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Cixin Liu

SSS rank Mother-In-Law to an Invincible Family

[sexual content and lemons warning] Warning: Sexual content, lemons, Comedy, MILFs, Genius Mc and his harem. Possessive MC, Large Harem, Capable Harem members, No Conscience towards men, Mc is a Chill guy until anything happens to his women. ~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~×~ I GOT CLICHED!!!. When Xu Qianghua opened his eyes, he found out that he was reborn back in time before the game Immortal Odyssey: Paths of Destiny merged with his world. With only a few items left with him, Xu Qianghua is stunned and unhappy because he had a good life and was not like those who either betrayed or died to some really powerful monster. Until he saw the introduction of them: Family Token (Chaos): A small world with Immortal veins and high-level spirit crystal mines…. Key of the Ancients(Chaos): A mini-world with infinite monsters and riches to collect…. While Xu Qianghua also deals with his wives Xu Qianghua: Mother-in-law this is wrong Sister Meiying: This is not wrong, I need to check if my daughter can be satisfied. The jumps on Xu Qianghua After a few hours Liu Anwei: Brother Qiang, what were you talking with my mom about? Xu Qianghua: Nothing, your mother wanted you to have a new sibling, so she asked for my help Liu Anwei: What? Read as Xu Qianghua and his now new try again with a different path from his past life which might lead them to ruin or become the strongest family out there. ….. No NTR ..... PS: This is my first novel so I will have a lot of mistakes, so if you find any please feel free to comment and I will fix it as soon as possible. ....... Discord Link:
Anime_timez24 · 2.3M Views

Dari CEO Menjadi Selir

Yan Zheyun terlahir dan dibesarkan untuk menjadi pemenang. Orang tuanya masuk dalam Daftar Forbes, dia adalah lulusan terbaik dalam kelasnya di universitas teratas di negaranya, dan yang menjadi puncak dari semua itu adalah dia terpilih sebagai 'idola sekolah' selama empat tahun berturut-turut oleh teman-temannya. Dan sekarang, di usia dua puluh lima tahun, Yan Zheyun bangga menjadi ketua dan CEO dari perusahaan teknologi miliknya sendiri. Namun yang seharusnya menjadi hari terbahagia dalam hidupnya berubah menjadi hari terburuk ketika ia mendengar suara robot asing saat menyeberang jalan untuk membeli kopi, hanya karena dia tidak bisa menunggu sekretarisnya kembali dari ruang fotokopi. [LAPORAN BUG #193842347: DETEKSI JIWA DUNIA LAIN. MEMULAI SEKUENSI DEPORTASI.] Dan kemudian dia meninggal. Dalam kecelakaan mobil yang sangat membosankan dan sangat biasa. …kecuali mungkin dia tidak mati. Hal pertama yang dipikirkan Yan Zheyun setelah dia membuka matanya dan menemukan dirinya di sebuah kamar yang terlihat seperti set drama istana dalam adalah: Wow, kopi itu tidak sebanding. Hal kedua yang dia pikirkan setelah dia menyadari bahwa dia sekarang berada di dalam novel BL sejarah dan telah tertransportasi ke tubuh seorang kecantikan tragis yang akan (segera) digunakan dan disiksa oleh beberapa kekasihnya adalah: Sepertinya saya membuka mata dengan teknik yang salah, mari saya coba lagi…eh, masih di sini. Ya sudahlah. Sial. Dari CEO menjadi budak rendahan, Yan Zheyun tidak percaya dengan nasibnya. Terjebak di dunia baru dan dikelilingi puncak-puncak gila (dikenal sebagai ‘Sahabat Masa Kecil’, ‘Anak Jenderal’, ‘Pangeran Mahkota’, ‘Pangeran Lain’, ‘Duke yang Menyeramkan’ dll.), Yan Zheyun menyadari bahwa pengalamannya selama satu hari sebagai CEO tidak mempersiapkannya dengan cukup untuk kehidupan baru yang penuh penderitaan ini. Namun dia bukan tipe orang yang menyerah tanpa perlawanan jadi…Yan Zheyun dengan tegas memutuskan untuk menjauh dari garis plot romantis yang menakutkan, mencoba menulis garis plot politik baru, dan selagi melakukannya, berpegangan pada paha-paha besar, berusaha mendapatkan kebaikan dari yang berkuasa. Dan dalam monarki dinasti, paha siapa yang lebih baik untuk digenggam selain kaisar sendiri? Liu Yao: …Sang Penguasa mengizinkanmu untuk memeluk bagian lainnya juga. Pasangan: - Sang-Penguasa-Tampak-Keras-Tapi-Rahasia-Baik!Kaisar Top VS Aku-Tampak-Seperti-Kelinci-Tapi-Rahasia-Serigala!Budak Bawah - BUKAN harem, seluruh cerita adalah 1v1 Peringatan: - Novel ini menangani beberapa masalah berat yang timbul sebagai akibat dari perbudakan dan sistem kasta. Saya telah menambahkan peringatan pemicu di mana relevan tetapi hanya sebagai pengingat, bajingan disebut bajingan karena alasan! Update: 21:00 GMT+8 Diilustrasikan Oleh: HAZHE
Queeniecat · 34 Views

