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Guts Stoic


There’s a certain feeling of dread when you realize you’ve been scammed, especially when it involves something as significant as your cryptocurrency investments. Losing a large sum of ETH (Ethereum) due to fraud felt like a gut punch, and I felt completely powerless. But finding Cyber Constable Intelligence turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me in this ordeal. They just helped me recover my stolen ETH—they restored my faith in the cryptocurrency world. My journey starts like many others: I was searching for a strategy to increase my cryptocurrency holdings when I came across what appeared to be a reliable trading platform. The offerings were alluring, the website was slick, and the testimonials from alleged "successful traders" seemed credible. Like many others, I was captivated by the platform's promise of lucrative returns with no risk. Without much hesitation, I transferred a significant amount of ETH to the platform, believing it would be a safe bet. At first, everything seemed to go as promised. I saw what looked like profits accumulating in my account. But when I tried to withdraw my funds, the platform became increasingly unresponsive. My account was suddenly "locked" due to maintenance, and after a few days, the website vanished entirely. It was a classic exit scam. At first, I couldn’t believe what had happened. I kept checking the site, hoping it would come back online, but it was gone. The funds I had so carefully accumulated were now out of my reach. I immediately filed a report with authorities and tried to track down any information I could about the exchange, but it felt like I was chasing a ghost. The weight of this loss was unbearable. I didn’t know what to do next. It felt like all my efforts in the crypto world had been for nothing, and I was about to write off crypto altogether. While researching ways to possibly recover my stolen ETH, I stumbled across Cyber Constable Intelligence. At first, I was skeptical—after all, I’d seen countless "recovery" scams that claimed to help but only further victimized people like me. However, Cyber Constable Intelligence had a different feel. Their website looked professional, and they clearly specialized in recovering assets stolen through scams, particularly in the cryptocurrency space. What caught my attention was their focus on using both legal action and blockchain forensics to track stolen crypto. They weren’t just offering empty promises—they had an established process for investigating, tracing, and recovering lost or stolen funds. Weeks passed, and I tried to be patient, though the uncertainty was nerve-wracking. But then, one day, I received the news that I had been waiting for: Cyber Constable Intelligence had successfully traced my stolen ETH to a specific exchange. They had flagged the transaction, and with the help of their legal team, they secured a freeze on my assets before they could be laundered further. From loss to recovery, Cyber Constable Intelligence made my cryptocurrency journey whole again. And for that, I’ll be forever grateful. Call: Here's Their Info Below WhatsApp: 1 (252) 378-7611 mail: support (AT) cyberconstableintelligence com Website info; www cyberconstableintelligence com Thanks
Karen_Lynn_0026 · 10 Views

Lady Gu ist zu schwach, um für sich selbst zu sorgen

Man munkelte, dass Qiao Xi eine schwache Konstitution hatte - eine kränkliche Schönheit. Man munkelte, dass sie jeden Tag ein Vermögen für Medikamente ausgab und sie wie Süßigkeiten verschlang. Man munkelte, dass zehn Diener jeden Tag an ihrem Bett auf sie warteten - eine Last für alle. Sie alle warteten darauf, dass die Qiao-Familie Qiao Xi zurück aufs Land schickte und sie dort sich selbst überließ. Qiao Xi: "Sie sagen alle, dass ich schwach bin und nicht auf mich selbst aufpassen kann. Anscheinend gebe ich auch leichtsinnig Geld aus." Sie sah auf ihr zerfleddertes Hemd hinunter und war verärgert. Qiao Xi: "Willst du damit sagen, dass diese reiche Familie ihre Tochter jeden Tag zerfledderte Kleidung tragen lässt?" Die reiche Tochter der Familie Qiao? Sie hatte genug! Sie würde es nicht mehr sein! Deshalb... Dreckskerl: "Ohne die Qiao Familie bist du nichts." Qiao Xi: "Wenn ich aus der Qiao-Familie rausgeschmissen werde, bin ich erledigt." Das dreckige Mädchen: "Schwesterherz, sei nicht zu enttäuscht. Solange du hart arbeitest, wirst du eines Tages gelobt werden." Qiao Xi: "Halt die Klappe, ich kenne keine Verräterin wie dich." Der Dreckskerl und das Mädchen: "???" Man munkelt, dass der jüngste Sohn der Familie Gu, Gu Zheng, vorschnell eine Frau geheiratet hat, die nur gut aussieht. Qiao Xi: "Schaut jemand auf mich herab?" Eines Tages sah Qiao Xi, wie einer von Gu Zhengs Angestellten sich den Kopf über eine Reihe von Zahlen auf dem Computerbildschirm zerbrach. Da sie frei war, half sie ihm. Hat sie gerade die Firewall geknackt, die durch die gemeinsamen Bemühungen von Top-Elite-Hackern geschaffen wurde?! Gu Zheng kam mit jedem Schritt näher. "Qiao Xi, was verheimlichst du noch vor mir? Hmm?" Qiao Xi: "Oh, nein! Mir ist schon wieder schwindlig! Ich bin so schwach. Mein Körper ist einfach zu schwach!"
Qiaoqiao · 47.4K Views

