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Fur Elise Tutorial

La Esposa del Demonio

``` *Romance Histórico de Queima Lenta* Lady Elise estava prestes a trocar pelo vestido que estava jogado no canto da sua cama quando ouviu uma batida suave vindo de sua porta. Curiosa, ela girou a maçaneta e viu um homem alto se impondo à sua frente. “Mestre Ian!” Ela chamou. Ian sorriu com o sorriso maroto de sempre que ele sempre usava. Seus olhos carmesins percorreram o quarto dela e avistaram o vestido preto sobre a sua cama e direcionaram o olhar para a mulher à sua frente. Ele deu um passo à frente e falou. “Onde você conseguiu esse vestido?” “O Sr. Harland me deu.” Lady Elise respondeu e esticou o pescoço para ver as sobrancelhas de Ian se unindo em sua elegância. “Você sabe por que um homem adoraria dar um vestido a uma mulher?” Ele fez um enigma que ela sempre tinha que pensar duas vezes antes de responder. Mas dessa vez, ela não encontrou resposta e, em vez disso, balançou a cabeça. “Não sei.” Seu sorriso se tornou encantador como se algo tivesse despertado no profundo dos olhos escarlates que ele tinha. Ele lentamente deslizou sua mão pela gola do vestido dela, enviando um arrepio frio que a assustou por um momento devido a sua temperatura congelante. Depois de desabotoar os dois primeiros botões na gola, ele inclinou sua cabeça para baixo, sussurrando em seu ouvido. “Porque eles querem ser os primeiros a despir o tecido.” Ele pausou e beijou seu pescoço, tornando a pele pálida em vermelho antes de retrair seu movimento para arrumar o olhar sobre ela e respondeu de forma despreocupada. “Infelizmente, você não pode vestir o vestido ali com isso.” Ele riu e passou uma caixa para as mãos dela. “E a notícia boa é que preparei um vestido para você.” Lady Elise era uma garota amaldiçoada que podia ver fantasmas. Sua família a odiava e a jogava de uma família adotiva para outra. No entanto, a desgraça não agia sozinha. Quando ela foi criada por sua tia, foi vendida como escrava. Quando pensou que se tornaria nada mais do que um sacrifício ao feiticeiro, foi salva por um homem cuja identidade era muito diferente de um ser mitológico normal. *** Este livro é ORIGINAL e não é uma Tradução Junte-se ao discord do Autor(a): ```
mata0eve · 138.4K Views

MMORPG: Renascimento do Deus Vampiro Mais Forte

Em 2100, a humanidade foi apresentada ao revolucionário jogo de VR de imersão total chamado 'Omega', no entanto, o jogo não era uma tecnologia feita pelos humanos, mas sim concedida à humanidade por uma força superior para prepará-los para o primeiro despertar. Era apenas um tutorial e um meio de fazer a transição suave da espécie primitiva que pensava estar sozinha em todo o universo, para ser integrada no verdadeiro e amplo universo. Quando o nível médio dos usuários no jogo superou o limiar predeterminado, o tutorial finalmente terminou e a Terra sofreu um evento catastrófico chamado 'Primeiro Despertar', à medida que mana começou a fluir livremente no mundo real como fazia no mundo virtual, e o real jogo universal chamado 'Sigma' foi revelado. 'Sigma' era governado pela onipotente I.A., a rainha universal, e era o grande palco onde raças de todo o universo lutavam juntas por território, recursos e honra. Ambientado em um universo onde raças de fantasia como elfos, dragões e vampiros não são um mito, mas sim jogadores reais de poder, os humanos rapidamente descobriram que eles eram uma das raças mais fracas para jogar 'Sigma'. Em tempos tão desesperadores, os humanos recorreram aos seus melhores jogadores profissionais em busca de salvação. -------------- Max era um gênio no mundo de Omega e considerado a esperança da humanidade após o primeiro despertar. No