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Xie Lian Amv

Famous Among Top Surgeons in the 90s

Back in 1996, when the daughter of the Old Xie family, Xie Wanying, said she wanted to be a doctor, many laughed. "Phoenix begets phoenix, dog spawns dog. A truck driver’s daughter becoming a doctor is as likely as a sow climbing a tree." "I’m not just going to be a doctor, I’m going to be a female chest surgeon," said Xie Wanying. Her words provoked even greater waves of disdain within the doctors' community. Relatives who were doctors ridiculed her mercilessly: "Do you know how high the admission scores are for medical students? Do you think you can make it?" "There are zero female chief chest surgeons in the country. Who do you think you are!" A bunch of people mocked her: "You'll probably only get into a third-rate medical college and end up as a health worker in a small county town. It's easy to imagine what sort of marriage you'll have." After the college entrance exams, Xie Wanying entered the top surgical class in the country with the highest science scores in the province, with department heads in the Capital’s top-tier hospitals vying for her from her internship beginnings. "Student Xie Wanying, come to our digestive surgery department." "No, she must come to our urological surgery—" "Pediatric surgery is in short supply of female doctors like student Xie Wanying." Circles of relatives and friends: … At this time, Xie Wanying independently completed the youngest Tetralogy of Fallot surgery in the country, represented the national association of chest surgery at an international medical forum, and published the world’s first minimally invasive heart valve repair surgery, becoming truly the foremost surgeon in the field of female surgery! As for the marriage concerns that everyone "worried" about: A brother from the Returned Overseas Faction, a hot bachelor within the Capital, changed his QQ profile picture to Junior Sister Xie. The young CEO, a handsome man, came to the hospital every day with flowers, keen to offer a diamond ring. Not to mention, a whole host of suitors had long since worn a path to the Old Xie Family's doorstep...
Kindhearted Mama · 496.4K Views

Seelenwanderung: Lady Chi umwirbt den eiskalten Professor Jun

Als Chi Lian auf ihrer Erde stirbt, erwacht sie im Körper eines anderen Mädchens, das denselben Namen trägt wie sie, auf einer anderen Erde. Einer mit Imperien und königlichen Familien. Arm und verzweifelt um ihr Überleben kämpfend, ist sie an ein virtuelles Haustiersystem gebunden, das auf die Technologie ihres Heimatplaneten zugreifen kann, um sie zu nutzen. Es gibt nur einen Haken. Der einzige Job, den sie ausüben kann, ist der eines Paparazzo. Von dort aus ist sie entschlossen, sich ein Medienimperium aufzubauen und das zurückzuholen, was ihre Familie verloren hat. Ihre Hauptziele sind die begehrtesten, aber schwer zu bekommenden Junggesellen des Imperiums, die eine Nachricht wert sind. Sie sind reich, gutaussehend und die Medien haben Angst, ihre Bilder und Informationen zu veröffentlichen. Aber irgendwie schafft Chi Lian das Unmögliche, sie macht ständig Fotos von ihnen. Welche Frau würde nicht für ihre exklusiven Bilder und Nachrichten bezahlen. Einer zieht sie besonders an: der kalte CEO und Professor Jun Muyang, von dem alle sagen, er sei kalt zu Frauen. Mit ihrer Technik und ihrem Verstand finden Chi Lian und ihre Adoptivtochter alle Möglichkeiten, in seinen Raum einzudringen und dabei sein Herz zu stehlen. Aber wie weit ist sie bereit zu gehen, um das Herz von Professor Ice Cube zum Schmelzen zu bringen und ihre Konkurrenten auf Distanz zu halten? All die Frauen im Reich, die Jun Muyang begehrten, warteten sehnsüchtig auf ihre Ablehnung. Aber es würde eine lange Wartezeit werden. Erste Woche..." Jun Muyang, ich habe dir diese Blumen gekauft." Jun Muyang: "Hau ab." Jahr 1... "Baby, ich brauche noch einen Kuss." Chi Lian: "Hau ab." Andere Werke. Transmigration aus einer Zombie-Welt zur Frau des Mecha-Königs[laufend]
1cutecat · 3.5K Views

Mantan saya sangat menginginkan saya kembali setelah perceraian

# MENCARI ISTRI Su Wan telah mencintai Jing Chen selama sepuluh tahun, dan dia menikah dengannya selama dua tahun. Jing Chen selalu menjadi suami, terlepas dari apakah mereka berdua atau di depan umum. Dia mengingat ulang tahun pernikahan mereka dan akan menyiapkan hadiah untuknya di setiap kesempatan khusus. Dia adalah bintang di matanya, dan dia memperlakukannya seperti harta yang berharga. Dia menyukai tubuhnya hingga bisa dikatakan bahwa dia terobsesi dengan itu. Namun, hanya Su Wan yang tahu bahwa Jing Chen hanya berakting seperti suami yang sempurna karena dia adalah pria yang menepati janjinya. Dia tidak akan pernah lupa apa yang dia katakan kepadanya ketika mereka menikah, "Aku bisa menikahimu, tapi aku sudah memiliki seseorang yang aku cintai. Pernikahan kita akan berlangsung selama tiga tahun. Tiga tahun kemudian, kamulah yang akan mengajukan perceraian kepada Kakek." Maka, pada hari ulang tahun pernikahan mereka yang kedua, ketika Jing Chen mengeluarkan surat cerai dan meletakkannya di depannya, Su Wan tidak terkejut. Dia diam-diam menyimpan tes kehamilannya. "Walaupun belum tiga tahun seperti yang dijanjikan, Bai Lian sudah kembali. Aku bisa membayar ganti rugi kepadamu," kata Jing Chen. Su Wan mengangguk tenang, "Oke." "Kamulah yang akan meminta Kakek bercerai. Katakan padanya bahwa kamu sudah memiliki seseorang yang kamu sukai. Bahkan jika Kakek tidak ingin setuju, dia tidak akan menolakmu," kata Jing Chen. Su Wan mengangguk, "Mengerti, tapi... haruskah kita bercerai? Bagaimana jika aku bilang kita punya bayi?" Jing Chen menjawab, "Su Wan, tidak ada kata jika di duniaku. Aku selalu melakukan tindakan pencegahan kehamilan. Bahkan jika benar-benar ada kecelakaan, aku akan memastikan bahwa itu menghilang. Aku tidak akan meninggalkan risiko ini." Pada hari pernikahannya, bayi Su Wan lahir prematur. Su Wan mengalami kecelakaan mobil, dan tempat kejadian penuh dengan darah. Terbaring di genangan darah, Su Wan memeluk perutnya erat-erat, berusaha melindunginya. Kemudian, ada rumor yang mengatakan bahwa Jing Chen meninggalkan pengantinnya pada hari itu. Dia memegang tubuh mantan istrinya yang dingin selama seminggu penuh, tidak membiarkannya dikuburkan. Jing Chen didorong ke ujung tanduk. Sampai suatu hari, Su Wan melewatinya dengan dua bayi yang menggemaskan...
JQK · 23.9K Views

Istri yang Kupungut Terlalu Galak

Ketika Feng Qing lahir, ia terjual kepada sebuah pasangan dari pegunungan akibat kelalaian rumah sakit. Enam belas tahun kemudian, orang tua kandungnya membawa dia pulang dari sebuah desa kecil di pegunungan, dia mengira hidupnya akan menjadi lebih baik, tapi ternyata tidak. Tidak hanya dia tidak mendapat cinta dari orang tuanya, adik angkatnya membuat dia menjadi buta. Pada akhirnya, orang tuanya menikahkannya dengan seorang pria tua di usia lima puluh tahunan. Pada hari pernikahannya, Feng Qing melarikan diri dari hotel dengan deretan pengawal yang mengejarnya. Dalam situasi genting, dia memanjat masuk ke dalam mobil hitam yang terparkir di pinggir jalan. Di kursi belakang mobil tersebut duduk seorang pria tampan di mana kekejaman yang dingin terus-terusan terpampang di wajahnya. Dia terlihat seperti orang yang tidak bisa disepelekan. Feng Qing menepuk-nepuk tangannya yang kotor. "Jadi, pak, saya perhatikan bahwa wajah Anda terlihat sangat kesepian. Bagaimana menurut Anda memiliki seorang istri yang sekarang telah menawarkan diri kepada Anda?" Xie Jiuhan umumnya dikenal sebagai Kesembilan Master. Dia adalah penguasa Kota Ibu Kota dan mempunyai kepribadian yang tidak terduga. Dia keras kepala dan kejam. Para sosialita di Kota Ibu Kota menggunakan segala cara, tapi tak satupun dari mereka yang berhasil menyentuh bahkan ujung pakaian Kesembilan Master. Dari hari itu, gosip mulai tersebar di Kota Ibu Kota. Kesembilan Master, yang biasanya menghindari wanita, membesarkan seorang istri kecil di rumah besar dan memanjakannya sepenuhnya. Kesembilan Master: "Istri saya terlalu lemah untuk merawat diri sendiri." Dokter: "Lalu, siapa wanita itu yang bisa memecahkan lutut seseorang dengan satu tendangan?" Kesembilan Master: "Istri saya dulu hidup di desa, dia tidak pandai dalam pelajarannya." Mahasiswa di Universitas Ibu Kota: “Istri Anda terus mendapatkan nilai tertinggi dalam setiap ujian. Jika dia tidak pandai dalam pelajarannya, kami ini apa? Bodoh?" Kesembilan Master: “Istri saya sangat pemalu. Dia belum bertemu banyak tokoh penting atau figur-figur terkemuka." Masyarakat: “Tolong diam!" Otoritas terkemuka di bidang kedokteran, profesor ilmu pengetahuan, dan sutradara internasional terkenal mengantri di luar rumah Anda, memohon untuk bertemu dengannya! Ya, istri Anda belum pernah bertemu dengan tokoh penting atau figur-figur terkemuka sebelumnya karena dialah sosok paling terkemuka di sini.
Yishen · 72.4K Views

Meu Ex Me Quer Tanto Após o Divórcio

# PERSEGUIÇÃO AMOROSA Su Wan amava Jing Chen há dez anos, e com ele foi casada por dois anos. Jing Chen sempre foi o marido, seja quando estavam a sós ou em público. Ele se lembrava de seus aniversários de casamento e preparava presentes para ela em toda ocasião especial. Ela era a menina dos olhos dele e tratava-a como um tesouro precioso. Ele gostava tanto do corpo dela que se podia dizer que era obcecado por ele. No entanto, apenas Su Wan sabia que Jing Chen agia como um marido perfeito porque era um homem de palavra. Ela nunca esqueceria o que ele lhe disse quando se casaram, "Posso casar com você, mas já tenho alguém que amo. Nosso casamento durará três anos. Três anos mais tarde, você será quem irá propor o divórcio ao Avô." Então, no segundo aniversário deles, quando Jing Chen tirou os papéis do divórcio e os colocou na frente dela, Su Wan não se surpreendeu. Ela secretamente guardou seu teste de gravidez. "Embora ainda não tenham sido três anos como prometido, Bai Lian está de volta. Posso compensar você," disse Jing Chen. Su Wan assentiu calmamente, "Está bem." "Você será quem pedirá ao Avô o divórcio. Diga a ele que você já tem alguém de quem gosta. Mesmo que o Avô não queira concordar, ele não rejeitará você," disse Jing Chen. Su Wan assentiu, "Entendi, mas... é necessário o divórcio? E se eu disser que temos um bebê?" Jing Chen respondeu, "Su Wan, não há 'se' no meu mundo. Sempre tomei medidas contraceptivas. Mesmo que realmente ocorra um acidente, eu garanto que ele desapareça. Não deixarei esse risco para trás." No dia do seu casamento, o bebê de Su Wan nasceu prematuramente. Su Wan se envolveu em um acidente de carro, e a cena estava coberta de sangue. Deitada numa poça de sangue, Su Wan abraçou seu estômago com força, desesperada para protegê-lo. Mais tarde, surgiram rumores que Jing Chen havia abandonado sua noiva naquele dia. Ele segurou o corpo frio de sua ex-esposa por uma semana inteira, não permitindo que ele fosse enterrado. Jing Chen foi levado ao extremo. Até que um dia, Su Wan passou por ele com dois bebês adoráveis...
JQK · 58.3K Views

Die Frau, die ich aufgegabelt habe, ist zu heftig

Als Feng Qing geboren wurde, wurde sie aufgrund der Nachlässigkeit des Krankenhauses an ein Paar aus den Bergen verkauft. Sechzehn Jahre später holten ihre leiblichen Eltern sie aus einem kleinen Bergdorf nach Hause, und sie dachte, ihr Leben würde sich verbessern, aber das tat es nicht. Nicht nur, dass sie keine Liebe von ihren Eltern bekam, ihre Ersatzschwester machte sie auch noch blind. Schließlich verheirateten ihre Eltern sie mit einem alten Mann in den Fünfzigern. An ihrem Hochzeitstag flüchtete Feng Qing aus dem Hotel, während eine Reihe von Leibwächtern hinter ihr herlief. In einer kritischen Situation kletterte sie in ein schwarzes Auto, das am Straßenrand geparkt war. Auf dem Rücksitz des Wagens saß ein gut aussehender Mann, dessen Gesicht von kalter Rücksichtslosigkeit geprägt war. Er sah aus wie jemand, mit dem nicht zu spaßen war. Feng Qing tätschelte ihre schmutzigen kleinen Hände. "Also, Mister, ich habe bemerkt, dass Ihnen die Einsamkeit ins Gesicht geschrieben steht. Was halten Sie davon, eine Frau zu haben, die sich Ihnen jetzt vorgestellt hat?" Xie Jiuhan wurde gemeinhin als der Neunte Meister bezeichnet. Er war der Oberherr der Hauptstadt und hatte eine sprunghafte Persönlichkeit. Er war stur und rücksichtslos. Die Gesellschaft in der Hauptstadt setzte alle Mittel ein, aber keiner von ihnen kam auch nur in die Nähe des Saums der Kleidung des Neunten Meisters. Von diesem Tag an begannen sich in der Hauptstadt Gerüchte zu verbreiten. Der Neunte Meister, der sich normalerweise von Frauen fernhielt, zog eine zierliche kleine Frau im Herrenhaus groß und verwöhnte sie bis aufs Blut. Meister Neunter: "Meine Frau ist zu schwach, um für sich selbst zu sorgen." Der Arzt: "Wer ist dann die Dame, die jemandem mit einem einzigen Tritt die Kniescheibe zertrümmert hat?" Meister Neuntens: "Meine Frau lebte früher auf dem Dorf, sie ist nicht gut im Lernen." Die Studenten der Capital University: "Ihre Frau wird in jeder Prüfung die Nummer eins. Wenn sie nicht gut in der Schule ist, was sind wir dann? Zurückgebliebene?" Meister Neuntens: "Meine Frau ist extrem schüchtern. Sie hat noch nicht viele große Namen oder prominente Persönlichkeiten getroffen." Das Publikum: "Bitte halten Sie den Mund!" Die führende Autorität in der Medizin, Wissenschaftsprofessoren und berühmte internationale Regisseure standen vor Ihrem Haus Schlange und baten darum, sie zu sehen! Ja, Ihre Frau war noch nie mit großen Namen oder prominenten Persönlichkeiten zusammengetroffen, denn sie war hier die prominenteste Persönlichkeit.
Yishen · 25.6K Views

Proud senior schoolgirl was tender and sweet, we fell in love

[No turning back to old love + single female lead + daily sweetness + no system, no Golden Finger + relaxation & healing + long-lasting romance] "Xie Xiao, you can't just stop wanting me after being so good to me for three years and getting me used to it. What do these three years between us amount to?" Zhou Mianmian looked at Xie Xiao with tears blurring her eyes and a pitiful expression. "Consider it my bad luck," Xie Xiao said indifferently with a glance at her. "Are you mad at me because I didn't agree to be with you?" Zhou Mianmian reached out to grab his hand, her voice pleading, "Then let's be together now, okay?" "You deserve someone better than me," Xie Xiao dodged her hand, pulling the beautiful girl by his side into his arms, "Wife, let’s go." Now that I'm reborn, let someone else be the lovestruck fool. Xie Xiao just wants to live a sweet life holding the tsundere treasure of a girl he overlooked for years~ ---- In his past life, Xie Xiao was blind, unable to tell the difference between a scheming girl and a treasure. To buy milk for the scheming girl, he got hit by a car and was paralyzed in bed for three years. In the end, the scheming girl turned around and went with another lovestruck fool. Instead, there was a proud and cute girl by his side... Until her accidental death... Xie Xiao closed his eyes in despair... If only time could be turned back...
Curl loves to eat steamed twisted rolls · 367.5K Views

Birth of the Almighty System

Before You Read… What if your life hinged on telling a story? Well, this is more than words on a page, it’s a struggle against silence, an attempt to find meaning in darkness. Through this unyielding journey, I share a search for strength and purpose. If these words resonates with you, even for a moment, then this story has found its worth. Thank you for reading. --- In a world where power is literally everything, Lian stands at the bottom, an orphan in a city ruled by divine strength, mocked for his inability to access even a hint of spiritual energy. Powerless and alone, his fate seems sealed, until a mysterious force awakens within him. Guided by an ancient presence that calls itself the Heaven's Devourer, Lian is offered a path of untold power through a strange System. But the System is no blessing from the gods; it’s a force outside their control, a tool that dares him to rise on his terms. Yet this gift may be as much a curse as it is a salvation, and each step forward reveals new enemies and hidden agendas that threaten to consume him. As Lian defies rivals and overcomes brutal challenges, he realizes that mastery over the Boundless Light within him could perhaps make him a god, or destroy him in the attempt. The question becomes not whether he will wield this power, but at what cost. --- New chapters are updated daily, with 1-2 chapters released each day! If you're enjoying the story, please add it to your library. Your votes and reviews are a huge motivation for me, so please support the book in any way you can. Happy reading!
Saint_Grey · 4.3K Views

The Shadows Of Ascension

In a world where power determines destiny, Xie Zhen is a cultivator with a dark and ruthless reputation. Born in poverty and marked by betrayal from a young age, he has learned that the only law that matters is that of brute strength. Unlike the typical cultivation heroes, Xie Zhen is not driven by a sense of justice or a simple desire for vengeance: he is propelled by an insatiable need to control the fate of others and subjugate those who dare stand in his way. His rise is marked by calculated acts of cruelty and manipulation. He will not hesitate to use any method, whether it be theft, betrayal, or even sacrificing the souls of his allies to gain the smallest fragment of power. Xie Zhen delights in the chaos he creates, feeding off the suffering of others to strengthen his own abilities. While others form alliances out of caution, he infiltrates and destroys, using human weaknesses as pawns in a ruthless game of power. As he climbs the ranks of cultivation, Xie Zhen discovers forbidden techniques, paths that few dare to explore, which slowly transform his soul. However, his quest for infinite power draws the attention of ancient gods and malevolent entities, who see him as a threat to the fragile balance of the world. But Xie Zhen is determined to surpass even the heavens, ready to face all forces—whether divine or demonic—to become the very embodiment of terror. In *The Shadows of Ascension*, the reader is drawn into a spiral of darkness and pure ambition, where the protagonist does not merely survive: he crushes, consumes, and transcends the limits of human morality to reach a terrifying peak, daring the world to bow to his will.
Kami_0 · 1.6K Views

Emperor of the Heavens

In an ancient world where celestial beings, gods, and monsters coexist, the fate of the empire hangs in the balance. At the center of this empire stands Emperor Yao Zhen, a ruler with a grand ambition—to not only conquer the world but ascend to the heavens themselves. What makes him different from all other emperors is the mysterious system bestowed upon him, a divine gift that allows him to gain immense power by conquering realms, devouring the abilities of others, and evolving as he progresses. Yao Zhen, born into a weak imperial family, ascended to the throne under tragic circumstances. With no real strength of his own, he relied on the strange system that appeared to him one fateful night. The system, known as "Heaven's Path," provides him with quests, abilities, and challenges that increase in difficulty, but offer unimaginable rewards. As he conquers enemies and expands his domain, he unlocks powers far beyond mortal comprehension—powers that allow him to control not only the mortal realm but the very forces of nature, space, and time. As Yao Zhen’s ambition grows, he begins to confront powerful enemies—other emperors, legendary warriors, and divine beings who guard the gates to higher realms. Along his journey, he gathers a loyal band of allies, from the cunning General Mei Lian to the mystical seer, Li Rong. But, with every victory, new challenges emerge, and soon, Yao Zhen must decide: will he rule the world for eternity, or will his ambitions drag him into a battle against the heavens themselves?
Killer46 · 1K Views

Menikah dengan Mantan

WARNING 21+ (ADA KALIMAT KASAR DAN ADEGAN DEWASA YANG BELUM CUKUP UMUR TAPI MASIH NAKAL, JANGAN TERLALU MENDALAMI KARENA INI HANYA CERITA.) KEHIDUPAN NYATA TIDAK SEINDAH KISAH DI NOVEL. Volume 1 Pertemuan dan Perjuangan : (Bab 1-100) Ananta Putri Sidqia gadis berparas cantik 25 tahun yang harus hidup sebatang kara akibat kecelakaan mobil yang di alaminya bersama keluarganya. Suatu hari dia melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan elit yang bergerak di bidang industri meuble yang cukup besar. Dia akhirnya di terima kerja di perusahaan itu sebagai OG. Semua berjalan manis hingga tidak sengaja dia bertemu kembali dengan sang mantan kekasih saat dia masih duduk di bangku kelas sepuluh SMA. Mantannya yang menghilang tanpa kabar setelah di nyatakan lulus. Apa yang akan terjadi pada Qia sapaan si gadis itu ketika tiba-tiba saja sang mantan berlutut di hadapannya dan mengeluarkan kotak beludru yang di dalamnya terdapat cincin berlian. Menerima atau menolak? Volume 2 After Marriage: (Bab 101 - belum di ketehaui) Kenan Melviano Pradipa sang mantan dari Ananta Putri Sidqia yang ternyata hanya memanfaatkan Qia untuk bisa kembali bersama dengan kekasihnya tanpa takut ketahuan oleh orang lain ataupun sang kakek yang menolak kekasihnya. Apa yang akan terjadi ketika Qia mengetahui jika Kenan memiliki hubungan dengan seseorang di belakangnya. Orang yang tidak pernah ada dalam benak Qia bahwa Kenan akan menajalin hubungan dengan orang itu. Orang itu adalah Raka Mahardika, seorang pria yang wajahnya tampan seperti oppa-oppa korea dan Qia sudah menganggap Raka sebagai Kakaknya sendiri. Akankah Qia bertahan dengan pernikahannya bersama Kenan supaya Kenan bisa kembali ke kodratnya mencintai seorang wanita. Ataukah Qia akan pergi dari kehidupan Kenan dan tidak pernah mau kembali lagi karena telah di kecewakan begitu dalam oleh Kenan?
Chi_Hyo_Ki95 · 649.5K Views
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