My Reaper System
In a small town, a mysterious and malevolent figure named Gemma, resembling a tall, spider-like man, arrives with a sinister agenda. The townspeople, fearing him, chant for his capture. Gemma, possessing supernatural abilities, creates an air of dread as he confronts a grieving family.
A charcoal haired boy named Lian, encounters Gemma, who reveals their shared lineage as reapers. Gemma, a destructive force, aims to turn Lian's loved ones into soulless dolls. In a violent encounter, Gemma kills Lian's family, prompting Lian to resist and engage in a supernatural battle.
Lian discovers his latent reaper abilities, wielding a sword connected to the River of Souls. As Gemma underestimates Lian, a fierce confrontation ensues, with the fate of the souls hanging in the balance. Lian, guided by his sister's spirit, seeks to prevent Gemma from further harm and desecration of the River of Souls.