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Inferno Intro

Minha Esposa é uma Exorcista de Fantasmas

Song Yan viveu uma vida miserável. Ela nasceu com uma grande fortuna, mas sua 'sorte' foi 'arrancada' por sua meia-irmã. Era sua fortuna que ela estava destinada a casar com Fu Yusheng, o CEO e proprietário das Corporações Fu. No entanto, sua meia-irmã, que estava com ciúmes, interceptou seu destino e lhe roubou a 'boa sorte', a partir de então Song Yan enfrentou inúmeros problemas, ela sofreu acidentes, perdeu seus roteiros e finalmente morreu após sofrer um acidente de carro. Mas ela não estava disposta a aceitar isso, porque ela amava Fu Yusheng e seu filho que ela deixou para trás na Família Fu. Sua alma, que deveria ter se dispersado e sido levada ao Inferno diante do Rei Yama, se transformou em um fantasma vingativo. Somente após se tornar um fantasma ela percebeu que tipo de decepção perfeita sua meia-irmã havia planejado para ela. Felizmente, antes que sua alma pudesse se tornar ainda mais obscura e se tornar um espírito malévolo, ela cruza o caminho com um mestre celestial que lhe promete um novo começo, contanto que fique com ele e aprenda o caminho do sobrenatural. Assim, Song Yan se tornou discípula do mestre celestial e continuou a servir o mestre celestial e sua família como um Fantasma. Após quinhentos anos de serviço, ela é libertada por seu mestre e tem a chance de renascer. Ela renasce no dia em que sofreu o acidente de carro. Nesta vida, ela é agraciada com o poder sobrenatural de ver as verdades celestiais. Ela jura vingar-se e a seu filho que teve uma morte infeliz por causa de sua meia-irmã. Mas por que seu marido apático, que nunca se importou com ela, está vindo atrás dela?
fairytail72 · 41.4K Views

Ascension of the Dark Seraph

Crossers invaded the world and thrust Humanity into an interworld conflict. Humanity's instinct for survival was stimulated—rekindling the ancestral bloodline's legacy that lies dormant within them. Vampires, Elves, and even Demons were not mere figures of fantasy, but rather the true ancestors of Humanity in ages past. Thus, Hybrids were reintroduced to the world. Lucivar Asarafall, a man of humble origin—failed to awaken his bloodline. Despite his good deeds, his family loathed him. In his final trial, he swore to succeed but fate intervened, he was chosen as the monthly sacrifice for his city. In a near-death experience, his bloodline awakened, an Angel. A turning point in his life, but soon he realized that he was not the Angel he thought to be. In a world where the rulers were descendants of Dracula, the Dark Prince—or Chi Long, the Inferno King, the bloodline of malevolent beings from realms beyond mortal comprehension coursed through Lucivar's veins. While others became Hybrids, Lucivar became the messenger of Evil Gods, a False Angel. "Who cares about good or evil? If I kill someone wicked, it's a win, one less rival in my way. If I kill someone noble, it is still a win—the world would've consumed them sooner or later. So why not let it happen by my hand? After all, I'm more practical. I became stronger and you get a painless death, win-win" ——— Very manipulative and unhinged MC, be warned. He's a slave to the Evil Gods. A trickster God. An arrogant God. A chaotic God. A wrathful God. A puritanical God. Read to find who these Gods are! ——— Author Note: Not for those who want fast development from the start but if you want good characters, then this is your novel! Chapter 1 to 22 will be focused on the MC's descent to villainous but once it kicks off, you won't be disappointed!
