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Belle Trailer

Échappé à mon ex, enlevé par son rival

Pendant les trois dernières années, Ariana Ari Harlow a tout donné à son mari. Ils se sont mariés parce que sa sœur a choisi de s'enfuir le soir du mariage, croyant aux rumeurs que la Corporation Nelson était en faillite. Ari aimait Noah depuis ses seize ans, elle pensait que c'était le rêve de sa vie qui se réalisait. Cependant, elle ne savait pas que sa sœur lui avait tendu un piège, et ce n'était pas le début de sa nouvelle vie, mais bien son nouveau enfer. Elle a été forcée d'abandonner sa formation de médecin parce que la respectable Mme Nelson ne pouvait pas avoir les mains couvertes de sang. Ari a accepté. Pour l'amour de Noah, elle est devenue une épouse parfaite qui prenait soin de ses beaux-parents et de son mari. Cependant, ce qui l'attendait n'était rien d'autre que des insultes, son mari avait honte d'elle et sa belle-mère pensait que sa sœur, Ariel, était mieux assortie à son fils. Pourtant, Ari persistait. Elle pensait qu'elle réchaufferait le cœur de son mari un jour. Mais elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur ! Cœur brisé, Ariana décida de divorcer de son mari, mais elle se retrouva d'une manière ou d'une autre empêtrée avec Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari. Ils n'étaient pas faits pour être ensemble. Mais Nicolai semble se ficher des obstacles qui se dressent contre eux. En fait, il était déterminé à s'immiscer dans la vie d'Ari et à mettre le feu à tout. Dans son ivresse, il l'a un jour plaquée par la gorge contre le mur d'un pub miteux, "Tu peux le nier tant que tu veux princesse, mais tu me désires." Ses yeux parcouraient son torse haletant et ses yeux s'assombrirent, le rouge apparut dérangé, possessif, comme s'il voulait arracher son âme de son corps et l'ancrer dans le sien. "Je parie que si je jette un coup d'œil, tu seras trempée pour moi." La chaleur monta aux joues d'Ariana alors qu'elle grognait, "Tais-toi." "Fais-moi taire," dit Nicolai en écrasant ses lèvres contre les siennes. Ses baisers brûlaient dans son âme, et sa chaleur lui brûlait la peau chaque fois qu'ils se touchaient. Elle pensait que sa plus grande erreur avait été de s'emmêler avec Nicolai. Cependant, Ari comprit bientôt à la dure, littéralement, qu'être désirée par un tel cauchemar magnifique était bien pire qu'une erreur. Et les choses se compliquent lorsque son mari découvre la vérité sur tout. "Tire-moi dans le cœur, Ari," dit Noah en plaçant la buse du pistolet là où se trouvait son cœur. "Parce qu'une vie sans toi est une vie que je ne veux pas, alors tue-moi ou reviens. Je t'en supplie." Maintenant que Nicolai lui avait donné le choix, Ari tomberait-elle amoureuse de lui et plongerait-elle dans une vie remplie de dangers ? Ou retournerait-elle vers son mari, Noah, qu'elle aimait depuis ses seize ans ? Et Ariana éviterait-elle le danger qui guette dans l'ombre, attendant qu'elle fasse une erreur et qu'elle perde tout ce qui lui est cher ? Trouverait-elle la clé de tous les secrets qui la lient à Noah et Nicolai ainsi qu'à son destin tortueux ? ******* Extrait : "C'est une question d'argent, n'est-ce pas ? Prends-le et disparais," hurla-t-il en jetant la carte noire au visage d'Ariana. Ariana ne pouvait pas croire ce qu'elle entendait quand elle a entendu son mari ou son futur ex-mari l'humilier comme ça. Trois ans. Ariana Harlow a donné trois ans à Noah Nelson, et pourtant, lorsqu'elle l'a surpris en train d'embrasser sa sœur aînée, Ariel —— voilà ce qu'il lui dit. "Je vais te divorcer," déclara Ari et partit. Elle est partie sans le sou mais Ari est tombée sur Nicolai. L'ennemi et rival de son mari, le prince de la Mafia de la Ville de Lonest, un bâtard notoire connu pour ses tendances violentes. Leur rencontre malheureuse l'a placée sur le chemin de Nicolai, et comme ça, il a posé les yeux sur elle. La première fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, Nicolai lui a demandé de l'inviter à dîner. La deuxième fois, lorsqu'ils se sont rencontrés, il lui a remis un million de dollars. La troisième fois qu'ils se sont rencontrés, il a déclaré : "Tu serais bien dans mes bras, qu'en dis-tu princesse ?" ********
fairytail72 · 188.4K Views

