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Mountain Cixin Liu

Reborn as a Mountain: I Defy the Heavens with a Smile

When a mountain comes to life, awakening its consciousness, it takes on another form—a Mountain Spirit. And that’s me reborn with extraordinary Divine powers. Want to know what these divine powers are? Well, one of them allows me to accelerate herb growth—up to one hundred times faster! Impressive, right? But wait, there’s more! I also possess a ‘golden finger’—which is ‘Space-Time’ system that lets me fish for lost techniques, weapons, pill formulas, and other treasures from the rivers of time and space. With these at my disposal, I’m sure to become stronger, at least stronger than the beautiful sect master who claims my mountain as her personal retreat and constantly drag me into her matters. It’s not an easy life, but no need to worry! I’m not just any spirit—I’m a human spirit born from a mountain, which means I have an extraordinary talent for cultivation. To top it off, my system was generous enough to grant me a divine cultivation technique right from the start. There’s just one tiny problem: it’s a dual cultivation technique, and I need a partner to cultivate it. So, I had no choice but to convince the sect master’s stunning disciple to help me out. I mean, it’s not like I’m after her gorgeous long legs, her curvaceous thighs, or her… well, you get the point. I’m just a humble cultivator trying to grow stronger by any means necessary. If only she’d run into some trouble, so I could swoop in and save the day. That would make things a lot easier for me… but alas, life is never that simple. Still, I’ll find a way. With my Space-Time system, my mountain’s power, and a little charm, I’ll outgrow this mountain and surpass everyone—even the sect master. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll enjoy the beauties along the way. *** No NTR, No Yuri, No Yaoi *** LinkTree- Discord-
Around_The_Moon · 83.9K Views

Nachdem sie von ihrer Familie reingelegt wurde, wurde sie von einem CEO aus einer reichen Familie verwöhnt

Jing Yao schlief mit dem Vorstandsvorsitzenden aus einer reichen Familie, dem nachgesagt wurde, dass er sich von Frauen fernhält. Sie wurde sogar schwanger. Jing Yao wuchs ohne jegliche Liebe ihrer Eltern auf. Obwohl sie und ihre Schwester Zwillinge waren, sah sie ihrer älteren Schwester überhaupt nicht ähnlich. Ihre Eltern bevorzugten ihre ältere Schwester. Jing Yao war gezwungen, schon in jungen Jahren zu arbeiten, während ihre Schwester zu Hause bleiben und nichts tun konnte. Jing Yao musste ihr Schulgeld selbst bezahlen. Eine einzige Handtasche, die ihre Schwester besaß, kostete mehrere zehntausend Euro. Und nicht nur das, ihre ältere Schwester kam sogar mit ihrem Verlobten zusammen, mit dem sie seit ihrer Kindheit verlobt war. Formal gesehen war Jing Yao die zweite Schwester in der Familie. In Wirklichkeit war sie jedoch so arm, dass sie nicht einmal ihre eigene Miete bezahlen konnte. Ihre Familie hatte sich nie um sie gekümmert oder ihr Zuneigung entgegengebracht. Um die Heirat ihrer älteren Schwester zu ermöglichen, stellte Jing Yaos leibliche Mutter ihr eine Falle, indem sie sie mit einem Investor trinken ließ. Sie wurde sogar unter Drogen gesetzt. Zum Glück war sie wach genug, um wegzulaufen. Allerdings rannte sie in die falsche Richtung. Das Ergebnis war, dass sie mit Liang Xun schlief. Als sie nach Hause kam, schrie Jing Yaos Mutter sie an. Ihr idiotischer Verlobter hat sie gedemütigt. Jing Yao sagte die Hochzeit auf der Stelle ab. Seitdem hat sie die Familie Jing verlassen. Später fand Liang Xun heraus, dass Jing Yao schwanger war. Er trat an sie heran und bat sie, ihn zu heiraten. Jing Yao wies ihn jedoch zurück. Liang Xun bot ihr direkt 100 Millionen als Hochzeitsgeschenk an, und sie willigte schließlich ein. Im Internet machten Gerüchte die Runde. Jing Yao, eine weibliche Berühmtheit, die in letzter Zeit an Popularität gewonnen hat, soll sich in die Beziehung ihrer älteren Schwester eingemischt haben. Einige behaupteten sogar, sie sei Liang Xuns Sugar Baby. Obwohl sie kritisiert wurde, veröffentlichte Jing Yao einen positiven Beitrag als Antwort. "Ich habe keine ältere Schwester und bin Liang Xuns Zuckermami". Liang Xun kommentierte ihr Posting sofort. "Meine Frau hat recht."
Mountain Springs · 42.6K Views