Wiedergeborene Herzen: Die hingebungsvolle Ehefrau des Milliardärs

Kendall, eine bekannte Attentäterin, die die Herzen ihrer Feinde in Angst und Schrecken versetzte. Kendall war dafür bekannt, die Beste unter den Besten zu sein, und ihr Deckname "Phoenix" wurde in der gesamten Untergrundszene geflüstert. Die Herrschaft des Phoenix war jedoch nur von kurzer Dauer, und zwar durch ihre eigenen Machenschaften. Es ist eine schreckliche Sache, seine liebste Person zu verlieren, besonders auf tragische Art und Weise. Es schien, dass sie von der völligen Depression angetrieben wurde, nichts und niemanden zu haben, für den sie leben wollte. Nachdem sie sich geopfert hatte, um ihre jüngere Schwester zu retten, würde man nicht erwarten, dass eine Mörderin als Raupe oder gar als Mistkäfer wiedergeboren wird, aber hier haben wir Kendall. Vielleicht hat sie in einem früheren Leben ein Land gerettet. Oder war es gutes Karma, weil sie eine Organisation von Attentätern vernichtet hat? Sie findet sich als schüchternes und gehorsames Mädchen einer ländlichen Highschool wieder. Mobbing durch Klassenkameraden? Von den Lehrern mit zweierlei Maß gemessen? Von ihrem Verlobten verachtet? Als Herausforderungen auftauchen und der Druck von mächtigen Konzernen zunimmt, trifft sie Damien Knight, ein Mann mit einer sehr geradlinigen Persönlichkeit. Als er jemanden wie Kendall kennenlernt, kann er seine Faszination für sie nicht kontrollieren. Die junge Frau war ihm ein völliges Rätsel, und alles, was sie tat, überraschte ihn immer wieder. Ihre beiden Persönlichkeiten sind sich bis zu einem gewissen Grad recht ähnlich. Allerdings könnte ihre Bitte jeden in Schwierigkeiten bringen, eine gerade Miene zu bewahren. Ruhig reibt sie sich das Handgelenk und sagt warnend: "Ich hoffe, Sie werden es nicht bereuen, mich provoziert zu haben." Hinter ihr taucht wie aus dem Nichts ein edler und gut aussehender Mann auf, der bereit ist, alles zu tun, um sie zu schützen und zu unterstützen. "Warum?", fragt sie. "Du hast meinen Großvater gerettet, also biete ich mich im Gegenzug an. Gibt es ein Problem?", antwortet er mit einem leisen Kichern.
black_flowertrend · 12.5K Views

Ich habe meinen behinderten Ehemann in der Hochzeitsnacht aufgeweckt!

