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Guts Swprd

Die wohlhabende älteste Schwester herrscht über alles

Einleitung 1: Die Dorfbewohner seufzten und schüttelten den Kopf, als sie von Zhuang Qingning hörten, die keine Eltern hatte, dann krank wurde und es vorzog, allein zu leben, anstatt von der Familie ihres Onkels gepflegt zu werden, und dachten, sie würde sich selbst den Weg in den Tod ebnen. Aber wer hätte das gedacht, sie eröffnete eine Werkstatt, kaufte einen Laden, baute ein Haus, lebte gemütlich und züchtete Hunde und Katzen, und alle, die ihr nahe standen, kamen finanziell auf ihre Kosten. Die Dorfbewohner: Ist es jetzt zu spät, um bei dem Gott des Reichtums in Gnade zu stehen? Ich warte auf Ihre Antwort, es ist ziemlich dringend...... ---- Einleitung 2: Alle in der Hauptstadt seufzten über das Glück des Prinzen Qi, der an Schönheit nicht zu überbieten war, denn er folgte dem Wunsch der verstorbenen Königin und heiratete ein einfaches Mädchen vom Lande und verzichtete damit auf eine ideale Ehe. Aber wer hätte das gedacht, der Prinz war so rücksichtsvoll zu seiner Frau, gab ein Vermögen aus, um ihr ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zu zaubern, widersetzte sich Befehlen, nur um sie zu beschützen, und verhielt sich ganz wie ein tief verliebter Mann...... Das ganze Volk: Verzeihung, ist es zu spät, dieses Paar jetzt zu verschiffen? ---- Diese Geschichte handelt von einer Frau auf dem Lande, die Schritt für Schritt wächst, Wärme und Leichtigkeit ausstrahlt, auf dornige Pfade und freudige Errungenschaften gleichermaßen stößt, wo Liebende schließlich heiraten und es Vergeltung für Gut und Böse gibt.
Tea Warm · 14.1K Views

Meinem Ex entkommen, von seinem Rivalen geschnappt worden

In den letzten drei Jahren hat Ariana Ari Harlow alles für ihren Mann gegeben. Die beiden haben geheiratet, weil ihre Schwester in der Hochzeitsnacht weglief, weil sie den Gerüchten glaubte, dass die Nelson Corporation bankrott sei. Ari liebte Noah, seit sie sechzehn Jahre alt war, sie dachte, ihr Traum würde wahr werden. Sie wusste jedoch nicht, dass ihre Schwester ihr eine Falle gestellt hatte, und es war nicht der Beginn ihres neuen Lebens, sondern ihre neue Hölle. Sie war gezwungen, ihre Ausbildung zur Ärztin aufzugeben, weil die respektvolle Mrs. Nelson nicht wollte, dass ihre Hände voller Blut waren. Ari war einverstanden. Noah zuliebe wurde sie eine perfekte Ehefrau, die sich um ihre Schwiegereltern und ihren Mann kümmerte. Ihr Mann schämte sich für sie, und ihre Schwiegermutter glaubte, dass ihre Schwester Ariel gut zu ihrem Sohn passen würde. Doch Ari ließ nicht locker. Sie dachte, dass sie eines Tages das Herz ihres Mannes erwärmen würde. Aber sie erwischte ihn dabei, wie er ihre Schwester küsste! Mit gebrochenem Herzen beschloss Ariana, sich von ihrem Mann scheiden zu lassen, doch irgendwie fand sie sich mit Nicolai verstrickt. Dem Feind und Rivalen ihres Mannes. Sie waren nicht füreinander bestimmt. Aber Nicolai scheint sich nicht um die Widrigkeiten zu kümmern, die gegen sie sprechen. Vielmehr war er entschlossen, in Aris Leben einzubrechen und alles in Brand zu setzen. In seinem Vollrausch hielt er sie einmal an der Kehle gegen die Wand einer schäbigen Kneipe: "Du kannst es leugnen, so viel du willst, Prinzessin, aber du willst mich." Sein Blick schweifte über ihre schwere Brust, und seine Augen verdunkelten sich, das Rot wirkte ungelenk, besitzergreifend, als wolle er ihr die Seele aus dem Leib reißen und sie in seinen eigenen einbetten. "Ich wette, wenn ich einen Blick darauf werfe, wirst du tropfnass für mich sein." Hitze flammte auf Arianas Wangen auf, als sie knurrte: "Halt die Klappe." "Zwing mich", sagte Nicolai, als er seine Lippen auf ihre presste. Seine Küsse brannten sich in ihre Seele, und seine Wärme versengte ihre Haut jedes Mal, wenn sie sich berührten. Sie dachte, dass es ihr größter Fehler war, sich mit Nicolai einzulassen. Doch Ari merkte bald auf die harte Tour, dass es viel schlimmer als ein Fehler war, von einem so schönen Albtraum begehrt zu werden. Und die Dinge werden noch komplizierter, als ihr Mann die Wahrheit über alles herausfindet. "Schieß mir ins Herz, Ari", sagte Noah, als er die Mündung der Waffe dorthin brachte, wo sein Herz lag. "Denn ein Leben ohne dich ist eines, das ich nicht will, also töte mich oder komm zurück. Ich flehe dich an." Jetzt, da Nicolai sie vor die Wahl gestellt hatte, würde Ari sich in ihn verlieben und sich in ein Leben voller Gefahr stürzen? Oder würde sie zu ihrem Mann Noah zurückkehren, den sie liebte, seit sie sechzehn war? Und würde Ariana der Gefahr ausweichen, die im Dunkeln lauert und darauf wartet, dass sie einen Fehler macht und alles verliert, was ihr lieb ist? Würde sie den Schlüssel zu all den Geheimnissen finden, die sie an Noah und Nicolai sowie an ihr verdrehtes Schicksal binden? ******* Auszug: "Es geht nur um Geld, nicht wahr? Nimm es und verschwinde", rief er und warf Ariana die schwarze Karte ins Gesicht. Ariana traute ihren Ohren nicht, als sie hörte, wie ihr Ehemann oder ihr zukünftiger Ex-Ehemann sie so demütigte. Drei Jahre. Ariana Harlow gab Noah Nelson drei Jahre, und doch, als sie ihn dabei erwischte, wie er ihre ältere Schwester Ariel küsste, sagte er genau das zu ihr. "Ich werde mich von dir scheiden lassen", erklärte Ari und ging. Sie ging mittellos, aber Ari stolperte über Nicolai. Der Feind und Rivale ihres Mannes, der Mafiaprinz der Lonest City, ein berüchtigter Bastard, der für seine gewalttätigen Neigungen bekannt ist. Das unglückliche Zusammentreffen brachte sie in Nicolais Weg, und schon hatte er ein Auge auf sie geworfen. Als sie sich das erste Mal trafen, bat Nicolai sie, ihn zum Essen einzuladen. Als sie sich das zweite Mal trafen, übergab er ihr eine Million Dollar. Als sie sich das dritte Mal trafen, erklärte er: "Du wirst gut in meinen Armen aussehen, was sagst du, Prinzessin?" ********
fairytail72 · 138.2K Views

Die Frau, die ich aufgegabelt habe, ist zu heftig

Als Feng Qing geboren wurde, wurde sie aufgrund der Nachlässigkeit des Krankenhauses an ein Paar aus den Bergen verkauft. Sechzehn Jahre später holten ihre leiblichen Eltern sie aus einem kleinen Bergdorf nach Hause, und sie dachte, ihr Leben würde sich verbessern, aber das tat es nicht. Nicht nur, dass sie keine Liebe von ihren Eltern bekam, ihre Ersatzschwester machte sie auch noch blind. Schließlich verheirateten ihre Eltern sie mit einem alten Mann in den Fünfzigern. An ihrem Hochzeitstag flüchtete Feng Qing aus dem Hotel, während eine Reihe von Leibwächtern hinter ihr herlief. In einer kritischen Situation kletterte sie in ein schwarzes Auto, das am Straßenrand geparkt war. Auf dem Rücksitz des Wagens saß ein gut aussehender Mann, dessen Gesicht von kalter Rücksichtslosigkeit geprägt war. Er sah aus wie jemand, mit dem nicht zu spaßen war. Feng Qing tätschelte ihre schmutzigen kleinen Hände. "Also, Mister, ich habe bemerkt, dass Ihnen die Einsamkeit ins Gesicht geschrieben steht. Was halten Sie davon, eine Frau zu haben, die sich Ihnen jetzt vorgestellt hat?" Xie Jiuhan wurde gemeinhin als der Neunte Meister bezeichnet. Er war der Oberherr der Hauptstadt und hatte eine sprunghafte Persönlichkeit. Er war stur und rücksichtslos. Die Gesellschaft in der Hauptstadt setzte alle Mittel ein, aber keiner von ihnen kam auch nur in die Nähe des Saums der Kleidung des Neunten Meisters. Von diesem Tag an begannen sich in der Hauptstadt Gerüchte zu verbreiten. Der Neunte Meister, der sich normalerweise von Frauen fernhielt, zog eine zierliche kleine Frau im Herrenhaus groß und verwöhnte sie bis aufs Blut. Meister Neunter: "Meine Frau ist zu schwach, um für sich selbst zu sorgen." Der Arzt: "Wer ist dann die Dame, die jemandem mit einem einzigen Tritt die Kniescheibe zertrümmert hat?" Meister Neuntens: "Meine Frau lebte früher auf dem Dorf, sie ist nicht gut im Lernen." Die Studenten der Capital University: "Ihre Frau wird in jeder Prüfung die Nummer eins. Wenn sie nicht gut in der Schule ist, was sind wir dann? Zurückgebliebene?" Meister Neuntens: "Meine Frau ist extrem schüchtern. Sie hat noch nicht viele große Namen oder prominente Persönlichkeiten getroffen." Das Publikum: "Bitte halten Sie den Mund!" Die führende Autorität in der Medizin, Wissenschaftsprofessoren und berühmte internationale Regisseure standen vor Ihrem Haus Schlange und baten darum, sie zu sehen! Ja, Ihre Frau war noch nie mit großen Namen oder prominenten Persönlichkeiten zusammengetroffen, denn sie war hier die prominenteste Persönlichkeit.
Yishen · 33.5K Views

