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Sa Maîtresse est Son Ex-Femme

[Avertissement : R18+] « Sa plus grande revanche — Le séduire, briser son mariage, voler sa fortune, et enfin... le larguer. » ***** La vie de Sabrina Williams s'effondre après avoir découvert la tromperie de son mari et l'acquisition sournoise de la fortune de sa famille. Présumée morte après un tragique accident, Sabrina réapparaît cinq ans plus tard avec une nouvelle identité et une soif ardente de vengeance. Son retour déclenche un chaos romantique parmi le cercle intime du PDG, une éblouissante gamme de beaux célibataires luttant pour attirer son attention. Sabrina Williams se retrouve au centre d'un tourbillon romantique avec des prétendants inattendus – son meilleur ami protecteur, un puissant Patron de la Mafia, et son ex-mari possessif. La scène est prête pour un tiraillement intense – un choc entre amour et vengeance avec des émotions à vif. Les joueurs sont tous là, et la partie ne fait que commencer ! ***** Lorsque son scandale avec son ex-mari se répand sur internet, les critiques la maudissent en la qualifiant de Maîtresse Effrontée, Briseuse de Ménage Sans Valeur et Salope Diabolique... cependant, plusieurs puissants célibataires se regroupent pour la défendre. PDG de la Première Compagnie de Mode : « Que les haters aillent en enfer ! PS : pour ces mannequins qui ont antagonisé ma Déesse, je retire le parrainage de notre marque à leur égard. » Président de la Plus Grande Compagnie de Divertissement : « Fake news ! Nous allons entamer une action en justice pour diffamation envers ma Déesse ! Les artistes qui l'ont maudite seront bannis de ma compagnie. » Vice-Président de la Plus Grande Compagnie d'Hôtels et de Resorts : « Taisez-vous, Critiques ! Ne mettez jamais les pieds dans l'un de nos hôtels et resorts ! » Patron de la Mafia Dominateur : « Reculez ! Effacez ces commentaires malveillants, ou sinon, ma bande vous traquera. Je tuerai quiconque ose ridiculiser ma Reine ! » Tout le monde : « ... » Puis un commentaire de confession apparaît soudainement au milieu du chaos. Meilleur ami de FL : « Tout le monde peut te haïr mais je serai toujours là pour toi. Sabby... Je t'aime... Je t'aime depuis nos années d'enfance... Mon premier amour... et mon dernier. » Son ex-mari ne peut plus rester silencieux et déclare publiquement. Ex-mari Possessif : « Ce n'est pas ma maîtresse. C'est ma femme légalement. » Ami de FL, Lanny : « Femme légale mon cul ! Espèce de salaud fou, crève ! »
ellezar_g · 11.4K Views

