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Guitar Compass

The love package; My Darling wife and baby girl

Eric Crown rushed into the hospital, carrying the injured woman mindful of the fact that she is heavily pregnant. He left his assistant Andrew behind, who was trying to catch up with him. Andrew had tried to carry the woman from Eric but he refused to allow him or even allowed his driver touch her. ""Somebody help me" Eric immediately alarmed the hospital nurse at the reception immediately he entered with the injured woman. The emergency staff and nurses ran to him immediately seeing the injured woman in Eric's arms. Doctor what can be done for her Eric asked she is so seriously injured. We have to get the baby out of her first, the doctor replied assessing her injuries. We will try to save her life, I hope the baby is still alive the doctor added. What! Eric exclaimed shock. Take her to the operating theatre the doctor instructedthe emergency personnel there. The nurses and emergency staff put her on a hospital stretcher, and started wheeling her to the operation theatre. A nurse came with some papers for Eric to sign, he didn't even look at them he just signed. Dr. Robert, the medical director of the hospital was already informed of Eric's coiming. He just got to Eric at this time and asked who the woman involved in the accident was? Eric, still in shock with blood all over his shirt and trousers turned to Dr. Robert puzzled. What does that have to do with anything ? Dr. Robert was surprised by Eric's answer. Mr. Crown, I wanted to know if she was a family member he explained. No, I don't know her. She was hit by my car and we just rushed her here. Dr. Robert has known Eric for a long time, well known for his compassion and charity work but he never get emotionally involved. From the look on Eric's face, Dr. Robert felt there can only be one explanation then asked "were you driving" ? No, my driver was Eric answered. I see, you don't need to wait. Be rest assured we will take good care of her, it's just that from what I have seen she is in a critical condition. How critical Eric asked Dr. Robert. She might not survive Dr.Robert answered heavily, we were all quiet until a nurse came and told Dr. Robert they were ready for him at the operating theatre, he left with the nurse. She can't die, she cannot die Eric told himself. He felt this strong sense of attachment to her. Why is he feeling like this? As if, as if we have met before he thought. Sir, sir. sir? Andrew called out, touching Eric's shoulder lightly. Eric don't know how long he stood there but he suddenly realized Andrew was calling out to him. Sir, you need to change, there is a rest room over there Andrew said holding a change of clothes for him and pointing toward the restroom. Eric just continued to sit there, dazed! The incident playing over and over again in his mind. How come she was on the road at this time of the night? He wondered. She is heavily pregnant, why would any man allow his wife to move around at this time of the night?, and she was alone. Come to think about it, Eric didn't notice any wedding ring on her he thought, probably he didn't look properly. Mr. Crown, a nurse called out . Eric Crown looked up at her wondering when he sat down. Andrew immediately asked her what she wanted We need to know her name for our records she said We don't know Andrew answered.. But... It's an emergency, we had to rush her here, she was already unconscious Andrew explained. Then Dr. Robert suddenly came out of the Operating theatre, pulling off his face mask. We stood up as he walked toward us, eager for news . You have a baby girl Dr. Robert said smiling Me ? Eric asked surprised!
SCarew · 752.7K Views