Vom CEO zur Konkubine

Yan Zheyun wurde als Gewinner geboren und gezüchtet. Seine Eltern standen auf der Forbes-Liste, er war der Abschiedsredner seiner Abschlussklasse an der besten Universität des Landes, und als Sahnehäubchen wurde er von seinen Mitschülern vier Jahre in Folge zum "Schulbesten" gewählt. Und jetzt, mit nur fünfundzwanzig, war Yan Zheyun stolzer Vorsitzender und CEO seines eigenen Technologieunternehmens. Doch der Tag, der eigentlich der glücklichste seines Lebens hätte sein sollen, wurde zum schlimmsten, als er auf dem Weg zum Kaffee eine seltsame Roboterstimme hörte, nur weil er es nicht erwarten konnte, dass seine Sekretärin aus dem Kopierraum zurückkam. [FEHLERBERICHT #193842347: ANDERSWELTLICHE SEELE ENTDECKT. ABSCHIEBUNGSSEQUENZ EINLEITEN]. Und dann ist er gestorben. Bei einem sehr langweiligen, sehr alltäglichen Autounfall. ...außer vielleicht, dass er es nicht tat. Das erste, was Yan Zheyun dachte, als er die Augen öffnete und sich in einem Schlafzimmer wiederfand, das aussah wie die Kulisse eines dieser inneren Palastdramen, war: Wow, der Kaffee war es nicht wert. Das Zweite, was er dachte, als er feststellte, dass er sich in einem historischen BL-Roman befand und in den Körper einer tragischen Schönheit gewandert war, die von ihren zahlreichen Geliebten benutzt und missbraucht wurde (werden sollte), war: Ich muss meine Augen mit der falschen Technik geöffnet haben, lass es mich noch einmal versuchen ... nein, immer noch da. Naja. F**k. Vom CEO zum niederen Sklaven, Yan Zheyun konnte sein Glück nicht fassen. Gefangen in einer fremden Welt und umgeben von verrückten Oberhäuptern (auch bekannt als "Der Kindheitsfreund", "Der Sohn des Generals", "Der Kronprinz", "Ein anderer Prinz", "Der unheimliche Herzog" usw.), wurde Yan Zheyun klar, dass seine eintägige Erfahrung als CEO ihn nicht ausreichend auf dieses neue Leben voller Elend vorbereitet hatte. Aber er war nicht der Typ, der kampflos aufgibt, und so beschloss Yan Zheyun, sich von dem schrecklichen romantischen Handlungsstrang fernzuhalten, sich einen neuen politischen Handlungsstrang zu suchen und dabei ein paar dicke Schenkel zu umarmen und sich die Gunst der Mächtigen zu sichern. Und wessen Schenkel würden sich in einer dynastischen Monarchie besser zum Umarmen eignen als der des Kaisers selbst? Liu Yao: ...Dieser Herrscher erlaubt Euch, auch andere Teile zu umarmen. Paarung: - Der-Souverän-schaut-stern-aber-ist-geheim-lieb!Kaiser oben VS-ich-schaue-aus-wie-ein-Kaninchen-aber-ich-bin-geheim-ein-Fuchs!Sklaven-unten - KEIN Harem, die ganze Geschichte ist 1v1 Warnungen: - Dieser Roman behandelt einige schwere Themen, die sich aus der Sklaverei und dem Kastensystem ergeben. Ich habe Triggerwarnungen hinzugefügt, wo es relevant ist, aber nur als Vorwarnung, die Drecksäcke werden nicht ohne Grund Drecksäcke genannt! Aktualisierungen: 21:00 GMT+8 Illustriert von: HAZHE
Queeniecat · 21 Views

