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Kuzu Ryu Sen

Die Identität von Madam schockiert erneut die ganze Stadt

Qiao Nian lebte 18 Jahre lang im Haus der Familie Qiao, bevor ihre leiblichen Eltern sie fanden. Plötzlich wussten alle wohlhabenden Familien der Stadt, dass die Familie Qiao eine falsche Tochter hatte! Eine echte Tochter einer wohlhabenden Familie wäre begabt, sanft und freundlich. Eine falsche Tochter wäre nicht in der Lage, irgendwelche Fähigkeiten zu erlernen und nichts zu erreichen. Jeder wollte sehen, wie unglücklich sie werden würde, wenn sie in ihre Schlucht zurückkehrte, nachdem sie aus einer reichen Familie hinausgeworfen worden war! Qiao Nian dachte auch, dass ihre leiblichen Eltern arme Lehrer aus dem Kreis Luohe waren. Wer wusste schon, dass ihr Bruder einen Phaeton fuhr, der dreihunderttausend Yuan wert war! Ihr leiblicher Vater war auch ein Professor, der an der Tsinghua-Universität lehrte! Der Big Boss der Familie von Abschaum wurde zum Schleimer und verbeugte sich vor ihrem Großvater... Qiao Nian war verblüfft. Ähm... das war nicht dasselbe wie ein Ja zu sagen! Nachdem sie sich von der Familie des Abschaums befreit hatte, konnte Qiao Nian sie selbst sein. Sie war die beste Schülerin in der College-Aufnahmeprüfung, ein Live-Sendestar und die Erbin eines unschätzbaren Kulturerbes... Ihre Identität wurde aufgedeckt, und als sie in den Suchanzeigen der Stadt auftauchte, wurde die Familie des Abschaums grün. Die Anti-Fans spotteten: Was soll der Versuch, ein Bild zu fälschen? Hältst du dich nicht einfach jeden Tag an meinen Bruder? Qiao Nian antwortete: Es tut mir leid, aber ich habe bereits ein Spiel. Oberster Bruder: @Qiao Nian. Ich möchte sie allen vorstellen. Das ist meine Schwester. Wohlhabender Großvater: Meine liebe Enkelin, warum arbeitest du so hart? Wenn du ein Fahrrad willst, wird Großvater es dir kaufen! Die Reichen und Mächtigen in Peking verbreiteten das Gerücht, dass Meister Wang in seinem luxuriösen Haus eine Frau versteckte. Egal, wie sehr die Leute versuchten, ihn zu überreden, er ging nie mit ihr aus, um jemanden zu treffen. Wenn man ihn fragte, sagte er immer denselben Satz. "Meine Frau kommt vom Land und ist schüchtern." Bis eines Tages jemand sah, wie der edle und kalte Meister Wang die schlanke Taille eines Mädchens umklammerte, sich in einer Mauerecke versteckte und mit roten Augen murmelte. "Baby, wann wirst du mir einen Titel geben?" [Falsche Tochter, die aus einer wirklich reichen Familie stammt] + [Zwei große Bosse]
Brother Ling · 31.8K Views