Le patron infirme m'aime

La jeune fille autrefois riche, Shen Hanxing, a perdu sa mère à sa naissance. Elle fut ensuite abandonnée à l'étranger par son propre père quand elle était petite, livrée à elle-même. Dix-neuf ans plus tard, son père la ramena personnellement de l'étranger, et la raison était pour qu'elle remplace sa jeune sœur afin d'épouser son fiancé Ji Yan, qui avait perdu la sensibilité de ses jambes après un accident de voiture. Père : "Connais ta place. Tu te maries déjà au-dessus de ta condition en épousant Ji Yan avec ton statut." Jeune Sœur : "Merci d'accepter de te sacrifier pour mon amour~" Shen Hanxing sourit faiblement : "Accepte mes deux conditions, et je l'épouserai avec plaisir." Par la suite, elle entra dans la maison de la famille Ji avec des bagages vides. L'homme dans le fauteuil roulant rugit furieusement sur elle dans la chambre sombre. "Dégage !" Shen Hanxing alluma rapidement la lumière, tira les rideaux et tendit la main vers l'homme avec la lumière derrière elle. "Bonjour. Permettez-moi de me présenter. Je suis votre femme, Shen Hanxing." Quand il la vit pour la première fois, il la traita froidement. Puis, il la chérissait. Ji Yan regarda cette femme qui avait soudainement fait irruption dans sa vie. Elle utilisa sa force pour apprivoiser son jeune frère sauvage et impulsif. Elle soigna patiemment et avec compassion sa jeune sœur craintive et introvertie. Elle utilisa tout ce qu'elle possédait pour soutenir lentement cette famille froide... Et puis, Shen Hanxing tomba dans un piège. Avant de sombrer dans les ténèbres, elle vit l'homme qui était censé être dans le fauteuil roulant courir vers elle, anxieux. Quand elle se réveilla de nouveau, l'homme pointa la planche à laver, le clavier et le durian et demanda, "Hanxing, sur lequel veux-tu que je m'agenouille ?"
Wuxia · 113.5K Views

Le Chant de la Compassion d’une Petite Fille Lâm Thị Huế - Lâm Emilie

Chapitre 1 : L’enfance dans des jours difficiles Je suis néedans une famille de cinq enfants, au milieu d’une époque où le pays subissait encore les lourdes conséquences de la guerre. À cette époque, ma famille était très pauvre. Mes parents, qui avaient grandi durant cette période difficile, n’avaient pas eu l’opportunité de bénéficier d’une éducation complète. Ainsi, toute leur vie, ils n’ont connu que le travail à la ferme, luttant durement pour subvenir aux besoins de la famille. Être agriculteur à cette époque était très éprouvant. Mes parents devaient se lever à l’aube, qu’il pleuve ou qu’il fasse beau, pour aller semer du riz ou récolter. Mais même le travail aux champs ne suffisait pas à nourrir toute la famille, alors ils devaient effectuer d’autres travaux pénibles. L’un de ces travaux était le déblaiement des pierres, un travail dangereux et épuisant. Mes sœurs, bien que très jeunes, devaient aussi suivre mes parents pour ramasser des pierres et faire exploser des mines. À un âge où elles auraient dû être à l’école comme tant d’autres enfants, elles devaient faire face à un dur labeur. La vie s’écoulait ainsi, et ma famille accueillit deux nouveaux membres – mon frère aîné, puis moi. À cette époque, au Vietnam, les garçons étaient souvent valorisés par rapport aux filles. Mon frère était choyé par mes parents bien plus que mes trois sœurs. Quant à moi, étant la benjamine, j’ai reçu le nom de Huế, d’après une ville ancienne et poétique du Vietnam. Les premiers souvenirs que je peux évoquer remontent à mes cinq ans. Je me rappelle très clairement des enfants du quartier – beaucoup étaient plus jeunes que moi – qui étaient emmenés par leurs parents à l’école maternelle. Quant à moi, je ne pouvais pas y aller. Je me contentais de me tenir à l’extérieur de l’école, à regarder à travers la fenêtre, voyant mes camarades chanter et danser joyeusement. Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi je ne pouvais pas aller à l’école comme eux, mais je ne m’en plaignais pas. Je restais là, observant silencieusement pendant un bon moment, puis je reprenais le chemin de la maison. À cette époque, j’étais une petite fille naïve et innocente, ne comprenant pas grand-chose de la vie, ne sachant que j’étais très obéissante, toujours à l’écoute de mes parents. Je ne savais pas que les années à venir seraient encore pleines de défis… Chapitre 2 : Les jours d’innocence En entrant à l’école primaire et au collège, je garde des souvenirs magnifiques de mes années passées sous le toit de cette école simple. Cette école n’était pas aussi moderne que celles d’aujourd’hui, mais c’était pour moi un endroit extrêmement cher. La cour de l’école était ombragée par de grands arbres, offrant un refuge lors des récréations pleines de rires. Chaque fois que le gong annonçait le début des cours, la cour devenait soudainement silencieuse. À cette époque, mes camarades et moi écoutions attentivement les enseignants, sans téléphones ni Internet, juste des livres et une soif d’apprendre. Le soir, je rentrais dans notre petite maison chaleureuse, où cinq frères et sœurs se retrouvaient avec nos parents. Mes sœurs avaient alors entre 17 et 18 ans, un âge rempli de vitalité et de premiers rêves. Notre maison était donc toujours animée et joyeuse. Les amis de mes sœurs venaient souvent jouer, s’asseyant autour d’un thé et discutant gaiement, ce qui rendait l’atmosphère familiale toujours vivante. Pour ma part, chaque après-midi après l’école, je me plongeais dans l’innocence de l’enfance avec mes amis du quartier. À côté de chez moi se trouvait une grande pelouse, où nous nous rassemblions chaque jour pour jouer à toutes sortes de jeux. Nous apprenions à faire du vélo, à sauter à la corde, à jouer à colin-maillard, à cache-cache… Ces jeux folkloriques faisaient partie intégrante de l’enfance de nombreuses générations, simples mais incroyablement joyeux.
mimihue · 633 Views