Mrboogey13 · 308.8K Views

I Reawakened as an Inferno Hero

Losing his fathers to monsters at just seventeen, Axel had lost hope on life. But then, he stumbles into a portal leading to Khaos Realm and reawakens the powers of the Thirteenth Inferno Hero. Now wielding the flames of an Inferno Hero, Axel is chosen to prevent an impending catastrophe. Khaos Realm is teeming with monsters and villains, and if they break free, Earth will be next. With his newfound powers, a mysterious guide, and enemies far stronger than him, Axel must rise as a superhero to save the world. His journey takes him to Superpolis—a sprawling city where everyone has powers. There, he meets other superheroes, forming bonds with allies who will stand beside him in battle. But in a city of power, villains lurk in the shadows, and not all friendships are built to last. Some will help him rise. Others will try to break him. And then, standing in his way is a Villain, who with a single swing of his sword could shatter galaxies. He is somewhere in khaos realm and Axel must make sure he doesn't escape. But his enemy is patient, calculated, and always a step ahead. Worse yet, Axel’s powers come with a hidden weakness—one he doesn't know exists… but the villain does. [A/N_ Later on the novel, during epic battles there will be gore that's why I used the R18 tag. MC will be powerful as he his a superhero but not overpowered. There will be detailed explanations of fight scenes and more in epic fight scenes so you're in for a ride. And the first villain the MC faces in chapter 3?. All I can say is that I know what I'm doing and that villain will play a greater role later on. I plan to release three to two chapters daily and I promise I won't drop. Novel's cover by me]
WebKnight · 13.6K Views

A Bruxa Amaldiçoada Do Diabo

``` A história de um homem que traz a morte e de uma garota que a nega. ---- Na montanha assombrada no reino, dizem que vivia uma bruxa. Ela nasceu princesa. Mas, mesmo antes de seu nascimento, o sacerdote a declarou amaldiçoada e exigiu sua morte. Eles envenenaram a mãe para matar o bebê antes de ela dar à luz, mas o bebê nasceu da mãe morta — uma criança amaldiçoada. Uma e outra vez, eles tentaram matar o bebê, mas ela milagrosamente sobreviveu a cada tentativa. Desistindo, eles a abandonaram na montanha assombrada para morrer, mas ela ainda sobreviveu naquela terra estéril — Uma bruxa. 'Por que ela não morre?' Anos depois, o povo finalmente teve o suficiente da bruxa e decidiu queimar a montanha. Mas o Diabo chegou para resgatá-la e a levou com ele daquele lugar em chamas, porque morrer ainda não era seu destino. Draven Amaris. O Dragão Negro, que governava os seres sobrenaturais, o Diabo com quem ninguém desejava cruzar o caminho. Ele odiava os humanos, mas essa certa garota humana o puxava para si sempre que estava em perigo. 'Ela é realmente uma humana?' Ele levou a humana com ele e nomeou essa misteriosamente persistente garota "Ember", um pedaço de carvão incandescente em um fogo moribundo. Uma alma manchada de vingança e a escuridão do inferno, ressurgiria das cinzas e cumpriria sua vingança. ------ Este é o segundo livro da série Os Diabos e Bruxas. O primeiro livro é - A filha da bruxa e o filho do Diabo. Ambos os livros estão conectados, mas você pode lê-los como independentes. ```
Mynovel20 · 128.3K Views

O Alfa: Conquistando a Filha do Inimigo

## CONTEÚDO MADURO! ## “Por que você tem cicatrizes?” De repente, Iris mudou de assunto, enquanto olhava nos olhos de Cane. Ela ainda estava agarrada às mangas dele. “Seu pai me deu”, respondeu Cane. Ele pensou que Iris não se lembraria dessa conversa quando acordasse. “Deve ser tão doloroso.” “São.” “As cicatrizes vão sarar?” “Não acredito que sim.” A noite realmente te tornava vulnerável e te fazia dizer coisas que nunca admitiria quando estava claro. A obscuridade amolecia seu coração. “Que pena. Você tem uma alma quente.” Iris franziu a testa levemente. “Eu não tenho mais uma alma.” Ele vendeu sua alma pela liberdade de seu povo. Agora, não restava nada dele. “Sim, você tem, mas está com tanta dor.” Iris piscou. “Sua fera está em dor. Você tem tantas cicatrizes.” “As únicas cicatrizes que tenho estão no meu rosto.” Iris balançou a cabeça fracamente. “Não estou falando do seu rosto. Estou falando da sua alma. Que pena, você está com tanta dor... o que meu pai e irmão fizeram com você deve ser doloroso...” E depois disso, Iris fechou os olhos e adormeceu. ====================== Ela é filha de um alfa que matou sua família, dizimou sua alcateia e também fez de seu povo escravos. Agora, ele alcançou a vingança depois de dez anos sendo tratado como escravo e estava vivendo uma vida que ninguém poderia imaginar. Vida semelhante ao inferno. E dez anos depois, Alfa Cane consegue derrubar e matar o alfa que tornou a vida de seu povo pior do que a morte. Era hora dele fazer os filhos do alfa pagarem pelo que o pai deles havia feito. Apenas... Iris era uma rejeitada e era muito diferente de seu pai.
