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Kung Fu Panda Chi

Seelenwanderung: Lady Chi umwirbt den eiskalten Professor Jun

Als Chi Lian auf ihrer Erde stirbt, erwacht sie im Körper eines anderen Mädchens, das denselben Namen trägt wie sie, auf einer anderen Erde. Einer mit Imperien und königlichen Familien. Arm und verzweifelt um ihr Überleben kämpfend, ist sie an ein virtuelles Haustiersystem gebunden, das auf die Technologie ihres Heimatplaneten zugreifen kann, um sie zu nutzen. Es gibt nur einen Haken. Der einzige Job, den sie ausüben kann, ist der eines Paparazzo. Von dort aus ist sie entschlossen, sich ein Medienimperium aufzubauen und das zurückzuholen, was ihre Familie verloren hat. Ihre Hauptziele sind die begehrtesten, aber schwer zu bekommenden Junggesellen des Imperiums, die eine Nachricht wert sind. Sie sind reich, gutaussehend und die Medien haben Angst, ihre Bilder und Informationen zu veröffentlichen. Aber irgendwie schafft Chi Lian das Unmögliche, sie macht ständig Fotos von ihnen. Welche Frau würde nicht für ihre exklusiven Bilder und Nachrichten bezahlen. Einer zieht sie besonders an: der kalte CEO und Professor Jun Muyang, von dem alle sagen, er sei kalt zu Frauen. Mit ihrer Technik und ihrem Verstand finden Chi Lian und ihre Adoptivtochter alle Möglichkeiten, in seinen Raum einzudringen und dabei sein Herz zu stehlen. Aber wie weit ist sie bereit zu gehen, um das Herz von Professor Ice Cube zum Schmelzen zu bringen und ihre Konkurrenten auf Distanz zu halten? All die Frauen im Reich, die Jun Muyang begehrten, warteten sehnsüchtig auf ihre Ablehnung. Aber es würde eine lange Wartezeit werden. Erste Woche..." Jun Muyang, ich habe dir diese Blumen gekauft." Jun Muyang: "Hau ab." Jahr 1... "Baby, ich brauche noch einen Kuss." Chi Lian: "Hau ab." Andere Werke. Transmigration aus einer Zombie-Welt zur Frau des Mecha-Königs[laufend]
1cutecat · 3.9K Views

Transmigration : Dame Chi Séduit le Glacial Professeur Jun

Quand Chi Lian meurt sur sa terre, elle se réveille dans le corps d'une autre fille portant le même nom qu'elle, sur une autre terre. Une terre avec des empires et des familles royales. Pauvre et désespérée de survivre, elle est liée à un système animal de compagnie virtuel qui peut accéder à la technologie de sa planète d'origine pour qu'elle l'utilise. Il y a juste un hic. Le seul travail qu'elle puisse faire, c'est celui de paparazzi. À partir de là, elle est déterminée à se construire un empire médiatique et à reprendre ce que sa famille a perdu. Ses cibles principales dignes de faire l'actualité sont les célibataires les plus convoités mais difficiles à atteindre de l'empire. Ils sont riches, beaux et les médias craignent de publier leurs photos et informations. Mais d'une manière ou d'une autre, Chi Lian parvient à faire l'impossible, elle prend tout le temps leurs photos. Après tout, quelle femme ne paierait pas pour leurs photos et actualités exclusives. L'un en particulier l'attire le plus, Le froid PDG et Professeur Jun Muyang que tout le monde dit froid avec les femmes. Avec sa technologie et son intelligence, Chi Lian et sa fille adoptive trouvent toutes les façons d'envahir son espace et, dans le processus, de lui voler son cœur. Mais jusqu'où est-elle prête à aller pour faire fondre le cœur du professeur Ice cube et garder ses concurrents à distance ? Toutes ces femmes de l'empire qui voulaient Jun Muyang attendaient avec impatience son rejet. Mais ce serait une longue attente. Semaine un... "Jun Muyang, je t'ai acheté ces fleurs." Jun Muyang : "Perds-toi." Année un... "Chéri, j'ai besoin d'un autre baiser." Chi Lian... "Perds-toi." Autres œuvres. Transmigration d'un monde de zombies pour devenir la femme du roi des mechas[en cours]
1cutecat · 9.9K Views

