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Binatang Alfa dan Luna Terkutuknya

``` Konten Dewasa- Berperingkat 18+ (Tanpa pemerkosaan) "Kamu terlihat kesepian dan... yah..." "Yah?" sang Alfa memberinya senyum meremehkan. "Patah. Seperti seseorang yang telah berjuang dalam banyak pertempuran. Seseorang yang terluka." Katanya. "Memang benar. Dan dengan demikian, saya siap untuk berperang dalam lebih banyak pertempuran lagi jika itu menjanjikan apa yang saya inginkan," kata Alfa Maverick. "Dan apa yang kamu inginkan?" Tanya dia dengan senyum manis. "Kematian. Kematian bagi semua penjahat atas apa yang mereka lakukan padaku," kata Alfa Maverick, menatap gadis yang menjadi kaku di sampingnya. "Kamu bukan penjahat, kan?" Alfa Maverick menatap mata memikatnya, tangannya mengelus pipinya, membuatnya tersenyum canggung. Dia memang penjahat, dan bukan penjahat biasa, tetapi penjahat yang diinginkan oleh seluruh dunia. ~~~~~~ "Saya, Valencia Brooklyn, menolak Tyler Anderson sebagai pasangan takdir saya. Saya lebih memilih menerima kematian daripada pasangan yang tidak setia." Inilah kata-kata tepat yang mengubah hidupnya. Karena dunia manusia serigala ini tidak bisa menerima dirinya karena dia adalah omega dan tidak memiliki serigala, dia memutuskan untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Dia menjadi penjelajah yang mulai ditakuti dan dicari oleh semua orang. Seorang penjelajah yang membunuh penjahat lain, mencuri dari orang-orang, menolak seorang alfa, menipu dewan, dan yang paling penting, hidup di antara manusia sambil melanggar semua hukum dan norma. Apa yang akan terjadi saat seseorang dari dewan memberikan kasus anonimnya kepada alfa terkuat di dunia? Alfa yang bahkan lebih kuat dari anak Raja Alfa? Bagaimana dia akan menyelamatkan dirinya dari alfa yang telah bersumpah untuk membunuh semua penjahat demi membalas apa yang mereka lakukan padanya? Bagaimana Maverick Aurelius akan menangkap penjelajah misterius ini yang tidak memiliki bau? Ketika mereka pertama kali bertemu, seharusnya dia membunuhnya, tapi bagaimana dia bisa mengenalinya ketika dia hanyalah seekor kucing? Valencia tidak pernah berubah menjadi serigala karena ia dikutuk menjadi berubah bentuk. Bagaimana alfa mengenali penjelajah dalam wujud kucing yang telah membiasakan diri masuk ke kamarnya dan bermain dengan barang-barangnya? ~~~~~ P.S. Ini adalah entri kedua saya untuk WSA 2024. Mohon dukungan dengan vote, hadiah, tiket, dan komentar. ```
AngelinaBhardawaj · 6.4K Views

Das Biest Alpha und seine verfluchte Luna

Reifer Inhalt - Bewertung 18+ (keine Vergewaltigung) "Du siehst einsam und gut aus..." "Nun?" Der Alpha schenkte ihr ein herablassendes Lächeln. "Gebrochen. Wie jemand, der viele Schlachten geschlagen hat. Jemand, der verletzt worden ist." Sagte sie. "Das ist wahr. Und deshalb bin ich bereit, noch mehr Schlachten zu schlagen, wenn es das verspricht, was ich will", sagte Alpha Maverick. "Und was willst du?" fragte sie mit einem süßen Lächeln. "Den Tod. Den Tod aller Schurken für das, was sie mir angetan haben", sagte Alpha Maverick und sah das Mädchen an, das sich neben ihm versteifte. "Du bist doch kein Schurke, oder?" Alpha Maverick blickte in ihre bezaubernden Augen, seine Hand streichelte ihre Wangen und brachte sie zu einem unbeholfenen Lächeln. Sie war in der Tat eine Schurkin, und zwar nicht irgendeine Schurkin, sondern eine, die von der ganzen Welt gesucht wurde. ~~~~~~ "Ich, Valencia Brooklyn, lehne Tyler Anderson als meinen schicksalhaften Gefährten ab. Ich würde lieber den Tod akzeptieren als einen untreuen Partner." Dies waren genau die Worte, die ihr Leben veränderten. Da diese Werwolfwelt nicht akzeptieren konnte, dass sie ein Omega war und keinen Wolf hatte, beschloss sie, genau das Gleiche zu tun. Sie wurde ein Schurke, den alle fürchteten und suchten. Ein Schurke, der andere Schurken tötete, Menschen bestahl, einen Alpha zurückwies, den Rat täuschte und vor allem unter den Menschen lebte und dabei alle Gesetze und Normen brach. Was wird passieren, wenn jemand aus dem Rat ihren anonymen Fall dem stärksten Alpha der Welt übergibt? Einem Alpha, der noch stärker ist als der Sohn des Alphakönigs? Wie wird sie sich vor einem Alpha retten, der geschworen hat, alle Schurken zu töten, um sich für das zu rächen, was sie mit ihm gemacht haben? Wie wird Maverick Aurelius diesen mysteriösen Schurken fangen, der keine Fährte hat? Als sie sich das erste Mal treffen, hätte er sie töten sollen, aber wie hätte er sie erkennen sollen, wenn sie nur eine Katze war? Valencia hat sich nie in einen Wolf verwandelt, weil sie verflucht war, ein Gestaltwandler zu sein. Wie wird das Alphatier den Schurken in der Katze erkennen, die eine seltsame Angewohnheit entwickelt hat, in sein Zimmer zu kommen und mit seinen Sachen zu spielen? ~~~~~ P.S. Dies ist mein zweiter Beitrag zum WSA 2024. Bitte unterstützt mich mit Stimmen, Geschenken, Tickets und Kommentaren.
AngelinaBhardawaj · 70.5K Views

Bestia Alfa y su Luna Maldita

