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온라인홀덤 l 365포커 l 모바일홀덤 l 홀덤 l 홀덤API l 텍사스홀덤 l 홀덤사이트 2025년 365포커가 온다! 365포커 협력 파트너 모집 당사는 2025년 12월31일까지만 파트너를 모집하며 2025년 1월1일 부터는 당사에서는 파트너 모집에 일체 개입하지 않으며 등록된 파트너만이 홍보활동을 할수 있습니다. 홈페이지 : 파트너문의 : 가입코드 : 1 2 3 4 안전성, 공정성, 고객만족을 최우선으로 하는 365포커 당사는 고객의 개인 정보 보호를 최우선 가치로 두고 이에 걸맞는 보호 시스템을 구축하여 운영중입니다. 또한, RNG(Random Number Generator) 인증을 받아 당사에서 서비스하는 게 임에 대하여 인위적 개입 및 조작이 없는 공정한 플레이를 즐길 수 있습니다. 다채로운 이벤트와 보너스 기회 첫가입 3+3 ~ 5+5 더블업, 매번 주어지는 추가 10%, 매일/주간 미션, 핸드 족보 이벤트, 홀덤 토너먼트, 사용자를 위한 커스터마이징 옵션, 개개인의 취향에 맞추어 커스터마이징 할 수 있는 다양한 설정을 지원.365일 24시간 고객센터를 운영하여 항상 고객의 목소리에 귀를 기울이고 있습니다. 365포커 다운로드 PC,모바일(Android, IOS) 다운로드방법 : Windows, Android, iOS 등 모든 주요 기기에서 안정적인 플레이가 가능하도록 설계되어 언제 어디서든 원활한 게 임 환경을 제공합니다. 간편한 조작과 공정한 시스템을 겸비한 365포커로 최고의 포커 경험을 누려보세요. #365포커 #365홀덤 #홀덤365 #포커365 #온라인홀덤 #비트코인 #알트코인 #니어프로토콜 #인터넷컴퓨터 #셀레스티아 #세이 #옵티미즘 #아비트럼 #인젝티브 #토르체인 #디와이디엑스 #이뮤터블 #빔 #갈라 #스택스 #오디 #렌더 #페치 #싱귤래리티넷 #아카시 #데소 #파일코인 #알위브 #롤비트 #도지코인 #페페코인 #페페 #리플 #이더리움 #에이다 #솔라나 #체인링크 #아발란체 #코스모스 #스텔라 #알트코인 #중국코인 #미국코인 #한국코인 #김프 #폴카닷 #코스모스 #파일코인 #알고랜드 #트론 #네오 #퀀텀 #트럼프 #계엄령 #탄핵 #인싸포커 #h홀덤 #포커클럽 #온라인홀덤사이트추천 #온라인홀덤사이트 #바이브게임 #인디오게임 #레볼루션홀덤 #포커에이스 #홀덤사이트 #홀덤온라인 #온라인포커 #모바일홀덤 #라이브홀덤 #무설치홀덤 #와우포커 #윈조이홀덤 #텍사스홀덤 #온라인홀덤추천 #모바일홀덤추천 #해외온라인홀덤 #온라인홀덤순위 #온라인홀덤캐쉬게임 #온라인홀덤토너먼트 #온라인홀덤환전 #365poker #포커에이스 365포커,365홀덤,홀덤365,포커365,온라인홀덤,비트코인,알트코인,니어프로토콜,인터넷컴퓨터,셀레스티아,세이,옵티미즘,아비트럼,인젝티브,토르체인,디와이디엑스,이뮤터블,빔,갈라,스택스,오디,렌더,페치,싱귤래리티넷,아카시,데소,파일코인,알위브,롤비트,도지코인,페페코인,페페,리플,이더리움,에이다,솔라나,체인링크,아발란체,코스모스,스텔라,알트코인,중국코인,미국코인,한국코인,김프,폴카닷,코스모스,파일코인,알고랜드,트론,네오,퀀텀,트럼프,계엄령,탄핵,인싸포커,h홀덤,포커클럽,온라인홀덤사이트추천,온라인홀덤사이트,바이브게임,인디오게임,레볼루션홀덤,포커에이스,홀덤사이트,홀덤온라인,온라인포커,모바일홀덤,라이브홀덤,무설치홀덤,와우포커,윈조이홀덤,텍사스홀덤,온라인홀덤추천,모바일홀덤추천,해외온라인홀덤,온라인홀덤순위,온라인홀덤캐쉬게임,온라인홀덤토너먼트,온라인홀덤환전,365poker,포커에이스
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pok365 · 159 Views

