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Ouro Kronii Clips

The Crimson King of Albion

1. Uniqueness and Appeal of the Story (Condensed) 1. Worldbuilding: Historical Grit Meets Supernatural Spectacle Setting: 1930s America/Europe: Blends Great Depression realities (NYC soup kitchens, corrupt Wall Street alchemists) with occult threats. Nazi "Lebensborn" experiments resurrect through cursed artifacts, while vampire clans like Sanctum Sanguinis manipulate London's underworld. Core Innovation: Merges noir detective drama, Lovecraftian cosmic horror, and vampire political epics into a cohesive "dark fantasy" universe. Protagonist Wayne navigates gangster-ruled streets and eldritch rituals with equal pragmatism. 2. Plot Architecture: Layered Mysteries & Explosive Payoffs Opening Hook: A seemingly routine infidelity case unravels into a cult conspiracy marked by glowing cat eyes and radioactive mushroom-induced visions. The mundane detective office becomes a gateway to hidden wars. Key Conflicts: Personal: Wayne’s quest to find his sister Gwen—a victim of 1935 Nazi experiments—while battling his own physical decay (corpse-like stench, stopped pocket watch). Supernatural: Vampire dynasties, hellish legions, and secret societies (Mirror Sect) clash over the "Living Grail," a sentient artifact granting control over reality. Historical: Nazi occultists infiltrate America using gold-skull rituals; Federal Reserve corruption fuels supernatural arms races. Climactic Sequences: Holy Grail War: Wayne’s ragtag Vowbound Cross faction battles vampire hordes in London, with alchemically enhanced revolvers firing self-guided silver bullets. Leviathan Rising: A kaiju-like beast emerges from Liverpool’s waters, countered by undead dragons and Vatican light magic. Twist Ending: Gwen is revealed as a Nazi-made proto-vampire, forcing Wayne to sacrifice himself as a vessel to seal an elder god—leaving moral ambiguity lingering. 3. Characters: Moral Complexity & Jarring Contrasts Wayne (Protagonist): Flawed Antihero: A whiskey-drinking PI masking survivor’s guilt with sarcasm. His fake "model citizen" diary clashes with ruthless tactics (blackmail, radioactive interrogations). Duality: Protects street orphans while exploiting clients, embodying Depression-era moral erosion. Veronica & Wilhelm: Noble Fugitives: Veronica’s aristocratic German past and Wilhelm’s swastika-etched knife hint at dark histories. Posing as a secretary/gardener, they manipulate Wayne’s investigations. Comic Relief: Wilhelm’s mountain-like physique paired with cat-obsessed campiness ("sailor outfits") offsets existential dread. Antagonists: Preacher Jacob: A vampiric zealot who views bloodsucking as divine sacrament, mirroring Wayne’s nihilism. Dr. Isaac: A Nazi eugenicist weaponizing vampirism, blending scientific rigor with monstrous ambition. 4. Narrative Craft: Noir Aesthetics & Pseudoscience Multi-Perspective Storytelling: Wayne’s cynical first-person narration intercuts with newspaper clippings (Jack the Ripper Returns), cult parchments, and Veronica’s encrypted journals to piece together the puzzle. Stylized Language: Gritty metaphors: "Wall Street fog smells of rusted dreams," "Veronica’s hair outshines Coney Island neon." Symbolism: Bulletproof doors adorned with Citizen Kane posters critique hollow American idealism; cash-stuffed Bibles mock religious hypocrisy. Sci-Fantasy Systems: Vampire "sun weakness" explained as uranium radiation side effects. "Eldritch whispers" rationalized as infrasound brainwashing; hell reimagined as a quantum dimension. Weapons: Rune-engraved silver bullets, alchemy-modified revolvers blending mysticism and tech.
yu_xu_7087 · 936 Views

