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온라인홀덤 l 365포커 l 모바일홀덤 l 홀덤 l 홀덤API l 텍사스홀덤 l 홀덤사이트

온라인홀덤 l 365포커 l 모바일홀덤 l 홀덤 l 홀덤API l 텍사스홀덤 l 홀덤사이트 2025년 365포커가 온다! 365포커 협력 파트너 모집 당사는 2025년 12월31일까지만 파트너를 모집하며 2025년 1월1일 부터는 당사에서는 파트너 모집에 일체 개입하지 않으며 등록된 파트너만이 홍보활동을 할수 있습니다. 홈페이지 : 파트너문의 : 가입코드 : 1 2 3 4 안전성, 공정성, 고객만족을 최우선으로 하는 365포커 당사는 고객의 개인 정보 보호를 최우선 가치로 두고 이에 걸맞는 보호 시스템을 구축하여 운영중입니다. 또한, RNG(Random Number Generator) 인증을 받아 당사에서 서비스하는 게 임에 대하여 인위적 개입 및 조작이 없는 공정한 플레이를 즐길 수 있습니다. 다채로운 이벤트와 보너스 기회 첫가입 3+3 ~ 5+5 더블업, 매번 주어지는 추가 10%, 매일/주간 미션, 핸드 족보 이벤트, 홀덤 토너먼트, 사용자를 위한 커스터마이징 옵션, 개개인의 취향에 맞추어 커스터마이징 할 수 있는 다양한 설정을 지원.365일 24시간 고객센터를 운영하여 항상 고객의 목소리에 귀를 기울이고 있습니다. 365포커 다운로드 PC,모바일(Android, IOS) 다운로드방법 : Windows, Android, iOS 등 모든 주요 기기에서 안정적인 플레이가 가능하도록 설계되어 언제 어디서든 원활한 게 임 환경을 제공합니다. 간편한 조작과 공정한 시스템을 겸비한 365포커로 최고의 포커 경험을 누려보세요. #365포커 #365홀덤 #홀덤365 #포커365 #온라인홀덤 #비트코인 #알트코인 #니어프로토콜 #인터넷컴퓨터 #셀레스티아 #세이 #옵티미즘 #아비트럼 #인젝티브 #토르체인 #디와이디엑스 #이뮤터블 #빔 #갈라 #스택스 #오디 #렌더 #페치 #싱귤래리티넷 #아카시 #데소 #파일코인 #알위브 #롤비트 #도지코인 #페페코인 #페페 #리플 #이더리움 #에이다 #솔라나 #체인링크 #아발란체 #코스모스 #스텔라 #알트코인 #중국코인 #미국코인 #한국코인 #김프 #폴카닷 #코스모스 #파일코인 #알고랜드 #트론 #네오 #퀀텀 #트럼프 #계엄령 #탄핵 #인싸포커 #h홀덤 #포커클럽 #온라인홀덤사이트추천 #온라인홀덤사이트 #바이브게임 #인디오게임 #레볼루션홀덤 #포커에이스 #홀덤사이트 #홀덤온라인 #온라인포커 #모바일홀덤 #라이브홀덤 #무설치홀덤 #와우포커 #윈조이홀덤 #텍사스홀덤 #온라인홀덤추천 #모바일홀덤추천 #해외온라인홀덤 #온라인홀덤순위 #온라인홀덤캐쉬게임 #온라인홀덤토너먼트 #온라인홀덤환전 #365poker #포커에이스 365포커,365홀덤,홀덤365,포커365,온라인홀덤,비트코인,알트코인,니어프로토콜,인터넷컴퓨터,셀레스티아,세이,옵티미즘,아비트럼,인젝티브,토르체인,디와이디엑스,이뮤터블,빔,갈라,스택스,오디,렌더,페치,싱귤래리티넷,아카시,데소,파일코인,알위브,롤비트,도지코인,페페코인,페페,리플,이더리움,에이다,솔라나,체인링크,아발란체,코스모스,스텔라,알트코인,중국코인,미국코인,한국코인,김프,폴카닷,코스모스,파일코인,알고랜드,트론,네오,퀀텀,트럼프,계엄령,탄핵,인싸포커,h홀덤,포커클럽,온라인홀덤사이트추천,온라인홀덤사이트,바이브게임,인디오게임,레볼루션홀덤,포커에이스,홀덤사이트,홀덤온라인,온라인포커,모바일홀덤,라이브홀덤,무설치홀덤,와우포커,윈조이홀덤,텍사스홀덤,온라인홀덤추천,모바일홀덤추천,해외온라인홀덤,온라인홀덤순위,온라인홀덤캐쉬게임,온라인홀덤토너먼트,온라인홀덤환전,365poker,포커에이스
pok365 · 89 Views