Manoir de la fille de la ferme

``` [Agriculture]+[Espace]+[Réconfortante]+[Prospérité]+[Vaincre la racaille] Mo Yan, réduite en cendres par une explosion, renaissait à l'époque ancienne, devenant une petite fille de fermiers en fuite de la famine ! Au-dessus d'elle, un père Érudit gentil et beau - pas mal ! En dessous d'elle, une paire de frères et sœurs jeunes et adorables - très bien ! Mais vraiment, elle avait l'impression de mourir une seconde fois, vous savez ? Être en fuite, sans nourriture, boisson ou abri était une chose, mais devoir toujours se garder des méchants qui pourraient la capturer pour combler leur faim en était une autre ! Heureusement, son Espace évolutif de sa vie précédente l'avait suivie, mais quoi diable - cet incroyable Espace avec des montagnes, de l'eau et de la viande à manger avait été formaté ! Face à une situation désespérée, Mo Yan raviva son esprit combatif : Et alors si c'est formaté, je ferai quand même fortune et bâtirai ma richesse juste au pied de la Cité Impériale ! Tailler dans les montagnes, planter des vergers, acheter des magasins, construire des maisons... il n'en manquera pas un seul ! Mais... il y a tant de fauteurs de troubles aux yeux verts ! Ta ferme est à toi ? Ici, je te piégerai à mort sans discussion ! Tu veux devenir ma belle-mère ? Bien, je t'enverrai une bande de veufs ! Mère te cherche ? Tiens, prends les papiers du divorce, garde-les, ne me remercie pas ! ... Quoi ? Un bel homme fait sa proposition ? Euh, ça... devrais-je me jeter sur lui ? PS : 1. Insister sur l'agriculture sans faiblir + querelle domestique atypique + absence d'intrigue de palais 2. Le style d'écriture est assez sérieux, et les valeurs sont normales (ne pas exclure les caprices occasionnels de l'auteur) Liens vers des œuvres complétées : [La Jeune Fille de la Ferme Abandonnée : Une Belle Campagne] Lien : [La Fille Légitime du Général à ne Pas Provoquer] Lien : ```
Chilly Twilight · 13.1K Views

Système Suprême Dieu de Harem

[Système Suprême Dieu de Harem.] C'est le Cheat que Nux Leander, l'homme qui a transmigré dans un monde de cultivation, a reçu. Dans un monde de cultivation, ce système de triche permettait à Nux d'éviter le processus ardu qui prend des années, des décennies, voire des siècles. Tout ce dont Nux avait besoin, c'était de ses adorables épouses. Plus l'épouse est forte, plus il reçoit d'avantages. « Quoi ? Tu es une Cultivatrice de l'Étape du Grand Maître âgée de 100 ans ? Et tu appelles ça un Talent Incomparable ? Talent Incomparable mon cul ! J'ai 18 ans et je suis déjà un Cultivateur d'Étape de Roi, améliore-toi, salope ! » Aussi ridicule que cela puisse déjà paraître, la triche de Nux ne s'arrêtait pas là. Talent de Cultivation, Physiques Spéciaux, Lignées, son Système pouvait tous les hériter ! Tout ce qu'il devait faire, c'était de séduire des femmes fortes. Accompagnez Nux dans son voyage alors qu'il s'élève d'un simple mortel, à un jouet sexuel d'une Noble Solitaire, et puis à Empereur de l'empire le plus puissant du monde ! Tout en devenant plus fort tout en passant du temps avec ses adorables épouses. ... Allez voir mon autre roman, Système du Dieu Vampire Primordial Si vous voulez lire sur la vengeance, la guerre, le sang, la violence, les vampires, et, le Retour de l'Empire Oublié du Sang ... Couverture générée par IA. ... Discord : Si le lien ne fonctionne pas pour une raison quelconque, Contactez-moi : SleepDeprivedSloth
SleepDeprivedSloth · 84.6K Views

Général, Votre Femme Vous Demande de Revenir à la Maison Pour l'Agriculture

``` # VIE DE FAMILLE Su Xiaoxiao faisait la sieste mais a ouvert les yeux pour découvrir qu'elle avait été transmigrée et se trouvait maintenant dans le corps d'une fille bien en chair. D'une docteure militaire distinguée, elle était devenue une gourmande et une paresseuse. De plus, elle terrorisait souvent les gens du village en compagnie de son père et de son frère. C'était pourquoi personne aux alentours ne voulait l'épouser. Bien que sa famille soit parvenue à arranger un mariage avec une famille illustre, le marié s'est enfui le jour du mariage. Quand son père a dit qu'il lui attraperait un mari, elle ne s'attendait pas à ce qu'il le fasse littéralement en capturant Wei Ting avec un sac après qu'il eut été épuisé de combattre des brigands. Su Cheng souriait mystérieusement à sa fille. "Papa a une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle. Laquelle veux-tu entendre en premier ?" "L'une ou l'autre." "J'ai capturé un mari pour toi. Il est cent fois plus beau que He Tongsheng ! Tu vas définitivement l'aimer !" "Alors, c'est quoi la bonne nouvelle ?" demanda-t-elle dans un état second. Su Cheng décida de se laisser porter par le courant et changea ses mots. "La bonne nouvelle c'est que tu n'as plus besoin de donner naissance ! Mon gendre nous a déjà donné des enfants !" Après s'être mariée, Su Xiaoxiao menait une vie trépidante à réformer son père gangster et son frère cadet pour le mieux, à sauver la vie de son époux magnifique, et à élever ses trois canailles... En outre, elle devint inopinément l'une des dames les plus puissantes de la dynastie Yan ! ```
Pian Fangfang · 41.7K Views

