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Ammonite Nicola Griffith

Escapei do Meu Ex, Fui Sequestrada pelo Seu Rival

``` Nos últimos três anos, Ariana Ari Harlow dedicou tudo ao seu marido. Os dois se casaram porque sua irmã escolheu fugir na noite do casamento, acreditando nos rumores de que a Corporação Nelson estava falida. Ari amava Noah desde os dezesseis anos, ela pensou que era o sonho dela se tornando realidade. No entanto, não sabia que sua irmã tinha preparado uma armadilha para ela, e não era o começo de sua nova vida, mas sim o seu novo inferno. Ela foi forçada a desistir de seu treinamento como médica porque a respeitável Senhora Nelson não poderia ter suas mãos cobertas de sangue. Ari concordou. Pelo bem de Noah, ela se tornou a esposa perfeita que cuidava dos sogros e do marido. No entanto, o que a esperava era nada além de insultos, seu marido tinha vergonha dela e sua sogra acreditava que sua irmã, Ariel, era a mais adequada para o filho. Porém, Ari persistiu. Ela pensou que um dia aqueceria o coração do marido. Mas ela o pegou beijando sua irmã! De coração partido, Ariana decidiu se divorciar do marido, mas de alguma forma se viu emaranhada com Nicolai. O inimigo e rival do marido. Eles não eram feitos para ficarem juntos. Mas Nicolai não parece se importar com as chances contra eles. Na verdade, ele estava determinado a invadir a vida de Ari e incendiar tudo. Em seu torpor alcoólico, ele a segurou pelo pescoço contra a parede de um pub sujo, "Você pode negar o quanto quiser, princesa, mas você me deseja." Seus olhos percorreram seu peito ofegante e seus olhos escureceram, o vermelho apareceu desvairado, possessivo como se quisesse arrancar sua alma do corpo e introduzir em si mesmo. "Aposto que se eu dar uma olhada, você estará encharcada para mim." O calor subiu às bochechas de Ariana enquanto ela rosnava, "Cala a boca." "Me faça," disse Nicolai enquanto esmagava os lábios nos dela. Seus beijos queimavam em sua alma, e seu calor cauterizava sua pele toda vez que se tocavam. Ela achava que seu maior erro tinha sido se envolver com Nicolai. Contudo, Ari logo percebeu da maneira mais difícil, de forma literal, que ser desejada por um belo pesadelo era muito pior que um erro. E as coisas ficam complicadas quando seu marido descobre a verdade sobre tudo. "Atire no meu coração, Ari," disse Noah enquanto colocava o bocal da arma onde ficava seu coração. "Porque uma vida sem você é uma vida que eu não quero, então ou me mata ou volta. Eu te imploro." Agora que Nicolai lhe deu uma escolha, Ari se apaixonaria por ele e pularia para uma vida de nada além de perigo? Ou ela voltaria para o marido, Noah, por quem ela era apaixonada desde os dezesseis anos? E Ariana evitará o perigo que espreita nas sombras, esperando que ela cometa um erro e perca tudo que lhe é querido? Ela encontrará a chave para todos os segredos que a atam a Noah e Nicolai, bem como seu destino tortuoso? ******* Excerto: "É tudo sobre dinheiro, não é? Pegue e desapareça," Ele gritou ao jogar o cartão preto no rosto de Ariana. Ariana não podia acreditar no que ouvia quando seu marido ou seu futuro ex-marido a humilhou desse jeito. Três anos. Ariana Harlow deu a Noah Nelson, três anos e ainda assim, quando ela o pegou beijando sua irmã mais velha, Ariel —— foi isso que ele disse a ela. "Eu vou me divorciar de você," Ari declarou e partiu. Ela partiu sem um tostão, mas Ari tropeçou em Nicolai. O inimigo e rival de seu marido, o príncipe da Máfia da Cidade de Lonest, um bastardo notório conhecido por suas tendências violentas. O encontro infeliz a colocou no caminho de Nicolai, e assim como isso ele a fixou em seu olhar. Na primeira vez que se encontraram, Nicolai pediu para ser convidado para jantar. Na segunda vez que se encontraram, ele lhe entregou um milhão de dólares. Na terceira vez que se encontraram, ele declarou, "Você ficará bem em meus braços, o que você diz, princesa?" ******** ```
fairytail72 · 132.1K Views

Meinem Ex entkommen, von seinem Rivalen geschnappt worden

In den letzten drei Jahren hat Ariana Ari Harlow alles für ihren Mann gegeben. Die beiden haben geheiratet, weil ihre Schwester in der Hochzeitsnacht weglief, weil sie den Gerüchten glaubte, dass die Nelson Corporation bankrott sei. Ari liebte Noah, seit sie sechzehn Jahre alt war, sie dachte, ihr Traum würde wahr werden. Sie wusste jedoch nicht, dass ihre Schwester ihr eine Falle gestellt hatte, und es war nicht der Beginn ihres neuen Lebens, sondern ihre neue Hölle. Sie war gezwungen, ihre Ausbildung zur Ärztin aufzugeben, weil die respektvolle Mrs. Nelson nicht wollte, dass ihre Hände voller Blut waren. Ari war einverstanden. Noah zuliebe wurde sie eine perfekte Ehefrau, die sich um ihre Schwiegereltern und ihren Mann kümmerte. Ihr Mann schämte sich für sie, und ihre Schwiegermutter glaubte, dass ihre Schwester Ariel gut zu ihrem Sohn passen würde. Doch Ari ließ nicht locker. Sie dachte, dass sie eines Tages das Herz ihres Mannes erwärmen würde. Aber sie erwischte ihn dabei, wie er ihre Schwester küsste! Mit gebrochenem Herzen beschloss Ariana, sich von ihrem Mann scheiden zu lassen, doch irgendwie fand sie sich mit Nicolai verstrickt. Dem Feind und Rivalen ihres Mannes. Sie waren nicht füreinander bestimmt. Aber Nicolai scheint sich nicht um die Widrigkeiten zu kümmern, die gegen sie sprechen. Vielmehr war er entschlossen, in Aris Leben einzubrechen und alles in Brand zu setzen. In seinem Vollrausch hielt er sie einmal an der Kehle gegen die Wand einer schäbigen Kneipe: "Du kannst es leugnen, so viel du willst, Prinzessin, aber du willst mich." Sein Blick schweifte über ihre schwere Brust, und seine Augen verdunkelten sich, das Rot wirkte ungelenk, besitzergreifend, als wolle er ihr die Seele aus dem Leib reißen und sie in seinen eigenen einbetten. "Ich wette, wenn ich einen Blick darauf werfe, wirst du tropfnass für mich sein." Hitze flammte auf Arianas Wangen auf, als sie knurrte: "Halt die Klappe." "Zwing mich", sagte Nicolai, als er seine Lippen auf ihre presste. Seine Küsse brannten sich in ihre Seele, und seine Wärme versengte ihre Haut jedes Mal, wenn sie sich berührten. Sie dachte, dass es ihr größter Fehler war, sich mit Nicolai einzulassen. Doch Ari merkte bald auf die harte Tour, dass es viel schlimmer als ein Fehler war, von einem so schönen Albtraum begehrt zu werden. Und die Dinge werden noch komplizierter, als ihr Mann die Wahrheit über alles herausfindet. "Schieß mir ins Herz, Ari", sagte Noah, als er die Mündung der Waffe dorthin brachte, wo sein Herz lag. "Denn ein Leben ohne dich ist eines, das ich nicht will, also töte mich oder komm zurück. Ich flehe dich an." Jetzt, da Nicolai sie vor die Wahl gestellt hatte, würde Ari sich in ihn verlieben und sich in ein Leben voller Gefahr stürzen? Oder würde sie zu ihrem Mann Noah zurückkehren, den sie liebte, seit sie sechzehn war? Und würde Ariana der Gefahr ausweichen, die im Dunkeln lauert und darauf wartet, dass sie einen Fehler macht und alles verliert, was ihr lieb ist? Würde sie den Schlüssel zu all den Geheimnissen finden, die sie an Noah und Nicolai sowie an ihr verdrehtes Schicksal binden? ******* Auszug: "Es geht nur um Geld, nicht wahr? Nimm es und verschwinde", rief er und warf Ariana die schwarze Karte ins Gesicht. Ariana traute ihren Ohren nicht, als sie hörte, wie ihr Ehemann oder ihr zukünftiger Ex-Ehemann sie so demütigte. Drei Jahre. Ariana Harlow gab Noah Nelson drei Jahre, und doch, als sie ihn dabei erwischte, wie er ihre ältere Schwester Ariel küsste, sagte er genau das zu ihr. "Ich werde mich von dir scheiden lassen", erklärte Ari und ging. Sie ging mittellos, aber Ari stolperte über Nicolai. Der Feind und Rivale ihres Mannes, der Mafiaprinz der Lonest City, ein berüchtigter Bastard, der für seine gewalttätigen Neigungen bekannt ist. Das unglückliche Zusammentreffen brachte sie in Nicolais Weg, und schon hatte er ein Auge auf sie geworfen. Als sie sich das erste Mal trafen, bat Nicolai sie, ihn zum Essen einzuladen. Als sie sich das zweite Mal trafen, übergab er ihr eine Million Dollar. Als sie sich das dritte Mal trafen, erklärte er: "Du wirst gut in meinen Armen aussehen, was sagst du, Prinzessin?" ********
fairytail72 · 110.6K Views

Lolos dari Mantan, Diculik oleh Saingannya

Selama tiga tahun terakhir, Ariana Ari Harlow telah memberikan segalanya untuk suaminya. Mereka menikah karena saudara perempuannya memilih untuk lari pada malam pernikahan, karena ia percaya rumor bahwa Nelson Corporation bangkrut. Ari mencintai Noah sejak usia 16 tahun, ia pikir ini adalah mimpi yang menjadi kenyataan. Namun, dia tidak tahu bahwa saudara perempuannya telah menggali perangkap untuknya, dan ini bukan awal kehidupan baru, melainkan neraka baru baginya. Ia terpaksa menghentikan pendidikannya sebagai dokter karena Nyonya Nelson yang terhormat tidak bisa memiliki tangannya tertutupi darah. Ari menyetujuinya. Untuk Noah, ia menjadi istri yang sempurna yang merawat mertua dan suaminya. Namun, yang menanti dia tidak lain hanyalah penghinaan, suaminya malu padanya dan ibu mertuanya berpikir bahwa saudara perempuannya, Ariel, lebih cocok untuk anaknya. Namun, Ari bertahan. Dia berpikir suatu hari dia akan dapat menghangatkan hati suaminya. Namun dia memergokinya berciuman dengan saudara perempuannya! Patah hati, Ariana memutuskan untuk bercerai dengan suaminya, tapi entah bagaimana dia malah terlibat dengan Nicolai. Musuh dan saingan suaminya. Mereka tidak ditakdirkan untuk bersama. Namun Nicolai tampaknya tidak peduli dengan rintangan yang menumpuk di hadapan mereka. Bahkan, dia bertekad untuk masuk ke dalam kehidupan Ari dan membakarnya. Dalam keadaan mabuk, suatu kali dia memegang lehernya mendekat ke dinding pub kumuh, “Kau boleh menyangkal sebanyak yang kau mau, putri, tapi kau menginginkanku.” Matanya melirik dada Ari yang naik turun dan matanya semakin gelap, merahnya tampak tak terkendali, posesif seolah dia ingin mencabik jiwa dari tubuhnya dan menyematkannya ke dalamnya sendiri. “Taruhan jika kupandang, kamu akan basah untukku.” Panas membara di pipi Ariana saat dia mendengus, “Diam.” “Buat aku,” kata Nicolai saat dia menumbukkan bibirnya di bibirnya. Ciumannya membakar jiwa Ariana, dan kehangatannya menyengat kulitnya setiap kali mereka bersentuhan. Ia berpikir bahwa kesalahan terbesarnya adalah terlibat dengan Nicolai. Namun, Ari segera menyadari dengan cara yang sulit, Secara harfiah, diinginkan oleh mimpi buruk seindah itu jauh lebih buruk daripada sebuah kesalahan. Dan situasi menjadi rumit ketika suaminya menemukan kebenaran tentang segalanya. “Temak hatiku, Ari,” kata Noah saat dia menempatkan moncong pistol di mana hatinya berada. “Karena hidup tanpa kamu adalah hidup yang tidak kuinginkan, jadi tembaklah aku atau kembalilah. Aku memohon padamu.” Sekarang Nicolai telah memberinya pilihan, akankah Ari jatuh cinta dengan dia dan melompat ke dalam kehidupan yang penuh dengan bahaya? Atau akankah dia kembali ke suaminya, Noah, yang telah ia cintai sejak ia berumur 16 tahun? Dan akankah Ariana menghindari bahaya yang mengintai