entanto, um acidente danificou suas veias de mana e fez com que ele fosse classificado como um lixo sem mana em Sigma! Considerado sem esperança e irrecuperável, ele rapidamente passou de herói a zero, e o mundo o ignorou. Por dez anos desde o primeiro despertar, ele viveu a vida de um lixo sem mana e tornou-se um ser desprezado na sociedade, perdendo lentamente seu orgulho, seus pertences e, eventualmente, sua identidade. No final, ele enfrentou uma morte trágica e dolorosa enquanto falhava em salvar seu sobrinho e sobrinha dos agressores. Entretanto, não foi o fim da história de Max, mas apenas o começo, pois ele reencarnou de volta no tempo para o dia antes do primeiro despertar, antes de seu declínio começar! Armado com o conhecimento do futuro, observe enquanto Max alcança o ápice em sua segunda vida e luta contra o seu destino com garra e tenacidade. ------- Meus outros trabalhos - MMORPG: Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master Terra Nova Online: Rise Of The Strongest Player Vilão com o Sistema Mais Poderoso link do discord :-
Raj_Shah_7152 · 98.5K Views

The Alpha's Regret: Return Of The Betrayed Luna

The prolonged war among supernatural beings had plagued their world for generations, with the vampires pushing aggressively to the borders of the werewolf kingdom, ruthlessly slaughtering wolves in their path. After his father's death, Zion assumed the mantle of his father and joined the frontlines of battle. After three grueling years, the werewolves finally drove the vampires back, forcing them to retreat to their lands in defeat. Zion and the brave warriors who fought alongside him returned to their territories as heroes, celebrated and warmly welcomed. When Addison heard of Zion's impending return, she devoted herself to preparing an elaborate welcome banquet, organizing every detail over the two weeks leading up to his arrival. Although her marriage to Zion had originally been one of convenience, rooted in her deep gratitude to the former Alpha who had saved her life, she had since fallen for Zion. His powerful presence, charismatic leadership, and striking appearance had won her over, and from the moment she offered herself as his mate, she had accepted him wholeheartedly as her Alpha and mate. The long-awaited return of Zion and his warriors was met with jubilant celebration. Pack members gathered at the borders, eager to welcome their hero, Alpha, and his brave fighters. Addison, too, stood among them, filled with anticipation and genuine happiness at seeing Zion again. But as the pack caught sight of their Alpha, the largest of the wolves approaching with fur as dark as midnight, Addison’s heart froze—on his back sat a pregnant woman. For werewolves, it was well-known that only mates were allowed to ride in their wolf form, and seeing this woman there, visibly expecting, spoke volumes. Addison’s heart tightened painfully, yet she fought to maintain her composure, choosing to receive Zion and his entourage with a warm and gracious smile. Despite her efforts, Zion dismissed her completely, his attention solely on the woman as he tenderly guided her from his back and into the heart of their home. When all was said and done, but Addison still received nothing but contempt and hatred, she decided to leave. But why did Zion react so strongly? "Who said you could leave? You are MINE!" Zion turned feral and took Addison back to their chambers and ravaged her for three days and three nights... "I'll make sure you're tied to this bed, and your legs are so weak you won’t even be able to stand," Zion snarled, pinning her down. His dark eyes flickered with gold, a clear sign that his wolf was watching her from just beneath the surface.