Après avoir quitté le PDG, elle a stupéfié le monde

Mo Rao est née dans une famille de médecins militaires. Ses parents avaient risqué leur vie pour sauver la grand-mère de Fu Ying, alors cette dernière avait forcé Fu Ying à prendre Mo Rao pour épouse. Mo Rao savait toujours que Fu Ying avait une amoureuse de rêve nommée Qu Ru. Cette fille n'avait pas réussi à épouser Fu Ying comme elle le désirait parce que la grand-mère de Fu Ying les en avait empêchés. Après leur mariage, Fu Ying était très prévenant envers Mo Rao. Ils avaient même une grande compatibilité, en particulier au lit. Fu Ying se retrouvait toujours profondément plongé dans la tendresse de Mo Rao. Jusqu'au jour où, Fu Ying dit, « Qu Ru est revenue. Divorçons. Je transférerai la propriété que je t'ai promise à ton nom. » Mo Rao dit, « Ne pourrions-nous pas divorcer ? Et si... je suis enceinte... ? » Fu Ying répondit sans cœur, « Avorte-le ! Je ne veux plus d'obstacles entre Qu Ru et moi. De plus, Qu Ru a la leucémie, et ton moelle osseuse est compatible avec la sienne. Si tu es disposée à faire un don, je peux te promettre n'importe quoi. » Mo Rao dit, « Et si ma condition est que nous ne divorcions pas ? » Les yeux de Fu Ying se durcirent. « Mo Rao, ne sois pas trop gourmande. Même si je te promets quelque chose pour Qu Ru, tu sais très bien que je ne t'aime pas. » Les mots « je ne t'aime pas » poignardèrent le cœur de Mo Rao comme un couteau. Son sourire devint soudainement tordu et elle n'était plus la femme docile qu'elle avait été. « Fu Ying, c'est la première fois que tu me répulses autant. Tu me traites de cupide, mais n'es-tu pas pareil ? Tu veux que je divorce pour que tu puisses être avec Qu Ru ? D'accord, j'accepte. Mais tu rêves même que je la sauve ? N'oublie pas, on ne peut pas tout avoir dans la vie, comme toi et moi. » Puis Mo Rao s'en alla. Fu Ying se sentit réellement suffoquer, et ce sentiment le rendit fou. Lorsque Mo Rao réapparut, elle était devenue une étoile éblouissante. Quand elle se présenta devant Fu Ying, tenant la main de son nouveau beau, Fu Ying se moqua éperdument et dit, « Chérie, n'avais-tu pas dit que tu m'aimerais seulement ? » Mo Rao sourit légèrement. « Désolée, ex-mari. Je m'étais trompée à l'époque. Tu n'étais qu'un remplaçant. En fait, j'aime quelqu'un d'autre. »
Mountain Springs · 88.1K Views