Beau PDG, chère épouse

"Tu es le clair de lune qui éclaire l'obscurité de la nuit~" "Tu es la pluie qui adoucit les terres asséchées~" "Tu es le souffle qui maintient mon coeur en vie~" "Haha, mon chéri, tu deviens meilleur pour me flatter" "Tant que c'est pour toi, je peux devenir meilleur dans tout ce que tu veux, ma chère petite femme." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - En fuyant pour sauver leur vie, elle se sacrifie pour laisser s'échapper son bien-aimé. Hua Lan se réveille dans une chambre luxueuse et inconnue, incapable de se souvenir de qui elle est. Apprenant que toute information sur son existence a été effacée et qu'elle doit se méfier des gens qui lui en veulent, Hua Lan commence une nouvelle vie sous une nouvelle identité. Entourée de son mari attentionné et beau, ainsi que de sa famille aimante, Hua Lan (maintenant Mu Lan) s'adapte à sa nouvelle vie. Mais désormais, dans ses rêves, elle entend une fille murmurer : "Jusqu'à ce que tu me dises 'Je t'aime', garderai nos souvenirs. Adieu, mon amour." Mu Liang sait qu'il se passe quelque chose de mystérieux autour de lui. Elle a des antécédents mystérieux et des capacités déconcertantes. Mais il ne se soucie pas de qui elle était dans le passé et pourquoi ils continuent de l'attaquer. Tout ce à quoi il peut penser, c'est l'aimer, la chérir, la garder auprès de lui pour qu'elle ne retourne jamais à son passé. Parce qu'il sait qu'il ne pourra pas vivre un instant sans elle. Ils essaient de résoudre le mystère concernant Hua Lan. Mais elle a besoin de retrouver sa mémoire. Le meilleur médecin ne comprend pas pourquoi elle ne se rappelle de rien. Cependant, en regardant une paire d'yeux cruels, sa tête lui fait mal. Puisqu'elle ne peut pas retrouver sa mémoire, ils doivent choisir une autre manière de résoudre ses énigmes. Mais que fera-t-elle après avoir retrouvé ses souvenirs ? Quelqu'un et certaines personnes devront recevoir une gifle. Mais qui recevra la gifle ? Et qui sera capable de rire à la fin ? ~BIENVENUE AU PREMIER LIVRE ORIGINAL DE PDG SUR WEBNOVEL~ ***C'est l'histoire d'une fille qui se bat pour elle-même et les gens qu'elle aime. Elle essaiera de découvrir qui elle est après avoir perdu sa mémoire et les gens autour d'elle l'aideront à résoudre les mystères qui l'entourent. ***en cours de révision. si vous trouvez des erreurs, veuillez nous en faire part*** **AVERTISSEMENT : NE PAS PLAGIER OU PUBLIER CET OUVRAGE SUR UN AUTRE SITE. SI VOUS AIMEZ LE TRAVAIL, DITES AUX AUTRES DE LIRE SUR WEBNOVEL.COM __________________________________ Série de livres : 1. Beau patron chéri de l'épouse 2. Ma femme est une déesse: 99 Baisers secrets 3. Bonheur Perdu 4. Le Cobra Autres livres : 1. Mon Aimé 2. Emmêlé par le destin __________________________________ Discord serveur- Instagram: Page Facebook: Flow07 Soutenez-moi- Patron : Achetez-moi un café:
Flow07 · 188.6K Views

