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The Eminent Divine Spirit

Em um universo onde os limites entre o divino e o mortal se desvanecem, Midoki, um ser de poder incalculável, desperta para um destino que desafia o próprio tecido da realidade. Dotado da Habilidade Espiritual Shinrei, uma energia que lhe confere controle absoluto sobre as leis do cosmos, ele é um guerreiro cuja existência se equilibra entre criação e destruição. No entanto, após despertar, Midoki sacrifica seu próprio corpo para pôr fim a uma batalha e dar origem a todo o universo. Mais tarde, ele reencarna como humano, embora ainda retenha seus poderes, embora em uma escala reduzida. Agora, ele precisa enfrentar sua nova realidade e recuperar as memórias de seu passado, enquanto reúne aliados para impedir os planos de Lúcifer de reviver o Caos, uma força que, há muito tempo, trouxe dor e sofrimento a todas as raças quando estava sob o domínio de Arthur Pendragon. No entanto, um destino trágico o aguarda ao final de sua jornada. Conforme as peças do destino se encaixam, Midoki se vê diante de uma escolha inevitável, uma que transcende sua própria existência. Para enfrentar a ameaça definitiva e impedir que o Caos consuma toda a criação, ele deverá ascender além de sua humanidade e se tornar um Divino Espírito Eminente. Ao abandonar o que ainda restava de sua humanidade, Midoki abraçará um novo propósito, tornando-se uma entidade absoluta, capaz de reescrever as leis da realidade. Contudo, essa ascensão pode ter um preço que nem mesmo ele está preparado para pagar… Wiki: Main Theme:
Metacrome · 148.6K Views

Hasta que nos separen?

TEMPORADA 4 (pt.2) disponible apartir del 7 de mayo 2025 Temporada 4 (RESUMEN) necesito estar contigo en mis últimos dias-- Luis entiéndeme yo no quiero estar contigo yo soy muy feliz con mi novio-- Nilo / / / / _________________ / / / / ________________ / / / / ~hermano no me quiero morir porfavor ayúdame pídele dinero a Lucas para mi tratamiento- Omar ~hermano ya no tengo nada que ver con el pero por ti voy hacer lo posible- Nilo / / / / ________________ / / / / _________________ / / / / •yo no soy tu papa!!- Toño •que es lo que estas diciendo papá- Nilo •tu verdadera familia son millonarios y ellos te esta buscado todo el tiempo- Toño >>>>>>>> RESUMEN TEMPORADA 1 Hola yo soy Nilo y está es mi historia, un día como cualquier día conocí a Lucas un joven muy apuesto de primero todo está muy bien pero de pronto todo empieza a mal mi mamá muere y La familia de Lucas nos quiere separ en primer lugar Rebeca y después conozco a Mateo a mi nuevo novio ¿Con cuál me quedo? TEMPORADA 2 debido a unos problemas empecé a salir con Luis pero Luis es un chico muy raro y hace lo posible para que yo no vea a Lucas pero el me sigue gustando y quiero llevar nuestra relación más allá porque me pasa esto ami: Lucas que paso: **** Nilo está en coma: dice Lucas llorando ¿Que pasara? TEMPORADA 3 después de que Nilo está en coma Lucas decide volver con su ex Hilda Miguel se canas de que Omar ya no se preocupe de el y nadamás se preocupa de su hija que está en coma TEMPORADA 4 RESUMEN MUY PRONTO CONTINUARA..... TEMPORADA. CAPITULOS (1). (8) (2). (8) (3). (10) (4). (3) {CONTINUARAAA!!}
Luis_Sanches_4470 · 44.4K Views

O Reino Tribal [PT-BR]

