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Mangas Bl Para Leer Gratis

Guia para Dominar Meus Maridos Magnatas

``` Luo Huian era a mais bela, forte e narcisista —— Corte! Corte! Corte! Tome dois, e faça de novo. Luo Huian era a imortal mais bela, forte e sábia no reino da paz e harmonia. Seus dois pais a mimavam, e ela tinha um generoso suprimento de recursos e pílulas. Sua vida era perfeita. No entanto, sua vida perfeita chegou ao fim abrupto quando Luo Huian, uma imortal cuja responsabilidade era trazer paz àqueles que tinham alcançado seus fins e perdido a fé—— Assistiu a um homem saltando de um prédio. Por conta de suas crenças inflexíveis e senso de justiça, ela não salvou o valentão. Infelizmente, aquele homem era o filho dos céus. A perda de sua vida trouxe problemas infinitos na vida de Luo Huian e ela foi punida pelos céus. Ela foi enviada ao mundo dos humanos onde tinha que resgatar pelo menos quinhentas pessoas salvando suas vidas quando estivessem no limite da razão. Para um imortal isso seria um trabalho fácil, certo? Errado. Sua avó enviou Luo Huian para um mundo onde as Pedras da Penumbra haviam causado caos. Bestas e monstros nasciam das Pedras da Penumbra que sugavam cada gota de felicidade dos humanos. Este mundo era dominado por caçadores que podiam matar as bestas com os poderes que haviam despertado. E neste mundo cruel, Luo Huian tirou a sorte grande. Ela acordou no corpo de um caçador classe F! Caramba. Se isso já não fosse ruim o suficiente, a antiga dona havia se confessado ao primo por afinidade e foi expulsa da família. Duplo sapo na panela quente. Sem um único centavo no bolso, Luo Huian sai para completar sua missão. Mas o que aconteceria quando Luo Huian, que era uma caçadora classe F, aniquilasse os Devastadores e Hollows da classe Z que nem mesmo os caçadores de classe S conseguiam? Assista-a defender-se dos perigos e ao mesmo tempo salvar a vida das pessoas. Mas nesta pequena missão, há um pequeno obstáculo —— As três tentações sedutoras. *********** Resistindo à tentação, toma 1: “MMMPH,” Luo Huian empurrava o mer que a havia derrubado na cama enquanto estava sentado em sua cintura. “Sai de cima.” “Não posso,” respondeu Qi Yongrui enquanto tirava sua camisa. “Papai Shun disse que está com inveja do Tio Wang. Ele também quer segurar um neto. Então, esposa, vamos nos esforçar muito hoje à noite, certo?” Luo Huian: Queridos Céus, salvem-me, sou uma mulher sem desejos! **** Resistindo à tentação, toma 2: “Você acha que ele é bonito?” Fan Meilin questionou a mulher que estava ao seu lado. Embora ele fosse quem ganhou a corrida e o troféu, sua esposa estava olhando para o outro mer. “Bem sim,” Luo Huian, que era uma apreciadora da beleza, concordou imediatamente. “Mas por que você está perguntando?” Os olhos de Fan Meilin brilharam enquanto sorria para ela e se inclinava mais perto de seu corpo, sussurrando em seu ouvido, “Ele pode ser bonito, mas eu sou um motorista melhor. Não só na pista, mas também na cama, quer tentar, querida?” Luo Huian: Resistam à tentação! A qualquer custo! Eu sou uma mulher de coração de ferro. ***** Resistindo à tentação, toma 3: “Isso é necessário?” Luo Huian questionou enquanto estava sentada no sofá, observando o mer traçar seus dedos em suas curvas enquanto ela estava apenas de trajes de banho modernos. O mer assentiu enquanto escrevia em seu pequeno bloco de notas, “Preciso traçar cada centímetro da sua pele para criar minha obra-prima, então não se mexa.” Após terminar de escrever, ele entregou o bloco de notas para Luo Huian, seus dedos roçando a curva do seu seio, cintura e ——— Luo Huian: Minha virtude está em extremo risco! ** Fl tentando fazer de tudo para salvar sua virtude de ser tomada, pois isso atrasaria sua cultivação X Mls tentando de tudo para arrancá-la dela. *********** Aviso de gatilho: embora o livro seja ambientado em um cenário cômico, podem haver alguns tópicos sensíveis como depressão e solidão. *********** ```