Mein riesiges Erbe nach der Scheidung annehmen

Shen Yan bestand darauf, diesen Fu Hang zu heiraten, selbst auf die Gefahr hin, von ihrer Familie und ihren Verwandten im Stich gelassen zu werden. Sie dachte, dass sie nach drei Jahren in der Lage sein würde, das Eis in seinem Herzen zu schmelzen. Als dieser Mann sie jedoch festhielt und sie zwang, vor seiner Familie niederzuknien, um Fehler zu gestehen, die sie nie begangen hatte, wurde Shen Yan klar, dass das Herz dieses Mannes aus Eis war. Als sie zusammen mit ihrer älteren Schwägerin Chloe Lindsey ins Wasser fiel, sprang Fu Hang im ersten Moment hinunter und rettete Chloe Lindsey. Er trug Lin Xing ins Krankenhaus, während Shen Yan, die nicht schwimmen konnte, nur auf den Wachmann warten konnte, der sie rettete. Das Kind in Chloe Lindseys Bauch überlebte die Tortur nicht, und sie erlitt eine Fehlgeburt. Fu Hang brachte Shen Yan ohne jede Erklärung zu seiner Familie und forderte sie auf, sich hinzuknien und ihren Fehler zuzugeben. Seine Augen unter den scharfen Brauen waren so unbarmherzig, als würde er Shen Yan ein Messer ins Herz stoßen. "Nach dem Tod des großen Bruders hat er nur ein Kind zurückgelassen. Du hättest dieses Kind nicht töten dürfen!" "Ich habe es nicht getan. Sie ist selbst heruntergesprungen!" "Worauf wartest du noch? Knien Sie nieder und geben Sie Ihren Fehler zu!" Drei Jahre nach ihrer Heirat war Shen Yan davon überzeugt, dass in der Familie Fu sogar ein Hund mehr wert war als sie, noch dazu Chloe Lindsey, die Fu Hang wirklich liebte. Kurz bevor eine ihrer Kniescheiben auf dem Boden zu landen drohte, dachte Fu Hang noch, dass Shen Yan ihren Fehler eingestehen würde. Er hatte nicht damit gerechnet, dass Shen Yan sich langsam aufrichtete und sagte: "Fu Hang, lass uns scheiden. Ich werde einfach so tun, als hätte ich die letzten drei Jahre an die Hunde verfüttert. Danach ist es niemand mehr wert, dass ich meine Jugend an ihn verschwende!" So beschloss Shen Yan, nach Hause zurückzukehren und ihr Erbe anzunehmen, das Hunderte von Milliarden wert war. Ein glorreiches Leben erwartete sie!
JQK · 41.9K Views


Shen Feiwan und Fu Shiyan wurden wegen einer Nacht der Unbesonnenheit in die Ehe gezwungen. Drei Jahre nach ihrer Heirat wurde Shen Feiwan wie ein drittes Rad behandelt. Bis Fu Shiyans alte Flamme in die Stadt zurückkehrte, verkündete Shen Feiwan, dass sie diese Art von Leben nicht länger ertragen könne. Während Fu Shiyan seiner alten Flamme nachstellte, lud sie zehn männliche Models ein, um mit ihr zu trinken und sich zu amüsieren. Jemand war darüber nicht glücklich. Er trieb sie in die Enge und sagte: "Shen Feiwan, benimmst du dich, als wäre ich tot?" "Was ist der Unterschied zwischen dem Leben als Witwe und dem Leben als Witwe?" "......" In der Tat. Sich des Vaters zu entledigen, um das Kind zu behalten, ist nicht völlig inakzeptabel! Nach der Scheidung konzentrierte sich Shen Feiwan ausschließlich auf ihre Karriere, und die ging steil bergauf. Sie hatte zig Millionen Follower in ihren Livestreams, wurde zur besten Schmuckdesignerin der Welt, verdiente so viel Geld, dass ihre Hand krampfte, und erhielt so viele Auszeichnungen, dass ihre Hände zu zittern begannen. In einem Presseinterview fragte jemand: "Ich habe gehört, dass Ihr Ex-Mann Ihnen auf der ganzen Welt hinterherläuft, um Sie wieder zu heiraten?" Sie antwortete ruhig: "Ich habe mir die Zukunft vorhersagen lassen." "Ist er nicht der Richtige für Sie?" "Er beeinträchtigt mein finanzielles Glück." Fans: Er soll zur Hölle fahren! Fu Shiyan: ?
En's Cozy Haven · 18.5K Views