Gutaussehende CEOs liebenswerte Ehefrau

"Du bist das Mondlicht, das die Dunkelheit der Nacht erhellt. Du bist der Regen, der das ausgetrocknete Land flickt. Du bist der Atem, der mein Herz lebendig hält." "Haha, Gatte, du wirst immer besser darin mir zu schmeicheln" "Solange es für dich ist, kann ich in allem besser werden, was du willst, meine liebe Frau." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Während sie um ihr Leben rennt, opfert sie sich, um ihren Geliebten entkommen zu lassen. Hua Lan wacht in einem fremden, luxuriösen Zimmer auf und stellt fest, dass sie sich an nichts von sich selbst erinnern kann. Als sie erfährt, dass die Informationen über ihre Existenz ausgelöscht sind und dass sie sich vor den Leuten in Acht nehmen muss, die hinter ihr her sind, beginnt Hua Lan ein neues Leben mit einer neuen Identität. Umgeben von ihrem gut aussehenden Ehemann und seiner liebevollen Familie, passt sich Hua Lan (jetzt Mu Lan) an ihr neues Leben an. Aber jetzt hört sie in ihren Träumen ein Mädchen flüstern: "Solange du nicht sagst 'Ich liebe dich', werde ich unsere Erinnerungen für mich behalten. Lebe wohl, meine Liebe." Mu Liang weiß, dass um sie herum etwas Geheimnisvolles vor sich geht. Sie hat einen rätselhaften Hintergrund und verblüffende Fähigkeiten. Aber es ist ihm egal, wer sie in der Vergangenheit war und warum man sie immer wieder angreift. Er kann nur daran denken, sie zu lieben, sie zu schätzen und sie einzusperren, damit sie nie wieder in ihre Vergangenheit zurückkehren kann. Denn er weiß, dass er nicht einen Moment ohne sie leben kann. Sie versuchen, das Geheimnis um Hua Lan zu lüften. Aber sie braucht ihr Gedächtnis zurück. Der beste Arzt kann nicht verstehen, warum sie sich an nichts mehr erinnern kann. Wenn sie jedoch in ein Paar grausame Augen blickt, tut ihr der Kopf weh. Da sie ihr Gedächtnis nicht wiedererlangen kann, müssen sie einen anderen Weg wählen, um ihre Rätsel zu lösen. Aber was wird sie tun, nachdem sie ihr Gedächtnis wiedererlangt hat? Jemand und einige Leute müssen ein paar Ohrfeigen bekommen. Aber wer wird die Ohrfeigen bekommen? Und wer wird am Ende lachen können? ~WILLKOMMEN ZUM ERSTEN ORIGINAL CEO BUCH AUF WEBNOVEL ***Dies ist eine Geschichte über ein Mädchen, das für sich selbst und die Menschen, die ihr wichtig sind, kämpft. Sie versucht herauszufinden, wer sie ist, nachdem sie ihr Gedächtnis verloren hat, und die Menschen um sie herum werden ihr helfen, die Rätsel um sie herum zu lösen. ***wird überarbeitet. wenn du Fehler findest, weise bitte darauf hin*** **WARNUNG: PLAGIIEREN SIE NICHT UND VERÖFFENTLICHEN SIE DIESE ARBEIT NICHT AUF ANDEREN SEITEN. WENN IHNEN DAS WERK GEFÄLLT, EMPFEHLEN SIE ES ANDEREN IN WEBNOVEL.COM ZU LESEN. __________________________________ Buchreihe: 1. Handsome CEO's Darling Wife 2. Meine Frau ist eine Göttin: 99 geheime Küsse 3. Verlorene Glückseligkeit 4. Die Kobra Weitere Bücher: 1. Meine Geliebte 2. Vom Schicksal verwirrt __________________________________ Discord-Server - Instagram: flow07.autor Facebook-Seite: Flow07 Unterstützen Sie mich. Gönner: Kaufen Sie mir einen Kaffee:
Flow07 · 59.7K Views

