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Lan Zhan Carrying Wei Ying

Gadis Peternakan yang Beruntung

Setelah meninggal secara tak terduga, dia dilahirkan kembali sebagai seorang gadis kecil berusia sepuluh tahun di keluarga petani kuno, dengan hanya beberapa ruangan di rumahnya dan lebih sedikit lagi lahan, belum lagi rumah tangga yang dipenuhi oleh orang tua, lemah, sakit, dan cacat. Untungnya, para tetua di keluarga itu baik dan jujur, saudara-saudaranya penyayang dan berbudi luhur, dan tetangga-tetangga hidup rukun dan ramah. Bagi Yang Mengchen, yang telah menderita siksaan dari kerabatnya dan bertahan dari berbagai ejekan dan omelan sejak kecil, ini sungguh merupakan berkah dari surga. Untuk mendukung keluarga yang ia cintai, ia dengan tegas mengambil tanggung jawab berat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka. Jika dia, seorang CEO korporasi modern yang pernah mendominasi dunia bisnis, tidak dapat memberi makan sebuah keluarga, lantas siapa lagi? Resep farmasi, membangun rumah kaca, membuka toko-toko... Tidak hanya keluarganya mulai hidup nyaman dan sejahtera, tapi dia juga memimpin desa-desa di sekitarnya dalam menciptakan pemandangan pastoral yang megah! Dengan uang dan ketenaran, saat dia tumbuh dewasa, Yang Mengchen memutuskan sudah waktunya untuk memilih suami, dan dengan demikian, pemuda-pemuda berbakat dari seluruh dunia mulai berdatangan kepadanya. Siapa yang tahu dewa kematian bermuka masam akan memblokade pintu masuk rumah Keluarga Yang? "Kamu terlalu tinggi, kamu terlalu pendek, kamu terlalu gemuk, kamu terlalu kurus, kamu terlalu gelap, kamu terlalu pucat, kamu tidak berpendidikan, kamu licik dan penuh tipu muslihat... Semua gugur!" Dalam sekejap, pintu masuk menjadi kosong, dan Yang Mengchen langsung marah, "Pangeran, kau telah mengusir semua orang. Bagaimana aku seharusnya memilih suami sekarang?" "Saya ingin melihat siapa yang berani menikahi Anda. Saya tidak keberatan mengirimnya ke Dunia Bawah sebagai pengantin pria!" Yang Mengchen... Seorang Pangeran tertentu menghitung kelebihannya dengan jari-jarinya: "Saya memiliki kekuasaan, prestise, dan substansi, tidak memiliki selir, tidak ada cinta rahasia, tidak berkeliaran— Saya mewakili standar tiga ketaatan dan empat kebajikan suami... Singkatnya, hanya saya, pria baik yang tak tertandingi, yang layak untuk Anda!" Pengawal: Oh Pangeran yang bijak dan gagah berani, apakah benar-benar bagus untuk begitu kurang dalam peran Anda sebagai suami?
Lan Shao · 13.3K Views

La véritable héritière est la véritable grande ponte

Ancienne grande figure, Ying Zijin s'est réveillée un jour en tant que fille perdue de la famille Ying, disparue depuis quinze ans. La famille Ying avait promptement adopté un autre enfant pour la remplacer. Lors de son retour dans la famille aisée, tout le monde se moquait d'elle car elle n'était pas aussi intelligente, capable, sage et élégante que la fausse héritière. Ses parents la considéraient comme une tache sur l'honneur de la famille et l'avertirent de ne pas nourrir d'illusions de devenir une dame de la famille. Ils disaient qu'elle devrait être reconnaissante d'être une fille adoptive, sinon ils la renverraient. Ying Zijin : "Alors je pars. Pas besoin de me raccompagner." Tandis que la famille Ying célébrait joyeusement et que d'autres attendaient de voir l'héritière réelle se ridiculiser, des personnalités influentes de divers domaines passaient à l'action. L'idole la mieux cotée avec les fans les plus influents a dit, "Mlle Ying, faites-moi signe si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit." L'héritier d'un monopole économique mondial a dit, "La famille Ying ? C'est quoi ça ? Chef, on devrait peut-être les éliminer ?" Le meilleur artiste martial du pays a demandé, "Qui ose embêter ma maître ?" Le génie adolescent avec un QI de 228 a dit, "C'est ma sœur." Un homme à l'apparence incroyablement séductrice a souri avec nonchalance et désinvolture, en disant, "D'accord, alors appelle-moi beau-frère." Les personnalités influentes étaient perplexes. Quand l'identité véritable de l'héritière a été restaurée, cela a causé une sensation sur internet. La famille Ying est devenue folle et s'est mise à genoux, pleurant et la suppliant de revenir. La famille puissante internationale a dit, "Désolé, laisseez-moi vous la présenter. Voici notre véritable héritière." Renaître en tant que roi, effectuer un retour fracassant et lancer une contre-attaque !
