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Lr Omega Shenron Global

My Lost Omega [BL]

All that Axel has left after his first love are hot, blurry summer memories… And a son, left on his doorsteps, while the young male omega who birthed the kid vanished into thin air. Barely an ‘adult’ himself, Axel would have struggled as a young single father, if it wasn’t for the help of his own parents, who supported him through the whole ordeal, making sure that neither he nor his son were ever lacking anything, be it love or money. Five years later, he’s a fresh college graduate, starting a job at his parents’ company, while his son - growing healthily and happily - is attending kindergarten. Despite his parents’ insistence, Axel is reluctant to date again, afraid of another heartbreak, but mostly out of worry about how his potential partner would treat his son, if they were to have any more children together. Secretly, he’s hoping to find his lost omega - for his son who’d want to meet his ‘daddy’, if not for himself. As he is going about his daily life, a cute barista, a male beta and the owner of a freshly opened coffee shop near his office, catches his attention. Will he move on from his lost love… Or is there more to the mysterious beta than he thought? ———————————— After sleeping with a cute alpha one hot summer night during his first heat, Elias’ whole life quickly fell into pieces. First the alpha disappeared in the morning, leaving not even a note as he returned to the city, but only the servants to chase Elias away, and then soon after, Elias discovered he got pregnant?! With his father in jail and his family dirt poor, how was Elias, still a high schooler, supposed to raise the kid himself? Out of options, he turned to the alpha’s family for help… Only to be threatened with his mother and elder sister’s jobs, if he doesn’t quietly hand the child away and disappear. What could have a young, powerless, poor omega such as himself do? Out of worry for his loved ones, Elias had no choice but to surrender to the demands. Five years later, he returns. With his appearance changed beyond recognition, his family safe abroad, faked gender, and a changed name, he opens a coffee shop near the company owned by the alpha’s family. His goal? Get revenge and get his child back… At least that was the plan. However, soon he discovers things won’t be so easy. How is he supposed to get his revenge without hurting his son in the process? …Should he just give up, and be happy with watching his child grow up happily, even if just from a distance? But what is he supposed to do when that wretched alpha, who had hurt him so much, makes his heart beat faster once again? ——————————— Elias: I’m no longer that cute omega you remember. Axel, kissing Elias softly on top of his head: You seem pretty cute to me. OMEGAVERSE BL
SoundlessSong · 6.4K Views

El Renacimiento de Omega

``` —¿Qué podía ser peor que la muerte misma? —Pues morir sabiendo que nadie te echaría de menos, sabiendo que tu muerte era un favor para todos los que alguna vez conociste. —Así fue exactamente como me sentí el día que morí. —Era el hijo amoroso del Rey Alfa de Eclipse, en una época donde el vínculo de pareja se consideraba sagrado, un hijo nacido fuera del matrimonio no era nada menos que sacrílego... —Fue su culpa, él amó a alguien más que a su compañera... —Fue su culpa, tuvo conocimiento carnal de una mujer humana. —Todo fue su culpa, mi único crimen fue nacer de su lujuria. —Pero, ¿por qué ese Rey Alfa que era mi padre estaba perfectamente seguro, mientras que yo era odiado, despreciado y culpado por todo en su lugar? —¿Por qué tenía que ser la ficha de cambio de mi padre, utilizada para lograr sus objetivos? —¿Por qué no pude obtener un rechazo como todos los demás, sino que en cambio fui asesinado por mi propio compañero? —¿Por qué fui asesinado antes de tener siquiera la oportunidad de vivir? —Tenía mil preguntas y sin embargo no había nadie para responder y así fue exactamente como morí... —Entonces, ¿por qué mis ojos se abrieron de repente a ese día, un mes antes de mi muerte? —¿Fue a causa de mi pequeño secreto? —Un secreto que no le contaré a nadie más que a ti... —Por el título de mi relato, debes pensar que soy un lobo Omega... —No, te equivocas... No soy un lobo Omega, soy un lobo Alfa y mi nombre es Omega. —Segundo libro en la serie Renacimiento de los Hombres Lobo. —No es una precuela o secuela de 'El Némesis del Rey Alfa', ambos libros no están relacionados salvo por el escenario del mundo y el concepto de Renacimiento de los Hombres Lobo. —El arte de la portada obtenido de internet, todos los créditos al artista original. ```
JHeart · 350.1K Views

Global Creation: Beginning with Binding a God Simulator

[Creation + Simulator + All Heavens and Worlds] In this world, everyone can become a creator and obtain their unique planet. Dinosaur civilization, angel civilization, monster civilization, Ultraman civilization. One incredible race after another is born in the hands of the creators. Bai Ze had just crossed over and inherited the simulator system. Continuously simulating the development of the planet and the changes in civilization, with talent selections to assist the host in becoming stronger. [Transcendent Arrival (Purple Talent)] : Can accelerate the evolution of creatures to reach extraordinary levels. [Mysterious Visitor (Purple Talent)] : Among creatures, they can hear mysterious voices from outer space. Is it an opportunity or destruction? [Lord of the Great Wilderness (Gold Talent)] : During the evolution of creatures, they will receive blessings from ancient gods. [Spiritual Revival (Red Talent)] : With the blessing of the world, spiritual energy begins to revive, the overall development of the world accelerates ten thousand times, and life evolves to its peak moment! …… One day, when the cosmic races besieged humans and the apocalypse arrived. Standing above the nine heavens, Bai Ze emerged. Behind him were tens of thousands of monster legions and ancient wilderness legions. In confrontation, the races trembled, and the heavens bowed. All the races shouted in unison, “Dad Bai, we were wrong!”
LordoftheReader · 38.2K Views

Omega's Rebirth

What was worse than death itself? Well it was dying knowing that no one would miss you, knowing that your death was a favour to everyone you ever knew. This was exactly how I felt the day I died. I was the love child of the Eclipse Alpha King, in a time where the mate bond was considered sacred, a child born out of wedlock was nothing short of sacrilegious... 'It was his fault, he loved someone other than his mate...' 'It was his fault, he had carnal knowledge of a human woman.' 'It was all his fault, my only crime was being born out of his lust.' But why was that Alpha King father of mine perfectly safe, while I was hated, scorned and blamed for everything instead? Why did I have to be my father's bargaining chip, used to achieve his goals? Why could I not get a rejection like everyone else but was instead murdered by my own mate? Why was I killed before I even had a chance to live? I had a thousand questions and yet there was no one to answer and this was exactly how I died... So why then did my eyes flutter open to that day, a month before my death? Was it because of my little secret? A secret I will tell no one else but you... From the title of my tale, you must think I am an omega wolf... No, you got it wrong... I am not an Omega wolf, I am an Alpha wolf and my name is Omega. ~Second Book in the Werewolf Rebirth Series. *Not a prequel or sequel to 'The Alpha King's Nemesis', both books are not related save for the world setting and Werewolf Rebirth concept. *Cover art sourced from the internet, all credits to the original artist.*
JHeart · 2.2M Views

A Carne de Canhão no Jogo Apocalíptico Global vive uma vida tranquila