Jeune Miss Renaissante : Phénix Ardent Rouge

[Statut : TERMINÉ] Dans sa vie antérieure, Adrienne Jiang avait utilisé tous les moyens pour sauver la vie de sa mère. Son père l'avait négligée après avoir épousé sa maîtresse, permettant à ce duo mère-fille de la tyranniser sans fin. Le frère aîné sur lequel elle pensait pouvoir compter lui avait donné froidement le dos et l'avait réprimandée pour ne pas avoir coupé le soutien vital de leur mère. Dans son désespoir, Adrienne a failli tomber dans le piège tendu par sa demi-sœur. Finalement, elle est entrée dans un mariage contractuel avec le frère de sa meilleure amie, Alistair Han, un homme pour qui elle avait le béguin depuis son plus jeune âge. Ce n'est qu'alors qu'elle a réalisé que cet homme était manipulateur et obsessionnel, ne voulant pas la perdre de vue. Elle avait été traitée comme un oiseau piégé dans une cage dorée. À la fin, elle a trouvé la mort trahie par son frère et tout a été perdu dans l'incendie. Après être renée, elle était déterminée à ne plus continuer à être une personne bonne à rien. Lennox Qin, le jeune maître vicieux de la famille Qin, était prêt à devenir le prochain chef de leur famille. Cependant, à cause d'un incident, il a été estropié et jugé indigne. Lorsque son chemin a croisé celui d'Adrienne, ils sont parvenus à un accord. « Je t'épouserai pour éloigner ta malchance et être ta femme pendant deux ans. En retour, permets-moi de t'utiliser pour détruire les familles Han et Jiang. » L'homme assis dans un fauteuil roulant a simplement levé un sourcil à sa déclaration. Ses lèvres se sont ensuite étirées en un sourire séduisant et il a accepté sans ciller. Cependant, lorsque le moment était presque venu, il s'est empressé de la convaincre de rester dans leur mariage. « Madame Qin mérite le meilleur. Si c'est le monde que tu désires, je te l'apporterai sur un plateau d'argent. Tu peux avoir le monde entier, mais chérie, n'oublie pas que bien que tout t'appartienne, tu m'appartiens. » Adrienne fronça les sourcils. « Mais tu ne m'aimes même pas... » Elle a tenté de raisonner, pensant que son mari avait perdu la raison. « Non, ce n'était pas le cas, mais maintenant je t'aime. En fait, tu es la seule à qui je pense ces jours-ci. » Cependant, il semblait pour elle que non seulement son mari essayait d'attirer son attention, mais sa belle-famille également. Éditeur/correcteur : ninaviews Avertissement pour les scènes et thèmes R18 futurs qui ne conviennent pas aux jeunes publics. Copyright 2023 anjeeriku
anjeeriku · 96.3K Views


``` VOLUME 1: CONCLUÍDO Link oficial do trailer do romance abaixo: 1. Link do Instagram: 2. Link do Youtube: AVISO: Uma jornada de amor e ódio como uma montanha-russa e uma história comovente repleta de mistérios. Dylan Sterling, o mais jovem e impiedoso CEO do Grupo Sterling, possuía poderes especiais que superavam o Grupo. Dinheiro, fama e inteligência eram claras evidências de seu status na sociedade a que pertencia. Seu talento excepcional tinha um propósito oculto, e o MUNDO SOMBRIO que ele comandava era cruel. Ele não mostrava misericórdia a todos que bloqueavam seu caminho e devorava aqueles que tentavam se opor a ele. Savannah Schultz - 21 anos, órfã que se tornou modelo, estava noiva para se casar com Devin apenas para ganhar apoio para o negócio da família que seu pai construiu por muitos anos. Depois ela decaiu após a morte de seu pai. E seu tio Dalton Schultz a adotou para pegar tudo que ela tinha, incluindo a ajuda de Devin. Devin a vendeu como uma escrava para seu tio Dylan - para tramar contra o homem notório por capital adicional para injetar em sua empresa. Dylan a consumiu como uma caixa de chocolates e a tratou como um chip de barganha. Ela se sentiu desequilibrada e caindo em um abismo profundo. Raiva, tristeza, constrangimento – incharam dentro dela e ameaçaram arruinar sua vida. Para se salvar da humilhação, ele planejou perfeitamente tomar ela como sua esposa nominal e prometeu ajudá-la a terminar o noivado e apoiar o negócio da família. Desamparada e humilhada, ela aceitou sua barganha. Ela começou a se fortalecer diante daqueles intimidadores, mas ainda era fraca quando se tratava dele. Eles moravam juntos, mas tratavam um ao outro como estranhos. Ele não tinha planos de se apaixonar por ela, pois alguém já ocupava seu coração há alguns anos. Então, a situação mudou quando ele descobriu quem ela realmente era! Mas o mundo sombrio que ele comandava ameaçava destruí-los. Mistério, engano e vingança os impulsionaram a se erguerem juntos. Capa criada por Weilan Quer saber mais sobre a história, siga-me no Instagram: annashannellin ```
AnnaShannel_Lin · 32.4K Views

I Fell for My Cultivation Bestie's Husband

Many years after the era of immortal cultivation, one day someone carelessly asked the Demon Queen, “I heard that the First Lady of the Demon Realm is your dear sister-friend?” Upon hearing this, the Demon Queen's eyebrows shot up and her almond-shaped eyes widened, “Dear sister-friend my ass, she stole my man!” No sooner had she spoken these words than the exceptionally handsome man beside her slowly shifted his gaze from the book in his hands and cast her a fleeting glance, making the inquirer feel as if the temperature in the hall had suddenly dropped, and their body had plunged into an icy cavern... The Demon Queen glared at the man nonchalantly, “Did I say something wrong?” It later became known that the Demon King's wife and the Demon Queen were once close friends who became enemies over a man, a scandal that spread across all realms. Then someone with a death wish approached the First Lady of the Demon Realm, who always looked gentle and kind, and asked, “Madam, I heard that it was the Wolf Clan's Demon Queen who brought you to this realm back in the day, and that afterwards you both ventured through various realms together, facing life and death side by side as sworn sisters. But later... I heard that you and her... had a falling out over a man?” With a slight smile, the Demon King's wife gently sipped from her white porcelain teacup and said, “Did she say I stole her man?” After nodding in acknowledgment, “That is indeed the case!” The listener was taken aback, internally exclaiming, “So the rumors are true, did our Madam Wang actually have an affair with that Demon Queen?” While lost in thought, the listener heard the tea-drinker add another sentence, “But... she also stole my man after all!” The questioner's eyes widened, and their mouth gaped open. Before they could even take a breath of cool air in shock, So you two were swapping partners? At that moment, a sudden loud bang came from outside, and a voice bellowed like a mighty bell, “Boom...” “You said... who is your man?”
River Heart Feather · 137.1K Views

La Loi de l'Attraction

``` Tout a commencé par un baiser volé lors de leur première rencontre. [Attention : Contenu mature *PAS de viol et PAS de gros malentendus !] Statut : TERMINÉ ****** « Mademoiselle Lana Huang… Attendez-vous à recevoir une notification de harcèlement à votre porte très bientôt… » C'est ce que Lana a obtenu pour avoir embrassé un inconnu pour se sauver d'un mariage arrangé indésirable. « Pour autant que je me souvienne, vous m'avez embrassé avec fougue et avez même dominé tout le baiser. Vous avez clairement apprécié votre moment avec moi, alors s'il vous plaît, ne faites pas semblant que j'ai abusé de vous ! Et je vous ai dit, je suis prêt à vous dédommager ! » « Et comment comptez-vous faire ça, hein ? » Liam s'approcha, essayant d'intimider la femme fière qui ne clignait même pas des yeux sous sa pression suffocante. Lana fit quelques pas en arrière, leva la main et grogna, « Arrête-toi là Avocat Sy si tu ne veux pas goûter à la douleur d'un coup de pied dans les couilles après avoir été embrassé ! » ***** Rencontrez Lana Huang, une femme fière qui a gravi les échelons du succès dans sa carrière. Une avocate et une femme audacieuse, d'une beauté exceptionnelle qui fait rêver et saliver les hommes. L'amour était la dernière chose à l'ordre du jour car elle détestait les hommes… Mais le destin a voulu lui jouer un tour car elle a accidentellement embrassé Liam Sy, un homme riche, puissant et arrogant. Avocat de profession, la gloire et le succès le suivaient partout où il allait. Un avocat féroce qui gagnait chaque affaire sur laquelle il mettait la main. La fierté coulait dans ses veines et l'amour n'était pas à son ordre du jour car c'était un misogyne... Que se passerait-il quand ces deux... beaux et belles, fiers et têtus, misogynes et misandrines... se rencontrent et s'impliquent dans un mariage ? Bienvenue dans un tourbillon de romance entre ces deux-là - un manège émotionnel d'amour quand il se mélangeait avec la fierté, la jalousie, l'entêtement et la haine... Des gifles ? Pourquoi pas ! Vous allez sûrement aimer suivre leur parcours où tous les deux ont pris le risque de tomber amoureux… Un voyage de la haine se transformant en amour... ================ Note de l'auteur: J'espère que vous apprécierez la lecture de ce roman ORIGINAL de moi. Ceci est absolument une fin heureuse. Merci beaucoup d'avance pour votre soutien. Avec beaucoup d'amour, EUSTOMA_reyna Autres Livres : Le PDG qui me déteste (terminé) Le Général qui me déteste (terminé) Le Docteur qui m'aime (terminé) Ne m'embrasse pas (en cours d'écriture) The Untamed: Jeu des Cœurs The Crown's Entrapment Contactez-moi à : Lien Discord : twitter : @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram : eustoma_reyna Page Facebook : @eustoma.reyna La couverture du livre est à moi... art de couverture par ava_arts38 (instagram) ```
Eustoma_Reyna · 64.3K Views

