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Violet Ep

Den Alphas trotzen

Zwei Jahrhunderte nach dem Großen Krieg wurde endlich Frieden zwischen Menschen und Werwölfen geschlossen, zumindest glauben das alle. Werwölfe herrschen wie Götter, und die Menschen sind sich ihrer wahren Stellung in der neuen Weltordnung nicht bewusst. Um dieses zerbrechliche Gleichgewicht aufrechtzuerhalten, wird jedes Jahr eine Handvoll "glücklicher" Menschen aus verschiedenen Bezirken ausgewählt, um die Lunaris-Akademie zu besuchen, eine prestigeträchtige Einrichtung, die Ruhm, Status und die Chance verspricht, sich unter die Elite zu mischen. Die Auserwählten werden als die wenigen Glücklichen gepriesen, die dazu bestimmt sind, mächtige Alphas zu heiraten und zu Luna aufzusteigen. Dieses Jahr ist Violet Purple unter den Auserwählten, sehr zur Überraschung aller. Für das Waisenmädchen, das von einer in Ungnade gefallenen Prostituierten adoptiert wurde, ist dies eine goldene Eintrittskarte in ein besseres Leben, so sagt man ihr. Aber die Lunaris Academy ist nicht das Paradies, als das sie dargestellt wird. Alles, was man Violet und ihren Mitmenschen beigebracht hat, ist eine Lüge. Die Menschen sind bei weitem nicht gleichberechtigt; sie sind Spielfiguren in einem viel größeren Spiel. Die Akademie ist nichts weiter als ein vergoldeter Käfig, und die Studenten sind Lämmer, die zur Schlachtbank geführt werden, Spielzeuge für die Alphas, mit denen sie in ihren rücksichtslosen Spielen spielen. Zu allem Übel erregt Violet die Aufmerksamkeit der gefährlichsten Spieler in diesem Spiel, der Terror Four: das Alpha des Nordens, das Alpha des Südens, das Alpha des Ostens und das Alpha des Westens. Jeder von ihnen ist gefährlicher, verdrehter und mächtiger als der andere. Aber auch unter sich sind die Alphas gespalten, jeder mit seinen eigenen tödlichen Ambitionen. Und doch haben sie alle ein Auge auf sie geworfen. Sie erwarten von Violet, dass sie mitspielt, dass sie sich fügt wie die anderen, die ihnen zu Füßen liegen, dass sie sich ihren Spielen unterwirft. Aber Violet ist nicht wie die anderen. Sie weigert sich, sich zu beugen. Sie wird sich ihnen allen widersetzen. *********** Mit einem Grinsen, das ihr Unbehagen bereitete, reichte er ihr den Antrag. "Genehmigen Sie diesen." Direktorin Jamesons Neugier übermannte sie, als sie ihm das Papier abnahm und mit den Augen den Text überflog. Fast sofort blieb ihr der Atem im Hals stecken, und ihre Augen weiteten sich ungläubig. "Was zum ...?" "Es ist perfekt, nicht wahr?" Ashers Stimme klang fast schadenfroh. Verdammter Psychopath! Jameson konnte kaum glauben, was sie da las. "Mr. Nightshade, bei allem Respekt, diese Bewerberin....this hat gerade zugegeben..." Sie konnte den Satz nicht zu Ende bringen, immer noch entsetzt über den eindeutigen Inhalt der Bewerbung. Sie holte tief Luft und fuhr fort: "Es tut mir leid, aber ich kann das nicht genehmigen." "Sie hat mich herausgefordert", sagte Archer mit einem dunklen Schimmer in den Augen. "Was?" "'Warte, bis du mich im Bett siehst'", wiederholte er die fettgedruckte Zeile aus dem Antrag und sein Grinsen wurde breiter. "Und ich kann es kaum erwarten, es herauszufinden." "Mr. Nightshade-" Er stand auf und unterbrach ihren Protest, als er sie mit einem intensiven Blick fixierte. "Genehmigen Sie den Antrag. Ich werde nicht noch einmal fragen." Ohne ihre Antwort abzuwarten, verließ Asher das Büro in der Gewissheit, dass sie seinen Anweisungen folgen würde. Er bekam immer, was er wollte. Archer Nightshade ging mit federndem Schritt den Flur entlang. Zum ersten Mal seit langer Zeit fühlte er sich lebendig, sein Blut pulsierte vor Erregung. Die anderen Kardinalalphas hatten keine Ahnung, was er vorhatte, aber sie würden es bald merken. Er hatte gerade das Spiel in Gang gesetzt. Und das Ziel war Violet Purple. Das Spiel war eröffnet. Anmerkung: Dies ist keine gewöhnliche Werwolfgeschichte. Alles, was man über Werwölfe zu wissen glaubt, wird in diesem Buch in Frage gestellt. Und ja, es ist ein umgekehrter Harem. Probieren Sie das Buch doch einmal aus.
Glimmy · 529 Views