i_want_to_sleep · 2.1M Views


"ela foi escolhida porque era dele por direito desde o início..." Uma vez, em uma rara ocasião, na noite de uma lua cheia azul, uma menina é levada de uma casa para servir às feras que se chamam lobisomens. Os lobisomens eram os que governavam a cidade e controlavam tudo. Eles pareciam humanos, mas sob sua fachada humana havia um monstro impiedoso que busca destruir. Todos tentavam se proteger, mas no fundo sabiam que não eram páreo para os lobisomens. Arianne era uma menina que nasceu diferente das outras pessoas da cidade. Ela tinha longos cabelos ruivos e nasceu com olhos de cores diferentes. Um verde e um marrom. Ninguém sabia exatamente por que ela nasceu assim e isso não era hereditário. Sua mãe também morreu durante seu parto e por causa disso seu pai, Massimo, se distanciou dela e optou por se casar novamente. Ele se casou com uma mulher chamada Christine que já tinha uma filha fora do casamento, Rissa. Juntas Rissa e Christine decidiram fazer da vida de Arianne um inferno, ao que seu pai fechou os olhos e, por causa disso, afetou Arianne e ela decidiu se afastar de sua família e da sociedade. O dia da seleção chegou e Rissa foi escolhida para ir servir os lobisomens. Com medo pela própria vida, Rissa decidiu persuadir sua mãe a convencer Massimo a oferecer Arianne para a seleção. Ignorando seus gritos de súplica e lágrimas, Massimo entregou Arianne para ir servir aos lobisomens. Ninguém realmente sabe o que acontece com as meninas que são selecionadas e ninguém se deu ao trabalho de perguntar. Desconhecendo o destino que a aguarda, Arianne decidiu ir servir ao lobisomem a quem chamam Ivan Giovanni, um alfa conhecido por sua impiedade. Arianne conseguirá sobreviver vivendo entre os lobisomens? O que acontece quando ela descobre mais sobre sua identidade e a única pessoa que poderia ajudá-la era Ivan? O que você acha que aconteceria se ela descobrisse que Ivan era o menino que ela salvou anos atrás de morrer? NOTA: EU NÃO SOU O PROPRIETÁRIO DA IMAGEM DE CAPA DESTE LIVRO. IMAGEM ENCONTRADA NO PINTEREST.
DA_Aloera · 223.6K Views

Coração Amaldiçoado

[AVISO: CONTEÚDO ADULTO] - [HISTÓRIA PRINCIPAL COMPLETA] Izabelle subestimou o fogo com que achava que ia brincar esta noite. Mas como ela poderia ter previsto que o homem com quem ela se deparou não brinca apenas com um pequeno fogo, mas sim com um inferno inteiro? ___ Excerto: "Passar por esse casamento comigo pode ser como você cavando seu próprio túmulo. Porque no momento em que você começar a querer mais de mim, eu vou me divorciar de você. E no momento em que você quebrar sua promessa e tentar me enfrentar... Eu vou arruinar você e te despedaçar completamente. Impiedosamente. Você vai se arrepender de ter conhecido este diabo esta noite." A ameaça dele foi dada na mesma voz suave, mas fria. Mas Elle não se abalou. Seu olhar também não vacilou. Este homem era implacável, e ela sabia disso claramente. Seus olhos naquele momento prometiam pesadelos e escuridão sem qualquer promessa de alívio. Mas, não importa o que ele diga agora, isso não mudará sua decisão. Ela realmente não tinha outra escolha. "Eu entendo agora..." ela disse calmamente, se fortalecendo. "Já que você não confia que eu manterei minha palavra, que tal fazermos isso? Você prepara os documentos do divórcio antecipadamente agora e eu assino. Dessa forma, quando você decidir se divorciar de mim no futuro, os papéis já terão sido assinados e não haverá como eu te incomodar a respeito. Você só precisará enviá-los aos advogados e tê-los notarizados." Um pesado silêncio reinou antes da sua risada incrédula e silenciosa quebrar o silêncio. "Estou sem palavras, Princesa Izabelle." Ele parecia perversamente divertido. Mas então ele começou a concordar com a aprovação. "Tudo bem, princesa. Eu vou me casar com você." ___ Conta no Instagram: kazzenlx.x página no facebook: author_kazzenlx servidor no Discord: A capa é minha, então não a use. Arte da capa por @azihidalgo Logo por @gisel.arts
KazzenlX · 266.2K Views

The Billionaire's Genius Wife