dalam kegelapan, menunggu dia untuk melakukan kesalahan dan kehilangan segala sesuatu yang berharga baginya? Akankah dia menemukan kunci dari semua rahasia yang mengikat dirinya dengan Noah dan Nicolai serta takdirnya yang rumit? ******* Potongan: “Ini semua tentang uang, bukan? Ambil itu dan hilang,” Dia berteriak sambil melemparkan kartu hitam ke wajah Ariana. Ariana tidak percaya dengan telinganya ketika dia mendengar suaminya atau calon mantan suaminya menghina dia seperti ini. Tiga tahun. Ariana Harlow memberikan Noah Nelson, tiga tahun dan namun ketika dia memergokinya berciuman dengan saudara perempuannya yang lebih tua, Ariel—— ini yang dia katakan kepadanya. “Saya akan menceraikanmu,” Ari menyatakan dan pergi. Dia pergi tanpa sepeser pun tetapi Ari tersandung ke Nicolai. Musuh dan saingan suaminya, pangeran Mafia kota Lonest, bajingan terkenal karena kecenderungan kekerasannya. Pertemuan malang itu meletakkan dia di jalur Nicolai, dan begitu saja dia menatapnya. Pertama kali mereka bertemu, Nicolai memintanya untuk mengundangnya makan malam. Kedua kali mereka bertemu, dia memberinya sejuta dolar. Ketiga kali mereka bertemu, dia menyatakan, “Kamu akan terlihat bagus di pelukanku, bagaimana menurutmu putri?” ********
fairytail72 · 86.2K Views

Escaped My Ex, Got Snatched by His Rival

For the past three years, Ariana Ari Harlow has given her all to her husband. The two of them got married because her sister chose to run away on the night of the wedding, as she believed the rumours that the Nelson Corporation was bankrupt. Ari loved Noah since she was sixteen, she thought it was her dream come true. However, she did not know that her sister had dug a trap for her, and it was not the beginning of her new life, rather it was her new hell. She was forced to give up her training as a doctor because the respectful Mrs Nelson could not have her hands covered in blood. Ari agreed. For the sake of Noah, she became a perfect wife who took care of her in-laws and husband. However, what waited for her was nothing but insults, her husband was ashamed of her and her mother-in-law believed that her sister, Ariel was well-matched for her son. However, Ari persisted. She thought that she would warm the heart of her husband one day. But she caught him kissing her sister! Heartbroken, Ariana decided to divorce her husband, but she somehow found herself entangled with Nicolai. The enemy and rival of her husband. They were not meant to be together. But Nicolai doesn’t seem to care about the odds stacked against them. In fact, he was determined to break into Ari’s life and set everything on fire. In his drunken stupor, he once held her by her throat against the wall of a dingy pub, “You can deny it all you want princess, but you want me.” His eyes raked over her heaving chest and his eyes darkened, the red appearing unhinged, possessive as if he wanted to wrench her soul out of her body and embed it in his own. “Bet if I take a peek, you will be dripping wet for me.” Heat flared up Ariana's cheeks as she snarled, “Shut up.” “Make me,” said Nicolai as he smashed his lips on hers. His kisses burned into her soul, and his warmth seared her skin every time they touched. She thought that her biggest mistake was getting entangled with Nicolai. However, Ari soon realised the hard way, Literally, being wanted by such a beautiful nightmare was much worse than a mistake. And things turn complicated when her husband finds the truth about everything. “Shoot me in the heart, Ari,” said Noah as he brought the gun's nozzle where his heart lay. “Because a life without you is one that I don't want, so either kill me or come back. I beg of you.” Now that Nicolai