``` —Pareces solitaria y bueno... —dijo ella. —¿Bueno? —El Alfa le dio una sonrisa condescendiente. —Rota. Como alguien que ha luchado muchas batallas. Alguien que ha sido herido —dijo ella. —Es verdad. Y por eso, estoy listo para luchar aún más batallas si eso promete lo que quiero —dijo Alfa Maverick. —¿Y qué quieres? —preguntó ella con una dulce sonrisa. —Muerte. La muerte de todos los pícaros por lo que me hicieron —dijo Alfa Maverick, mirando a la chica que se tensó a su lado. —Tú no eres un pícaro, ¿verdad? —Alfa Maverick miró a sus encantadores ojos, su mano acariciando sus mejillas, haciéndola sonreír incómodamente. Ella era en efecto un pícaro, y no cualquier pícaro normal, sino uno buscado por todo el mundo. ~~~~~~ —Yo, Valencia Brooklyn, rechazo a Tyler Anderson como mi compañero predestinado. Prefiero aceptar la muerte antes que a un compañero desleal —Estas fueron las palabras exactas que cambiaron su vida. Dado que este mundo de los hombres lobo no podía aceptarla por ser una omega y no tener un lobo, decidió hacer exactamente lo mismo. Se convirtió en un pícaro que todos empezaron a temer y buscar. Una pícara que mataba a otros pícaros, robaba a la gente, rechazaba a un alfa, engañaba al consejo y lo más importante, vivía entre humanos rompiendo todas las leyes y normas. ¿Qué sucederá cuando alguien del consejo le dé su caso anónimo al alfa más fuerte del mundo? ¿Un alfa incluso más fuerte que el hijo del Rey Alfa? ¿Cómo se salvará de un alfa que ha jurado matar a todos los pícaros para vengar lo que hicieron con él? ¿Cómo atrapará Maverick Aurelius a esta misteriosa pícara que no tiene olor? Cuando se encontraron por primera vez, él debería haberla matado, pero ¿cómo iba a reconocerla si ella era apenas un gato? Valencia nunca se transformó en su lobo porque estaba maldita para ser una cambiaformas. ¿Cómo reconocerá el alfa al pícaro en el gato que ha desarrollado la extraña costumbre de entrar en su habitación y jugar con sus cosas? ~~~~~ P. D. Esta es mi segunda entrada para el WSA 2024. Por favor, apoyen con votos, regalos, boletos y comentarios. ```
AngelinaBhardawaj · 78.3K Views