# 1V1 # FONDNESSOVERTIME Shi Qians Stiefmutter stellte ihr eine Falle und zwang sie, einen vegetativen Mann zu heiraten. Es gab drei gute Dinge an ihm. Er war reich, gut aussehend ... und er konnte nicht aufwachen! Fu Sinian, der mehr als drei Jahre lang im Koma gelegen hatte, wachte auf und stellte fest, dass er plötzlich eine Frau hatte. Seine zierliche Frau war blond, schön und hatte lange Beine. "Wenn du mich nicht liebst, brauche ich dich nicht!" sagte Fu Sinian und warf kalt die Scheidungspapiere weg.***Nicht lange danach wurde der berühmte Shi Qian auf einem Foto in dem luxuriösen Auto des Großindustriellen Fu Sinian erwischt. Fu Sinian stellte dies öffentlich klar und sagte: "Fräulein Shi und ich sind miteinander bekannt": "Seid ihr nur Bekannte? Sie werden beide im selben Auto herumgefahren! Wir warten darauf, dass du uns mit deinen Worten ins Gesicht schlägst, junger Meister Fu! Neun Millionen Fans schauen zu und warten!" Wenig später wurde der in den Kreisen beliebte Shi Qian wieder einmal dabei fotografiert, wie er zur gleichen Zeit wie Fu Sinian das Hotel betrat und erst nach drei Tagen wieder herauskam. Fu Sinian stellte erneut klar: "Fräulein Shi und ich sind nicht in einer solchen Beziehung. Wir sind nicht zusammen. "Netizens: "Herr Fu muss bei seinen Bemühungen versagt haben! Wenn es ein Mädchen gibt, mit dem der junge Meister Fu in dieser Welt nicht umgehen kann, dann ist es seine Göttin Shi Qian!"Dreißig Millionen Fans aßen weiter Popcorn und sahen sich das Drama an! Später wurde Shi Qian, die zweihundert Millionen Fans hat, bei der Preisverleihung für die beste Schauspielerin krank! Fu Sinian betrat langsam die Bühne, umarmte Shi Qians Taille und sagte: "Vielen Dank für die Anteilnahme aller. Frau Fu ist schwanger mit unserem zweiten Kind!"Alle zweihundert Millionen Fans waren verwirrt. Die schöne Shi Qian war mit ihrem zweiten Kind schwanger? Sie verfolgten die ganze Zeit, wie sich das Drama entwickelte! Wann haben sie denn nicht mehr mitgemacht?
Wisps of blue smoke · 39K Views

Überraschende Heirat mit einem Milliardär

Rain Claytons Leben gerät aus den Fugen, als sie das Auto ihres betrügerischen Freundes demoliert, nur um herauszufinden, dass es nicht ihm gehört, sondern einem Fremden. Zu allem Überfluss entdeckt sie zufällig, dass sie mit diesem Fremden verheiratet ist, und zwar mit keinem Geringeren als Alexander Lancaster, dem zurückgezogen lebenden stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden und CEO der mächtigen Lancaster Group. Rain, die in einer Familie aufgewachsen ist, die sie misshandelt hat, und nun von ihrem Vater unter Druck gesetzt wird, den psychopathischen Sohn des Bürgermeisters zu heiraten, sieht diese überraschende Heirat als Segen an. Nach Jahren des Leidens scheint der Himmel endlich Mitleid mit ihr zu haben und schenkt ihr einen gut aussehenden Milliardärs-Ehemann - einen Mann, der rücksichtslos zu seinen Feinden ist und genau das, was sie braucht, um den Fängen ihrer Familie zu entkommen. Doch es gibt ein großes Problem: Alexander will die sofortige Scheidung. Rain ist fest entschlossen, ihn zu behalten, und handelt eine Verlängerung ihrer Ehe zu seinen Bedingungen aus. Jetzt muss sie ihn nur noch davon überzeugen, sie für immer zu behalten... Seit ihrer Überraschungshochzeit sind einige Wochen vergangen... "Was machst du da?" Rain platzte heraus, ihre Augen weit aufgerissen, als sie Alexander auf ihr Bett krabbeln sah. "Ich erfülle meine ehelichen Pflichten", antwortete er mit einem lässigen Grinsen. "Du kannst hier nicht schlafen! Das ist gegen unseren Vertrag!" "Ich breche ihn nicht", sagte Alexander achselzuckend. "Der Vertrag besagt, dass du alle ehelichen Pflichten erfüllst, nur nicht mein Bett teilst. Er sagt nichts darüber aus, dass ich meine ehelichen Pflichten nicht erfülle, auch nicht, dass ich dein Bett mit dir teile." Die Situation hatte sich verändert, und es schien, dass sie nicht mehr die einzige war, die die Kontrolle hatte...
Eustoma_Reyna · 37K Views

