Crimson Labyrinthine Tale
The trigger that set everything up, was when Rick didn't mind his business and opened the crate he was to just transport, and go to get paid as usual. But no, he head to open and discover a sedated, bounded, and smelly girl- Nancy, who was about to be travelled as a premium maid to a guy who would have taken care of her- if he didn't then it was his choice, she would have been his.
See, it would have been over if Rick just closed the crate back, and move on. But someone developed a hero syndrome, and now Nancy is running wild with a fully loaded mouth which leads to a series of events that definitely swallows Rick and his friends and partners, especially as Rick now has a gun pointed to his head, and he has to explain what in his supposedly right senses did he accomplish
We... I hope you enjoy the series. If you didn't end up liking the story.
Thanks for reading and David wishes to know how he could improve the story. And your opinion might break his low self-esteem, but we will cheer him up back and he will write better.