Aceitando Minha Herança Massiva Após o Divórcio

Shen Yan insistiu em se casar com este Fu Hang, mesmo correndo o risco de ser abandonada por sua família e parentes. Ela pensou que, após três anos, ela seria capaz de derreter o gelo em seu coração. No entanto, quando este homem a deteve e a forçou a ajoelhar-se diante de sua família para confessar erros que nunca cometeu, Shen Yan percebeu que o coração deste homem era feito de gelo. Quando ela caiu na água junto com sua cunhada, Chloe Lindsey, Fu Hang pulou na primeira oportunidade e salvou Chloe Lindsey. Ele levou Lin Xing para o hospital, enquanto Shen Yan, que não sabia nadar, só podia esperar pelo guarda para salvá-la. A criança no ventre de Chloe Lindsey não sobreviveu à provação e ela sofreu um aborto. Fu Hang trouxe Shen Yan para sua família sem nenhuma explicação e pediu que ela se ajoelhasse e admitisse seu erro. Seus olhos sob as sobrancelhas afiadas eram impiedosamente penetrantes como se ele cravasse uma faca no coração de Shen Yan. "Depois que o Irmão Mais Velho faleceu, ele só deixou um filho para trás. Você não deveria ter matado essa criança!" "Eu não fiz isso. Foi ela quem pulou!" "O que você está esperando? Ajoelhe-se e admita seu erro!" Três anos após seu casamento, Shen Yan estava convencida de que até um cachorro era mais valioso do que ela na Família Fu, quanto mais Chloe Lindsey, quem Fu Hang realmente amava. Justo antes de um de seus joelhos tocar o chão, Fu Hang ainda pensava que Shen Yan admitiria seu erro. Ele pouco esperava que Shen Yan se endireitasse lentamente e dissesse, "Fu Hang, vamos nos divorciar. Vou fingir que alimentei esses últimos três anos aos cães. Ninguém vale a pena desperdiçar minha juventude depois disso!" Portanto, Shen Yan decidiu voltar para casa e aceitar sua herança que valia centenas de bilhões. Uma vida gloriosa a esperava!
JQK · 102.1K Views

Mated to the Yeti - Monster mates 1

A young science student named Star Anderson embarks on a perilous journey into the snowy mountains with her fellow students. Their mission is to salvage their professor’s endangered research project, which has lost funding due to some shady dealings. The project, once a beacon of hope for scientific advancement, now teeters on the brink of termination. Determined to save their professor’s work, the group sets out into the harsh, unforgiving wilderness. As they ascend the treacherous slopes, a sudden and fierce snowstorm engulfs them. The wind howls and the snow falls relentlessly, reducing visibility to almost nothing. In the chaos, Star becomes separated from the rest of the group. She struggles to find her way back, but the storm is too strong. The biting cold seeps through her clothes, and she can feel her strength waning. Desperation sets in as Star stumbles through the blizzard. Her foot catches on a hidden rock, and she falls hard, breaking her arm in the process. The pain is excruciating, and she knows she can’t continue like this. She needs to find shelter, and fast. Through sheer willpower, she drags herself to a small, icy cavern she spots nearby. Crawling inside, she hopes the storm will soon pass, but it only grows fiercer. Inside the cavern, the temperature drops even further. Star’s broken arm throbs with pain, and the cold begins to take its toll on her body. Her movements slow, and she can feel her body temperature plummeting. She wraps herself in her coat, but it’s not enough. The cold is relentless, and she knows she won’t last much longer. Her vision blurs, and she starts to lose consciousness. Just as she’s about to give in to the darkness, a shadow looms over her. Through her fading vision, she sees a face appear in front of her. It’s not human. The creature has white fur surrounding its head and bright blue eyes that seem to pierce through the gloom. Star’s heart races with a mix of fear and curiosity. The creature leans closer, and she hears it mumble a single word: “MATE!” The word echoes in her mind as she slips into unconsciousness while a huge pair of furry arms lifted her up from the could cavern floor. Could love bloom between two very different species and if so could they fight of the critics from both sides, the Yeti clan distrusting the humans after a stolen artifact and the humans only wanting to get to know the yeti for selfish reasons including the professor who has a secret agenda that could change the world in a bad way.... only time would tell in this icey tale of unexpected love.
Panda_Bloom1 · 1.2K Views

