Elemental chaos
In a world shrouded in shadows, a young, ordinary boy named Axel discovers an extraordinary destiny. A world of ancient secrets, forbidden knowledge, and terrifying creatures, it's a place where reality is a fragile illusion
"Darkness is the absence of light, not an element in itself," he was told, but he created it nonetheless. With Anya by his side, he vows "You and me against the world," as they embark on a quest to become the greatest elementalist the world has ever known.
Witness the journey of a monarch in the making
NOTE:"As we embark on this journey to write "Elemental Chaos", we invite you to visit the original story and share your valuable insights. Your feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the future of this tale. By taking the time to read and provide your thoughts, you'll be an integral part of this creative process. Let's work together to create a truly extraordinary reading experience"