fairytail72 · 30.4K Views

Menantang Para Alfa

Dua abad setelah Perang Besar, perdamaian antara manusia dan manusia serigala akhirnya tercapai, atau setidaknya itulah yang dipercayai semua orang. Manusia serigala berkuasa seperti dewa, dan manusia tetap tidak menyadari tempat sebenarnya mereka dalam tatanan dunia baru. Untuk menjaga keseimbangan rapuh ini, setiap tahun, sejumlah kecil manusia "beruntung" dipilih dari berbagai distrik untuk menghadiri Lunaris Academy, sebuah institusi bergengsi yang menjanjikan kejayaan, status, dan kesempatan untuk bergaul dengan para elit. Mereka yang terpilih dipuji sebagai segelintir yang beruntung, yang diproyeksikan untuk menikahi alfa yang kuat dan naik menjadi luna. Tahun ini, Violet Purple termasuk di antara yang terpilih, yang mengejutkan semua orang. Bagi seorang gadis yatim piatu yang diadopsi oleh seorang pelacur yang tercela, ini adalah tiket emas menuju kehidupan yang lebih baik atau setidaknya demikian yang diberitahukan padanya. Tapi Lunaris Academy bukanlah surga yang digambarkan. Segala yang diajarkan kepada Violet dan rekan-rekan manusianya adalah kebohongan. Manusia jauh dari setara; mereka hanyalah pion dalam permainan yang jauh lebih besar. Akademi ini hanyalah sangkar emas, dan para siswa adalah domba yang menuju pembantaian, mainan bagi para alfa untuk bermain dalam permainan kejam mereka. Lebih buruk lagi, Violet menarik perhatian para pemain paling berbahaya dalam permainan ini, Empat Teror: Alfa Utara, Alfa Selatan, Alfa Timur, dan Alfa Barat. Masing-masing lebih berbahaya, lebih kejam, dan lebih kuat daripada yang terakhir. Namun di antara mereka sendiri, para alfa terpecah, masing-masing dengan ambisi mematikan mereka sendiri. Namun, mereka semua memerhatikannya. Mereka mengharapkan Violet untuk mengikuti, untuk tunduk seperti yang lain yang menyembah di kaki mereka, untuk hancur di bawah permainan mereka. Tapi Violet tidak seperti yang lain. Dia menolak untuk tunduk. Dia akan menentang mereka semua.
Glimmy · 10.4K Views

100 Dias para Seduzir o Demônio

[Aviso: R18+] Quando o Ódio se transforma em Amor... e a Vingança se transforma em Paixão... Ele escolherá começar de novo com ela? ======= A alma de Phantomflake foi separada de seu corpo após ela cometer suicídio diante de seu inimigo, Nathan Sparks, o Líder Supremo da Máfia Syphiruz. Ela acordou apenas para descobrir que seu corpo (que estava em estado de coma) estava sendo mantido cativo por Nathan 'o Demônio!', que estava tentando prolongar sua vida. E qual era o motivo dele? Matar ela com as próprias mãos e torturá-la até a morte! Nathan tem um profundo ressentimento contra Phantomflake, pois ela foi quem assassinou a pessoa mais preciosa em sua vida. Ele queria vingança! E as coisas ficaram ainda mais excitantes quando uma criatura mágica apareceu diante da alma de Fantasma, dando a ela uma missão ridícula em troca de recuperar seu corpo. “Faça-o se apaixonar por você em 100 dias!” A criatura voadora disse, apontando suas pequenas patas para Nathan que estava parado sem expressão ao lado de sua cama de doente. Com os olhos arregalados, Phantomflake fez uma cara de 'você-deve-estar-brincando' para a criatura voadora. De jeito nenhum! Isso é uma missão impossível! Esse cara a detestava tanto. Como ela faria isso??! ****** Excerto: Nathan a agarrou pelo pescoço. "Não brinque comigo, Phantomflake." A voz fria de Nathan reverberou dentro do quarto, seus olhos ardendo de raiva. Mas Phantomflake apenas sorriu para ele, pressionando suas mãos contra o peito dele, seus dedos o provocando. "Você não pode me matar, Nate. Admita. Você já se apaixonou por mim." Com um movimento rápido, Phantomflake puxou a camisa dele, diminuindo a distância entre eles enquanto esmagava seus lábios contra os dele. Surpreendentemente, Nathan se viu respondendo a ela. Ele perdeu! Não conseguiu resistir a ela. ===== Sou dono da capa do livro (=";"=) Artista: Bea Cortez Junte-se ao servidor do autor para receber atualizações e anúncios sobre o livro. Link do Discord:
ellezar_g · 39.6K Views

Gefangener Kamerad BL

EINE 18+ ALPHA-MAFIA-SERIE BUCH 1# GEFANGENE GEFÄHRTIN BUCH 2# RUNAWAY MATE -+- Caspian ist der Erbe des Moonstone Packs, aber als seine Eltern sterben, wird er um sein Geburtsrecht betrogen und wie ein Gefangener behandelt. Er beschließt zu gehen und nach Haines City zu fliehen, um ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Seine Pläne werden jedoch jäh unterbrochen, als er entführt und versteigert wird. Gekauft wird er von keinem Geringeren als einem der Mafia-Könige, die die Stadt regieren, Asher Knight. -+- Asher zuckte mit den Schultern seines Mantels, und das schwere Kleidungsstück fiel mit einem hörbaren Aufprall zu Boden. Kaspian beobachtete dies mit Besorgnis, Mafiakönig Asher hatte mit dem Mantel riesig ausgesehen, und ohne den Mantel gab es keinen großen Unterschied. "Komm her", befahl er ruhig, die Ohrringe in seinen Ohren waren sichtbar, während sein dunkelrotes Haar zurückgekämmt war. Kaspian schüttelte erneut den Kopf, er hatte nicht die Absicht zu sprechen, niemals. Denn das würde nur sein Geschlecht verraten. "Ich wiederhole mich nicht gern, Omega." Seine Stimme verfinsterte sich. Caspians Herz pochte vor Angst schmerzhaft in seiner Brust, er wollte dem Alpha wirklich nicht zu nahe kommen. Sehnsüchtig beäugte er das Fenster, bevor er sich zwang, einen Schritt vorwärts zu machen, dann noch einen, und noch einen... +- DIES IST EINE MAFIA-GESCHICHTE AB 18 JAHREN, ALSO WIRD SIE GEWALTTÄTIGE UND REIFE THEMEN ENTHALTEN, LEST SIE MIT VORSICHT.
Aryna_Stan · 1.3K Views

Böser Ehemann, gefräßige Ehefrau: Miss Piggy kaufen, Brötchen gratis bekommen

[Status: ABGESCHLOSSEN] "Feng Tianyi! Dein Bruder hat meine Tang-Familie zerstört! Gibt es irgendetwas Gutes an deiner Familie?" "En. Siehst du nicht, wie unsere gut aussehenden Gene an unsere Kinder weitergegeben werden? Was die Schulden der Familie Feng angeht, so werde ich sie bezahlen." Sagte er nonchalant. Tang Moyu spottete und verschränkte die Arme vor der Brust. "Wie willst du das bezahlen?" "Wie wäre es, wenn ich dich mit meinem Körper bezahle?" "..." Wie schamlos! Der Mann, der in seinem Rollstuhl saß, brach in Gelächter aus, als er ihren hässlichen Gesichtsausdruck sah. "Miss Tang, es hat keinen Sinn, so zu tun, als hätten Sie es nicht gesehen, da Sie praktisch auf mein Bett geklettert sind und mich ausgenutzt haben." Vor fünf Jahren war Tang Moyu die Kaiserin der Geschäftswelt und befand sich auf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere, bevor sie zu einem Nichts wurde, als ihr Verlobter sich in eine andere Frau verliebte. Das war in Ordnung, da es keine Liebe zwischen ihr und Feng Tianhua gab, aber wer hätte gedacht, dass dieses "Aschenputtel" ein Wolf im Schafspelz war? Und dann ist da noch Feng Tianyi, der berüchtigte Nachfolger der Feng-Familie, ein von der Kritik gefeierter Autor, der mit seinen Büchern ständig die Bestsellerlisten stürmt. Gerüchte besagen, dass er hitzköpfig und temperamentvoll war. Er war so rücksichtslos, dass weder Männer noch Frauen seine Gesellschaft wollten. Die Gerüchte besagen sogar, dass sein Gesicht so gut aussehend und nicht von dieser Welt war. Er war praktisch ein Gott unter den Menschen. Es war schade, dass er verkrüppelt war. Die beiden sollten sich nie wiedersehen, aber ein paar süße kleine Brötchen kamen dazwischen. "Onkel, wir haben kein Geld, um dir den Schaden zu bezahlen." sagte das ältere kleine Brötchen. "Meine Manuskripte sind unbezahlbar", erwiderte der hübsche Onkel amüsiert. "Onkel, wenn es dir nichts ausmacht, können wir mit unserer Mama bezahlen? Sie ist auch von unschätzbarem Wert." Und so trafen die beiden süßen Brötchen und der hübsche Onkel eine Vereinbarung, aber wer hätte gedacht, dass es sich bei der Frau um eine eiskalte Königin aus der Hölle handelte, die eine seltsame Vorliebe für Süßigkeiten hatte? -- Herausgeber/Lektorat: ninaviews Buchcover: Bizzybiin / Copyright 2020 anjeeriku