The Spoiled and Malicious Young Miss Awakens

Miss Chi Yu of the Chi family has been plagued with misfortune since birth. She has endured car accidents, kidney failure, and experts predicted she wouldn’t live past eighteen. Fortunately, those around her dote on her excessively, indulging her bad temper and pampering her into a spoiled princess. However, one day she accidentally opens a book and discovers that she is actually an adopted child of the Chi family, meant to serve as a scapegoat for the true heiress, the real Miss Chi born on the same day, month, and year as her. They elevated her to the clouds, subjected her to public scorn and hatred, all to later declare that the “innocent” girl was the true heiress once she was gone. Desperate to change her fate, Chi Yu finds herself thwarted by a mysterious force—destined to die on her eighteenth birthday. In her despair, Chi Yu turns dark. If she’s doomed to die a wretched death, then no one else will have a peaceful life! She becomes increasingly ruthless and arrogant, forcing her deceitful assistant to apologize on his knees and disrupting her uncle’s multi-million-dollar deal. They are furious, enraged, and helpless. If they want the kitchen maid’s daughter to survive, they cannot touch her. Everyone hates her, except for the newly hired bodyguard who brainlessly defends her to the end. “Miss, you’re spot on, brilliant, and absolutely infuriating!” Chi Yu: Although he seems a bit foolish, he’s quite endearing, isn’t he? As her eighteenth birthday approaches and she resigns herself to her grim fate, a prominent family from the capital arrives, claiming their lost daughter…
KatherineJe · 406.7K Views

Life In the Shadows of Gold

In the heart of Neo-Lumina, a city dripping with wealth and ambition, Ella Chen thrives as the enigmatic CEO of SynergyTech, a groundbreaking biotechnology firm. Known for her steely resolve and breathtaking beauty, she is the epitome of success and power. However, beneath her polished exterior lies a hidden identity—one tied to an ancient lineage of master alchemists practicing the long-forgotten art of transmutation. As Ella navigates her high-stakes business world, she meets Kai Ren, a striking figure in the underground kung fu circuit. Seemingly an ordinary fighter, Kai harbors a clandestine connection to an ancient society of martial artists sworn to protect the secrets of alchemical knowledge. He aims to confront a growing threat against his brotherhood, perpetrated by wealthy elites attempting to exploit these secrets for gain. Drawn together by unexpected circumstances, Ella and Kai embark on a journey that unravels their hidden pasts and intertwines their fates. As they navigate through corporate espionage, thrilling martial arts battles, and the steely determination of office politics, they begin to uncover deeper layers within themselves—where love blossoms amidst chaos and betrayal lurks just beyond their grasp. As the plot unfolds across multiple chapters, Ella and Kai's relationship will test their loyalties while exposing secrets that lead them to confront their intertwined destinies. Trapped in a world where appearances are deceiving, allies become enemies, and love threatens to distract them from their responsibilities, both must draw on their skills—both in kung fu and alchemy—to protect each other while striving for success.
RICKY_SHINE · 230 Views

The Estate: Legacy of the Future

Philip Graciasta’s life is thrown into turmoil when his father, Alexander—a brilliant tech magnate with far-reaching ambitions—dies unexpectedly, leaving behind a massive fortune, a labyrinth of secrets, and a future fraught with danger. At the funeral, Philip meets the enigmatic and captivating Galatea, who has been mysteriously appointed as the trustee of his father's estate. What should have been a straightforward inheritance quickly spirals into a treacherous game of power, deception, and high-stakes corporate warfare. Determined to claim his rightful place at the helm of Andromeda Industry Group, Philip faces formidable opposition from within his own family. His powerful mother, Victoria, a real estate mogul, sees Galatea as a threat to her own ambitions. His half-sister, Lilianna, quietly manipulates events behind the scenes, serving as an informant for a shadowy organization whose true purpose remains unclear. As Philip struggles to untangle his family’s web of betrayals, he realizes that the stakes are far higher than he imagined. In his quest for control, Philip is reluctantly drawn into the larger forces at play. Dr. Max Sokraberg, a scientific visionary and Alexander’s closest friend, becomes his unlikely ally. Max holds the key to revolutionary technologies that promise to reshape the future, but these advancements also carry ethical and existential challenges. Philip soon discovers that Alexander's ultimate vision involves more than just the future of their company—it involves the future of humanity itself. The specifics of this grand plan are shrouded in mystery, but its implications ripple through everything Philip encounters. Meanwhile, Enrich Falconhyde, a former diplomat from Osgoria is thrust into a dark transformation. Once a peace-loving idealist, Enrich is consumed by grief and rage following his fiancée’s tragic death in an assassination attempt. His sorrow turns him into a warmonger, zealously supporting Osgoria’s extremist military faction. This faction seeks total domination over Alyssia, at any cost—even if it means mass civilian casualties. Enrich's descent into fanaticism mirrors the growing instability of their world as wars and social tensions rose all over the globe paralleling technological transformations. As global tensions rise and the secret organization pulls strings behind the scenes, Philip must navigate a rapidly changing landscape. Galatea, despite becoming ever more intimate with Philip, remains an enigma, concealing a secret that could shake Philip’s very understanding of reality. In a world teetering on the edge of war and technological transformation, Philip must unravel his father’s mysteries and decide whether to embrace or reject the future Alexander envisioned.
Panda_Writer · 76.8K Views