An Eldritch Legacy: Sin & Sacrilege

Nine Characters, all bound to the whims of a 'Deranged Entity.' All the clues they have are the vast differences they have with those that bore them. His Madness has seeped into them, crowning them with Glory. They shall come to know the price of Sin & Virtue by Sacrilege & Madness :Krael _My Pride can overturn Creation, drowning it in the madness of an unwilling. And yet I have to offer servitude to one who will always be beneath me, in the twisted guise of learning Humility - If only she knew how I long to grind her bones, she would know to control her tongue Born to Pride, servitude to Humility. :Kaelan_My Hunger can consume the very foundations of existence leaving behind an abyss born from my will. And yet I have to exercise temperance lest I lose meaning. Why do the gods mock me give me all I can ever eat, and yet never to touch any satiate my growing hunger. I have seen the cruelty of the divine Born to Gluttony, raised by Temperance :Zaen_My Envy stalks the might of existence, wishing for its grandeur to be mine. And yet, my envy is never allowed to fester for Kindness plagues me like a curse. Compassion that was never mine, empathy I could care less about, heavens know I would rather drown in my own spit than to share goodwill Born of Envy, chained by Kindness :Xaelan_My Greed clouds the hearts of even gods, from the mortal coils to the vastness of the cosmos chaining the 'Old Ones to sin. I feel the sickening embrace of her love, and yet I can never have it, for whatever is mine, I must give. To know Charity—that bustard—is the punishment I was accorded Born in Greed, defiled by Charity : ...My Wrath burns the Heavens and fuels the pits of hell, bringing the end to all, as I ride my mount to Herald the storm. -Oops, this is not my stage. Sorry, but worry not my progeny will carry the mantle on my behalf. As they unleash the wrath stocked in their blood. But soon they will learn just how deep my Lord intends to go and that only Patience is the key to his games...hahaha...poor children, if only I could march alongside you in misery. Born to Wrath, burial by Patience :Thaen_My Sloth... uhm mm... well, I am too exhausted to think of a monologue. But Yah, blah blah...something Diligence... All I know is that I am more hard working than all of them combined... that 'guy was truly not fair when dishing them out_ Born to Sloth, death by Diligence :Laen_My Lust fuels the passion of Creation, all beings lost in the throes of my splendor, indulging in desires so dark, and yet I am the purest of them all, abstinence is second nature. I weep for desires unfulfilled and yet Chastity that horrendous bi*** mocks me with laughter. Yet it seems only I suffer this cruelty; others are free in indulgence only I am a slave to virtue_ Born in the flames of Lust, sustained by Chastity :Haelan_My Hatred runs so deep that the abyss is flooded; the rivers of the underworld are mere streams to my Hatred. I hold nothing but hate in my heart and yet 'he wishes I hold onto compassion. In 'his twisted form of madness, 'he has left me with no other choice. I shall let 'it fester until the day I make 'him pay_ Born in the depths of Hate, Compassion my Love and my Death :Raelin_My Despair has seeped into the cracks of existence, corrupting the Light' of the 'Creator. All I feel is the despair and sorrow of all those born and chained in the embrace of 'the sisters' misery.'Unlike them, I search for her, elusive like the wind. I despair for the sight of her, and yet she will always elude me, shunning my pleas_ Born in Despair, mourning for Hope ...I feel the twisted love 'he holds for us all and yet they do not see it, blinded by Sin and Virtue :>Long but necessary:) what is the story about? Simply it's about the interplay of Sin and Virtue with a hint of Madness and Malevolence. Complicatedly, what makes sense may not actually make sense.
Ocean_Quill · 26.3K Views

