Crazed Whisperer
In a world filled with ancient beings/Creatures and Humans there will also be the "Marked". There are Marked who protect the world and Marked who don't. I mean- who likes a novel with all heroes only? There's gotta be some Villainous bastards to actually awaken what you call "Excitement, Anticipation, Thrill and interest" in you. And well, let's just say you came to the right place.
Note: You can be in bed, Train, a corner in class, etc... as long as it's quiet and it feels like you're in your own domain to read. That's the ultimate step to make yourself comfortable when reading Novels, Manwha (Almost typed Manchester), Manhua, Manga, Light Novels and Webnovels.
As you can tell, I suck at description right about now so just please read, Follow, comment, Vote and or whatever. I upload everyday, for now.