Renascida como a Mulher Mais Rica do Mundo

``` 【Um romance de favoritismo, poder dual, cartas de Tarô e tratando escórias como elas merecem!】 Dez anos de casamento, dez anos de devoção. Ela derramou todo o seu talento e emoções, apenas para ser recompensada com um incêndio premeditado no final. Torturada pelo marido e traída pela sua melhor amiga. Afinal, todos ao seu redor estavam atuando. Antes de sua renascença, ela era uma renomada dama talentosa na Cidade Capital. Após sua renascença, ela se tornou famosa na Cidade Capital como... uma idiota! Além disso, ela se transformou em uma rica dama desvalida, à mercê dos outros. Tímida, fraca, inútil, incompetente, esses eram os rótulos colados nela. Ao abrir os olhos mais uma vez, a juventude floresceu, ela estava de volta a si mesma! Nesta vida, ela retorna com um dedo de ouro! Com um baralho de Tarô, ela manobra por toda a elite financeira! ** O jovem mestre sem igual, ele é o renomado e enigmático chefe da família Mo na Cidade Capital. Ele também é um demônio portando uma maldição. Controlando vida e morte, dominando o destino, ele é o poderoso líder do Mundo Superpotência. Sua autoridade avassaladora e aparência deslumbrante fazem inúmeras garotas correrem atrás dele. Uma é uma humilde e covarde idiota rica, a outra é um 'demônio' amplamente conhecido e amaldiçoado na Cidade Capital. A colisão de água e fogo, um entrelace de frio e calor. Ninguém sabe quem finalmente sucumbirá a quem no final. ** Mais tarde, o distante chefe da família Mo, que nunca se interessou por mulheres, de repente anunciou seu casamento de alto perfil. O país inteiro estava em alvoroço, inúmeras jovens despedaçadas. Após o casamento, ele se transforma em um marido perfeito, amando sua esposa queridamente e obedecendo a todos os seus desejos. 【Micro Drama】 Uma certa mulher (com um rosto frio): "O Sr. Mo é tão rico e poderoso, eu, uma humilde garota, não ousaria acrescentar nenhum fardo." O canto da boca de um certo homem se curvou em um sorriso significativo. A mulher ficou tão assustada que imediatamente deu um passo para trás: "O que, o que, o que você vai fazer?" ...... 【Citações do Sr. Mo】 *Você deveria saber, neste mundo, além de mim, ninguém mais merece estar ao seu lado. *Se esta era próspera terminasse, eu ainda poderia estabelecer outra! Mas ela, há apenas uma no mundo, eu, não posso me dar ao luxo de arriscar! *É apenas dinheiro. Eu até dei a minha vida por ela, então vamos apenas desperdiçar. ```
Deutsche Unforgotten · 57K Views


``` Uma corrida noturna mudou a vida de Aila para sempre após ser envolvida em uma batalha entre lobisomens e caçadores. Ela é subitamente sequestrada pelos ditos caçadores e descobre segredos sobre seu passado e seu futuro enquanto embarca em uma jornada para descobrir quem ou o que ela realmente é. Problemas surgem um após o outro quando ela finalmente escapa do alcance dos caçadores, apenas para ser acolhida pelo feroz Alfa da Matilha Crescente de Prata. Ao contrário da maioria que o teme, Aila desafia sua autoridade a cada passo do caminho à medida que aprende mais sobre si mesma e sobre o dominante e possessivo Alfa que tenta reivindicá-la. Será que cabeças vão colidir em uma batalha de vontades, ou eles podem trabalhar juntos e ajudar a manter o mundo oculto das criaturas seguro dos caçadores? Junte-se a Aila em sua jornada de redescobrimento, amor, ria e chore junto com ela neste romance repleto de ação e cenas quentes. ----- Vencedora do Tier de Ouro no Concurso de Prompt de Escrita #161 - Metamorfos. ------ *** ESPIADA *** [ CONTEÚDO MADURO ] "Olhos pra cá, Aila." Ele ríspido; sua voz dura fez com que ela olhasse em seus olhos, e ela foi imediatamente capturada por seu olhar gélido. Ela não conseguiu desviar o olhar do dele enquanto ele se aproximava dela, seus movimentos lentos como se estivesse pronto para saltar sobre ela, sua presa. Sem pensar, ela se levantou da posição em que estava, pronta para correr, mas ele a agarrou e prendeu suas mãos contra a cama. Ele moveu seu joelho para frente, separando as pernas dela que resistiram apenas por um segundo antes de permitir a entrada do seu joelho. Ele empurrou lentamente para o espaço entre as coxas dela, fazendo-a ofegar com o contato súbito. "Você gosta de me desobedecer, Aila?" Ele rosnou; Aila ficou confusa por um momento até se lembrar de como facilmente ela desafiava suas ordens. Ele ainda estava realmente bravo desde mais cedo? Mas quando ela procurou em seu rosto por uma resposta, logo encontrou. Ele estava definitivamente irritado desde mais cedo. "Para ser bem honesta, eu gosto. Te coloca no seu lugar," Aila sorriu ironicamente ao encontrar seus olhos ardentes. Ele abaixou seu rosto para perto do dela, a pressão do seu joelho entre as pernas dela aumentou, fazendo-a morder o lábio inferior. "Resposta errada," Ele rosnou antes de morder seu lábio afastando-o dos dentes. ----- *AVISO* CONTEÚDO MADURO: Violência Gráfica Linguagem Forte Conteúdo Sexual Abuso -- 【Volume 1: Completo】 【Volume 2: Completo】 【Volume 3: EM BREVE - Agosto de 2024. #InimigosParaAmantes #QuímicaForte #ToqueNelaEVoceMorre 】 -- Se você está gostando da história, por favor vote com uma pedra do poder, deixe comentários e uma resenha! -- Imagem da Capa: Encomendada por @if._art Meu Instagram: @kelly_starrz Meu novo servidor no discord: ```
Kelly_Starrz · 31.8K Views

