Lost Way
"Mountain Boy in the Abnormal School" is an anime series about a boy named Yuto who lives in a mountain village with his grandmother. When his grandmother passes away, Yuto moves to the city to pursue higher studies. However, he soon discovers that he has enrolled in an Abnormal School, a place where students with extraordinary abilities and talents come to hone their skills.
Initially overwhelmed and intimidated by his classmates' abilities, Yuto soon befriends them and becomes an integral part of the school community. However, he soon discovers a conspiracy in the school, where the principal is using the students' abilities for his own gain. Yuto and his friends decide to expose the principal's evil plan and face off against him in a final showdown.
After the battle, the school returns to normal, and the students are free to use their abilities for good. Yuto and his friends graduate from the school, and they realize that the school had given them more than just education; it had given them lifelong friends and memories that they would cherish forever.
"Mountain Boy in the Abnormal School" is a story about friendship, acceptance, and fighting for what is right. The anime is an exciting adventure that combines action, drama, and humor, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre.