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Robot Listener Asmr Rp

Todos Querem Mimam a Filha Sortuda

A família do Duque passou um século sem ter filhas. Quando finalmente nasceu uma filha para eles, ela deveria ter recebido todo o amor e mimos, mas acontece que a verdadeira filha tinha sido trocada ao nascer e acolhida por uma família de caçadores bondosos. Desde que adotaram a menina, os caçadores pareciam ter sorte em tudo — os animais pareciam correr para as armadilhas e redes que eles colocavam, e eles encontravam ervas raras por onde andavam. Dez anos depois, a família do Duque finalmente percebeu a verdade de que sua filha tinha sido trocada e viajou mais de mil milhas para trazê-la de volta para casa. Depois que ela retornou à sua verdadeira família, a filha foi indubitavelmente mimada por todos os membros de sua família... Depois que cresceu, Lin Qingluo se destacou em artes marciais e chegou ao auge do mundo marcial. Juntando-se ao campo de batalha com seus irmãos e pai, ela esmagou seus inimigos e ficou conhecida como uma Deusa da Guerra, ganhando inúmeros admiradores. Senhor do Pavilhão do Segredo Celestial: Sua reputação a precede, milady — ninguém se compara a você, assim como dizem os rumores. Chefe do Vale das Poções: Suas habilidades com medicina são extraordinárias, e eu me curvo à sua expertise. Ofereço minha lealdade em troca de sua tutoria para praticar medicina e ajudar as pessoas. O Primeiro Príncipe da Nação Qi: Obrigado por me resgatar. Devo-lhe uma dívida de vida. Lin Qingluo: Um príncipe insistente roubou meu coração, e ele é tudo o que consigo pensar. Não há outra pessoa em minha mente.
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 37.2K Views


Evolution has changed us, we were just common men once, but over the years we changed. My Grandma told me Stories of how it all started,  The  "AI" (Artificial Intelligence) Project was a success, the goal was to create a perfect human through the use of Artificial Intelligence, making a Robot with human attributes. Movement, Respiration, Nutrition Irritability, Growth, Excretion, Reproduction and Death. The Company In charge of the project succeeded in producing fifty female Robots. This Robots were tested and allowed to live in the society alongside humans. They soon had a life, married, had Families and Increase in numbers. Humans and Robots living together and making families, the results were sets of offsprings known as Trybots part Human part Robot. This Trybots have abnormal abilities like Telepathy,  the ability to communicate with their thoughts, hear the thought of others and also control other people's thought. Teleportation, is the ability to transport oneself from place to another without any obstruction, also the ability to transport people from one place to another. Telekinesis, the ability to move objects, items, and things, and also the ability to stop, slow, and bring back time. This Super Humans began to multiply, handling positions in governments and making decisions, and not long they became head of government. Our Human Nation was now ruled by Trybots they called the new nation  the Red Nation, they built their own city with well advanced Technology, Good Health Care Facilities, and Good Education. Only Trybots were allowed to live in the city,  and only the Humans who were Trybot slaves and worked for the Trybots, were allowed to live in the city. The other Humans lived outside the city, and were known as commoners.
Shadrach_Okorondu_6227 · 2.9K Views

Guilty Justice

In the year 3029 in the future. A Virus called "Justice" contaminates all men of all ages into strange creatures or monsters called "Destroyers" which have various forms, not only that, this Virus also contaminates robots tasked with protecting humanity become corrupted and attack humans.The Justice Virus was actually created to punish humans who commit major crimes such as bank robbery, murder or harassment. Initially the impact of the virus only caused the body to become weak and feel a burning sensation in the heart for some time But everything changed when a mysterious person contaminated the source of the virus with something that turned the virus into a negative virus, thus turning all men throughout the world into monsters and destroying everything in their path without mercy. All the robots who were also contaminated by this virus began to attack the humans who ruled them, killing all humans cruelly, even all the military robots killed the leaders of a country.Therefore, this world is only inhabited by women who are still alive and fighting to save the earth from the virus, however, because of conflicting opinions, all women decided to make their respective factions their home and their place of protection. Currently a red-haired woman appears wearing a red mask and military armor uniform, her name is Voltrania, she is the leader of a faction called Crimson wings, Voltrania dreams of freeing this world from the threats and dangers of all the viruses that cause destruction in the world, even though she must sacrifice herself. Voltrania has a quiet, serious and cruel nature, she becomes the leader that all women hope to lead them to peace. This novel will tell about Voltrania's struggle and suffering to protect everyone she loves.
Rana_12 · 3.9K Views

Everyone Wants to Pamper the Lucky Daughter

The Duke's family has gone a century with no daughters. When a daughter was finally born to them, she should have received all the love and pampering, but it turns out that the real daughter had been swapped at birth and taken in by a family of kind-hearted hunters. Ever since they adopted the girl, the hunters seemed to get lucky in everything—game seemed to run into the traps and nets they set, and they would find rare herbs wherever they went. Ten tears later, the Duke's family finally realized the truth that their daughter had been swapped and journeyed over a thousand miles to bring her home. After she returned to her real family, the daughter was undoubtedly spoiled rotten by every member of her family... After she grew up, Lin Qingluo excelled in martial arts and rose to the peak of the martial world. Joining the battlefield with her brothers and father, she crushed their enemies and became known as a Goddess of War, gaining countless admirers. Lord of Heavenly Secret Pavilion: Your reputation precedes you, milady—none compares to you, just as the rumors say. Chief of the Potion Valley: Your skills with medicine are extraordinary, and I defer to your expertise. I pledge my loyalty in exchange for your tutelage to practice medicine and help people. The First Prince of Qi Nation: Thank you for rescuing me. I owe you a life debt. Lin Qingluo: A clingy prince has stolen my heart, and he is all I can think about. There is no other person on my mind.
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 1.8M Views
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