In a world where immortality comes at a harrowing cost, those afflicted with the Semi-Immortal disorder walk a perilous path between life and death. Gifted by the Goddess Amritkala, these individuals cheat death but pay dearly—each resurrection scars their minds, bodies, and souls. Viewed as unnatural abominations by society, Semi-Immortals face prejudice and violence, their existence deemed a threat to the natural order. Leading the crusade against them is the Crossed Clan, a ruthless cult bent on eradicating these "parasites" with weapons designed to siphon their essence. In opposition stands the Whitehorse Agency, a covert organization offering sanctuary to Semi-Immortals, fighting to protect them from relentless persecution. Caught in the crossfire, the Semi-Immortals struggle to survive, their existence a battleground for humanity’s fear and morality. Among them is 19-year-old Ivianna (Ivy) Reyna, whose life has been marked by cruelty and betrayal. At 15, Ivy ended her life, only to be reborn as a Semi-Immortal, cursed to live on with a past that haunts her and a resurrection she never wanted. Her life changes when she meets Violet, a transgender girl whose own experiences with rejection and trauma mirror her own. Violet’s warmth and understanding become a lifeline for Ivy, offering her the connection she craves. As their bond grows, Ivy learns from the Whitehorse Agency that she is not just any Semi-Immortal but a rare Wildling, with powers tied to her death and childhood. This revelation thrusts Ivy into the heart of the conflict between the Crossed Clan and the Whitehorse Agency, forcing her to confront her identity and the responsibilities her powers demand. "Semi-Immortal" is a powerful tale of survival, identity, and the search for belonging in a world that fears what it cannot understand. It is a story of scars that never heal, bonds forged in the dark, and the courage it takes to face a broken world—and oneself.
Kiwiwaii · 2.6K Views

Mated to the Mad Lord

#Rated 18-Mature Themes Violet’s life was never her own—her father’s crushing debt made sure of that. But when the debt collector comes to carve a payment from her body, she takes a desperate deal: become a servant and spy on the mysterious and tyrannical Lord Cain, the ruler of her Werewolf district. There’s just one catch: Lord Cain permits only male servants in his house. Disguised as a boy, Violet cuts her hair, flattens her chest, and dons a voice-altering band to pull off the deception. Everything is going according to plan—until Cain, a man known for his cold and unwavering authority, starts to take a peculiar interest in her. Violet’s disguise becomes a prison of its own as she battles her own growing attraction to him. But this is no love story. Cain’s obsession to her is dangerous. Beneath cold allure lies a darkness Violet can’t ignore, a mind fractured by years of affliction by a curse. A curse made by Violet's biological mother: A powerful witch. ************* "TAKE IT OFF!" Violet’s knees nearly buckled at the thunderous command, her chest tightening with panic. The raw anger in Cain’s voice was as sharp as a blade. "My lord! I-I’m a man!" she stammered, gripping her shirt tightly, her fingers trembling as they clung to the fabric. "I don't like other men!" she cried, a desperate plea in her voice since the second she took her shirt off and he discovered that she was a woman was the moment she died. Painfully. Cain’s glare was unyielding, his voice dropping into a growl. "Don’t insult me, You think I do. You kissed me!" Her breath hitched as he stepped closer, his presence suffocating. "If you don’t take it off," he said, his tone low and dangerous, "I’ll rip it off myself." Violet’s mind raced, panic threatening to overwhelm her. She couldn’t let him find out—he’d kill her. Painfully. Glancing away to avoid his gaze when she caught the undeniable bulge in his trousers. Heat flushed her face, her thoughts spinning in desperation at the only idea she could think of to make him back off. 'This has to work. It has to!'
Colorful_madness · 192K Views