Deviant: No Longer Human

It's funny, isn't it? Nobody asks to be born... None of us choose the life we are forced to live....And yet, we are bound to it, trapped in a world where strength defines everything. People worship when you are strong. They loathe when you are weak. They worship the god. They fear the devil. But why? Was it righteousness that gave the god victory over the devil, or was it simply strength? Why must we fear one and worship the other? Is the god so righteous? Is the devil so weak? Would Wang Xiao still have everything if he were weak? Would they still worship him? Would those women have submitted so easily? No. It's always the strength. Power rules all. A man can own kingdoms, riches, even love—but lose his strength, and the world turns on him. His woman, the one who once looked at him with admiration, will crush him underfoot if she finds him unworthy. His own children, born of his blood, will stare at him with contempt, their eyes filled with disappointment. What is love if not submission to power? What is loyalty but the price of dominance? Wang Xiao has learned this bitter truth. The sacrifices he made, the pain he endured, meant nothing. Without strength, he was nothing. But no longer... He has seen the lie, the illusion of it all... And now, the ancient myths rise once more, the gods claw their way from forgotten graves, and Wang Xiao, mistaken for the 8th Prince, feared by gods and mortals alike, finds himself at the center of it all. Seven goddesses, each more beautiful, more dangerous than the last, now circle him, bound by fate. Their charm is powerful, their desires even more so. The guardian of the Atlantic tears apart nations to possess him. The Desert Princess offers her entire empire as a gift, yearning for his love... Even an ancient being, her power stripped away, bends her knee in submission, once feared, now powerless before him. But would they have bowed if he were weak? Would they have loved him, served him, feared him? No. It's always the strength. "He 'who' covers the sky with his hand," they whisper. "The gods who once played with universes like orbs... he'll make them swallow their own spit in fear." Wang Xiao's gaze hardens as he stares at his reflection. The weak are forgotten... Strength is all that matters. "The world doesn't care for the weak," Wang Xiao whispers to his reflection. "Your woman will turn her back, people will spit on your name... They'll forget you ever existed... everything you did for them would be insignificant and forgetten...Strength is all that truly matters." And so, Wang Xiao will take what's his. The gods, playing with the universe like toys, will fall. The devils, pulling at the strings of fate, will lose their grip. He will strip them of their power, their kingdoms, their very souls, if that's what it takes. He isn't their pawn. Not anymore. Would they have bowed if he were weak? Would they have given themselves so easily? Would they have even cared? No. It's always the strength. Wang Xiao is no longer the man he once was. No longer human. No longer weak. He is the deviant. And the world will soon know what that truly means. --------------- #NoYuri #NoNTR #Threesome #Harem #Strong to Stronger #Elf #Gore #Evil MC #Conquor #Action #Adventure #Imperial Harem #Revenge #Daughters #Fellatio #Supernatural #Urbanfantasy #Superpowers #Cultivation #Goddess #First-time Intercourse #Villain ---------------- Warning: The Novel is based upon a fictional Earth, and any resemblance is mere coincidence! Discord: **Cover Page is not owned by Author**
SKuLL · 1M Views