GoddessKM · 560 Views

Sois Doux, Maître Immortel

[Avertissement : Contenu Mature] Yun Qing-er, l'unique disciple du légendaire maître épéiste immortel Bai Ye, cache ses sentiments pour son maître depuis des années. Non acceptés par les normes et la morale, c'est le secret le plus sombre qu'elle jure d'enterrer au plus profond de son cœur. Mais la vie a d'autres plans. Le désir de Bai Ye pour elle brûle avec ardeur sous son apparence solennelle. Il va lui enseigner non seulement l'art de l'épée, mais aussi les plaisirs de la vie qu'elle n'a jamais connus auparavant. ---------------- La scène explicite commence au Chapitre 17, avec un avant-goût au Chapitre 11. Cela commence tout doux mais ça devient rapidement plus intense au fur et à mesure que l'histoire avance :) Notez que ce n'est PAS une romance de culture typique. Les immortels et le pouvoir spirituel et tout ce qui s'en suit sont tous des éléments narratifs… Vous verrez ce que je veux dire en seulement quelques chapitres! ---------------- [Aperçu] Il m'a plaquée contre le peuplier au centre du jardin. Une brise a glissé, agitant la lumière du soleil qui scintillait à travers le feuillage automnal au-dessus de nous, et une pluie d'or est tombée sur ses épaules. "Dis que tu me veux", a-t-il murmuré. "Bai Ye—" j'ai respiré, mais le reste de mes mots a été remplacé par des gémissements dès qu'il a tracé ses baisers le long de mon cou et a pris mon lobe d'oreille dans sa bouche. Des frissons familiers ont déferlé en moi alors qu'il mordillait et suçait doucement. Sa main a glissé jusqu'à ma poitrine, et il jouait avec mes sensations avec ses lèvres, sa langue et ses doigts jusqu'à ce que mes bras tremblent autour de lui. Toutes les autres pensées ont disparu de mon esprit. La seule chose que je savais, c'était l'irrésistible sensation de lui sur moi, si intense que mes genoux ont commencé à faiblir. Je serais tombée s'il ne m'avait pas plaquée fermement contre l'arbre. "Bai Ye…" j'ai encore gémi, griffant ses vêtements. "Bien sûr que je te veux… Ici et maintenant." Il a lâché un doux souffle de rire, et sa main a frôlé, saisissant les plis de ma robe. D'un geste sûr, il les a déchirés.
Witchhazel · 21.5K Views

Die Dämonenbraut

*Slow Burn Historical Fantasy Novel* Elise wollte sich gerade in das Kleid umziehen, das in der Ecke ihres Bettes lag, als sie ein leises Klopfen an ihrer Tür hörte. Neugierig drehte sie den Türknauf und sah einen großen Mann vor sich aufragen. "Meister Ian!" rief sie. Ian lächelte mit dem üblichen schelmischen Grinsen, das er immer benutzte. Seine purpurroten Augen wanderten ein wenig durch ihr Zimmer und entdeckten das schwarze Kleid über ihrem Bett, dann richtete er seinen Blick auf die Frau, die vor ihm stand. Er trat einen Schritt vor und sprach. "Woher haben Sie dieses Kleid?" "Mr. Harland hat es mir geschenkt." antwortete Elise und reckte den Hals, um zu sehen, wie sich Ians Brauen in seiner Eleganz zusammenzogen. "Weißt du, warum ein Mann einer Frau gerne ein Kleid schenkt?" Er gab das Rätsel auf, bei dem sie immer zweimal überlegen musste, bevor sie antwortete. Doch dieses Mal fand sie keine Antwort und schüttelte stattdessen den Kopf. "Ich weiß es nicht." Sein Grinsen wurde betörend, als hätte sich tief in seinen scharlachroten Augen etwas geregt. Langsam ließ er seine Hand über den Kragen ihres Kleides gleiten, was ihr einen kalten Schauer über den Rücken jagte, der sie für einen Moment erschreckte, da es eiskalt war. Nachdem er die ersten beiden Knöpfe ihres Kragens geöffnet hatte, neigte er den Kopf nach unten und flüsterte ihr ins Ohr. "Weil sie derjenige sein wollen, der den Stoff auszieht." Er hielt inne und küsste ihren Hals, wobei sich die blasse Haut rötlich verfärbte, bevor er seine Bewegung zurückzog, sie mit seinen Augen fixierte und gemächlich antwortete. "Leider kannst du das Kleid da drüben damit nicht tragen." Er gluckste und reichte ihr eine Schachtel in die Hand. "Die gute Nachricht ist, dass ich ein Kleid für dich vorbereitet habe." Elise war ein verfluchtes kleines Mädchen, das Geister sehen konnte. Ihre Familie hasste sie und schmiss sie von einer Adoptivfamilie zur nächsten. Doch das Unglück kam nicht allein. Als sie von ihrer Tante aufgezogen wurde, wurde sie als Sklavin verkauft. Als sie dachte, sie würde nur ein Opfer für den Zauberer werden, wurde sie von einem Mann gerettet, dessen Identität ganz anders war als die eines normalen Fabelwesens. *** Dieses Buch ist ORIGINAL und keine Übersetzung Autorendiskord beitreten:
mata0eve · 97.6K Views

The Spoilt Beauty And Her Beasts

Isabella was supposed to be sipping champagne at a luxury spa, not waking up in the middle of a forest. Worse, a SYSTEM had attached itself to her like some clingy ex, spouting nonsense about survival, quests, and—oh, hell no—manual labor. "System, I was NOT built for the wilderness! My ideal ‘roughing it’ experience involves a five-star hotel with bad WiFi!" Now, instead of lounging in silk robes, she’s being ordered to farm? To hunt? "A farming quest? You want me—a city girl—to grow food? System, I once killed a cactus by overwatering it. This is NOT my calling!" And don’t even get her started on the hygiene situation. "You want me to bathe in a cold river? Darling, I require warm water, scented oils, and an ambience! What do I look like—some barbarian?!" Unfortunately, the locals—big, muscular beastmen—don’t seem to understand the concept of self-care. The women? Neglecting their skin like it’s a crime to be radiant. The men? Walking hygiene disasters. "Ladies, if your man can smell you before he sees you, we have a problem." "You see this? This is lotion. It exists so you don’t look like a dried-up leaf. Use it." "A beard should be majestic, not tragic. Let me fix it." And the beastmen? They don’t just stare at her like she’s an oddity. No, they hover. They smirk. They lean in too close, fangs flashing with amusement. "Why do you keep looking at me like that?" she huffed, crossing her arms. The panther grinned, his tail flicking. "Because you’re fascinating when you’re annoyed." No, absolutely not. She was not here for this nonsense. "If you have time to stare, you have time to moisturize." She didn’t ask to be here. She didn’t ask to be their savior. But if she has to suffer through this world, she’s making everyone around her suffer less—through skincare, style, and some serious attitude. "If I hear one more ‘We don’t season our food here,’ I’m launching a war." "If you have time to gossip, you have time to do squats." "You want to impress a woman? Start with not smelling like the battlefield." Survival isn’t just about fighting monsters; it’s about looking good while doing it. So what if the System keeps throwing impossible quests her way? "What do you mean ‘you can’t skip quests’?! Since when?! Where is the skip button?! I demand a skip button!" But somewhere between dodging ridiculous quests and fixing these people’s tragic grooming habits, Isabella found herself in situations. Uncomfortable, heart-racing situations. Like being trapped against a tree by the red python, his red eyes half-lidded as he murmured, "You talk too much, little star. Should I silence you?" Like waking up with the lion lord’s fur-lined cloak draped over her shoulders, his deep voice gruff, "You shiver in your sleep. I’ll fix that." Like the phoenix watching her every move, his burning gaze searing into her skin as he mused, "You cause chaos wherever you go, but I find that I don’t mind." Oh, hell. No. She was not about to fall for four beastmen. She was too pretty for this much stress. "If you insult me again, I’ll make sure your soul needs a beauty upgrade." "I refuse to be disrespected by anyone who dresses like an unwashed tree branch." And yet, when a rival tribe came to challenge her, when danger lurked too close, those same beastmen stood beside her—smirking, taunting, fighting for her. "A beastman growled at me today. I growled back. He ran. I am the alpha now." Isabella isn’t just surviving. She’s thriving. And this world better keep up.