Menantang Para Alfa

Dua abad setelah Perang Besar, perdamaian antara manusia dan manusia serigala akhirnya tercapai, atau setidaknya itulah yang dipercayai semua orang. Manusia serigala berkuasa seperti dewa, dan manusia tetap tidak menyadari tempat sebenarnya mereka dalam tatanan dunia baru. Untuk menjaga keseimbangan rapuh ini, setiap tahun, sejumlah kecil manusia "beruntung" dipilih dari berbagai distrik untuk menghadiri Lunaris Academy, sebuah institusi bergengsi yang menjanjikan kejayaan, status, dan kesempatan untuk bergaul dengan para elit. Mereka yang terpilih dipuji sebagai segelintir yang beruntung, yang diproyeksikan untuk menikahi alfa yang kuat dan naik menjadi luna. Tahun ini, Violet Purple termasuk di antara yang terpilih, yang mengejutkan semua orang. Bagi seorang gadis yatim piatu yang diadopsi oleh seorang pelacur yang tercela, ini adalah tiket emas menuju kehidupan yang lebih baik atau setidaknya demikian yang diberitahukan padanya. Tapi Lunaris Academy bukanlah surga yang digambarkan. Segala yang diajarkan kepada Violet dan rekan-rekan manusianya adalah kebohongan. Manusia jauh dari setara; mereka hanyalah pion dalam permainan yang jauh lebih besar. Akademi ini hanyalah sangkar emas, dan para siswa adalah domba yang menuju pembantaian, mainan bagi para alfa untuk bermain dalam permainan kejam mereka. Lebih buruk lagi, Violet menarik perhatian para pemain paling berbahaya dalam permainan ini, Empat Teror: Alfa Utara, Alfa Selatan, Alfa Timur, dan Alfa Barat. Masing-masing lebih berbahaya, lebih kejam, dan lebih kuat daripada yang terakhir. Namun di antara mereka sendiri, para alfa terpecah, masing-masing dengan ambisi mematikan mereka sendiri. Namun, mereka semua memerhatikannya. Mereka mengharapkan Violet untuk mengikuti, untuk tunduk seperti yang lain yang menyembah di kaki mereka, untuk hancur di bawah permainan mereka. Tapi Violet tidak seperti yang lain. Dia menolak untuk tunduk. Dia akan menentang mereka semua.
Glimmy · 1K Views

Defy The Alpha(s)