The Eccentric Entomologist is Now a Queen's Consort

Hey, imagine this—you're a prince, but instead of ruling a kingdom, you just want to watch anime, collect bugs, and do whatever you want. Sounds great, right? Well, that’s exactly how Mikhailis Volkov lives. He’s the eccentric prince of Ruslania, obsessed with insects, AI, and doing anything except royal stuff. But one day, just as he's about to make a huge discovery with a rare insect called the Chimera Ant, bam—he gets summoned to another world! Now he’s in the magical forest kingdom of Silvarion Thalor, ruled by Queen Elowen Nyphara. Here's the twist: she doesn't want him to do any royal duties. She just needs him to be her prince consort and, well, father her child. That’s it. After that? He’s free to live exactly how he wants—no responsibilities, no pressure! Mikhailis can play, experiment, and laze around all day in a world full of magic. Plus, there’s the chance to meet all kinds of fantasy girls—something he’s always dreamed about! It’s like paradise for him. But with all this freedom, what could possibly go wrong? If you love quirky characters, magical worlds, and a lot of romance with great build-up, dive into this story and see where Mikhailis’s wild adventure takes him! You will follow Mikhailis that brought his AI to another world, making his chimera ant stronger by giving it other foods, and laid various kinds of ant soldiers that could even look like an elephant! What if he gave it a dragon!? Follow Mikhailis's lazy and quirky journey as he entered this unusual fantasy world, where residue of wars from various kingdoms still lingered around the place. But careful. As quirky and eccentric he is, as despite of his demeanor, he still won't let anyone touch his dear queen. But well, he does touch other women. In this story, you'll get 3 kinds of exciting stories: 1. The kingdom-building of chimera ants! 2. The life of a lazy prince consort that wooes not just the queen but other important figures as well! 3. And the Crazy Adventure of the eccentric Entomologist turned into an Entomancer! Let's go and give the story a try! ___ Daily Update 2 Chapters = 14 chapters/week Some Friendly Rewards 100 Powerstones = +2 chapters in that day 200 Powerstones = +4 chapters in that day 50 Golden Tickets = +4 chapters in that day 1 Gift = +4 chapters in that day Warnings: R18||Violence||Heavy Netori Elements(Mc stealing other people's woman) [Note]: 1. None of the heroines will cheat on MC 2. It does involve MC stealing other people's partners - (Netori) 3. Any support especially gifts, golden tickets, votes, etc = more updates more frequently 4. Please let me know about any grammatical errors in any chapter through the comments. 5. Complaints about anything that I've already warned about in the 'warning' section will be ignored. Connect with me here to keep up with the story's progress: Discord: Soon ___ One of the King of Kings Series Other Tags: #r18 #Harem #Romance #Smut #Artiscrocy #Royals #First-time #AI #TallProtagonist #ManipulativeProtagonist #Special Abilities #Toys #TransportoAnotherWorld
Arkalphaze · 411.7K Views

HEARTS OF DIVINE RUIN (The MoonGoddess and The AlphaKing)

BANTER "Damn right, I'm pretty," Luna said with a confident smirk. Her mischievous pride faltered at his response. "I said petty," Alexander's voice was cold but amused, arms crossed over his chest. Her smile sharpened, daring, as she leaned into the banter. "Lucky for you I'm not what I once was, or you'd be spending eternity as my pet puppy." Her words carried a teasing edge, testing him, pushing for a reaction. But Alex's expression darkened, the amusement in his eyes disappearing as he leveled his gaze at her. "Convenient for you gods-twisting the lives of others for your needs." His words, spoken with quiet bitterness, struck a nerve. For a moment, guilt twisted inside Luna as she recalled how those she once called kin-gods, her juniors-had toyed with his life for their selfish desires. Before the regret could settle in, Alexander continued, his tone unwavering. "Maybe that's the reason you're in this condition." The accusation hung heavy between them, cutting through whatever lightness their exchange once held. BREATHLESSNESS In a moment where the tension between them reached its breaking point, Alexander's hand shot forward, grabbing her by the throat. His grip was firm but not cruel-no intent to harm. Instead, he pulled her closer, and before Luna could register what was happening, his lips crashed onto hers. The kiss was deep, forceful, searing through every fiber of her being. She forgot whose air she was breathing, her powerlessness overshadowed by the sheer intensity of his touch, of their connection. In that stolen breath, it was no longer clear who held the upper hand. What happens when a fallen ancient goddess and a love-scarred Alpha collide? When the lines between power, passion, and vulnerability blur, neither can anticipate the outcome. This book , next series of THE ILL FATED LOVERS and its volume THE STAR CROSSED LOVERS brings you the wild, darkly funny, and irresistibly intense tale .Read to see who ends up holding the power-and whose heart gets broken first.
niiraa · 6.6K Views