had given her a choice, would Ari fall in love with him and jump into a life of nothing but danger? Or would she go back to her husband, Noah, whom she loved ever since she was sixteen? And would Ariana avoid the danger that lurks in the dark, waiting for her to make a mistake and lose everything dear to her? Would she find the key to all the secrets that tied her to Noah and Nicolai as well as her twisted fate? ******* Excerpt: “It's all about money, isn’t it? Take it and get lost,” He shouted while throwing the black card at Ariana’s face. Ariana couldn’t believe her ears when she heard her husband or her future ex-husband humiliate her like this. Three years. Ariana Harlow gave Noah Nelson, three years and yet when she caught him kissing her elder sister, Ariel—— this was what he said to her. “I am going to divorce you,” Ari declared and left. She left penniless but Ari stumbled into Nicolai. The enemy and rival of her husband, the Mafia prince of the Lonest City, a notorious bastard known for his violent tendencies. The ill-fated meeting placed her in Nicolai’s path, and just like that he set his eyes on her. The first time they met, Nicolai asked her to invite him to dinner. The second time, when they met, he handed her a million dollars. The third time when they met, he declared, “You will look good in my arms, what do you say princess?” ********
fairytail72 · 1.8M Views


Prologue  A VAMPIRE CALLED Nicolas IS SENT INTO OBLIVION BY Selena Salazar THE DAUGHTER OF A SORCERER, DURING THE WAR OF DARKNESS. WHICH WAS A CIVIL WAR BETWEEN THE ELVEN RACE AND MEN. AS A RESULT, A DARK RAIN SPELL CAST WHICH LASTED FOR DAYS, VAMPIRES JOINED IN THE WAR AND WERE KILLED EXCEPT FOR. Nicolas WHO WAS HIBERNATING AFTER A CENTURY RETURNED TO LIFE TO WORK FOR A DEMON GOD AS HIS MERCENARY THE DWARF RACE KEPT PROPHESYING THE COMING OF A GREATER WAR OF WHICH WHAT IS LEFT OF HUMANITY WOULD BE SAVED BY A MAN, AND THAT MAN IS Cedric A HALF RACE OF A MAN AND ELF Nicolas hunter son of Felix hunter a great vampire had existed centuries long ago, I blacked out during the great battle of the Red sage he is the last immortal vampire or at least he thought he was, living alone for so long was so unbearable awoken and long lost in a lone world I was suffering from an existential crisis. For a long century now the vampire was hibernating, Selena's existence after a century brought me back to the night the brotherhood of darkness (rangers) decided to intercept Selena and molest her was the day she conjured me back from slumber with her arcane words maybe she wanted to raise the dead as an ally to fight the rangers off, maybe she didn't know the consequences of using such magic for the fact she did awake the vampire from slumber So Nicolas marked her and tries to find out who he was and still who she was. He knew exactly where she was. So I decided to hang out in the red keeper' Inn to mark her closely she was intriguing, she had the aurora of someone who once had existed before, a female despite the red keeper's inn welcomes all types of persons but the vampire's presence was well met with the unusual stare from humans who seemed genuinely intrigued by my presence. The vampire felt a stronger aura. Selena walked in and took his breath away. Nicolas was trying to a phantom who she was, Her name is Selena presently but in the past, she was called Esmeralda she is furthermore another hybrid of an elf,  a sorcerer who died long ago with me and reincarnated our souls fused on the day she tried to kill the vampire on the battlefield. the vampire will be damned if she figured him out, he is in for a big surprise.  The worst is I have fallen in love with the enemy.