[Completed] Scarlett's world collapses when she is drugged and forced to marry an old, filthy-rich widower with five children. Trying to escape her seemingly unavoidable trouble, she accepts a one-year contract marriage offer to a mysterious man. He promises this will get her out of her hostile-arranged marriage problems. She took the offer. If everything goes well, she will be a free and independent woman in one year. However, many things take an unexpected turn. The contract marriage made Scarlett's life feel like she was riding a rollercoaster—a mix of excitement and exhilaration, dreaded inferno, and joyful heaven. Get ready for a captivating tale that will keep you hooked from beginning to end, unraveling the enigmatic secrets of Scarlett's life. ******* Only a crazy person would accept his offer. And right now, she does not fall into that category. Her mind is still sane. "Please don't get me wrong. I'm just trying to help myself. And at the same time helping you." Scarlett was even more confused. "I know my problem is complicated. But, I think being married to a man I just met, without love, feels weird..." She said. "This is not a real marriage but a contract marriage that you can set up to your advantage. And also mine." Scarlett listened silently; inside, she was shocked and a bit perplexed. Xander crossed his arms over his chest while looking into Scarlett's eyes. He continued, "As I said before, I will help you, and at the same time, you will help me. I don't need to explain what my problem is. But, I assure you, if you agree to do a contract marriage with me, then your problems will be solved. So what do you think!?" Scarlett was in no hurry to speak. "So I can put any clauses I want in the contract?" The man nods, saying, "As long as it doesn't hurt me." She offered a handshake to Xander, "Okay. You got a deal!" ____ Another Tags: #Revenge, #Hacker #Villain #Comedy, #Action, #Assassin, #Genius, #Romance, #DotingHusband ____ Author Novel: 1. DAMN! I FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM (Completed) 2. The Bride Of Immortal Crown Prince (Completed) 3. Rebirth: Dancing In My Destiny (Completed) 4. The Billionaire's Genius Wife (Completed) 5. Rebirth As The Vampire Lord's Wife (Completed) 6. My Billionaire Ex-Husband Chase Me Back _____ How to contact me: >> Instagram account: authorpurplelight >> Join my Discord Server: _____ Notes: This book cover belongs to the author; please do not reuse it. _____ The Billionaire's Genius Wife is mainly published on and a select few platforms affiliated with the website's parent company.
PurpleLight · 3.7M Views

The Demon Duke’s Rose

In a world where dreams and reality collide, a young, whimsical girl from the 21st century finds herself inexplicably transported to the tumultuous 18th century—a realm brimming with demons, angels, enchanted beasts, shifters, and powerful witches. In this fantastical landscape, two lonely hearts from completely divergent worlds are drawn together in an intoxicating dance of fate. With a mere touch, the embers of love can ignite into an inferno, giving way to a tempest of passion, longing, and danger, where even the most forbidden desires can come to life. Just before her impending wedding to a much older general, Ava Philips stumbles upon a captivating stranger, a chance encounter that spirals into a whirlwind romance under the stars. As they open up about their heart-wrenching truths, they find sanctuary in each other's arms, igniting a fire neither anticipated. But as dawn breaks, the stranger vanishes without a trace, leaving Ava shattered and alone, her heart in ruins. Months later, Ava's world becomes even more complicated when she discovers she's pregnant with the child of this enigma—an imprint of love that lingered for just one night. With society’s scorn raining down upon her, she faces unbearable humiliation from her family, ultimately leading her into a desperate arrangement: marriage to a wealthy nobleman from a neighboring kingdom, bent on hiding a dark secret. As Ava embarks on this new chapter, she steps into a life fraught with ancient magic and perilous intrigue. Transformed into a Duchess and matriarch in a foreign land, she captivates not only her husband but also the noble prince and the Duke’s brooding brother, both vying for her heart amidst the chaos of her new existence. But the shadows of the past are relentless. As Ava navigates through deception, dark spells, and the intricate politics of her newfound life, she must confront her desires and unravel the secrets that bind her to her memories. What awaits Ava as she uncovers her true strength in a world where danger lurks at every corner, and love might be the greatest risk of all? Adventure, passion, and the fight for freedom beckon—will she seize her fate, or will the ghosts of her past consume her?
