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Wei Wuxian

The Sevpons

The story begins with Ryu practicing for a marathon, where his brother Tony urges him to come home for lunch. Ryu expresses his desire to join the EX Agency, but their mother is concerned about the admission fee. After learning that the marathon's first prize is $100,000, Ryu vows to win it to secure their admission. He wins the marathon and uses the prize money to buy scholarships for himself and Tony, allowing them to attend the EX Agency. Upon arriving at the EX Agency, Ryu and Tony meet new friends: Kai and Jin. They learn about their weapon training classes and select their primary and secondary weapons. During lunch, they hear rumors from a boy named Wei about a secret weapon hidden in a cave, but Ryu warns against breaking the rules. As they continue their training, the group prepares for a monthly test. They discover that Wei has been researching the cave and the rumors surrounding it. Wei reveals that several students have gone missing, prompting the group to investigate the cave at night. They find themselves in a dangerous situation when they encounter guards and a mysterious figure named Lei, who seeks a powerful weapon. Ryu and his friends fight against the guards, and during the chaos, Ryu discovers a legendary sword. However, Lei captures them, intending to use their blood to awaken the weapon's power. With teamwork, Ryu, Tony, and their friends manage to defeat Lei and escape with the other captured students. After their adventure, they wake up in a hospital, where Master Feng praises them for their bravery. The group learns that the cave has been sealed, and the fate of the legendary weapon remains unknown. As they prepare for their next test, they continue to train and develop their unique weapon abilities. The story ends with the group discovering a portal that leads to another adventure, hinting at more challenges and mysteries to come.
RedShadow_9426 · 365 Views

Jenderal, Istri Anda Meminta Anda Pulang untuk Bercocok Tanam

# KEHIDUPAN KELUARGA Su Xiaoxiao sedang tidur siang tetapi membuka matanya dan mendapati bahwa ia telah berpindah jiwa dan sekarang berada di dalam tubuh seorang gadis yang gemuk. Dari seorang dokter militer yang terhormat, kini ia menjadi orang yang rakus dan pemalas. Lebih dari itu, ia sering menakuti orang-orang di desa bersama ayah dan saudaranya. Itulah sebabnya tidak ada orang dari sekitar yang bersedia menikahinya. Meskipun keluarganya berhasil mengatur pernikahan dengan keluarga terkemuka, pengantin pria kabur pada hari pernikahan. Ketika ayahnya mengatakan akan menangkap suami untuknya, ia sama sekali tidak mengharapkan bahwa ayahnya akan benar-benar melakukannya dengan menangkap Wei Ting dengan karung setelah ia kelelahan berkelahi dengan bandit. Su Cheng tersenyum penuh misteri pada putrinya. "Ayah punya kabar baik dan kabar buruk. Mana yang ingin kamu dengar dulu?" "Yang mana saja." "Ayah menangkap seorang suami untukmu. Ia seratus kali lebih tampan daripada He Tongsheng! Kamu pasti akan menyukainya!" "Lalu, apa kabar baiknya?" tanya dia dalam kebingungan. Su Cheng memutuskan untuk mengikuti arus dan mengubah katanya. "Kabar baiknya adalah kamu tidak perlu melahirkan lagi! Menantu lelaki saya sudah memberikan kita anak-anak!" Setelah menikah, Su Xiaoxiao menjalani kehidupan yang sibuk dengan merubah ayahnya yang preman dan adik lelakinya menjadi lebih baik, menyelamatkan nyawa suami tampannya, dan membesarkan ketiga buah hatinya yang nakal… Plus, ia secara tak terduga menjadi salah satu wanita paling kuat di Dinasti Yan!
Pian Fangfang · 267.5K Views