Favoured By The Grandmaster Who Can't Resist Me(BL)

"You would always treasure me," the grandmaster smiled weakly, blood gurgling in his mouth as he gripped the blade that was firmly embedded into his chest. " like destroying the things you treasure, Chi Cheng?" Chi Cheng's eyes blazed with murderous intent, his lips curling into a snarl as he twisted the blade further into the Grandmaster's chest. "In all your perfections, dear Grandmaster, loving me was your greatest flaw." ************* Jing Ling was a celestial beast who was on the run from his brethren and had been banished by the Celestial Realm for his crimes and treason against the supreme courts. He sought refuge in the body of a deceased child from the Chi Clan in the mortal realm. Raised in the identity of the child, currently known as Chi Chengxin, he faces challenges related to his complex cultivation skills after seventeen years. Thus, Chi Chengxin sought solace in the affections of Han Yijun, a senior disciple of the Northern Ice Sect, despite the rumors about his lack of aptitude and the shame he brought to his clan during his new life. Chi Cheng's father enlists him as an Ice Sect pupil in the hopes that the Grandmaster of Ice will see his potential. And the idea of being with Han Yijun at last brings him joy. However, the charming and kind Han Yijun gives in to the pleasure of another, and on the first day of his arrival, he is betrayed and suffers heartache. But the Grandmaster, who is charmed by Chi Cheng but constrained by his oaths and obligations, has a sense of affection that heals his damaged heart. And Chi Cheng, using the Grandmaster's favour and love to his advantage, is more eager than ever to get revenge on Han Yijun. But Chi Cheng's nightmarish past become linked with his drive for vengeance and his mischievous actions that put him in danger. When he learns of the Grandmaster's true intentions, Chi Cheng becomes conflicted between his heart and mind. Is the Grandmaster a man he should love in the first place? But how can one love the man who intends to kill them? Read the story to find out! ********* Note: The story doesn't follow an omegaverse trope but there is a factor of mpreg much later in the story. join my discord server to chat with me: find link under my profile cover picture is ai made by me
_Zhiying · 1M Views

Feathers and Fangs: An Alpha's Transformation

Alpha werewolf Skye thought she'd outrun her destiny when she rejected her fated mate, Liam, five years ago. Leading her pack and defending their territory was all that mattered - until a rival pack's threat awakens a power within her that no one could have predicted. In a storm of feathers and talons, Skye transforms into a creature of myth - part wolf, part bird, all predator. But her newfound power comes with a price: the return of Liam, now a formidable enforcer seeking redemption and answers. As Skye grapples with her bizarre transformation, she finds herself torn between her loyal beta, Jake, and the undeniable pull of her fated mate. Unknown forces watch from the shadows, pack loyalty wavers, and a shocking twist of fate leaves Skye questioning everything she thought she knew about being Alpha - and about her own heart. In a world where strength means survival, can Skye prove that even with wings, an Alpha can still have claws? Or will this metamorphosis - and the rekindling of a rejected bond - be the end of everything she's fought to protect? Unleash your wildest imagination with "Feathers and Fangs" - a sizzling paranormal romance that blends the heat of second-chance love with heart-pounding action. Just when you think you know where this tale of transformation and fated mates is headed, a jaw-dropping revelation will leave you howling for more! Discover the electrifying first installment of the 'Feathered Alpha' series, where ancient myths collide with modern pack dynamics, and one woman's transformation could rewrite the very laws of the supernatural world - and of love itself.
Amaka_Chi · 14.7K Views
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