Mr. Billionaire's Second Chance Bride

In a world of wealth and deceit, Zephyrine Cloutier seeks vengeance against those who destroyed her. Reincarnated two years before her tragic death, she's determined to reclaim her rightful position. But fate entwines her with Kendrick Desjardins, a brilliant entrepreneur hiding secrets of his own. Their marriage sparks a dangerous game of power, loyalty, and passion. As Zephyrine navigates ruthless business rivals, she must confront her own darkness. Will her thirst for revenge consume her, or will love redeem her? Excerpt “Don't you know how to knock? I am a lady,” Zephyrine taunted since he no longer saw her as his wife. He should endure the pain and embarrassment of barging into a lady's room. Kendrick nodded as if she wasn't talking to her, “I'll be off. Get ready if you don't want to be left alone.” He turned around and left. Zephyrine clicked her tongue, at least he was better than some men who would abandon their wives to be with their mistress. Huh? Zephyrine widened her eyes as a thought dawned on her. The word mistress actually rings a bell to her ear. Alexandra was her only competitor. Is Kendrick planning on cheating on her with Charlotte in this house? At the big entrance gate was a name engraved, Paradisio Elite. Zephyrine's expression changed, the car was not stopped by the gatekeepers at the gate. With a light push, the door opened wide enough for them to enter. Zephyrine was sure that by the end of the day, she would have to go to the hospital to get glasses. No word was enough to compliment the house. Her heart warmed up when she thought of how much he must have spent on the design. She bit her lip and held Kendrick's hand, “I..” “Welcome home!” The sound of popping balloons stopped Zephyrine from saying what she had been trying to control. Zephyrine looked in the direction and her expression turned awful. Her impression of Kendrick turned bad and to be honest, she was like what the heck! Alexandra?
Salvy_Queenn · 29K Views

Earth's Greatest Magus

#Top 20 Webnovel Best Sellers 2021, 2022, 2023, and in 2024 #### History is said to be written by the victors. If so, how about Earth's history? Two millennia ago, a young boy named Emery met a tragic fate. In his final moments, he was transmigrated and accepted into the Universe's most prestigious school of magic. “You are among the chosen few from thousands of human worlds. Whether you seize this opportunity or not, is up to you. You are at Magus Academy, the pinnacle of humanity's ingenuity. Magic, science, and might are all within reach for those who dare to pursue them." [Scan complete - Quadruple affinity. Water, Earth, Plant, and Darkness.] "A quadruple acolyte! Only one in tens of thousands of acolytes possess this!" Thus began Emery’s journey together with his 4 friends from the furthest corner of Earth. Each year they returned to Earth to grow, seek revenge, save the princess, conquer the world, and become Earth's Greatest Magus. Their names are still etched in our history books to this day. Authors Note: I have always been fascinated by writing fantasy relating to historical facts. In this story, you will find characters inspired by real-world myth and legend. The universe I created hopefully will make the reader's imagination excited and logically plausible. I hope you enjoy it. ### Here are some key aspects you'll encounter: MC: The protagonist follows the classic weak-to-strong arc. World: Picture a blend of Harry Potter and Star Wars. System: While it's primarily a magic-based story, there's a structured system in place that's easy to follow. Additionally, elements of cultivation. Harem: No, there are several female interests. But I enjoy romance first. So even if there will be more than one love interest it will be deep. Note: English is not my first language, but you'll notice that my writing and English skills gradually improve throughout the chapters. Other: The novel delves into deep research on science and history, enriching the storyline with factual and intriguing details. Give it a read—you might be pleasantly surprised by what unfolds. Check Out the Video Trailer on youtube type "Earth's Greatest Magus"
Avan · 11.6M Views


