Can I Speak to the spirits to Bring back my love?
Can spirits hear when you call them?
Yes. They can hear you as I speak to them every single day. They can hear your voice out loud and can read your thoughts in your mind. They can hear you loud and clear but only if they want to.Usually only lost loved ones who you knew when alive will even bother to listen to you. All you need to do is think and concentrate in your mind about the spirit you want to connect to and say their name out loud and they will come to you. Spirits want to be talked to, remembered, appreciated, and not forgotten. They still have feelings and still love you. They remember everything. Love is stronger than death and continues on.But only try and speak to spirits that you knew personally. There is good and bad just like here. Some spirits can and do lie. Stick with family and close friends is your best bet. They speak through vibration and thoughts. I am clairaudient and can hear them speak to me because every thought creates a vibration which I can hear the vibration and translate the vibration back into spoken words. WARNING DO NOT TRY AND CONTACT ANYONE OTHER THAN A LOST LOVED ONE.Bad spirits will lie and pretend to be your lost loved one, God, Jesus, angels and will impersonate anyone in order to manipulate you.Most of the garbage you hear about talking to spirits is flat out nonsense. You don't need candles or be in the dark and wear all black. There is no magic potion, crystal ball, or phony predictions or readings. Those ghost shows on TV should be called LMAO. All that crap has been conjured up by the media and fraudsters.