Estou fazendo um rework na obra, pretendo continua-lá! Logo mais terá novos capítulos. [24/11/2024] [Português: Sinopse] Reencarnado como Khargas, um jovem órfão em uma humilde vila tribal, ele carrega dentro de si as memórias de sua vida passada como Selermonis, o lendário rei mais poderoso que o mundo já conheceu. Agora, em um corpo juvenil e cercado por um mundo selvagem e espiritualmente conectado ao Éter, Khargas se depara com novos desafios que testarão não apenas sua força, mas também sua sabedoria. Sob a orientação de Judith, uma enigmática xamã, ele descobre que o Éter — a energia vital que permeia todas as coisas — é a chave para moldar sua nova existência. Contudo, em meio a feras implacáveis, conflitos tribais e uma força sombria que ameaça tudo ao seu redor, Khargas terá de encontrar um equilíbrio entre o imenso poder de sua antiga vida e a pureza de sua nova jornada. Será que ele conseguirá enfrentar os espectros de seu passado para reescrever seu destino e alcançar o verdadeiro potencial de sua reencarnação? "O Reino Tribal" é uma jornada épica de redenção, magia, batalhas e autodescoberta em um universo repleto de mistérios ancestrais. [English: Synopsis] Reincarnated as Khargas, a young orphan in a humble tribal village, he carries within him the memories of his past life as Selermonis, the legendary most powerful king the world has ever known. Now, in a youthful body and surrounded by a wild world and spiritually connected to the Aether, Khargas faces new challenges that will test not only his strength, but also his wisdom. Under the guidance of Judith, an enigmatic shaman, he discovers that the Aether — a life-giving energy that permeates all things — holds the key to shaping his new existence. But amidst relentless beasts, tribal conflicts, and a dark force that threatens everything around him, Khargas will have to find a balance between the immense power of his former life and the purity of his new journey. Can he face the specters of his past to rewrite his destiny and reach the true potential of his reincarnation? "The Tribal Kingdom" is an epic journey of redemption, magic, battles and self-discovery in a universe filled with ancient mysteries. (Warnings! The novel Contains Violence, Death, Heavy Themes, And Blood!) [Sorry For The English, I Used Google Translate] =============================== Os Nomes E Pessoas São Todas Fictícias Para Fazer A Trama Da História. (Avisos: A Novel Contém, Violência, Morte, Temas Pesados, E Sangue!) {Novel Totalmente Criada Por Mim: A Obra Está Em Construção} Conta Oficial Do Instagram: @SichaBrother ===============================
Sousicha · 38.4K Views

The God of Flesh

Gods ascend and descend as times change. The old die out for the new to come in. But for this creature it is new. Born from the enemies of gods and the minds of modern men it seeks nothing but to consume everything that gets in its way. I would like to mention this is going to be a story I am going to work on my whole life. Meaning I am not going to stop writing until the day I die. Just for a reminder I am 21 years old meaning I owe you all over 7665 chapters (oof) and I am trying to build my own personal business so I can have more time to write and go to college. Meaning I will have to stockpile a lot of chapters before releasing them one by one. Please understand I don’t want to not write I want to it is like an insane itch that comes at me everyday telling me to write. Also I got a water pallet to fall on my left knee causing me to lost time needed to write and am in pt and may need surgery. If anyone wants to support my work please comment in the chapters 1-3 as I will have to edit the rest. I will see if I can do a mass release of at least 100 chapters on October 8th 2022 then increase it as I get more time. If you want this story to continue I will write but I must warn you all I will write just need to figure out a way to get more time to do this thing. I thank you everyone for your patience and hope you enjoy the story. Till then remember I am always working. Update 2022 24 April, hey guys I have some bad news my computer finally died and I lost all my work… I am going to have to redo all the work I have done so far I almost had the 100chapters ready and now I have to wait about a month for a new computer before I start working on it again, I had to save up for a few months and temporarily leave college for a while in order to save up for it, but as soon as I get the computer I am going to go for one of my fall back plans so i at least have the information always available on YouTube and I will be streaming my writing sessions just in case as well. I will have spare Grammarly documents and google docs this time instead of just Microsoft word as well on top of all of this. I don’t know if I will be able to meet the deadline for this so I just thought you should know what is going on. The story will go on no matter what I refuse to stop until I die of old age. Update again 2022 September 28, I am sorry to inform everyone, but I will be unable to meet the deadline I set for myself. Family is currently facing some very difficult times right now and was unable to write for the past week because of it. I Will try to write as many chapters as I can but I may not even make 50 chapters probably a lot less than that due to time constraints. I will do my best to do as much as I can but be warned it is not the full 100. A lot of things happened this year and I have only myself to blame for this situation. I will take this as a learning experience and will device and continue marching forward. I am not giving this up just have to change my plans by a lot to make sure both me and the people I care about can live. So I am going to approach this from a more business mindset to keep me going from now on. I am going to make sure I get this done. I owe over 8k chapters now plus the hundred. I got a lot of work to do.
Lethal_Eternal · 39.4K Views