Das glamouröse Comeback der verdrängten Erbin

Sobald sie ihre Augen öffnete, fand sich Bai Lian im Körper einer berüchtigten und verwöhnten jungen Dame wieder. Sie hörte, dass ihr Vater ein neuer, aufstrebender Stern in Beicheng war, ein Selfmademan mit einem weitreichenden Ruf; Ihr älterer unehelicher Bruder war ein Genie, das die städtischen Prüfungen bestanden hatte und auf die Jiangjing-Universität ging; Die jüngere uneheliche Schwester aus der benachbarten internationalen Klasse war eine vielseitig begabte Schulschönheit, sanft und gut erzogen; Ihr Verlobter war ein Goldjunge der Finanzwelt, ein Schulidol, der sie nie richtig angeschaut hatte... Und sie war nur eine unscheinbare Person mit geringer Intelligenz, eine gewöhnliche Person, die von Anfang an aus dem Haus geworfen wurde. Bai Lian: Na schön, dann muss sie eben fleißig lernen und sich bemühen, ein normaler Mensch zu werden~ Alle (mit einem geheimnisvollen Lächeln im Gesicht): ...bist du dir da sicher?? Die junge Dame, die nach Xiangcheng geschickt wurde, ohne Hintergrund, unwissend und ungelernt, jeder könnte auf ihr herumtrampeln... aber sie können sie nicht bewegen... (Eine einzigartig atemberaubende, faule und kapriziöse weibliche Hauptfigur, die jeden vernichtet, der ihr in die Quere kommt, gegen einen edlen, coolen und dominanten männlichen Protagonisten mit einem IQ, der alle Anwesenden zerquetscht) PS: Sowohl die männliche als auch die weibliche Hauptfigur sind sehr charmant. Bei dieser Geschichte geht es um befriedigende Lektüre ohne viel Logik, also bitte nicht zu tief in die Logik eindringen, danke. Nachricht: Liebe das Lernen, sei ein guter Mensch.
Road of Flowers · 10.7K Views

His shy obsession

His Shy Obsession In the world where wealth and power go hand in hand, Dorian Blackwood stands untouchable-a stoic billionaire with an icy demeanor hiding centuries of secrets. His sprawling mansion is a fortress of mystery and luxury, its halls rarely crossed by anyone but the staff who dare not meet his cold, piercing gaze. That is, until Emilia Hayes enters his life. Emilia is a timid yet determined young woman who has always kept her head down, making ends meet while avoiding unnecessary attention. When she gets a housekeeping job at Dorian's estate, she has no idea she's stepping into a world far darker--and more seductive--than she could have ever imagined. The moment Dorian meets Emilia, his carefully ordered world begins to unravel. Her shy nature and quiet strength awaken something in him he thought long buried: emotion, longing, and the dangerous stirrings of love. But as their connection deepens, Emilia discovers Dorian's chilling secret: he's not just a man of wealth and power-he's a vampire, bound by ancient rivalries and hunted by enemies who would see his world destroyed. But despite the danger, Emilia finds herself irresistibly drawn to Dorian. Their growing bond is tested by vicious rivals, unrelenting threats, and a jealous adversary who will stop at nothing to tear them apart. In a battle between light and dark, Emilia and Dorian must face their fears, their enemies, and their undeniable passion. But will love prevail across the worlds they come from, or will the ghosts of Dorian's past overcome them? His Shy Obsession is a magical tale of a very strong, forbidden love, deadly secrets, and romance so strong that it simply could not be overcome, even in death.
Ibrahim_Haneefah · 447 Views