Reinkarnasi; Anak Perempuan yang Tidak Sah Membalikkan Keadaan

#SELESAI# *Ini adalah novel ringan yang manis dengan tempo cepat..* "Tuan, Anda sangat tampan, bolehkah saya?" Dia berbalik dengan hangat memandangnya, senyuman memikatnya sangat menggoda begitu juga dengan matanya yang ungu. Huo Shen tidak merespon tetapi membiarkannya melakukan apa yang dia inginkan, karena dia tidak menolak, dia mengangkat tangannya yang diborgol dan melepas masker itu dengan hati-hati tanpa mengacaukan gaya rambutnya. "Anda terlihat tampan tanpa tanda ungu ini, sayang sekali Anda terkena racun! Wajah tampan yang Anda miliki ini..." Dia sedikit menghela nafas dengan nada yang seolah-olah merasa kasihan padanya, tanda ungu besar di tulang pipinya, semakin meluas dan membesar. "Bukankah Anda juga?" Dia terkejut bahwa ada seseorang yang bisa mengatakan itu adalah racun, ya, tubuhnya telah merosot sedikit demi sedikit... Dia tidak lagi merasa seperti dirinya sendiri. "Saya? Saya terlahir seperti ini..." ************************* Su Wei Wei lahir tidak sah, di luar nikah dan keluarga kedua yang dinikahi ibunya, memperlakukannya seperti pembantu tanpa kedudukan keluarga. Saudara tirinya tidak menyisakan sedetik pun untuknya, dia tinggal di kamar pembantu bersama pembantu Keluarga Su yang lain! Yang dia terima hanyalah barang-barang bekas dari pakaian sampai sepatu. Dia bersekolah di sekolah kelas bawah sementara saudara tirinya belajar di sekolah-sekolah teratas, karena kepolosannya, dia baik hati karena mereka telah mengizinkannya tinggal di rumah mereka dan dengan demikian dia menganggap semuanya positif Kebaikannya telah membuat mereka mempergunakan dia, kelemahannya membuat mereka menginjak-injaknya, dan sekarang dengan Reinkarnasi, dia mendapatkan cukup pengalaman hidup dan pengetahuan tentang masa depan, bagaimana dia akan bergerak untuk mengubah takdirnya? Setelah keluar dari penjara, dia diadopsi oleh seorang pria yang berkuasa, mengingat hidupnya yang menyedihkan, dan dia memutuskan untuk membalas dendam. Dengan kehadiran pria tersebut, dia bisa memegang kekuasaan tetapi dia harus mengikatnya karena suatu budi dan dengan demikian mereka bertunangan. *Saya tidak memiliki sampul, kredit diberikan kepada pemiliknya...* Perhatian; Saya tidak menciptakan Pemeran Utama Pria yang dingin dan tidak berperasaan yang berpikir tanpa logika dan selalu cemberut, dia bisa begitu kepada orang luar tetapi tidak kepada Pemeran Utama Wanita.... Sudah saya katakan, ini adalah novel yang manis dan ringan... tidak ada penyiksaan antara Pemeran Utama Pria dan wanita, jangan berharap melihat itu dalam novel-novel saya.
Kim_Li_0078 · 17.3K Views

Rebirth; A Filha Ilegítima Muda os Ventos

#COMPLETO# *É um romance leve e doce com um ritmo acelerado..* "Senhor, você é tão bonito, posso?" Ela se virou calorosamente, olhando para ele, seu sorriso encantador era sedutor assim como seus olhos roxos. Huo Shen não respondeu, mas deixou que ela fizesse o que quisesse, vendo que ele não tinha recusado, ela levantou as mãos algemadas e removeu a máscara cuidadosamente sem mexer no seu penteado. "Você fica bonito mesmo sem essa marca roxa, que pena que você foi envenenado! Que rosto bonito você tem aqui..." Ela suspirou levemente, seu tom soando como se estivesse com pena dele, a enorme marca roxa ao redor de seu osso da bochecha, estava se espalhando e aumentando. "Você não é?" Ele ficou surpreso que alguém pudesse dizer que era veneno, sim, seu corpo estava definhar pouco a pouco... Ele já não se sentia ele mesmo. "Eu? Eu nasci assim..." ************************* Su Wei Wei nasceu ilegítima, fora do casamento, e a segunda família com a qual sua mãe se casou, a tratava como uma serva sem posição na família. Seus meio-irmãos não lhe davam um minuto sequer de atenção, ela vivia nos quartos dos servos com os outros criados da Família Su! Tudo o que ela recebia eram coisas velhas e desgastadas, desde roupas até sapatos. Ela frequentava uma escola de baixo nível enquanto seus meios-irmãos estudavam nas melhores escolas, devido à sua ingenuidade, ela era grata por terem permitido que ela ficasse em sua casa e, assim, ela via tudo de forma positiva. Sua gentileza fez com que eles a usassem, sua fraqueza fez com que eles a pisoteassem, e agora, com um Rebirth, ela adquire experiência de vida suficiente e conhecimento do futuro, como ela vai manobrar para mudar seu destino? Depois de sair da prisão, ela é adotada por um homem poderoso, relembrando sua vida miserável, e ela decide exercer vingança. Com a presença do homem, ela pode exercer poder, mas ela consegue prendê-lo por causa de um favor e assim eles ficam noivos. *Eu não sou o dono da capa, os créditos vão para o proprietário...* Atenção; Não estou criando um Protagonista Masculino frio e insensível que pense irracionalmente e esteja mal-humorado o tempo todo, ele pode ser assim com os outros, mas não com a Protagonista Feminina.... Já disse, é um romance doce e fofo... não há tortura entre o protagonista masculino e a feminina, não espere ver isso nos meus romances.
Kim_Li_0078 · 21.2K Views

