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Precure Spring Carnival

Après avoir été piégée par sa famille, elle a été choyée par un PDG d'une famille riche

Jing Yao a couché avec le PDG d'une riche famille qui était réputé pour se tenir à l'écart des femmes. Elle est même tombée enceinte. Jing Yao a grandi sans recevoir d'amour de ses parents. Bien qu'elle et sa sœur fussent jumelles, elle ne ressemblait en rien à sa sœur aînée. Ses parents favorisaient sa sœur aînée. Jing Yao a été forcée de commencer à travailler jeune, tandis que sa sœur pouvait rester à la maison à ne rien faire. Jing Yao devait payer ses propres frais de scolarité. Un seul sac à main que possédait sa sœur coûtait plusieurs dizaines de milliers. Non seulement cela, mais sa sœur aînée sortait même avec son fiancé, avec qui elle était fiancée depuis l'enfance. Formellement parlant, Jing Yao était la deuxième sœur de la famille. Cependant, en réalité, elle était tellement pauvre qu'elle ne pouvait même pas payer son propre loyer. Sa famille ne lui avait jamais montré aucun soin ou affection. Pour le bien du mariage de sa sœur aînée, la mère biologique de Jing Yao l'a piégée en la faisant boire avec un investisseur. Elle a même été droguée. Heureusement, elle était suffisamment alerte pour s'enfuir. Cependant, elle s'est enfuie dans la mauvaise direction. En conséquence, elle a fini par coucher avec Liang Xun. Après être rentrée chez elle, la mère de Jing Yao l'a engueulée. Son odieux de fiancé l'a humiliée. Jing Yao a annulé le mariage sur le champ. Depuis lors, elle a quitté la famille Jing. Plus tard, Liang Xun a découvert que Jing Yao était enceinte. Il l'a approchée et lui a demandé de l'épouser. Cependant, Jing Yao l'a rejeté. Liang Xun lui a directement offert 100 millions comme cadeau de mariage, et elle a finalement accepté. Des rumeurs ont commencé à se répandre sur internet. Jing Yao, une célébrité récemment populaire, était soupçonnée de s'être impliquée dans la relation de sa sœur aînée. Certains ont même dit qu'elle était la sugar baby de Liang Xun. Malgré les critiques, Jing Yao a publié un post positif en réponse. "Je n'ai pas de sœur aînée et je suis la sugar mommy de Liang Xun." Liang Xun a immédiatement commenté son post. "Ma femme a raison."
Mountain Springs · 52.7K Views

Nach der Auswanderung hat die fette Frau ein Comeback geschafft!

Qiao Mei tauchte in einem Roman als Nebenfigur mit demselben Namen wie sie auf, der es an Präsenz fehlte. Diese Nebenfigur war ein Bauerntrampel, der wegen seines Übergewichts nicht heiraten konnte. Nach dem ursprünglichen Drehbuch war dieses Landmädchen Qiao Mei eine von ihrem Großvater verwöhnte Fette. Ihre Verwandten waren jedoch allesamt bösartige und grausame Menschen. Ihr Großvater war gesundheitlich angeschlagen, so dass die Verwandten nach seinem Tod sein Vermögen aufteilen und verschlingen würden. Daher war es der größte Wunsch ihres Großvaters, Qiao Mei zu verheiraten. Dafür opferte und verriet er sogar den Enkel seines guten Freundes, Xia Zhe. Großvater machte Xia Zhe betrunken und ließ Qiao Mei den starken und gut aussehenden Xia Zhe mit ihrem mehr als zweihundert Pfund schweren Körper gewaltsam entführen. Am nächsten Tag erwischte der Großvater die beiden und zwang Xia Zhe, Qiao Mei zu heiraten. Doch damit begann das unglückliche Leben von Qiao Mei. In der ursprünglichen Geschichte nahm Qiao Mei auch die geheimnisvolle Jade von Xia Zhe in Besitz. Doch aufgrund von Qiao Meis Dummheit hatte die Schwester ihrer Cousine Qiao Mei dazu gebracht, ihr die Jade zu geben, was dazu führte, dass die Familie der Cousine reich wurde. Als Qiao Mei hierher wanderte, geschah das in dem unangenehmen Moment, als sie mit dem Mann schlief, nachdem sie ihn betrunken gemacht hatte. Als sie am nächsten Tag wach wurde, stand Opas Team bereits vor der Tür. Qiao Mei war erschrocken. Sie wollte nicht auf dem ursprünglichen Weg weitergehen und einen Mann heiraten, der sie nicht liebte. Also log sie und jagte Großvater fort. Sie stieß auch den Mann hinaus, bevor sie sich zwang, ihr gebräuntes und pummeliges Spiegelbild zu betrachten! Leider weinte sie über ihr hässliches Aussehen... Sie sah aus wie ein Sumo-Ringer in großer Stoffunterwäsche, und selbst in den Geschäften für Übergrößen gab es keine Kleidung in ihrer Größe. Und ihr Gesicht war so groß wie eine Pizza, eine verbrannte Pizza! Qiao Mei beschloss, ihr Leben zu ändern! Der erste Schritt: Abnehmen! Der zweite Schritt: ihr Zimmer aufräumen! Früher war sie sehr auf Sauberkeit bedacht, und obwohl ihr jetziges Haus einen riesigen Innenhof hatte, konnte sie es nur als unordentlich bezeichnen! Der dritte Schritt war, die Jade gut festzuhalten, damit ihre gierige Cousine keine Chance hatte! Nur, sollte der große und gut aussehende Xia Zhe sie nicht hassen, wie es in der ursprünglichen Geschichte hieß? Warum war er dann immer netter zu ihr?
Mountain Springs · 27.1K Views

Amada por um Homem Mais Velho

O dote é dois milhões de dólares, nem um centavo a menos. Jiang Yu já tem dezoito anos e já pode se casar. Envie o dinheiro para o meu cartão, e este assunto está resolvido!" Jiang Yu olhou para sua mãe, que falava sem parar na mesa de negociações. Ela assistiu enquanto sua mãe ditava o preço enquanto vendia Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu não podia acreditar. Dezoito anos atrás, eles levaram o bebê errado para casa do hospital, e Jiang Yu, a verdadeira filha de uma família rica, acabou em um orfanato até um ano atrás. Jiang Ran, a filha falsa da família Jiang, cresceu com privilégios desde que era pequena. Com recursos superiores desde jovem, ela foi mais destacada do que Jiang Yu em todos os aspectos e se tornou o orgulho da família Jiang. Jiang Yu, que passou a maior parte do seu tempo vagando pelo mundo exterior, não era nada além de uma caipira que fazia sua mãe virar motivo de piada no círculo social. No entanto, Jiang Yu não tinha ideia do quanto sua mãe a odiava. No dia em que completou dezoito anos, sua mãe a 'vendeu' por um preço nomeado. Jiang Yu disse, "Se você quer casar sua filha com outra pessoa, deveria ser Jiang Ran. Eu sou sua verdadeira filha. Você é que trouxe Jiang Ran para casa por engano!" Sua mãe respondeu, "Cala a boca. Eu gostaria de não ter te dado à luz. Você só trouxe vergonha para mim!" Jiang Ran disse, "Irmã mais velha, tudo o que a Mamãe faz é para o seu próprio bem. Não culpe a Mamãe." Sua mãe disse, "Estou convencida de que ela não passa de uma cobradora de dívidas que veio até mim para cobrar suas dívidas! Ou você me dá dois milhões de dólares, ou se casa obedientemente!" Jiang Yu foi embora de casa em desespero. Por uma combinação estranha de fatores, ela se encontrou acidentalmente casando com um Sr. CEO. A partir de então, o homem de trinta anos mimou sua esposa de dezoito anos até os céus. A garotinha disse, "Senhor, alguém intimidou sua esposa!" O homem, "Que incompetente cego é tão ousado que se atreve a intimidar você?"
Mountain Springs · 88.4K Views

