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Willem Dafoe Nosferatu

Vampire In The Murim World

His name was purged from the records of the Tang Clan of Sichuan. He, who is no longer a member of their house despite being of their blood still, was denied the very right to live, to be free, and even to have a peaceful death. But as suffering led to a painful death, he had a meeting with fate and the fangs of a vampire. ----------- Author Tags: Action, Adventure, Supernatural, Martial Arts, Drama, Politics, Romantic Subplot ----------- Story Notes:- - This work is inspired by Korean Wuxia fictions and takes on the political intrigue of "Game of Thrones" and the Vampire mechanics from the game "V-Rising". - It follows Valen (Tang Seong), a member of the Tang Clan, whose mother was discovered to be unfaithful to her husband and he wasn't his father's son. His life took a nosedive as he was made into a slave and got badly abused, and in the matter of three days, he was discarded off in a river the same way his mother was executed. However, he lived long enough to drift into a secluded cave where an old vampire from outside the Central Plains was sealed in a Gothic Mirror. - The Vampire takes him as his servant and named him Valen, transforming him into a Nosferatu with the sole goal of resurrecting his master by finding him a suitable vessel. This starts with Valen becoming a monster in skin with a human at heart. This is not a story of revenge as much as it is a story of survival and finding one's self even after becoming a monster that the world can't tolerate.
El_Don · 1.4K Views

A Castle Adventure: from France to Germany to the Netherlands

Belle Rose is sick and tired of her parents controlling her life. They have chosen someone to have her, but she wants to find the man of her dreams. On her first school trip, Belle Rose meets Prince Willem Alfonso Alexandra of the Netherlands. Someone from her class decided to injure Prince Willem, but Belle Rose took the knife meant for him, and she got injured two more times. Prince Willem asked one of the teachers if Belle Rose could stay with him so she could recover from the injury. Everyone in her class did not tell her parents where she is, and her adventure has only begun. Two of her teachers tried to stop the bleeding as everyone left the building, and an ambulance arrived to take Belle Rose to the hospital. One of the teachers, her aunt, went with her and contacted her family. Not Belle Rose's parents, grandparents, and aunt's family. They stayed at the hotel while Belle Rose's grandmother stayed with Belle Rose at the hospital, and Belle Rose was questioned about what had happened to her. Belle Rose had an emergency operation and spent a week at the hospital. She then returned to the castle and got to know Prince Willem better. However, while she is at the castle, Prince Willem is transformed into a Beast, and Belle Rose treats him with love. Belle Rose learnt that her aunt's family was going to the Netherlands to be with her uncle's family, and her grandparents were going to explore the area of the hotel. But then, her parents and the man they have chosen for her show up at the castle. Belle Rose contacts her aunt, grandparents and aunt's family. Prince Willem gets stabbed in the chest by Belle Rose's father, and she breaks the spell. Belle Rose gets punched by her heartless father, who gets stabbed and has the operation on. Her grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins tell her loveless parents off big time. Belle Rose goes to the Netherlands with Prince Willem but returns to France for the two trials—one for her classmate and the second for her parents. The judge declared that she could be with the person she wanted to be with instead of the person her parents had chosen, and her parents had to spend the rest of their lives in jail.
Claire_Roulston_2480 · 17.8K Views

A Castle Adventure From France to Spain

Bella 'Neva Christmas Rosabella Noelle Snowflake' Rosa hates being with her parents because they completely ignore her. They spend so much time with each other and refuse to accept her as their daughter. Bella Rosa spent five years in Spain because she was born there when her parents came to collect her. They did not take any photos of her while she was growing up, and her father's parents and sister had to take over. Belle Rosa chose her name by herself and got five nicknames. Bella Rosa wants to do things that she wants to do and does not want to do what her parents want her to do. They never let her go on holiday with them, and she goes to her father's parents, aunt, and her father's family or to Spain with her mother's parents, uncle, and his family. Her grandparents told her that they wanted her to be with the person she wanted to be instead of the person her parents wanted her to be. Her father is French, and her mother is Spanish. Her father's name is Henri, and her mother's is Mila. Bella Rosa's birthday is on Christmas day, but her parents believe her birthday is two days after Christmas. Her parents will not let her go on school trips and treat her like a teenager. Bella Rosa had to ask her mother's and her father's parents for permission, and they gave Bella Rosa a bedroom. Bella Rosa goes to stay at her grandparent's home, and they allow her to go on a school trip to the Royal Palace of El Pardo. Her Grandmother Scarlett contacted her when she was at school, and her grandmother Scarlett informed her that her parents had booked a wedding for her to marry Pierre. But Bella Rosa was told by the headteacher that her uncle Jose was involved in a nasty car crash and quickly decided to go on the trip so she could visit her uncle in the hospital. Bella Rosa goes on a school trip to Spain and meets Prince Carlos Leonardo Alfonso Willem Antonio. However, one of Bella Rosa's classmates charged Prince Carlos with a knife because he was planning to murder Prince Carlos and Pierre. But Bella Rosa stepped between Prince Carlos and her classmate. She got stabbed and severely injured. Prince Carlos stopped the bleeding and went with her to the hospital. Prince Carlos allows Belle Rosa to return to the Royal Palace of El Pardo after returning from the same hospital that her uncle Jose is at. The adventure is underway, and love between Bella Rosa and Prince Carlos begins to bloom.
Claire_Roulston_2480 · 2K Views