Wiedergeburt; Uneheliche Tochter wendet das Blatt

#KOMPLIZIERT *Es ist ein fluffig-süßer Unterhaltungsroman mit schnellem Tempo. "Herr, Sie sind so hübsch, darf ich?" Sie drehte sich um und schaute ihn warm an, ihr bezauberndes Lächeln war verführerisch und ihre violetten Augen ebenso. Huo Shen antwortete nicht, sondern ließ sie tun, was sie wollte. Da er nicht ablehnte, hob sie die gefesselten Hände und nahm die Maske vorsichtig ab, ohne seine Frisur zu verunstalten. "Du siehst gut aus ohne diesen lila Fleck, schade, dass du vergiftet wurdest! Was für ein hübsches Gesicht du doch hast..." Sie seufzte leicht, ihr Ton klang, als würde sie ihn bemitleiden, der große lila Fleck um ihren Wangenknochen breitete sich aus und wurde größer. "Bist du das nicht?" Er war überrascht, dass jemand erkennen konnte, dass es sich um Gift handelte, ja, sein Körper war nach und nach geschrumpft... Er konnte nicht mehr spüren, dass er er selbst war. "Ich? Ich wurde so geboren..." ************************* Su Wei Wei wurde unehelich geboren, und die zweite Familie, in die ihre Mutter einheiratete, behandelte sie wie eine Dienerin ohne Familienstand. Ihre Halbgeschwister kümmerten sich keine Minute um sie, sie lebte mit den anderen Bediensteten der Familie Su in einem Dienstbotenhaus! Alles, was sie bekam, waren abgenutzte Dinge, von Kleidung bis zu Schuhen. Sie besuchte eine minderwertige Schule, während ihre Stiefgeschwister die besten Schulen besuchten. Aufgrund ihrer Naivität war sie froh, dass man ihr erlaubte, in ihrem Haus zu wohnen, und so nahm sie alles positiv auf. Ihre Freundlichkeit hatte sie dazu gebracht, sie auszunutzen, ihre Schwäche hatte sie dazu gebracht, sie mit Füßen zu treten, und nun, da sie durch die Wiedergeburt genug Lebenserfahrung und Wissen über die Zukunft gewonnen hat, wie wird sie es schaffen, ihr Schicksal zu ändern? Nach ihrer Entlassung aus dem Gefängnis wird sie von einem mächtigen Mann adoptiert, der sie an ihr miserables Leben erinnert, und sie beschließt, Rache zu üben. Durch die Anwesenheit des Mannes kann sie Macht erlangen, aber sie kann ihn durch einen Gefallen an sich binden und so verloben sie sich. *Das Cover gehört mir nicht, die Ehre gebührt dem Besitzer...* Vorsicht; ich werde keinen kalten und gefühllosen männlichen Hauptdarsteller erschaffen, der die ganze Zeit irrational denkt und mürrisch ist, das kann er für Außenstehende sein, aber nicht für die weibliche Hauptrolle.... Ich habe bereits gesagt, dass es ein süßer und flauschiger Roman ist... es gibt keine Folter zwischen dem Hauptdarsteller und der Hauptdarstellerin, erwarte nicht, dass du das in meinen Romanen siehst.
Kim_Li_0078 · 15.2K Views