Two centuries after the Great War, peace between humans and werewolves was finally achieved, or so everyone believes. Werewolves reign like gods, and humans remain blissfully unaware of their true place in the new world order. To maintain this fragile balance, each year, a handful of "lucky" humans are selected from various districts to attend Lunaris Academy, a prestigious institution that promises glory, status, and a chance to mingle with the elite. Those chosen are hailed as the lucky few, destined to marry powerful alphas and rise as luna. This year, Violet Purple is among the chosen, much to everyone's surprise. For an orphaned girl adopted by a disgraced prostitute, this is a golden ticket to a better life or so she's told. But Lunaris Academy isn’t the paradise it’s painted to be. Everything Violet and her fellow humans have been taught is a lie. Humans are far from equal; they're pawns in a much larger game. The academy is nothing but a gilded cage, and the students are lambs led to slaughter, playthings for the alphas to toy with in their ruthless games. To make matters worse, Violet catches the attention of the most dangerous players in this game, the Terror Four: the Alpha of the North, Alpha of the South, Alpha of the East, and Alpha of the West. Each one is more dangerous, more twisted, and more powerful than the last. But even among themselves, the alphas are divided, each with their own deadly ambitions. Yet, they all have their eyes on her. They expect Violet to play along, to fall in line like the others who worship at their feet, to break under their games. But Violet isn’t like the others. She refuses to bow. She’ll defy them all. *********** With a grin that made her uneasy, he handed the application to her. “Approve this one.” Principal Jameson’s curiosity got the better of her as she took the paper from him, her eyes scanning the text. Almost immediately, her breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in disbelief. “What the...?” “It’s perfect, isn’t it?” Asher’s voice was almost gleeful. Fucking psychopath! Jameson could hardly believe what she was reading. “Mr. Nightshade, with all due respect, this applicant….this girl just admitted to—” She couldn’t even finish the sentence, still horrified at the explicit nature of the application. Taking a deep breath, she continued, “I’m sorry, but I cannot approve this.” “She’s issued me a challenge,” Archer said, a dark gleam in his eyes. “What?” “‘Wait till you see me in bed,’” he repeated the bold line from the application, his grin widening. “And I can’t wait to find out.” “Mr. Nightshade—” He stood up, cutting off her protest as he fixed her with an intense stare. “Approve the application. I won’t ask again.” Without waiting for her response, Asher strode out of the office, confident she would follow his orders. He always got what he wanted. Archer Nightshade walked down the hall, a spring in his step. For the first time in a long while, he felt alive, his blood pulsing with excitement. The other Cardinal Alphas had no idea what he was up to, but it would soon hit them. He’d just set the game in motion. And the target was Violet Purple. It was game on. Note : This is not your average werewolf story. Eveything you think you know about werewolves would be challenged in this book. And yes, it is reverse harem. Do give the book a try.
Glimmy · 425.2K Views

El Prometido del Diablo

Un amor condenado desde el principio, una causa perdida, una batalla perdida, y aún así, ninguno de los dos corazones está dispuesto a rendirse hasta el final. Arlan Cromwell, el epítome del perfecto Príncipe Heredero. Todo lo que quiere es vivir una vida normal como un humano pero la vida de un dragón no tiene nada de normal. Solo tiene un objetivo: encontrar a su prometida fugitiva y decapitarla. ¿Qué sucede cuando descubre que la mujer que ha conquistado su corazón es la que juró matar? Oriana, la Herbolario, disfrazándose de hombre, ha pasado toda su vida huyendo sin saber de qué huye. Cuando los misterios de su pasado la atrapan lentamente, no tiene a quién acudir... excepto a Arlan. Pero cuando se entera de que el hombre al que le ha entregado su corazón es el mismo hombre que quiere matarla, ¿cómo puede aceptar la cruel mano que la vida le ha dado? Dos personas con secretos que guardar, identidades que ocultar y respuestas que encontrar. Cuando cierta oscuridad amenaza con llevarse a Oriana, ¿el Dragón podrá proteger a su pareja? Extracto: —Si supiera que eres mi prometida, te habría matado en el mismo momento en que nos conocimos. —¡Si supiera que estaba comprometida contigo, me habría matado antes de que tú me mataras! Sacó una daga y se la ofreció. —No es demasiado tarde. Simplemente corta tu garganta con esto y sangrarás sin dolor. Ella aceptó el cuchillo, sus dedos apretaban con fuerza el mango. Al siguiente momento, él estaba presionado contra la pared y el cuchillo estaba en el lado derecho de su cuello. —¿Qué tal si lo pruebo contigo primero, mi prometido? —Siéntete libre de intentarlo. Pero cuando falles, este cuchillo primero probará la sangre de tu abuelo, luego la tuya. La ira se levantó en sus ojos, y al siguiente momento, la sangre fluyó por el lado derecho de su cuello. Ella cortó lo suficientemente profundo como para cortar un importante vaso sanguíneo. —No deberías haberme desafiado —dijo ella con desdén—. Y se echó hacia atrás, esperando que él colapsara. Simplemente sonrió y pasó su dedo por la profunda herida en su cuello. —Parece que has fallado. Observó cómo la herida de su cuello se curaba por sí sola y se sintió impactada hasta los huesos. —Tú... ¿qué eres? —¿Adivinas?
Mynovel20 · 188.9K Views