May Death Do Us Part

[WARNING : MATURE CONTENT PG18] This is a book by a love junkie, for love junkies. It revolves around a beautiful redhead with piercing blue eyes who finds herself torn between the man she thought she lost and the man she now has. But this is not just an ordinary love triangle, it’s one that involves creatures of old, the nosferatu, the Lycans, the elves and the dwarves. It involves a bloody struggle for liberation, a hard decision between duty to their people, and duties to their hearts, there will be pain, deceit, lust and love, you will experience a roller coaster of emotions as you follow the beautiful redhead’s journey from a simple life to one of life changing decisions. With the burden of being cursed with immortality through rebirth, a beautiful redhead spends her life trying to find how to break the curse so she can finally end her lonely existence, all the while shying away from emotional connections of any sort with others in hopes of protecting her heart from the pain of loss. Until she comes across a sweet, kind and loving man who she can’t help but fall in love with, but alas, he loses his life and the redhead has to forge on ahead without him, baring the pain, even in her next life, of losing the only man she ever allowed herself to love. She continues her lonely existence until she comes across a man who bares the same rebirth curse of immortality as her, a man who convinces her to open up her heart to love one more time. But what happens when her first love comes back into the picture? What happens when she realizes her curse is due to the fact that she is not even human? Journey with me through the exhilarating tale of romance with a twist. P.S : • There are explicit sexual scenes in this book • There is some form of reverse harem but love will prevail in the end. • There is death and blood • The book is set up in a medieval age (yes, soap existed in medieval times) • sexual language and profanity is also included *********************************************** “I’m sick and tired of this miserable existence, I just want to end it all. I just want want to die, and to stay dead,” Melissa muttered. Elric inched closer to Melissa and tilted her chin up. “But if you die, who will I spend the rest of eternity with?” Melissa swatted his hand away and got off the bed, the chamber was cold and dark after the fire had died out. She felt the chilling breeze from the window strike her bare skin, sending a wave of shivers down her spine. It was highly likely that she would catch a cold if she kept this up, but she didn’t care, disease didn’t scare her anymore. “You’re just going to have to make due without me your majesty,” She responded. King Elric got up and walked over to the beautiful red head. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling the warmth from her body heat up his bare skin. “Isn’t such a life worthwhile when you live it with the person you love?” The man asked “Love is pointless if it has no end.” Melissa responded coldly. “Even wedding vows end with ‘till death do us part.’”
Bee1429 · 683.1K Views


Synopsis: a group of people who are thirsty for blood appear to be angels who take life, their cruelty is able to make people afraid. But they are covered with poos faces and good looks like the Greek gods they have. Also there is not a single thing that is strange when you see them that they are psychopaths. Call him William. William Fred Margeyunga. Don't worry, he doesn't bite, he just likes your blood. Hehehe Williem is often referred to as Willi or ga ya Williem, with the long name Williem Fred Margeyuga, Williem's family residing in America and Williem in Indonesia, Willem is a mulatto between Indonesian and Korean Americans, so it's not surprising that Williem's handsomeness has been passed down from his parents. William owns a sizeable company called Wllycrop, which was founded with the help of his father. Williem has two friends named Ray Mshadow Pasmakassa and Punjan Maharaja Sawa they have the same nature but different tasks. Williem really likes blood, he is also not a vampire but he likes blood like a bloodthirsty vampire. Unlike Ray, Ray doesn't like blood, he prefers to research and experiment, but what makes him crazy is his experiments using basic human ingredients, which are either the human body, the brain or the organs. For Punjan he is different, punjan prefers to sell, but what distinguishes him from people is that he sells human internal organs, for his survival, Punjan is rich, even his parents are but Punjan once said that he wanted to be independent and earn his own money. Williem joined his father's gang when he was still relatively young in his teens, his father named Xiander Fred Margeyuga became the successor to the gangster leader with Williem his successor. William also has an older sister named Tera. One day when Williem was sitting in front of the house there was a girl named Navinka who managed to steal his eyes, Navinka who was slow, telmi made Williem extra patient with him, Navinka who had made Williem head over heels to get his heart made emotional when he saw Navinka making out with Navinka's old friend named Aksal and it succeeded in making Williem and his friends have a plan to destroy Navinka's friends with their respective tasks. Aksal, who was already in the hands of Williem and his friends, made Navinka angry when she found out about her friend's presence. And since then Navinka hates Williem, but instead of Willeim apologizing for what he and his friend did, Williem launches his second act to make Navinka his lover and whole. After a while, Navinka and Williem melted away, those who were about to make amends got a catastrophe, a gangster enemy from his father who would kill Navinka and Williem to avenge the death of his member Aksal. Navinka is scared again, and thinks whether she will lose the person she loves again?.
Galuh_Fifiana · 8.2K Views