Immortal Sovereign's Ascension

Immortal Sovereign's Ascension: The Rise of Zhang Wei When Zhang Wei, an ordinary office worker, dies unexpectedly, he awakens in a mystical realm governed by cultivation, where strength determines one’s destiny. Gifted with the enigmatic Heavenly System, Zhang Wei is thrust into a world of unparalleled dangers and opportunities. With the system as his guide, Zhang Wei begins his journey as a lowly mortal, striving to ascend the ranks of cultivation. Armed with knowledge from a past life and the system’s abilities, he faces ferocious beasts, enigmatic sects, and ancient ruins filled with treasures—and traps. His acquisition of the Celestial Sword marks the beginning of his rise, but it also draws the attention of powerful enemies. As Zhang Wei gains allies and builds a growing harem of fiercely loyal companions, he unravels the secrets of his transmigration. Shadows of his past life intertwine with the fate of this new world, revealing an ancient prophecy foretelling the rise of an immortal sovereign. But with each step, the challenges grow more insurmountable, and the cost of power threatens to consume him. Will Zhang Wei ascend to become the ruler of the heavens, or will the weight of his destiny crush him before he can grasp immortality? Immortal Sovereign's Ascension combines breathtaking battles, an intricate system-driven cultivation journey, and an unforgettable cast of characters in an epic tale of ambition, love, and destiny. NOTE: Cover picture was generated by AI
Ifeoluwa_8756 · 12.7K Views

The wealthy daughter breaks through the situation with wisdom

Standing in the Aristocratic Circle New to the Aristocratic Circle and Subjected to Bullying After crossing over, Dai Shi Ya found herself in a hostile aristocratic family. The housekeeper, Liu, treated her poorly, arranging for her to stay in the servants' quarters and providing her with servant uniforms as "daily clothes." The other servants also held prejudices against her due to her status, making life difficult for her at every turn. Faced with these difficulties, Dai Shi Ya did not choose to confront immediately but decided to take the initiative to try to integrate into the family. She began to help in the kitchen, learning various domestic skills. Although her efforts did not immediately win the recognition of everyone, she gradually won the respect of some of the servants. Shining at the Family Dinner In order to establish herself in the family, Dai Shi Ya decided to take advantage of the family dinner. She meticulously prepared for various aspects of the dinner, including venue layout and menu design. At the dinner, she encountered multiple difficulties from her cousin Dai Yue. Dai Yue first tried to prevent her from attending the dinner by soiling her dress, and then attempted to embarrass her by making her perform piano in front of everyone. However, Dai Shi Ya used her intelligence and skills to defuse the crisis and showcased her embroidery talent and "mind-reading" skills at the dinner, winning everyone's admiration and changing the attitudes of the family elders towards her. Resolving Crises and Consolidating Her Position At the birthday party of the Dai family patriarch, Dai Shi Ya once again became the focus of attention. She not only put in a lot of effort in the preparation process but also skillfully handled various unexpected situations at the party. She exposed Dai Yue's malicious acts of spreading rumors behind the scenes, causing Dai Yue to be embarrassed in front of everyone, while also gaining the recognition and support of the family elders, further consolidating her position in the Dai family. Handling Family Affairs Dai Shi Ya gained the trust of the Dai family patriarch and was asked to handle some family affairs. She took over a land project that had been abandoned for many years and, through her own efforts, resolved a series of issues in the land development process, including the breakage of the capital chain and the resettlement of residents. In the process of handling the land project, she also discovered some clues about the late wife of the Dai family patriarch, which brought her closer to the patriarch and also aroused Dai Yue's jealousy and resentment. Business Competition and the Test of Friendship Business Conspiracy and Counterattack Dai Shi Ya's rise within the family aroused the jealousy and dissatisfaction of some people, making her a target of business competition. The collateral branch of the Dai family, including Dai Qiang, spread rumors behind the scenes, trying to tarnish her reputation and undermine her position in the family. Dai Shi Ya was not knocked down by these rumors. She exposed the conspiracy of Dai Qiang and others through her intelligence and investigative skills, and successfully counterattacked them at the family meeting, maintaining her reputation and position. Friendship Crisis and Resolution Dai Shi Ya's good friend Wei Qing was implicated in her business competition. Wei Qing was threatened by Zhao Lei, forced to distance himself from Dai Shi Ya, and betrayed her in some business affairs. Dai Shi Ya did not give up on Wei Qing. She investigated the truth through her own efforts, exposed Zhao Lei's malicious acts, successfully resolved the friendship crisis with Wei Qing, and also freed Wei Qing from Zhao Lei's threat.
DaoistHTXTfk · 14.4K Views