Ätherische Welt: Vicious Cannon Fodder's Immortality Road

Bei Yue Yue war eine selbstlose und sanftmütige Person. Danach wanderte sie aus und wurde zu "Huang Ying Yue", einem weiblichen Kanonenfutter, das in dem unsterblichen Roman, den sie gerade gelesen hat, für seine Bösartigkeit, Gnadenlosigkeit, Geilheit und Unmenschlichkeit bekannt ist und eine nymphomanische Persönlichkeit hat. In dem Roman hat die ursprüngliche "Huang Ying Yue" unzählige böse Taten begangen und damit viele der mächtigen Charaktere im Inneren beleidigt. Nicht nur die Heldin des Romans, sondern auch alle Männer im Harem der Heldin wurden von "ihr" auf unterschiedliche Weise physisch und psychisch belästigt und missbraucht. Der Weg zur Unsterblichkeit ist voll von Stacheln, Gefahren und unvorhersehbaren Bedrohungen. Überall wimmelt es von bösen Kultivatoren, Monstern und Dämonen. Auf dem Weg zur Unsterblichkeit müssen sich alle Kultivierenden zusammentun, um diese bösen Wesen zu vernichten. Bei dem Versuch, ihr Ziel zu erreichen, muss sich YueYue zahllosen mächtigen Feinden stellen, die "Huang Ying Yue" in der Vergangenheit beleidigt hat, sowie den Schulden, die "Huang Ying Yue" begangen hat. Gleichzeitig muss sie sich mit der eisbergschönen Heldin Huang Bai Xing auseinandersetzen, die von unzähligen schönen Männern und himmelstürmenden Reichtümern umgeben ist. Mit goldenen Fingern und der Liebe des Himmels erhielt Huang Bai Xing goldene Finger. Mit goldenen Fingern, Huang Bai Xing wuchs stärker von Tag zu Tag und warten auf die beste Gelegenheit, um "Huang Ying Yue" zu töten. Mächtige Leute, Huang Bai Xing's Männer, einer nach dem anderen nehmen ihre Waffen heraus, beabsichtigen zu töten und ihr eine schreckliche Lektion zu erteilen, weil "sie" ihre geliebte Frau verletzt hat. Glücklicherweise konnte sie mit der himmelstürmenden ätherischen kleinen Welt, die sie erhalten hatte, die spirituellen Pflanzen pflanzen, die spirituellen Früchte ernten, sich mit der reichhaltigen spirituellen Kraft kultivieren und die Zeit betrügen, indem sie mit dem spirituellen Wasserfall im Inneren des Raumes badete, während sie ihr "friedliches" Leben auf dem Weg der Unsterblichkeit weiterführte. Mit ihrer treuen Tierarmee machte sie sich auf den Weg der Kultivierung, um neue Menschen, Liebe, Freundschaft, Schwierigkeiten, Aufregung und eine geheimnisvolle Vergangenheit kennenzulernen, während sie ihr eigenes Schicksal und das aller Menschen um sie herum für eine bessere Zukunft veränderte. Unbewusst war ihr nicht einmal bewusst, dass sie aufgrund ihrer Persönlichkeit unzählige Pfirsichblüten anzieht, die ihr tristes Leben für immer verändern. Warnung: 1VN Ende, eine Frau endet mit vielen Männern. Es gibt Tabu-Liebe (aber nicht hirnlos) Bitte lesen Sie die Tags, bevor Sie in meine Welt eintauchen. Cover von: Pinterest, Credit geht an den richtigen vollen Besitzer. Mein Instagram Account: Littlecarrot006_ Mein DISCORD-Benutzername: littlecarrot6510 Mein zweites Buch: Mythos des Wunders: Wiedergeboren, um meinem Schicksal zu trotzen Dieses Buch ist für die Teilnahme am WSA 2024 (Progressing) #Portalspace #Reverseharem #Tabu #Darkromance #Femaleleadxianxia #Xianxia #Np #Kultivierung #Abenteuer #Immortalität #Polyandry #Manybeautifulmen #transmigrated #cannonfodder #Romance #Fighting #Beast #Multicontinents #Mysteriouspast #KindandgentleFLbutnotweak #Vergebenabernichtvergessen #CleverFL
Littlecarrot · 50K Views

Sua amante é sua ex-esposa

[Aviso: R18+] "Sua Maior Vingança--Seduza-o, Destrua seu casamento, Roube sua fortuna e, por último... DESCARTE-o." ***** A vida de Sabrina Williams desmorona após descobrir a traição de seu marido e a aquisição desonesta da fortuna de sua família. Presumida morta depois de um trágico incidente, Sabrina ressurge cinco anos depois com uma nova identidade e um ardente desejo de vingança. Seu retorno provoca um caos romântico entre o círculo íntimo do CEO, um deslumbrante leque de belos solteiros disputando sua atenção. Sabrina Williams se vê no centro de um furacão romântico com pretendentes inesperados – seu protetor melhor amigo, um poderoso Chefe da Máfia e seu possessivo ex-marido. O palco está montado para uma tensa batalha de cabo de guerra – um confronto de amor e vingança com as emoções à flor da pele. Os jogadores estão todos presentes, e o jogo está apenas começando! ***** Quando seu escândalo com o Ex-marido se espalha na internet, os detratores a amaldiçoam, marcando-a como Amante Sem Vergonha, Destruidora de Lares Inútil e Vadia Maligna... porém, vários solteiros poderosos se unem para defendê-la. CEO da Principal Empresa de Moda: "Odiadores vão para o inferno! PS: para aquelas modelos que antagonizaram minha Deusa, eu tiro o patrocínio da nossa marca delas." Presidente da Maior Empresa de Entretenimento: "Notícia falsa! Tomaremos medidas legais por difamar minha Deusa! Artistas que a amaldiçoaram serão proibidos na minha empresa." Vice-Presidente da Maior Empresa de Hotéis e Resorts: "Calem a boca, Detratores! Não ousem pisar em um dos nossos hotéis e resorts!" Chefe da Máfia Dominador: "Recuem! Apaguem esses comentários maldosos, ou senão minha gangue irá atrás de vocês. Matarei todos que ousarem ridicularizar minha Rainha!" Todo mundo: "..." Então, um comentário de confissão surge repentinamente no meio do caos. Melhor amigo da FL: "Todos podem te odiar, mas eu sempre estarei lá por você. Sabby... Eu te amo... Eu te amo desde a nossa infância... Meu primeiro amor... e o último." Seu ex-marido não pode mais ficar calado e declara ao público. Ex-marido Possessivo: "Ela não é minha amante. Ela é minha esposa legal." Amigo da FL Lanny: "Esposa legal uma ova! Cara doido, vai morrer!"
ellezar_g · 28.1K Views

A Esposa do CEO é Filha de um Deus Demônio

[ Livro 1: Concluído ] Tristan Davis, o CEO playboy da Heavenly Star Enterprize, foi obrigado a casar com QUALQUER MULHER dentro de um mês ou, senão... seu título glamoroso e posição seriam retirados dele. NÃOOOO! Como ele poderia seduzir aquelas mulheres lindas se ele se tornasse pobre e não fosse mais um CEO? Tudo bem, ele vai encontrar uma mulher e casar com ela para agradar seu avô exigente. Que se dane se é uma mulher estranha e esquisita que ele conheceu na montanha enquanto acampava. Certo? Espera.. O quê!? Ela NÃO É HUMANA? Ela é a filha do deus demônio? Você disse... DEMÔNIO? Mas ela parece tão angelical, bela e inocente. Tristan nem conseguia olhar para outras mulheres depois que a filha do deus demônio se tornou sua esposa. Ha. Ele pode muito bem mantê-la por perto, já que o avô parece gostar tanto dela. ============ Zhen-Zhen, que tinha a linhagem do deus demônio, estava sendo alvo dos guerreiros guardiões. Desde criança eles tentaram matá-la muitas vezes, mas falharam. Sem outra escolha, eles a selaram na Montanha Divina. Mas após 100 anos, seu selo foi acidentalmente quebrado e assim, seu Protetor encontrou a chance de enviá-la para outro mundo habitado apenas por humanos comuns - sem seres sobrenaturais e sem poderes mágicos. Neste novo mundo, ela conheceu o CEO Galã e Travesso, que lhe propôs casamento no primeiro encontro. Mas espere... Casamento? Se tornar sua Esposa? O que significa se tornar uma Esposa? Embora a filha do deus demônio não tivesse ideia do que significa se tornar uma esposa, ela aceitou sua proposta animada! "Sim! Eu quero ser sua esposa!" ============ *** Trecho *** Zhen-Zhen: "Tristan, por que você está rindo mesmo estando triste? Eu posso sentir. Você está sofrendo, agora." Em seu estado de embriaguez, Tristan ainda conseguia absorver as palavras dela. Tristan: "Ei, minha Zhen-Zhen. Você vai ser minha esposa, né?" Zhen-Zhen: "Sim..." Tristan: "Então... me faça feliz. Venha mais perto... e me beije." Ela se inclinou mais para perto de Tristan enquanto pressionava seus lábios delicados e quentes nos lábios frios dele. Zhen-Zhen: "Você está feliz agora, Tristan?" Tristan sacudiu a cabeça e fez beicinho. "Não! Zhen-Zhen, aquilo não pode ser considerado um beijo! Você apenas pressionou seus lábios nos meus." Ele reclamou exasperadamente para ela. "Vem aqui, eu vou te ensinar!" Tristan segurou o rosto dela e então começou a beijá-la apaixonadamente. Tristan puxou a cabeça dela para mais perto à medida que aprofundava o beijo. Após alguns segundos, Zhen-Zhen respondeu e retribuiu seu beijo com tanta intensidade quanto ele. 'Caramba, ela aprende rápido.' ========= [ Quente+Divertido+Fofinho+Para Adultos ]~ Esta é a história da filha do deus demônio e de um CEO galã e travesso... ======= Prêmio deste Livro: WPC#133 Tier Ouro - Nenhum Humano Permitido! Protagonista Feminina Apoie o Autor: Junte-se ao Servidor do Discord do Autor: Envie mensagem para mim no Discord: ellezar_g#1010 Outro Livro do Autor: 1. A Assasina Diabólica encontra o Detetive Angélico Volume I: Encontro Fatal (Capítulo 1-275) Concluído Volume II: Seus Caminhos se Cruzaram Novamente (Capítulo 276-530) Concluído 2. Amor Proibido: Sedução de um Anjo 3. Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge A arte/ilustração/foto foi gerada por IA pelo Autor
ellezar_g · 79.9K Views

The Rise of the Dragon Fist

"The Rise of the Dragon Fist" follows the epic adventure of Ryu and Hiro, two young martial artists determined to unlock their true potential and obtain the legendary Dragon Orb. As they traverse vast lands and face formidable foes, they discover ancient prophecies, encounter mythical creatures, and uncover the true nature of their powers. Throughout their journey, Ryu and Hiro undergo rigorous training, honing their martial arts skills and unlocking new abilities. They face both physical and emotional challenges, testing the limits of their strength and resilience. Along the way, they meet allies who aid them in their quest and enemies who seek to harness the power of the Dragon Orb for their nefarious purposes. As Ryu and Hiro draw closer to their goal, they become embroiled in a larger conflict that threatens the very fabric of their world. They discover that the Dragon Orb is not merely a source of immense power but also a key to unleashing a malevolent force that seeks to consume everything in its path. Now, their quest takes on a greater significance as they must prevent the Orb from falling into the wrong hands. In the climactic final chapters, Ryu and Hiro face their ultimate challenge. They confront the ancient evil that seeks to control the Dragon Orb and plunge the world into darkness. With the fate of their realm hanging in the balance, they unleash the full extent of their powers, tapping into their innermost reserves of strength and determination. In a fierce battle, Ryu and Hiro push themselves beyond their limits, employing their signature Dragon Fist techniques to combat the formidable adversary. Their unwavering spirit and unbreakable bond fuel their resolve, and they emerge victorious, sealing away the malevolent force and restoring balance to the world. In the aftermath of their triumph, Ryu and Hiro return to their village as celebrated heroes. Their journey has transformed them into legendary warriors, revered and respected by all. However, their quest is not over. With newfound wisdom and experience, they set their sights on new horizons, seeking to bring peace and harmony to the lands, and ensuring that the power of the Dragon Orb remains safeguarded. As the tale of "The Rise of the Dragon Fist" concludes, Ryu and Hiro become beacons of hope, inspiring future generations of martial artists to follow in their footsteps. Their legacy endures, their names forever etched in the annals of Tenshin's history, as the ones who rose above adversity and brought light to a world veiled in darkness. And so, their adventure continues, embarking on new quests and facing fresh challenges, forever guided by the spirit of the Dragon Fist.
Jxyzen09 · 10.8K Views

The Sevpons

The story begins with Ryu practicing for a marathon, where his brother Tony urges him to come home for lunch. Ryu expresses his desire to join the EX Agency, but their mother is concerned about the admission fee. After learning that the marathon's first prize is $100,000, Ryu vows to win it to secure their admission. He wins the marathon and uses the prize money to buy scholarships for himself and Tony, allowing them to attend the EX Agency. Upon arriving at the EX Agency, Ryu and Tony meet new friends: Kai and Jin. They learn about their weapon training classes and select their primary and secondary weapons. During lunch, they hear rumors from a boy named Wei about a secret weapon hidden in a cave, but Ryu warns against breaking the rules. As they continue their training, the group prepares for a monthly test. They discover that Wei has been researching the cave and the rumors surrounding it. Wei reveals that several students have gone missing, prompting the group to investigate the cave at night. They find themselves in a dangerous situation when they encounter guards and a mysterious figure named Lei, who seeks a powerful weapon. Ryu and his friends fight against the guards, and during the chaos, Ryu discovers a legendary sword. However, Lei captures them, intending to use their blood to awaken the weapon's power. With teamwork, Ryu, Tony, and their friends manage to defeat Lei and escape with the other captured students. After their adventure, they wake up in a hospital, where Master Feng praises them for their bravery. The group learns that the cave has been sealed, and the fate of the legendary weapon remains unknown. As they prepare for their next test, they continue to train and develop their unique weapon abilities. The story ends with the group discovering a portal that leads to another adventure, hinting at more challenges and mysteries to come.
RedShadow_9426 · 4.3K Views