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365포커 l 온라인홀덤 l 모바일홀덤 l 홀덤 l 홀덤API l 텍사스홀덤 l 홀덤사이트 온라인모바일홀덤 최저수수료 다운로드 365pkr.컴 가입코드 1234 텔 레 그 램 pok365 본사직속 총판문의 연락주세요! 최고요율!! 365포커 기능소개 1.최대4멀티 플레이 2.각플레이어 메모 태그기능 3.플레이어 HUD stats 통계 기능 4.12월 매충 이벤트 3+3, 5+5 5.매회10% 추가충전 6.개개인 취향에 따른 커스터마이징 7.Win,Android,ios 안정적인 지원 안정성, 공정성, 고객만족을 최우선으로 하는 365포커 당사는 고객의 개인 정보 보호를 최우선 가치로 두고 이에 걸맞는 보호 시스템을 구축하여 운영중입니다. 또한, RNG(Random Number Generator) 인증을 받아 당사에서 서비스하는 게임에 대하여 인위적 개입 및 조작이 없는 공정한 플레이를 즐길 수 있습니다. 그리고 365일 24시간 고객센터를 운영하여 항상 고객의 목소리에 귀를 기울이고 있습니다. 손끝에서 펼쳐지는 짜릿한 승부의 순간! 언제 어디서나 다양한 환경에서 즐길수 있는 실시간 게임 누구나 쉽게 즐길수 있는 직관적인 게임환경 최대 4개까지 이용가능한 지루할틈이 없는 멀티게임 각 플레이어들의 습관, 성향을 기록할수 있는 태그 기능 상대방의 패턴을 분석하여 플레이 할수 있는 HUD stats 통계 365포커에서 승부하라! 실시간으로 즐기는 정통 포커의 묘미 검증된 시스템으로 사용자는 항상 공정하고 안정적인 포커 게임을 즐길수 있습니다. 다채로운 이벤트와 보너스 기회 첫가입 3+3 ~ 15+15 더블업 매번 주어지는 추가 10% 매일/주간 미션, 핸드 족보 이벤트를 상시 준비하여 사용자에게 특별한 보상의 기회를 제공합니다.  사용자를 위한 커스터마이징 옵션 개개인의 취향에 맞추어 커스터마이징 할 수 있는 다양한 설정을 지원합니다. 다양한 기기에 최적화 되어있는 안전하고 공정한 포커 경험 다양한 게임 및 토너먼트 제공 텍사스 홀덤, 토너먼트 등 세계적으로 인기 있는 다양한 포커 게임을 제공합니다. 초보자부터 프로까지 모두를 위한 게임 모드와 토너먼트를 통해 실력을 겨루고 높은 보상을 획득할 수 있습니다. 또한 언제 어디서나 참여할 수 있는 수준 높은 토너먼트를 기획하고 있습니다. 믿을 수 있는 보안 시스템 사용자의 계정과 자금을 철저히 보호하며, 안전하고 간편한 입출금 절차를 갖추고 있습니다. 또한, 24시간 지원팀이 있어 언제든 문의 사항에 빠르게 응답하여 편리한 게임 환경을 제공합니다. 고객센터 혹은 TELE그램을 통해 연락하시면 필요한 지원을 받을 수 있습니다. 다양한 기기에서 최적화된 플랫폼 Windows, Android, iOS 등 모든 주요 기기에서 안정적인 플레이가 가능하도록 설계되어 언제 어디서든 원활한 게임 환경을 제공합니다. 간편한 조작과 공정한 시스템을 겸비한 365포커로 최고의 포커 경험을 누려보세요. 365포커 협력 파트너 모집 당사는 2024년 12월31일까지만 파트너를 모집하며 2025년 1월1일 부터는 당사에서는 파트너 모집에 일체 개입하지 않으며 등록된 파트너만이 홍보활동을 할수 있습니다. #365포커 #365홀덤 #온라인홀덤 #온라인홀덤추천 #홀덤 #홀덤사이트 #텍사스홀덤 #온라인텍사스홀덤 #포커 #포커사이트 #홀덤온라인 #포커365 #포커365홀덤 #포커365사전예약 #포커365사이트 #포커365총판 #365홀덤 #포커스타즈 #w홀덤 #모바일홀덤 #모바일홀덤사이트 #PC홀덤 #아이폰홀덤 #아이폰홀덤게임 #온라인포커추천 #현금포커사이트 #홀덤토너먼트 #온라인홀덤토너먼트 #365포커온라인 #홀덤총판 #온라인홀덤총판 #포커클럽 #비트코인 #리플 #이더리움 #에이다 #솔라나 #체인링크 #아발란체 #코스모스 #스텔라 #알트코인 #중국코인 #미국코인 #한국코인 #김프 #폴카닷 #코스모스 #파일코인 #알고랜드 #트럼프 #계엄령 #탄핵 365포커, 365홀덤, 온라인홀덤, 온라인홀덤추천, 홀덤, 홀덤사이트, 텍사스홀덤, 온라인텍사스홀덤, 포커, 포커사이트, 홀덤온라인, 포커365, 포커365홀덤, 포커365사전예약, 포커365사이트, 포커365총판, 365홀덤,포커스타즈, w홀덤, 모바일홀덤, 모바일홀덤사이트, PC홀덤, 아이폰홀덤, 아이폰홀덤게임, 온라인포커추천, 현금포커사이트, 홀덤토너먼트, 온라인홀덤토너먼트, 365포커온라인, 홀덤총판, 온라인홀덤총판, 포커클럽, 비트코인, 리플, 이더리움, 에이다, 솔라나, 체인링크, 아발란체, 코스모스, 스텔라, 알트코인, 중국코인, 미국코인, 한국코인, 김프, 폴카닷, 코스모스, 파일코인, 알고랜드, 트럼프, 계엄령, 탄핵
pok365 · 149 Views