Del CEO a concubina

``` Yan Zheyun estaba predestinado a ser un ganador. Sus padres estaban en la lista de Forbes, fue el mejor de su clase al graduarse en la universidad más prestigiosa del país y la guinda del pastel fue ser votado como el "chico césped" cuatro años seguidos por sus compañeros. Y ahora, con apenas veinticinco años, Yan Zheyun era el orgulloso presidente y CEO de su propia empresa tecnológica. Pero lo que debería haber sido el día más feliz de su vida se convirtió en el peor cuando escuchó una extraña voz robótica mientras cruzaba la calle para tomar un café, solo porque no podía esperar a que su secretaria regresara de la sala de fotocopias. [INFORME DE ERROR #193842347: ALMA DE OTRO MUNDO DETECTADA. INICIANDO SECUENCIA DE DEPORTACIÓN.] Y luego murió. En un accidente de coche muy aburrido, muy común y corriente. …excepto que tal vez no lo hizo. Lo primero que Yan Zheyun pensó después de abrir los ojos y encontrarse en un dormitorio que parecía el set de uno de esos dramas del palacio interior fue: "Vaya, el café no valía la pena." Lo segundo que pensó después de darse cuenta de que ahora se encontraba en una novela histórica BL y había transmigrado al cuerpo de una trágica belleza que estaba (a punto de) ser utilizada y maltratada por sus múltiples amantes fue: "Debo haber abierto los ojos con la técnica equivocada, déjame intentarlo de nuevo... no, todavía sigo aquí. Bueno. Mierda." De CEO a esclavo de poca monta, Yan Zheyun no podía creer su suerte. Atrapado en un mundo extranjero y rodeado de tops locos (respectivamente conocidos como "El Amigo de la Infancia", "El Hijo del General", "El Príncipe Heredero", "Algún Otro Príncipe", "Ese Duque Espeluznante", etc.), Yan Zheyun se dio cuenta de que su experiencia de un día como CEO no lo había preparado adecuadamente para esta nueva vida de miseria. Pero no era de los que se rinden sin luchar, así que… Yan Zheyun se decidió resueltamente a mantenerse alejado de la aterradora línea romántica, intentar escribir una nueva línea argumental política y, de paso, abrazar algunos muslos gruesos, ganarse el favor de los poderosos. Y en una monarquía dinástica, ¿qué muslos serían mejor elección para abrazar que los del propio emperador? Liu Yao: …Este Soberano te permite abrazar otras partes también. Pareja: - ¡Emperador Top que parece serio pero en secreto es amable! VS ¡Esclavo Bottom que parece un conejo pero en secreto es un zorro! - NO es harem, toda la historia es 1v1 Advertencias: - Esta novela trata algunos temas duros que surgen como resultado de la esclavitud y un sistema de castas. He añadido advertencias de contenido donde es relevante pero solo para avisar, ¡a los canallas se les llama canallas por algo! Actualizaciones: 21:00 GMT+8 Ilustrado Por: HAZHE ```
Queeniecat · 546 Views

Du PDG à la concubine

Yan Zheyun avait grandi destiné à gagner. Ses parents figuraient sur la liste Forbes, il avait été le major de sa promotion dans la meilleure université du pays, et la cerise sur le gâteau, il avait été élu « beau gosse de l'école » quatre années de suite par ses camarades. Et maintenant, à seulement vingt-cinq ans, Yan Zheyun était le fier président et PDG de sa propre entreprise technologique. Mais ce qui aurait dû être le jour le plus heureux de sa vie se transforma en pire quand il entendit une étrange voix robotique en traversant la route pour aller chercher un café, juste parce qu'il ne pouvait pas attendre que sa secrétaire revienne de la salle de photocopie. [RAPPORT DE BUG #193842347 : ÂME D'UN AUTRE MONDE DÉTECTÉE. INITIATION DE LA SÉQUENCE DE DÉPORTATION.] Et puis il mourut. Dans un accident de voiture très banal, très quelconque. … sauf qu’en fait, peut-être pas. La première chose que Yan Zheyun pensa après avoir ouvert les yeux et s’être retrouvé dans une chambre qui ressemblait au décor d'un de ces drames du palais intérieur fut : Wow, le café n’en valait pas la peine. La deuxième chose qu’il pensa après avoir réalisé qu’il était maintenant dans un roman BL historique et qu’il avait transmigré dans le corps d'une beauté tragique qui allait (être) utilisée et abusée par ses nombreux amants fut : Je dois avoir ouvert les yeux de la mauvaise manière, essayons encore…non, toujours là. Eh bien. Merde. Du PDG à l'esclave insignifiant, Yan Zheyun ne pouvait croire à sa chance. Coincé dans un monde étranger et entouré de tops fous (respectivement connus sous le nom de ‘L'Ami d'Enfance’, ‘Le Fils du Général’, ‘Le Prince Héritier’, ‘Un Autre Prince’, ‘Ce Duc Flippant’, etc.), Yan Zheyun réalisa qu'une journée d'expérience en tant que PDG ne l'avait pas suffisamment préparé pour cette nouvelle vie misérable. Mais ce n’était pas le genre à abandonner sans se battre, alors… Yan Zheyun prit fermement sa décision d'éviter la terrifiante trame romantique, d'essayer de se créer une nouvelle trame politique, et pendant ce temps, de serrer quelques cuisses puissantes, d'amadouer les puissants. Et dans une monarchie dynastique, de quelles cuisses serait-il mieux de se rapprocher que celles de l'empereur lui-même ? Liu Yao : …Ce Souverain vous permet aussi d'étreindre d'autres parties. Association : - Empereur au Sommet-Air-Sévère-Mais-Secrètement-Bienveillant VS Esclave au Bas-Face-de-Lapin-Mais-Secrètement-Renard - PAS un harem, toute l'histoire est en 1 contre 1 Avertissements : - Ce roman traite de sujets lourds résultant de l'esclavage et d'un système de castes. J'ai ajouté des avertissements déclencheurs là où c'était pertinent, mais juste pour information, les salauds sont appelés salauds pour une raison! Mises à jour : 21h00 GMT+8 Illustré par : HAZHE
Queeniecat · 18 Views

Eu transmigrei e ganhei um marido e um filho!