“LOVE IS FOR THE WEAK“ she now believes. Bella finally managed to bring her long term relationship to an end after catching her soul mate in bed with another stranger. *********** i was … I wanted to just believe it was an imagination, but as much as I wanted for it to be it wasn’t. I’ve been standing here for over a minute now and they both still didn’t know i was there. Watching the love of my life passionately digging into another girl… I can’t even remember the last time he made love to me like this. ****** You bastard !! I raised my voice making the two lovers shriek at the same time. “Jesus” Ryan exclaimed jumping off the girl he was digging in like, she was a repulsive force. “Oh now you believe in Jesus?” oh my God bell it’s not what you think I swear he said drawing close to me immediately I wanted to discriminate and shout at him but the voices… the words hung in my throat. I just had one question on my mind. “why?” ***** ..._I know you might think me heartless for doing this, Bella ... but you also have to be considerate. I'm just a man, driven by my own desires and needs... I crave a fresh start, a new chapter in my life... and we both know our relationship was never more than a fleeting indulgence, a pleasure-driven fantasy. “I want a fresh start”. ********* A guy Bella had dedicated a good amount of her life time to… left because he wanted… “a fresh start?” well now from a angelic lady who believed in love over everything to a cold hearted woman with a determined urge for self transformation generally. Bella chases wealth and power being what she was dumped for but gets herself into games that seem bigger than her and even when left with choices she plays dirty to get what she wants.
Siplgnd777 · 4.9K Views

Lunar Legacy: Rise Of The Beastlord

"They called me a beast," "They called me a monster," "They killed my mother and took my sister, yet they called me the animal!" "I will make them pay!" After losing his mother and a young age, Jayden struggled with rage and isolation, getting angry at everybody and everything, while still having the dreams of crushing those who took his mother from him But his goal was hindered when he discovered that he couldn't possess an ability, he would remain a ordinary human in a world where power was everything. Years after being sent to therapy, he returns only to get struck by lightning. But before he could die, a mysterious interface appeared in his eyes [Requirement has been met] [System integrating...] [Alert! Non-human genes found in host; modifying system to meet Host's genetic code] [Curse has been forcefully activated] [Congratulations you have acquired the Beastlord system] "Huh? What the hell is this? And what curse is it talking about? Jayden thought as he slowly lost consciousness He wakes up as a new being entirely, receiving various powers and abilities related to nature and it's creatures, but the most incredible was the absolute control over beasts. Now he could achieve his goals without being stopped and get revenge for his mother. While also leading a war with the ancient beasts against beasts from beyond. .... "Mother, i have finally become the animal they say i am," Jayden chuckled, as he stared at the bright full moon "I have become the lord of beasts," he stated, as his body began to slowly transform into a large humanoid wolf. _________ A/Q: Don't mind the long synopsis, just wanted to make it seem more of a trailer-like summary. Anyways so pls add to collection if you like it and also support. There's going to be a lot of suspense and shocking revelations including the connection with my other book(Celestial Speed: Legacy) So if you're a fan of same universe/multiverse and crossover concept, then you'll enjoy it. Gracias! Join my discord server for updates and more information on my universe:
Red_Hood69 · 5.8K Views