A withering flower at devil's mercy

“These bedchambers have missed your scent.” His voice, low and rough, made her pulse quicken. Her fear surged, boundless, as he closed the stained glass doors behind him. “Please… let me go,” she pleaded, trembling as he pulled her close, his touch burning against her skin. “You fled this place while carrying my child. Why did you come back?” he murmured, his lips trailing down her neck as they had so many times before. “I… don’t know,” she managed, her voice barely a whisper. Luciana Mircea de Amanécer, princess of the Holy Empire that ruled the skies, had once lived in a world of beauty and privilege—a devoted father, joyful sisters, wealth, and a loving fiancé. Yet that life shattered with a single conversation. One day, her father appeared in her chambers, eyes solemn, bearing news that upended her world. “You will be married,” he said, but the name wasn’t that of the man she cherished. Instead, she was to be wed to the ruthless crown prince of the rival Demon Empire, an alliance forged to quell the simmering tensions between their kingdoms. “Father, please…” she begged. “My child,” he murmured, his voice heavy with regret. “It is your duty as the firstborn princess. This marriage will protect the realm… and your little sisters.” For the first time in her life, Luciana saw him bow to her, his plea wordless but clear. Yielding to her father’s desperate request, she accepted her fate. In a single day, she went from princess to wife, her dreams abandoned and her future reshaped. But the white wedding gown was soon stained crimson, marking her descent into a life she could never have anticipated. Could she learn to accept a man for whom compassion was an unfamiliar luxury, or would the love she had left behind rise to rescue her?
Akira_Kanesada · 117.2K Views

SSS-Class: Villain Hero!

No NTR—unless it’s the MC doing the taking. Harem? I don't know, let's see how the story unfolds. --- Eryon Ashbourn finds himself grappling with the harsh reality of being transported to an entirely new world—a world where terrifying monsters roam freely, and humans possess super abilities. In this world, magic interweaves with technology, mythical creatures walk among men, and awakeners shape the destiny of society. At the age of 18, every individual is fated to unlock a unique class, from mage to alchemist, each determined by the whims of destiny. For Eryon, whose future seemed bleak and uncertain, destiny had something far greater in store. [Divine Stealing System Activated] [Kill monsters or humans to steal their abilities and talents] Armed with this extraordinary system, Eryon casts aside the moral compass of his old life, embracing a darker path where power is everything. [Successful Kill: Legendary S-Class Wolf. Ability Gained: Gravity Manipulation] [Successful Kill: Hydra. Ability Gained: Super Regeneration] Adapting to his new surroundings, Eryon enrolls in a prestigious academy, embarking on the path to becoming an awakener while fulfilling his deepest ambitions. But fate has more in store for him. Eryon’s journey takes an unexpected turn when the destiny unveils new, tantalizing threats: [Villain Detected. Eliminate to obtain the Destiny Villain System] [Protagonist Detected. Eliminate to obtain the Protagonist Halo] Unfazed by the moral grayness, Eryon chooses a path few dare to tread. Heroes or villains—it doesn’t matter. All are stepping stones in his pursuit of ultimate power. [Congratulations! System Obtained: Sign-In System] [Congratulations! System Obtained: Super Summoning System] [Congratulations! System Obtained: Demon King System]
abinn · 22.7K Views