Nach der Auswanderung hat die fette Frau ein Comeback geschafft!

Qiao Mei tauchte in einem Roman als Nebenfigur mit demselben Namen wie sie auf, der es an Präsenz fehlte. Diese Nebenfigur war ein Bauerntrampel, der wegen seines Übergewichts nicht heiraten konnte. Nach dem ursprünglichen Drehbuch war dieses Landmädchen Qiao Mei eine von ihrem Großvater verwöhnte Fette. Ihre Verwandten waren jedoch allesamt bösartige und grausame Menschen. Ihr Großvater war gesundheitlich angeschlagen, so dass die Verwandten nach seinem Tod sein Vermögen aufteilen und verschlingen würden. Daher war es der größte Wunsch ihres Großvaters, Qiao Mei zu verheiraten. Dafür opferte und verriet er sogar den Enkel seines guten Freundes, Xia Zhe. Großvater machte Xia Zhe betrunken und ließ Qiao Mei den starken und gut aussehenden Xia Zhe mit ihrem mehr als zweihundert Pfund schweren Körper gewaltsam entführen. Am nächsten Tag erwischte der Großvater die beiden und zwang Xia Zhe, Qiao Mei zu heiraten. Doch damit begann das unglückliche Leben von Qiao Mei. In der ursprünglichen Geschichte nahm Qiao Mei auch die geheimnisvolle Jade von Xia Zhe in Besitz. Doch aufgrund von Qiao Meis Dummheit hatte die Schwester ihrer Cousine Qiao Mei dazu gebracht, ihr die Jade zu geben, was dazu führte, dass die Familie der Cousine reich wurde. Als Qiao Mei hierher wanderte, geschah das in dem unangenehmen Moment, als sie mit dem Mann schlief, nachdem sie ihn betrunken gemacht hatte. Als sie am nächsten Tag wach wurde, stand Opas Team bereits vor der Tür. Qiao Mei war erschrocken. Sie wollte nicht auf dem ursprünglichen Weg weitergehen und einen Mann heiraten, der sie nicht liebte. Also log sie und jagte Großvater fort. Sie stieß auch den Mann hinaus, bevor sie sich zwang, ihr gebräuntes und pummeliges Spiegelbild zu betrachten! Leider weinte sie über ihr hässliches Aussehen... Sie sah aus wie ein Sumo-Ringer in großer Stoffunterwäsche, und selbst in den Geschäften für Übergrößen gab es keine Kleidung in ihrer Größe. Und ihr Gesicht war so groß wie eine Pizza, eine verbrannte Pizza! Qiao Mei beschloss, ihr Leben zu ändern! Der erste Schritt: Abnehmen! Der zweite Schritt: ihr Zimmer aufräumen! Früher war sie sehr auf Sauberkeit bedacht, und obwohl ihr jetziges Haus einen riesigen Innenhof hatte, konnte sie es nur als unordentlich bezeichnen! Der dritte Schritt war, die Jade gut festzuhalten, damit ihre gierige Cousine keine Chance hatte! Nur, sollte der große und gut aussehende Xia Zhe sie nicht hassen, wie es in der ursprünglichen Geschichte hieß? Warum war er dann immer netter zu ihr?
Mountain Springs · 27.6K Views