CEO VS MAFIA : Love & Trap

Novel CEO VS MAFIA : Love and Trap (Novel 1) sinopsisnya: Seorang gadis cantik, bernama Alya tak sengaja bertemu dengan C.E.O muda yang tampan Mr. Daviel Carter di sebuah mall mewah di jakarta. Tak sengaja menumpahkan es krim di tuxedo mahal milik Daviel, Alya berniat untuk mencuci tuxedo mahal itu. Daviel memberi kartu nama identitasnya, sehingga Alya kembali ke kantor PT Uniavara untuk mengembalikan tuxedo mahal itu. Benih-benih cinta muncul antara Alya dan Daviel, mereka pun mulai akrab, Daviel mempekerjakan Alya sebagai brand ambassador produk brand sabun terkenal. Dendam kesumat Vino dan Shane pria nakal yang di tolak cinta nya oleh Alya semenjak kuliah pun, dilaksana kan oleh mereka berdua. Mereka menyabotase Alya habis-habisan. Sosok menakutkan bagi Alya pun muncul, seorang mafia dari eropa bernama Mr. Kennet Wright, mafia yang selalu menguntit dan obsesi pada Alya. Bagaimana Alya menghadapi segala kesulitan dalam hidup nya? Bagaimana sosok Daviel Carter CEO tampan dan kaya yang menjadi sosok penolong bagi semua masalah kehidupan Alya? OPEN PRE ORDER NOVEL HARDCOPY CEO VS MAFIA : LOVE AND TRAP (Novel 1) . KALAU MINAT BELI NOVEL HARDCOPY TULIS DIKOMENTAR JUGA BOLEH. Novel The Mafia's Revenge (Novel 2) sinopsisnya: Mr. Kennet Wright yang penuh dendam ingin membalas dendam pada Alya dan Daviel, karena di deportasi dari indonesia ke eropa, mafia itu melakukan segala cara untuk mendapatkan Alya. Vino dan Shane yang masuk penjara pun di bebaskan oleh mafia kejam itu. bentuk pembalasan dan sabotase apa yang akan di lakukan oleh Kennet? SEKUEL AKAN AKU TULIS DI AKUN INI KARENA DATA READERS YANG MENINGKAT PESAT. SEMOGA SUKA KARYAKU. AKU UPDATE CERITA SETIAP HARI MINIMAL 1 CHAPTER TAPI TIDAK ADA JAM KHUSUS. silahkan berdonasi untuk penulis seikhlas nya DANA : 085218926699
Kira_76 · 18.4K Views

['Full-Fight'] Jake Paul vs Andre August Live Free Broadcast

Jake Paul vs. Andre August goes down tonight, Dec. 15, live from the Caribe Royale Orlando in Orlando, Florida. The undercard starts at 5:30 p.m. ET | 2:30 p.m. PT, while the main card follows at 7:30 p.m. ET | 4:30 p.m. PT. CLICK HERE TO WATCH LIVE NOW CLICK HERE TO WATCH LIVE NOW It’s a curious match-up, with Paul intentionally picking an unknown opponent, small venue and a basic DAZN broadcast (not PPV). He must be very confident of picking up a quick win and using it to promote what he hopes to do in 2024 (which likely includes matches with the KSIs of this world). Before losing to Tommy Fury in February – in Paul’s first bout against a pro boxer – the YouTube star went 6-0 with wins over ex-UFC champions Tyron Woodley and Anderson Silva among others. After losing to Fury, the 26-year-old bounced back with another win over an ex-UFC star in Nate Diaz, but he is back in the ring with a pro boxer on Saturday. Across from the American will be compatriot August, who is 35 years old and has a 10-1-1 record with five knockouts compared to Paul’s four. If he loses to August, though, he can kiss any future marketability bye-bye. The latest chapter in Jake Paul's boxing ring tale comes tonight as Andre August faces the YouTube brawler in Florida. 'The Problem Child' will be confident of ending a reasonably mixed 2023 on a high, having started the year by suffering defeat in Saudi Arabia to Tommy Fury to hand him a first career defeat. The 26-year-old, however, then eased to a points victory over former UFC star Nate Diaz in August to get back on track, and now squares off against a boxer in the form of cruiserweight August. The American is 10-1-1 as a professional, but has fought just once in the last four years and the 35-year-old is yet to make a name for himself in the sport. A win on Friday night would be a big surprise, with Paul a strong favourite to move to 8-1 and set up a rematch with Fury in 2024 or a much-hyped showdown with KSI. Despite his defeat by Fury, and the fact that his wins have come against a succession of MMA fighters, Paul remains adamant that he will one day become a world champion. "I possess the talent, hard work, skill set, all the attributes of a world champion, so I am that already and I'm willing and manifesting the rest into existence to become the world champion," he said. Jake Paul vs Andre August will take place later tonight on Friday December 15, 2023 at the Caribe Royale Orlando in Florida. For fans in the UK, the main event ring walks are set to take place at around 3:30am GMT early on Saturday morning, although that is subject to change depending on the length of the bouts earlier on the card. The undercard should start at around 12:30am.
arifulislam_arif · 2K Views
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