Glimmer_Giggle · 6.8K Views

"Demon, God, Hero: The Eternal Struggle of Every Life"

In the year 2026, the world is shattered when massive structures descend from the sky, crashing to Earth and unleashing chaos. Humanity is transported to the Tutorial, a brutal 100-floor trial designed to forge survivors into Hunters. Those who conquer it return to an Earth overrun by monstrous gates, where survival is a daily battle. Among them is Cosmic, a young man who never received the Tutorial’s power, living a normal life until his Hunter friends drag him into a deadly gate. Facing a terrifying dragon, Cosmic meets his end—but his story is far from over. Cosmic is the latest reincarnation of a soul chosen by the goddess Aetheria to save humanity. Across countless lives, he has been reborn as different races and classes, each life a step in his journey to become the Great Sage, a being destined to guide humanity through its eternal struggle. In one life, he was Eryndor, a human hero chosen to defeat the Demon King. Betrayed by his companions after fulfilling his destiny, Eryndor’s soul returned to Aetheria, who vowed to give him another chance. In another, he was Kaelion, a Demon Lord who rose to power in the underworld. Though feared by many, Kaelion sought to unite demons and humans, only to be struck down by those who feared his vision of peace. He has also lived as Lunara, an Elven Archmage who mastered the arcane arts to protect her forest home from destruction, and as Tharok, a Dwarven Blacksmith whose legendary weapons turned the tide of countless battles. Each reincarnation brings Cosmic closer to understanding the true nature of the eternal struggle—a cycle of conflict between demons, gods, and mortals. Now, as Cosmic, he must uncover the secrets of his past lives, harness the power of his many classes and races, and confront the forces that threaten to tear the world apart. From humble beginnings to the heights of power, Cosmic’s journey is one of sacrifice, growth, and the unyielding will to protect a world teetering on the brink of destruction.
Cosmic_0475 · 2K Views

The Darker Sins

A secret mission was all it took for Elise to gain the infamous twins, Azael and Reuel's attention and from then on, there was no stopping them. While the twins want her, Elise wants nothing to do with them. Amidst the growing infatuation and feelings, Elise has even to protect herself from the danger she has unknowingly put herself into. ---------------------------------------------------------------- “You were ours the day you stepped inside our club,” Azael said as he strode towards her and Elise took a step back instantly. “I belong to no one.” She declared as she maintained her gaze on him. But her wavering voice gave her away and Azael arched his lips, taking it as a challenge. “Are you sure, darling? Why does your heartbeat say otherwise?” Reuel approached her from behind and Elise was now trapped between the twins. “I…” Elise licked her lips as she maintained her gaze on the man before her while her mind was focused on Reuel’s wandering hands that were inching towards her waist. “You what, gorgeous?” Azael probed as he smirked at her evilly and Elise was lost in his mysterious depths instantly. “Tell us you want us, Elise.” Reuel urged from behind. “Tell us, baby. Tell us you want us as much as we want you.” Azael ran a finger along her arm and goosebumps peppered on her skin instantly. “Tell us, Elise.” And that was all it took for Elise to surrender. “I want you.” ---------------------------------------------------------------- This book contains mature content including violence and sexual themes. It is also a reverse harem romance and explores many different aspects of BDSM. Read at your own discretion.