Princess Malia’s Secret

Book 1 and Book 2 are complete while Book 3 is ongoing. For Malia Blaze her way of life is almost perfect, her parents love and adore her, but they are super strict and overprotective. On her 18th birthday they turn her world upside down, when they informed her she is adopted, and she is the lost Princess of a Fairy Kingdom. She needs to leave her human world behind to go to the Erthesia Academy to undergo training to become a full pledge fairy, while keeping her true identity secret for her own sake. Prince Flynn Vermilion is the Crown Prince, and the most popular guy in the Erthesia Kingdom because he has it all, good looks, wits, wealth and the crown. He hates Malia for she is the only female in the entire kingdom that does not care about who he is. He wants to teach her a lesson, make her fall in love with him and then break her heart into pieces. Malia hates the academy, for it is full of bullies and bitches. They make her life miserable because for them, she is only half human and half fairy, especially Prince Flynn. But She cannot deny the fact that He is the first boy she ever liked. Malia was abducted by the Dark Prince and her life was put in danger, Prince Flynn realized how important Malia in his life is. He is the first person who rescued her and discovered Malia's deepest secret. Can Prince Flynn break Malia's heart? Or is his whole being including the crown will be shattered? Can he give up the throne in the name of love? Is Malia powerful and strong enough to face the Sinister King of the dark realm to save her real parents and claim what is rightfully hers? ——————————————————————————— (Sequel Volume 2: The Deity Apprentice) Amara was chosen as the next Deity of Erthesia Land, because of her overflowing beauty and power. For all her life she lives in the Magical Forest, they forbid her to go outside until she will be at the right age. She trained day and night to become the perfect deity, she can’t wait to get outside her world to explore what lies beyond the wilderness. Prince Benjamin “Ben” Neroz, is the Crown Prince of Elpizo Kingdom, he is the playboy of the Erthesia Land because he is the most handsome in his generation, smart and powerful, that is why the female population of all Erthesia Land is dying to be with him. Amara met Prince Benjamin accidentally in the Magical Forest, and she fell in love with him, but being the Deity, means she is forbidden to fall in love, it does not allow her to interact with other fairies. Can Amara alter her destiny, just to be with the man she loves? -------------------------------------------------- Volume 3: Prince Maverick The Immortal Prince Violet Huez is a Senior High School student who does not have time for love because she is so busy working a part-time job to help her mother to make ends meet. Then one day her mother got sick and asked her to do her mother’s job as a maid in the Blaze mansion just for the day, but she accidentally broke the expensive vase of the Blaze family that costs a fortune. Maverick Blaze is the Crown Prince of the Immortal Realm. He visits the human world to enjoy, but he was forbidden by her grandmother to associate with humans. Maverick meets Violet and he wants to help and protect her, then he falls in love with her. To save her he offered Violet to take responsibility for the broken vase and he asked her to pay for the vase by spending time in the Blaze mansion. How can Prince Maverick stop himself from falling in love with a mortal girl? And how can Violet resist herself from falling in love with the mysterious heir of the Blaze family? Can their love have a chance to grow when Prince Maverick is summoned to come home to the Immortal realm to take over the throne of his father? Is he willing to give up his Immortality for a human girl? ------------------------------- Kindly Support my other books: Falling In Love With Miracle My Friend’s Arrogant Brother I Will Make You Love Me Again Loving Madeline
sirenbeauty · 918.1K Views