Qing Qian · 22.6K Views

Setelah Meninggalkan CEO, Dia Mengejutkan Dunia

``` Mo Rao lahir di keluarga dokter militer. Orang tuanya telah mempertaruhkan nyawa mereka untuk menyelamatkan nenek Fu Ying, sehingga yang terakhir memaksa Fu Ying untuk menerima Mo Rao sebagai istrinya. Mo Rao selalu tahu bahwa Fu Ying memiliki gadis pujaan bernama Qu Ru. Gadis ini gagal menikah dengan Fu Ying sebagaimana keinginannya karena nenek Fu Ying menghalanginya. Setelah menikah, Fu Ying sangat memperhatikan Mo Rao. Mereka bahkan sangat cocok terutama di atas ranjang. Fu Ying selalu menemukan dirinya tenggelam dalam kelembutan Mo Rao. Hingga suatu hari, Fu Ying berkata, “Qu Ru telah kembali. Mari kita bercerai. Aku akan mentransfer properti yang telah aku janjikan kepadamu atas namamu.” Mo Rao berkata, “Bisakah kita tidak bercerai? Bagaimana jika... aku hamil...?” Fu Ying menjawab tanpa hati, “Aborsi saja! Aku tidak ingin ada lagi hambatan antara aku dengan Qu Ru. Lagipula, Qu Ru memiliki leukemia, dan sumsum tulangmu secara kebetulan cocok dengan dia. Jika kamu bersedia mendonasikanmu, aku bisa menjanjikanmu apa saja.” Mo Rao berkata, “Bagaimana jika syaratku adalah kita tidak bercerai?” Mata Fu Ying berubah dingin. “Mo Rao, jangan terlalu serakah. Bahkan jika aku menjanjikanmu demi Qu Ru, kamu tahu sendiri aku tidak mencintaimu.” Kata-kata ‘aku tidak mencintaimu’ menusuk hati Mo Rao seperti sebilah pisau. Senyumnya tiba-tiba menjadi terpelintir dan dia bukan lagi wanita penurut seperti dulu. “Fu Ying, ini pertama kalinya kamu membuatku muak. Kamu menyebutku serakah, tapi bukankah kamu sama? Kamu ingin aku menceraikanmu agar kamu bisa bersama dengan Qu Ru? Baik, aku setuju dengan itu. Tapi kamu bahkan bermimpi kalau aku akan menyelamatkannya? Jangan lupa, tidak ada yang namanya mendapatkan semua yang terbaik dalam hidup, sama seperti antara kamu dan aku.” Kemudian Mo Rao pergi. Fu Ying benar-benar merasa sesak, dan perasaan ini membuatnya gila. Ketika Mo Rao muncul sekali lagi, dia telah menjadi bintang yang menyilaukan. Ketika dia muncul di hadapan Fu Ying, bergandengan tangan dengan kekasih barunya, Fu Ying tidak peduli lagi dan berkata, “Sayang, bukankah kamu bilang kamu hanya akan mencintaiku?” Mo Rao tersenyum samar. “Maaf, mantan suami. Aku salah dulu. Kamu hanya pengganti. Aku sebenarnya mencintai orang lain.” ```
Mountain Springs · 78.3K Views

Depois de Deixar o CEO, Ela Surpreendeu o Mundo

Mo Rao nasceu numa família de médicos militares. Seus pais arriscaram suas vidas para salvar a avó de Fu Ying, por isso esta última forçou Fu Ying a tomar Mo Rao como sua esposa. Mo Rao sempre soube que Fu Ying tinha uma garota dos sonhos chamada Qu Ru. Esta garota não conseguiu se casar com Fu Ying como desejava porque a avó de Fu Ying os impediu. Após o casamento, Fu Ying foi muito atencioso com Mo Rao. Eles até tinham uma alta compatibilidade, especialmente na cama. Fu Ying sempre se encontrava profundamente imerso na ternura de Mo Rao. Até que um dia, Fu Ying disse, “Qu Ru voltou. Vamos nos divorciar. Vou transferir para o seu nome a propriedade que prometi a você.” Mo Rao disse, “Não podemos não nos divorciar? E se... eu estiver grávida...?” Fu Ying respondeu desalmadamente, “Aborta! Eu não quero mais obstáculos entre mim e Qu Ru. Além disso, Qu Ru tem leucemia, e sua medula óssea é compatível com a dela. Se você estiver disposta a doar a sua, eu posso lhe prometer qualquer coisa.” Mo Rao disse, “E se a minha condição for que não nos divorciemos?” Os olhos de Fu Ying se tornaram frios. “Mo Rao, não seja muito gananciosa. Mesmo que eu lhe prometa por causa de Qu Ru, você sabe muito bem que eu não amo você.” As palavras ‘eu não amo você’ feriram o coração de Mo Rao como uma faca. Seu sorriso de repente se tornou distorcido e ela não era mais a mulher dócil que costumava ser. “Fu Ying, esta é a