Book Summary:
The story follows Jacob Martell, a 15-year-old introverted student in the Philippines who suffers from Phasmophobia, an intense fear of ghosts. He forms a unique friendship with John Lloyd Garrison, another introverted student, and they both become friends with a popular girl named Marie Galaciotica. Jacob's newfound friendship with John helps him overcome his social anxiety.
As the story progresses, Jacob's school life becomes much better, and he becomes particularly close to Marie. However, things take a terrifying turn when Jacob encounters a horrifying ghost in his room one night. He experiences panic and confusion as he witnesses more ghosts outside his house, and he tries to pretend they don't exist.
This story explores themes of friendship, overcoming social anxiety, and the sudden introduction of supernatural elements into Jacob's life as he grapples with the presence of terrifying ghosts.