Alfa Não Quer Uma Companheira

Esta é uma coleção de histórias de lobisomens que vão te manter na expectativa, virando as páginas e desejando mais. ************************* Livro 1: Sua Alma Gêmea Alfa Freya é a alegria e a vida da alcateia. Todos a reverenciam como filha do Alfa. Ela é abençoada pela deusa da lua. A Deusa da Lua a abençoou com um coração de ouro. Mas seu companheiro Zack, um alfa, não a quer porque ele não quer uma companheira. ********* Livro 2: Seu Companheiro Despedaçado Sarah está com vinte e três anos e ainda sem um companheiro. Ao visitar a casa da alcateia, ela finalmente encontrou seu companheiro. O filho do Alfa. O homem mais atraente que ela já conheceu. Mas ele é mudo. ********* Livro 3: Sua Paixão Ava é uma desertora que é forçada por uma nova lei a frequentar uma escola para lobisomens por um ano. Lá ela encontra seu companheiro, um certo Alfa, que tem um rancor contra todos os desertores. Ele conseguirá a vida que sempre desejou, ou seu orgulho falará mais alto? ********* Livro 4: Seu Companheiro Irritante Mary James teve uma vida bastante difícil. Depois de ser traída e ter o coração partido tanto pelo namorado quanto pelo pai, Mary se muda para uma pequena cidade para encontrar consolo com sua mãe. Nem tudo é o que parece, e logo Mary se encontra em um mundo que ela nem sabia que existia fora de romances e filmes. Não apenas a cidade parece estranha para ela, mas seus sentidos se aguçam, seu temperamento fica fora de controle e sua fome aumenta. Quando um alfa masculino arrogante, egocêntrico, sexy e possessivo, que não a queria em primeiro lugar, aparece, sua vida desce sem problemas para a loucura.
Greatwrites · 14.6K Views