Sipnopsis: sekelompok orang yang haus akan darah munculnya menjadi malaikat penyabut nyawa, kekejamannya mampu membuat orang ketakutan. Namun mereka tertutupi dengan wajah poos serta ketampanan bak dewa yunani yang mereka miliki. Juga tidak ada satu hal yang janggal saat kamu melihat mereka bahwa mereka seorang psikopat. Panggil dia Williem. Williem Fred Margeyunga. Tenang dia ga gigit kok cuma suka darah kamu aja. Hehehe Williem kerap dipangil dengan sebutan Willi atau ga ya Williem, benamakan panjang Williem Fred Margeyuga, keluaraga Williem yang berada di Amerika dan Williem di Indonesia, Willem blasteran antara Indonesia Amerika Korea maka tidak heran dengan kegantengan Williem yang sudah turun temurun dari orang tuanya. Williem mempunyai sebuah perusahaan yang cukup besar bernama Wllycrop, yang dibangun dengan bantuan ayahnya. Williem mempunyai dua orang teman bernama Ray Mbayang Pasmakassa dan Punjan Maharaja Sawa mereka mempunyai sifat yang sama namun berbeda tugas. Williem sangat menyukai darah, dirinya juga bukan vampir namun kesukaannya dengan darah seperti seorang vampir yang haus darah. Berbeda dengan Ray, Ray tidak suka darah dirinya lebih suka meneliti dan berexperimen, namun yang membuat gila adalah experimennya dengan menggunakan bahan dasar manusia, yang entah tubuh manusia otaknya atau organya. Untuk Punjan dirinya berbeda, punjan lebih memilih untuk berjualan, tetapi yang membedakan dengan orang adalah dirinya berjualan organ dalam manusia, untuk kelangsungan hidupnya, Punjan kaya, bahkan orang tuanya berada namun Punjan pernah bilang jika dirinya ingin mandiri dan mencari uang sendiri. Williem bergabung dengan gengster ayahnya saat dirinya masih terbilang muda dengan umur belasan, ayahnya yang bernama Xiander Fred Margeyuga menjadi penerus pemimpin gengster dengan Williem penerusnya. Williem juga mempunyai kakak bernama Tera. Suatu hari saat Williem sedang duduk didepan rumah ada sosok cewek bernama Navinka yang berhasil mencuri pandang dirinya, Navinka yang lemot, telmi membuat Williem exstra sabar menghadapinya, Navinka yang sudah membuat Williem jugkir balik untuk mendapatkan hatinya dibuat emosi saat melihat Navinka bermersaan dengan teman lama Navinka bernama Aksal dan itu sukses membuat Williem dan temannya mempunyai rencana untuk memusnahkan teman Navinka dengan tugas mereka masing-masing. Aksal yang sudah berada ditangan Williem dan temannya, membuat Navinka murka saat tau beredadaan temannya. Dan semenjak saat itu Navinka mmbenci Williem, namun bukanya Willeim meminta maaf atas apa yang dirinya dan temannya lakukan, Williem melancarkan aksinya yang ke-dua untuk mnjadikan Navinka kekasihnya dan seutuhnya. Selang beberapa lama Navinka dan Williem luluh mereka yang akan berbaikan mendapat petaka sebuah musuh gengster dari ayahnya akan membunuh Navinka dan Williem untuk membalas demdamkan kematian Aksal angotanya. Navinka kembali ketakutan, dan berfikir apakah dirinya akan kembali kehilangan orang yang dirinya cinta?.
Galuh_Fifiana · 20K Views
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