Awakening in The World of Gods

In a world where magic isn’t just a tool but the very fabric of existence, young Poll Nightvale is about to flip the script—and maybe the universe—on its head. Don’t let his unassuming name fool you. Poll is no background character. Behind that innocent, wide-eyed look lies a sneaky bastard with manipulation skills sharp enough to sell ice to a frost giant. Combine that with badass scientific know-how, and you’ve got someone who can outwit a council of wizards and build a mana-powered doomsday device before breakfast. When Poll awakens to his dormant mana powers, he quickly learns that magic isn’t all sparkles and fun. It’s unruly, chaotic, and dangerously addictive—kind of like him. But instead of sticking to the traditional methods, Poll decides to chart his own course, blending arcane arts with cutting-edge science to create something entirely new. Of course, this path is littered with explosive experiments, accidental genius, and more than a few plans that sound insane… until they work. Things take a dark turn when Poll stumbles upon mana corruption, a sinister force that twists and warps everything it touches. This isn’t just a challenge—it’s a world-ending catastrophe in the making. But does Poll panic? Nope. He smirks, rolls up his sleeves, and gets to work. Armed with his sharp mind, dubious charm, and a team of loyal (and occasionally exasperated) companions, he sets out to tackle the impossible. At his side are his fiercely protective mother, Seraphina; his stoic, sword-wielding father, Eryndor; and his chaotic crew of allies—Lira, the fire-obsessed wizard who believes “more flames” is always the answer; Kaida, the silent assassin who lets her blade do the talking; and Elowen, the gentle shield mage with untapped power and unshakable resolve. Together, they face a world where allies can’t always be trusted, enemies lurk in the shadows, and Poll’s questionable plans are often their best hope. As Poll grapples with the forces of mana and his own chaotic ambitions, he learns that being a hero isn’t about playing by the rules. It’s about bending them, breaking them, and occasionally rewriting them entirely. Because when the stakes are this high, and the odds this slim, you need someone who can think outside the box—and maybe set it on fire for good measure. Join Poll Nightvale on a journey of explosive discovery, cunning schemes, and chaotic brilliance as he forges his destiny, one sneaky move at a time. In a world teetering on the edge of destruction, he’s not just a beacon of hope—he’s the unpredictable spark that sets everything into motion.
Ishan_Amber · 12.4K Views

The Billionaire's Rental Wife Is A Hot Shot

“I will let you be on top from tonight, please don’t divorce me, darling!” ----- Evelyn’s fairytale life shattered when a stranger stormed in, claiming to be the real daughter of the Wright family with proof. Her enviable privileges? Stripped away. Her spotless reputation? Tarnished. Her four-year engagement? Abruptly annulled. But the worst betrayal came from her once-loving father, all set to marry her off to settle a business score—with a man twice her age! Everyone in the circle attended this scandalous wedding, eager to witness the downfall of the supposed fake heiress. Yet, the climax was not what even Evelyn had anticipated! Zevian Reign, the nation’s richest tycoon, known for being every woman’s fantasy and the nightmare of all his rivals, made a dramatic entrance. His arrival stunned the guests, but his brazen wish was even more startling! He casually demanded to replace the groom and marry the beautiful bride. No one dared to challenge, nor did anyone have the guts to disobey him. They were left with no choice but to watch the wedding unfold. And it was Evelyn’s time to smirk, for she was now the devil’s wife. And all those who had ruined her, they would pay back in tenfold! ++++ [Excerpt] "Why would I ditch my husband for a loser?" Evelyn chuckled, crossing her arms defiantly. "He is better than him in all the aspects." Her gaze drifted to her ex-fiancé nearby, and she continued with a smirk, "Actually, a lot better in bed." As Annabelle’s face flushed with disdain, Evelyn patted her back and leaned in to deliver another slap. "So, good luck with licking my leftovers, dear step-sister. He's a perfect match for you."
Zelra · 1M Views

Through the whiskered veil

When seventeen-year-old Calypso chases a wounded cat into the forest one cold morning, she doesn’t expect her world to unravel. Drawn through a strange barrier—an ethereal whiskered veil—she wakes in a world unlike anything she’s ever imagined. This is a land of glowing forests, impossible creatures, and ancient beings with motives she cannot comprehend. Alone and disoriented, Calypso must navigate a realm that was never meant for her kind. As she searches for answers—and a way home—she encounters unlikely allies who challenge her assumptions about the world and herself. Nora, a quiet ghoul with a knack for the unknown from this worlds cruel rules, offers Calypso practical guidance and a glimmer of hope. Osa, a stoic warrior burdened by his own past, becomes an unlikely protector with secrets he fiercely guards. And Collun, a mischievous traveler with a sharp tongue and a penchant for trouble, seems to know far more than he lets on. Their paths intertwine as Calypso learns of the mysterious Nini, an elusive figure whose influence stretches across the realm , forced to guide the group. Calypso’s growing connection to Yonig, Nini’s quiet and enigmatic half-avian employee, leaves her torn between distrust and curiosity. Yonig’s cryptic warnings and unreadable demeanor suggest he holds the key to her predicament, but his loyalties remain unclear. As they venture deeper into the forest’s heart, Calypso and her companions are hunted by creatures drawn to her vulnerability. Each step reveals more of the world’s perilous beauty—and the cost of trespassing into a place she doesn’t belong. Together, they must unravel the mysteries of this world and confront the dark forces that brought them together. Blending dark fantasy, mystery, and survival, Through the Whiskered Veil is a story of courage, unlikely friendships, and the fragile boundaries between worlds. in
SAEVOR · 941 Views

