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Gefangener Kamerad BL

EINE 18+ ALPHA-MAFIA-SERIE BUCH 1# GEFANGENE GEFÄHRTIN BUCH 2# RUNAWAY MATE -+- Caspian ist der Erbe des Moonstone Packs, aber als seine Eltern sterben, wird er um sein Geburtsrecht betrogen und wie ein Gefangener behandelt. Er beschließt zu gehen und nach Haines City zu fliehen, um ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Seine Pläne werden jedoch jäh unterbrochen, als er entführt und versteigert wird. Gekauft wird er von keinem Geringeren als einem der Mafia-Könige, die die Stadt regieren, Asher Knight. -+- Asher zuckte mit den Schultern seines Mantels, und das schwere Kleidungsstück fiel mit einem hörbaren Aufprall zu Boden. Kaspian beobachtete dies mit Besorgnis, Mafiakönig Asher hatte mit dem Mantel riesig ausgesehen, und ohne den Mantel gab es keinen großen Unterschied. "Komm her", befahl er ruhig, die Ohrringe in seinen Ohren waren sichtbar, während sein dunkelrotes Haar zurückgekämmt war. Kaspian schüttelte erneut den Kopf, er hatte nicht die Absicht zu sprechen, niemals. Denn das würde nur sein Geschlecht verraten. "Ich wiederhole mich nicht gern, Omega." Seine Stimme verfinsterte sich. Caspians Herz pochte vor Angst schmerzhaft in seiner Brust, er wollte dem Alpha wirklich nicht zu nahe kommen. Sehnsüchtig beäugte er das Fenster, bevor er sich zwang, einen Schritt vorwärts zu machen, dann noch einen, und noch einen... +- DIES IST EINE MAFIA-GESCHICHTE AB 18 JAHREN, ALSO WIRD SIE GEWALTTÄTIGE UND REIFE THEMEN ENTHALTEN, LEST SIE MIT VORSICHT.
Aryna_Stan · 17.9K Views