The Dark Angel Will Never Let Her Go

He will always find her. In every life he will find her. He will love her. He will be her doom. This is their curse. Seri was a smalltown girl. She had a good life, loving supportive parents and friends, a bright future as an artist ahead of her. Her world abruptly changes when she meets a handsome stranger at a bar. His presence threatens to tear her heart apart as she learns the truth about herself. Her lineage. Her past. and their curse. When sudden disappearance shake her town and someone close to her disappears, Seri's world shatters. A war is brewing between Heaven and Earth, mortals and immortals. It will be the final war. Seri will embark on a journey that threatens to unravel the secrets hidden long ago. these secrets will force her to make a choice, one that could tip the scales deciding the fate of the world. This book is a bit of a slow burn but when it picks up the steam will satisfy the wait. Exerts from the book: *BANG* My ears were ringing, it suddenly got so much colder. Hard to breathe. Next to me mother shrieks in horror looking at my stomach. There’s blood. It was leaking from me. Pain slammed into me, felt like I was hit with a thousand knives. It was so agonizing I tried to brace myself back against the railing. Hard to breathe. I could feel the warmth of my blood dripping from my mouth. Looking down and a dark red color drenched me. Mother on her knees wailing uncontrollably. Detaching my clipped life vest to look at my hole. Blood now smeared my vision as I tried to wipe the red from my eyes. Screams and footsteps echoed loudly in my ears. Then suddenly I’m falling. “Hey now, hey now, fainting at the sight of me are you?” His sensual voice slipped in my ears like smooth milk chocolate. the taste of iron consumed my mouth, hot blood flooded me when I tried to laugh. It hurt. Oh god why did it hurt so bad. Tears drifted down my cheeks the salt leaving a trail of it’s path behind it. “You’re gonna be okay, I promise.” “You found me.” a smile creeped up my face. “I’ll always find you.” The ship began to lift into the air and people began to fall. I blink and then I’m falling. With one breath in I hit the ice cold water. Paralyzed. I couldn’t move. The screams and cries of woman and children pounded with water. Slipping. I was slipping under the violent thrashing waves. The air being sucked from my lungs. I try to open to breathe only got water to rush in instead. I was drowning. I was going to die. Gasping for air only to swallow more water. The water was like liquid ice touching my skin, but my lungs burned. A scream burst from my mouth only to be drowned by the water that came in after. I sank deeper and deeper.* *I saw his eyes flash a glowing white before he closed them and started kissing me again. This time it was gentler and softer than before. He tasted like warm honey biscuits. He was passionate and relaxed with his movement. I didn’t stop him. No, instead, I let him claim my lips. I run my hands though his hair pulling his face closer to mine. He rests his body on me, his weight heavy against my smaller frame, pressing me into the bed. The pressure of his body weight made me want to spread my legs and when I did a fire sparked inside me, my core was a blaze. My intimate area felt wet and hot like lava, and it was like everything around me melted away and I was lost in this kiss. This single moment in my life was undoing me. He pulled my head up sliding his arm underneath my neck to keep his body lifted slightly as he ran his fingers up my side. My body jolted; my hips instinctively lifted upwards, pushing against him. I could feel him harden between my legs and an unfamiliar ache stirred inside me, I moaned into his mouth. I could feel my body burning up again. I was getting dizzy, and I started to sweat. Or was that steam coming from us? Stars began dancing in my vision. Then a darkness swallowed me, and I was lost.* discord for this book is:
devonany · 53.9K Views