``` Ela era conhecida por muitos nomes: Demônia, uma bruxa perversa, uma herdeira nascida para governar o inferno, a mais cruel, e a mais venenosa flor no mundo subterrâneo. Poucos sabiam, a herdeira da mais misteriosa organização de assassinatos tinha um sonho simples. Um sonho que muitas garotas tinham: ter uma vida tranquila com um marido e um filho. Foi por isso que, quando esta infame líder da organização de assassinos acordou no corpo de Heaven Liu, ela pensou que seu sonho de vida finalmente tinha se tornado realidade. Mas a realidade estava longe do que ela esperava. Heaven Liu era uma atriz decadente; ela desapareceu dos holofotes no auge da fama. A razão? Uma gravidez indesejada. Forçada a se casar com um homem que não amava, o casamento desmoronou facilmente — quase à beira de sem reparo. Com essa realidade que ela tinha que enfrentar, será que ela seria capaz de consertar os corações partidos de seu marido e filho? Ou a distância entre eles continuaria a aumentar? Com esse casamento sem amor desde o início, haveria uma chance de eles viverem felizes como uma família? Ou seria tarde demais? O mais importante, será que ela realmente escaparia das correntes que pensava ter rompido? Ou seu próprio inferno a alcançaria para arrastá-la de volta aos fossos do inferno aonde ela pertence? ***** O EBOOK ESTÁ DISPONÍVEL NA AMAZON. LINK: A tradução para Espanhol também está disponível na Webnovel. Link:!_29071013600828005 Isenção de responsabilidade: A capa não é de minha autoria. Todos os créditos vão para o artista. Esta é uma parte da série Wild da autora. Wild Miss Heiress: Eu reencarnei e consegui um marido e um filho! ```
BAJJ · 115.4K Views