prada_murthy · 30.2K Views

MMORPG: Renacimiento del Dios Vampiro Más Fuerte

En el año 2100 la humanidad fue introducida al revolucionario juego RV de inmersión total llamado Omega, sin embargo, el juego no era una tecnología creada por humanos sino una otorgada a la humanidad por un poder superior para prepararlos para el primer despertar. Se trataba solo de un tutorial y un medio para la transición suave de la especie primitiva de pensar que estaban solos en todo el universo, a ser integrados en el verdadero y amplio universo. Cuando el nivel promedio de los usuarios en el juego superó el umbral predeterminado, el tutorial finalmente terminó y el planeta tierra sufrió un evento catastrófico llamado Primer Despertar, ya que el mana empezó a fluir libremente en el mundo real como lo hacía en el mundo virtual y el verdadero juego de escenario universal llamado Sigma fue desvelado. Sigma estaba gobernado por la todopoderosa inteligencia artifical, la reina universal, y era el gran escenario donde las razas de todo el universo luchaban juntas por territorio, recursos y honor. Ambientado en un universo donde razas de fantasía como elfos, dragones y vampiros no son un mito sino verdaderos jugadores de poder, los humanos rápidamente descubrieron que eran una de las razas más débiles para jugar Sigma. En tiempos tan desesperados, los humanos se volvieron hacia sus mejores jugadores profesionales para la salvación. -------------- Max era un genio en el mundo de Omega y considerado la esperanza de la humanidad después del primer despertar. Sin embargo, un accidente lastimó sus venas de maná y fue catalogado como desecho sin maná en Sigma. Considerado sin esperanza e irredimible, rápidamente pasó de héroe a cero, y el mundo lo ignoró. Durante diez años desde el primer despertar, vivió la vida de un desecho sin maná y se convirtió en un marginado de la sociedad, perdiendo lentamente su orgullo, sus posesiones y eventualmente su identidad. Al final, enfrentó una muerte trágica y dolorosa mientras fallaba en salvar a su joven sobrino y sobrina de los asaltantes. Sin embargo, no fue el fin de la historia de Max sino apenas el comienzo, ya que fue reencarnado en el tiempo justo un día antes del primer despertar antes de que empezara su caída. Armado con el conocimiento del futuro, observe cómo Max alcanza la cúspide en su segunda vida y lucha contra su destino con firmeza y tenacidad. ------- Mis otras obras - MMORPG: Renacimiento Del Maestro De Gremio Más Fuerte, Terra Nova Online: El Ascenso del Jugador Más Fuerte, Villain With The Strongest System, enlace de discord:
Raj_Shah_7152 · 141.3K Views

Mr. CEO, You Married The Wrong Bride Twice

“I married the right woman all along…” *** She becomes the stand-in wife for a reason. But the day her nominal husband divorces her, she panics, and so she burns her alimony down with a smile. When she thinks she is free from her terrible fate, she finds herself tied to the same marriage with the same fake name. As she lives in someone’s shadow, would her nominal husband discover her secret? EXCERPT: “Fine. I will accept your marriage proposal on one condition,” the woman across from Aleckin Ferrero said confidently. “Bring it on.” With the same confidence, Aleckin issued a challenge. “Alright, then. First, once I become Mrs. Ferrero, I am not required to appear in public. Second, I must remain inside my bedroom the entire time—unless Grandpa wants me to visit him...” “Hold on…” Aleckin blinked. His brain seemed malfunctioning, as he could not grasp what she was saying. “Come again?” He must have heard it wrong. Every woman on this planet was desperate to link their name to his. They were killing each other to win him over and become Mrs. Ferrero. However, in contrast, the woman he proposed a contractual marriage to, as the fake matriarch of the Ferrero household, has now expressed a desire for a different arrangement. Who in their right mind would request to lock her up instead of enjoying the lavish life of a billionaire's wife? This is the first time he has encountered such a thing! ‘Is something wrong in her head?’