Alpha Damon's Substitute Luna

When he failed to find his fated human mate after seven years of searching, alpha Damon decides to abduct seventy-five young women from all over the city who fit within his Luna’s age range and description, to have them trained for his selection. What starts off as a competition for the alpha’s heart quickly turns to a bloody game of survival. *** “What’s your name?” Damon asked, his voice clipped and cold. Though his eyes were narrowed, they were a bit mad around the edges. The blonde woman in front of him traced a red coated fingertip over his tattooed chest, all the way to his slightly exposed pelvis. She smacked her lips at the obvious bulge in his tight pants. “If you wanted a good time, why didn’t you just say so?” She threw a side long glance at the rest of the women cooped up in the cells, their fingers desperately grabbing the bars and yelling obscenities at the man who thought it was a good idea to abduct them for his personal reasons. “Why don’t we go somewhere private?” She added with a seductive wink. The alpha’s patience wore thin but he remained calm. “” He repeated with the slightest hint of annoyance. His eyes dipped to the card in her hand and she followed suit, smiling at the words on them; Luna 37. She rolled her eyes and tossed the paper aside. Did he seriously expect them to believe he was some alpha werewolf? Was that his play for getting laid? She scoffed at his silly roleplay antics. Werewolves were fictional but if that was what got him in the mood, she didn't mind playing along. He was definitely her type. “The name is Tyla Woodley…” He moved like a blur, snapping her neck like a twig. The other prisoners screamed at the top of their lungs as Tyla’s body thudded to the floor in a crumpled heap. Damon flexed his neck and arms before starting towards the cells. When he approached, all the women retreated, crying and screaming. He unlocked a cell and raked the women with his eyes. Shuffling forward, he yanked one out by the scruff of her neck. “NO! Cleo! Let her go!” A wide-eyed woman screamed from another cell, banging the bars violently. “Let her go, you monstrous cunt! Fuck you! You hear me? FUCK YOU, DAMON WAYNE!” He froze at the mention of his full name, and let go of the whimpering prisoner who crawled back into the open cell on all fours. Slowly, Damon advanced towards the rude woman’s cell but she didn’t back away like the others. She gripped the bars and spat in his face when he was standing in front of her. “Couldn’t find yourself a Luna, tough guy? No surprise there. The moon goddess must not have been able to bring herself to torture an innocent woman with the tragic fate of being your Luna.” Damon reined in the rage bubbling within him by gritting his teeth. This one wasn't as clueless as the dead one. “What is your name?” She knew he wanted her to mention the name on her card; Luna 91. He had just killed a prisoner who gave her actual name. However, he didn't hint at her card by looking at it. His eyes never left hers. She inhaled sharply. To hell with him. As long as her sister, Cleopatra, could remain safe long enough for them to figure out a way to escape from here, she didn't mind distracting the monster as long as she could. “Luna 91, Asshole!” He shot her a roguish grin. "Welcome to hell, Luna 91." He said before reaching beyond the bars and grabbing her neck amidst deafening screams.
Pennedby_Precious · 2.4K Views

Cheats and Clips

Alexander Blackwood had it all—wealth, power, and influence—but the one thing he couldn’t seem to have was a child. For two years, he believed the medical reports that blamed him for the struggle. Meanwhile, his wife, Diana, harboured a devastating secret—she was infertile. And the reports? Falsified, thanks to Dr Joshua, her secret lover. Then came Rose, Diana’s younger sister—beautiful, confident, and utterly irresistible. What started as fleeting temptation spiralled into something forbidden, and soon, Rose was carrying Alex’s child. But Alex wasn’t supposed to be able to conceive… was he? A second opinion shattered the deception—he wasn’t the problem. Digging deeper, he uncovered the real reports. Diana had lied. And now, she was desperate. When bribing Joshua to terminate the pregnancy failed, she turned to something darker—abduction. She had Rose taken, determined to erase the evidence of her betrayal. But Diana underestimated Alex. With the help of Captain Patrick, the search for Rose intensified. Meanwhile, the kidnappers, plagued with guilt, set Rose free. Once safe, Rose exposed everything. The authorities closed in, and Diana was finally caught. But she refused to fall alone. In a desperate move, she exposed Joshua’s crimes, dragging him down with her. Justice was swift. Diana and Joshua faced the consequences of their deception. And as for Alex and Rose? They were free to embrace their future, their love, and the child that was never meant to be.
Asama_James · 722 Views

Heartstrings And Espionages

This story will lead you all to the place of vengeance and also a funny romance that is formed by two human beings, Knowing each other that one day they will get apart but still they chose to fall in their hearts and just stay forever but it was just a misstep…. Chao-fa Chirapaisarnsakul (Nickname: Moon), An inquisitive and knowledgeable young woman with vengeful ideas in her mind towards them who often made her life a joke. Seeking vengeance on the people who are the reason for her Father's bizarre death.   After her grandfather's casualty, all of his wills were passed on to Moon and she received all the rights to take the responsibility for her grandpa's company. The real difficulties started as the wills were passed to her. Facing her Uncles and Cousins, and on top of it, her mother-in-law and other strangers. Her life became an everyday war body.  "My vengeance will take away your longevity!"  Tangwen Alfie (Fake Id: Cherry), A filthy rich woman with a glamorous face. Moon is her's beloved one and never spared a glance at any other woman or men. Always stood beside her future husband (wife in the lesbian version) when she seeks help or trouble.  A hazardous woman who can go far enough when it comes to her precious future husband (lesbian version), No matter where she's stuck with yet she often chooses to stand beside her. Loved her and cared for her but never let her walk away from her body. "I know I'm not a professional wife of yours but you can call me a skilled crime partner."  [This story will sound like a short clip story with all imaginary works. Different kinds of change will take place and it may sometimes leave u in confusion so be careful in understanding the sudden chapters.] #Thank You
Thedreamer7 · 78.4K Views