The Malicious Royal Businesswoman

When Imperial Grandson Liu Zhao chose his future wife, with a wave of his pen, he circled Gu Jiu’s name. He said resolutely, “I want her!” With a decree, the emperor bestowed marriage. One after another, everyone dropped by to congratulate Gu Jiu. Sure enough, it was her dumb luck to marry the Imperial Grandson. Facing everyone’s blessings, Gu Jiu smiled on the surface, but in her heart, she was cursing fiercely. In her lifetime, the luckiest thing that happened to Gu Jiu was to die of illness but unexpectedly traverse to the ancient times and live a second time. And the most unfortunate thing that happened to her was meeting the Imperial Grandson, Liu Zhao. — It was rumoured that Imperial Grandson Liu Zhao was graceful, elegant, gentle, refined, humble, polite, and courteous. Gu Jiu: Hehe! The world was blind. That man was obviously two-faced, cunning, deceitful, and treacherous, with the ambition of wild wolves and a great villain. He was like the tyrannical male lead who is written by the screenwriter to die in the finale, but fans still feel distressed for him. — It was rumoured that the Gu family’s second daughter, Gu Jiu, was soft, gentle, virtuous, frail, and tender. Liu Zhao: What? Gentle, virtuous, frail, and tender are all fake. That woman was obviously aojiao, selfish, bad-tempered, and narrow-minded—a little foodie with a soft and delicate body that wasn’t easy to push over. — The first time they met: When Liu Zhao tried to misbehave with Gu Jiu, her mind came up with 108 ways of murdering him. Gu Jiu defended herself, pointing at Liu Zhao and saying, “You won’t do!” Pfft! Liu Zhao was completely defeated. — The second time they met: Gu Jiu fell into the lake. Liu Zhao heroically rescued the beauty. Gu Jiu slapped the back of his hand, “Spoiling my good deeds!” Liu Zhao was completely defeated once again. — At last, there came a day when Liu Zhao married Gu Jiu back home. The little foodie with a soft and delicate body that wasn’t easy to push over was finally locked up in his embrace. He said lovingly, “Wife, it’s not early. Let’s enter the bridal chamber, ba.” Gu Jiu smiled bashfully, “Husband, my body is uncomfortable. I’m afraid we cannot enter the bridal chamber tonight.” Pfft! Liu Zhao once again suffered 10,000 points of injury.
blackjack1O1 · 7.3K Views