Who is the Villain?

[If you are looking for a slow romance, you can give it a check if not, you'll be disappointed] Aera, a young 28-year-old was about to make her dream debut by opening her own floral shop that could be shipped in and around. Nevertheless, things didn't go as she planned. One would say that transmigrating to a book sound like a fantasy, however to Aera, it became a nightmare when she woke up in an unknown world even when she hasn't died yet. With an unexpected turnout, her life was hanging by a thin thread. Aera was presented with an option-either she goes back to her world with her memory erased or enter the other world, and comes back with the memory intact to have her revenge. Never did she expect of choosing the worst villain of all. A character in a book where she killed the Empress and her unborn child. Worst, the male lead was reborn time after time with his memory intact. His grudge still hung on torturing the villainess. Even more worst, the ML was a split image of her long-time crush. ----- "Do you hate me that much?" As soon as the question was raised, a table lamp flew past through the said person, smashing against the wall behind him. "More than enough to kill you right now." The female figure responded with nothing but hatred and disgust in her tone. Her jewel eyes that glow under the dark never left her gaze on the other male person who was sitting on her opposite. ----- The male lead wasn't the only one Aera had to put a guard on but even other characters when one after the other began to make an appearance. The more the flow gets out of the plot the more twisted it gets. Her only goal was to survive so she could go back home.  P.S:- English is not my first language and I am weak in grammar. I'll be happy to receive either a critics or feedback or comments...^-^ Please do give it a read till chapter 3 or above to get the clear picture.
Eternal_bunny · 146.5K Views