Reinventing Magic: An Inventor's Tale

[WSA 2025 Entry] Ivan Mendoza, a world-renowned inventor, met his end at the hands of those who feared his genius. But death was not the end. Awakening in the body of Kael Valtieri, heir to a destitute border territory in the magical kingdom of Ardania, Ivan finds a second chance in an unfamiliar world driven by arcane forces. In this realm, magic reigns supreme, yet it is woefully inefficient and bound by antiquated traditions. Armed with the knowledge of advanced robotics and engineering from his past life, Kael sets out to merge science with sorcery, aiming to revolutionize the very fabric of magic. His quest? To uplift his impoverished territory and safeguard it against the lurking dangers beyond the border. But Kael’s journey takes a thrilling turn when he stumbles upon the remnants of an ancient, forgotten civilization. Hidden within their ruins lies golem technology—astonishing constructs far superior to anything Earth’s science could fathom. Driven by curiosity and ambition, Kael deciphers their secrets, melding ancient ingenuity with his modern intellect to forge unprecedented defenses. As Kael uncovers the dark history of this world, he learns of rifts that once unleashed monstrous beings from other dimensions, nearly annihilating humanity. Though a powerful artifact sealed these rifts, its strength is waning, and an impending cataclysm looms. Now, with time running out and the continent teetering on the brink of another monstrous invasion, Kael must wield his hybrid mastery of science and magic to confront the rising tide of darkness. Can one man, armed with the knowledge of two worlds, avert a catastrophe and carve out a new destiny? Prepare for an epic tale of innovation, mystery, and survival in a world where the past and future collide.
EP_Estalani · 5.6K Views

The tales of the magic rings.

A tale about the rings of the seven kingdoms. It's powers and mysteries. What lies below for the descendant of one of the keepers of the rings. Fiona, a teen who Is embraced In wealth and honour. Her rich and expensive lifestyle Is being tested when she finds out she has powers. Her life took a turn after meeting the handsome, and mysterious Twilight Fall. Highschool ended up being more enchanting than she thought. Finding the lost rings and her families past truth. What will she find on this journey. Love, hatred or something even more than she could Imagine. His dark eyes and her brown sunny eyes. The journey for night and day Is what she will unveil with Twilight. Going through hell to find the rings before It gets Into the wrong hands, Fiona would travel through lands and worlds.   "Are you lost?". He just smirked by the question asked by me. I was the lost one. " You don't speak or,..." . I paused as he made a step forward.         "Me, lost.....". He finally spoke. My eyes were so opened with shock, hearing his voice. He had a calm yet strict voice It was so beautiful I thought he was singing.     "OH! Sorry, I thought you were lost. Besides, If your not lost what you doing In a dark cave with a creepy glowing creature". I looked at his creature as It perched on his shoulder.         He then opens his cloak and smiles. "Pardon, but Violet Is not a creature she's a friend". I looked at him with a puzzled expression. 'Who takes a creature as a friend?'. I thought to my self.         He stepped closer again, with just two step from me. "If you knew where you are, one would know thee who speaks out to the unknown". He spoke with his hands crossed behind his back.         I looked at him confused. What did he just say?. He was giving me more questions than answers.       "I don't have time for this I need to get out of here. My sisters might be looking for me". I said as I tried looking for a way out but, the only way out was to jump back Into the dark pit.           My heart jumped Into my mouth,as I almost fell into the pit again.         "It seems this fair maiden wants to die Immediately". As he smiles with pleasure, like he was mocking me.         "Can I be of some help". He asked politely, for once. I just froze up In fright, as I was not sure of who or what he is. "Come on, I don't bite". As he smirks dubiously.         I hesitated for a while, but I finally stepped a bit closer, with our nose almost touching. It was either I follow this beautiful essence, or die here In this creepy cave.       He pulled me with one hand, as his other hand was gesturing something, like he was performing some kind of jazz or voodoo I thought. I thank God I wasn't close to the little light. Cause It was at his right shoulder.         He suddenly closes his eyes. And like that.... , we were going through the cave walls like ghosts. His other arm was placed behind his back, as he just closed his eyes like he was dead.         I just watched his gawking appearance. His shining white hair, that looked like he cleansed them In a star, his light skin with no sign of scratches, marks, he was just smoothed by just looking at him, his lips were heart shaped with glistering effect, like he uses lip gloss.         I was just jealous looking at him. He finally opened his eyes. "We're here". He alerted all forgotten me. I released my self from his hold, as I saw my sisters calling my name. I was so relieved. I turned to thank him but, he was gone. N.B Cover not mine, from Pinterest. * No rape *
Amarylis_ · 23.6K Views