Quick transmigration: the redemption odyssey

    In this novel (Quick Tresmigration: The Redemption Odyssey),we witness a blend of intense conflicts and psychological transformations that our protagonist"Liu Xingyu", experiences each time she transmigrates to a new world. In every mission, she has not only to rescue the villain but also to confront his obsessive interest in her, while struggling to survive against enemies lurking around her and the villain. Each world has its unique background, and Liu Xingyu acquires a special power suited to each world. Even the villain is a completely different character every time, with each story more thrilling and suspenseful than the last. Liu Xingyu begins her journey in a modern world in 21century, in a high school for the wealthy students, where secrets and conspiracies hide in every corner. Her mission is to save both the world and the villain.Will she find a happy ending with Shen Yuan, or will it lead to a true tragedy? After this world, the system throws Liu Xingyu into an apocalyptic world swarming with zombies, where she is forced to kill to survive. Here, she must protect the crazy genius scientist, and stop him from creating a virus even deadlier than the zombie virus. Along the way, she meets both good and evil people, embarking on a perilous adventure where a single mistake could cost her life. Luckily, her quirky system, Xiao Jiu, grants her a power more useful than ever. Next, she finds herself in the ancient times, serving as a lowly maid to a cursed prince with a dark fate. Her mission is to save him and prevent his impending destruction all over the kingdom. Following that comes the world of beasts, where the once-strongest admiral of the army has lost his powers and become a laughingstock. Can she restore his strength and protect him from those who seek to bring him down? In the vampire world, the villain is a noble vampire turned to a lowely monster  due to a poison in his body. With her powers from the first world, it seems rescuing him might be easy—but is it really? Then comes the world of the sentinels and the Guides... In facing these fantastical, challenging worlds, will Liu Xingyu complete her mission and save each villain? Can she overcome the trauma of her past, forgive her father, and live genuinely happy, without putting on a facade? Most importantly, is her mission truly as simple as the system claims, or are there deeper secrets awaiting her to uncover? And what is the story behind the broken soul and these soul fragments, and to whom do they belong? All this and more will be revealed in Liu Xingyu's long journey... Stay tuned!     
RINNArinna · 4K Views

From CEO to Concubine

Yan Zheyun was born and bred to be a winner. His parents were on the Forbes’ List, he was the valedictorian of his graduating class at the top university in the country, and the icing on the cake was being voted ‘school grass’ four years in a row by his peers. And now, at just twenty-five, Yan Zheyun was the proud chairman and CEO of his very own tech company. But what should have been the happiest day of his life turned into the worst when he heard a strange robotic voice while crossing the road for coffee, just because he couldn’t wait for his secretary to return from the photocopying room. [BUG REPORT #193842347: OTHERWORLD SOUL DETECTED. INITIATING DEPORTATION SEQUENCE.] And then he died. In a very boring, very run-of-the-mill car accident. …except maybe he didn’t. The first thing Yan Zheyun thought after he opened his eyes and found himself in a bedroom that looked like the set of one of those inner palace dramas was: Wow, coffee wasn’t worth it. The second thing he thought after he realised he was now in a historical BL novel and had transmigrated into the body of a tragic beauty who was (about to be) used and abused by his multiple lovers was: I must have opened my eyes with the wrong technique, let me try again…nope, still here. Well. F**k. From CEO to lowly slave, Yan Zheyun couldn’t believe his luck. Stuck in a foreign world and surrounded by crazy tops (respectively A.K.A ‘The Childhood Friend’, ‘The General’s Son’, ‘The Crown Prince’, ‘Some Other Prince’, ‘That Creepy Duke’ etc.), Yan Zheyun realised that his one day’s experience as CEO had not prepared him adequately for this new life of misery. But he wasn’t the sort to give up without a fight so…Yan Zheyun resolutely made up his mind to stay away from the terrifying romantic plot line, try and write himself a new political plot line, and while at it, hug some big thighs, curry some favour with the powerful. And in a dynastic monarchy, whose thighs would be a better choice for hugging than the emperor himself? Liu Yao: …This Sovereign permits you to hug other parts too. Pairing: - This-Sovereign-Looks-Stern-But-Is-Secretly-Kind!Emperor Top VS I-Look-Like-A-Rabbit-But-I’m-Secretly-A-Fox!Slave Bottom - NOT harem, entire story is 1v1 Warnings: - This novel deals with some heavy subject matter that arises as a result of slavery and a caste system. I have added trigger warnings where relevant but just a heads up, the scumbags are called scumbags for a reason! Updates: 21:00 GMT+8 Illustrated By: HAZHE
Queeniecat · 2.7M Views