anjeeriku · 42.2K Views

(BL)Alpha Made

The world is diverse and flourishing. Humanity has changed, and with it, brought in a new era of prosperity. Males and females still exist, but the spectrum from which humanity is cast has broadened. With the introduction of alpha, omega, and beta, humanity has evolved even further. In such a word, Dr. Andrew Knox, known environmental researcher, is happy being a beta male. It has made his life easier by being middle ground, and as much as some wish he was one way or the other, he’s happy being who he is. Thriving even. He works in a world renowned research facility. He makes friends easily, and his projects are always funded. He even found someone who he thinks he could end up marrying if things continue in the right direction. That, and the vacant house next to his apartment building gets bought by a new neighbour. A cute, but cautious omega who relies on Andrew as a beta for help. Andrew couldn’t be happier. He loves being a helper, and loves when people rely on him. All in all, Andrew really thinks he has everything made. That is, until a research project with shoddy data is thrown back into his face that he has no recollection of working on, and all of his reputation disintegrates in between one heartbeat and the next. Heartbroken, it isn’t until Andrew wakes up, chained to a wall that everything becomes clear. He becomes a test subject to one of the scientists that he trusted. That he expected would never harm him. The life he had known, where he was a respected researcher was ripped out from underneath him. His identity and everything he’s ever known is stolen from him from a crazed researcher who he had trusted, maybe even loved. He has to relearn who he is, what he is, from scratch. Thankfully, he has one person in his corner. He just never expected to have to rely on someone whose shoulders were so small. This is an a/b/o story, and will have those tropes associated with it. I hope you enjoy :)
CalyB · 507.2K Views

[BL] Thriller Trainee

Author: Wang Ya Genre: Unlimited Flow, Horror, Supernatural Pesulap Zong Jiu yang sudah tidak bernyawa bertransmigrasi ke dalam novel horor dengan alur cerita yang tak terbatas tentang pertunjukan bertahan hidup, menggantikan umpan meriam yang meninggal secara tragis di babak evaluasi pertama. Pertunjukan ini sangat menarik. Dari puluhan ribu orang, hanya seratus orang yang dapat bertahan hidup, dan posisi c (pesaing terkuat) bahkan dapat memperoleh tiket keinginan universal. Kalau orang lain, mereka mungkin akan ketakutan setengah mati. Tak seorang pun menyangka bahwa Zong Jiu tidak hanya tak kenal takut, tetapi juga menimbulkan kehebohan yang sensasional, tanpa malu-malu memamerkan triknya sepanjang jalan. Setelah tipu muslihatnya berhenti, dan hidupnya dapat dianggap aman dan tenteram, ia berakhir dalam persaingan dengan penjahat besar dalam novel tersebut. Hari ini kau berusaha menyerangku, besok aku akan menyerangmu lagi, bolak-balik, itu cukup menyenangkan, heh. Alhasil, meski hanya main-main, suatu kali mereka terbawa suasana dan benar-benar berakhir tidur bersama. Melihat musuh bebuyutan yang menekannya ke tanah, Zong Jiu dengan malas mengangkat pandangannya. "Jika kau ingin membunuhku, bunuh saja aku, jangan bicara omong kosong." Bahkan saat dalam posisi yang kurang menguntungkan, dia tidak menunjukkan sedikit pun rasa takut, dan malah terus memprovokasinya. Orang itu menggunakan jarinya yang sedingin es untuk menelusuri telinganya, dan gerakan menuju aorta tiba-tiba terhenti. “Sayang sekali. Aku sudah berubah pikiran.” — Dulu dia sangat ingin membunuh Zong Jiu secara pribadi. Setiap hari, dia selalu menyesal karena tidak mencungkil dagingnya, mematahkan lehernya sendiri. Namun setelah orang ini jatuh ke tangannya, keinginan lain yang lebih mendesak tumbuh seperti rumput liar. Dibandingkan menang atau kalah, ia lebih suka melihatnya menangis dan terengah-engah, dengan mata merah, memohon belas kasihan.