Gutaussehende CEOs liebenswerte Ehefrau

"Du bist das Mondlicht, das die Dunkelheit der Nacht erhellt. Du bist der Regen, der das ausgetrocknete Land flickt. Du bist der Atem, der mein Herz lebendig hält." "Haha, Gatte, du wirst immer besser darin mir zu schmeicheln" "Solange es für dich ist, kann ich in allem besser werden, was du willst, meine liebe Frau." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Während sie um ihr Leben rennt, opfert sie sich, um ihren Geliebten entkommen zu lassen. Hua Lan wacht in einem fremden, luxuriösen Zimmer auf und stellt fest, dass sie sich an nichts von sich selbst erinnern kann. Als sie erfährt, dass die Informationen über ihre Existenz ausgelöscht sind und dass sie sich vor den Leuten in Acht nehmen muss, die hinter ihr her sind, beginnt Hua Lan ein neues Leben mit einer neuen Identität. Umgeben von ihrem gut aussehenden Ehemann und seiner liebevollen Familie, passt sich Hua Lan (jetzt Mu Lan) an ihr neues Leben an. Aber jetzt hört sie in ihren Träumen ein Mädchen flüstern: "Solange du nicht sagst 'Ich liebe dich', werde ich unsere Erinnerungen für mich behalten. Lebe wohl, meine Liebe." Mu Liang weiß, dass um sie herum etwas Geheimnisvolles vor sich geht. Sie hat einen rätselhaften Hintergrund und verblüffende Fähigkeiten. Aber es ist ihm egal, wer sie in der Vergangenheit war und warum man sie immer wieder angreift. Er kann nur daran denken, sie zu lieben, sie zu schätzen und sie einzusperren, damit sie nie wieder in ihre Vergangenheit zurückkehren kann. Denn er weiß, dass er nicht einen Moment ohne sie leben kann. Sie versuchen, das Geheimnis um Hua Lan zu lüften. Aber sie braucht ihr Gedächtnis zurück. Der beste Arzt kann nicht verstehen, warum sie sich an nichts mehr erinnern kann. Wenn sie jedoch in ein Paar grausame Augen blickt, tut ihr der Kopf weh. Da sie ihr Gedächtnis nicht wiedererlangen kann, müssen sie einen anderen Weg wählen, um ihre Rätsel zu lösen. Aber was wird sie tun, nachdem sie ihr Gedächtnis wiedererlangt hat? Jemand und einige Leute müssen ein paar Ohrfeigen bekommen. Aber wer wird die Ohrfeigen bekommen? Und wer wird am Ende lachen können? ~WILLKOMMEN ZUM ERSTEN ORIGINAL CEO BUCH AUF WEBNOVEL ***Dies ist eine Geschichte über ein Mädchen, das für sich selbst und die Menschen, die ihr wichtig sind, kämpft. Sie versucht herauszufinden, wer sie ist, nachdem sie ihr Gedächtnis verloren hat, und die Menschen um sie herum werden ihr helfen, die Rätsel um sie herum zu lösen. ***wird überarbeitet. wenn du Fehler findest, weise bitte darauf hin*** **WARNUNG: PLAGIIEREN SIE NICHT UND VERÖFFENTLICHEN SIE DIESE ARBEIT NICHT AUF ANDEREN SEITEN. WENN IHNEN DAS WERK GEFÄLLT, EMPFEHLEN SIE ES ANDEREN IN WEBNOVEL.COM ZU LESEN. __________________________________ Buchreihe: 1. Handsome CEO's Darling Wife 2. Meine Frau ist eine Göttin: 99 geheime Küsse 3. Verlorene Glückseligkeit 4. Die Kobra Weitere Bücher: 1. Meine Geliebte 2. Vom Schicksal verwirrt __________________________________ Discord-Server - Instagram: flow07.autor Facebook-Seite: Flow07 Unterstützen Sie mich. Gönner: Kaufen Sie mir einen Kaffee:
Flow07 · 57.5K Views

Wiedergeburt in der Apokalypse: Aller guten Dinge sind drei

Was machst du, wenn vier Männer in dein Leben treten und es komplett auf den Kopf stellen? Nein, im Ernst, ich habe keine Ahnung. Alles, was ich wollte, war, mich auf meiner Ranch zu verstecken, damit mich niemand stören konnte, aber anscheinend hatten sie andere Pläne. Zum Glück für sie war dies nicht meine erste Zombie-Apokalypse. Wenn sie lernen zuzuhören, kommen wir vielleicht gerade noch mit dem Leben davon. Wenn nicht, kann ich vielleicht endlich in Frieden ruhen. ------ Li Dai Lu wurde als Kanadierin geboren und wuchs in ihrem ersten Leben als solche auf. Das bedeutete, dass ihr beigebracht wurde, zu teilen, andere an die erste Stelle zu setzen und den Frieden zu bewahren, so gut sie konnte. Doch das Ganze ging auf spektakuläre Weise nach hinten los. Als sie in einer neuen Zeit und an einem neuen Ort wiedergeboren wurde, tat Li Dai Lu ihr Bestes, um alle, die sie finden konnte, vor den Zombies zu schützen, die die menschliche Rasse auslöschten. Leider waren diejenigen, die sie rettete, nicht so dankbar, wie sie es hätten sein sollen. Getötet von den Menschen, die sie gerettet hatte, hielt sie den Atem an und wartete auf die Ruhe und den Frieden des Todes. Aber das Schicksal war nicht allzu entgegenkommend und unsere Heldin erwachte in ihrem dritten Leben, ein Jahr vor der Zombie-Apokalypse. Dieses Mal würde sie ihr Leben nach ihren eigenen Vorstellungen leben, und zu denen, die damit nicht einverstanden waren... nun, für die hätte sie ein paar Worte übrig. Mit vier Männern an ihrer Seite wird sie den Mantel der Höflichkeit ablegen und zu der Person werden, die sie wirklich sein sollte. Das wird ein umgekehrter Harem, bei dem sie sich nicht entscheiden muss. Es gibt keine m/m. Andere Romane: Der Tanz mit den Monstern: Fortlaufend Sternenschiffe: Brandneu! Fortlaufend! Diskord: Sakura#6289 Discord-Kanal: Instagram: @devil_besideyou666
Devilbesideyou666 · 19.2K Views