Ethereal Blue

What if your best friend were a ghost-and your soulmate? Buchi never imagined his scholarship to a prestigious Korean school would come with invisible princes, ancient curses, and dangerous rivals. As the only one who can see Min Soo, a Korean prince cursed to walk the earth unseen, Buchi becomes his lifeline to hope. Jealous students, power-hungry sponsors, and dark supernatural forces threaten to tear their connection apart. Will Buchi rise above the odds to break the curse, or will love be lost in the shadows of time? Buchi-egeun joheun hakgyo-e iss-eo-neun scholarship-eul jwahae, geu-eun gil-eseo an-bo-in-eun wang-ja-reul mann-a-seo, gil-eseo an-bo-in-eun ma-eum-eul mann-a-seo, Buchi-eun geu-ui ma-eum-eul bich-eo-neun sa-gwa-reul jwahae. , , , . Buchi-wa Min Soo-eun geu-deul-ui ma-eum-eul kkae-wo-jwoya hal su iss-eoyo. Geu-deul-eun eotteoke hae, Min Soo-eui jo-geum-eul kkae-wo-jwoya ha-geoyo? ########### "Guy why you dey look me like that?" His voice was steady, but the flicker of confusion and heat in his eyes made my chest tighten. At first he didn't say anything until l asked again but in korean (Neo-neun wae naege ireol geoseul hae-yo?) - "Why are you looking at me like that?" (Jeoneun aniya)"I’m not," I lied, though my gaze refused to move from the water sliding down his neck, tracing the hard lines of his chest before disappearing beneath the towel. (Eotteoke geurae?) " Huh! Really?" he asked, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. ("Neo-neun naege gyeoljeong-gwaui gwaje-cheoreom bolleo issna-yo) "Because you’re looking at me like I’m some kind of forbidden fruit." I swallowed hard, cursing the way my breath hitched. He wasn’t wrong. Something about him—his presence, his confidence, the way he stood there dripping wet like he didn’t have a care in the world—had me unraveling. ("Neo-neun ban-naj-eo iss-eoyo.") "You’re the one standing half-naked," I shot back, though the words lacked bite. ("Mwo neo-neun mweo-rae ganeun-ga?") "What do you expect?" He laughed, the sound deep and rich, like the rumble of a storm. "I didn’t expect you to be so easy to distract." ("Neo-neun joheun geol al-a-isseo.") ("Joheun geol an-iya.") "Distract? I’m not distracted." My words came out too quick, too defensive. He stepped closer, his damp hair falling across his forehead, and for a moment, the space between us felt electric. "Then wati dey make you dey blush?" I opened my mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Because he was right—I was blushing, my pulse racing, my thoughts a mess. And then, just as suddenly as he’d appeared, he was gone, leaving nothing but the memory of his smirk and the ache in my chest that told me this wasn’t over. --- Can you survive the pull of gravity when it’s not just the black hole that’s consuming you—but him? Dive into ETHEREAL BLUE, a tale of cursed ghosts, forbidden connections, and the kind of chemistry that stops time itself.
delyonworld · 2.9K Views

The blue Of

once in a far away land in sector 206 on a world of magic, there was a king and a queen. The king was passing through the town when a merchant gave him a strange mythical book, written on it was "The Age Of Diamonds". The king went to the Royal library and stayed there to read. It was an ancient book consisting of the history of Diamonds. Diamond were supreme being that were given to create life and destroy life, also known as world destroyers. They could pass through time and through dimensions. In the book there were twelve elite diamond, they were: The Golden Diamond of all elements The Purple Diamond of Creation Black Diamond of calamity and destruction The White Diamond of purity and light The Green Diamond of salvation The Red Diamond of rage and fire The Pink Diamond of peace and protection The Yellow Diamond of lightning The Blue Diamond of the sea The Grey Diamond of revolution The orange diamond of passion The Brown Diamond of beauty The Violet Diamond of Glory Diamond could earn titles depending on their accomplishments. This is a story about a girl who becomes a god traveling dimensions. She suffers through pain for 2000 years to be called back to heaven to get her Diamond title and was betrayed. Turning her mad and had war against gods all on her own. Read more to see her trial and errors she had to go through to become the Diamond God of chaos as she travel universes with her sisters. The pictures here do not belong to me. They are just used to give a vivid description of the characters And this story would have a mishap of different anime's and mangas.
Erivva · 12.5K Views

