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Goosebumps Premiere

Tout le monde veut choyer la fille chanceuse

La famille du Duc n'a pas eu de filles depuis un siècle. Lorsqu'une fille leur est enfin née, elle aurait dû recevoir tout l'amour et les soins nécessaires, mais il s'est avéré que la véritable fille avait été échangée à la naissance et recueillie par une famille de chasseurs au grand cœur. Depuis qu'ils avaient adopté la fille, les chasseurs semblaient avoir de la chance en tout - le gibier semblait courir dans les pièges et les filets qu'ils tendaient, et ils trouvaient des herbes rares partout où ils allaient. Dix ans plus tard, la famille du Duc s'est finalement rendu compte de la vérité que leur fille avait été échangée et a parcouru plus de mille miles pour la ramener chez elle. Après être revenue dans sa vraie famille, la fille fut indéniablement gâtée pourrie par chaque membre de sa famille... Après avoir grandi, Lin Qingluo excella dans les arts martiaux et atteignit le sommet du monde martial. Rejoignant le champ de bataille avec ses frères et son père, elle écrasa leurs ennemis et devint connue comme une Déesse de la Guerre, gagnant d'innombrables admirateurs. Seigneur du Pavillon du Secret Céleste : Votre réputation vous précède, madame — aucune ne vous égale, comme le disent les rumeurs. Chef de la Vallée des Potions : Vos compétences en médecine sont extraordinaires, et je me range à votre expertise. Je jure fidélité en échange de votre tutorat pour pratiquer la médecine et aider les gens. Le Premier Prince de la Nation de Qi : Merci de m'avoir sauvé. Je vous dois une dette de vie. Lin Qingluo : Un prince envahissant a volé mon cœur, et c'est tout ce à quoi je peux penser. Il n'y a aucune autre personne dans mon esprit.
Ting Lan Listening to the Rain · 9.4K Views

La fille de la famille Humble possède une poche spatiale !

(1v1, pur et doux) Résidence du Prince de Xiliang. Avec une énergie de tigre et à seulement 5 ans, le Petit Prince Xiao Moxi a vu sa mère repartir vers les champs, et son visage rond comme un petit pain s'est crispé de frustration. Regardant son père à côté de lui avec affliction, il se plaignit avec une air de sagesse mondaine, "Père, comment as-tu pu tomber amoureux de ma mère, qui aime toujours partir?" Xiao Yeyang jeta un coup d'œil oblique à son fils précocement mature, puis feignit de réfléchir à la question. En effet, pourquoi était-il tombé amoureux de cette femme? Après un long silence... "Qui sait? Peut-être que ma tête s'est coincée dans une porte!" Échangeant un regard de commisération mutuelle, le père et le fils poussèrent un soupir impuissant à l'unisson. Que faire quand vous êtes coincé avec une femme qui n'est jamais à la maison? Il n'y a qu'une chose à faire avec votre propre Princesse Consorte (mère) — la choyer, bien sûr! … Transportée dans l'antiquité avec un espace rempli de fleurs de riz, tout ce qu'elle voulait, c'était de vivre tranquillement sa vie dans les champs. Inattendu, avec un père qui était un magistrat de comté, elle fut forcée de quitter la campagne pour la ville! La vie en ville était animée d'activités, et pour avoir son mot à dire à la maison, elle acheta des domaines, cultiva des fleurs et des herbes médicinales, et développa des variétés de grains à haut rendement et de haute qualité. Remarquablement, elle aida son père, qui avait été magistrat de comté pendant neuf ans, à monter échelon par échelon, amenant la modeste famille Yan dans les cercles élites de Beijing! Ceci est l'histoire d'une fille noble issue d'une famille humble aidant son clan à prospérer et à s'épanouir, et une douce histoire d'amour de succès mutuel et de croissance commune! Le premier rôle masculin: Devant les autres, il est le Petit Prince orgueilleux, le Prince dominateur de Xiliang. Devant l'héroïne, il est un homme doux et tendre de cœur. Le premier rôle féminin: Claire dans toutes ses affaires, chaleureuse et autonome!
Knocking Brush · 17.6K Views

La Mariée du Démon

*Roman historique fantastique à déroulement lent* Elise s'apprêtait à enfiler la robe qui était posée sur le coin de son lit lorsqu'elle entendit frapper à sa porte. Curieuse, elle tourna la poignée et se retrouva face à un grand homme qui la dominait. « Maître Ian ! » s'exclama-t-elle. Ian sourit avec le sourire espiègle habituel qu'il affichait toujours. Ses yeux cramoisis balayèrent brièvement sa chambre et s'arrêtèrent sur la robe noire posée sur son lit, puis se déplacèrent sur la femme qui se tenait devant lui. Il fit un pas en avant et demanda. « Où as-tu trouvé cette robe ? » « Monsieur Harland me l'a offerte », répondit Elise en tendant le cou pour voir les sourcils de Ian se froncer avec élégance. « Sais-tu pourquoi un homme aime offrir une robe à une femme ? » Il lui posa l'énigme à laquelle elle devait toujours réfléchir à deux fois avant de répondre. Mais cette fois, elle ne trouva pas de réponse et se contenta de secouer la tête. « Je ne sais pas. » Son sourire devint ensorcelant, comme si quelque chose s'était remué au plus profond des yeux écarlates qu'il avait. Il glissa lentement sa main sur le col de sa robe, envoyant un frisson glacial qui la surprit un instant à cause de sa température glacée. Après avoir défait les deux premiers boutons de son col, il inclina la tête vers le bas, murmurant à son oreille. « Parce qu'ils veulent être celui qui déshabille l'étoffe. » Il marqua une pause et embrassa son cou, faisant rougir la peau pâle avant de se rétracter pour fixer son regard sur elle et répondit avec nonchalance. « Malheureusement, tu ne peux pas porter la robe là-bas avec ça. » Il rit et tendit une boîte dans sa main. « Et la bonne nouvelle, c'est que je t'ai préparé une robe. » Elise était une petite fille maudite qui pouvait voir les fantômes. Sa famille la détestait et la rejetait d'une famille adoptive à l'autre. Cependant, le malheur n'agissait pas seul. Lorsqu'elle fut élevée par sa tante, elle fut vendue comme esclave. Lorsqu'elle crut qu'elle ne deviendrait rien d'autre qu'un sacrifice pour le sorcier, elle fut sauvée par un homme dont l'identité était bien différente de celle d'un être mythique normal. *** Ce livre est ORIGINAL et il ne s'agit pas d'une traduction Rejoignez le discord de l'auteur :
mata0eve · 64.5K Views

Je suis une maman patronne qui veut se la couler douce

Tout le monde savait qu'après avoir été abandonnée par un homme volage, Mademoiselle Shen était devenue dévergondée et était tombée enceinte sans se marier. Après avoir été chassée de chez elle, elle tomba dans un état de désespoir. La tristement célèbre Shen Ruojing apparut néanmoins au banquet d'anniversaire de la vieille madame de la famille Chu. Tout le monde la raillait. « Ceux qui offrent des millions en guise de cadeau sont à une table, tandis que ceux qui offrent des dizaines de millions à l'autre. » « Mademoiselle Shen, combien avez-vous donné ? » La foule attendait qu'elle se ridiculise, mais Shen Ruojing sortit de derrière elle un adorable petit garçon et dit, « Excusez-moi Madame, à quelle table votre petit-fils aîné va-t-il s'asseoir ? » *** Mère et fils furent admis dans la famille Chu, et Shen Ruojing eut envie de passer ses journées à flâner, mais elle fut rejetée par la famille de diverses manières. « Nous avons des hackers de premier ordre, des maîtres de la musique, des experts en technologie… Tout le monde est renommé dans cette famille. Et vous, que nous apportez-vous ? » Shen Ruojing se caressa le menton. « Eh bien, toutes ces choses que vous avez mentionnées… Je m'y connais un peu en tout. » Ses trois adorables bébés se tenaient à côté d'elle et hochèrent la tête à l'unisson, « Nous pouvons témoigner que maman s'y connaît un peu en tout ! »
Mr. Yan · 197.8K Views

Je deviens le patron bébé de la mafia

``` Devenir soudainement chef de la mafia dans un monde de superpouvoirs et n'avoir que 3 ans ?! Ainsley Sloan, une jeune passionnée d'anime de 20 ans, se retrouve soudainement dans le corps d'un bambin. Le père s'est enfui avec une femme, et la mère n'était qu'une mère porteuse. Les deux ont laissé derrière eux leur petite fille de 3 ans pour régner sur une famille mafieuse de taille moyenne ! Non, cela ne peut pas être ! Ainsley fut forcée d'embrasser la famille Sloan abandonnée et de les mener au sommet du dangereux monde mafieux, sinon elle mourrait. Mais ne vous inquiétez pas ! Avec le pouvoir de la chance ultime, l'aide de ses fidèles subordonnés, et la protection de ses chats devenus humains, Ainsley va repousser tous les ennemis sur son chemin ! Une rencontre tardive avec un certain système a même pavé un chemin fleuri pour elle. Avec son aide, Ainsley sera le meilleur chef de la mafia, et une exceptionnelle ! Quand les autres chefs de la mafia fument des cigarettes, Ain a un Pocky au chocolat coincé dans sa bouche. Quand d'autres chefs font tourner leur verre de vin rouge, Ain souffle sur sa tasse de lait chaud ! Quand d'autres chefs nettoient leur arme après un combat... Ain change sa couche. Regardez le bébé prendre le contrôle du monde mafieux avec son charme unique de bébé ! 7 ans plus tard. Un certain mini-boss rusé : "Ain, que dirais-tu de devenir ma fiancée ?" Le garçon, cinq ans plus âgé que le bambin, agitait une housse d'oreiller BL édition limitée comme pot-de-vin. Un certain système : gamin, accepte sa proposition ! Pique son argent ! Bordel vous deux. Fiancée mon cul !! Je n'ai que 10 ans ! PS : Si vous vous attendez à une FL badass et rapide, à des gifles et à des actes héroïques dans les 100 premiers chapitres, ce livre n'est peut-être pas à votre goût _____ Livres avec un cadre ancien/moderne : 1. La Femme du Prince Dragon est une Traductrice (terminé) 2. L'Office Boy du PDG est une Fille (terminé) Série protagoniste bébé : 1. Je Deviens le Patron Bébé de la Mafia (en cours) 2. Je Deviens Toujours un Bébé ! (transmigration rapide, en cours) Livre de jeu de simulation de rencontres : 1. Monsieur le PDG, Passe à Autre Chose ! (Abandonné à cause d'un problème de système ne permettant pas de mettre à jour plus de chapitres après avoir accidentellement changé le statut du livre en terminé) Suivez mon Instagram : @zehell2218 & @willhem_l Serveur Discord : ```
Zehell2218 · 40.3K Views

Guide pour apprivoiser mes maris vilains

Suite du guide pour élever mes adorables maris. Mo Qiang, une architecte a été choisie par la fée de la nature qui l'a amenée dans le monde interstellaire où elle a été punie pour faire revivre la nature qu'elle a détruite de ses propres mains en créant une architecture qu'elle pensait ouvrir la voie vers le futur. Maintenant, coincée avec un système de revivification de la nature dans un monde plein de gaz toxiques et de trucs intergalactiques où elle doit tout recommencer à zéro et planter plus de forêts et de récoltes tout en créant un monde vivable pour les humains, Mo Qiang souffrait. Mais ça a l'air facile, non ? Non ! Sur son chemin, elle a trois maris méchants, tous les trois veulent la tuer pour pouvoir épouser sa sœur capable après l'avoir rejetée, elle qui était nulle et bonne à rien. Mo Qiang n'a rien contre eux, en fait, elle est plus que prête à divorcer d'eux après avoir sécurisé sa vie et augmenté sa faveur dans leurs cœurs de sorte qu'ils ne la tueront pas mais —— Pourquoi viennent-ils pour elle maintenant ? Allô, vous vouliez tous épouser sa sœur, non ? Extrait : « Voilà, » dit Mo Qiang en poussant l'accord de divorce en regardant son premier mari qui était doux mais venimeux comme un serpent. « J'ai déjà signé le document de notre divorce, tu peux y jeter un œil — attend, pourquoi est-ce que tu enlèves tes vêtements ? » La sirène la regarda et sourit doucement en retirant ses lunettes et dit, « On dirait que mon épouse n'est pas contente que je ne lui ai pas donné d'enfant, ne t'inquiète pas, je vais travailler dur ce soir. » Mo Qiang : « ….. » Je ne veux pas que tu travailles dur ! Prends le deuxième ! « Prends ça et signe-le, » dit Mo Qiang, cette fois plus fermement en regardant son deuxième mari qui lisait un scénario pour son film. « Je suis sûre que tu veux divorcer de moi, n'est-ce pas ? J'ai déjà signé — ouah ! Pourquoi tu me mets sur le lit ? » Demanda-t-elle en regardant le visage magnifique. Son deuxième mari la fixa et d'une expression et d'une voix aussi froides que l'eau, dit, « Je dois répéter une scène d'amour, aide-moi, chère épouse. » Mo Qiang : « …… » Ce film que tu tournes est basé sur l'apocalypse Zerg, ne me mens pas ! Avec qui vas-tu faire l'amour ? Un Zerg ? Prends le troisième ! « Huff, huff... c'est l'accord de divorce, signe-le... Je sais que ta compagnie n'autorise pas les idoles à sortir avec quelqu'un, alors tiens signe-le, » dit-elle à son troisième mari qui s'entraînait à danser. La sirène, habillée d'une chemise en soie ample et de la sueur coulant le long de son corps, jeta un œil au document qu'elle lui tendait, puis étreignit Mo Qiang. Une seconde plus tard, elle entendit sa voix sanglotante alors qu'il parsemait son cou de baisers, « Épouse, tu ne me veux plus ? Est-ce le nouvel idole qui a attiré ton attention, je le savais ! Je vais m'occuper de lui ! » « Pose ce couteau, veux-tu ! » Et pourquoi le troisième prince de la famille impériale qui la détestait à mort lui court après avec des fleurs ? Elle a déjà assez à faire ! ….
fairytail72 · 47.3K Views

Beau PDG, chère épouse

"Tu es le clair de lune qui éclaire l'obscurité de la nuit~" "Tu es la pluie qui adoucit les terres asséchées~" "Tu es le souffle qui maintient mon coeur en vie~" "Haha, mon chéri, tu deviens meilleur pour me flatter" "Tant que c'est pour toi, je peux devenir meilleur dans tout ce que tu veux, ma chère petite femme." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - En fuyant pour sauver leur vie, elle se sacrifie pour laisser s'échapper son bien-aimé. Hua Lan se réveille dans une chambre luxueuse et inconnue, incapable de se souvenir de qui elle est. Apprenant que toute information sur son existence a été effacée et qu'elle doit se méfier des gens qui lui en veulent, Hua Lan commence une nouvelle vie sous une nouvelle identité. Entourée de son mari attentionné et beau, ainsi que de sa famille aimante, Hua Lan (maintenant Mu Lan) s'adapte à sa nouvelle vie. Mais désormais, dans ses rêves, elle entend une fille murmurer : "Jusqu'à ce que tu me dises 'Je t'aime', garderai nos souvenirs. Adieu, mon amour." Mu Liang sait qu'il se passe quelque chose de mystérieux autour de lui. Elle a des antécédents mystérieux et des capacités déconcertantes. Mais il ne se soucie pas de qui elle était dans le passé et pourquoi ils continuent de l'attaquer. Tout ce à quoi il peut penser, c'est l'aimer, la chérir, la garder auprès de lui pour qu'elle ne retourne jamais à son passé. Parce qu'il sait qu'il ne pourra pas vivre un instant sans elle. Ils essaient de résoudre le mystère concernant Hua Lan. Mais elle a besoin de retrouver sa mémoire. Le meilleur médecin ne comprend pas pourquoi elle ne se rappelle de rien. Cependant, en regardant une paire d'yeux cruels, sa tête lui fait mal. Puisqu'elle ne peut pas retrouver sa mémoire, ils doivent choisir une autre manière de résoudre ses énigmes. Mais que fera-t-elle après avoir retrouvé ses souvenirs ? Quelqu'un et certaines personnes devront recevoir une gifle. Mais qui recevra la gifle ? Et qui sera capable de rire à la fin ? ~BIENVENUE AU PREMIER LIVRE ORIGINAL DE PDG SUR WEBNOVEL~ ***C'est l'histoire d'une fille qui se bat pour elle-même et les gens qu'elle aime. Elle essaiera de découvrir qui elle est après avoir perdu sa mémoire et les gens autour d'elle l'aideront à résoudre les mystères qui l'entourent. ***en cours de révision. si vous trouvez des erreurs, veuillez nous en faire part*** **AVERTISSEMENT : NE PAS PLAGIER OU PUBLIER CET OUVRAGE SUR UN AUTRE SITE. SI VOUS AIMEZ LE TRAVAIL, DITES AUX AUTRES DE LIRE SUR WEBNOVEL.COM __________________________________ Série de livres : 1. Beau patron chéri de l'épouse 2. Ma femme est une déesse: 99 Baisers secrets 3. Bonheur Perdu 4. Le Cobra Autres livres : 1. Mon Aimé 2. Emmêlé par le destin __________________________________ Discord serveur- Instagram: Page Facebook: Flow07 Soutenez-moi- Patron : Achetez-moi un café:
Flow07 · 188.4K Views

The Gentle Maiden and Five Lustful Brothers

Completely naked his body pressing in hers. He slowly backed up and soaped up his hands. He turned her around and started with her shoulders he pulled her close she could feel the hard length of his hard length pressing up against her backside it gave her body goosebumps, shivering from its coldness. He steps back and washes her back and then her butt. While washing her butt he's groping it and smack it some making her wince. With each smack she whines a bit. He turned her to face him and then began to wash the front of her. First taking her arms and rubbing them and then moving his hands over and around her neck he goes for her breast. One in each hand he washes them squeezing and shaking them. Gripping them. Violet moans with pleasure. "You like that?" Gabriel said slickly "you like when I touch your breast and flick your nipples?" Violet moans quietly arching her back in response as he pinched her nipples. He moves from her breasts to her stomach and then below. He slides his hand between her legs and pulls her in. She gasps and holds on to him for support as he runs his fingers between her lips and clit. She's trembling from his touch. As he moves his finger around the outside of her. "Time to rinse off" he whispers to her. He uses his body to push her towards the water and he rubs her again he presses the front half of her body to his and washes the soap off her backside. She throws her head back. And begins to let out a scream, but he covers her mouth with his hands and says "shhhhh be quiet now." He spins her around so her back side is pressed against his c*ck. Feeling it's cold contact she throws her head back again gasping. Her then washes the front of her off pressing hard against her he gropes her breast squeezing them tight and pinching her nipples. She was so surprised by how good this felt. How badly she wanted him to bite her. And just as she finished that thought he stuck his hands between her legs again, and then he bit her on the opposite side of Oliver's bite. The bite burned her core undoing her as he played with her clit with his fingers and then sliding them inside her. Holding her body hostage with his fangs and fingers she completely submitted to his whims. He could have what ever he wanted in that moment and she wouldn't complain a bit. Pulling his fingers out of her and sucking her juices off them he says "You really are the best thing I've ever tasted. And now I know why my brothers are struggling not to f*ck you and are fighting over you. I don’t think we can wait until the full moon to start breaking you in." The book starts off without a lot of detail for the characters, but as the story progresses you you’ll notice each character develop and get to know them. Maybe even fall in love. Please enjoy!
Devonany · 96K Views

IRIS Mystery

In a world filled with different people. I'm one of the most different people you will ever see. I live with my uncle and his wife with their five kids. I got adopted into the family when i lost my parents in an accident that took their lives on the same day two years at then it was sixteen years birthday. They were actually coming to pick me up from highschool to take me out on my birthday but they died on their way, ever since then my life have been hell. Everyone sees me as a cursed child everyone just hates me. Today i turned eighteen years old. I've hated birthday since i lost my parents. Although today I'm a bit happy that I'm turning eighteen cause i now have the right to leave my uncles house. Since i woke up I've been staring at the ceiling thinking of what to do on this day a then i heard a voice "make a wish" i just obeyed and closed my eyes " I wish to have something that no one has and can ever have something beyond imagination, something mysterious, extraordinary and magical. I wish for love " After i made this wish i felt an adrenaline rush through me giving me chills and goosebumps all over my body. I stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Although i felt this sharp pain on my back which i quickly ignored, i took off my clothes and stepped inside the bathroom. I adjusted the water temperature to how i like it and i turned it on while humming a song. The first splash on my body was so refreshing. I let my hair down and as the waters flowed down my body cooling every nerve in my bones. But then all of a sudden i felt this sharp pain that made me scream and fell to the ground and then i saw something like feathers wrapped around me. It all felt like an illusion. I felt the pain quickly subside and i gradually stood up. What seemed like feathers was actually attached to back. I looked through my left shoulder and saw wings on my back. I doubted it and went to front of my bathroom mirror and to my greatest surprise there was wings directly coming out from my skin it had colour like flames a mixture of red and gold. My hair which was normally shoulder length blonde was now long down to my waist and was now red with gold edges. My eyes were literally flaming it was sparkling. I held my mouth from screaming this is theoretically impossible. I heard when my door burst open and i was naked in my bathroom confused. All of a sudden the wings and hair everything changed back to normal. It was no one else that barged into my room but toby, one of my cousin's. I quickly dragged a towel and hid by my bathroom door but he already saw me. Toby is one of the people i dislike because he has always wanted to have his way with my body this has gotten me really scared of being home alone. I caught a sinister smile on his face and he went back and locked my door and placed the keys in his pocket. I ran out from the bathroom and hid by my bed wrapping myself with my blanket "i never knew today will be my lucky day " as he spoke he walked towards me. "Who would have thought that i and oris would be the only ones at home today" upon hearing this i shivered " i like what i just saw ".He licked his lips "please toby don't hurt me " i could hear my heart racing and my eyes were watery "i really don't care if i do" the more he got closer i shifted backwards until i reached the wall and no where to run to i burst into tears pleading with him not to hurt me but he gave deaf ears, he dragged the blanket away from me and threw me on the bed. I was fighting to run away but he climbed on me and tried forcing me to kiss him and i bit him " you bitch" he punched me on the face and i could taste something thick i guessed it was blood "you are gonna pay" the next moment he was kicking off his pant. I kept on fighting and kicking but it couldn't do anything on his frame instead it angered and he smacked my cheeks and punched me several times until i got weak but i still struggled. Gradually
Mystery_Fire · 95 Views

Marked by the lord of darkness

Plagued by the same dream every night Hazel refused to fall asleep but just like always her eyelids grew heavy and she succumbed to sleep. She somewhat found herself in the same dream again but this time around the interior of the room looked more lavished than her room. She held her breath when she heard footsteps but the sound faded right after door. She clenched her dress out of anxiousness as she awaited the man who has been visiting her in her dreams. A cold wind passed in the room as it snuffed out the only source of light and a shiver ran down her spine . She was determined to know who this man actually was and so held her ground even though she was scared . She felt a hand grab her waist and she tilted her head to look at his face . As if on cue lightning striked revealing an impeccably handsome face which she had never met before , what caught her eyes the most were his red eyes ' a vampire !' she thought frozen. Never had she ever imagined the person to be a vampire. She tried pulling herself out of his embrace but his grip prevented her . "You're mine" he whispered and she felt goosebumps on her skin before she could comprehend what was happening he dipped his head in her neck , marking her as his forever. Hazel was the youngest daughter of the renowned duke Donovan Wiltchiz, she was not only overshadowed by her elder sister but was barely noticeable in society because her parents would let her sister have all the attention. Due to this she recoiled into the shadows of her sister and fell in love with the gardener's son almost forgetting about the outside world until the night of hallow when the lord of the land , the lord of darkness Sylvester Reigns claims her as his when they haven't even met before
Reese_Nova · 1K Views

The Original Character Lives in the Fanfic World

There was a popular comic that captured the hearts of readers not because of its plot, but rather the bromance between the two protagonists, a crown prince and a duke. Their friendship & mutual trust led fans to ship them endlessly, with countless fanfiction stories ranging from dating to marriage or even incorporating omegaverse settings. One particular m-preg fanfic novel became extremely popular among fans, where the previously cold duke becomes pregnant. But the popularity of both the original comic and this novel caused everything to become unbalanced, until something strange happened - these works of fiction turn into real worlds that collided, creating an error that connected them together. In the world of the comic: Carlton from the fanfic world gazed up at his husband with longing eyes. "Husband..." He pouted, "Why don't you kiss me today?" Alaric from the comic world recoiled slightly and goosebumps broke out over his skin as he moved away. "Please don't come close to me..." He said tersely. Meanwhile, in another world: Alaric from the fanfic world, pulled his beloved Carlton into a warm embrace and peppered kisses on his cheeks. "Darling, are you mad at me?" Alaric asked affectionately. "It's okay, you're still cute." He leaned down to whisper into his ear before continuing. "But don't forget to comfort all our children, they think you're mad at them." Suddenly, seven children barged into the room and called out to their fathers. "Father, Daddy!" they exclaimed. Carlton's frozen expression spoke volumes about his state of mind as he tried to process what was happening. His murderous gaze fixed on Alaric as he muttered through gritted teeth. "Whose children do you say they are....?"
callciel_rin · 5.6K Views

rare connection

Life is given for free but happiness comes with a cost that many can't afford to pay. *********** Even with the dark grey clouds that hovered over the vast sky and the dim light provided by the fire torch that was on the verge of being blown off by the wind, he could still see the glimmer in her eyes. The very same glimmer that appeared in those brown eyes everytime she was happy and for some reason, tonight he was unable to resist hir urges to steal a part of her. She was still standing by the door waiting for him to leave but he had not taken more than three steps before he halted and turned. His features were darker in contrast to the white shirt that he wore and the look on his face was a predatory one. Instead of getting scared, she watched him take the three stairs that led to her room's door and he was a few inches away from her, he finally spoke up. "If there is one thing that I hate, it's having regrets and I know that I will regret if I do not do this." A part of her was confused by his words and another part felt like she knew what he meant by those words. Before she even had a chance to contemplate on what he had just said, he leaned closer, curled his index finger on her pointed chin and tilted her in an angle such that she could feel his cold breath on her face that caused a shiver to run down her spine. Like she had been hypnotized, all she could do was to stare in those obsidian eyes that had held her captive. "This is a mistake that I want to commit again and again." His breath fanned on her face and goosebumps formed on her skin. Not because of the wind, but because of the effect he had on her. If it was some time before, she would have probably pushed him away or maybe escaped but as time had passed by, her feelings towards him had changed...
Rityshah · 46.1K Views

Hot Bloodsuckers’ Obsession

[Mature Content 18+] In the world of Alphas with power to control minds, hand out excruciating pain and even seduce you to your death such that you die with a smile on your face. Yin Zhu was born an Omega. A slave without any magic. In Bloodlock being an omega meant that you were no better than a rug under the feet of the alphas. In fact, even rug had much more importance than Yin Zhu who was born as an omega. Her life was destined to be spent under the dominance of the alphas of the Situ family. At least no one knew that she was an omega, as long as no one found out that she was an omega she was safe. But at the age of eighteen, she was dragged to the Situ mansion, because of a mistake and now she have to serve in the family of a Vampires but it was fine right? As long as she stayed away from them she will be all right. Wrong. She ended up attracting the attention of the three young masters even when she didn’t meant to, one by one their gazes locked on her, in a manner she did not mean to —— by disrespecting them. Proud and arrogant as they were they didn’t want to let her go so easily. Now she have to serve them and protect herself as well, for if these men found out that she was an omega it was either death or a life of imprisonment. ———————— “ Did you go somewhere?”spoke a voice in the dark room, causing Yin Zhu’s eyes to go wide with fear. She turned around the room when another voice called from behind, the cold breath of the man skimming over her shoulder, “ I think she was out in the garden, her skin is cold.” Nervously, Yin Zhu turned around but the man behind her was gone, she swallowed hard as she squinted her eyes trying to make the silhouettes of the men who were hiding in her room. “ W..What are you doing in my room?” “ What are we doing in her room, she asks,” chuckled a third voice causing goosebumps to break all over her skin. When the figure of the man sitting on the chair next to the tea table stood up and started walking towards her. As he started to walk towards her the rest moved and circled her like a prey, the handsome features of the men illuminated in the moonlight making them look even scarier than they do. “ We came to see our omega,” said number one as he tilted his head and smiled at her. “ What about you? Where are you coming from, hmm?” “ I ..I just went out on a walk,” she replied as quickly as possible but then she heard someone behind her chuckle and Yin Zhu could feel her doom coming close. She tried to side step the two men but then she was caught by number three, his arms tightening around her waist as she tried to escape the two man, a dangerous growl rumbling in his chest that reverberated on her back . The two men walked closer to her as the first one raised his hand and cupped her face while the other caught hold of her silvery lock that was cascading over her shoulder. One of them skimmed his hand over her jaw and neck before splaying his fingers over her chest. “ Your heart is thumping rather loud, did you go on a run?” Yin Zhu didn’t answer for she knew that the three men knew she was lying, they could see through her lies better than she could see through their games. The man behind her leaned forward and whispered against her ear, “ Were you trying to run away with him?” “ Maybe I should wring the neck of that human after all, hmm? What do you say, sugar?”chortled the third.
fairytail72 · 1.1M Views

The Darker Sins

A secret mission was all it took for Elise to gain the infamous twins, Azael and Reuel's attention and from then on, there was no stopping them. While the twins want her, Elise wants nothing to do with them. Amidst the growing infatuation and feelings, Elise has even to protect herself from the danger she has unknowingly put herself into. ---------------------------------------------------------------- “You were ours the day you stepped inside our club,” Azael said as he strode towards her and Elise took a step back instantly. “I belong to no one.” She declared as she maintained her gaze on him. But her wavering voice gave her away and Azael arched his lips, taking it as a challenge. “Are you sure, darling? Why does your heartbeat say otherwise?” Reuel approached her from behind and Elise was now trapped between the twins. “I…” Elise licked her lips as she maintained her gaze on the man before her while her mind was focused on Reuel’s wandering hands that were inching towards her waist. “You what, gorgeous?” Azael probed as he smirked at her evilly and Elise was lost in his mysterious depths instantly. “Tell us you want us, Elise.” Reuel urged from behind. “Tell us, baby. Tell us you want us as much as we want you.” Azael ran a finger along her arm and goosebumps peppered on her skin instantly. “Tell us, Elise.” And that was all it took for Elise to surrender. “I want you.” ---------------------------------------------------------------- This book contains mature content including violence and sexual themes. It is also a reverse harem romance and explores many different aspects of BDSM. Read at your own discretion. This book will be posted on RoyalRoad
prada_murthy · 21.9K Views


VOLUME 1 [COMPLETED] VOLUME 2 [COMPLETED] Olivia Clarke’s world is shattered when she was forcibly married to the billionaire Alexander Bennett, leaving her fiancé at the altar. Determined to escape her unwanted marriage, Olivia vows to make Alexander divorce her so she can return to her fiancé. But Alexander, consumed by possessiveness, refuses to let the woman he ever loved go. With money and influence at his disposal, he promises to give her everything that she desires. Confident that love will bloom between them but Olivia has just one desire “Mr. Billionaire, let me go… I don’t love you.” Will Olivia succumb to Alexander’s charms, or will she find a way to break free and reclaim her heart? **** "Holding a wedding without me?" a hoarse and manly voice echoed from the door, bodyguards dressed in black suits surrounded the hall and this got me.   Who were they? Then a tall man, with rough black hair, hazel eyes, and dressed in a tailored design suit walked in with his hands in his pocket.   After a moment of silence, he looked up at me and then at Dad.   "Mr. Bennett, it's you…can we please resolve this case somewhere else? My daughter is getting married now." Father said with a pleading tone and I was surprised, so I walked towards him and shivered in fear.   I couldn't help but be scared, the man's aura was far more dangerous than that of my boss and he seemed like someone from the second generation of billionaires, how did Father get entangled with him?   "No, I want it to be settled here," he added.   I clenched my fist as I swallowed the lump in my throat. Can't he see I am about to get married right now? "I understand," Father said in a submissive tone, this only meant that he was in the wrong.   "Father, who is this?" I asked when Natalie rushed towards me before whispering a few words, my lips fell in shock. Alexander Bennett?   "Bruno, show him the contract." Mr. Bennett signaled and a man dressed in a brown suit approached us with a blue file containing a well printed contract.   Father held it with shivering hands as he read the contract "This…" he stuttered and then glared at me.   Out of curiosity, I grabbed the file from Father before reading it, there was just one clause written on it.   He wanted me to marry him today and pay off father's debt or else father will have to spend the rest of his life in jail.   The paper fell off my hand as I glared at Mr. Bennett, this was the first time we met so why would he want to marry me? Now that I remember, the other man looks familiar. He is the man I scolded yesterday, did they want to take revenge?   "Father, please tell me you don't owe him such a huge sum," I asked with a glimmer of hope, praying that this was all a dream. Caleb walked towards me as he was confused as well, he picked up the paper and read it.   "This is crazy." he launched his fist to hit Mr. Bennett who quickly dodged it and some guards hurried and pinned Caleb down.   "It's my wedding, you can't replace me," Caleb said in a bitter tone. check out my other book 180 DAYS TO DIVORCE
T_RAE_23 · 560.9K Views

The CEO's Hired Girlfriend

Desperate times they say, call for desperate measures. Fiona Lopez, after her mother gets diagnosed with cancer turns to a hire a girlfriend agency in order to foot her mother's medical bills. Having successfully paid for the medical bills, Fiona decides to find a decent job before her mother is discharged but gets caught up in a web when she goes for her job interview only to find out that her supposed boss is none other than the man she had played a fake girlfriend for on her last job. Desperate for a job, and not wanting to return to her former job, she is forced into working closely with him even though she doesn't want to. While working closely with him, she soon realizes that love bridges all gaps when she finds herself falling helplessly in love with Liam. Liam Parker is a dashingly handsome, aloof, and indifferent young CEO of the PK Enterprise. After his last relationship where he caught his girlfriend getting engaged to a business partner, Liam decided that he wasn't cut out for love. But when he turns to hiring a girlfriend in an attempt to evade marriage, everything changes for Liam when he meets and falls for his hired girlfriend at first sight. Not only does he fight to get Fiona's love, but he fights to gain approval from his mother too. *****Excerpt**** "I'm sorry Mr. Parker but you have it all wrong. We don't have sex with our clients. It's against protocols," she explained and Liam nodded. "No one would know we did it, right? I won't tell and surely you won't," he said and Fiona looked at him incredulously. "I guess you're drunk," she said flatly and he nodded and stood up. He walked closer to her and whispered to her ears, causing goosebumps to sprout all over her body. "Yes, I'm drunk and you're the only one that can sober me up right now. So, how much?" he asked and Fiona gave him a confused look. What was he asking? How much what? Did she tell him she was selling anything to him? She mused as her brows drew together. "How much? How much for what?" she asked and he ran his finger down her cheek, making it hard for her to concentrate. "How much would it cost me to have my cock buried inside you....." before he could finish, a hot-sounding slap landed on his face, causing him to turn to the side.
BabyAngel2 · 382K Views

Bought by the Mafia

[MATURE CONTENT AHEAD!! THIS STORY IS MAFIA MEANING IT HAS A LOT OF VIOLENCE AND STRONG MATURE LANGUAGE] [NO RAPE] [NO CHEATING] [Note that the Male Lead in this story is not a prince charming who will change for his woman. He's a man with very questionable morals] I was bred in the mafia, born in the mafia, raised in the mafia, would marry into the mafia, and I would die in the mafia. In my house, my father’s word was law. Failure to adhere to the law came with dire consequences. Sometimes physical, mental, or emotional. He treated us like commodities and assets he would sell to the highest bidder and make some quick buck. It didn’t matter that we were human or that we had opinions. Antonio Agosti was a monster for a father. He killed any man who tried to get with my sister and me and made us promise to preserve our virginity until marriage. And he saw it fit to sell mine to the most dangerous gang in all of Italy, the Cosa Nostra (Sicillian Mafia). He sold me to the most feared man in all of Italy, Nikolas ‘The Beast’ Mancini. He was rumored to have crushed a man’s skull with his hands, but I didn’t know if it was true. Either way, he was ruthless, fearless, intimidating, and dangerous. He had eyes as cold as ice and a gaze as calculating as ever. He was also strikingly handsome and hot. Every woman wanted him and feared him at the same time. But he chose me. The way he looked at me scared me. Especially when he told me, “You’re mine now, Viola. Till death do us part.” And he was right. The only way out of a Mafia marriage was death. Whether it was arranged as in my case or not. If I tried to leave Nikolai, the whole Cosa Nostra would hunt and kill me. And so the question remains, was death better than being married to the devil incarnate? ***EXCERPT 1*** “Any man who looks at you suggestively, I take his eyes. If he so much as touches you, I take his hands. If he sniffs you, I take his nose. If he kisses you or talks to you, I take his tongue.” Every word sent a chill down my spine, colder than the last. What kind of a monster did I get married to? “You’re sick!” He walked closer, covered in Leon’s blood. His stride was powerful and scary. On a normal occasion, I would have stood my ground. However, he had shown me a side of him I’d never seen before. “You know what the problem is, Principessa? I showed you that I was a gentleman and I was good. I’m not. You’ve taken my kindness for weakness.” “But—” He cut me off by grabbing my neck and pulling me closer. My heart raced wildly against my chest and I couldn’t tell if I was turned on or scared. “You’re my whore, Viola and I don’t share. Don’t you ever forget it.” Using his leg to spread my legs, he hiked up my skirt using his hand. Goosebumps coated my skin and a trail of fire was left in the wake of his touch. For a moment, I couldn’t breathe. “You only spread these legs for me. Got it?” “No. I’m not a whore.” “You’re right. You are MY whore. Now go upstairs and wait for me on the bed before I cut off your lover’s other hand." ***End of Excerpt*** (Second Excerpt inside)
Mellovesbooks · 29.1K Views

The way back to you

In the bustling heart of China’s entertainment industry, Li Zihan and Yixuan share a love story that begins in their idyllic childhood town. As inseparable high school sweethearts, they envision a future together filled with simple joys and mutual dreams. However, their path is disrupted by Li Zihan's father, Li Xian, a powerful mogul in the entertainment industry, who has grand plans for his son’s career. Li Xian, seeing the potential for Li Zihan to enhance the family’s business empire, pressures his son into the limelight. When he discovers Li Zihan’s relationship with Yixuan, he manipulates her into ending their romance, believing it to be the best for Li Zihan’s future. Heartbroken but compelled by the circumstances, Yixuan agrees to the breakup and leaves for studies abroad, while Li Zihan reluctantly follows his father’s wishes, becoming a celebrated actor and model. Years pass, and fate reunites them in the glamorous world of a Shanghai film premiere. Yixuan, now a successful entertainment manager, finds herself working with Li Zihan, who is a star on the rise. Their unexpected encounter reignites old feelings and unresolved tensions. As they navigate the complexities of their professional and personal lives, they must confront past misunderstandings and the challenges that come with their high-profile careers. Facing media scrutiny and personal dilemmas, both must reconcile their past with their present. Through a series of heartfelt revelations and shared experiences, Li Zihan learns the truth about Yixuan’s sacrifice, and Yixuan comes to terms with her own choices. As they overcome the obstacles thrown their way, they rediscover the love that was always meant to be theirs. In the end, "The Way Back to You" is a poignant tale of love, sacrifice, and the journey of finding one's way back to the person who holds their heart. Against the backdrop of fame and fortune, Li Zihan and Yixuan prove that true love can withstand the tests of time and circumstance, leading them back to where it all began.
han_hannie · 5 Views
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