I once got into a terrible predicament after losing a sizable portion of my Ethereum (ETH) investment in a fraud. I was inconsolable, felt like I had reached my lowest point, and had no idea how to get my money back. However, a buddy advised me to use the Asset Rescue Specialist service just when I believed there was no more chance. I made the decision to contact the Asset Rescue Specialist team because I was feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time. They were renowned for their proficiency in handling the fallout from internet frauds and assisting victims in getting their money back. When I reached out to the Asset Rescue Specialist, their team immediately got to work. In order to track down and retrieve my lost Ethereum investment, they carefully examined the digital trail that the scammer had left behind. As he effortlessly navigated through intricate algorithms and cast spells, it was like witnessing an Asset Rescue Specialist at work. As the days stretched into weeks, I marveled at the Asset Rescue Specialist team's relentless efforts to retrieve my lost money. With frequent progress reports and assurances that they were doing all within their power to assist me, they kept me informed at every stage. My lost Ethereum investment was successfully recovered, the Asset Rescue Specialist team declared gleefully after what felt like an age. I was shocked to learn that they had successfully recovered everything for me, even though I had assumed everything was gone. Knowing that contacting Asset Rescue Specialist was the right decision filled me with relief and thankfulness. In managing the fallout from the swindle and getting back what was properly mine, they had been my beacon of light. From that day on, I vowed to be more vigilant and cautious with my investments, knowing that there were expert teams like Asset Rescue Specialist ready to help in times of need. And as I watched my ETH investment grow once again, I knew that I had learned a valuable lesson in resilience and trust. The magic of the Asset Rescue Specialist team had truly saved the day.  Send a DM via:Contact Email; assetrescuespecialist (AT) qualityservice (DOT) com Thanks. Wei Chong
Wei_Chong_0217 · 30 Views

Wei Zhiruo’s Journey To Immortality

Slipping through the gravels of time, she found herself in a new land that she had never dreamed of. Here she was nothing but a female supporting Character to a tale of a reborn heroine, her life meaningless but around some set lines. Watch her navigate through these murky realms of cultivation, paving way through her hard work and perseverance while seeking the truth of her existence! ******************************************************************************************************************************************** Wei Zhiruo suddenly finds herself transported to a cultivation world, full of Dao seekers, and immortals on their path to seek immortality. Coming from a world of magic and magical creatures, she starts learning the new style of cultivation using her insights from previous life. But in the midst of her own personal growth, she constantly stumbles into strange people, and gets embroiled in unwanted troubles. While digging up some conspiracies, she finally understands why. Wei Zhiruo hadn't just transmigrated to a simple world of cultivation - but this new world, in some people's mind was just a book! What about ‘heaven’s chosen one’s’, ‘book-transmigrators’, ‘people who are suddenly reborn and are adamant on changing their past lives’ – she found that she had a trouble-seeking-constitution which would always force her to meet such weird characters and play a side character in these people's tale of grandeur! Will Wei Zhiruo be able to steer clear of such forces or will she have to face them head on to change her own side-character aura? cover from pinterest
cloud7 · 5.6K Views

The Tale of Revenge [BL]

