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Junpei Transfigured

The Gospel of Mark

This shortest of all New Testament gospels is likely the first to have been written, yet it often tells of Jesus’ ministry in more detail than either Matthew or Luke. It recounts what Jesus did in a vivid style, where one incident follows directly upon another. In this almost breathless narrative, Mark stresses Jesus’ message about the kingdom of God now breaking into human life as good news and Jesus himself as the gospel of God. Jesus is the Son whom God has sent to rescue humanity by serving and by sacrificing his life. The opening verse about good news in Mark serves as a title for the entire book. The action begins with the appearance of John the Baptist, a messenger of God attested by scripture. But John points to a mightier one, Jesus, at whose baptism God speaks from heaven, declaring Jesus his Son. The Spirit descends upon Jesus, who eventually, it is promised, will baptize “with the holy Spirit.” This presentation of who Jesus really is, rounded out with a brief reference to the temptation of Jesus and how Satan’s attack fails. Jesus as Son of God will be victorious, a point to be remembered as one reads of Jesus’ death and the enigmatic ending to Mark’s Gospel. The key verses at Mark which are programmatic, summarize what Jesus proclaims as gospel: fulfillment, the nearness of the kingdom, and therefore the need for repentance and for faith. After the call of the first four disciples, all fishermen we see Jesus engaged in teaching, preaching, and healing, and exorcising demons. The content of Jesus’ teaching is only rarely stated, and then chiefly in parables about the kingdom. His cures, especially on the sabbath; his claim, like God, to forgive sins; his table fellowship with tax collectors and sinners; and the statement that his followers need not now fast but should rejoice while Jesus is present, all stir up opposition that will lead to Jesus’ death. Jesus’ teaching in exalts the word of God over “the tradition of the elders” and sees defilement as a matter of the heart, not of unclean foods. Yet opposition mounts. Scribes charge that Jesus is possessed by Beelzebul. His relatives think him “out of his mind”. Jesus’ kinship is with those who do the will of God, in a new eschatological family, not even with mother, brothers, or sisters by blood ties. But all too often his own disciples do not understand Jesus. The fate of John the Baptist hints ominously at Jesus’ own passion. Momentarily he is glimpsed in his true identity when he is transfigured before three of the disciples, but by and large Jesus is depicted in Mark as moving obediently along the way to his cross in Jerusalem. Occasionally there are miracles, the only such account in Jerusalem), sometimes teachings, but the greatest concern is with discipleship. For the disciples do not grasp the mystery being revealed. One of them will betray him, Judas; one will deny him, Peter; all eleven men will desert Jesus. The Gospel of Mark ends in the most ancient manuscripts with an abrupt scene at Jesus’ tomb, which the women find empty. His own prophecy of Mk is reiterated, that Jesus goes before the disciples into Galilee; “there you will see him.” These words may imply resurrection appearances there, or Jesus’ parousia there, or the start of Christian mission, or a return to the roots depicted in Galilee. Mark’s Gospel is even more oriented to christology. Jesus is the Son of God. He is the Messiah, the anointed king of Davidic descent, the Greek for which, Christos, has, by the time Mark wrote, become in effect a proper name. Jesus is also seen as Son of Man, a term used in Mark not simply as a substitute for “I” or for humanity in general or with reference to a mighty figure who is to come, but also in connection with Jesus’ predestined, necessary path of suffering and vindication.
Dali098 · 120.9K Views

The Prism Paradox

In the year 2040, Ruze Aizawa stands as a prodigious figure in the scientific community. At the young age of 18, he has achieved the remarkable feat of becoming one of the youngest full-fledged Particle Physicists, boasting expertise across various scientific disciplines that far surpasses his peers. Ruze's unparalleled intellect earns him the prestigious position of project lead for a groundbreaking initiative known as "Project White Spot." Project White Spot revolves around particle research, with the primary objective of unraveling the mysteries of an anomalous phenomenon- a peculiar white spot that materialized during Ruze's particle experiments. Tasked by higher-ups to investigate the nature of this enigmatic occurrence Ruze meticulously plans his next steps. In an unexpected twist of fate, he is inadvertently pulled into the white spot, hurtling through the fabric of reality and landing in a mysterious rift between worlds. The rift is an otherworldly expanse, shrouded in darkness. The only discernible elements are the white prisms scattered across the cosmic space, casting an eerie glow that barely illuminates Ruze's path. In this surreal realm where up and down converge into a singular plane, Ruze discovers the presence of enigmatic entities he dubs "transfigures." These transfigures are faceless beings, draped in shades of grey, possessing massive claws that hint at their otherworldly nature. Ruze, stranded and alone, navigates through the unknown space, guided solely by the eerie illumination of the white prisms. In his quest for understanding, Ruze encounters challenges that test not only his scientific prowess but also his resilience and adaptability. The transfigures, though seemingly menacing, exhibit behaviors that hint at a profound complexity. Ruze must decipher their purpose and, in doing so, uncover the secrets of the white spot and the rift that has become his unexpected gateway to another realm.
Sydonay · 6.5K Views