Voidbound: Legacy

In a world bustling with superheroes, villains, aliens, and even monsters, where extraordinary powers are the norm, there lies a hidden village untouched by the chaos of the outside world. In this secluded haven, there lives a tight-knit community known as Elysium, a group of people who have come together to find their place in the world. Amidst this extraordinary village, a boy is born with a distinct ability that sets him apart from everyone else—and eyes that hold a never before seen power. Unlike most of his fellow villagers, his abilities are uncharted territory, a world beyond the comprehension of even the most experienced. He's the first of his kind, and he hates it. He is a prodigy, a genius, an anomaly. As a child, he struggles to fit in, surrounded by people who love him, but he doesn't understand that. Instead, he tries desperately to prove himself worthy. Yet, he can't seem to escape the feeling that something is wrong with him. Deep down, he knows something is weird with him, he has this nagging feeling, a gut instinct that he can't explain, telling him that he doesn't belong. He feels like an imposter, a pretender. He's an abomination. A freak. An unnatural being. —— Please note, I am new to writing. This was my best attempt at a synopsis, I've barely planned ahead, just a very vague outline. I’m open to any and all criticism, looking for feedback on everything, not just spelling and grammar, especially ideas and ways to improve/continue the story.
Baro · 12.2K Views

The Monster's Love

Will you love me if I'm a monster? First female lead A domineering CEO who is 25 years old young beautiful lady, who is smart and perfect, all guys fell for her just by her one glance a pretty lady with long red hair with a pair of black twinkling colour eyes everyone admires her and call her beauty goddess but no one knows her darkest secret who is cursed by a witch in bright daylight whose beauty shines but at night she turns into an ugly monster. ————————————————————— First male lead Qing yuan a 20-year-old handsome college going guy who is excellent in everything let it be studies, sports or arts, all-girls admire him a lot, but he hates women a lot. But no one knows his innocent personality is hiding a big secret he owns world's biggest mafian gang and currently he is on mission he is searching for a girl who have long black hairs reaching till her knees and red bloody eyes. How both of their life is interconnect with each other, how will fate decide to make them together? A love between a CEO monster and Gangster! ————————————————————— Excerpt: Li rong said while sitting on her comfortable sofa "darling love me and I will give you my all wealth" "Wealth? Huh? " Qing yuan laughed maniacally and replied sarcastically "have you ever saw a normal human being falling in love with a monster? " Li rong gave him a devilish smile and came closer to him and said "don't wanna love me? Then spend your whole life in these four walls of a room and die" Qing yuan said while struggling to open his tied hands with rope "even if I have to die I'm willing to die but I will never gonna love you " Li rong came closer to him and licked his lips "ummm salty... Tomorrow I'm gonna feed you chocolate cake so that you can talk sweetly" While giving a faint smile li rong left the room while slamming the door ————————————————————— Second female lead Lu jia a 30 years old beautiful and awesome lady and where people call li rong beauty goddess but when it comes to lu jia people call her demon Goddess where Li rong is cold domineering then Lu jia is colder and baddie where people admire her beauty but behind her back they are scared of lu jia.But there is one problem she cant fell in love.Why? Cause she doesn't feel any kind of emotions towards anyone. ————————————————————— Second male lead Han qilu a 20 years old good and a sincere baby boy who is adored by all girls in his college girls loves to look at his cute face, his personality is different he is like a small baby who always gets in trouble and goes to his guardian while whining.But he is secretly in love with his guardian. How he will gonna seduce his guardian? Let's see ;) ————————————————————— Excerpt: "baby boy you are my food don't think too highly of yourself," jia said "so what I can be your husband and food both can't I?" qilu answered "husband? hahaha"jia laughed maniacally" you are not even my boyfriend and you are wondering about becoming my husband? You sure have guts" "I know right I have learned this from you," qilu said and gave a quick kiss to jia "now I have to go to my college, see you later my master, oops I forgot from today onwards I will call you baddie baby" qilu winked at her and left jia was still shocked and thought"I guess someone is brainwashing my sincere baby boy otherwise he would never kiss me" ————————————————————— Trigger warning: Novel contains some 18+ scene , cussing, religion, culture discrimination, domestic violence, bullying (R-18+ **No rape ) Note: Some chapters may be triggering for others but there is always a warning before reading. This is my first novel hope you guys will like it The cover is not mine!!! The credit of cover goes to its respective owner Instagram : oykucara Pinterest : oykucara
oykucara · 66.3K Views