Ongoing~~ Thunder struck loudly admist the harsh rain, as Raven's killer slowly lifted his hood off his face. "Ryles?" Raven's voice held a note of surprise, as he looked up at the man in front of him, with a shock filled face. "Tell me, what are you doing here in Mythoria?" Ryles bent to his level to hear him speak, but Raven didn't attempt to Open his mouth. His vibrant green eyes, glowing in the dark, and reflecting the sillhouette of Ryles. Tension hung in the air, both dreading what was to come next. The occasional flash of lightning did nothing but enhance the menacing look of Ryles as he loomed over Raven. Raven was smart enough not to struggle, he instead remained as still as wood 'They wouldn't kill me right? , they still need me ' Raven thought to himself but even he realized how stupid that sounded. "why? " was all he breathed out, despite having so much to say. He was smart enough to understand that, Ryles showing up like this meant he was ordered to kill him. He just couldn't understand why... " Ask master himself" was Ryles' response as he drove a dagger into Raven's chest. His scream was accompanied by a loud thunder, and suddenly it was as if his strength had returned. He pushed Ryles' off with so much force that something like light blasted out of his hands and sent Ryles' flying to hit a tree. Blood spurted out of his mouth immediately as he curled in pain for a split second, his pupils dilated. Raven was beyond shocked as he didn't understand how he had come to posses such powers. It was like something deep within him was unlocked. Immediately getting up on his feet, he began sprinting with insane speed, despite the overwhelming pain coming from his chest. He didn't dare pull out the dagger as he was well accustomed with these type of poisoned weapons. Ryles' had also sprinted after Raven immediately, this time drawing out his sword as he didn't know what other dangerous trick the boy would pull again. Ryles couldn't deny that he was surprised, as he never knew Raven could be this powerful. The kid had hidden himself quite well. Maybe that was why master wanted him dead. The heavy rainfall made it hard to see or keep track of the boy, but Ryles' was well trained to use his other senses and he spotted Raven above, sprinting stealthily but slowly from tree to tree. " smart, aren't you?" Ryles smirked at the boy's intelligence. That was why it had been hard to track him, He leapt off the ground, flicking poisoned blades which accurately hit and cut him deeply across the shoulder Another pained cry filled the forest as Raven lost balance and fall with a thud, Ryles without wasting time descended on him and drove his sword into his gut. Thunder struck loudly, as a moment of silence passed with them holding each other's gaze. Blood slowly gushed out and flowed to the edge, dropping down into the deep waters below, reminding them both that they were at the edge of a cliff. " I'm sorry but you have to die" Was the last thing he heard......
Stowpha_Naomi24 · 5.9K Views

The Alpha And His Beautiful Monster

Senior student Victoria Winner is the campus queen and the heiress of her father’s empire, her name and beauty give her the strength to feel she owns the world. She is the hottest girl on campus, yet she doesn't want to date because, for her, no one is above her, and she is too beautiful to date just with anyone. And too proud of herself that no boys have ever kissed her. Girls envy her while she can toy the boys with her fingers. Until one day, a new guy on campus ruined her reputation by kissing her. Oliver Prize is the handsome and hot Alpha of the Valiant Pack, the most feared pack in the entire werewolf community. He was devastated when the elders asked him to watch over his mate from the Sterling Pack since he doesn’t believe in falling in love, and having a mate; for him, it was only a waste of time and energy. Oliver was forced to pretend as a high school senior student transferee at Zenith Academy, and his bad-boy yet mysterious aura made the girls fall for him except with one girl, Victoria. Excerpt: “How dare you steal my first kiss from me?" Victoria hissed as she looked daggers at Oliver. "And why do you ever feel so stressed about it when I can feel you enjoyed that kiss so much? It was just a kiss, Victoria. Besides, you don't even know how to kiss." Oliver replied with a smirk that made her angrier. "If you want, I can give you a kissing tutorial for free." He said and left her without taking a second glance, and that is why Victoria hated him with all her heart. He was the only guy on campus who got the courage to mess with the school queen by kissing her. He hated everything about her especially her guts, but he couldn't deny himself that the kiss he shared with Victoria was the best kiss he ever had. During Victoria's eighteenth birthday, she discovered what she truly is, a secret she can't even tell her best friend. And she realized the world she knew was all lies. Victoria couldn't accept what she was, and she found refuge in the arms of her mortal enemy, Oliver Prize. Victoria realized her archnemesis was her only salvation to survive in the new world full of mysteries and wickedness where she thought she would never belong. Can Victoria protect her heart from falling in love with the boy she hated the most? Is the Alpha going to deny or accept to himself that love exist and it is real when he realizes Victoria Winner, the mate he wanted to reject, captured his heart? (Warning: Contain mature content on the later part of the story.)
sirenbeauty · 282.1K Views