Reincarnation Of The Cursed Witch

#She cursed herself to never be in love only to fall harder for him# ... "I know you like me and I like you too. But with my status, I can't lower myself to marry a mistress's daughter. Someone like you fit only to be my toy" Hearing the man she loved say such heartbreaking words, Lilian was devastated. "Even if I were to be reborn, love shall be the last thing I feel for a man" she cursed herself on her deathbed. And she was reborn as Rosalind Hellebore. ... Lucien Kingsley waited for centuries to meet that one woman who was said to be his family's saviour, someone who would end their misery. And they both ran into each other by accident or that was what she thought. ... "How do you want to pay for this?" Lucien asked wiping the wine stains on his suit jacket. "I'll wash it myself" Rosie muttered, with her head lowered. "Not happening" Lucien's voice was decisive with no chance for her to bargain. "Then I'll pay the amount in instalments. For now, take this" Rosie uttered, taking out the two hundred dollar bills she saved after working for two long months. "Just until when will you pay me the full amount like this?" Lucien scoffed. "What do you want me to do then? I'm not from a rich family like you. I'm dirt poor. Even the dress I'm wearing now was bought by someone else" Rosie felt her eyes burn but held back the tears as tears were the last thing she wanted to show him now. "How about you work for me?" Lucien's voice was the softest he ever used on anyone. "Really?!" Rosie exclaimed. That was it. Rosie, the little lamb fell into the big bad wolf's trap. Read more to know how Rosalind and Lucien take on a journey of love and mystery.
SG2905 · 11.4K Views

Defy The Alpha(s)

Two centuries after the Great War, peace between humans and werewolves was finally achieved, or so everyone believes. Werewolves reign like gods, and humans remain blissfully unaware of their true place in the new world order. To maintain this fragile balance, each year, a handful of "lucky" humans are selected from various districts to attend Lunaris Academy, a prestigious institution that promises glory, status, and a chance to mingle with the elite. Those chosen are hailed as the lucky few, destined to marry powerful alphas and rise as luna. This year, Violet Purple is among the chosen, much to everyone's surprise. For an orphaned girl adopted by a disgraced prostitute, this is a golden ticket to a better life or so she's told. But Lunaris Academy isn’t the paradise it’s painted to be. Everything Violet and her fellow humans have been taught is a lie. Humans are far from equal; they're pawns in a much larger game. The academy is nothing but a gilded cage, and the students are lambs led to slaughter, playthings for the alphas to toy with in their ruthless games. To make matters worse, Violet catches the attention of the most dangerous players in this game, the Terror Four: the Alpha of the North, Alpha of the South, Alpha of the East, and Alpha of the West. Each one is more dangerous, more twisted, and more powerful than the last. But even among themselves, the alphas are divided, each with their own deadly ambitions. Yet, they all have their eyes on her. They expect Violet to play along, to fall in line like the others who worship at their feet, to break under their games. But Violet isn’t like the others. She refuses to bow. She’ll defy them all. *********** With a grin that made her uneasy, he handed the application to her. “Approve this one.” Principal Jameson’s curiosity got the better of her as she took the paper from him, her eyes scanning the text. Almost immediately, her breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in disbelief. “What the...?” “It’s perfect, isn’t it?” Asher’s voice was almost gleeful. Fucking psychopath! Jameson could hardly believe what she was reading. “Mr. Nightshade, with all due respect, this applicant….this girl just admitted to—” She couldn’t even finish the sentence, still horrified at the explicit nature of the application. Taking a deep breath, she continued, “I’m sorry, but I cannot approve this.” “She’s issued me a challenge,” Archer said, a dark gleam in his eyes. “What?” “‘Wait till you see me in bed,’” he repeated the bold line from the application, his grin widening. “And I can’t wait to find out.” “Mr. Nightshade—” He stood up, cutting off her protest as he fixed her with an intense stare. “Approve the application. I won’t ask again.” Without waiting for her response, Asher strode out of the office, confident she would follow his orders. He always got what he wanted. Archer Nightshade walked down the hall, a spring in his step. For the first time in a long while, he felt alive, his blood pulsing with excitement. The other Cardinal Alphas had no idea what he was up to, but it would soon hit them. He’d just set the game in motion. And the target was Violet Purple. It was game on. Note : This is not your average werewolf story. Eveything you think you know about werewolves would be challenged in this book. And yes, it is reverse harem. Do give the book a try.
Glimmy · 105K Views