The p

In the year 2040, Ruze Aizawa stands as a prodigious figure in the scientific community. At the young age of 18, he has achieved the remarkable feat of becoming one of the youngest full-fledged Particle Physicists, boasting expertise across various scientific disciplines that far surpasses his peers. Ruze's unparalleled intellect earns him the prestigious position of project lead for a groundbreaking initiative known as "Project White Spot." Project White Spot revolves around particle research, with the primary objective of unraveling the mysteries of an anomalous phenomenon- a peculiar white spot that materialized during Ruze's particle experiments. Tasked by higher-ups to investigate the nature of this enigmatic occurrence Ruze meticulously plans his next steps. In an unexpected twist of fate, he is inadvertently pulled into the white spot, hurtling through the fabric of reality and landing in a mysterious rift between worlds. The rift is an otherworldly expanse, shrouded in darkness. The only discernible elements are the white prisms scattered across the cosmic space, casting an eerie glow that barely illuminates Ruze's path. In this surreal realm where up and down converge into a singular plane, Ruze discovers the presence of enigmatic entities he dubs "transfigures." These transfigures are faceless beings, draped in shades of grey, possessing massive claws that hint at their otherworldly nature. Ruze, stranded and alone, navigates through the unknown space, guided solely by the eerie illumination of the white prisms. In his quest for understanding, Ruze encounters challenges that test not only his scientific prowess but also his resilience and adaptability. The transfigures, though seemingly menacing, exhibit behaviors that hint at a profound complexity. Ruze must decipher their purpose and, in doing so, uncover the secrets of the white spot and the rift that has become his unexpected gateway to another realm.
Sydonay · 8.5K Views

Cosmic Symbiosis

In the ancient annals of time, when humanity was but a flickering ember in the grand cosmic tapestry, a cataclysmic event unfolded. Across the boundless expanse of the universe, a malevolent and advanced alien civilization set its sights on a small blue orb nestled in the outskirts of the cosmos. Their insatiable thirst for knowledge and power led them to Earth—a world seemingly insignificant to their vast empire. With merciless intent, they descended upon our unsuspecting planet, their alien technology casting a sinister glow across the land. The clash of their alien vessels and our feeble defenses echoed throughout the heavens, shattering the tranquility of the night sky. The confrontation was brief but devastating, leaving indelible scars on the very fabric of existence. Amidst the chaos and despair, a lone cosmic entity, born from the stars themselves, sought refuge within the confines of Earth. Desperate to escape the clutches of it's alien pursuers, it cleaved its energy body, birthing a fragment of its true essence—an enigmatic being of unparalleled potential. This cosmic infant, later known as Nova, lay dormant for centuries until it found its sanctuary within the fragile vessel of a curious young archeologist named Edmund. United by a shared destiny, Edmund and Nova embarked on a symbiotic journey, bound by a cosmic pact. With each passing day, Edmund discovered newfound abilities, his mortal frame transfigured by the energy of the universe. Yet, lurking in the shadows, the alien menace persisted, driven by a relentless pursuit to reclaim what was stolen—the fragmented essence of Nova. Now, as centuries drift like stardust through the annals of time, Edmund, armed with the extraordinary power bestowed upon him, awakens to the long-forgotten truth. With unyielding determination, he sets forth on a perilous journey, vowing to liberate the lost fragments of Nova's consciousness from the clutches of the malevolent alien civilization. In the depths of space, where the celestial currents converge and the battle between light and darkness rages on, Edmund's indomitable spirit will collide with cosmic forces, as the fate of humanity and the very essence of the universe hang in the balance.
flies_too_high · 13.3K Views