Saya Mengembalikan Ingatan dan Menjadi Kaya Setelah Bercerai

"Gu Dai, aku hanya menikahimu untuk membuat Kakek senang. Kalau orang lain yang menyelamatkan Kakek, aku akan menikahinya dengan cara yang sama! Jangan terlalu tinggi hati!" Selama tiga tahun pernikahan, suami Gu Dai sering menghinanya. Dia tidak akan percaya bahwa dirinya pernah dimanja dan kaya raya jika dia tidak tiba-tiba mendapatkan kembali ingatannya. Mengapa dia dengan rela melayani pria ini selama tiga tahun? Pria ini bahkan cukup hina untuk jatuh cinta dengan wanita lain! Hal pertama yang dilakukan Gu Dai setelah mendapatkan kembali ingatannya adalah bercerai! Rumor menyebar di seluruh ibu kota bahwa gadis dari kawasan kumuh itu bercerai dari Tuan Song! "Serius? Bukannya dia penambang emas?" Semua orang bertanya. "Dia hanya berpura-pura susah didapat. Kalian pikir dia bisa melanjutkan hidupnya?" Tuan Song bertanya. Segera setelah itu, semua orang mengetahui bahwa Gu Dai telah kembali ke keluarga Gu di ibu kota. Kini, dia adalah putri muda dari keluarga terkaya di kota. Ternyata, dia adalah putri muda keluarga Gu yang hilang setelah terjadi kecelakaan kapal pesiar tiga tahun lalu! "Tuan Song, Nyonya Gu jelas tidak selevel denganmu," semua orang berkata. "Lalu apa? Dia tidak tahu cara merencanakan masa depan. Selain uang, dia tidak memiliki apa-apa lagi," Tuan Song berkata. Tak lama setelah itu, orang-orang mulai mengetahui identitas ganda Gu Dai. Dia adalah peretas besar, dokter ajaib, desainer terbaik di negara itu... Dia adalah segalanya yang Song Ling cari. Ketika mereka bertemu lagi, dia meraihnya dan memohon dengan air mata di matanya. "Dai, aku tidak keberatan jika kamu memiliki perasaan terhadap orang lain. Bisakah kamu tetap membiarkanku di sisimu?"
Mountain Springs · 56K Views

Senhor, Que Tal um Casamento?

No auge de sua carreira, a atriz de lista A Song Ning anunciou sua retirada da indústria do entretenimento por amor, chocando a nação. Todo mundo pensou que ela deve ter encontrado o lar ideal. Foi por isso que ela estava tão determinada. No início, Song Ning também pensava assim. Pelo resto de sua vida, ela não seria mais uma celebridade. Ela seria apenas uma mulher virtuosa cuidando de seu marido e filhos em casa. Porém, na noite anterior ao seu casamento, ela descobriu que seu noivo estava tendo um caso com sua melhor amiga. Furiosa, Song Ning encontrou um homem qualquer para registrar seu casamento na entrada do Cartório de Registro Civil. Ela originalmente queria se vingar de seu noivo canalha, mas não esperava que o homem com quem registrara seu casamento fosse o herdeiro do maior grupo financeiro do país, Mu Chen. Depois de se casarem, Mu Chen mimou Song Ning e a protegeu de todas as formas possíveis. Ele não deixava ninguém intimidá-la. Song Ning sempre pensou que seria feliz pelo resto de sua vida e viveria a melhor vida que desejasse. Isso mesmo, ela conseguiu. Apenas foi um pouco diferente do que ela havia imaginado originalmente. A pessoa que lhe deu tudo era alguém diferente. Muitos anos depois... Song Ning olhava para Mu Chen com afeto. "Eu sou realmente sortuda. Agradeço a Deus por ter te encontrado e me salvado do inferno." Mu Chen sorriu levemente. “Sim, agradeça a Deus.” No entanto, Song Ning nunca saberia. Mu Chen não estava falando sobre agradecer a Deus por ele ter conhecido Song Ning. Ele estava agradecendo a Deus por o noivo de Song Ning tê-la traído, para que ele tivesse uma chance. Não existia algo como um encontro acidental. Era apenas uma perseguição premeditada. Naquele dia, ele esperou por Song Ning do lado de fora do Cartório de Registro Civil por dez horas...
Mountain Springs · 59K Views