The Strongest Curse Master

Ace Lander an average high school senior was dragged into the "World of Curses" hidden beneath the surface of everyday life when he awakened as a “Curse Master” gaining an innate skill "Status Screen" and innate curse tool “Cursed Toybox” with the ability to animate and actualize action figures and adult silicone dolls into his Toy summons. ... [ — Status screen — > Cursed toybox is merging curse core 'divine form' with toy 'Goddess Athena'… > Cursed toybox is animating the toy 'Goddess Athena' as a toy summons… > Cursed toybox has animated the toy 'Goddess Athena.' > Toy summon 'Goddess Athena' added to toy space. > Toymancer can now summon Goddess Athena.] "Toy Summons, Goddess Athena!" [Name: Athena Race: Curse Tool Class: Toy summon Title: Greek Goddess (♀) Durability: (100/100) Enchantment: 1-Star Individuality: (100/100) Curse Energy Consumption: 5 units per hour Skills: Toy actualization, Wisdom of Ages, Divine Warrior, Divine Strategist, Divine Insight, Divine Counsel, Goddess’s Blessing, Forge of Innovation, Aegis Shield Note: i) Class 'Toy summon' will gain new skills with quantitative change in the Toymancer's stats. ii) Title 'Greek Goddess' will give Athena access to all her character abilities.] .. Did you say Curselings are strong? I have Toy summons that can turn Curselings into Curse spirits to aid me in combat. Am I alone in the world of curses? I have a legion of undying Toy summons and Curse spirits in my Cursed Toybox. I am never alone. You are an ancient god. So, what? I have the entire Greek and Norse pantheon goddess silicone doll collection serving in my Toy Legion. Do I want to take over the world? The world is free because I allow it. The world will submit if I demand it. ...
IGotStones · 278.2K Views

LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

What if a power to level up or upgrade everything—your way of living, battle skills, military prowess, etc.—but this power is limited to your Eldritch tribe. Would you expand your tribe to rise above all adversaries, would you use it to gain more personal power or use it to toy with everyone? Lyerin wanted nothing more than peace on himself, but all he had was regret. He possessed a secret ability that allowed him to quickly excel at anything he chose, but he could only use it once. While others had to spend a long time to reach higher levels or master new skills, he only needed to complete a simple, specific task to level up. However, he had already used this ability to count a specific number of sand grains to save his own life. After that, his existence became a living hell. One day, he was unexpectedly sent back in time, where he would witness numbers appearing in the sky, signaling the end of the world again—an apocalypse he despised the most! But Lyerin realized he could use his ability once more, this time on a certain group of people. A TRIBE! ``` [ Ding! ] [ You have chosen to level up knife slash! As a Wildling of your tribe, you can level up your knife slash. ] [ Condition: Slash the knife 500 times. ] [ You have chosen a random tree to level up! The tree is part of your tribe; you can level it up. ] [ Condition: Water the tree 300 times. ] [ You cannot level up anymore due to your limited rank within the tribe. Raise your rank in the clan first. ] [ Condition: Give honor to the tribe. ] [ You have reached the peak level of your tribe. If you want to level up further, improve and level up your clan! ] [ Condition: Level up the Ancestral Healing Ritual, level up the Newborn Den, and level up the tribe's farm. ] ``` With this overpowered ability, can he still hold onto his selfish wish for peace within himself? Warnings: 1. Cold, Calculated and Cunning MC. 2. After 100+ chapters will be bloody.
Notorious_911 · 949.8K Views