Blurry_inkk24 · 1.5K Views

Slave Boy With Magic Powers ( The princess loves me)

Author While enjoying his life as a prince, never predicted that one day he could become a slave. He was faced with a hard life while living with his master. One day two assassins were sent to kill his Master and Author went to save her life dispite knowing that he couldn't. But Author had a chain wich he wore containing a crystal wich his father left behind. The crystal glowed and Author was filled with power and he could see that the attacks of the assassins had slowed down then he defeated them with ease. -- Pods fell from the sky one day containing dangerous new type of monsters and Author while traveling was almost hit by one of these pods and when it opened, it was humanoid figures from another dimension. Author was Kidnapped to a different world and there he unlocked the Great Wizard System. This Novel is worth your time. It is Unique and has a taste of everything in it. From adventure to magic, to romance,weak to strong, System. Deep down in a forest, it was a cold night and the moon was completely round, blessing the villagers down below with it's bright light. The villagers sat around a huge inferno of fire and there was Laughter and chatter from both the old and young as they devoured away the results of their hunt. A little girl looked up and saw something wich she thought it wise to bring it to the attention of her mother. " Look mum it's a shooting star." The little girl's mother looked up with much expectations and so did the rest of the villagers. Everyone became very excited to see such a rare star and they started making wishes. Time passed and the girl's mum noticed that something was wrong with the star. It seemed to be growing bigger. " I must say this is the strangest shooting star I have ever seen" One of the villagers spoke. Another villager felt something landing on his neck and he slapped it knowing that it was a mosquito. When he opened his palms, a strange glowing fly could be seen. Other villagers were shocked by this fact and suddenly the man started sending out foam from his mouth and he dropped dead. " That is no ordinary star, everyone run and get in your homes and shut the doors and windows now."
Divi_Chris_2233 · 33.2K Views


INTRO “They say dreams are for those who dare to believe, and love is for those who dare to feel. But what if... you dared to have both?” Firdoze Shaik believed in dreams. Even when the world told her that a middle-class girl could never stand among the giants, she stitched her dreams together with passion, creativity, and endless determination. Fashion wasn’t just her talent; it was her voice. Her escape. Her promise to herself that one day, the world would know her name. And then there was him. Faiz Ibrahim. The genius. The billionaire. The man who had everything, yet nothing at all. Perfection wasn’t just in his mind—it was in his soul. But behind the suits, the fame, and the brilliance, was a man searching for something real. But even perfection needs an anchor. Enter Fiza Syed—the spirited model with a heart full of dreams, and Aryan Khan—the charming photographer who saw the world through his lens. Three childhood best friends, bound by laughter, secrets, and endless memories. Through every success, every failure, and every moment in between—they were always there. When their worlds collided with hers, it wasn’t just sparks. It was fire. Two hearts from different worlds. Two souls meant to meet. And three friends who would become the pillars of their journey. This isn’t just a story about dreams coming true. It’s about being you—even when the world tries to change you. Because sometimes, the most beautiful love stories begin when you decide to believe... in yourself. STAY TUNED FOR NEW UPDATE EVERY SATURDAY... ---
rafunzel_Jk · 393 Views

Mafia & Princess

Venus Bellingham is a rookie police officer from a renowned family of extremely talented police officers. But she lacks even the basic skills needed to do the job: she can't shoot a gun without missing her target; she can barely hold her own in a fight; and she always ends up landing herself in trouble. As a result, Venus' father scorns her for being a disgrace to the family. To win her father's approval, she takes on a life threatening case by herself, without telling her superiors. She goes undercover to investigate the most dangerous mafia gang, The Inferno, while pretending to work for them. But the stakes are high: risk being found out by the The Inferno, and their leader, Danté, will kill her. If she is found out for going undercover against orders, she could lose her badge, which is the only way she has to make her father proud. She makes unexpected friends along the way, including the funny and soft hearted gentleman from The Inferno, Nick, who makes it clear from the first moment he met her that he genuinely cares about her - maybe more than she realizes. Or, the stoic and mysterious Damian, also part of The Inferno, who has his frozen heart melted by Venus, bringing out the warm, soft version of himself that he hides well. And then there is the handsome and intriguing leader, Danté, who even threatens to kill her the first night that they meet. Though he infuriates (and often scares) Venus, she finds herself drawn to him, for he was more than the monster she initially thought him to be. He would burn the world for the one he loved, and those that try to take her from him. As she uncovers the secrets of the mafia and a dark truth hidden within the police, Venus will face danger and broken trust, making her question who the real bad guys were; and where her loyalties should lie. She learns from the mafia how to become a stonger person and what it means to be seen for the person she is instead of the person she needs to be. She might be stronger than she knows... As Venus unravels the mysteries of both worlds, will the newfound strength she gains be enough to face the challenges that lie ahead? And will an enemy turn out to be the one to kindle romance in her tattered heart?