The Art of Falling Again

“He’s not coming”, Serena said not knowing how to break the news to her best friend that she had just been dumped on her wedding day. “What?”, Maya laughed as she thought this was one of the other jokes Serena made to cheer her up as she was nervous. “Here”, said Serena, giving her a letter… “he dropped this for you”. Maya the letter and opened it… her hands shaking as she was just about to confirm her worst fear. As Maya's eyes scanned the letter, her face crumbled, and her body began to shake. The words on the page blurred together as her eyes were full with tears, “he’s gone… he’s not coming back”. Maya said as she broke down. Her world came crashing down around her. She felt like she was drowning in a sea of despair, unable to catch her breath. The letter slipped from Maya's fingers, floating gently to the floor as she collapsed onto the bed, her body wracked with sobs. Serena rushed to her side, wrapping her in a tight hug as she tried to comfort her. "It's okay, Maya. I'm here for you. We'll get through this together," Serena whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. But Maya couldn't hear her. She was lost in a vortex of pain and heartbreak, unable to escape the agony that threatened to consume her. As the minutes ticked by, Maya's sobs slowly subsided, replaced by a numbness that spread through her like a cold, dark fog. She felt empty, hollow, like a part of her had been ripped away. Serena handed her a box of tissues, and Maya wiped her face, trying to compose herself. But as she looked around the room, she was reminded of the wedding that was supposed to take place today. The dress, the flowers, the cake – everything was ready, except for the groom. Maya's eyes landed on the letter, still lying on the floor. She felt a surge of anger and hurt, and she knew she had to read it again. This time, she would make herself understand the words, no matter how much they hurt. With a deep breath, Maya picked up the letter and began to read...
Izahbehla · 122 Views

Jardin du poison

[Volume 1 : Dante Blackthorn] Lorsque Anastasia et sa sœur Marianne sont capturées et emmenées par-delà les mers par des pirates, elles deviennent des marchandises destinées à être vendues dans une terre lointaine. Marianne est prise comme courtisane, tandis qu'Anastasia échappe de justesse à un terrible destin en prétendant être muette. Elle est contrainte au plus bas échelon des serviteurs au palais royal, où elle endure une vie de servitude et crée de magnifiques œuvres d'art pour masquer sa douleur. Malgré les années qui passent, Anastasia n'a jamais oublié la promesse de sa sœur de retourner ensemble dans leur famille. Cependant, avec ses mouvements restreints et la vigilance des gardes, l'évasion semble impossible. Lorsque Anastasia entre en contact avec le Prince Déchu, sa vie bascule hors de contrôle et elle déclenche une Crux d'incroyables proportions. Désormais en lutte contre ses propres démons intérieurs tout en naviguant dans la politique perfide de la cour royale, Anastasia doit confronter la vérité sur le sort de sa sœur et faire un choix qui pourrait changer le destin d'un royaume entier. [Volume 2 : Emily Blackthorn] La vie de la Princesse Emily prend un tournant tumultueux lorsqu'elle est rejetée, laissant son cœur brisé et son âme au bord de la corruption. Dans une tentative désespérée de se sauver, elle entreprend un voyage vers l'Ouest. Entre en scène le Prince de la Tempête, un archidémon charismatique aux yeux bleus, avec un sourire semblable à celui d'un saint. Emily avait espéré ne plus jamais le revoir, mais le destin en a décidé autrement. Comme si voir son âme se mourir ne suffisait pas, quelqu'un veut la lui voler ! Coincée entre les prétendants et les cauchemars hantant qui l'ont tourmentée depuis l'enfance, Emily commence à percevoir Raylen sous un nouveau jour. Le démon aux yeux bleus n'est peut-être pas le monstre qu'elle pensait.
ash_knight17 · 30.7K Views
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