Amada por un hombre mayor

—El regalo de compromiso es de dos millones de dólares, ni un centavo menos. Jiang Yu ya tiene dieciocho años y puede casarse ahora. Envía el dinero a mi tarjeta, ¡y este asunto está resuelto! —Jiang Yu miraba a su madre, quien no paraba de hablar en la mesa de negociación. Observó cómo su madre ponía un precio mientras vendía a Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu no podía creerlo. Hace dieciocho años, trajeron a casa al bebé equivocado del hospital y Jiang Yu, la verdadera hija de una familia adinerada, terminó en un orfanato hasta hace un año. Jiang Ran, la falsa hija de la familia Jiang, creció con todo lo que el dinero puede proveer. Con recursos superiores desde que era joven, fue más destacada que Jiang Yu en todos los aspectos y se convirtió en el orgullo de la familia Jiang. Jiang Yu, que pasó la mayor parte del tiempo vagando por el mundo exterior, no era más que una paleto que hacía de su madre el hazmerreír del círculo socialité. Sin embargo, Jiang Yu no tenía idea de cuán grande era el odio de su madre hacia ella. El día que cumplió dieciocho años, su madre la 'vendió' con un precio establecido. —Si quieres casar a tu hija con alguien más, debería ser Jiang Ran. Yo soy tu verdadera hija. ¡Tú eres quien trajo a Jiang Ran a casa por error! —dijo Jiang Yu. —Cállate. Ojalá no te hubiera dado a luz. ¡No has traído más que vergüenza sobre mí! —contesto su madre. —Hermana mayor, todo lo que hace mamá es por tu propio bien. No culpes a mamá —dijo Jiang Ran. —¡Estoy convencida de que no es más que una cobradora de deudas que ha venido a cobrar lo suyo! O me das los dos millones de dólares, o te casas obedientemente! —dijo su madre. Jiang Yu se fue de casa desesperada. Por una extraña combinación de factores, terminó casándose accidentalmente con un Sr. CEO. Desde entonces, el hombre de treinta años consentía a su esposa de dieciocho hasta los cielos. —¡Señor, alguien maltrató a tu esposa! —dijo la pequeña. —¿Qué inútil tan ciego se atreve a maltratarte? —preguntó el hombre.
Mountain Springs · 81.8K Views

Recuperé mis recuerdos y me hice rico después de divorciarme

—Gu Dai, solo me casé contigo para hacer feliz al Abuelo. Si alguien más hubiera salvado al Abuelo, ¡me habría casado con ella de igual modo! No te creas tan importante. —A lo largo de los tres años de matrimonio, el esposo de Gu Dai la insultó en muchas ocasiones. Ella no habría creído que alguna vez fue mimada y rica si no hubiera recuperado repentinamente su memoria. —¿Por qué había servido voluntariamente a este hombre durante tres años? ¡Este hombre incluso tenía la desfachatez de enamorarse de otra mujer! —¡Lo primero que hizo Gu Dai después de recuperar su memoria fue obtener un divorcio! —Los rumores se extendieron por toda la capital de que la chica de los barrios bajos estaba obteniendo un divorcio del Señor Song! —¿En serio? ¿No es ella una cazafortunas? —preguntaba todo el mundo. —Ella solo está jugando a ser la difícil. ¿Crees que realmente puede seguir adelante? —preguntó el Señor Song. Inmediatamente después de eso, todo el mundo descubrió que Gu Dai había vuelto a la familia Gu en la capital. Ahora era la joven dama de la familia más rica de la ciudad. ¡Resultó que ella era la joven dama de la familia Gu que había desaparecido después de un accidente de crucero ocurrido hace tres años! —Señor Song, la señorita Gu está fuera de su alcance —decía todo el mundo. —¿Y qué? Ella no sabe planificar el futuro. Aparte de dinero, no tiene nada más —dijo el Señor Song. No mucho después, la gente comenzó a descubrir las múltiples identidades de Gu Dai. Era una hacker de alto nivel, una doctora milagrosa, la mejor diseñadora del país... Era todo lo que Song Ling había estado buscando. Cuando se encontraron de nuevo, él la agarró y le suplicó con lágrimas en los ojos: —Dai, no me importará si tienes sentimientos por otros. ¿Podrías dejarme quedarme a tu lado de todos modos?
Mountain Springs · 95.7K Views

Carnivals: Claimed By The Deranged Alpha Prince [BL]

From fleeing for your safety and enrolling in a school filled with psychopaths… to being claimed by a deranged alpha prince? Yeah, you’re better off dead. • . • Jules’ life was picture perfect until his entire family got murdered all of a sudden, with him being the only survivor. A savior swooped In because he was still in immense danger, and that led to Jules taking on a new identity and becoming a completely different person overnight— and enrolling into Carnivals, a prestigious all-boys school for all supernatural beings. In Carnivals, monsters lurk the dark hallways and the strong preyed on the weak. You either become a predator or a prey… and from one look at Jules— a boy too pretty for his own good, with a slender and petite build, it was obvious that he was gonna be eaten alive by the predators. Here comes Blaze, a wolf who sends shivers down every predator’s spine in the school, an insanely hot Alpha who was as dangerous and deranged as the rumors claimed. He took one glance at Jules and decided there and then that Jules belonged to him. *** I inched backwards, eyes widening even more as my eyes zeroed in on the smirk tugging at the side of his lips. Blaze never smiled, and whenever he does, it never meant anything good. My heartbeat quickened as I scrambled backwards even more, breath stuttering to a stop as he began to narrow the distance between us. In no time, my back was plastered against the cold wall and that was when it hit me right in the chest that I was cornered and ensnared, like an actual prey… by none other than Blaze, when I had thought my life couldn’t get any worse. He towered over me effortlessly, emitting so much dominance and I had to tilt my head backwards for me to be able to meet his dark eyes, and my breath hitched when our eyes locked. He leaned down and my eyes snapped closed at once as I held my breath, waiting for him to strike. I’ve heard all the horrifying, endless rumors about him. He was an Alpha Prince whose presence someone like me should never be in. When I felt the tip of his cold nose glide over the length of my throat, my mouth fell open to release a startled gasp. He dragged in a long, audible breath and I felt a shiver rattle down my spine as I grew even stiffer, confusion clouding my mind. What was happening? Why was he doing this out of nowhere? Oh my gosh… he really was a deranged alpha like everyone says! *** THIS BOOK IS RATED 18+! It contains matured content such as: - Bullying. - Drug use. - Smut [a whole lot of it.] - Violence. - Harem [not between the main characters.] So… proceed with caution, you’ve been warned! *I don’t own the rights to the cover!
Bree_Airee · 1.4M Views

Reverend Insanity[English version]

"IMPORTANT NOTE" These are popular Chinese novels with titles adapted into English for easier recognition by global readers. I am not the original author or owner of these novels; I’m only offering an English name adaptation. If the original owners have any concerns or issues, please feel free to DM me. Enjoy these amazing stories that bring Chinese culture and storytelling to readers worldwide!" This clarifies your role and invites communication if any issues arise. Let me know if you'd like further adjustments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step into a world where classic Chinese novels meet modern readers with English-translated titles that capture the heart of each story. While preserving the essence of these beloved tales, we've crafted English names that are easy to recognize and remember, making it even easier for readers around the world to enjoy these cultural treasures. Immerse yourself in timeless adventures, legendary heroes, and mystical realms as these Chinese stories find new life with English names, welcoming a broader audience into the world of Chinese literature. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With his Three Fundamental Views* unrighteous, the demon is reborn. An old dream in the ancient days, a new author with an identical name. An old story about a time traveler who was constantly being reborn. An eccentric world that grows, cultivates, and uses Gu. The Spring Autumn Cicada, Moonlight Gu, Liquor worm, Comprehensive Golden Light Worm, Fine Black Hair Gu, Hope Gu. . . . . . And a peerless great demon that freely acts to his heart’s content. Translator's Synopsis: A story of a villain, Fang Yuan who was reborn 500 years into the past with the Spring Autumn Cicada he painstakingly refined. With his profound wisdom, battle and life experiences, he seeks to overcome his foes with skill and wit! Ruthless and amoral, he has no need to hold back as he pursues his ultimate goals. In a world of cruelty where one cultivates using Gu - magical creatures of the world - Fang Yuan must rise up above all with his own power. -------------------------------- Gu is a legendary venomous insect, often used in black magic practices. It can take on the form of several insects, usually snakes, crickets, worms etc. * = one's world view, values of worth and philosophy on life
Lost_ONE · 383 Views

Rebirth: I Made a Comeback in Showbiz

Yu Su is making a comeback with her system! Yu Su didn't grow up with her family. At age four, her older brother lost her while they were out and about. Her family adopted a girl close to her age and even gave her Yu Su's name. Many years later, Yu Su's family found her. However, nobody in the family treated her better because they felt guilty. On the contrary, they pampered the adopted child even more. If Yu Su and her adopted sister ever set their sights on something at the same time, their family would let her sister have it. Yu Su relied on her own hard work to succeed in showbiz. Not only did her family not show her any support, they even tried to interfere with his career. They claimed to want to look after her, but they gave all their resources to her adopted sister. In her previous life, Yu Su craved familial love and tolerated endless bullying from her family. However, in the end, when she and her adopted sister were kidnapped, everyone, including her family and the boyfriend she grew up with, chose to rescue her adopted sister first. In the end, Yu Su was killed by her kidnappers. After reincarnating, Yu Su decided to cut off all ties with her family. To survive, she ventured into showbiz! Later... Was her eldest brother a dominant CEO in showbiz? In the blink of an eye, Yu Su's studio became the top-performing company in the industry! Was her second brother a successful manager? Yu Su became the ace of all managers in showbiz! Was her third brother a famous and talented singer? Yu Su went viral with a single song! Was her fourth brother a genius director? Yu Su's film sold so well that even he became envious! After seeing Yu Su's success, her biological parents and brothers regretted their actions. They begged her for forgiveness. "I refuse!" Yu Su exclaimed.
Mountain Springs · 2.6M Views
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