Hello! My name is Aman Vasuki. I belong to the Royal Family of Vasuki Clan which is the Clan of Shapeshifting Serpents. Currently, I am working as a caretaker of a human boy named Mei Wei. Why? Because I am going to kill his father…. Aman's life was like a dream. He belonged to the Royal Family of a Clan of Shapeshifting Serpents. He had a loving family, supportive friends and riches of the world. All in all, he lived a dream like life. But one day this dream got shattered… On the night of blood moon, when he was stripped off his powers, four humans ruined him. They took what was most precious to him…. But, now he is back to get his revenge on the very people that snatched his world from him. But why does Mei Wang's son always give him a look which is filled with love? And why does his heart suddenly start feeling calm when he is close to Mei Wei? Excerpt: The cold wind was blowing with a swoosh sound. The area was dead silent despite four people being there and a fifth pair of eyes looking at them. Aman's upper human body was glistening with a little sweat, Meanwhile his lower body was turned into a fiery red snake's. The golden pattern on it shining under the moonlight. In this snake tail, he was holding a trembling human. He was trembling with fear of death. Aman brought him closer and looked at him closely. He turned back, his long red hair blowing with the wind, suddenly he laughed out loud but this laugh was not heartily but bone chilling, "I am so happy to see the fear of death in your eyes, SAGE SAETANG!" He laughed again, "I think this look of fear suits all three of you. You know, when I killed your friend Melvin he was even crying and even begging me to spare him. Unfortunately, death is inevitable. Is it not?" Aman asked Sage, as he brought him closer and rubbed his hair with his hand like a child. He was smiling but his eyes were filled with killing intent. The rub resulted in Sage's scalp becoming numb, he furiously nodded, "of course his pathetic twin brother did not fare any better. I did not get the feeling of originality, you know." Aman pouted, showing his dissatisfaction, "wailing and gaping like a fish out of water. He even offered me that he would give all of his properties to me? But what use could I have of that. This look of fear provides me with much satisfaction than any riches in the world." "And now, now the same look is in your eyes. I bet you can see death standing somewhere. But why are you not pleading? At least cry a little," Aman told Sage whose mouth was still sealed. Cold flashes in his eyes and he started tightening the coiling of his tail around Sage's body, "forget it. Do as you please. After all it's your own death. But don't blame me if Mei Wang cries louder and surpasses you when I kill him." He showed a smile that made Sage's stomach flip, "I can't wait anymore to kill-" "AMAN!!" The shout was loud enough but Aman could even feel the emotions hidden in it, shock, betrayal, disbelief and extreme hurt. His whole demeanour fell on the ground, he also changed back into a complete human. Sage also fell on the hard ground with him. Aman looked up and there he was. Standing in front of him was Mei Wei…. **** How would Mei Wei react? And will their relationship survive this? What did those four people do to destroy Aman's life? Why does he want to take revenge? Is it possible for 4 mere humans to ruin a supernatural being? Or someone entirely unexpected is the mastermind behind? Join me to witness Aman's Tale of Revenge and find out all the answers to all of your questions.... Warning:- This story contains mature scenes; explicit violence, death, rape, male pregnancy and torture. If you are not comfortable or you are underage please stay away. **Although in every mature themed chapter there is a warning and a minor friendly summary available. *the cover photo credit goes to @unlomio on twitter. Thanks @ImagineTishaD for helping me.*
themysteryboy07 · 342.1K Views