Tokyo Street Wars Vol.1

Em uma Tóquio marcada por caos e rivalidade, cinco gangues de motoqueiros adolescentes lutam ferozmente para estabelecer sua supremacia na cidade. Cada gangue tem sua própria identidade, habilidades e rivalidades, e a disputa pela dominação de Tóquio está prestes a alcançar um ponto crítico. Os Silver Serpents, conhecidos por sua astúcia e habilidade em estratégias, liderados por Mei Tachibana, estão determinados a desafiar a hegemonia dos Phantom Blades, a gangue mais poderosa e temida da cidade. Os Thunder Wolves, sob a liderança de Sora Mikami, são conhecidos por sua força bruta e habilidade em combate, enquanto os Crimson Shadows, liderados por Haruto Nakamura, são mestres da infiltração e da sabotagem. Os Black Hawks, liderados por Junpei Nakano, combinam força e táticas ágeis em suas ações. Finalmente, os Phantom Blades, sob a liderança implacável de Ryoma Takeda, são os adversários que todos querem superar. A trama se intensifica com a revelação de um grande plano, o "Plano Tempestade", dos Phantom Blades, que visa retomar o controle da cidade com uma série de ataques coordenados. As gangues aliadas devem unir forças, preparar suas defesas e executar estratégias ousadas para enfrentar a ameaça iminente. Entre batalhas ferozes, alianças instáveis e traições inesperadas, cada gangue enfrenta desafios que testarão suas habilidades e determinação. À medida que a guerra se desenrola, as ruas de Tóquio se tornam um campo de batalha onde a lealdade, a estratégia e a coragem são testadas ao máximo. Com a cidade em jogo e o destino de todos os envolvidos pendendo por um fio, a luta pelo domínio de Tóquio alcança um nível sem precedentes. "Guerra de Gangues: Domínio de Tóquio" é uma saga épica que explora a rivalidade, a estratégia e a bravura em uma guerra de gangues onde apenas os mais fortes e astutos prevalecerão.
d0h · 3.6K Views

Dawn of The New World

In the distant future, our world lay broken. First came the blight, a mysterious virus outbreak that decimated nearly half of humanity. Then, a cataclysmic blast, transforming living beings into monsters—the event later named the monster-transfigurations. Only those vaccinated survived, and along with the monsters, they gained a newfound power: the ability to transcend limits through a stats system. Monsters roamed freely, forcing the military to defend humanity's remnants. Chaos reigned, and the land was divided into fallen territories and human settlements. The government shattered, martial law declared, and a new currency emerged: paper money infused with the essence of monsters’ heart, a newfound energy source. Life persisted within settlements, but it was far from easy. Survivors adapted. Food sources dwindled, especially as fallen lands made it difficult to gather supplies. However, hope emerged in the form of beasts—animal-based monsters providing a new source of sustenance. The demand for supplies, whether food from monsters or remnants in fallen lands, and energy from monster hearts, skyrocketed. Living costs soared, and with meager civil job salaries, poverty became widespread. The military-government, desperate for supplies, offered high rewards to those who ventured into the fallen lands. Thus, came the hunters—civilians turned monster slayers. Focusing primarily on hearts and meat at first, they discovered that monsters held more than mere sustenance. Their materials unlocked potential for various purposes, from medications and chemical reagents to formidable weapons. Promised fortunes lured many, and so many hunters emerged. However, for every soul venturing out, there were more that never returned. Fearing for humanity's survival, the hunters and the military-government formed a pact, and the hunters’ association was born. Providing supplies, taking requests, and training future hunters, the hunters’ association sole purpose is to assist the military-government in ensuring humanity’s survival and rebuilding the civilizations.
Rama_KD · 2.4K Views

Tokyo Street Wars Vol.2

Em uma Tóquio marcada por caos e rivalidade, cinco gangues de motoqueiros adolescentes lutam ferozmente para estabelecer sua supremacia na cidade. Cada gangue tem sua própria identidade, habilidades e rivalidades, e a disputa pela dominação de Tóquio está prestes a alcançar um ponto crítico. Os Silver Serpents, conhecidos por sua astúcia e habilidade em estratégias, liderados por Mei Tachibana, estão determinados a desafiar a hegemonia dos Phantom Blades, a gangue mais poderosa e temida da cidade. Os Thunder Wolves, sob a liderança de Sora Mikami, são conhecidos por sua força bruta e habilidade em combate, enquanto os Crimson Shadows, liderados por Haruto Nakamura, são mestres da infiltração e da sabotagem. Os Black Hawks, liderados por Junpei Nakano, combinam força e táticas ágeis em suas ações. Finalmente, os Phantom Blades, sob a liderança implacável de Ryoma Takeda, são os adversários que todos querem superar. A trama se intensifica com a revelação de um grande plano, o "Plano Tempestade", dos Phantom Blades, que visa retomar o controle da cidade com uma série de ataques coordenados. As gangues aliadas devem unir forças, preparar suas defesas e executar estratégias ousadas para enfrentar a ameaça iminente. Entre batalhas ferozes, alianças instáveis e traições inesperadas, cada gangue enfrenta desafios que testarão suas habilidades e determinação. À medida que a guerra se desenrola, as ruas de Tóquio se tornam um campo de batalha onde a lealdade, a estratégia e a coragem são testadas ao máximo. Com a cidade em jogo e o destino de todos os envolvidos pendendo por um fio, a luta pelo domínio de Tóquio alcança um nível sem precedentes. "Guerra de Gangues: Domínio de Tóquio" é uma saga épica que explora a rivalidade, a estratégia e a bravura em uma guerra de gangues onde apenas os mais fortes e astutos prevalecerão.
d0h · 3.5K Views
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