I Choose You (A Nigerian Romance): Book 1 & 2

(Please note that this book is currently unedited) Vol 1~ I Choose You. (Completed) 'No matter what, No matter the time, No matter the place, No matter the century, No matter what's to come, I. will always. CHOOSE. YOU'. Everyone saw her as crazy..... But he saw her as nothing less than perfection. ................... Blurb: "Why?" was the only thing he said. Confused I asked "Why what?" "Why do you always do this to yourself?" the tone in which he spoke almost seemed like he was heartbroken about something. "Do what?" I dared to ask, although I knew already within me I wouldn't like his response. "Conceal your worth" ....................... *Btw book 1 is completely free to read* ....................... Vol 2~ No Matter What. (Completed) Blurb: As I gazed up to him because of how tall he was, he stared right back at me. I could feel the heat not only on my cheeks but on every single part of my body. "Say those words Rica. Say those two little words and I will make that little fantasy in your pretty head into reality" I gulped. Gone was the playful smirk that was once residing on his face. The intense look in his eyes now replaced that. With the little courage I could muster I whispered "Kiss me" A broad smile immediately streched out on his face. He didn't even wait a second before he swiftly complied to my request. ................ After two long years, the heir to the Zora enterprise is finally back. Why is he back after so long? But most importantly, why did he leave in the first place? Join Dili and Rica once again in their ever blissful rollercoaster of emotions. Will Rica be able to forgive Dili for leaving? After all he was the same person that promised he would never leave her all alone. Drama, love, pain, secrets, new characters and also maybe the jiggling of wedding bells? Book 2 most definitely has it all. ................ If you like this small insight of the story then please read on. The only thing I can guarantee you in this story is that it will definitely have a happy ending although for the two characters Rica and Dili to achieve that, they would have too pass through many difficult obstacles on their way to happiness. And trust me this isn't your normal Teenage story that is filled with rainbows and sunshine,(probably seems way too cliché writing this but ehn) there are a lot of gloomy days. If you don't mind that then please by all means do read on. .................. DISCLAIMER!: Note, this is a pure work of fiction. An original story by me. Names, events and places are plainly fictional. But any place, name or event that actually exist in the real world that is mentioned in this story, is solely used in a form of fiction. Any resemblance to a real life event, is purely coincidental. Cover art belongs to the respective owner. Discord: Zanyyy #5284 Instagram: _zan_yyy_ Buy me coffee?
Zanyyy · 1.1M Views

A Castle Adventure: from France to Germany to the Netherlands

Belle Rose is sick and tired of her parents controlling her life. They have chosen someone to have her, but she wants to find the man of her dreams. On her first school trip, Belle Rose meets Prince Willem Alfonso Alexandra of the Netherlands. Someone from her class decided to injure Prince Willem, but Belle Rose took the knife meant for him, and she got injured two more times. Prince Willem asked one of the teachers if Belle Rose could stay with him so she could recover from the injury. Everyone in her class did not tell her parents where she is, and her adventure has only begun. Two of her teachers tried to stop the bleeding as everyone left the building, and an ambulance arrived to take Belle Rose to the hospital. One of the teachers, her aunt, went with her and contacted her family. Not Belle Rose's parents, grandparents, and aunt's family. They stayed at the hotel while Belle Rose's grandmother stayed with Belle Rose at the hospital, and Belle Rose was questioned about what had happened to her. Belle Rose had an emergency operation and spent a week at the hospital. She then returned to the castle and got to know Prince Willem better. However, while she is at the castle, Prince Willem is transformed into a Beast, and Belle Rose treats him with love. Belle Rose learnt that her aunt's family was going to the Netherlands to be with her uncle's family, and her grandparents were going to explore the area of the hotel. But then, her parents and the man they have chosen for her show up at the castle. Belle Rose contacts her aunt, grandparents and aunt's family. Prince Willem gets stabbed in the chest by Belle Rose's father, and she breaks the spell. Belle Rose gets punched by her heartless father, who gets stabbed and has the operation on. Her grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins tell her loveless parents off big time. Belle Rose goes to the Netherlands with Prince Willem but returns to France for the two trials—one for her classmate and the second for her parents. The judge declared that she could be with the person she wanted to be with instead of the person her parents had chosen, and her parents had to spend the rest of their lives in jail.
Claire_Roulston_2480 · 15.4K Views