who is that man

Alexander Alice is a child when he lost his mother. He left his father because he was the reason of his mother's death. He met a guy who took him in an orphanage where he found a girl with beautiful character. At the age of nineteen, he killed a person who was trying to harass a girl. He had no fear of being arrested because he was considered a devil of his own world. "Her gaze dances across the crowd, landing on every face but mine, as though I am but a shadow in the room." His voice was thick with emotion, reflecting something broken within him. "This is such a cheap weapon, girl; you can't seduce me."Tears were rolling down her eyes as he grinned. Bending down to her face, he took his hand out of his pocket and placed it gently over her eyes. "I wish I had someone in my life who doesn't know the price, but understands the value of being with me." he looked at sky fraught with Stars, but where was the moon. now he had found something to be discovered.No doubt he was a great mood transformer. "Trying to make you understand is like honking in front of a deaf person." This was a lady for whom he could repeat himself a billion times, even millions if necessary. "She will get me killed with her smile—such a dangerous weapon." absorbing in his thoughts, when he looked at her, smiling face, trying to impress him with her smile. "Don't smile," he said, voice low, a warning in his tone. "I’m talking about her." "Yes, boss," came the reply.
i_am_aloofness · 2.4K Views


"let's go!" A feminine voice came out a bit hash, she dragged a young boy with her along with a traveler bag. "Hao please let me explain!" A man came running and tried to stop her, " let me go!" She screamed and pulled her hand out of his hold. "Madam please, don't leave, it is all my fault, please punish me! " Another voice came. And both seemed to be stopping the lady of the house from leaving in her condition, Hao struggling to leave with her child crying and hold her skirt from behind. "Hao!" "Madam!" Both screamed as the lady rolled from the stairs to the very end, still holding her child in her arms. Hao-hao's eyes were still opened and a tear rolled down her face followed by the painful scream from her. She barely saw anything else and all she could hear was the worried voices, one holding her and telling her she was going to be alright and the other trying to call the ambulance. "M.. my baby...." Was all she could say when her eyes landed on the unconscious boy on her right. Some minutes ago she had returned from shopping to find her husband on bed with their maid, that was not the deal! She went to take her child and packed a little she could carry, feeling the pain in her abdomen increase. She supported her protruding belly and took in a deep breath to calm herself before dragging the bag and her son out of the room only to meet the annoying man trying to close her trouser zip with his shirt scattered with love makes visible on his torso. She wanted to kill him, all of them but not in her situation, revenge was the least right now, she had to take her son away and cause the both of them pain but plans went wrong when she lost her balance and rolled down the damn stairs again! "Due to the situation, we had to perform a surgical procedure to remove the child and save both lives, we would have lost both because of lost of blood. Mr Gu both are in a critical condition and also the born child may have a deformity because of the heavy fall again." The doctor said and shook his head, they had done their best and the rest was in the hands of their god, if both mother and born child survive the night then it would have been a miracle. The relatives sat down in silence each either praying or thinking of something to do with Lorah silently crying and staring at the face of the sleeping boy a bandage covering his head......
Beatrice_Khaylly · 1.2K Views

The Human Who Is Above All Races

— I welcome you, students of this academy, to the entrance ceremony. The echo of his voice reverberates throughout the auditorium and you can clearly hear what he is saying. Will this be the use of “magic”? — Today we mark the beginning of your paths. Before you are the gates that lead to an amazing world. This academy has a legacy written in the blood of those warriors who forged their swords with the fire of the dragons they slayed. Many of you know the stories: stories of heroes who slayed those creatures that soar the skies and walk the earth, stories of how they defended territories so that those who inhabited those lands could see a tomorrow. But what you have not been told is that here, in this compound, you cadets will be molded, trained, study and learn all that is necessary to defeat a dragon. Perhaps a few will forge a name for themselves to start their own legacy. — True power does not come from the beasts they will tame. The power you need is the power of will: the will to keep going, no matter what adversity you face, no matter how bleak the outlook may seem. Some of you will not make it to the end. This path is not for the weak. You will face your fears, fall to your weaknesses and succumb to the darkness. But if you persevere, if you allow the fire of your will to burn in your hearts, you will leave here not as mere warriors, but as guardians and true Arcanists! — Remember, you are not here by chance. Each of you has been blessed and has managed to awaken and manifest the powers of a dragon. — So, cadets, are you ready to embark on this journey, are you ready to be forged by the fire of Ares? Only time will tell. May the flame of Ares protect and illuminate you on your journey. Welcome to the cadet academy, Tracia! With that said, the large auditorium doors open, and a gust of wind enters. Then, the lights come on, illuminating the entire auditorium. Everyone stands up, including Seraphine. Not knowing why, I confusedly stand up as well. — Kalzar! -they all shout in unison.
Sherat · 8.4K Views
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