Unturned Hearts
In a world where leviathans reign supreme, the legendary King of Hoshizora has kept chaos at bay for a millennium. His unparalleled legacy, captured in the name "Yamato," is passed down to his first son. Though he emerges as a remarkable ruler, Toshiyuki is plagued by an inability to unlock the extraordinary powers that lie dormant within him. He harbors a perilous secret—one that could either unleash the leviathans or grant him the strength to harness his true potential.
As the leviathans awaken, a storm of destruction ensues, leading to the tragic end of Lord Yamato's reign and life. In the aftermath, his second wife and their infant son are left in despair, the young prince denied his royal identity by a mother consumed by grief. With his half-brother now on the throne, the stakes are higher than ever. Will the young prince reclaim his rightful place? Can he ignite the fire within to defeat the leviathans once and for all?
Torn between his first love and his true soulmate—who holds the key to his power—the young prince must navigate a treacherous path filled with danger and desire. This is a gripping tale of legacy, love, and the relentless fight against overwhelming odds!