The Adventure of Diamond
There was a young boy named Diamond who had a younger sister named Aika. They lived with Sofia and Mark, who were their stepmother and stepfather. Diamond and Aika had been found by Sofia and Mark in a dark alley, and they took them in as their children. Although they had developed a strong bond as a stepfamily, the details of their past remained a mystery. It was speculated that their biological families had abandoned them, but in truth, there was a more complicated reason for their evacuation from a dangerous situation.
Since their adoption, Sofia and Mark had been curious about the children's unique appearances. Diamond had bright yellow hair and mismatched eyes—yellow on the right and light blue on the left. His eyes had an unusual ability to glow and shine, a trait that ordinary humans do not possess. Aika, on the other hand, had light blue hair and similar eyes, though her colors were reversed. While their distinctive looks attracted curiosity from others, Diamond felt happy in his new family.
In reality, he was aware of the reason his original family had abandoned them—a tragedy that had left him traumatized. Despite his fears, he longed for the warmth and love of his new family to last forever.
However, the shadow of that past loomed over him, and he stood there, filled with fear, tears, and disbelief as the tragedy he had witnessed unfolded before his very eyes.