The Cosmic Journey
In a forgotten corner of the Universe, where the skies stretch far beyond the horizon, a boy lives unaware of the vastness that lies beyond his Dreams. His days are ordinary, his dreams small, until fate whispers through an ancient relic—a doorway to countless worlds, each more dangerous and wondrous than the last.
Through trials unknown to most, the boy embarks on a journey that bends time and space, taking him across realms where gods play games and monsters rule. With every step, his strength grows, his soul becomes sharper, and power beyond imagining fills his hands.
But the multiverse does not give without taking, and for every gift, there is a price. A shadow looms ever closer, one that even power may not defeat. For as he ascends to heights never before seen, the boy must learn: the greatest enemy is not what awaits in the dark, but what awakens within.
And so the rhyme echoes through each world:
"He who walks through endless skies,
Will find his fate where shadow lies.
With power gained and soul at stake,
The boy ascends, yet worlds may break."
# Disclaimer #
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner.