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Gambare Gambare Senpai Meme


``` "dia dipilih karena dia adalah haknya dari awal..." Sekali dalam kesempatan yang langka, malam when bulan purnama biru, seorang gadis diambil dari sebuah rumah tangga untuk melayani binatang-binatang yang menyebut diri mereka manusia serigala. Manusia serigala inilah yang menguasai kota dan mengendalikan segala sesuatunya. Mereka tampak seperti manusia tetapi di bawah topeng manusia itu terdapat monster kejam yang berusaha menghancurkan. Semua orang berusaha melindungi diri mereka sendiri tetapi di dalam hati mereka tahu mereka tidak ada kesempatan melawan manusia serigala. Arianne adalah seorang gadis kecil yang lahir berbeda dari orang-orang lain di kota itu. Dia memiliki rambut merah panjang dan dia lahir dengan warna mata yang berbeda. Satu hijau dan satu coklat. Tak ada yang tahu secara pasti mengapa dia lahir seperti itu dan itu bukan karena faktor keturunan. Ibunya juga meninggal saat melahirkan dan karena itu ayahnya, Massimo menjauhkan diri dari dirinya dan memilih untuk menikah lagi. Dia menikahi seorang wanita bernama Christine yang sudah memiliki seorang anak di luar nikah, Rissa. Bersama-sama Rissa dan Christine memutuskan untuk membuat hidup Arianne menjadi neraka yang kepada hal itu ayahnya memalingkan muka dan karena itu, hal itu berdampak pada Arianne dan dia memutuskan untuk menarik diri dari keluarganya dan masyarakat. Hari penyeleksian tiba dan Rissa terpilih untuk pergi melayani manusia serigala. Takut akan nyawanya, Rissa memutuskan untuk membujuk ibunya agar meyakinkan Massimo untuk menawarkan Arianne sebagai pengganti dalam penyeleksian. Mengeabaikan teriakannya yang memohon dan air mata, Massimo menawarkan Arianne untuk pergi melayani manusia serigala. Tak seorang pun benar-benar tahu apa yang terjadi pada gadis-gadis yang terpilih dan tak ada yang peduli untuk bertanya. Tanpa mengetahui takdir yang menantinya, Arianne memutuskan untuk pergi melayani manusia serigala yang mereka sebut Ivan Giovanni, seorang alpha yang dikenal karena kekejamannya. Bisakah Arianne bertahan hidup di antara manusia serigala? Apa yang terjadi saat dia mengetahui lebih banyak tentang identitasnya dan satu-satunya orang yang bisa membantunya adalah Ivan? Apa yang menurut Anda akan terjadi jika dia mengetahui bahwa Ivan adalah anak laki-laki yang dia selamatkan bertahun-tahun yang lalu dari kematian? CATATAN: SAYA TIDAK MEMILIKI HAK CIPTA GAMBAR SAMPUL BUKU INI. GAMBAR DITEMUKAN DI PINTEREST. ```
DA_Aloera · 15.6K Views

PHEPHISA(The nightmares that happen in daylight-)

Phephisa is a gripping and thought-provoking novel that delves into the intricate web of mental health, trauma, love, and resilience. When a seemingly perfect life begins to unravel, trauma re-merges exposing the sinister underbelly of exploitation and abuse. As the protagonist navigates her own struggles with anxiety, depression, and childhood trauma, she finds herself entangled in a dangerous world where exploitation and manipulation lurk. With each step, she must confront the shadows of her past and the harsh realities of being a woman. This powerful debut novel sheds light on: 1. The silent struggles of mental health. 2. The resilience of survivors. 3. The underbelly of exploitation Through raw emotion and unflinching honesty, Phephisa urges readers to confront the darkness, seek help, and support those affected by trauma and exploitation. My goal is to spark empathy and understanding, rather than provide a factual account. I encourage readers to explore reputable sources for a deeper understanding of this critical issue. Note: Certain quotes, phrases, and references throughout this book are attributed to various online sources, memes, and cultural phenomena. Where possible, original authors have been credited. However, some sources may remain uncredited due to lack of attribution or anonymity. Trigger Warning: This novel addresses mature themes, including mental health struggles. Some scenes may be triggering or disturbing. Please read with caution and prioritize your emotional well-being.
Dipuleng_Charlene · 344 Views

Ingin Selalu Bersamamu

Pria bersetelan formal menjeda langkah, memandang isi kamar putranya. Berantakan. "Tidak biasanya kamar kamu seperti ini, apa yang terjadi sampai hati mengobrak-abrik barang-barang?" tanyanya. Rakha menoleh sendu ke ambang pintu dengan perasaan hancur berkeping." "Papa sudah pulang," Rakha menggumam pelan. Miko melangkahi bantal tergeletak di sisi pintu, memindahkan gulungan selimut ke tempat tidur dan banyak lagi kegiatan dilakukannya membereskan kamar. "Belajarlah menjadi lelaki dewasa. Jangan melampiaskan emosi ke benda-benda di sekitar, ini mencerminkan sikap kekanak-kanakan," tegur Miko. "Papa tidak tahu alasan aku marah," lirih Rakha. Selesai merapikan isi kamar, Miko duduk di sofa. "Kemari. Ada sesuatu penting ingin Papa bicarakan," ucap Miko sungguh-sungguh. Rakha menolak bangkit. "Prihal bisnis lagi? Aku tidak semangat diskusi lain kali saja membahasnya." "Bukan. Ini tentang perjodohanmu dengan putri teman Papa," jelas Miko. "Hatiku sedang patah tidak sebaiknya Papa menghibur aku dengan gurauan atau lelucon, bukan menambah beban pikiranku dengan memberitahu aku hendak dijodohkan," miris Rakha. Miko merogoh saku jas kantornya, beranjak mendekat dan menyodorkan sebuah foto kehadapan Rakha. "Perhatikan baik-baik. Dia yang akan menjadi istrimu," kata Miko. Rakha mengambil foto tersebut, menatap datar gambar perempuan berwajah anggun yang tengah tersenyum lembut. "Armala satu-satunya putri tunggal Adinata dan Farah. Kamu dan dia sama-sama anak pertama bedanya kamu memiliki adik. Armala tidak. Kalian dijodohkan tanpa sepengetahuan Mama dan adikmu agar pernikahan kalian berjalan lancar tanpa hambatan," terang Miko. "Papa tidak ada bedanya dengan Mama dan Luna, mengatur aku sesuka hati," sedih Rakha. "Berhenti protes. Terima pilihan Papa. Jika Aqeela mencintai kamu mana mungkin dia meninggalkanmu untuk Fattah. Jika Aqeela tulus mencintai, seratus lelaki yang datang menawarkan cinta sudah pasti ditolak demi menjaga perasaanmu. Tetapi kenyataannya Aqeela tidak menolak Fattah," sambung Miko. "Dari mana Papa tahu Aqeela mengkhianati Aku? Apa mungkin dibalik kandasnya percintaanku ada campur tangan—" "Menuduh Papa?" sela Miko. "Aku tidak menuduh hanya saja terasa janggal di saat hubunganku dan Aqeela rusak, Papa mengungkapkan perjodohan ini seperti jauh hari sudah direncakanan tapi kalau Papa tidak terlibat dalam hal ini dari mana Papa mengetahui semuanya?" terheran Rakha. "Dimas memberitahu segalanya," jawab Miko. Rakha merosotkan bahu, usaha menyembunyikan masalah dari Papa berakhir percuma karena Dimas suka rela membocorkannya. "Selama ini kamu memberikan yang terbaik kepada Aqeela, tidak perlu menyesal ditinggal pergi. Tidak ada gunanya meratapi kepergian cinta. kamu pantas hidup bahagia, membuka lembaran baru dengan Armala," lanjut Miko. Rakha mengusap air mata, mengangguk siap menjalani kehidupan baru bersama Armala.
Penabiru · 8.6K Views

Finding Your Way Home In Another World With The Gender Change Skill

Judul : Finding Your Way Home In Another World With The Gender Change Skill. ¥{==================================}¥ Genre: Action, Adventure, Romance, Drama, Shounen, Harem, GenderBander, Fantasy, Mistery, Isekai. ¥{==================================}¥ {Sinopsis} Di suatu Sekolah Menengah Atas bergengsi yang bernama Ryuuji Gakuen. Di sana merupakan sekolah elit yang mementingkan nilai dibandingkan status sosial. Dan di sekolah itu, terdapat seorang siswa yang memiliki reputasi yang sangat buruk. Nama dari siswa itu adalah Shimotsuki Souji. Dia merupakan siswa kelas 11-F di sekolah itu, dan juga, ia memiliki nilai yang sangat rata-rata. Souji memiliki reputasi buruk itu bukan tanpa sebab. Reputasi buruk itu ia dapatkan, karena pelecehan dan fitnah yang dilakukan oleh teman masa kecil nya yang bernama Aizawa Saki. Berbanding terbalik dengan Souji, Saki di sekolah itu merupakan siswa paling berbakat yang selalu menempati peringkat pertama dalam ujian, dan juga, dia merupakan Ketua Dewan Siswa di sekolah tersebut. Reputasi Souji menjadi semakin memburuk. Akibat dia memasuki sebuah Klub yang hanya berisikan gadis-gadis yang bisa dikatakan paling cantik yang ada di sekolah tersebut. Dan, dia juga merupakan satu-satunya laki-laki yang ada di dalam Klub tersebut. Suatu hari, semua orang yang sedang berada di dalam gedung sekolah itu tiba-tiba saja berpindah ke suatu tempat yang sangat asing. Di tempat asing itu, mereka semua di sambut oleh Raja dari Kerajaan Groxia yang bernama Denis Groxia. Lalu, Raja ini berkata kepada mereka semua “Wahai para Pahlawan yang datang dari dunia lain. Saya mohon tolong bantu kami untuk mengalahkan ke 72 Demon Lord yang ada di dunia ini” Di saat semua orang yang dipanggil mendapatkan Job Class dan Skill kelas atas. Di sisi lain, Shimotsuki Souji tidak memiliki Job Class sama sekali dan hanya mendapatkan sebuah Skill yang hanya bisa merubah gender nya saja. Karena hal itulah, dia memutuskan untuk mencari jalan kembali sendirian. Akan tetapi, pada saat Souji ingin pergi untuk mencari jalan untuk kembali sendirian. Tiba-tiba saja teman-teman satu klub nya memutuskan untuk ikut bersama nya untuk mencari jalan lain untuk pulang. Penasaran dengan jalan ceritanya? Ayo ikuti petualangan Shimotsuki Souji di dunia baru ini dengan Skill Perubah Gender nya yang akan mengguncang semua musuhnya. ¥{==================================}¥ BERGABUNG – Komunitas Discord – DUKUNG SAYA DALAM TULISAN SAYA Saya berniat mengupload seluruh volume secara gratis. Dan saya berharap dapat melakukan hal itu. Biasanya setiap bab akan memiliki jumlah kata rata-rata 10k dan menjaga kesalahan teks membutuhkan revisi dan menghabiskan waktu, tetapi tidak ada pekerjaan yang sempurna. Dengan dukungan dan ulasan dari Anda, saya tahu bahwa saya pasti telah banyak berkembang dalam tulisan saya. Dan bahkan, sekarang saya meminta sedikit lebih, bahwa jika Anda secara sukarela ingin mendukung tulisan saya, maka Anda dapat melakukannya dengan menyumbang. Anda dapat mentransfer uang kepada saya di - Anda juga dapat memfollow akun Instagram saya di @panagakos_void. Untuk mengetahui info baru mengenai novel ini, atau info mengenai novel-novel baru yang mungkin akan saya buat. Untuk saat ini, update-nya akan menjadi slow update, dikarenakan masalah internal Author. Juga, GenderBendernya akan terjadi pada sekitaran akhir Volume dua, atau awal volume tiga. Maaf jika ada kesalahan, karena ini karya pertama saya, Jika ada kritik dan saran saya akan terima dengan senang hati. Serta, ini adalah karya pertama saya yang sudah saya revisi, jika ingin lihat yang versi sebelumnya, anda bisa mengeceknya di apk Mangatoon/Noveltoon. Tinggal dicari aja dengan judul yang sama. Informasi Sampul : Sampul bukan milik saya, ini diambil dari game - Arknight. Jika ada yang memiliki masalah dengan gambar tersebut, mohon informasikan kepada saya dan saya akan segera menghapusnya.
Panagakos_Void · 87.2K Views


As a dedicated meme coin trader, I’ve been involved in the volatile world of cryptocurrency for some time now. Over the years, I’ve experienced the ups and downs, from thrilling gains to significant losses. But nothing could have prepared me for the heartbreak I encountered when I became a victim of a ruthless rug pull scam. It all began when I found what seemed to be a promising new meme coin project. The project was heavily promoted, and the ICO (Initial Coin Offering ) seemed like a legitimate opportunity. I was drawn in by the hype, excited by the potential profits that were being promised. I invested $10,000, believing this could be my next big break. However, it didn't take long before I realized something was wrong. After a few days, the value of the coin began to plummet. My once-thriving investment turned into a nightmare. The project's creators vanished, and all communication ceased. It was a classic rug pull an exit scam where the developers drained the liquidity, leaving investors like me with nothing. In an instant, my $10,000 was gone, and I felt completely helpless. I was devastated and unsure of how to recover. The emotional toll of losing such a significant amount of money was immense, but I refused to give up. I began researching recovery options, desperate to find a solution. That’s when I stumbled upon TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT .After reaching out to them, I was impressed by their professionalism and commitment. They explained the process clearly and assured me that they had helped many victims of cryptocurrency scams like mine. Despite being skeptical at first, I decided to give it a shot, and I’m glad I did. TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT worked tirelessly on my case. They tracked the stolen funds and took the necessary steps to reclaim my assets. It wasn’t an overnight process, but over time, I saw results. Thanks to their expertise, I was able to recover my $10,000. The experience not only restored my faith in the crypto community but also taught me a valuable lesson about staying cautious in the world of investments. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to TRUST GEEKS HACK EXPERT. They specialize in helping people recover lost funds from scams and frauds. Don’t let scammers take advantage of you there is help available, and recovery is possible. SUPPORT SERVICE INFORMATION Web-site. Email: What's App  +1 7 1 9 4 9 2 2 6 9 3 TeleGram: Trustgeekshackexpert
JIMMY_WESLEY · 303 Views

Little Goliath

'What is this?' Theodore thought as he opened his little eyes to what he assumes to be one of his parents who is dropping him off on the doorstep of a church at what seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, ---a few hours ago ago--- Theodore was like any other normal person: had a family, had dreams, filled with ambitiouns, liked games, sometimes goes outside, has preferences, filled with desire, and of course went through a difficult time in his life, he was just as normal as the average person is. but one thing he is different from others is that he likes roasting people online especially the rich, he loves making fake accounts just to meme people, judge thier preferences and give rating for their every day (unnecessary) objects, he even makes money from it by making videos about how stupid some rich people are. But that led him to his death when he was kidnapped by a rich woman, who he had made fun of... '???' He didn't know what happened after that... --- [Somewhere in a different time]--- 'Where am I?' he asked as he tries to move his head and eyes uncoordinated, there were noticeable things to hint where he was currently at; the church was styled like it was described from a dark fantasy book, the sky was clear with a few clouds roaming in the sky as the light of dawn hits them, and his parent who looked like a literal angel, '....they seemed to be speaking..." " think my offspring looked... Normal, even though you're mother is a human and I, Michael... am an angel... So shouldn't you be a €i@n¥?" The angel asked the infant, only to be replied with cooing, "Oh... Who am I kidding? You're just an infant, how can you even understand..... goodbye Little David" the angel said as he spans his wings wide, knocked on the church's door before he flew from the ground and vanished between the rays of dawn ——17——Years——Later—— 'Hmm', looking back at the moment, David sighed in his stupidity for realizing something that he should've considered, "Well I was very afraid and shaken from being reincarnated, so I really can't truly blame myself for not realizing.... Right?" He asked, seemingly into the air [No, from what I can see, the fault was totally on you] the voice of the male siri that suddenly replied to him "Well fuck you, this wasn't supposed to be my problem, I'm just a defect Nephilim, not someone who asked to be a hero!" [Correction, currently you're a captive of Achilles] "That's not what I meant! You retard of a Sy--" [Playing; Don't Stop Believing by Journey] ================= This work is inspired by the stories of; the origins of the Book of Giants (and pages from the Bible that references to the Book of Giants), The story of David and Goliath, the themes, setting, scenes, land, and stories from various legends, tales, myths, 'n methods in both western and middle eastern. "..." => Talking '...' => thinking (...) => Details/explanation [...] => moves/important terms/specific places #...# => links/inspirations/references for the chapter ..====.. => end of a scene/transition to another scene ================= A [Short] novel, Meaning this is a work that I did not put my all in, But it is something that I gave my thoughts to: the chapters, characters, the plot and the finale. each chapter has atleast (1.2k)-(1.7k) words but I might be able to make chapters with nearly (2k) words, I've learned that in my previous works, the chapters are short af [–=Notes=–] >This Test Novel shall only have 20 chapters, >Have limited descriptions given >English is my third language and I learned English through poetry at first, so please anyone, help point out some writing errors of mine that I didn't do right >I lack perseverance so I might only upload mostly once a week, sometimes twice a week, or worse scenario once a (few) month(s)
Joseph_Sab1 · 5.4K Views

ARAKATA; The Guardian

Gambar pada cover, saya dapat dari Pinterest berjudul "The Last King of The Dragon", saya sudah berusaha mencari siapa pemilik asli gambar ini tapi tidak menemukan. Jadi untuk sementara saya gunakan ini, jika ada waktu dan rejeki lebih saya buatkan cover original. Warning! Cerita 15+ terdapat kekerasan. Alur lambat dan konflik ringan, mohon tidak berekspektasi tinggi, baru belajar EDY (sepuh boleh koreksi bila ada yang salah), upload dua Minggu sekali (tergantung mood). SINOPSIS: Ekal, seorang pemuda dari dunia manusia, secara tak sengaja terperangkap di dunia entah berantah. Awalnya, ia terpesona dan bahagia, dunia yang penuh keajaiban dan makhluk luar biasa membuatnya merasa seperti berada dalam mimpi. Namun, kebahagiaan itu cepat memudar ketika ia menyadari kenyataan pahit: sebagai manusia biasa, ia tak cocok hidup di dunia yang penuh kekuatan luar biasa ini. Tanpa kemampuan magis dan fisik seperti yang dimiliki makhluk-makhluk lain, Ekal merasa semakin terisolasi dan tidak diinginkan. Beruntung, Ekal tidak sendirian. Teman-temannya yang baru -Mizel, seorang naga yang bijaksana; Tanio, si penyihir: Martha, dan Neyla gadis kecil yang penuh semangat selalu ada untuk membantu dan menemani. Mereka bersama-sama menjalani petualangan panjang untuk mencari jalan keluar dari dunia yang kini penuh dengan konflik dan kehancuran ini, menuntun Ekal kembali ke rumahnya. Akankah Ekal menemukan jalan pulang ke dunianya? Ataukah ia akan terperangkap selamanya di dunia yang penuh keajaiban dan penderitaan ini?
Gassab · 3.6K Views


Email info: Adwarerecoveryspecialist (@) Telegram info: https:// Website info: https://adwarerecoveryspecialist. com WhatsApp info:+ 12 723 328 343 As the year 2025 approached, I was excited for the New Year’s Eve celebrations, eager to kick off the year with some fresh investments. Recently, I had decided to buy a popular meme coin, attracted by the growing hype around it. Everyone seemed to be talking about it, and the potential returns were tempting. I didn’t think twice, convinced it was a good move to diversify my portfolio with a trending asset. However, what I didn’t anticipate was the danger lurking in the shadows. That night, just as I was celebrating, I found myself scammed out of $75,000 in cryptocurrency. The scam was incredibly sophisticated, with fake exchanges, phony wallets, and convincing messages that led me to believe I was making a legitimate transaction. I was instructed to send my funds to what seemed like a trusted wallet, only to discover later that I had fallen victim to a fraudulent scheme. The scammers were quick, and by the time I realized what had happened, my assets were gone, and the criminals had disappeared without a trace. In the aftermath of this devastating loss, I felt a sense of hopelessness. But amidst the confusion and panic, I decided to seek professional help, and that’s when I reached out to ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST. I had heard of their reputation in the crypto community for offering legitimate recovery services, so I was hopeful that they could assist in this difficult situation. From the moment I contacted them, the ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST put my mind at ease. Their experts were quick to assess the situation and get to work, explaining the process in detail. They took the time to demystify the recovery steps, making sure I understood every part of the journey, and guided me through the often confusing world of blockchain technology. Their customer centric approach was evident from the start through clear communication and ongoing support, I felt reassured that I wasn’t facing this challenge alone. ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST in depth knowledge of the blockchain ecosystem and their use of advanced recovery techniques gave me a renewed sense of hope. While the process is still ongoing, their professionalism, expertise, and transparent approach have been invaluable. With their help, I am cautiously optimistic that I can recover at least a portion of my lost assets and protect myself from future scams.
Duncan_Oliphant · 348 Views

Aukhemya - Gods and Alchemy

God(s). Angels. Demons. Monsters. They can be more real than you’d like… And more humane too… Maybe way too much… ... … In a world with supernatural races secretly living among humans, this is the story of Lúcio Arabrantes, a lad from Minas Gerais, Brazil. If you expected an unlucky, jobless protagonist… NOT HERE, FOLKS! Owner of a jewelry shop in one of the best shopping centers of Belo Horizonte, he certainly is a successful lad! Regarding his luck… WEEEEEELL… To start, our lad has a weird syndrome and a frail body (oh dear, someone could mistake his condition as a curse…), without mentioning the disappearance of his parents after an accident. Yeah, very original and nothing strange… But this isn't everything. The shop is nothing more than a facade for Lúcio's real business: the store Buriti de Ouro, specialized in artifacts, magical scrolls and talismans, seals, magic forge, formations, matrices and other magical miscellaneous; located in the Brazil Street, Latin America Zone, Heavenly Commercial District. Yes, our jeweler works in Heaven. Literally. But what is Lúcio’s cheat power? Is he the descendant of some god, dragon, spirit or devil? No, he is just a normal human with a… Not that normal job… Skills above everyone else? Despite being a magical inscriptionist and artificer, to surpass the gods and other races is complicated… Could it be the learnings of a past life? Well, Lúcio studied a lot, he works hard, but he never had an ancient great Grandmaster of a supreme sect or a primordial creation god to teach him secret techniques. For now… However, for the ruin of his peaceful lifestyle (if that's even possible in such a world) and rejoice of our readers, his “normal” life changes when a random box appears on his doorstep. Inside the box lies the first and last help left by his parents (spoiler: it won't be the last one). An artifact, the Aurum Nucleus, that could supposedly cure his weird body condition. But the artifact has a special bonus: it hosts the spirit of a… Certain woman… … … You already know that a lot of shit is gonna happen, right? Mercenaries and mobsters appearing to screw the party? Yes. Two dudes on a motorcycle trying to rob him? We are in Brazil, what did you expected? Old bully from school trying to make a fuss in the shop? Check. Aztec sect kidnap and try to offer him to a fallen Aztec god? Yep- Uhhh... The girlfriend is also kidnapped, but by a group of giants with colorful hairs and eyes living on a lost island in the Atlantic Ocean? Certainly- Hold up… Trouble with the island’s church from which the first angels (aka Celestials) and demons (Abyssals btw) come from? Of course- Wait, wait… The lost past of forgotten primordial gods, involving secrets about the origin of everything, schemes and plans of ancient entities, prophecies about the Apocalypse, wars between pantheons, clans and even different dimensions, machinations that could change the world order… Uhhhh… I think you folks got the idea… Fortunately, Lúcio has family and friends to support him in these troubles. From the cheese broas teached by his grandmother, the cheats, tricks and quirks of his family, a little help from adventurer friends, the love of his yander- cahem- protective girlfriend, and the strength of… Golden allies… This is an ordinary and chaotic story, unique and common, boring and funny, unexpected and predictable, pleasant and *censored*, and many other adjectives. So expect lots of jokes and memes (good or not, idc, my humor sense is wild), lovely or bland moments, references and mysteries, obvious or not. And as the novel’s name says, this is a story about gods and alchemy, with a certain island in the middle of the chaos… Discord server link:
WillSM268 · 129.5K Views
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