Pikachew · 81K Views

A noiva bastarda do Alfa

Amara__ "porque? porque é sempre tão difícil eu ter um lar? eu quero muito viver, como todos nesse mundo." Eu me chamo Amara, eu sou aquela que vive num mundo que não é chamado mundo, mais sim um inferno. Eu sou aquela que fui acusada injustamente e me tornei uma mulher sem honra e dignidade, uma coisa assim não desejo para nenhuma mulher da alcateias. Eu não posso chorar, nem gritar,eu vivo no poço da escuridão, cada vez me sinto mais suja perto dele, nos olhos dele eu sou um pedaço de carne para os lobos famintos. ** Ela era conhecida como a Bastarda, a única humana entre as matilhas de todas as alcateias. Seu pai, um alfa de poder imenso, havia destruído a vida de sua mãe ao acreditar que ela o traíra. Ambos eram seres meio humanos e meio lobos, e a traição, real ou imaginária, foi o que levou à sua queda. A dor da perda e a raiva da traição deixaram cicatrizes profundas em sua alma, e Amara cresceu cercada por olhares de desprezo desconfiança, humilhação com legado de uma bastarda. __ Após a tragédia familiar, o Alpha Ragnar tomou uma decisão drástica. Em vez de protegê-la, ele decidiu oferecê-la como presente a um Alpha temido e respeitado, conhecido como Alpha Erebus. Erebus é uma figura sombria, envolta em mistério e poder. Seu lobo, apelidado de "Lobo fantasma", era igualmente temido, conhecido por sua habilidade de se mover silenciosamente, como se não tivesse presença, fazendo com que seus inimigos tremessem de medo. Amara, ao saber de seu destino, sentiu uma mistura de terror e indignação. Alpha Erebus era conhecido por sua crueldade e por não hesitar em usar sua força para manter a ordem entre os híbridos. O que seu pai esperava ao entregá-la a ele? Era uma oferta de proteção ou uma sentença de morte? Quando finalmente se encontraram, a tensão era palpável. Erebus a observou com olhos penetrantes, avaliando-a como se fosse uma peça de um jogo de xadrez.... Ele é um dos líderes mais temidos da Alcateia Leste, é uma figura envolta em mistério e temor. É uma criatura que parece surgir das trevas. Quando Erebus se aproxima, a luz hesita e sua sombra desaparece, como se ele não pertencesse a este mundo. Sem compaixão ou amor, ele é implacável, governando com um olhar penetrante que faz qualquer um tremer de medo. Os uivos de Erebus, nas noites de lua cheia, ecoam pela floresta, como um aviso de que a escuridão está prestes a se espalhar. Sua lenda é um lembrete constante do poder absoluto que um Alpha pode exercer. É a personificação do medo e força da alcateia. Erebus___"coloque o pé, que eu vou despedaçar você deixando-a nua e jogar você para os meus homens"...