Depois de Deixar o CEO, Ela Surpreendeu o Mundo

Mo Rao nasceu numa família de médicos militares. Seus pais arriscaram suas vidas para salvar a avó de Fu Ying, por isso esta última forçou Fu Ying a tomar Mo Rao como sua esposa. Mo Rao sempre soube que Fu Ying tinha uma garota dos sonhos chamada Qu Ru. Esta garota não conseguiu se casar com Fu Ying como desejava porque a avó de Fu Ying os impediu. Após o casamento, Fu Ying foi muito atencioso com Mo Rao. Eles até tinham uma alta compatibilidade, especialmente na cama. Fu Ying sempre se encontrava profundamente imerso na ternura de Mo Rao. Até que um dia, Fu Ying disse, “Qu Ru voltou. Vamos nos divorciar. Vou transferir para o seu nome a propriedade que prometi a você.” Mo Rao disse, “Não podemos não nos divorciar? E se... eu estiver grávida...?” Fu Ying respondeu desalmadamente, “Aborta! Eu não quero mais obstáculos entre mim e Qu Ru. Além disso, Qu Ru tem leucemia, e sua medula óssea é compatível com a dela. Se você estiver disposta a doar a sua, eu posso lhe prometer qualquer coisa.” Mo Rao disse, “E se a minha condição for que não nos divorciemos?” Os olhos de Fu Ying se tornaram frios. “Mo Rao, não seja muito gananciosa. Mesmo que eu lhe prometa por causa de Qu Ru, você sabe muito bem que eu não amo você.” As palavras ‘eu não amo você’ feriram o coração de Mo Rao como uma faca. Seu sorriso de repente se tornou distorcido e ela não era mais a mulher dócil que costumava ser. “Fu Ying, esta é a primeira vez que você me repugna tanto. Você me chama de gananciosa, mas você não é o mesmo? Você quer que nos divorciemos para poder ficar com Qu Ru? Tudo bem, eu concordo com isso. Mas até sonha que eu vou salvá-la? Não se esqueça, não há essa de melhor de dois mundos na vida, assim como você e eu.” Então Mo Rao saiu. Fu Ying na verdade se sentiu sufocado, e esse sentimento o enlouqueceu. Quando Mo Rao apareceu mais uma vez, ela se tornou uma estrela deslumbrante. Quando ela apareceu diante de Fu Ying, de mãos dadas com seu novo amor, Fu Ying não se importou e disse, “Amor, você não disse que só me amaria?” Mo Rao sorriu levemente. “Desculpa, ex-marido. Eu estava enganada naquela época. Você era apenas um substituto. Na verdade, eu amo outra pessoa.”
Mountain Springs · 90.6K Views