In Love with Secret Heiress

Six years ago, Alice Anderson’s life was shattered in a single, heart-stopping moment. Pregnant with Jace Miller’s child, she faced the wrath of his father, Daniel Miller—a ruthless, powerful man who would stop at nothing to protect his family’s legacy. Terrified by his threats and with nowhere to turn, Alice fled the glittering chaos of New York, seeking refuge in the remote wilds of Australia. There, she gave birth to her daughter, Ava, and for six peaceful years, she built a quiet life far from the shadows of her past. But peace never lasts. A sudden, unexpected call from her mother draws Alice back into the life she thought she had left behind. Her return to New York comes with a bombshell revelation: Alice is the secret, illegitimate daughter of Michael Rodriguez, a business tycoon whose empire now belongs to her. The news sends shockwaves through the Rodriguez family. As Alice grapples with her newfound inheritance and the impending conflict within the Rodriguez family, her past collides with her present in the form of Jace Miller. Discovering that Alice has returned to the city—with their daughter—Jace is determined to rekindle the love they once shared. Her feelings are conflicted, and things become even more complicated when she encounters William Davis, a mysterious and magnetic rival to the Millers, who seems to have his own agenda. Captivated by William’s allure, Alice finds herself torn between the man from her past and the one who offers a dangerously seductive future. In a city where power and betrayal walk hand-in-hand, and love is as much a weapon as a desire, Alice must navigate the treacherous waters of wealth, family secrets, and ruthless ambition.
Reyana_Segal · 9.6K Views

Beast Alpha and His Cursed Luna

Mature Content- Rated18+ (No rape) "You look lonely and well..." "Well?" The Alpha gave her a condescending smile. "Broken. Like someone who has fought a lot of battles. Someone who has been hurt." She said. "It's true. And thus, I am ready to fight even more battles if it promises what I want," Alpha Maverick said. "And what do you want?" She asked with a sweet smile. "Death. Death of all the rogues for what they did to me," Alpha Maverick said, looking at the girl who became stiff beside him. "You are not a rogue, are you?" Alpha Maverick looked into her enchanting eyes, his hand caressing her cheeks, making her smile awkwardly. She was indeed a rogue, and not just any normal rogue, but one wanted by the entire world. ~~~~~~ "I, Valencia Brooklyn, reject Tyler Anderson as my fateful mate. I would rather accept death than a disloyal mate." These were the exact words that changed her life. Since this werewolf world couldn't accept her for being an omega and not having a wolf, she decided to do the exact same thing. She became a rogue that everyone started fearing and looking for. A rogue who killed other rogues, stole from people, rejected an alpha, deceived the council, and most importantly, lived among humans while breaking all laws and norms. What will happen when someone from the council gives her anonymous case to the strongest alpha in the world? An alpha even stronger than the Alpha King's son? How will she save herself from an alpha who has vowed to kill all the rogues to avenge what they did with him? How will Maverick Aurelius catch this mysterious rogue who doesn't have a scent? When they first meet, he should've killed her, but how was he supposed to recognize her when she was a mere cat? Valencia never turned into her wolf because she was cursed to be a shapeshifter. How will the alpha recognise the rogue in the cat who has developed a weird habit of coming into his room and playing with his things? ~~~~~ P.S. This is my second WSA 2024 entry. Please support with votes, gift, tickets and comments.
AngelinaBhardawaj · 504.4K Views