primeira vez que você me repugna tanto. Você me chama de gananciosa, mas você não é o mesmo? Você quer que nos divorciemos para poder ficar com Qu Ru? Tudo bem, eu concordo com isso. Mas até sonha que eu vou salvá-la? Não se esqueça, não há essa de melhor de dois mundos na vida, assim como você e eu.” Então Mo Rao saiu. Fu Ying na verdade se sentiu sufocado, e esse sentimento o enlouqueceu. Quando Mo Rao apareceu mais uma vez, ela se tornou uma estrela deslumbrante. Quando ela apareceu diante de Fu Ying, de mãos dadas com seu novo amor, Fu Ying não se importou e disse, “Amor, você não disse que só me amaria?” Mo Rao sorriu levemente. “Desculpa, ex-marido. Eu estava enganada naquela época. Você era apenas um substituto. Na verdade, eu amo outra pessoa.”
Mountain Springs · 88.5K Views

Global Apocalypse: Rebirth with God-level Talent

In his previous life, Xue Que devoted himself to the one he loved, tirelessly serving and protecting her, even sacrificing his dignity and identity to be her shadow and guardian. Yet, his loyalty and selfless devotion only earned him betrayal and manipulation. In the end, he was cast aside, left to die in agony and despair. In his final moments, he swore that if he had another chance, he would turn his pain into a blade of vengeance, making the world submit and crushing the dreams of all who had wronged him. By a twist of fate, Xue Que is reborn, taking on the form of a supreme demon. In this life, he is no longer the weak, naive "lapdog" of his past but a cold-hearted and ruthless avenger driven by rage. With fierce cunning, he seizes ancient relics, grasping the god-tier rewards countless others could only dream of. With these newfound powers, he embarks on a path to supremacy, aiming to reclaim everything that was denied to him and destroy anyone who dares to stand in his way. For Xue Que, there is only one goal—to ascend to ultimate power, sweeping aside all opposition and establishing a realm of his own design. With a fierce, unyielding spirit, he crushes the strong and shows no mercy to the weak. He relentlessly seizes the treasures, powers, and talents of his rivals, rapidly climbing to the summit of power. His ambition grows as he vows to unify all realms under his rule, enforcing his iron will across heaven and earth. “Those who follow me shall prosper; those who defy me shall perish.” These words are his creed, and the world trembles at his silent threat. His ruthless rise soon draws the attention of the ancient gods and demons, who feel compelled to descend upon the world and crush his growing power. Yet Xue Que stands atop the mountains, his gaze steely and defiant. With the divine forces looming above, he meets them with only scorn in his eyes. He roars to the heavens, “I, Xue Que, am here. Who dares stand against me? Even if the gods and demons themselves descend, I shall shatter their very souls!” On his bloody path to dominance, he encounters allies and rivals alike, each pushing him closer to uncovering the mysteries of his past betrayal. The person he once loved, the one he was willing to sacrifice everything for, is fated to cross paths with him once more. But now, she is either a sworn enemy or merely another piece on his chessboard of power. Xue Que’s heart, frozen and unyielding, no longer dwells on the past. All that matters now is to pave his way with blood and fire, ensuring every betrayer suffers the consequences of their actions. From betrayed lapdog to supreme demon, Xue Que’s journey of vengeance and conquest is filled with bloodshed and fury. Each step he takes shakes the heavens, each footprint marking the line between life and death. When he finally stands at the summit, the world will bear witness to the empire he’s forged, and with his powers, he will either plunge the world into chaos or bring it to the pinnacle of glory.