Elise_Elleneth · 18.2K Views

The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

Senior student Victoria Winner is the campus queen and the heiress of her father’s empire, her name and beauty give her the strength to feel she owns the world. She is the hottest girl on campus, yet she doesn't want to date because, for her, no one is above her, and she is too beautiful to date just with anyone. And too proud of herself that no boys have ever kissed her. Girls envy her while she can toy the boys with her fingers. Until one day, a new guy on campus ruined her reputation by kissing her. Oliver Prize is the handsome and hot Alpha of the Valiant Pack, the most feared pack in the entire werewolf community. He was devastated when the elders asked him to watch over his mate from the Sterling Pack since he doesn’t believe in falling in love, and having a mate; for him, it was only a waste of time and energy. Oliver was forced to pretend as a high school senior student transferee at Zenith Academy, and his bad-boy yet mysterious aura made the girls fall for him except with one girl, Victoria. Excerpt: “How dare you steal my first kiss from me?" Victoria hissed as she looked daggers at Oliver. "And why do you ever feel so stressed about it when I can feel you enjoyed that kiss so much? It was just a kiss, Victoria. Besides, you don't even know how to kiss." Oliver replied with a smirk that made her angrier. "If you want, I can give you a kissing tutorial for free." He said and left her without taking a second glance, and that is why Victoria hated him with all her heart. He was the only guy on campus who got the courage to mess with the school queen by kissing her. He hated everything about her especially her guts, but he couldn't deny himself that the kiss he shared with Victoria was the best kiss he ever had. During Victoria's eighteenth birthday, she discovered what she truly is, a secret she can't even tell her best friend. And she realized the world she knew was all lies. Victoria couldn't accept what she was, and she found refuge in the arms of her mortal enemy, Oliver Prize. Victoria realized her archnemesis was her only salvation to survive in the new world full of mysteries and wickedness where she thought she would never belong. Can Victoria protect her heart from falling in love with the boy she hated the most? Is the Alpha going to deny or accept to himself that love exist and it is real when he realizes Victoria Winner, the mate he wanted to reject, captured his heart? (Warning: Contain mature content on the later part of the story.)
sirenbeauty · 295.2K Views

Living with the Dangerous Beast

A naive fox and a cunning tiger, tangled in a dangerous game of secrets—Sohwa and Dohwi’s thrillingly seductive cohabitation! Sohwa, a red fox half-beast born with rare white fur, was shunned by her pack and forced to live a lonely, solitary life. Her days were filled with quiet isolation until one fateful day, while wandering the mountains, she stumbled upon Dohwi, an abandoned wildcat cub on the brink of death. Moved by compassion, she decided to take him in. “We’re different species, so we won’t go into heat with each other. You’re gentle and kind, so living together should be fine. What do you think?” And so begins their life together. But the “wildcat” Sohwa rescued turns out to be anything but ordinary. Dohwi is no mere feline—he’s a tiger reborn after a thousand years, hiding a ferocious side that Sohwa never saw coming. Terrified that Sohwa might abandon him if she learns the truth, Dohwi does everything in his power to conceal his identity. Yet, as time passes, Sohwa begins to sense that Dohwi is hiding something. When she starts showing signs of fear and attempts to flee, Dohwi begins scheming to keep her by his side. “You’re all I have, Sohwa. You know that.” Who will win this battle of wills—Dohwi, determined to keep Sohwa close, or Sohwa, desperate to escape the tiger’s grasp? #Romance #Sexual #Fantasy #Comedy #Romanticcomedy #Anthropomorph #Obsessive Text copyright ⓒ 2024 by MaCherie All right reserved. The Korean edition was originally written by 마셰리, Korea Translated and Published by We’ve Lab.