Sarah_Shan · 1K Views

Monster Symbiosis With Fusion System

Colossals, Titans, and Demonic Beasts rule over a world where no weapon, no bullet, and no missile can pierce their nearly impenetrable hides. Ruthless, cunning, and more brutal than any human, these creatures brought humanity to the edge of extinction. When half the population fell, a harsh truth emerged: only a monster could defeat a monster: ONLY A MONSTER COULD KILL A MONSTER. Humanity became monsters. In this world, one could only become stronger by fusing, merging and splicing their cells with monsters to become Exomorphers! Ezra reincarnated into this world with a cheat system that allowed him to fuse ordinary farm animals into higher grade monsters! [You have fused 100 sheeps, 100 horses, 100 cat-fishes and 100 chicken together!] [Congratulations, you have acquired a Mythical Qilin!] … [You have fused 100 lions, 100 eagles, 50 magma salamanders together!] [Congratulations, you have acquired a Mythical Inferno Griffin!] … [You have fused 100 parrots, 100 diamonds, 100 fireflies, and 50 flamingos together!] [Congratulations, you have acquired a Mythical Crystal Phoenix!] … While others risks their lives and spend their family fortunes to tame legendary beasts, Ezra only fuses farm animals to create mythical beasts! Ezra’s Dad: “W-where are my chickens!?” Ezra: “ A flying mythical beast attacked and ate them all!” Ezra’s Dad: “A thousand of them!?” Ezra: “Uhm. It was very hungry.” (Note: This is not your regular beast taking novel. The beasts are no where near cute nor is there a special cuddly bond between Host and Symbiote!)
Typhlix · 104.1K Views

The Contract Bride's Dilemma

Elena Vasquez never imagined that saving her late mother’s boutique would come at the cost of her own freedom. But when Jason Sinclair—the ruthless billionaire responsible for her father’s downfall—offers her a contract marriage in exchange for financial security, she has no choice but to accept. To the world, they are the perfect power couple—graceful, untouchable, enviable. Behind closed doors, their marriage is a battlefield of icy glares, sharp words, and a tension neither of them can fully control. Jason needs her to seal a high-stakes merger, and Elena needs him to keep her mother’s legacy alive. But as much as she resents him, she can’t ignore the way his presence consumes the air around her. Jason Sinclair has always played to win. Business, power, control—he’s mastered them all. Marriage, however, was never part of the equation. Until now. Elena was supposed to be a means to an end, a pawn in his carefully orchestrated plan. But the fire in her eyes, the way she challenges him at every turn, makes him crave something far more dangerous than victory. As their worlds collide, desire turns into a slow-burning inferno neither of them saw coming. But secrets from the past threaten to shatter their fragile truce—Jason isn’t the only one with a hidden agenda, and Elena is about to uncover truths that could destroy them both. When business and emotions intertwine, the line between hate and something deeper blurs. Will Elena and Jason continue their war of wills, or will the contract that binds them become the very thing that sets them free?
KayElle · 6.6K Views

Gears of Eternity: The Anvil of Souls

Gears of Eternity: The Anvil of Souls A Steam-Punk Odyssey Where Broken Gears Birth New Gods IN THE YEAR OF COGWORK 237, When the Eternal Forge explodes, unleashing ERROR#47 corruption chains across three realms, blacksmith Aiden Anvil discovers his split iris holds more than 24 personalities—it's a cosmic forge where each fractured soul can reshape reality. THE CLOCKWORK APOCALYPSE BEGINS WHEN: Steam City's Blueflame Court orders mass memory purges through dwarf-crafted "Soul Crystals" The Dwarven Kingdom's star-map traps reveal mathematical plagues devouring constellations God's Klein Bottle Defense starts birthing stillborn galaxies in Vivian's stardust-woven womb TO SURVIVE THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL APOCALYPSE, AIDEN MUST: Master weapons that bleed memories: Spring's Sakura Bow (each petal steals a lover's whisper) Winter's Ice Caliper (measures time in dying star tremors) Navigate warped battlefields where: Every gear turn in Steam Court overwrites someone's identity Memory Mines convert thoughts into combustible currency Celestial Forges demand sacrificial equations written in bone Choose between: Purifying Vivian's cosmic pregnancy (triggering Geneva Convention's Anti-Messiah Clause) Letting his 13th personality forge the "Perfect Machine Heart" (erasing human flaws... and humanity) WITNESS THE GRAND MECHANISM CRUMBLE WHEN: Ash Elin's ERROR#47 chains rewrite reality's source code (Ch.35 Airship Inferno) Rusty Maggie auctions the last antidote for mathematical plagues (Ch.180 Black Market Requiem) The final showdown at Corrupted Zodiac Forge demands payment in paradoxes (Ch.200 Eternity's Blueprint) THIS IS NOT A STEAM-AGE REBELLION. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN GOD'S TOOLBOX FALLS INTO BROKEN HANDS. "A masterwork where Blake's 7th forge meets Gibson's neural lace." — SteamPunk Quarterly
Emilia_fisher · 5.8K Views
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