The Aeneid
In a world where ancient magic, political intrigue, and supernatural realms collide, *Kael*, a young man living in poverty, embarks on a journey to uncover his true potential. The story begins in the city of Verenthia, where dueling tournaments and territorial expansions dominate the culture, and a hidden deep state controls slavery and manipulation from the shadows. After a violent confrontation with a nobleman, *Sir Thaddeus Wellingham-St. Clair*, Kael and his friend *Clara*—a healer hiding her powers—become fugitives. As they flee across districts and borders, they are hunted for rewards, their every move shadowed by dangerous enemies.
Kael discovers that his ability to wield *Kyo*, an ancient form of energy, could tip the scales in a growing conflict between mortals, spirits, and dark forces from other realms. Clara's hidden power to commune with nature spirits and heal the wounded makes her a target for those who wish to exploit her gifts. As they fight for survival, they uncover dark truths about the otherworldly forces—the Either and the Farther realms—that threaten to tear apart the fabric of reality itself. Allies like *Dorian*, a battle-worn leader, and *Lucian*, a cunning slave with conflicted loyalties, join them in their quest to prevent the rise of the King of the Farther, a demon bent on conquest.
At its heart, this dark fantasy explores the price of power, the burden of secrets, and the will to break free from oppression.