Fake dating my enemy, The playboy billionaire

(CONTAINS R18+ CONTENT) "Are you saying you'd let any man get this close?" "ABSOLUTELY NO!" The words burst out of me, too quick, too honest. His smirk deepens. "Tell me, if I leave you like this, all wound up and aching, will you be sneaking off to use one of your little toys?" "Yes," "Tell me, were you waiting for me to initiate something this past week?" he tugs my shorts more and kisses my navel. My heart hammers and my voice comes out shaky. "N-No." I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing he's right. He chuckles darkly. "Wrong answer. Let's try again." **** **** Mu Yiren I never imagined I'd be faking a relationship with my biggest enemy—the untamed, ridiculously charming Feng Junjie, known throughout the city as the "golden boy" of business and a billionaire playboy with a reputation for breaking hearts. But when he dangles a life-changing offer in front of me, the kind that could secure my inheritance, I find myself agreeing to be his "girlfriend." But the thing is….. What if I start seeing the real him? Pretending to be Junjie’s devoted partner is like walking on a razor's edge. He’s everything I can’t stand—sexy, cocky, and devilish, and yet a sweetheart by heart that leaves me flustered by his actions. I know better than to fall for a man like him; my mother’s battle with Alzheimer’s has convinced me to never fall in love. But Junjie isn't just any man. Beneath his easygoing charm is an intensity that leaves me breathless, and he knows exactly how to crack through the walls I have built around me, awakening a passion I never felt before. JUNJIE I need my life back. A sorry attempt at love had me question everything and forced me away from my brothers. Since my ‘ex best friend’s’ constant accusations had gotten out of control, I might as well pretend to date someone and shut her mouth. My definition of a fake date- Beautiful, sexy, tempting…..umm…. insufferable, annoying, and with a mouth that won’t stop running. The mouth with red lipstick. The mouth I want to…. This arrangement was supposed to be simple: fake dating, clear boundaries, no feelings. But the more he plays the role of her devoted partner, the more the lines between fake and real start to blur. And now, he’s no longer sure where the act ends and his true feelings begin. The catch? Mu Yiren doesn’t believe in love. And she certainly doesn’t believe a man like Feng Junjie is capable of anything but heartbreak. But Feng has never been one to follow the rules. Boundaries? He’s about to break them. Deals? They were made to be rewritten. He’s going all in, and this time, he’s not playing pretend.
dream_ash · 248.8K Views

Win My Husband Over to Find My Child

Witty FL x Adorkable ML + a cute bun + a talking crochet fox ---------- After the sudden death of her boyfriend, Leslie Song has been single-handedly raising her precious little daughter Calliope. It’s a difficult life, but it’s a happy one. A freak accident puts an end to that. As Leslie lies dying on the road, watching Calliope breathe her last, she curses her helplessness. Calliope’s crochet fox seems to hear her. It opens its mouth and asks, “Do you want to see your daughter again? If so, follow me. Her soul has already left for another world.” Leslie agrees. That’s the last thing she remembers before losing consciousness. When she opens her eyes again, she finds herself—or rather, her soul—standing beside her unconscious body on a hospital bed. “How is this supposed to help me find Calliope!” she exclaims. “This is not your body. Your body is dead. This is my original host, Charlene Li,” explains the toy fox. “You can possess her body to find Calliope, but if you do, you must finish her uncompleted mission for her.” “And what mission is that?” “To marry the second most eligible CEO in the city.” ‘This,’ Leslie concludes, ‘is a scam.’ But she has no other choice. ********** Meanwhile, the second most eligible bachelor in the city, Calix Xu, is patting himself on the back for thwarting his grandmother’s attempts to marry him off. After exhausting all of his tricks and excuses, he has resorted to marrying the comatose daughter of the Li family. Calix smiles, pleased with himself, "Aren't I smart? Grandmother can do nothing now." But… why is he seeing his newly-wedded wife hovering beside her own body? Before he can react, his wife—the moving one—floats towards him. "Husband! Help me find my child!" “Your child?” Calix asks weakly before doing the only reasonable thing he can do in such a situation. He faints. ---------- WSA 2024 entry! Commissioned cover and character images by yuuri_e (Instagram)
hansora · 1.2M Views
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