Living with the Dangerous Beast

A naive fox and a cunning tiger, tangled in a dangerous game of secrets—Sohwa and Dohwi’s thrillingly seductive cohabitation! Sohwa, a red fox half-beast born with rare white fur, was shunned by her pack and forced to live a lonely, solitary life. Her days were filled with quiet isolation until one fateful day, while wandering the mountains, she stumbled upon Dohwi, an abandoned wildcat cub on the brink of death. Moved by compassion, she decided to take him in. “We’re different species, so we won’t go into heat with each other. You’re gentle and kind, so living together should be fine. What do you think?” And so begins their life together. But the “wildcat” Sohwa rescued turns out to be anything but ordinary. Dohwi is no mere feline—he’s a tiger reborn after a thousand years, hiding a ferocious side that Sohwa never saw coming. Terrified that Sohwa might abandon him if she learns the truth, Dohwi does everything in his power to conceal his identity. Yet, as time passes, Sohwa begins to sense that Dohwi is hiding something. When she starts showing signs of fear and attempts to flee, Dohwi begins scheming to keep her by his side. “You’re all I have, Sohwa. You know that.” Who will win this battle of wills—Dohwi, determined to keep Sohwa close, or Sohwa, desperate to escape the tiger’s grasp? #Romance #Sexual #Fantasy #Comedy #Romanticcomedy #Anthropomorph #Obsessive Text copyright ⓒ 2024 by MaCherie All right reserved. The Korean edition was originally written by 마셰리, Korea Translated and Published by We’ve Lab.
MaCherie · 79.1K Views

Legend of the Nadine Nectar

In the realm of Teneria, situated on the continent of Erica, three princesses are poised for significant achievements. Runa, designated as the chosen one, wants to restore the kingdom to its former prominence. Scarlet is motivated by retribution, strives to reclaim her lost domain, and seeks vengeance for her people. Jessica, prepared to foster unity across the realm, must adeptly navigate the complex landscape of power dynamics and political maneuvering. Their trajectories converge upon the resurfacing of the Blue Compass, concealed for over four centuries. This compass serves as a navigational instrument leading to the esteemed Nadine Nectar that bestows upon the consumer the ability to attain dominion over all creatures. The unexpected re-emergence of the Blue Compass, a long-lost artifact, disrupts the prevailing peace and incites widespread conflict. Nations that had previously maintained a fragile harmony now find themselves in opposition. The three princesses, each embodying a distinct destiny, emerge at the forefront of this turmoil. As nations unfurl their war banners and issue battle cries, the location of the Nectar becomes known solely to the individual in possession of the Blue Compass. As the princesses undertake a perilous journey to secure the Nectar, they must confront personal adversities, cultivate unexpected alliances, and confront formidable adversaries. However, as they move closer to their objective, they realize that the price of power may exceed their initial expectations. The crucial question remains: will Runa, Scarlet, and Jessica surmount their differences and collaborate to obtain the Nectar, or will their divergent paths lead to the undoing of the Realm? This is Teneria, where the quest for power and the authentic essence of greatness are rigorously examined.
Remileku_David · 7.3K Views

Rose Cookies

So yeah. Rose Cookies. This isn’t your usual power fantasy or deep character study. It’s just… something that came out of my brain—and maybe yours too. Keanu, the guy you’re reading about, isn’t really a person. He doesn’t have a personality, no tragic backstory, no moral compass. He’s just there. Walking, talking, smiling. And then suddenly—violence. Out of nowhere. Why? Because sometimes, life just pushes people. You keep swallowing the little stuff—awkward silences, fake laughs, getting ignored, getting talked over, being the nice one. Over and over. And then one day, something in you snaps… or at least, wants to. Not gonna lie, a lot of these scenes are born from real stories. Not the stabbings, obviously, but the feelings. Stuff I’ve gone through. Stuff people have told me. That quiet, helpless frustration when you just sit there thinking, “Why do I keep letting this happen?” And maybe, for a second, your brain throws out the worst possible solution just to see how it feels. Keanu is that. He’s not a person. He’s an impulse. He’s what happens when all that built-up patience finally tips. Some chapters will be hilarious. Some will be disturbing. Some will make zero sense. That’s intentional. Life doesn’t stick to genre rules, so neither does this. Thanks for reading. Or hate-reading. Or doomscrolling (I sincerely doubt that) your way into this mess. I’m writing it like a fever dream and trying to surprise myself, so if it gets weird, don’t say I didn’t warn you. – Sincerely, Showerhead
showerhead · 1.6K Views

My Copy System is So Overpowered, That No One Can Beat Me!