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

After being reincarnated in a world of Gods, Demons, and Great Emperors, Wang Wei embarks on a journey to bear Heaven Mandate, proves the Dao, and proclaims himself a Great Emperor--a Supreme Being that overlooked Myriad World and Races. However, his Dao involves despising fate and its encompassing glory. So what awaits our protagonist on his journey full of vicissitudes to defy and even control fate? While he controls the fate of countless races and worlds, is fate playing with him? Can he escape the very shackles of fate that he controls? Better Synopsys: After an unknown cosmic accident that enveloped the Earth, Wang Wei was reincarnated into a magical world of spiritual cultivation. This world was composed of powerful Demons, cunning and brutal Devils, ruthless and indifferent Gods, detached and ethereal Immortals. More Importantly, Great Emperors--Supreme Beings that stand above everyone and everything, even life and death itself. Despite being born in one of the most powerful sects in the world, Wang Wei was placed under tremendous pressure when so many expectations were placed on him by his sect due to the fact they have not cultivated a Great Emperor for countless millennia--an act which threatened the fundamental status of his family, friends, and sect. On top of that, Wang Wei was not one of the chosen few of this world that was granted special gifts by Heaven, thus further aggravating his circumstances. However, he did not retreat in the face of adversity. With the mindset that “If Heaven does not give me, I shall take it for myself”, Wang Wei begins to plan his rise to the top with a brilliant tactical mind and the help of his mysterious soul so that one day he will become a Great Emperor that not only control his fate but the fate of all lives in existence. This story has a similar setting as Emperor Dominion, I am a True Villain, and Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go. If you enjoy this type of story, then you will enjoy my story. The first 30 chapters or so have many problems story-wise, so please bear with it as I was just beginning as a writer. However, I promise the story gets better afterward. Discord: Go check out my .https://www.patré Or just go into the site and search for my author name (LazySageDao). So, go and support me if you can. Warnings: No Young Master and Face Slapping. Disclaimer: The image on the cover does not belong to me. If the original author wants me to take it down, just leave a comment in one of the new chapters of the book.
LazySageDao · 3.8M Views

Spectator of The Blood Moon

In a world where cultivation defines strength and fear reigns, the balance of power is shattered by the rise of demonic sects. After an epic battle, the righteous sects unite to vanquish the Blood Moon, the feared Demon Lord, believing they've extinguished the threat. But this victory is merely the prelude to a far greater catastrophe: the awakening of the Demon Celestial Supreme. Unbeknownst to Wei Yu, a boy raised in a secluded village by his grandfather, destiny is about to change his life forever. One fateful day, mysterious figures arrive, claiming he possesses untapped potential, and whisk him away from his tranquil existence. But with this newfound path comes tragedy; news of his grandfather's brutal murder ignites a fire within him. Powerless and consumed by rage, Wei Yu vows to rise from the ashes of despair. Driven by an insatiable hunger for power, he declares war on a world that has wronged him. As he cultivates his strength, he learns the dark secrets of his heritage and the true nature of the demonic forces looming on the horizon. With every step closer to supremacy, he forges alliances and battles formidable foes, all while grappling with the darkness within. Wei Yu will stop at nothing to protect those he loves and to become the ultimate ruler of this chaotic realm. In a gripping tale of vengeance, ambition, and destiny, will he embrace the power of his bloodline or fall victim to the very demons he seeks to conquer? The stage is set for an epic clash that will determine the fate of all.
Leonaa_ · 14.8K Views

The Prince and the Farmhand’s Passionate Encounter.

Wang Yisheng was just a farmhand. Returning home one day, he was forcibly pinned down by a stranger who shamelessly made use of a cucumber. The man, proud as a cat, maintained his air of superiority even while under the effects of an aphrodisiac, commanding Wang Yisheng to lick when told to lick, and thrust when told to thrust. Having lost his purity to a mere farmhand, the prince of the grand Da Mao Kingdom, Prince Miao Wei, was surprisingly pleased with Wang Yisheng's service. "Reluctantly," he decided to take Wang Yisheng as his personal male concubine, ensuring he was attended to day and night. However, how could the noble prince, Miao Wei, restrict himself to only one male pet? What if this insolent dog became arrogant from being overly pampered? "This prince must take on new male concubines to prevent this disobedient servant from thinking too highly of himself. Obediently allow this prince to dominate you as I see fit!" "Your Highness can ride me however you wish. I’ll make sure you’re so weak in the legs and swollen in the belly that you’ll never want to leave me." "Stop talking! This prince orders you to serve me properly!" "As you command, Your Highness." Life as a farmhand was already difficult, but now dealing with the prince, whose insatiable needs couldn’t be satisfied by one "giant rod," was another challenge altogether. Cat Prince: "From my royal experience, let me tell you—all loyal and honest dogs secretly harbor a desire to ‘bully’ cats." Dog Farmhand: "Dedicated to ‘bullying’ His Royal Catness for a hundred years." The Cat Prince swatted Wang Yisheng’s approaching face away with a paw, irritated by his incessant attempts to lick and tease. "This prince is of noble blood! You lowly mutt can’t just think you’ll breed with me whenever you please!"
Utraming_Kai · 672 Views
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