I had lots of fun making this video even if not everything is perfect and sometimes I got obliterated by the more powerful enemy encounters! I got destroyed very often to be honest but that’s ok because I am suffering for your pleasure. So please enjoy this video and blog post and give me feedback if you want. And if you don’t want that’s ok. Please do it anyway. 25:00 - COSMODROME: #newarea “Then confusion was great when I landed on the surface of a well known sphere shaped celestial body, called earth. I saw something I knew from the glory of the good old days of the Destiny1 Ps3 demo. I was back at the amazing Cosmodrome of the classic Destiny and it looked amazing.” 30:00 - FINALITY: #outtakes Not to be confused with “FaTaLiTy”. I always add something special to my videos aside of my face that makes it easier to resist the urge to drink bleach after watching them (not really I think). So this time I added a little montage of outtakes that I thought should be at the ending of the main video because I don’t really want someone to see them anyway. No, I am just kidding! Watch my whole video and you will be lucky for thousand years… Or you might want to bury yourself afterwards. Have a nice day and don’t forget: I see you! Yours Sincerely, ATMODEPTH X - About Section: My Personal Area This is a default part of my text posts. It features a compact list of my links and tags! Keywords: This Is Self Explainig If You Speak Every Language On The Planet Destiny2update, beyondlight, videogame, videospiel, 电子游戏, видеоигра, ビデオゲーム, jeuvidéo, videojuego, βιντεοπαιχνίδι, वीडियो गेम, משחק וידאו All My Stuff: Featured Equipment, Games, Clothing (give me your money) All My Merch: Exclusive Unique Merch (give me more of your money) Signature: #youtuber, #gaming, #blogging, #fun, #entertainment, #creativity #indiegamedev, #videos
ATMODEPTH · 3.7K Views
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