My Beautiful mother like smoke, the world's richest person

This is the right version of the story on my account the other one had some problems on webnovel. A story about traveling through a system! Incest, multiple blood relatives, harem, pony cart, and light training. The protagonist's soul traveled through time and space to a newborn baby, and he was sent to Xia City when he was just born. At first, he didn't know that he was Liu Ruyan's son! The most important thing is that he was bound to a very bad system called the money exchange system, so after he could speak, he showed a melancholy temperament! Others thought he was sad about something, but every time someone asked him, he shook his head lightly and said no! But only he knew the pain in his heart! He guarded a system, but the system asked for money. It gave money for intelligence, but I still gave money for strength! Unfortunately, Liu Xuan, who was thrown into the welfare home, lacked money! Otherwise, he wouldn't have been hungry every day and bullied. Until Liu Ruyan came and handed over a 10 billion black card, the world finally changed. The beautiful mother's soft breasts that made people linger, and the long black legs that were longer than his life, yes, that housekeeper, the loose maid clothes, weren't they just waiting for him to fuck them? At this moment, Liu Xuan, who had been single from the previous life to this life, immediately notified the dog system after receiving the black card handed over by the beautiful mother, and directly blessed his bird gun that was growing well into a thick cannon...
Smutlove69 · 291K Views

Transmigrated as a loser alpha in post apocalyptic world

Alex , after being murder by an assassin when she was investigating a forensic case in her office , opened her eyes in a different place . It was not a royal bedroom next to a prince but a dangerous cliff. Her whole body was injured as she was on a small landing in the upper centre of the cliff which was about to fall off. After a big struggle she managed to climb up to the ground, then suddenly a rush of memories reached her in an instant. They were horrible, it was of a cruel woman who abused a cute little man and did many awful things. But wait, these memories seem different, looking at the front from the cliff , she saw a ruined city. After seeing her face in the lake side she believed that she was transmigrated in the body of Yin Alex and from the memories she learnt that this world is ABO world, which just has suffered through an Apocalypse which destroyed many things and decrease population but this also gave most people some kind of level and elements power to which they could fight the monsters. Moreover the original host of the body is a loser, scumbag and noob Alpha, who has a cute omega husband, a three year old kid and 2 cute siblings. Not only had she abused them everyday, she couldn't even go up in her life, living a poor life, as a harasser, alcoholic and let her family starve. "Why ?! Just why do I have to transmigrate here ?! Should I run away ? but where?!!!!" Not only Alex can't run away, but she have to clean up the mess Yin Alex, the original host, has created and also bring the traumatic husband of here's to a happy life by pampering him everyday with all she could . She also have to take care of three little children plus improve her reputation. "What have I gotten myself into?!!" Moreover the one who pushed Yin Alex, the original host, down the cliff was no one other than her weak and cute little husband , Yi Liu . "He won't try to kill me again right? I have to do something?" Join the journey of Alex from becoming a loser Alpha to a top Alpha in this post apocalyptic world and her romance with Yi Liu who is cute but also vicious? This story contains:- Female Alpha X Male omega , ABO world, post apocalyptic era , mpreg and also BL , GL as side characters. (the is my original but the cover is not mine)
Animeloverdj136 · 860 Views
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