Verheiratet mit meinem Milliardär-Stiefbruder

Am Tag ihrer Hochzeit mit ihrer Jugendliebe erhielt Natalie Ford ein unerwartetes Geschenk: eine Heiratsurkunde. Darin stand, dass sie bereits mit einem völlig Fremden verheiratet war - Aiden Handrix. Während die Hochzeitsgäste sie weiterhin verspotteten und beleidigten, beschloss ihr Geliebter Ivan, sie zu verlassen und stattdessen ihre Halbschwester Briena zu heiraten. Zu allem Übel wurde sie auch noch aus ihrem Haus geworfen. Um ihre Unschuld zu beweisen, gab es für Natalie Ford nur eine Möglichkeit: Sie musste diesen mysteriösen Aiden Handrix finden und der Sache auf den Grund gehen! Am nächsten Tag gab es eine Neuigkeit im Fernsehen. Justine Harper, die Erbin der reichsten Familie in Bayford, kehrte nach Hause zurück. Natalies Augen verengten sich auf dem Fernsehbildschirm. Warum sieht dieser Mann genauso aus wie der Mann auf dem Bild meiner Hochzeitsurkunde? Auf der Suche nach dem Geheimnis ihrer besagten Hochzeit beschloss sie, ihm zu folgen und ihn persönlich zu fragen. "Sind Sie verheiratet?" "Nein." "Hast du einen Zwillingsbruder?" "Nein?" "Haben Sie zufällig den Namen Aiden Handrix gehört?" "Nein." "Wer zum Teufel bist du dann? "Dein Bruder." "Warte, was?" "Ja. Jetzt pack deine Sachen und komm mit mir nach Hause." Erst bekam sie aus heiterem Himmel einen Ehemann und jetzt einen Bruder mit demselben Gesicht? Hatte Gott Klone erschaffen und sie ihr mit unterschiedlichen Beziehungen angeboten?
Sera_b17 · 61.5K Views

VRMMORPG: Eternal Nexus online

The world's greatest VRMMORPG, Eternal Nexus Online, is released, and millions of gamers log in eagerly to behold its wonders, to explore its lands, conquer its dungeons, and unravel its mysteries. But as excitement soon turns to terror, players realize the game has a deadly twist: if you die, you forget in the real world, turning into an empty shell of your former self. Ryu Takashima is a quiet but fiercely determined gamer who finds himself trapped in this merciless virtual reality. With nothing but his beginner gear and a strong will to survive, he quickly learns that strength and alliances are the keys to enduring this brutal new reality. As Ryu delves deeper into the Nexus, he discovers rumors of an ultimate challenge - the Nexus Keeper, a legendary creature said to hold the key to escape. But the path to freedom is fraught with danger, deceit, and betrayal. Along the way, he teams up with Aris, a skilled and pragmatic rogue, and Draven, a charismatic but enigmatic spear wielder with his own hidden agenda. Together, they have to find their way through dangerous dungeons, discover ancient artifacts, and defeat relentless foes—both monsters and other players. But as the secrets begin to unravel about the true purpose of the game, Ryu learns that the stakes are higher than anyone imagined. In a world where everything decided can mean life, death, or even the loss of one's very identity, will Ryu be able to rise to the challenge and uncover the truth about the Eternal Nexus? Or will he become just another forgotten player in the shadows of the game? Survival isn't the goal; it's the game. Join in the journey of Ryu as he becomes the strongest player of NEXUS ONLINE. enjoy and have a good read ;) note: i update daily 1-2 chapters
Sykko_ · 33.9K Views

Rebirth; I'm Reborn as Elves God 'Teruk'