MaCherie · 77.1K Views

Re: Evolution Online

On just another normal Monday, a new virtual reality game called "Evolution Online" launched out of nowhere and took the world by storm. People were blown away by the game’s hyper-realistic features and endless adventures. Everyone from small companies to big corporations and governments scrambled to get a foothold on this mysterious video game. But what they didn't know was that this game was actually a tutorial for the upcoming apocalypse that was about to hit the planet! The game was a precursor to the Earth's first evolution, where mana was going to be unleashed into the real world! Liam, a high school student who had faced numerous setbacks in his life, turned to 'Evolution Online' in the hope of changing his fate, but instead, he got trapped in the game's twisted world, and things went from bad to worse. When the apocalypse finally arrived, Liam barely managed to escape, but his situation didn't improve. Along with millions of others, he died a miserable death, unable to fight back and filled with regret. However, Liam's story didn't end there. He found himself inexplicably transported back in time before everything started! Armed with the knowledge of what was to come, Liam was determined to become the strongest and most powerful player, unleashing destruction upon the world that had ruined him before! This time, things were going to be different! ******************* Discord Link for chatting with author and character art
Yolohy · 18.8M Views

The Blooming of the Illusory Dream Star Journey

In the mysterious continent of Arocia, magic is at the core of life. There are magnificent magic forests, floating islands, and mysterious magic academies. However, the continent is facing a crisis triggered by an ancient curse. An evil force called the "Shadow Mist" is spreading. Wherever it goes, vitality fades and magic becomes disordered. Elise, a 20 - year - old girl born into an ordinary magic family, has unique healing magic and an affinity for nature magic. She is gentle and kind - hearted, yet extremely resilient. She is full of curiosity about the world and dreams of becoming a great mage to help more people. By chance, when Elise was rescuing an injured animal in the forest, she discovered a secret clue about the Shadow Mist, thus starting her adventure journey. On the way, Elise met Fina, a bold - natured wind elf who is proficient in flight magic. Fina yearns for freedom and loves adventures. She always takes Elise through various dangerous places. And she also met Leon, an elegant and mysterious elven noble. Leon is good at ancient rune magic and has powerful strength, but he has become taciturn due to his family's secret mission. The three of them travel together. They go to the floating Star - Whisper Island to search for the Star Tears that can purify the Shadow Mist; delve into the ruins of the ancient magic academy, decipher the mysterious runes left by their predecessors, and explore the way to resist the curse; in the depths of the magic forest, communicate with the divine beasts that guard nature and obtain the help of the power of nature. During this process, Elise not only greatly improves her magic ability but also gradually uncovers her connection with the ancient magic prophecy. It turns out that she is the chosen savior. She learns to bravely face her fears in the adventure, understands the weight of responsibility, and also gains sincere friendship and love in the company of her partners. In the end, can Elise, with the help of various forces, defeat the Shadow Mist and save the continent of Arocia?
tian_hao_8994 · 9.1K Views

Les Héritiers du Chaos

Dans un monde où les frontières entre humains et démons sont dévastées, *Kairon*, un jeune homme victime de harcèlement et d’abus depuis son enfance, se trouve à un tournant de sa vie. Confronté à sa douleur et son impuissance, il découvre un ancien rituel de magie noire qui lui permet d'invoquer un être surnaturel : *Selene*, une démone puissante et énigmatique. Loin d’être un simple pacte, l’accord entre Kairon et Selene modifie leur destin à jamais. Alors que Kairon cherche à maîtriser ce pouvoir nouvellement acquis, il se rend vite compte que ce qui semblait être une solution à sa souffrance cache bien plus de secrets et de dangers qu'il n’aurait pu l'imaginer. [25/03, 3:57 PM] Mon Fils Chéri: Leurs aventures les entraînent dans un conflit épique où se mêlent démons, humains, et forces mystiques. Mais le passé de Kairon, marqué par des souffrances secrètes, le pousse à une remise en question sur son véritable rôle dans ce monde. Les conséquences de son pacte se révèlent être bien plus lourdes qu’il n’aurait cru. Le prix à payer pour la puissance est toujours plus élevé, et bientôt, il doit faire face à des ennemis bien plus puissants que tout ce qu’il avait imaginé. Au fur et à mesure que Kairon et Selene se battent aux côtés de nouveaux alliés, ils doivent naviguer entre trahisons, révélations et mystères anciens. Leur relation, à la fois complexe et intime, évolue dans un contexte où loyauté, pouvoir et sacrifice se croisent de manière inévitable. ---
Ixit · 172 Views
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