A young boy by the name Habiki Yorgana is summoned into another world alongside his classmates, during their field trip from school. After their summoning they’re surrounded by many life threatening dangers, however they’re soon told by the summoners themselves that they were summoned here for an specific purpose. In order for them to return back home, they must eliminate an evil corruption that spreads through their lands, and destroy them. The summoners calls them Vanquishers, and these Vanquishers are summoned once every 5,000 years to eliminate this mysterious evil that keeps coming back. Habiki takes advantage of this from being an Otaku in the heart, and thus he has the most advantage over everyone else. He watched many Isekai animes and read hundreds of Mangas to know what to do, and what not to do… however his actions in the beginning are actually naive as he follows a moral compass that causes him to make idiotic decisions, despite his broken copy system he obtained in this new world. Soon the protagonist makes a mistake, and loses someone important. This loss causes him to undergo a drastic change in appearance, and his heart. He becomes ruthless to people, and his personality takes a whole 180 degree turn. He is no longer a hero, and acts more like a villain while also doing things his own way, on his own terms. _______________________________ Just a heads up before reading this: The novel has an MC with a main character complex in the beginning but he becomes villainous, and savage later on. It has Yaoi and Yuri inside of it, so if you don’t like, you shouldn’t read. The MC becomes a ”trap” later on as well, so that’s another warning for those who dislike the concept. You can expect dark fantasy, kingdom building, character development, harem, and overpowered MC.
HouseOfLee · 422.2K Views

The Heart’s Trade-Off

Amma is a dedicated artist living on the lovely island of Malta, and she has always wished for a love as bright as her paintings. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when her conventional family arranges for her to marry Jones, a wealthy but emotionally aloof businessman. In an effort to meet her family's expectations, Amma reluctantly accepts the engagement, torn between her sense of duty and her true desires. Everything changes when Alex, her childhood friend and secret lover, returns to Malta, causing Amma's carefully planned life to unravel. In direct contrast to Jones' cold and dominating nature, Amma is drawn to Alex's compassion and understanding, which rekindles old sentiments. She is caught in a maelstrom of emotions, compromises, and difficult decisions as she navigates the conflict between the life her family had planned for her and the love she has always desired. Amma's heart is divided between two men: one who represents tradition and stability, and the other who reaffirms her identity and ignites her passions. Following a tragic encounter that forces her to confront her true feelings, Amma faces a heart-wrenching decision: should she follow her heart and risk everything for the chance at true love, or should she honor her commitment to Jones and the life her family has planned for her? "The Heart's Trade-Off" is a poignant tale of love, sacrifice, and self-discovery set against the breathtaking backdrop of Malta's medieval beauty and sun-soaked landscapes. It explores the timeless dilemma of whether to fulfill our obligations or to follow our hearts, as well as the costs associated with each choice.
yusufbalogun24 · 990 Views

"La imaginacion: Remarried With My Husband Enemy"