30 Days of Passion and Revenge

**This book is a dark romance and contains abusive and mature content.** In a world where power and passion collide, Lily Anderson finds herself entangled in a web of deceit and desire with Ethan Blackwood, a man of enigmatic charm and ruthless ambition. Their tumultuous relationship is a battleground of wills and wits, where Lily struggles to maintain her dignity and autonomy against Ethan's domineering control. As they navigate through a series of encounters that test the limits of trust and betrayal, a question lingers in the air: Can love flourish in the shadows of manipulation, or will it wither under the weight of dark intentions? Throughout their journey, the dialogue between Lily and Ethan is peppered with moments of tension and revelation, offering a glimpse into the complex dynamics of their relationship: "I'm not finished," Lily glared at him defiantly, reaching for another bottle from the ice bucket. With a resounding crash, Ethan upended the entire bucket, his eyes darkening with barely contained fury. "Get the hell out of here, all of you!" He snarled, his face contorted with rage. How dare they ogle his woman like that? "You belong to me. Your body, your time, your very existence—all of it is mine to do with as I please," Ethan growled, his face mere inches from hers, asserting a claim that Lily vehemently resisted. "I don't belong to anyone," she spat, her voice trembling. "Least of all a monster like you." "You'll learn, Lily. One way or another, you'll learn your place," Ethan's lips curled into a cruel smile, promising a future of struggle and submission. "I'll do anything you want," Lily whispered, her soul fracturing with each syllable, as she made a choice that would change her life forever. "Because my name is Ethan Blackwood," he said, a statement that carried with it a weight of power and a promise of consequences yet to be seen.
novel_evaray · 207.2K Views


She makes me feel hate, anger, desire, lust and something even more dangerous – love. ***** Amelia (Amy) Shawls, the legitimate and perfect princess of real estate mogul, and serving senator, Gregory Shawls, had it all –wealth, beauty, brain and a fiance who doted on her. But amidst her few admirers and plenty haters, were her vile stepmother and her envious stepsister, who sought to destroy her and take away her inheritance. Amelia's seemingly perfect life took a dark and scary turn on the eve before her celebrity marriage, when she gets a text message from her fiance, Jerry, asking her to meet him up at their favourite restaurant. On her way, Amelia is kidnapped and taken to an unknown location where she narrowly escapes her abductors only to end up crashing into a river. When Amelia finally regained consciousness a week later, she discovered that her life and everything she ever loved and worked for had been stolen from her by those who claimed to love her. Vengeful, she strikes a deal with the handsome but vicious devil, who rescued her from the jaws of death. ----- Meet Blaze Anderson, the charming but ruthless CEO of the Andex group. His heart is as cold as ice and his mere name caves terror in the heart of people. Blaze harboured a deep resentment against Amelia's entire family and would stop at nothing to see all of them, including Amelia destroyed. What would happen when the line between deep hatred and passion slowly thins out? Would Amelia ever consent to love after learning the bitter truth behind Blaze's assistance?
Tres_Aguila · 5.5K Views

Billionaire heiress : The man who saved me.

As I walked down the aisle, bouquet in hand, I scanned the crowd—the very people I’d paid to attend. My heart raced, searching for my husband, but he was nowhere in sight. Panic set in. Was I about to be abandoned on my wedding day? I could already picture the headline: Daughter of Late CEO of Nova White Robotics abandoned at the Altar. Not only would I be humiliated, but my chance to take over the company would slip away, and my enemies would jubilate in my defeat. Just as I was drowning in my sea of doubt, I heard the sound of a hasty footsteps. The crowd turned and gasped in shock as Mason appeared, looking dashing in a sharp three-piece suit. His smile met my gaze, his piercing blue eyes locking onto mine. “Sorry I’m late. My suit didn’t arrive on time,” he said with an apologetic smile. I nodded and the priest began reading the vows, he turned to me and asked, "Will you take Mr. Mason Anderson as your lawfully wedded husband, to love and protect?" I tried to speak, but the words stuck in my throat. I just stood there, lost in confusion, unsure if this was the right choice. * * Determined to secure her place as CEO, knowing marriage is the key to winning over the shareholders, she’s ready to do whatever it takes to take control of her father’s company. But can she overcome the evil forces that threatened to destroy her family , or will they succeed in eliminating her for their own gain? And as for the contract marriage, will it turn out to be her worst mistake or will it blossom into something real, especially when undeniable feelings start to arise?
Adelfa · 1.6K Views