Baby Serendipity: Die ganze Welt hat sich in mich verliebt

Die Familie Su, die reichste der Stadt, hat plötzlich ein dreijähriges Küken! Alle dachten, dieses Kleinkind sei die uneheliche Tochter von Su Qi, dem berüchtigten Playboy des Unterhaltungszirkels, nur um festzustellen, dass die sieben Su-Brüder vor ihr knieten und sie Tante nannten! Ganz Nordstadt hat sich totgelacht: Wozu ist dein Tantchen denn sonst gut, als Milch zu trinken? Meine kann wenigstens für mich sticken. Su Qi: Sticken? Mein Tantchen kann Geister, Dämonen und Zombies fangen, Talente, die die Aufmerksamkeit aller auf sich ziehen. Kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Liu: Mein Tantchen kann Flugzeuge mit einem fliegenden Schwert jagen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Wu: Mein Tantchen kann Krankheiten mit der Dreizehn-Geister-Tor-Akupunktur heilen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Si: Mein Tantchen kann einen Fünffach-Sprung im Eiskunstlauf machen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su San: Mein Tantchen kann bei Spielen leicht einen Pentakill erreichen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Er: Mein Tantchen gewinnt Preise in traditioneller chinesischer Malerei, Ölmalerei und Tuschemalerei. Kann dein Tantchen das auch? Su Da: Mein Tantchen hilft meiner Firma, eine Milliarde am Tag zu verdienen, kann dein Tantchen das auch? Später wurde das kleine Tantchen der Familie Su erwachsen und begann im Stillen eine Romanze mit ihrer schönen, geschickten Jugendliebe. Unisono brüllten die sieben Söhne der Su-Familie: Haltet euch von unserem Tantchen fern!
Fox's Charm · 2.9K Views

Ein letzter Ritter. Eine Reihe von Kurzgeschichten.

Eine Sammlung wilder, seltsamer und wundersamer Geschichten, die sich mit der Zeit miteinander verflechten werden! Die Welt von Enverdolmal steht am Rande eines Krieges, als dunkle und bedrohliche Mächte beginnen, aus den Schatten hervorzutreten und das Gleichgewicht des Äthers – der magischen Energie, die alles Existierende antreibt – langsam zu ihren Gunsten zu verschieben. Dämonen testen ihre Gefängnissiegel ... Hexen versammeln sich auf der Suche nach Chaos und Anarchie ... Monster sind unter seltsamen und unbekannten Bannern auf dem Vormarsch ... Die lange verschollenen Elementardrachen werden zurückkehren ... Unsere Geschichte wird aus der Sicht von ca. 20 Charakteren erzählt, beginnend mit einem Ritter namens Bastion Ridder, der sich mittendrin wiederfindet. Garth Verlore – die berühmte und weitläufige Schule, an der er unterrichten sollte – wird von Mächten belagert, die niemand kommen sah, und er muss alles tun, was er kann (während er Seite an Seite mit Personal und Schülern kämpft), um sicherzustellen, dass er nicht der letzte Ritter wird … Mit Kursen wie „Drachentöten 101“ und „Kampftaktiken für Kobolde“ wusste Bastion, dass dies keine leichte Aufgabe sein würde … Alles begann so gut, aber irgendwann verliebt sich jeder … Sei es in der Liebe oder im Krieg. Oder sogar im Klassenzimmer! Ritter & Magier. Drachen & Kobolde. Geister & Dämonen & Hexen Und so viel mehr erwartet Sie in dieser Geschichte von Triumph, Chaos, Liebe, Krieg, Verrat und Verlust. Sind Sie bereit, eine letzte Seite umzublättern? Eine letzte Geschichte zu lesen? einen letzten Ritter zu verlieren?
Terance_Ivy · 5K Views

Contract Marriage: The Lycan Queen's Tempting Fate [GL]