The Vengeful Deity's Chosen Hero

William was left in front of the orphanage gates when he was only a new born child. The orphanage's nun found him inside a basket , a red ruby with image of a mighty black dragon raping itself around a red black colour sword image was drawn on it. There were some trails of blood and foot prints outside the orphanage gates but no dead body found. The nun assumed that some people where chasing after the person who left this baby here. and that person was heavily wounded by their chasers and to protected this child they must have gone somewhere else to confuse their chasers. The nun who was the caretaker of the orphanage had taken William under her and was taking care of William with other children at orphanage. The orphanage was sponsored by the baron of the city Manalo but due to corruption, the money received by the orphanage was very little, even then the nun was somehow managing the orphanage by treating sick people with her holy magic and sometimes she also do home visits. The nun was a 30 year's old kind lady who had given up her priestess position in church and came to this orphanage to take care of the children's because she wanted to feel the blessing of becoming a mother as she never had her own child because churches never permits marriage of any priest or priestess, as to use holy magic the one has to have a pure body and have affinity of holy magic. There are holy knights who also have to follow this rule to use their holy powers but there are some exceptions such as heroes. Yes, here in this world we have heroes and people also uses magic and healing magic is only can be performed by the priests and holy knights but there are some special ones who can also heal them self's and hold strong powers given by the gods and we call them Heroes or Gods chosen one and here in this world, we have 12 heroes chosen by the 12 different gods and each god has a Empire who believes and offer there prayers to them and in retune the god chose a person among the people of their Emperies and give powers to that person to fight against the invaders of other world which also have 12 demon gods who send their champions to conquer this was going on from 10,000 years and after every 1000 years Gods choses their Heroes. The hero selection ends after 18 years from its starts , a very large bell rang when the selection starts and there are total 12 bells had been placed at every head church of the 12 Gods these bells are called world announcers because when even a single bell ranges its sound can be heard to the every corner of the world. The bells 2 times simultaneously after every 1000 years first time all the bells rang simultaneously to inform everyone of starting of the selections of heroes and every person who born on this year already become a hero candidate second time it rang simultaneously when the selection was over it happens after 18 years from the first bell rang and in between the bell rang when a god chosen a hero but this time only a single bell rang came out from the respective god's head church and the head priestess or priest can hear the name of the chosen hero and their location and to confirms the chosen hero's identity the priests/priestess asks the hero to show their stigma on their body which is given by the gods to their chosen heroes and the priest or priestess can also confirm it if the hero can also activates the holy weapon or not. the holy weapons are passed down from generation to generation to heroes and these weapons' are given to the holy priest or priestess who haves the responsibility to keep it safe in the meantime until the next owner of the weapon chosen. The names of chosen heroes and their where about are kept hidden by the head church from other empires and also from the other god's churches.
FIRE_ANGEL · 5.5K Views

Celestial Speed: Legacy

Ding [congratulations you have acquired the Celestial{God of speed}System] [Do you accept the term and conditions of the system] With a huge claw at his face ready to take off his head, sending him back to the dark abyss from which he had just arrived not so long ago, already accepting his fate for a second death. Henry saw a holographic screen flash in front of him, one that would change his new life for the better... or worse, seeing no other option in his current dilemma and with nothing else to lose. "Yes, yes i accept!" he screamed out with determination and hope that this might just be a miracle here to save him from certain doom,and indeed it was. [You have successfully acquired all the functions and priorities of the system,including its benefits and disadvantages] Henry saw the screen again but that wasn't all he saw to his disbelief everything in the surroundings including the ferocious beast trying to kill him, were now completely still with the lion's claws just a few centimeters away from his head. "Wow, i guess this must be part of the benefits the system granted," he exclaimed with surprise "But what about the demerits?" I guess we'll find out soon enough as this was only just the beginning. Now with his newly acquired "cheat" system in a new world he had just been reincarnated to. From an urban civilization to an even more futuristic, civilized urban utopia where magic and technology are well versed, Henry must find his true purpose in the new world as he discovers more beings like him both good and bad. And as he navigates his way to a better second chance, making new friends and encountering old foes courtesy of his predecessor. Going against both celestial entities and monsters from other realms and doing as he pleases, defying rules of the multiverses and discovering worlds beyond. "Or maybe I'll just kick back and relax in this New World." SNEAK PEAK! Henry stood face to face with the mysterious figure, their suits a stark contrast to each other. Henry's white and gold suit gleamed in the sunlight, while the other figure's black and purple suit seemed to absorb the light around them. A mask covered the figure's face, making it impossible for Henry to discern their identity. "You're quite the legend, Henry," the figure said in a low, gravelly voice "I've heard a lot about your skills." Henry's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?" The figure chuckled. "Someone who's been watching you. Someone who's been waiting for the perfect moment to strike." Henry's grip on his fists tightened. "What do you want?" The figure smiled, their mask glinting in the light. "I want to see how fast you really are." Without warning, the figure took off, their black and purple suit blurring as they sprinted away. Henry's eyes widened, and he grinned. "Game on!" he exclaimed, taking off after the mysterious figure. The two speedsters tore through the city streets, their suits leaving trails of distorted air in their wake. As Henry left a trail of gold lightning so did the figure leave one of purple. Henry's Nitro suit glowed with a brilliant white light as he pushed himself to his limits, his feet pounding the pavement in a blur. The mysterious figure was fast, but Henry was determined to catch up. He focused all his energy on the chase, his senses heightened as he navigated the crowded streets. The city became a colorful blur as the two speedsters clashed in a battle of velocity and agility. Henry's heart pounded with excitement, his mind racing with the thrill of the chase. Who was this mysterious figure, and what did they want? Henry was determined to find out. Crap! I wanted to write more but looks like I've reached the word limit. Sigh* Well I hope I've gotten your attention with all this, i like my summary to always look like a trailer, that's why it's so long. Anyways check more of these when you read my book and support, I'll appreciate. Gracias! Check my discord link in bio, join for more info.
Red_Hood69 · 127.8K Views