"What If I didn't came back Then?" He Replied to his wife while tugging her hair behind her ear. "Then I will keep your memories in my room and I will guard them forever in my life" She replied to him with a smile. "Really" He asked her. "I promise" She started laughing while taking his words as Joke. Later he also joined her in laughing while taking this as Joke. Outside The Door..... She walked out with her husband at the end of the door. She smiled and said "Goodbye Hubby..." He turned towards her and kissed her forehead and said "Goodbye Wifey...." She looked at his car until it was disappeared. She didn't know 'Why' but she was feeling worried about him. _______________________ Eric Green- Famous actor and CEO of SL Company. He is known best for his business world though he is also an actor. He met Kim when they were shooting there first movie together. After Hundreds of date. They finally came in Relationship. Later they got married with love and compassion. _______________________ Kim Vand- Young heiress of Vand family. She was working as an actress in Country I, City L. She got married with her man whom she loved but after Few Months he died in a tragic accident. After his husband death her grandpa forces her to marry his business partner grandson who is famous idol. Later when she comes out of her past. She Becomes cruel towards her Second husband. She leaves in a Dark world. Where reality is hidden in the ground. _______________________ Kevin Lopez- Famous IDOL of Country I. After one Incident they left with no choice but to marry his granddaughter. But before marriage proposal he realizes that he has fallen for her after meeting her accidentally anywhere. He tries to make a good impression in front of her. However he always create problems for himself and kim. _______________________ "You!!!....How could you do this...." She cried and asked him. She walked in front of the burning statue and pictures and tried to stop the fire. She walked on it and tried to take the things but her family members caught her and didn't let her go. She cried and looked at the flame and ashes of her husband's memories which was burning in front of her eyes. She walked in front of him and slapped his face and started saying "Mr. Kevin Lopez you killed my husband....I will not spare you.....I will not leave you....I will kill you" "You destroyed my life....I will not forget you" she started crying. "You are not my husband...You are my enemy....You are the killer of my husband...." She declared in front of everyone. She rested her head on the shoulder of her brother and cried... ______________ After that incident kim lost her trust from Kevin. Kevin felt broken because He lost her forever but still he kept some Hope's that she will accept him .She will love him. They will have a peaceful life together. Will she accept him as her husband? Will he able to make her fall for him? Will They have a peaceful life together? Will They able to get along with each other? ________ Hey Guys Your Author Here..... Thanks For going through synopsis. If you liked my work so please add it in your library and support my work. I Assure you guys that this work will not disappoint you. It Will Contain a lots of grammatical errors because this is my first time writing a novel but don't be disappointed readers because we will correct it quickly. Please Go through the chapters One Time and I am sure you will Like It... ____________________________ (Cover is not mine taken out from pinterest) ______________
TheValQueen · 200.6K Views

Reclaiming Light: A Journey of Healing, Compassion, and Empowerment

Reclaiming Light chronicles the transformative journey of Sarah, a woman who rises from the ashes of her past to become a beacon of hope and empowerment for others. Through trials and tribulations, Sarah learns that every challenge faced serves a higher purpose, pushing her toward deeper understanding and compassion. This book illustrates how Sarah not only survived but flourished, transforming her pain into a powerful force for good in the world. As a workshop leader and writer, Sarah inspires others to reclaim their power and step into their truth, helping them break free from fear and manipulation. The community she builds acts as a sanctuary for healing, where individuals discover solace and support. This book captures both Sarah's inner journey and her outward impact, showcasing her evolution into a teacher who shares wisdom gained from personal experience. With the loving support of Daniel, her spiritual partner, Sarah delves into workshops that empower others to awaken their inherent spiritual gifts, reinforcing the message that love conquers hate. Through connections with kindred spirits, she realizes her life is beautifully interconnected with the lives of others, highlighting the universal lessons we can all learn. Reclaiming Light invites readers to understand that their past does not define them; rather, it serves as a stepping stone to greater depths of empathy, vulnerability, and authenticity. By exploring themes of resilience, connection, and spiritual awakening, this book offers readers the tools they need to transcend their pain and embrace a future brimming with possibilities.
MaxineSwart · 1K Views