There’s a certain feeling of dread when you realize you’ve been scammed, especially when it involves something as significant as your cryptocurrency investments. Losing a large sum of ETH (Ethereum) due to fraud felt like a gut punch, and I felt completely powerless. But finding Cyber Constable Intelligence turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me in this ordeal. They just helped me recover my stolen ETH—they restored my faith in the cryptocurrency world. My journey starts like many others: I was searching for a strategy to increase my cryptocurrency holdings when I came across what appeared to be a reliable trading platform. The offerings were alluring, the website was slick, and the testimonials from alleged "successful traders" seemed credible. Like many others, I was captivated by the platform's promise of lucrative returns with no risk. Without much hesitation, I transferred a significant amount of ETH to the platform, believing it would be a safe bet. At first, everything seemed to go as promised. I saw what looked like profits accumulating in my account. But when I tried to withdraw my funds, the platform became increasingly unresponsive. My account was suddenly "locked" due to maintenance, and after a few days, the website vanished entirely. It was a classic exit scam. At first, I couldn’t believe what had happened. I kept checking the site, hoping it would come back online, but it was gone. The funds I had so carefully accumulated were now out of my reach. I immediately filed a report with authorities and tried to track down any information I could about the exchange, but it felt like I was chasing a ghost. The weight of this loss was unbearable. I didn’t know what to do next. It felt like all my efforts in the crypto world had been for nothing, and I was about to write off crypto altogether. While researching ways to possibly recover my stolen ETH, I stumbled across Cyber Constable Intelligence. At first, I was skeptical—after all, I’d seen countless "recovery" scams that claimed to help but only further victimized people like me. However, Cyber Constable Intelligence had a different feel. Their website looked professional, and they clearly specialized in recovering assets stolen through scams, particularly in the cryptocurrency space. What caught my attention was their focus on using both legal action and blockchain forensics to track stolen crypto. They weren’t just offering empty promises—they had an established process for investigating, tracing, and recovering lost or stolen funds. Weeks passed, and I tried to be patient, though the uncertainty was nerve-wracking. But then, one day, I received the news that I had been waiting for: Cyber Constable Intelligence had successfully traced my stolen ETH to a specific exchange. They had flagged the transaction, and with the help of their legal team, they secured a freeze on my assets before they could be laundered further. From loss to recovery, Cyber Constable Intelligence made my cryptocurrency journey whole again. And for that, I’ll be forever grateful. Call: Here's Their Info Below WhatsApp: 1 (252) 378-7611 mail: support (AT) cyberconstableintelligence com Website info; www cyberconstableintelligence com Thanks
Karen_Lynn_0026 · 45 Views

Voidbound: Legacy

In a world bustling with superheroes, villains, aliens, and even monsters, where extraordinary powers are the norm, there lies a hidden village untouched by the chaos of the outside world. In this secluded haven, there lives a tight-knit community known as Elysium, a group of people who have come together to find their place in the world. Amidst this extraordinary village, a boy is born with a distinct ability that sets him apart from everyone else—and eyes that hold a never before seen power. Unlike most of his fellow villagers, his abilities are uncharted territory, a world beyond the comprehension of even the most experienced. He's the first of his kind, and he hates it. He is a prodigy, a genius, an anomaly. As a child, he struggles to fit in, surrounded by people who love him, but he doesn't understand that. Instead, he tries desperately to prove himself worthy. Yet, he can't seem to escape the feeling that something is wrong with him. Deep down, he knows something is weird with him, he has this nagging feeling, a gut instinct that he can't explain, telling him that he doesn't belong. He feels like an imposter, a pretender. He's an abomination. A freak. An unnatural being. —— Please note, I am new to writing. This was my best attempt at a synopsis, I've barely planned ahead, just a very vague outline. I’m open to any and all criticism, looking for feedback on everything, not just spelling and grammar, especially ideas and ways to improve/continue the story.
Baro · 12.2K Views