guokun_wei_2304 · 25.1K Views

Wei Zhiruo’s Journey To Immortality

Slipping through the gravels of time, Wei Zhiruo found herself in a new land, with strange people, strange customs and was confronted with things she had never dreamed of. Here she was nothing but a Female Supporting Character -? And that too to a very strange tale of a Reborn Heroine. for some while it seemed that her life was meaningless but around some set lines. Or was it? When she walked on her road, uncaring of the steps other took - perhaps in shadows of her step things started changing. Before she was even aware of somethings, she had already started affecting everything. Watch Wei Zhiruo navigate through these murky realms of cultivation, seek immortality in the lands of immortals, paving way through her hard work and perseverance while seeking the truth of her existence. **************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************** Wei Zhiruo is a bloodclan member – people, who have always used their bloodline to pass down inheritance and other powers’ which others, even half-blooded members of the clan can never get as their own. In her original world she was born at the wrong time. The hatred between humans and bloodclan members was at an all-time high, and with her clan continuously falling down in numbers, the humans from all around the Cuiping world were eager to bring them down. Originally the custodians of most high-tech magic/ magical tools, knowledge of worlds mysteries that a human could never access on their own – blood clan members enjoyed the prestige, being the inheritors of the throne of the most powerful kingdom. The story starts as Wei Zhiruo dies, the last of her clan. She transmigrates into this new world, where everything is completely different from what she is used to – from dresses, to beliefs. And finally, there are no familiar mages in this world, just cultivators. Thankfully, she too has the roots inside her, which qualifies her to start cultivating in search of power and immortality! But, little by little, as she finds herself embroiled in more and more deeply seeded conspiracies, she finds that she cannot just stay away from everything without getting implicated. So, she digs up the conspiracy behind ‘heaven’s chosen one’s’, ‘book-transmigrators’, ‘people who are suddenly reborn and are adamant on changing their past lives’ – understandably, everything gets chaotic. Will Wei Zhiruo be able to steer clear of other such forces or will she have to face them head on? cover from pinterest
cloud7 · 3.5K Views

Grand Eternal Odyssey

“But that doesn’t mean we have to accept it. I Dao Wei, will never blame anyone for my own shortcomings! The so-called Law of the Jungle is something I will rewrite with my own hands!” Each word he spoke seemed to resonate with power, the air around him growing heavy with the force of his conviction. The dark child looked up, his anger wavering, replaced by something akin to fear as Dao Wei’s words crashed down on him like mountains, crushing the doubts that had festered within. “This is my Law!” Dao Wei declared, his voice rising as he drew himself to his full height. “And I am the Law!” Rumble! The sky began to change. Dark clouds gathered overhead, swirling in a furious dance as the heavens themselves seemed to respond to Dao Wei’s challenge. The wind howled through the peaks, and the ground trembled beneath the feet of those watching, as if the entire mountain was bracing itself for what was to come. The clouds grew darker, more ominous, the air charged with a strange energy. Thunder rumbled in the distance, a low growl that steadily grew louder, shaking the very foundations of the Sword Peak. The disciples and elders looked up in alarm, their faces pale as they realized the magnitude of what was happening. “Haa! Even if the Heavens try to stop me, I’ll split open the Heavens themselves!” Dao Wei’s voice rang out, defiant and unyielding, carrying with it a power that defied the very laws of nature...
Kaeon_MidKnight · 34.2K Views

You're my infinity

"I’ve loved you, Wang Xiaoyun, ever since we met. My heart, body, and soul have always belonged to you." **Wang Xiaoyun**, known as Cora Wang in the business world, has everything—a thriving career as the CEO of her father’s company and a stable relationship with her fiancé, Lan Feng. But her perfect world comes crashing down when she discovers that Lan Feng has been having an affair with her close friend, Ruo Shui. The scandal becomes the talk of the town, and the betrayal shatters her. Devastated, Wang Xiaoyun suffers a mental breakdown, watching her three-year relationship fall apart. Just as she begins to lose hope, Chen Liang —also known as William Chen, one of the most powerful men in the business world—steps forward. Having secretly loved her since high school, William sees this as his chance. He approaches Wang Xiaoyun’s influential grandfather, **Wang Wei**, and convinces him that marrying her would be the solution to the scandal. After careful consideration, Wang Wei agrees, believing Chen Liang is a perfect match for his granddaughter. However, Wang Xiaoyun resents the decision, feeling trapped by her family's expectations. Out of respect for her grandfather, she reluctantly goes through with the marriage. At first, Wang Xiaoyun sees no attraction in Chen Liang, despite his status as one of the most desirable men around. Instead of growing closer, the two drift apart after their marriage. But fate takes a turn when Wang Xiaoyun is involved in a car accident that causes her to lose half of her memory. As she begins to rediscover herself, a slow-burning romance starts to blossom between her and Chen Liang—a man who has always loved her from afar.
Kina_jovi · 1.5K Views
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