Rise of Yahunyens: Origin

DON'T READ IT. SOMEDAY WATCH IT. "I Am... The Revolution!", Born God Griswa Skaar, the last of the Skaar Gods, lost his memories as he struck the planet of Aeartha. Later he met allies and observed the cruel events of this world. As the 'God of Revolution/Jilhadid Mackenadock', he won't just free the world from the Yahunyens after 185,000 years of their rule, but the entire Omniverse from Greater God 'Brighter Dark'. This is not a struggle for supremacy. Supremacy itself is a struggle here. While every other story is dealing with weak to strong, this story explores the struggles of being too powerful, yet trying to adjust and control it. But even with too much power you need to cultivate, cultivate differently, using your powers with limits and cultivation of not trying to be stronger but to control your power, because even if you have everything, there is a chance you'll have left nothing (Only MC), if any apocalypse dawns on the worlds because of those powers. Being too overpowered, boon or a curse? Rages are on... Welcome to this 'Cinematically Written' Webnovel. Note: Yes AI has been used here, but ideas, concept, characters, scenes, arrangement, world building, story development, direction, dialogues, plot, action, everything is mine. This is a Human x AI masterpiece for the future. I'll admit, I am not a good writer, but I am a good dreamer and visualizer, so please bear the AI writing (Its's not even complete AI writing, it's just improving the raw writing of mine to a better level) because the story is really good. Its just that I am much more of a cinematographer, director, actor than a professional writer or manga artist, and I am not good at non-dialogue writing for depth and intensity of a scene, I can visualize the intensity, but I cannot present it with uttermost perfect word usage. I just want to bring forth my story and ideas but can't make any films or anime coz I got no money, so I started this Webnovel being passionate about this story. This novel isn't for people who like reading books, but instead who love presentation more than words. I wrote this note because I wanted to be clear and honest so that it isn't unfair to the writers who are really good. And that's why I'll never apply for a contract and monetize it on Webnovel, and it'll remain free forever till the story ends in like what? 10 years? Rest is your choice, it depends on you how you wanna take it. If you wish to read it, then a useful tip is visualize it, don't just read it, and you'll feel the scale. What I wanna convey is read it for the story, the idea and the concept behind it, not just the writing. I hope I have been honest enough to Webnovel. Thank you. Introducing an enhanced genre of mass (something made for a wider range of audience with ingredients loaded for the masses), #SUPERMASS Action Level: Dragon Ball Series and Demon Slayer Story Level/DreamVision Like: One Piece, Naruto and Attack on Titan Other Inspirations: Avengers (Everything in Marvel) and Star Wars A complete package of entertainment containing the elements of all the peak franchises. Also it's a great shout-out to them all, at once! My vision tells us that if any peak franchise is at its peak for all the reasons why they should be at peak, what if I combine everything and bring a new peak (infinity) story including my Origin-al elements too? The purpose of this story is simply fun! And that's why, ascertain the tragedies, histories and mysteries Around & Beyond The World. Trailer out on YouTube and Instagram. Follow me at Instagram @mackenadock
TezarxAI · 173.3K Views
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