The Monster's Love

Will you love me if I'm a monster? First female lead A domineering CEO who is 25 years old young beautiful lady, who is smart and perfect, all guys fell for her just by her one glance a pretty lady with long red hair with a pair of black twinkling colour eyes everyone admires her and call her beauty goddess but no one knows her darkest secret who is cursed by a witch in bright daylight whose beauty shines but at night she turns into an ugly monster. ————————————————————— First male lead Qing yuan a 20-year-old handsome college going guy who is excellent in everything let it be studies, sports or arts, all-girls admire him a lot, but he hates women a lot. But no one knows his innocent personality is hiding a big secret he owns world's biggest mafian gang and currently he is on mission he is searching for a girl who have long black hairs reaching till her knees and red bloody eyes. How both of their life is interconnect with each other, how will fate decide to make them together? A love between a CEO monster and Gangster! ————————————————————— Excerpt: Li rong said while sitting on her comfortable sofa "darling love me and I will give you my all wealth" "Wealth? Huh? " Qing yuan laughed maniacally and replied sarcastically "have you ever saw a normal human being falling in love with a monster? " Li rong gave him a devilish smile and came closer to him and said "don't wanna love me? Then spend your whole life in these four walls of a room and die" Qing yuan said while struggling to open his tied hands with rope "even if I have to die I'm willing to die but I will never gonna love you " Li rong came closer to him and licked his lips "ummm salty... Tomorrow I'm gonna feed you chocolate cake so that you can talk sweetly" While giving a faint smile li rong left the room while slamming the door ————————————————————— Second female lead Lu jia a 30 years old beautiful and awesome lady and where people call li rong beauty goddess but when it comes to lu jia people call her demon Goddess where Li rong is cold domineering then Lu jia is colder and baddie where people admire her beauty but behind her back they are scared of lu jia.But there is one problem she cant fell in love.Why? Cause she doesn't feel any kind of emotions towards anyone. ————————————————————— Second male lead Han qilu a 20 years old good and a sincere baby boy who is adored by all girls in his college girls loves to look at his cute face, his personality is different he is like a small baby who always gets in trouble and goes to his guardian while whining.But he is secretly in love with his guardian. How he will gonna seduce his guardian? Let's see ;) ————————————————————— Excerpt: "baby boy you are my food don't think too highly of yourself," jia said "so what I can be your husband and food both can't I?" qilu answered "husband? hahaha"jia laughed maniacally" you are not even my boyfriend and you are wondering about becoming my husband? You sure have guts" "I know right I have learned this from you," qilu said and gave a quick kiss to jia "now I have to go to my college, see you later my master, oops I forgot from today onwards I will call you baddie baby" qilu winked at her and left jia was still shocked and thought"I guess someone is brainwashing my sincere baby boy otherwise he would never kiss me" ————————————————————— Trigger warning: Novel contains some 18+ scene , cussing, religion, culture discrimination, domestic violence, bullying (R-18+ **No rape ) Note: Some chapters may be triggering for others but there is always a warning before reading. This is my first novel hope you guys will like it The cover is not mine!!! The credit of cover goes to its respective owner Instagram : oykucara Pinterest : oykucara
oykucara · 67.5K Views

Ein letzter Ritter. Eine Reihe von Kurzgeschichten.

Eine Sammlung wilder, seltsamer und wundersamer Geschichten, die sich mit der Zeit miteinander verflechten werden! Die Welt von Enverdolmal steht am Rande eines Krieges, als dunkle und bedrohliche Mächte beginnen, aus den Schatten hervorzutreten und das Gleichgewicht des Äthers – der magischen Energie, die alles Existierende antreibt – langsam zu ihren Gunsten zu verschieben. Dämonen testen ihre Gefängnissiegel ... Hexen versammeln sich auf der Suche nach Chaos und Anarchie ... Monster sind unter seltsamen und unbekannten Bannern auf dem Vormarsch ... Die lange verschollenen Elementardrachen werden zurückkehren ... Unsere Geschichte wird aus der Sicht von ca. 20 Charakteren erzählt, beginnend mit einem Ritter namens Bastion Ridder, der sich mittendrin wiederfindet. Garth Verlore – die berühmte und weitläufige Schule, an der er unterrichten sollte – wird von Mächten belagert, die niemand kommen sah, und er muss alles tun, was er kann (während er Seite an Seite mit Personal und Schülern kämpft), um sicherzustellen, dass er nicht der letzte Ritter wird … Mit Kursen wie „Drachentöten 101“ und „Kampftaktiken für Kobolde“ wusste Bastion, dass dies keine leichte Aufgabe sein würde … Alles begann so gut, aber irgendwann verliebt sich jeder … Sei es in der Liebe oder im Krieg. Oder sogar im Klassenzimmer! Ritter & Magier. Drachen & Kobolde. Geister & Dämonen & Hexen Und so viel mehr erwartet Sie in dieser Geschichte von Triumph, Chaos, Liebe, Krieg, Verrat und Verlust. Sind Sie bereit, eine letzte Seite umzublättern? Eine letzte Geschichte zu lesen? einen letzten Ritter zu verlieren?
Terance_Ivy · 5.1K Views

The Gisaeng's Imperial Child (BL)