Elhafasya · 12.5K Views

Heartbeat Rhapsody [BL]

(my fuel is readers support, please support me in this journey for wsa 2025 (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪ will have regular update in next month and wont lock early) Silas knew that being born as an omega meant his life wouldn't have many choices—unless you came from a privileged family, where your trait didn't matter and you could live comfortably. When a baron adopted him, Silas saw a glimmer of hope and vowed to repay the man he called father. However, though it was better than life in the orphanage, Silas knew he would never truly belong to the family. He was groomed to obey, and his adoptive father planned to use him to expand connections with noble families. As he grew older, his father repeatedly offered him in marriage to the son of a grand duke, an alpha, only to be rejected every single time. Eventually, just before the grand duke's son left for military service, his father received an answer: the grand duke's son agreed to the connection—but only on the condition that Silas would be a consort. It wasn't uncommon for alphas to have multiple consorts, though it wasn't what Silas desired. Still, as an omega, this was the only way he could repay the baron's kindness. * Silas remembered what Alric was like back when they were at the academy. Cold, quiet, and someone who despised omegas. He knew what kind of fate awaited him and gave up on the kind of love he often read about in books. After all, real life wasn't the same as the fantasies penned by writers. Instead, Silas decided to prepare himself for decorating the "cage" he would live in—a life filled with the constant refrain of "at least, at least, at least." He would get used to it. He had to. But something felt different. Why was Alric treating him so differently now compared to the way he had back in school? Alric's eyes were filled with a tenderness and sorrow that Silas couldn't understand. It was the kind of look that made Silas want to hold him close. — (Read the info for more additions)
chacantsleep · 5.6K Views

Sweet Devil [BL]

“Happy Christmas Eve!” chuckled the old man as he strapped a watch around Misha’s wrist. “Have a nice trip.” The next morning, the 25-year-old Misha woke up with a pounding headache, sore muscles, and strong nausea. In short, the perfect hangover. But when he saw his reflection in the mirror, he soon realized that the pain wasn’t caused by the terrifying amount of alcohol he had drunk the previous day. His body had shrunk. A lot. He didn’t have the time to think too much about it since his mother suddenly erupted in his room - the next day, his sister did the same thing. Mother and sister who had died a long time ago. The old man wasn't crazy. As he had predicted, Misha did travel back in time, just before losing his loved ones. And so, Misha had now one mission: changing the dreadful fate of his mother and sister and sending away his sister’s boyfriend by all means. They had to break up! Like it or not, that man will bring disaster to the family sooner or later. This time, Misha wouldn't fall for that warm smile and those gentle eyes as he knew they were hiding a cold, insensitive personality. However, things weren’t as simple as he thought, and perhaps the sister’s boyfriend was not the enemy. Perhaps, since the beginning, he had everything wrong and knew nothing of his sister. ________________ *The BL will mostly show up in the second and third volumes. It is a very slow romance, so don't expect the protagonist to fall in love quickly. In the first volume, he has too much on his mind to care about love and such. *There will be contents for 18+ in the second and/or third volume. I will put a warning at the beginning of every NSFW chapter. P@treon:
RS_Vaesen · 1.3M Views
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