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Abismo en la tierra

Oliver, un estudiante de física traumatizado por la muerte de sus padres y obsesionado con la supervivencia, se ve inmerso en una crisis global cuando un video viral expone la aparición de criaturas marinas mutantes en Nayarit, México. Paralelamente, Nico, un joven trabajador de una fábrica petrolera, y su leal amigo Arny son testigos del primer ataque de un calamar gigante de 35 metros, mutado por residuos nucleares. Mientras Oliver cuestiona la crueldad humana hacia la naturaleza tras presenciar actos de violencia contra animales, Nico y Arny arriesgan sus vidas para documentar a la bestia, descubriendo experimentos oscuros y mutaciones vinculadas a la contaminación industrial. La trama se entrelaza cuando Oliver, tras sobrevivir a un catastrófico accidente automovilístico donde salva a un niño atrapado en llamas, conecta con las investigaciones de Nico y Arny. Juntos, aunque separados por la distancia, enfrentan la escalada de mutaciones: desde peces agresivos en laboratorios alemanes hasta batallas épicas entre el calamar y una langosta gigante, símbolos de la naturaleza rebelándose contra la humanidad. Mientras la ONU debate soluciones infructuosas, Nico y Arny graban pruebas cruciales, aunque su valentía los lleva al borde de la muerte cuando el calamar los persigue en una persecución acuática desesperada. Oliver, por su parte, confronta su trauma y se convierte en un emblema de resistencia, cuestionando si la redención es posible ante un planeta que, convertido en depredador, busca purgarse de su peor plaga: el ser humano. Con un tono apocalíptico y filosófico, la historia explora cómo la ambición, la indiferencia y la destrucción ambiental desatan monstruos tanto en el mar como en el alma humana. Nico, Arny y Oliver, cada uno desde su lucha, revelan que el verdadero horror no está en las bestias mutantes, sino en la capacidad humana para corromperlo todo… incluso su propia supervivencia.
dioreo · 5.3K Views

All for a glance

-This is a story, which will focus on some brothers, who never knew the origins of their parents until they died in a strange way, passed the years, the Brother named Arnie is the oldest with 24 years of age on the other hand we have the sister named Elanni 20 years old. We indigemos a little behind, where? Her mother in her youth was a maiden with a natural beauty and with a small gift, nature, she was known for being able to make medicines with the silvers she could grow with her gift, which were extremely effective.  On the other hand is the father of the children who, in his youth, was an heir to the throne, but that was not what he wanted, just wanted to be a knight, live with his beloved future person with his children and return home After a war, bring them food, teach them to hunt. But perhaps, the heir knew a certain maiden that his medicines were most effective, his friendship grew as they spoke but the boy’s father was not at all agreed that his son would make much conversation or friendship with the girl, But he would know that as time passed they would no longer speak for the heir’s arduous studies as the necessity in the kingdom for the maid’s medicion. So the years passed and the word was true, as time passed, both boys had many things to do that they could not get together as much as before, until heir was wounded and was treated by that girl with whom he spoke as a child, but I didn’t renew her for the past few years but she did, she did
Anna_Moonblue · 2.9K Views

Wide Garden

Mutya is one of the most shy girl type in their school, some of her schoolmates bully her because she always cover her face with her hair. Mutya is very loving daughter of Adana and Mesha. Their neighbor is spreading rumors about this family because of their lifestyle. They taught that they are witch thats why Mutya is bullied. Dean loves fishing, he grow with luck of care by his parents so he always spend his time fishing or going somewhere up in the mountain. One day Dean go to mountain to search for falls or river to catch fish.. When Dean arrived with that Area one woman stop him to go in the mountain because the mountain has a lot of deadly animals and theres a family that are witch.. But Dean refuses and continue hiking.. As he got there He noticed the Falls small step away from him so Dean is really Happy and excited. He put his bag on the ground and take his shirt of and splash on the water. Its very cleared and cool so relaxing. Dean really enjoyed swimming he swim and swim until he saw a girl down there swimming but the girl swim faster. He get out from the water and looking outside. Hes looking for that girl. Hello??? Is anyone there?? Dean shout but no one responsed. But in the other side Mutya is hiding behind the big rock shes so afraid that someone will hurt her but the Dog is coming. Barking into Dean so Dean is very Alarming because the Dog is very agressive toward him. Dean get his arnis stick to defend from that dog. And when Dean starting to hurt the dog whos very agressively act biting him Mutya shout to him. Nooooooo!!! Stop!! Your hurting him!!!! And Dean see Mutya the girl he saw recently under Water her face is so angelic shes so beautiful and very femine.
Jessica_Blancaver · 2K Views
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