Born as a hermaphrodite (an intersex), and the bearer of the Lee family curse, all Lee Min-Su ever wanted was to be seen and accepted as a normal human being too. Betrayed by his own family, who had him imprisoned for seven (7) years by the King for a crime committed by his sister, Min-Soo wanted to end his life when they went ahead to disown him right after his release from prison. But then, just as he was about to jump into the Han River, he felt revitalised.  The thought of letting them have a taste of their own medicine became the essence of him living his remaining life here on earth. For 3 years, Minsoo lay in wait as he worked as a gisaeng (courtesan) and planned his simple but well elaborated revenge against his parents' "golden child." And that was to deny his big sister, Lee Min-Seo, the joy of being with the only man that she has ever loved, the Crown Prince. As a little token of payment for all that he had, had to endure from them. But finding out that he was pregnant with another man's child after the royal wedding was never part of his plans.  So Lee Min-Su knew then that, it was time to draw the curtains closed, before his "husband" found out that he had been duped. He needs to RUN! **** The Crown Prince Kim Hyun Jun, the number one sought-after bachelor in all of Joseon, has a secret.  And that is, his weenie has not gotten up since an incident 10 years ago. For this reason, he did everything he could to avoid getting married, in order not to stress anyone's daughter. But after his father, the King, became bedridden, his grandmother, the Queen Dowager, had to step in. She managed to arrange a marriage match between him and the Prime Minister's adopted daughter, Lee Minseo.  The prince knew then, that, he was f*cked. His long-term secret will now be exposed. But how come, that his then-sleeping weenie now has such an insatiable desire for this newlywed "Crown Princess" of his? What happens then, when the prince finds out that he married the wrong "woman"? What if this Crown Prince, who is now about to be crowned King, was to find out that his "Crown Princess" was the same "woman" that had caused the incident that killed his older brother and rendered him impotent? To add insult to injury, this fake "Crown Princess" has the guts to run away from him when his ascension to the throne is only a few days away. Well, this new king has no intention of letting "her" get away with this scot-free. He would find the fake "crown princess" and make sure that "she" paid for "her" deception. Note: This author would not give warnings for any scene in the book. So please make sure that you're in the right frame of mind before you start reading.  Thank You.
Abbiex · 2K Views


I'm excited to share my experience with all of you out there who might be navigating the sometimes tumultuous waters of cryptocurrency investments. What I went through is a reminder of how crucial it is to stay vigilant and informed in this fast-paced digital world. My journey began with a seemingly golden opportunity—I was introduced to a cryptocurrency trading platform that promised astonishingly high returns. Like many others enticed by dreams of financial prosperity, I approached the venture with high hopes and a willing spirit. With an initial investment of USD 300,000, I couldn't help but let my imagination run wild with the possibilities. At first, everything seemed to be working according to plan. I was able to withdraw a modest profit, which fueled my belief in the platform’s legitimacy. The thrill of seeing my investment grow spurred me on, and it felt like I was well on my way to achieving financial freedom. However, little did I know, I was walking a tightrope over a deep ravine with little safety net. After months of trading, the promise of easy gains lulled my caution to sleep. I had made a staggering profit of $1,000,000 USD—a sum that seemed unreal. When it came time to withdraw my funds, however, I was met with a gut-wrenching surprise. The platform made excuse after excuse, promising outcomes that never came. It became painfully clear that the riches I had envisioned were nothing but a mirage. That’s when the despair truly set in. The dreams I had built up crashed down, leaving behind a sense of emptiness and regret. However, just when hope seems lost, I came across Cyber Constable Intelligence. Their reputation as a reputable recovery service intrigued me, and I decided to take a chance. With their expert counsel and persistent efforts, they guided me through the steps of investigating the scam and seeking the recovery of my lost funds. Today, I sit here, wiser but more alert, with a tale both cautionary and enlightening. While the recovery process has not been without its challenges, I am thankful for the assistance I’ve received. It reminds me that in the world of crypto, while fortunes can change in the blink of an eye, so too can relationships and trust. To all my fellow adventurers in cryptocurrency and those considering entering this world: educate yourself, be skeptical of promises too good to be true, and always assess the risks before diving in. Sometimes the allure of quick profits can overshadow the diligence needed to safeguard your assets. if you are a victim of a crypto or bitcoin scam. i advise you to contact Cyber Constable Intelligence Cyber Constable Intelligence Info: WhatsApp: 1 (252) 378-7611 mail: support (AT) Website info; https://cyberconstableintelligence. com
Frank_Klenk · 182 Views

Villainous Lord and His Knight Prince

Lucias never thought his life would end like this-bleeding out in an S-rank dungeon, his entire party wiped out, and a Cerberus tearing through his gut. It wasn't just the pain that ate at him; it was the unfairness of it all. That L-grade monster had no business being there. Not in this dungeon. Not in this world. Once again, the system had fooled them, and humanity paid the price. As his vision blurred and his life slipped away, one thought echoed in his mind: If I'm going to die, at least let me know how that novel ends. For over a decade, Lucias had been obsessed with a story-one of a legendary hero who slayed dragons and even gods. He knew every twist, every turn, every detail. The protagonist had been his role model as a ranker. That story was the one thing that had kept him going through his mundane existence. Now, as death loomed, he couldn't stop thinking about it. He just wanted to see the ending. But instead of dying, Lucias wakes up in a place completely foreign to him. An old butler, gray-haired and impeccable in a clean, sleek suit, approaches his bed. When the butler speaks and addresses him as "Lord Seth," it all comes flooding back. The name is too familiar. Seth, the villainous lord who was destined to be killed by the protagonist in the novel Lucias had been reading. Sweat tricked down Lucias' forehead as the realization hit him: Out of all the people I could have become, why did I have to transmigrated into the villainous lord?
1001001sh · 23K Views