Jay_obodeze · 5.8K Views

Amidst The Pain

Amidst the pain, can happiness still locates itself to a sad and broken life? A life longing for redemption and freedom from the brutality and judgement of the world? It seems in this role life played it might have ommited something very significant and crucial, the word royalty. Despite that heavy title one wield's, life will always remain life. Sparing no one from it's entrapment and clutches, giving them atleast one situation to regret ever being alive. Just like in the case of Dianna Griffith, The first princess of Alvonia. Though wielding the weighty tittle of the first princess of the kingdom, that respect was never given to her. She was only a princess in name. Even the maids of the castle were more respected than she was. Until came a day of the bethrotal promise to be fulfilled. A promised made by both the King of Alvonia and the king of Gramovia for power. The crown prince of Gramovia was to be married to the second daughter of king Reid Griffith immediately she turned 18. But bearing the rumors in mind that the crown prince, Prince Owen Reynold was a cold and ruthless royal to begin with, feared within and outside the country. The king started to have second thought for his favourite daughter. In her stead, he made a replacement with Dianna with the hope that he had finally gotten rid of her. What happens when Dianna finds herself in situation she never expected. “They say you are a monster.” “You heard right Princess." “....But you don't look like one to me." “Becareful of the fire you play with."
Author_Bright · 1.7K Views

When Mafia princess fell for a Nerd

Read about a damsel in distress who was under debt of a big, bad mafia? Then what about we reverse the roles? What if a simple young man attracts the attention of a Mafia princess who is hooked on having him? This story starts off with a simple meeting between Nick and Vanessa where the latter falls for Nick and decides to pursue him—- she swore that she will walk on the right path but you can get in the world of Mafia but you can never get out. Vanessa too couldn’t get out. She tried to chase Nick to her best of abilities did what a good girl would do but in the end she couldn’t become the good girl. The facade fell and the truth came out, creating a rift between the two of them so wide that they could never get close again but was it the case? By a sudden twist of fate, Nick get stuck in a messy situation and this messy situation was him owing a debt to Vanessa. What will happen will Vanessa use this chance to avenge her broken heart? Or will Nick realise that all criminals weren’t as bad as he thought, that sometimes people just don’t have a choice. ————- Vanessa Blake, The infamous mafia princess and an old spinster. At the age of twenty-nine, she walked on her fiancé’ talking sh*t behind her back. She heard his exquisite plans about how he will abandon her after he got all the benefits that her stupid brother, Derren Blake, the Mafia King has promised his family. So, what else could she do? She broke every single bone in her fiancé's body, hoping that her brother would soon give up his ambitions of getting her married in a normal family. Her brother wanted her to live a normal life away from guns and knives but how was that possible? Her first love was guns! And her second love was knives and her third love was the blood that oozed out of the body of her victims. There was no way, she could sit in the house waiting for her husband, cooking pies. She was bent on having her way until she got entangled in a gang war and was saved by an ordinary office worker. Apart from his good looking face, there was nothing good about that man, but she fell in love with her saviour!! She thought that chasing her man would be easy but would someone tell her why her Prince Charming hates criminals and feels faints at the sight of blood? Nicolas Newman was an ordinary office worker who had an ordinary life. Born and raised by his grandmother who was once a very respectable policewoman he hates criminals with every fibre of his being. At the age of thirty, he rejected the twentieth girl his parents arranged for him because she once shoplifted at the age of seven, how did he know that? That girl was his classmate and he watched her do it. Because of a childhood incident, he hates bloodshed and everything that was related to it —- fights, mobbing and criminals. But when he saw a tiny blonde lying on the side of the street with blood pooling around her, he saved her life even though his legs were trembling like crazy. He was only doing a good act of kindness. So will someone tell him why this woman he saved was chasing him like crazy?
fairytail72 · 241.3K Views
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