The Resilient Heiress

Zara Adam, who willingly went abroad because of some issues, finally returns home after enduring a grueling 11 years to ensure her family's happiness. However, her adopted sister Olivia is far from thrilled about her comeback. Olivia has been trying everything in her power to erase Zara from her life, but all her attempts have either failed or backfired on her. Zara couldn't care less about Olivia's antics. To make matters more complicated, Zara quickly gets involved with Ethan Anderson, the heir to a wealthy and influential family who is rumored to be her fiancé. This infuriates Olivia, leading her to spread malicious rumors about them. As time goes by, society starts believing that the Adam family's upbringing is more virtuous and noble compared to those raised overseas, all thanks to the rumors. Olivia becomes green with envy, but everyone gets a rude awakening when Zara's true identity is revealed. Throughout her journey, Zara faces various challenges that she overcomes with the unwavering support of Ethan by her side. Along the way, she also makes new friends while cherishing her old ones. When false rumors start targeting Zara, her four brothers, who have an intense sister complex, step up and confront anyone who dares to criticize their beloved sibling. This leads to clashes with those who try to harm Zara, and when Ethan uses his influence to protect his fiancée, the Adam brothers become furious and tell him, "We don't need your help taking care of our sister." With a calm smile, Ethan responds, "It's my duty to protect the one I love." The brothers roll their eyes at his response.
NandyGrace · 44.4K Views

Arch Mage’s Stress Free Life after Reincarnation

Marduk, a retired archmage of the Intergalactic Association of Mages and Witches, has lived for a thousand years. After centuries of mastering magic, his position as the dean of the Galactic Academy of Magic has only left him frustrated and bored, dealing with hormonal students and their overbearing parents. Desperate for something new, Marduk turns to experimenting with forbidden magic—dark magic of souls and light magic of reincarnation. In a catastrophic moment, he opens a black hole and is sucked into it, finding himself reincarnated in the body of a comatose nobleman’s son, Nolan Anderson. Nolan, the fifteen-year-old heir of the powerful Duke Alpheus Anderson, had been bedridden for months, his weak soul unable to withstand the immense natural power his body possessed. When Nolan’s soul fades away, Marduk’s strong soul takes over, reviving the body but leaving the archmage in a world both familiar and alien—a world where magic and technology coexist in harmony. Now living as Nolan in a society where monarchy still reigns supreme, Marduk is free from the shackles of his former responsibilities. He has a new life, a new body, and an opportunity to experience all the joys he was denied in his previous existence. Determined to live life to the fullest, Marduk—now Nolan—embarks on a journey to make friends, find love, and use his vast magical knowledge to aid his new family, while navigating the complexities of a society that thrives on equality, technological advancement, and magical power. However, this new world holds its own challenges and secrets. As Marduk adjusts to his new life, he finds himself drawn to Nova Bright, the brilliant yet emotionally distant grandson of the Grand Duke. Their paths cross, and what starts as a chance encounter at a party becomes the beginning of a slow-burning romance that will challenge both their hearts and the world around them. In a world where magic and science blend seamlessly, Marduk must balance his desire for a carefree life with the responsibility of his newfound identity, while discovering the possibilities of love that had eluded him for so long.
I_am_Lazzyyy · 8.8K Views

Never Got To Home

“Show me euphoria or let your happiness die!” Jacob Kyler whispers near Rosalia's ear making her disgusted and shocked. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rosalia is caught between the two biggest rivals after they both fall for her. Henry Anderson and Rosalia love each other, but a problem arises when Jacob Kyler, a ruthless man, claims her as his girl. The rivalry between Henry and Jacob is long-standing, and their competition becomes more intense over her. Rosalia goes on a date with Henry, where he proposes marriage, which she gladly accepts. To ensure that Jacob cannot interfere, they arrange their marriage in a different city, beyond his reach. Everything is going smoothly until one midnight Jacob Kyler shows up in her room and proposes her a condition. To maintain everything she has to come to a term with him and accept his term. Henry and Rosalia happily plan everything for their wedding, and finally, the big day arrives. With a sigh of relief, they proceed with the ceremony. Finally, the most anticipated day for Rosalia and Henry has arrived. Wearing her beautiful white wedding gown, she arrives at the hall, bringing joy to Henry’s heart. His heart races as he sees the love of his life standing in front of him. They finally embrace each other. With slow steps, she makes her way to him, and they stand face to face. A shy smile forms in the corner of her lips upon seeing him smile while looking at her. After reciting the vows, the pastor asks him, “Henry Anderson, do you take Rosalia Moore as your lawful wife?” “No, he doesn’t!” The guests in the hall are agitated as they hear a girl’s voice that has floated from the dead end of the hall.
Seven_Author · 3.5K Views
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