Aukhemya - Gods and Alchemy

God(s). Angels. Demons. Monsters. They can be more real than you’d like… And more humane too… Maybe way too much… ... … In a world with supernatural races secretly living among humans, this is the story of Lúcio Arabrantes, a lad from Minas Gerais, Brazil. If you expected an unlucky, jobless protagonist… NOT HERE, FOLKS! Owner of a jewelry shop in one of the best shopping centers of Belo Horizonte, he certainly is a successful lad! Regarding his luck… WEEEEEELL… To start, our lad has a weird syndrome and a frail body (oh dear, someone could mistake his condition as a curse…), without mentioning the disappearance of his parents after an accident. Yeah, very original and nothing strange… But this isn't everything. The shop is nothing more than a facade for Lúcio's real business: the store Buriti de Ouro, specialized in artifacts, magical scrolls and talismans, seals, magic forge, formations, matrices and other magical miscellaneous; located in the Brazil Street, Latin America Zone, Heavenly Commercial District. Yes, our jeweler works in Heaven. Literally. But what is Lúcio’s cheat power? Is he the descendant of some god, dragon, spirit or devil? No, he is just a normal human with a… Not that normal job… Skills above everyone else? Despite being a magical inscriptionist and artificer, to surpass the gods and other races is complicated… Could it be the learnings of a past life? Well, Lúcio studied a lot, he works hard, but he never had an ancient great Grandmaster of a supreme sect or a primordial creation god to teach him secret techniques. For now… However, for the ruin of his peaceful lifestyle (if that's even possible in such a world) and rejoice of our readers, his “normal” life changes when a random box appears on his doorstep. Inside the box lies the first and last help left by his parents (spoiler: it won't be the last one). An artifact, the Aurum Nucleus, that could supposedly cure his weird body condition. But the artifact has a special bonus: it hosts the spirit of a… Certain woman… … … You already know that a lot of shit is gonna happen, right? Mercenaries and mobsters appearing to screw the party? Yes. Two dudes on a motorcycle trying to rob him? We are in Brazil, what did you expected? Old bully from school trying to make a fuss in the shop? Check. Aztec sect kidnap and try to offer him to a fallen Aztec god? Yep- Uhhh... The girlfriend is also kidnapped, but by a group of giants with colorful hairs and eyes living on a lost island in the Atlantic Ocean? Certainly- Hold up… Trouble with the island’s church from which the first angels (aka Celestials) and demons (Abyssals btw) come from? Of course- Wait, wait… The lost past of forgotten primordial gods, involving secrets about the origin of everything, schemes and plans of ancient entities, prophecies about the Apocalypse, wars between pantheons, clans and even different dimensions, machinations that could change the world order… Uhhhh… I think you folks got the idea… Fortunately, Lúcio has family and friends to support him in these troubles. From the cheese broas teached by his grandmother, the cheats, tricks and quirks of his family, a little help from adventurer friends, the love of his yander- cahem- protective girlfriend, and the strength of… Golden allies… This is an ordinary and chaotic story, unique and common, boring and funny, unexpected and predictable, pleasant and *censored*, and many other adjectives. So expect lots of jokes and memes (good or not, idc, my humor sense is wild), lovely or bland moments, references and mysteries, obvious or not. And as the novel’s name says, this is a story about gods and alchemy, with a certain island in the middle of the chaos… Discord server link:
WillSM268 · 131.5K Views