Système de Chasseur de Sorcières

``` La culture dual n'est pas un choix ; c'est une nécessité. Après avoir été percuté par un camion comme la plupart des protagonistes chanceux (ou malchanceux), Vaan s'est retrouvé transmigré dans le corps d'un orphelin dans le monde des sorcières et des démons. Cependant, ils n'ont pas toujours existé. Les démons terrorisent le monde depuis que le Royaume de la Gehenne est descendu il y a plus de 300 ans. Mais avec eux est venu le mana, donnant naissance aux sorcières pour combattre ces démons. Depuis, le monde des hommes était dominé par les sorcières, établissant les sept royaumes de sorcières, qui protègent en première ligne de l'invasion des démons. Pour survivre dans la société matriarcale des royaumes des sorcières, Vaan, comme tous les autres hommes qui ne peuvent pas utiliser la magie, a dû apprendre à servir les sorcières pour survivre. Néanmoins, cela n'est pas venu sans ses propres avantages. Des années de recherche ont amené le monde à découvrir que l'intimité entre hommes et femmes pouvait augmenter l'absorption de mana des sorcières. Mais en même temps, les hommes pouvaient absorber une partie de ce mana pour améliorer leur physique et leur durée de vie. Ainsi, depuis, une relation complexe s'est formée entre les hommes et les sorcières dans les quartiers rouges. L'amour est devenu décontracté, et la culture dual est courante. En tant que prodige dans l'art de plaire aux femmes, Vaan a vécu paisiblement deux années depuis sa transmigration en tant qu'orphelin. Cependant, tout s'est écroulé en un instant un jour où sa vie a failli être prise et Madame Eniwse, qu'il servait, est entrée en furie. Mais cela n'était pas la fin. Avec l'éveil du Système de Chasseur de Sorcières, regardez comment Vaan prend le dessus sur le monde et devient le seigneur des sorcières. ===== Genre : [Contenu Mature] [R-18] [Smut] [Magie] [Sorcières] [Démons] [Esprits] [Dragons] [Bêtes] [Réincarnation] [Aventure] [Action] [Mystère] [Académie] [Faible-à-Fort] [MC Machiavélique] [Harem] [Système] [Serviteurs] [Esclaves] [MC Intelligent] [Alchimie] [Forge] [Malentendus] [Éléments de Jeu] [Construction de Royaume] [MC Surpuissant] ===== Note : Contient des lemons. Chasser les sorcières n'implique pas nécessairement de les tuer, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ===== N'hésitez pas à rejoindre le discord pour discuter du roman ou pour obtenir le rôle de mise à jour du roman pour être notifié dès que de nouveaux chapitres sont publiés avec le lien ci-dessous ; ===== Mes autres romans ; Premier roman : Originateur Premier (Univers Partagé) Second roman : Je suis un patron notoire dans le monde alternatif (Univers Partagé) ===== ```
Pointbreak · 72.2K Views

Schurken-Sparsystem (BL)

Aufgrund der zunehmenden Selbstmordfälle im Land schuf die Regierung ein Simulatorsystem, das mit den Gehirnströmen der Menschen verbunden war und sie in Tausende von Welten transmigrieren und viele Aspekte des Lebens erleben ließ, um ihren Lebenswillen zu stimulieren. Erst wenn der Lebenswille zu 100 % erfüllt war, konnten sie wieder ins Leben zurückkehren. Lu Yizhou. Männlich. Ledig. 22 Jahre alt. An einem bestimmten Tag beging er Selbstmord, indem er sich im Land des Schnees vergrub. Und dann wurde er in den Simulator gezogen. 666: Willkommen, Gastgeber! Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du bist die 666. Person, die an diesem Projekt teilnimmt! Der Gastgeber hat das große Glück, 666 zu bekommen, denn 666 ist das schönste, vernünftigste und wunderbarste System! Lu Yizhou: ...Kann ich das System ändern? Du bist laut. 666: QAQ Lu Yizhou: Egal wie oft ich transmigriere, mein Willensmesser wird nicht gefüllt werden. 666: N-Nein, gib nicht auf! Wirt sollte nicht aufgeben QAQ uwaaa, lass 666 nicht allein! Du bist mein Erster, mein Einziger, wie kannst du so herzlos sein und mich einfach so zurücklassen? Lu Yizhou: ...warum klingt das falsch? . . . So begann er, von einer Welt zur anderen zu springen, um den Schurken zu retten. Lu Yizhou: Warum muss ich die Schurken retten? 666: Ckckck, Host du bist zu unschuldig! Natürlich, weil sie fantastischer sind als die männliche Hauptrolle; reicher, mächtiger, einfallsreicher, herrischer und gutaussehend! Lu Yizhou: ...das sind doch nur deine Vorlieben, oder? 666: Wirt, warum glaubst du 666 nicht?! QAQ . . . Er dachte, er hätte nichts mehr, wofür er leben könnte. Mit müdem Herzen und gefühllosem Körper sank er auf den Grund des Abgrunds, nur um... einen leuchtenden Stern zu finden. ******* Der schöne, stoische, dichte und unerwartet naive Gong x der besitzergreifende, verwöhnte und intrigante Shou, der seinen Charme zu nutzen wusste Zusätzliche Tags: schnelle Seelenwanderung, Fantasy, Abenteuer, Komödie, düster, Mysterium, Tragödie, schnelles Tempo, seme/gong/top Protagonist, love interest fall in love first, yaoi, reif, Selbstmordgedanken, Vergangenheit spielt eine große Rolle, 1 vs 1 Find me on: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord-Server: Discord: delanasiwarka#1490
delanasiwarka · 11.6K Views

Meu Sistema de Mago (BL)

Ele havia sido o melhor assassino de todos os tempos em seu mundo e quando finalmente foi assassinado, uma deusa aproveitou a oportunidade para enviar sua alma para o corpo de um garoto em outro mundo, que por enquanto era fraco, mas que estava destinado a se tornar o mago mais poderoso deste mundo. Este jovem garoto era chamado Kevin e ele decidiu assumir sua identidade, já que havia mantido suas memórias. A única coisa que ele tinha em comum com ele era que ambos eram órfãos, mas Kevin tinha uma mente fraca e um corpo fraco, em resumo, tudo o que ele mais odiava. Depois de entrar com sucesso na Seita do Sol como um mago, ele conseguiu abrir o livro que Kevin havia herdado de seus pais e que ele não conseguia abrir. Qual não foi sua surpresa ao perceber que este livro havia se transformado num Sistema que lhe permitia subir de nível como nos jogos de realidade virtual que costumava jogar em seu mundo natal. Com a ajuda deste Sistema, ele realizará seu desejo: se tornará o humano mais poderoso deste mundo, nem mesmo metamorfos ou demônios poderão fazer algo contra ele. ………… Kevin virou a cabeça em direção a ele e, vendo que ainda estava nu, disse, desviando o olhar novamente: "Vista-se primeiro, depois conversamos." Axel encontrou algumas roupas que pareciam folgadas e as vestiu imediatamente, ele também pegou um par de adagas cujas lâminas eram um pouco mais curtas que seus antebraços, e então se aproximou de Kevin e o abraçou por trás. Kevin deixou-o fazer o que quisesse, mesmo que uma de suas adagas estivesse agora muito próxima de sua garganta, Axel disse a ele perto de seu ouvido: "Quero confiar em você, Kevin, então me dê uma boa razão para isso." Kevin então perguntou a ele: "O que você quer saber?" Axel suspirou, ameaçar Kevin com suas próprias adagas não lhe faria bem, e ele corria o risco de quebrar o vínculo que acabavam de criar. Então, ele tomou uma decisão e fincou as duas adagas no chão na frente deles, passou as mãos por baixo do suéter de Kevin e contornou sua cintura com elas, pressionando-o mais contra si. Kevin não esperava essa reviravolta nos eventos e sentiu seu coração acelerar. As mãos de Axel eram quentes e ele podia sentir sua enorme ereção contra si, uma coisa era certa, isso não o deixava indiferente. …………. AVISO: Esta não é uma romance de desenvolvimento lento e é um romance BL 18+ com muitas cenas picantes, então se você gosta de ler 100 capítulos antes dos protagonistas se beijarem pela primeira vez, pule esta história, definitivamente não é para você Caso contrário, siga as aventuras de nossos dois heróis, se você ama mundos cheios de criaturas misteriosas, magia, lutas, masmorras, um Sistema que permite subir de nível rapidamente, e uma história de amor única e poderosa, então esta história é para você. ……………. Se você gosta desta história, experimente meus outros romances: O Sistema do Mago Divino O Fênix Celestial e Seu Guardião (BL) Reencarnado para salvar o universo (GL/BL) Novas Atualizações: Domingo/Segunda-feira/Quarta-feira/Sexta-feira/Sábado Aproveite seu tempo de leitura e não esqueça de votar, comentar e avaliar :)
CeliaNaya · 27K Views

Sistema de Salvación del Villano (BL)

``` Debido al creciente número de casos de suicidio en el país, el gobierno creó un sistema simulador que estaba vinculado con las ondas cerebrales de los humanos, llevándolos a transmigrar a miles de mundos y experimentar muchos aspectos de la vida para estimular las ganas de vivir. Solo cuando el medidor de voluntad se llenaba al 100% podían finalmente regresar a la vida. Lu Yizhou. Hombre. Soltero. 22 años. En un determinado día, se suicidó enterrándose en la tierra de la nieve. Y luego, fue arrastrado al simulador. —¡Bienvenido, anfitrión! ¡Felicidades, eres la persona número 666 que se unió a este proyecto! Anfitrión es muy afortunado de obtener el 666, ¡porque el 666 es el sistema más guapo, más sensato y más maravilloso! —dijo 666. —…¿Puedo cambiar el sistema? Haces mucho ruido —dijo Lu Yizhou. —QAQ —dijo 666. —No importa cuántas veces transmigre, mi medidor de voluntad no se llenará —dijo Lu Yizhou. —¡N—No, no te rindas! El anfitrión no debería rendirse QAQ uwaaa, ¡no dejes solo a 666! Tú eres mi primero, mi único, ¿cómo puedes ser tan desalmado y dejarme atrás así?! —rogó 666. —…¿Por qué suena mal? —dijo Lu Yizhou. . . . Así, comenzó a saltar de un mundo a otro para salvar al villano. —¿Por qué tengo que salvar a los villanos? —dijo Lu Yizhou. —Ckckck, ¡Anfitrión eres demasiado inocente! Por supuesto, es porque son más impresionantes que el protagonista; más ricos, poderosos, ingeniosos, dominantes y guapos! —dijo 666. —…Solo son tus preferencias, ¿verdad? —dijo Lu Yizhou. —Anfitrión, ¿por qué no crees en el 666?! QAQ —dijo 666. . . . Pensó que no le quedaba nada por vivir. Llevando consigo un corazón cansado y un cuerpo entumecido, se hundió en el abismo solo para encontrar… una estrella brillante. ******* Hermoso, estoico, denso e inesperadamente ingenuo gong x posesivo, mimado y calculador shou que sabía cómo usar su encanto Etiquetas adicionales: transmigración rápida, fantasía, aventura, comedia, oscuro, misterio, tragedia, ritmo rápido, seme/gong/top protagonista, interés amoroso se enamora primero, yaoi, maduro, pensamientos suicidas, el pasado juega un papel importante, 1 vs 1 Encuéntrame en: Instagram: delanasiwarka Servidor de Discord: Discord: delanasiwarka#1490 ```
delanasiwarka · 53.4K Views

The Tale of Revenge [BL]

Hello! My name is Aman Vasuki. I belong to the Royal Family of Vasuki Clan which is the Clan of Shapeshifting Serpents. Currently, I am working as a caretaker of a human boy named Mei Wei. Why? Because I am going to kill his father…. Aman's life was like a dream. He belonged to the Royal Family of a Clan of Shapeshifting Serpents. He had a loving family, supportive friends and riches of the world. All in all, he lived a dream like life. But one day this dream got shattered… On the night of blood moon, when he was stripped off his powers, four humans ruined him. They took what was most precious to him…. But, now he is back to get his revenge on the very people that snatched his world from him. But why does Mei Wang's son always give him a look which is filled with love? And why does his heart suddenly start feeling calm when he is close to Mei Wei? Excerpt: The cold wind was blowing with a swoosh sound. The area was dead silent despite four people being there and a fifth pair of eyes looking at them. Aman's upper human body was glistening with a little sweat, Meanwhile his lower body was turned into a fiery red snake's. The golden pattern on it shining under the moonlight. In this snake tail, he was holding a trembling human. He was trembling with fear of death. Aman brought him closer and looked at him closely. He turned back, his long red hair blowing with the wind, suddenly he laughed out loud but this laugh was not heartily but bone chilling, "I am so happy to see the fear of death in your eyes, SAGE SAETANG!" He laughed again, "I think this look of fear suits all three of you. You know, when I killed your friend Melvin he was even crying and even begging me to spare him. Unfortunately, death is inevitable. Is it not?" Aman asked Sage, as he brought him closer and rubbed his hair with his hand like a child. He was smiling but his eyes were filled with killing intent. The rub resulted in Sage's scalp becoming numb, he furiously nodded, "of course his pathetic twin brother did not fare any better. I did not get the feeling of originality, you know." Aman pouted, showing his dissatisfaction, "wailing and gaping like a fish out of water. He even offered me that he would give all of his properties to me? But what use could I have of that. This look of fear provides me with much satisfaction than any riches in the world." "And now, now the same look is in your eyes. I bet you can see death standing somewhere. But why are you not pleading? At least cry a little," Aman told Sage whose mouth was still sealed. Cold flashes in his eyes and he started tightening the coiling of his tail around Sage's body, "forget it. Do as you please. After all it's your own death. But don't blame me if Mei Wang cries louder and surpasses you when I kill him." He showed a smile that made Sage's stomach flip, "I can't wait anymore to kill-" "AMAN!!" The shout was loud enough but Aman could even feel the emotions hidden in it, shock, betrayal, disbelief and extreme hurt. His whole demeanour fell on the ground, he also changed back into a complete human. Sage also fell on the hard ground with him. Aman looked up and there he was. Standing in front of him was Mei Wei…. **** How would Mei Wei react? And will their relationship survive this? What did those four people do to destroy Aman's life? Why does he want to take revenge? Is it possible for 4 mere humans to ruin a supernatural being? Or someone entirely unexpected is the mastermind behind? Join me to witness Aman's Tale of Revenge and find out all the answers to all of your questions.... Warning:- This story contains mature scenes; explicit violence, death, rape, male pregnancy and torture. If you are not comfortable or you are underage please stay away. **Although in every mature themed chapter there is a warning and a minor friendly summary available. *the cover photo credit goes to @unlomio on twitter. Thanks @ImagineTishaD for helping me.*
themysteryboy07 · 361.6K Views

Midnight Sun (BL)

As a Helderian, a race laid to waste by the royal family, Aster lost everything when he was a child. Now, trapped in a brothel and striving to survive against all odds, Aster will go to all lengths to protect all he cherishes including the family he's built within the brothel and the son he has given birth to within its walls. In an unprecedented turn of events, Aster is chosen as an escort for the royal family where he will have to face his greatest fears. He will discover a world of sacrifice as he confronts his greatest enemies, and be torn by an unexpected and fated love in no one other than the stubborn, alluring, and kindhearted fifth prince. Darius Sahil Alexandrius is the fifth prince of The Kingdom of Crystalline. A prince that was abandoned as a child to fend for himself, he lives on trying to come to terms with a broken family, and finding his own foothold in the world. However, he will realize that everything he knows as truth is more than meets the eye, and that the corruption happening within the royal family and political factions will change the world forever. In a twist of fate, Darius will have to choose between duty and love as he realizes that sometimes everything is worth sacrificing for one single beautiful person. Aster and Darius will unite in this epic story of magic, sacrifice, and love. Author's Note: This novel takes characteristics of the Omegaverse genre, which is a popular genre commonly seen in Japanese and Korean BL. This novel may not be for the faint of heart and may have topics that may trigger individuals. Please read at your own caution. Thank you for taking your time to read this story which I have poured a lot of time and dedication to. Please feel free to leave comments and thoughts. (C) 2025 Twinkle_29 All rights reserved. Cover Art: Kohi S @kohi_s Banner Art: Kohi S @kohi_s User Image Art: kiwicreek
Twinkle_29 · 1.6K Views

(BL)Alpha Made

The world is diverse and flourishing. Humanity has changed, and with it, brought in a new era of prosperity. Males and females still exist, but the spectrum from which humanity is cast has broadened. With the introduction of alpha, omega, and beta, humanity has evolved even further. In such a word, Dr. Andrew Knox, known environmental researcher, is happy being a beta male. It has made his life easier by being middle ground, and as much as some wish he was one way or the other, he’s happy being who he is. Thriving even. He works in a world renowned research facility. He makes friends easily, and his projects are always funded. He even found someone who he thinks he could end up marrying if things continue in the right direction. That, and the vacant house next to his apartment building gets bought by a new neighbour. A cute, but cautious omega who relies on Andrew as a beta for help. Andrew couldn’t be happier. He loves being a helper, and loves when people rely on him. All in all, Andrew really thinks he has everything made. That is, until a research project with shoddy data is thrown back into his face that he has no recollection of working on, and all of his reputation disintegrates in between one heartbeat and the next. Heartbroken, it isn’t until Andrew wakes up, chained to a wall that everything becomes clear. He becomes a test subject to one of the scientists that he trusted. That he expected would never harm him. The life he had known, where he was a respected researcher was ripped out from underneath him. His identity and everything he’s ever known is stolen from him from a crazed researcher who he had trusted, maybe even loved. He has to relearn who he is, what he is, from scratch. Thankfully, he has one person in his corner. He just never expected to have to rely on someone whose shoulders were so small. This is an a/b/o story, and will have those tropes associated with it. I hope you enjoy :)
CalyB · 589.5K Views

Phantom of a Devil (BL)

Unlike every other person in this world, So Eun only dreamt of living. In a world where gods, demons, and mortals inhabit together to strive for peace and harmony, all of that toppled over when a Phantom child was born. And like a wimpy little flower, waving in the middle of a road bustling with people, was a reminder that being born as a Phantom, fragile as glass--was like treading on thin ice. A Phantom is forbidden to be hurt physically or emotionally, intense emotions will eventually cause him to get weak and lead to his death. A crack appears on the thin ice. One day, he met a boy named Han Min who saved him from being vanished. The most skilled fighter, became his one true friend. Until one night, something remarkable happened that changed their lives forever. Giving him a second chance to live, ten years had passed, and his heart was leading him to a certain evil supreme, and what he saw was just his best friend, Han Min. The innocent and honorable child who swore to protect him and his people, had long become the scourge of the heavens and a threat to the mortals. Why do tragedies of human lives appear in disguise as simple coincidences? After that night, what exactly had happened between them? Witness how these two unfortunate souls found their way to untangle the twisted knot of their fate. "After all these years, you know I would always come back to you." Their journey begins here. --- Slow-Burn, Mystery, Pining, Fantasy, Cultivation, Heavy Angst, Betrayal, Fluff, Romance, Tragedy, Drama, Psychological, Plot Twist! A reminder that this is BL. A lot of heart-wrenching revelation will await you by reading this. Trust the process. Please support this Author with votes, gifts, comments, reviews, and by obtaining a premium chapter for at least a special mention to every end of the chapter. That would be the fuel for the Author to write more! Support the Author: *social media accounts announcement soon* --- Author is still stockpiling the updates. Disclaimer: Cover Art is not mine, all belong to the respective owner/artist. I will take it down if requested.
sharrnister · 420.3K Views

Deadly Charming(BL)

Having experienced and been a living witness to the heartbreaking tragedy that happened to his family. Khun Rafa (2nd son) lost his father and his big brother as well as the precious people in his life. Leaving him and his three poor nephews (his brother's children), it was his responsibility to raise his 10-year-old twins and their 5-year-old baby brother at the time of the tragedy. Successfully escaping and hiding from the pursuit of a stepmother who was crazy about wealth and power, in the midst of his escape Khun Rafa had received a gunshot wound to his forehead, knowing that his injuries were quite serious and his face was also recognized by his stepmother's hired men, Khun Rafa decided to change his face and also make new identities for himself and his three nephews. living a new life in a country as ordinary citizens, their new identities as father and son relationships. Several years passed, living a new life like an ordinary person, bringing them to meet new people who enter their lives, various kinds of trials are faced with patience, loyalty, responsibility. Even though the three children grew up to be cold individuals, they had warm hearts towards the people they loved. However, unexpected things happen to the people in their circle, forcing them to meet again with the evil woman who destroyed their lives in the past. Even though they want to avoid it, all these problems happen to the people beside them, like something that has not been resolved in the past and they must resolve it in the present in order to protect them and take back what should be theirs.
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