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 21+// She Hates Me, But She's Mine in EVERY Way] “No… I won't.” “Oh, petal, I wasn't asking. You WILL marry me.” **** Dr. Kiyomi, a neurosurgeon rogue lycan, lives in & never leaves the human hospital— the safest place for her. That’s until a high-profile mafia surgery goes wrong and she’s blamed for it despite being on leave. Suddenly the limelight is on her, forcing her rare last name back into the memories of people who have long wanted her dead — the Bogdan Lycans. As if that isn't enough, the Ivanov Russian mob is after her with vengeance in their hearts. Scared, Kiyomi leaves the hospital pretending to be a night-shift male nurse — which works, only for her to be kidnapped at the hospital’s entrance, by the cruel lycan queen’s guards who drag her to the queen Sakura’s human home. — — — Sakura Watanabe; the soulless crazy queen known to screw up everyone for fun. She ruins everything she touches and sucks the life out of everyone around her. She is bad, cruel, and a menace who does whatever she wants, however, and whenever she wants it. When she hears of Dr. Kiyomi’s misfortunes, she is curious to see what will make that lycan break, and orders that Kiyomi be brought to her, so she can sign the infamous Sakura contract that always leaves the signee dead, dead and dead. What Sakura doesn't factor in is the fact that the woman who walks through her door is her soulmate. And even worse is the desire she gets to protect Kiyomi. Not one to relent in the hands of fate, Sakura forces Kiyomi to sign the oppressive contract. What happens when Sakura's heart starts beating for Kiyomi, and she goes after everyone who hurt her soulmate? Will she cancel the contract and embrace love, or will she stay the stoic soulless queen with nothing to live for? And even better, how long can Sakura fight fate?
she_osprey · 354.8K Views

Entwined: Stuck in Her Grip

◾ SYNOPSIS◾ He stood motionlessly, his cloth dripping of excess muddy liquid, his gaze fixed on the retreating petite figure, riding away on her bicycle. His face was as phlegmatic as ever, his icy stare lingering on the lucky lass. "Just say the word, Zay", his friend nudged. An almost inaudible sigh escaped his lips. He dug his finger into his hair, ruffling it a bit. He turned around and walked towards his car, not even sparing his friend a glance. As soon as he gets in, he shuts the car door, placing his head on the car's head rest while closing his eyes. His men understood the message and put down their guns. Jove shook his head and turned to walk to the car. "It's your first time, dude. What the heck happened?" He asked, walking into the car. "Take the wheels, Damon." His mesmerizing yet cold voice rang, ignoring Jove's question. Jove sighed dramatically and leant back on the seat, bringing out his phone - he was used to his best friend already. Zayde Stoll was the name. His name alone triggered lots of emotions - love, admiration, fear, hatred and every other feelings one could possibly have. He was dangerously handsome; an exact opposite of his real self. At 25, he already was the world's youngest billionaire, having the least number of ten companies in each country. His name made great men fall to their knees and everyone wondered how his fame grew that much. He was known to be eerily cold and he killed without second thoughts. He only needed to say the word and whoever would drop at his feet. He was a real description of a merciless demigod and people shook when he entered college. Jove was his best friend and the only person he talks to aside his Dad, despite their very striking differences. Jove complimented his name - he was one hell of a jovial person and really cheerful...but the heck, he was the world's biggest player. Although he condemned the manner with which Zayde handled his victims, he knew he couldn't do anything about it, having known Zayde since childhood. "Damon! You want to kill us?!" Jove suddenly yelled, yanking off the earpiece he had on. He had fallen back on impulse from the near death crash they barely escaped. He glanced at Zayde, a mistake at first, because the latter never acted like something just happened. His men kept stoic faces too, leaving him dumbfounded. "Am I the only living thing in this car? Because Damon almost sent us to our earliest graves and none of you will f**cking tell me you didn't see that!" Jove yelled. He was this close to being infuriated. Damon chuckled loudly. "It was only a mistake", he said with a shrug. "Yeah, a mistake that would've marked an end to my beautiful life", he said bluntly, his voice unable to mask the sarcasm. "You should be shameless at times, Jove." Boris said, turning back to look at Jove. Just then, Zayde put on his headphone with a slightly irritated huff, a clear indication everyone were disturbing him. They all shut up at once, returning to their previous activities. "You'll watch them kill me one day." Jove mumbled, sinking down into the seat.
Astra_Qilla · 4.4K Views
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