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mama_zola · 944 Views

Help! The Seductive Villain Chases Me Everyday

#Heiress Shi Ran encountered an accident and transmigrated into a novel. She became a small-time cannon fodder supporting character in the story and was also a fake daughter who was not as good as the female lead of the plot. It was probably easier to just stop trying so hard and let herself go. Anti-fans: “Our Feifei’s skills are killing it!”The next day, Shi Ran’s first drama was released, and her seven-second appearance in the clip became viral on the internet, overshadowing the female lead, Shi Wenfei. It was smooth sailing for Shi Ran after that, and she even won the best actress award in one fell swoop. Anti-fans: “Our Feifei can sing and even write her own songs. What can Shi Ran do?”Elite Emperor: I won the Best Golden Song Award this time, and it’s all thanks to my awesome composer @ShiRan!Anti-fans: “!!!”One day, when a live stream was ongoing, anti-fans poured into the channel frantically, abusing the bullet comments and cursing in barrages. Anti-fans: “Our Feifei has gotten engaged with Young Master Zhou! Her fiance is tall, rich, and handsome! He pampers her, unlike you, who's unwanted!” “Babe, where are my things?” A man’s deep, magnetic voice silenced the barrages of comments. In the next second, a man with an enchanting look appeared in front of the camera. Everyone was shocked! It was the Chu family’s future head, Chu Jinchen! The man’s black eyes swept across the barrage of comments flying on the page. Pretending to be puzzled, he said, “The Zhou family? Who’re they?”Shi Ran looked at him, who was obviously humblebragging, and said, “I’m live streaming now.” “Why don’t you live stream something more interesting?” Saying that, the man leaned closer and behaved intimately. Everyone watching broke out into indulgent smiles. Then the camera went black, and the live stream ended. Everyone slammed their keyboards frantically. No! Continue the live stream! Come on! The next day…#Actress goes public with her relationship# was on the hot search. Chu Jinchen: “You’re finally willing to go public with me, Baby!”Shi Ran: “...Are you sure you didn’t pay to put that headline in the hot search?”
Many Grapes · 2.1M Views

Blade and Miracle

A false prophecy, a conspicuous birth, a sinister ritual and a wholehearted sacrifice. These were the elements that set the Cosmic Gears in motion of this world. It all relied on the variables, Lucien Alaric and Mikaela Howell. Having had a warm childhood was something they were always proud of, at least until they unveiled the illusion of this false happiness. Their moment of joy was apparently measured and limited. “The truth will be revealed to you when you awaken... Believe nothing but what you have witnessed and judged yourselves as the truth... Your enemies are closer than you think... Trust no one!” This were the words the children were left with. Their parents' dying words. Not words for children to live with, right? Clip sneak peek~! "What do you feel?" she asked. "Nothing..?" Mikaela responded, holding his sword tight at hand. In truth, to him, it was no different than cutting down a training puppets head. A tedious endeavor. "Good, you should spare no feeling to enemies, my child," a clear serene voice sounded, like the sweet whisper of the devil. In the air was the fishy rustic iron smell, the scent of human blood. Not just a splash of it but a mass graveyard pool of it. The heavy smell of death. Mikaela stood in the middle of this with calm eyes. The killing intent in his eyes seemed to have become deeper and richer. Lucien is born a mage while Mikaela is born a martial artist. They have distinctly opposing personalities and would rather stay away from each other, but destiny has other plans. They have to unite in the face of the upcoming trials of fate. One loss, spells death to both of them! No compromise! The sacrifice made to protect them drives them to face each day while vengeance motivates them to grow stronger. What kind of future shall they pave in the veil of uncertainty and hidden truth? While Lucien and Mikaela walk different paths, they ultimately have the same destination. The Apex! Hello, Author here! (。・∀・)ノ゙ Dear readers, Just to let you know in advance, I will borrow reference to different languages and when writing. Some of you, or most of you, will come across words and phrases in different languages. This will not affect the initial goal of the book. Hope you love it~ Oh, this book will be participating in the 2024 writing contest. I hope to grow and improve along this journey together with my dear readers and supporters. I hope you find this web novel the best. Plz ಥ_ಥ, vote, share and leave comments and reviews. Much appreciated. Disclaimer: Credits to the original owner of the cover. Join my discord: The cover page is a reference to Anette; she has her moment from the chapter 46.
Innovation_Inu · 89.3K Views
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