Game of Eternals: Divine Deception

In the fractured world of Avaloria and the Unknown, where power, deception, and forgotten truths shaped destiny, a war loomed on the horizon—one no one yet understood. Behind the shadows of this conflict lay a cosmic Lie, spanning continents, worlds, and the very fabric of existence. Valcroy and Erik had been thrust into a journey neither had asked for, but both had been forced to endure. What began as a desperate escape from the Frostborne household unraveled into a quest that crossed realms and defied comprehension. Through the forbidden continents of Avaloria and into the unknown and unforgiving Lorein, the duo uncovered fragments of a forgotten past. They encountered allies, enemies, and the horrifying nature of the Lie that bound their world. Every step tested their strength and resolve, as the secrets of the worlds ground them down, forcing them to prove they were capable of bearing the truth. The Lie ran far deeper than they had imagined, threatening not just their world but the survival of all creation. With the calamity of Avaloria’s seven continents and the Fall of Lorein weighing heavy, they found themselves hunted by unseen forces, their own shadows turning against them. Erik and Valcroy had to uncover the truth behind the Well of the End and prepare to face an enemy that sought to consume it entirely. In a tale of fragile alliances, constant betrayal, and truths that could save or destroy, Divine Deception told a saga of resilience, loyalty, and the pursuit of a destiny shrouded in fire, ash, and forgotten worlds. Would they untangle the deception that bound [Compassion], or would they fall, like countless others before them? [One Day I Will Find The Words And They Will Be Simple]
First_Flame · 68.3K Views

Ex wife Getting her life back is isn’t easy

Helen settled in the living room, the silence heavy like an unwelcome weight. The only sound in the room, the soft ticking of the wall clock, reminded her that time was going—time she no longer wanted to count. Her mind a mist of thoughts, she subconsciously followed the edge of her coffee mug, her fingers fluttered slightly. None of the questions gnawed at her throughout the long, sleepless night could be answered. \n \n She had only arrived from the hospital early that morning. The doctor's words pulsed in her mind like an unusual symphony: *You're pregnant, Helen. Your baby is now. The child was not anybody's kid. This offspring was Jack's. She ought to have felt something, should have been elated, but she did not. No happiness came from the news. Not today at all. Not after everything that had turned out. For months now, Jack had withdrawn. At first there were minor indicators—forgotten anniversaries, the sudden late work hours, the missed phone calls. But everything changed when she discovered the lipstick on his shirt collar, the one that was not hers, the one she was sure didn belonged to anyone he worked with. He didn't even attempt to hide it. Though he was not one to be totally truthful either, Jack was not one to fib. \n \n The door banging wide open disrupted her thinking. \n \n Jack's fists clenched at his sides in the doorway, his face red with fury. Once warm and love for her, his eyes were now cold and free of any compassion. "Helen," he howled, his voice cutting, "I want a divorce." The words stung her as a slap to the face. The way she felt she knew everything came undone was as if the planet moved below her. Her stomach turned and her heart pained. Things were not meant to be like this. Her trust, her love, her dedication she had provided him. And still, here he was saying she is over. Jack waited not for an answer. His eyes on hers, he tore into the room. He appeared more furious than she had ever seen him. "I'm seeing Jane," he snapped out, as though he had just revealed a new line of sneakers. Your worst enemy. the one who really knows how to make me happy. Helen is better than you. She is more sensitive, finer, and more affectionate. She truly pays attention when I speak; not like you." \n \n Helen's throat clenched as she fought to consume the lump of bitterness rising inside her. Jane? The idea of it made her stomach turn with a combination of shock and treachery; this very same Jane with whom she had been loved for years? How might Jack accomplish this? How could he betray her with the one person she trusted most? Jane wasnuggested completed. "You at most can't give me a child," he went on venomously. "I maybe do not even know why I am still here. For years you have been infertile. I must not continue living like this. I need someone who can provide me the future—someone who can fulfill me. Helen blinked, his words piercing her heart like stings. She opened her mouth to talk, to justify herself, to describe how she had exhausted every means to conceive, but the words caught in her throat. It was pointless. Jack had his mind fixed. Already left, he would not change no matter what she said. \n \n Her lips released a cold, derisive laugh, a hushed sound that sounded like it echoed all over the otherwise quiet room. "You believe it is that simple?" she said, her voice full of feeling trembling. "You believe you can simply discard everything we have developed because you found someone else? Simply younger, simply prettier, simply someone who can give you children?" Jack's eyes stiffened, his jaw set, and he walked a step toward her. Absolutely. Whenever first person pronouns are used in sentences, I respond. I have had it with you, Helen. There is no need for me to justify myself. Simply sign the documents. It has come to an end.
Osagie_Aromose · 2.3K Views
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