Mare Tenebrosum: Cruciata Ultima (English Version)
Mare Tenebrosum: Cruciata Ultima
"When exile cast them into the abyss, science and the sword forged their legacy."
Year 1305. Betrayed by the French Crown and the Vatican, the First Templar Knights, upon hearing rumors of treason, flee into the unknown.
Under the command of Grand Master Alaric, a fleet of ships designed with revolutionary engineering sets sail from La Rochelle, defying the stormy Atlantic. Armed not only with swords but with Arabic maps, astrolabes, and an obsession with knowledge, they seek a "New Jerusalem" beyond the Mare Tenebrosum.
But the ocean is not their only enemy. Colossal storms, treacherous currents, and the shadow of the Inquisition pursue them. On the other side, an untamed continent awaits: impenetrable jungles, warrior tribes—guardians of ancient secrets—and ruins that hide an archaic power capable of altering reality itself.
Between faith and science, the Templars will forge strongholds. But ambition corrodes their ranks: betrayals, struggles for power, and an irreversible cultural clash will push them to the brink of the abyss. Will they be able to uphold their Oath under the Cross, or will the weight of a Divine Gift consume them?