Galactic Chaos: will of man
In the distant future, humanity’s golden age of colonization is shattered by the arrival of the Uth’er Dan—a monstrous insectoid race driven by a single belief: destruction and genocide. Their biological prowess, from acidic weaponry, parasitism to bio-electric plasma discharges, decimates entire colonies, pushing humanity to the brink of extinction.
Desperate to survive, humanity initiates the Sentinel Project, creating the first generation of superhuman soldiers. These soldiers, towering at 6"11 feet and armed with advanced armor, become humanity's shield against annihilation. Yet the Uth’er Dan evolve too, unleashing stronger hordes and deadlier strategies.
In a desperate gamble, humanities experiment and will to survive creates the TITAN project, a more advanced supersoldiers experiment that breaks past what is imaginable said to stand at 13 feet tall true titans of humanity.
Among the titans a phenomenon of the Wargods—Titans who mutate further, growing extra pair of limbs, developing bio-abilities, and wielding godlike strength. These abominations inspire both awe and terror, for their power comes at an unspeakable cost.
As humanity battles on, it discovers alien technology that could change the tide of war, but only at the cost of lives. Titans fall, heroes rise, and the galaxy burns. Amid the chaos, humanity clings to one question:
Can mankind’s will endure in the face of unrelenting darkness?