Synopsis: This tale revolves around a genuine love shared between two individuals of the same gender who struggle to embrace their true selves. The central characters, Mikey, Hans, and Alma, navigate a narrative that intertwines love with elements of mystery, pain, hatred, conflict, and affection.
Mikey, hailing from a wealthy family with a renowned company in the States, exudes coolness, intelligence, humility, and charm. The only son of Mr. Tobby and Mrs. Anayah, Mikey conceals his feelings for Hans, a fellow student on campus, due to the societal challenges associated with their shared gender. Despite pretending indifference and feigning affection for Alma, another student on campus, Mikey finds it challenging to suppress his genuine emotions. Ultimately, he confronts the complexities of real-life situations.
Hans, on the other hand, emerges from a humble background with a single mother, having lost his father to an unknown illness during his childhood. Although not popular in school, Hans is characterized by intelligence, calmness, humility, and friendliness. Bullied by some students, Hans remains unfazed, unaware of Mikey's true feelings. Simultaneously, Hans harbors concealed emotions for Mikey but struggles to acknowledge them openly. Inar, another student from the same campus, harbors strong feelings for Hans and often supports him in times of trouble, showering him with gifts. Despite his wealth, Inar's true background remains unknown to Hans, who regards him merely as a friend.
Alma, a girl from an affluent family, conceals her social status while being infatuated with Mikey. A popular figure in school, Alma is known for her beauty, cheerfulness, and popularity among boys. Despite occasional bullying tendencies, Alma maintains a good side. Supported by her best friends, Andrea and Azinah, Alma is an enthusiast of the arts and is determined to win Mikey's heart at any cost.