The Malicious Royal Businesswoman

When Imperial Grandson Liu Zhao chose his future wife, with a wave of his pen, he circled Gu Jiu’s name. He said resolutely, “I want her!” With a decree, the emperor bestowed marriage. One after another, everyone dropped by to congratulate Gu Jiu. Sure enough, it was her dumb luck to marry the Imperial Grandson. Facing everyone’s blessings, Gu Jiu smiled on the surface, but in her heart, she was cursing fiercely. In her lifetime, the luckiest thing that happened to Gu Jiu was to die of illness but unexpectedly traverse to the ancient times and live a second time. And the most unfortunate thing that happened to her was meeting the Imperial Grandson, Liu Zhao. — It was rumoured that Imperial Grandson Liu Zhao was graceful, elegant, gentle, refined, humble, polite, and courteous. Gu Jiu: Hehe! The world was blind. That man was obviously two-faced, cunning, deceitful, and treacherous, with the ambition of wild wolves and a great villain. He was like the tyrannical male lead who is written by the screenwriter to die in the finale, but fans still feel distressed for him. — It was rumoured that the Gu family’s second daughter, Gu Jiu, was soft, gentle, virtuous, frail, and tender. Liu Zhao: What? Gentle, virtuous, frail, and tender are all fake. That woman was obviously aojiao, selfish, bad-tempered, and narrow-minded—a little foodie with a soft and delicate body that wasn’t easy to push over. — The first time they met: When Liu Zhao tried to misbehave with Gu Jiu, her mind came up with 108 ways of murdering him. Gu Jiu defended herself, pointing at Liu Zhao and saying, “You won’t do!” Pfft! Liu Zhao was completely defeated. — The second time they met: Gu Jiu fell into the lake. Liu Zhao heroically rescued the beauty. Gu Jiu slapped the back of his hand, “Spoiling my good deeds!” Liu Zhao was completely defeated once again. — At last, there came a day when Liu Zhao married Gu Jiu back home. The little foodie with a soft and delicate body that wasn’t easy to push over was finally locked up in his embrace. He said lovingly, “Wife, it’s not early. Let’s enter the bridal chamber, ba.” Gu Jiu smiled bashfully, “Husband, my body is uncomfortable. I’m afraid we cannot enter the bridal chamber tonight.” Pfft! Liu Zhao once again suffered 10,000 points of injury.
blackjack1O1 · 10.4K Views

This Protagonist Is A Bit Sick!

Liu Xun has lived a tough life for the past 25 years but he never complained about his hardships. However. When he was suddenly brought into a cultivation romance novel after he had just received his hard-earned promotion he finally lost it. "F*ck! Laozi was such a model citizen, Why are you doing this to Laozi?!" To make matters worse, both protagonists were cold-blooded murderers, especially the male lead, Wan Yu who was a bit of a psycho. He seemed to be at odds with everyone and enjoyed torturing people, especially the big villain, Wu Jing who was particularly miserable at the end. And he just happened to be that Wu Jing. Liu Xun: vomit blood jpg. Fortunately, every cloud has a silver lining and this new life of his is not beyond saving yet. Filled with determination, Liu Xun swore not to cross paths with the protagonists and lay low as an Outer disciple. Unfortunately, Heaven seemed to have another plan for him. Liu Xun put on an unfriendly face and turned to glare at a certain little boy, "Why are you following me?" The little boy timidly spoke, "... Can't I stay with you?" Liu Xun immediately replied, "No." Even though he decided not to be involved with him, as a normal grownup adult he still couldn't turn a blind eye toward the child abuse in the end. As a result, he ended up helping the little male protagonist a few more times. After some time passed, looking at the fair-faced harmless little boy, Liu Xun tiredly sighed like an old father. Never mind, I will raise him during my stay as the Heavenly Sect's Outer disciple and we will go on our ways in the future. Unbeknownst to him, in a place where he couldn't see, the little boy's eyes turned cold while silently observing him. Wan Yu who came back to the past a while ago dangerously narrowed his eyes. Who is this person? ... Should I just kill him? After some time passed, looking at this not-so-bright and foolish person, Wan Yu pinched the space between his eyebrows and gave an almost inaudible sigh. Nevermind. As long as this guy doesn't betray him he is willing to take him under his wings. A comedy-romance story with a model citizen (?) transmigrator shou x a black lotus reborn gong, no dog-blood drama. The cover doesn't belong to me. Everything is fictional and shouldn't be taken seriously.
B1ackDiA · 28.8K Views
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