Wandering the Multiverse: Becoming a Killer

My name is Ethan Wren, a fortunate adventurer with the ability to travel across dimensions and worlds. Each time I traverse a new world, I acquire two powerful abilities by completing main missions and special tasks. - Slayer: Every time I eliminate a humanoid entity, I can gain a special trait to enhance my skills. Eliminating countless zombies will elevate me to a god-like status. - Gamer: I don't need cheats to dominate games, as I am a living cheat code. - Swordmaster: All sword techniques in the universe are within my grasp. - Connoisseur:"My friend, you smell delightful. Fear not, I am sincere with my comrades and will stand by them." - Binder: Monsters, demons, creatures, come to me! - Timekeeper: Control time, do as you please in school, do as you wish in the office! But despite my power, I prefer to blend in with lower-level martial arts. You wonder why? The world is so perilous, of course, I must become invincible before I take risks! The apocalypse reshapes human civilization, the martial arts realm takes control, the supernatural world becomes the progenitor, the armor world rises to emperor status, the absurd realm ensnares the succubus, the Ultra world trains heroes; the gods realm creates legends; the solitary world subdues the present day; the interstellar world forges the strongest mech; the myth saves Sophia; Western Paladin III; Survival at Sea; Marvel; Odyssey to the West; Mortal Ascension; DC; Duel Monsters; Beast Mastery; Primordial Realm; Lovecraftian; Dragonborne; Dark Void, Shinobi, Pirate, One Punch Wonder, Guts, Neon, Undead, Warbringer...
NovelsWorld · 24.9K Views

Flowers Drunk Fill the Hall

In the beginning, he said, "A lowly commoner from Jiangning County? What a disgraceful status, I won't marry her!" After meeting her, he clicked his tongue, "So frail and delicate, she can't stand a blow, too weak, I refuse!" When she approached him alone, carrying the marriage book, he stood leaning on the door, grinning insolently, "Are you here to make me marry you? But this young master doesn’t want to marry young!" Upon learning she was there to annul their marriage, his face turned dark as a thunderstorm, emanating a murderous aura, "Who gave you the guts to revoke the marriage with this young master?" ... Su Rong felt, Duanhua Princess must be blind, this man was so pampered and spoiled, how was he worth dying or living for? If she had known earlier, she would have thrown the divorce letter at his face the first time she saw him. ————————————— The tender signs of spring on the delicate Hibiscus pillow, amidst the drunken flowers filling the room, unnoticed. — Su Rong. A gallant young man in fine clothes and on a steed, a single glance causes a lifetime of confusion. — Zhou Gu Your wish is my wish. I wish to have known you earlier, protect you among the aromatic chambers strewn with brocades. Tear through the illusions, cut down the thorns, with hands unstained by blood, just as pure as you were when we first met, the young and soft little girl. Your wish is my wish. I wish I had known you sooner when you were like a refreshing breeze near the moon. I dared not approach for fear of disturbing the phoenix and mandarin ducks. Praying to be the moon in the sky to cast a reflection on you, accompany you while you watch the flowers bloom in the spring and gaze at the snow in winter, each and every year at Chang'an.
Xiziqing · 537.9K Views


Hello my name is Mathias Dreyer and here is a brief story of what happened to me.I still remember the day I fell victim to a sophisticated cryptocurrency scam. I was convinced that I had lost my entire life savings - $400,000 - to a group of cunning thieves. I felt like I'd been punched in the gut, and I didn't know where to turn. The worst part was the feeling of helplessness that came with it. I thought I'd never see that money again. But then I stumbled upon MALICE CYBER RECOVERY, a team of experts who specialize in recovering stolen funds from online scams. I was skeptical at first, but something about their website and the testimonials from previous clients resonated with me. I decided to take a chance and reach out to them. From the moment I contacted MALICE CYBER RECOVERY, I knew I was in good hands. Their team was responsive, empathetic, and professional. They walked me through the entire process, explaining every step of the way and keeping me updated on their progress. What impressed me most was their expertise and determination. They worked tirelessly to track down the scammers, using their advanced tools and techniques to follow the digital trail. It wasn't an easy task, but they refused to give up. After weeks of intense effort, MALICE CYBER RECOVERY finally succeeded in recovering my entire stolen amount - $400,000! I was overjoyed, relieved, and grateful all at once. It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I can't recommend MALICE CYBER RECOVERY enough. They're the real deal, and I'm living proof of their effectiveness. If you've fallen victim to an online scam, don't lose hope. Reach out to MALICE CYBER RECOVERY, and let them work their magic. In fact, I was so impressed with their service that I've referred several friends and family members who've also fallen victim to online scams. And you know what? They've all had successful recoveries too! MALICE CYBER RECOVERY is more than just a company - they're a beacon of hope for those who've been wronged by online scammers. They're the heroes we need in this digital age, and I'm honored to have had the pleasure of working with them. So, if you're reading this and you're in a similar predicament, don't hesitate. Reach out to MALICE CYBER RECOVERY today, and let them help you recover what's rightfully yours. WHATSAPP:+61 410 262 541
Mathias_Dreyer · 134 Views
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