"Why- WHY?" Eris screamed in pain as he was showed towards the dirty train road it looked ugly and disgusting but his mind was over his mother who was looking at him with a disgusted and annoyed face. He opened his mouth again trying to ask some questions but his voice got caught in his throat.. he couldn't belive his own mother did that to him. He was a Trash it was true but he always tried his best. He never treated anyone badly he always helped grannies and street animals. He may have 'F - Class' talent that made him trash on outside but his soul was pure. "You dare to speak? I'm not your mother! I was never one, never will! We kidnapped you from Hissel family! You are their missing child! We thought you will achive at least 'A' or even 'SSS' talent but NO! YOU TRASH! YOU WILL DIE TODAY!" The woman screamed at the shocked boy who was still wincing in pain. Eris looked at his mother and her bodyguards. Who was looking at him with grin.. like mocking ones.. "Mo-" his voice got caught in his throat. Even his mom said she hated him. He at least wanted to get a hug.. his 'mom' was his favourite person in whole world.. He only knew her and his dad all his life. He now understood why he was not alowed to get outside. He slowly brought his hands to his normally white ,but due to blood ,red hair and he let out a sob as he shaked his head again and again. In his mind he repeated 'I'm a trash.. I'm not loved..' over and over as he was doing this his mom slowly walked away giving one last grimace of disgust towards him. As people left he heard a low and a robotic cold voice. [SYSTEM - 01 WANTS TO GIVE 'PURE HUMAN' A GOOD LIFE] Eris ignored the voice as his world was slowly turning black due to big blood loss and pain of abandonment. He couldn't scream nor talk.. he was in so much pain and shock. [SYSTEM - 01 SUGGESTS YOU TO ACCEPT] After a few seconds of no answer robotic voice continued. [SYSTEM - 01 ASKS NICELY AGAIN] ... [SYSTEM - 01 THINKS YOUR NOT SMART SO SYSTEM FORCED YOU TO ACCEPT] [SYSTEM - SYNCHRONIZATION IS STARTING! ACCEPT/REFUSE] As the world turned black the guy stared at the blue screen as it said Accept or Refuse. He didn't understand what it meant but he saw some heros use this screen.. But he didn't wanted to be a hero.. he was a useless trash how couls he? He tried to touch Refuse but the Refuse turned into 'Accept' [SYSTEM - 01 - SYNCHRONIZATION IS DONE] As the System - 01 screamed Eris flinched and opend hia mouth "What- I.. What's gonna happen I'm not dead?" [System - 00 laughs at player 'Eris'] [System - 01 clears throat and kicks System - 00 away. System-01 gives good reward to 'Pure Human'] As the Systems messed around Eris was looking around he thought he died. He tried to ignore the robotic voice but it failed as he was now in his brain looking around. He knew lots of webtoons and manhwas.. He always wanted to be a hero like them but he was a trash.. he knew what System meant tho. He thought it was all dream and will vanish soon but it didn't so after System - 01 said it will give rewards he jumped in excitement. His blue eyes and white as ghost skin shined in happines. He could finnaly be happy and achive his dreams! He could finally save street animals as much as he wanted and help orphaned children in his free time! He promised hisself he will live his next life to fullest! With this System - 01 started to talk in his cold voice. [SYSTEM - 01 has gifted you SSS+ CLASS know as 'Beauty&Pure and Wish God Jenura's Son' "Uhm- what?" ~ [Welcome to the world where Elves rule! Humans are seen as nothing but slaves! Your the son of a almighty God! Beauty is everything for Elves! So you better find the priest of your mother's church! before crazy people finds you and takes you instead!] A cold robotic voice made Eris gulp. "Ah ####." ~ In this world! Eris will shine and rise to top of the gods! He will fight with other god's sons/daughters among other kinds! cover from pinterest
U_Ryu2 · 1.9K Views

Animara Empire of The Fallen

A world full of humanoid animals called Anisarians divided into 12 different habitat nations. Petty squabbles and past rivalries have erupted into all out World War between the nations, forcing all caught in the crossfire to choose a side. In the chaos are five interconnected stories of heroes and villains, mighty rulers, and humble refugees just trying to make it through the turbulent times they now find themselves unable to escape from. Only the strongest shall rule in an age of betrayal, conquest, and atrocities. But in a world turned monstrous. Some will not give in to what instinct demand's them to be in order to survive. Only time and blood will tell who will stand victorious, or rule over nothing but an empire of the fallen. Note: Some chapters may be unfinished. Still a work in progress as I figure out storylines, structure and motivations. Faction Guide: Allied powers: Ocean Monarchy, Forest Federation, Desert Republic, Northern Coalition. Axis powers: South Pole Empire, Deep Sea Confederation, Savannah Sovereignty, Swampland Horde. Neutral/Territory: Volcanic Isles, Jungle Nation, Tropical Tribesmen, Nocturnal Nomads. Mercenary factions: Army Ant Raiders. Fire Ant's. Visual Reference For look and Art style of each faction: Character/allegiance/title/species Guide: OCEAN MONARCHY: Shena Veso. Lieutenant. Hybrid Shark. Fereen Vosento. Corporal. Flying Fish. Whelios Whelorum. Retired. Octopus. Dregadon Veso. Deceased. Great White. Nora Veso. Widow. Great White Neso: Private/gunner. Tiger Vesa: Private/medic. Queen angel fish. Kiros: Sgt. Sea turtle. Argus. Admiral. Sailfish. Koa. Prime Minister. Sea otter. SOUTH POLE EMPIRE: Veadora. Empress. Albatross. Ryana. Princess. Albatross. Aravos. Exiled Prince/Warden. Albatross. Garotan. Varangian Guard. Polar Bear. Nea. Servant. White Seal. JUNGLE NATION: Naru. Hunter. Orb Weaver Spider. Esiva. Seamstress. Orb Weaver Spider Nadia. Archer. Orb Weaver Spider. Naya. Weaver. Orb Weaver Spider. SAVANNA SOVEREIGNTY: Ryo Sen Serasi: Janissary. King Cobra. Chai'ra. Janissary Apprentice. Cheetah. Kenno. Commander. Crocodile. Darg. Sgt. Warthog. NORTHERN COALITION: Boreca. Queen. Snow Leopard. FACTION FLAGS/SYMBOLS South Pole Empire: White winged Diamond, light blue background. Ocean Monarchy: Three golden Scallop Shells. Sea blue background. Savanna Sovereignty: Golden scarab in center of golden sun, black background. Volcano Islanders: Five different flame's one atop the other representing four different clans. Red, orange, black, blue and white. Yellow background. Tropical tribesmen: Pink waterlily amidst light green background. Nocturnal Nomads: White crescent moon, white star at center. Black background. North Pole Coalition: White Snowflake amidst grey background. Forest Federation: Five light brown interwoven branches representing five different federation states united as one. Forest Green Background. Swampland Horde: Ring of tan teeth, representing ancestors of death to honor in life. Murky green background. Deep Sea Confederation. Conjoined purple lightning bolt striking downward like jellyfish tendrils. Solid black background to represent darkness of the depths. Jungle Nation: Light Green Hexagonal jade ore stone. Dark green background. Desert Republic: ? Garotan the great army of the fist. Iron grey fist set between black and dark green background. Kashan the outlaw prince army of the claw. Blood red claw marks amid bright green background. Army Ant Raiders: White Ant skull amid blood red tattered flag.
Extinct_Vessel · 250.5K Views