``` #protagonistamasculinocarinhoso #infraestrutura #RPG #protagonistaOP (Atenção: Não leia enquanto estiver bebendo. O autor não é responsável por incidentes de engasgo devido à excessiva felicidade. XD Só compartilhando boas vibrações. Se você está para baixo e se sentindo triste, leia meu romance!) Li Chunhua nunca esperava que seria transportada para outro mundo depois de estar lendo um livro estranho que encontrou na Biblioteca da Seita. Ao abrir os olhos, sua mente estava repleta de memórias de outra garota cuja aparência e nome se assemelhavam aos dela. Ela realmente se tornou a personagem secundária vilã naquele romance angustiante do protagonista masculino que leu. Frente ao futuro de uma morte miserável, Chunhua decidiu se afastar do protagonista masculino e dos personagens secundários e decidiu viver discretamente. Graças à sua fisiologia de carpa, o caminho para uma vida confortável foi tranquilo. Enquanto outros ainda estavam passando fome pela falta de comida, Chunhua já havia começado a cultivar e criar animais. Quando outros ainda estavam sem um abrigo adequado, ela já estava construindo estradas. Embora estivesse apenas comendo sua terrível culinária, sua vida já era boa! [Parabéns por atualizar sua cabana de palha para uma cabana de madeira Nível 1.] [Parabéns por atualizar sua cabana de madeira Nível 1 para uma casa de pedra Nível 2.] [Parabéns...] Tudo ia bem até ela encontrar um homem inconsciente e coberto de terra na floresta. Ela sempre acreditou na condicionante cármica e, portanto, cuidou dele até que se recuperasse. Até que um dia, ele lhe disse seu verdadeiro nome. Li Chunhua ficou atônita. De jeito nenhum, o homem que salvei era, na verdade, o protagonista masculino! Será que é tarde demais para devolvê-lo à floresta? A expressão de certa pessoa escureceu e a jogou na cama. "Você ousa!" ```
The_Sweet_Dumpling · 43.2K Views

Perubahan Pekerjaan Global: Dimulai dengan Pekerjaan Tersembunyi, Tuan Kematian

Mutasi terjadi di seluruh dunia dan segera, sebuah kiamat iblis melanda. Untuk mempertahankan diri terhadap makhluk iblis, manusia dengan cepat memasuki era digital yang terglobalisasi. Semua orang bisa memilih antara pekerjaan bertarung atau mendukung melalui kebangkitan ketika mereka mencapai usia 18 tahun. Orang-orang ini akan menjadi lebih kuat dengan membunuh makhluk iblis. Lu Yan terbangun dengan pekerjaan terlemah, seorang Necromancer. Namun, dia juga menerima Sistem Dukungan Pekerjaan dan dapat bangkit kembali menjadi pekerjaan tersembunyi, Tuan Kematian. "Necromancer itu begitu lemah sehingga mereka mati dalam satu serangan!" "Hei, keberuntungan pria itu sangat buruk. Dia memang mendapatkan pekerjaan bertarung, tapi itu yang paling lemah. Apa yang bisa dia lakukan? Memanggil beberapa kerangka?" "Juga, bukankah hanya ada segelintir Necromancer di luar sana? Tidak banyak pengalaman atau sumber daya untuk mereka warisi. Masa depan mereka tampak suram." "Lupakan Necromancer! Aku mendapat pekerjaan Ksatria Suci! Raja serba bisa kalian ada di sini!" Tidak lama setelah itu, Lu Yan muncul dengan satu set lengkap Armor Kematian Nether sambil memegang Sabit Jiwa Kematian dan memimpin pasukan kematian yang berjumlah 100 ribu orang. Dengan sekali ayunan sabitnya, dia membelah binatang mitos peringkat iblis menjadi dua. "Necromancer itu lemah? Apa hubungannya dengan saya, Tuan Kematian?"
Frozen Tenderness · 6.2K Views
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