Sang Pendekar Legendaris

Di sebuah dunia penuh keajaiban dan kegelapan, seorang pemuda bernama Ryu tinggal di desa terpencil yang dilindungi oleh kekuatan magis dari batu kuno bernama Flame Heart. Namun, hidupnya yang tenang berubah drastis saat desa tersebut diserang oleh pasukan iblis yang dipimpin General Akuma, makhluk jahat dengan ambisi menghancurkan dunia. Dalam serangan itu, Flame Heart dihancurkan, dan Ryu kehilangan orang-orang yang dicintainya. Dibakar oleh rasa kehilangan dan dendam, Ryu bertekad untuk menjadi pendekar legendaris yang dapat melindungi dunia dari kehancuran. Perjalanannya membawanya bertemu Master Toshi, seorang pendekar pedang hebat dengan masa lalu kelam, serta sekutu yang tak terduga: Aya, seorang penyihir muda, dan Kaito, pencuri licik yang menyimpan rahasia besar. Bersama-sama, mereka harus menghadapi rintangan berbahaya, dari makhluk mistis hingga pengkhianatan di antara mereka sendiri. Dalam pencarian Pedang Api, senjata legendaris yang menjadi kunci melawan General Akuma, Ryu menghadapi konflik batin tentang kekuatan besar yang diwarisinya. Dengan setiap langkah, ia menyadari bahwa kekuatan sejati bukan hanya soal keberanian, tetapi juga pengorbanan. Akhirnya, Ryu dihadapkan pada pilihan besar: menggunakan kekuatannya untuk mengalahkan kegelapan meski harus mengorbankan dirinya, atau mencari cara untuk menyelamatkan dunia tanpa kehilangan siapa pun. Kisah ini adalah perjalanan epik tentang keberanian, persahabatan, dan apa artinya menjadi pahlawan sejati. The Legendary Warrior membawa pembaca ke dalam dunia yang memukau, penuh aksi, emosi, dan keajaiban yang tak terlupakan.
Mcsar · 653 Views

Return With Skills

-R18- Modern-Fantasy-Life Changing- Jain Sen is a regular person in his late 20s, living an ordinary life without any real direction. He's single and has never been in a relationship. One night, Jain encounters a Genie who offers him a deal: his soul for the chance to live in a parallel universe that mirrors our own. This universe has one twist: he'll remember everything from his current life, allowing him to anticipate events. Additionally, the Genie provides him with skills and a system that don't exist here. The Genie also grants Jain the power to start over from the past and gives him a jinn as a lover who will help him achieve his goals and cherish him deeply. Jain accepts these conditions and travels back in time to the past. Now, he has the opportunity to transform his mundane life into something thrilling. Will he succeed in changing his destiny and live happily with his lover? Or will unforeseen events unfold because he's in a different universe? Time will reveal the answers. For now, let me share with you my story of turning my dull life into an exciting adventure. Please Check the Artwork On My Patreon: ------- The story is made up. It's not about real people or situations. Any resemblance to actual events or individuals is purely coincidental. I created this story for entertainment purposes only. The characters, places, and events are fictional. I hold no liability for any misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the content.----------
Som_Me · 148.8K Views
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