Espionage in the elite

Welcome to Cipher Academy, an elite private school where only the wealthiest and most gifted students walk its pristine marble halls. But beneath its luxurious facade lies a clandestine world of espionage, assassination, and secrets that could shake nations. Kira Yurei, a 17-year-old with jet-black hair and haunting pink eyes, is one of the academy’s top operatives—a member of the Student Council, the school’s elite governing body, which secretly doubles as an organization of highly trained assassins and spies. With a cold, apathetic demeanor and surgical precision in every mission, Kira seems untouchable, a shadow in human form. But cracks start to form in the school’s perfect image when Leon Ashford, a brilliant and manipulative golden-haired boy with striking violet eyes, starts poking around. Known for his sharp wit and unrivaled intellect, Leon is not only the top academic student but also someone the school’s higher-ups have cautiously considered recruiting. Yet, they know better—they fear him. Leon is far too perceptive, far too dangerous. When a series of inexplicable accidents start happening on campus—students disappearing, encrypted messages left in lockers, and faint traces of blood in off-limits areas—Leon’s curiosity turns into obsession. His fixation on Kira only grows, sensing that the cold boy is at the center of it all. As secrets begin to unravel and alliances blur, Kira is forced to confront the weight of his loyalty to the Student Council, the enigmatic Headmaster Alistair, and the shadowy figure known only as “The Director.” Will Leon uncover the truth behind the academy’s dark underbelly, or will Kira silence him before he gets too close? And when the final mission threatens to upend the entire system, whose side will each boy stand on?
_espyy · 321 Views

Zither Emperor

Nine-tiered zither notes shake the cosmos, who dares not know their master upon hearing? Rainbow-colored magic represents ranks, heroically raising the grand curtain. The Zither Emperor, bringing revolutionary changes to this continent. Accompanied by the emergence of the once in eternity Pure Qinxin, a generation Zither Mage, is born quietly in the blue sky and sea. This is the story of an innocent boy gradually becoming the emperor of zithers, pioneering Music Magic, overturning prior settings. Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet - the rainbow-grade becomes the standard of measurement for all martial skills and magic. A profession once considered as useless as chicken ribs, because of his emergence, becomes an immortal legend and myth. He, on the other hand, is like a dazzling new star making it impossible for anyone to ignore his radiance. Even the nearly invincible dragons cannot lift their arrogant heads in front of the Zither Emperor, for before them is someone god-like... Pioneering Music Magic, overturning prior settings, the rainbow-grade will become the standard of measurement for all martial skills and magic. Dragons are no longer invincible creatures, this will be a novel high with dragons. The Divine Music Master, a branch of the Spirit Mages, the most noble but useless profession on the Ryuzakinus Continent. But, is it really useless? The once in eternity Pure Qinxin, a generation Zither Mage, is quietly born in the blue sky and sea. This is the story of an innocent boy gradually becoming the emperor of zithers. But, is he really just the emperor of zithers?
Tang Jia San Shao · 396.6K Views


After closing his eyes for what he believes to be the last time, Devon Cradle, having waited too long for death but without success, reopens his eyes to find himself in a tomb with a demon-like creature standing above. However, his body was something he never expected Alarmed, he quickly realizes that he was summoned by that girl who looked like a demon queen. In a world plagued by war between humans fellow and Mystics, where only the strong survive while the weak are devoured; he could only curse his bad luck. In such a cruel environment where death is not something rare, he, a weak and fragile skeleton, summoned by a girl without talent was condemned to remain at the bottom of the ladder forever. However, [Ding! Conditions met. Boundless evolving's system has been activated.] [A system that will allow you to evolve infinitely as long as you have the necessary evolution points.] - -Ding! Your innate talent: death's blessing evolved to... [Ding! You unlocked one of your innate talent's sub-skills—Herald of death. 1- Herald of death. The host will receive 0.1 EP per night for receiving moonlight and night energy. 2- Grim Reaper. For each kill, the host will get evolution points. The amount will depend on the creature's strength. 3- Appraisal eyes 4- ... [Ding! You have just killed an ant. You've earned 0.0001 evolution points.] These words almost made him lose his balance. 'An ant that I couldn't even see, which I had probably just crushed without knowing it, made me earn evolution points…??’ It was hilarious, for him, it was quite unexpected news. Now armed with these assets, Devon saw his destiny and that of his master change in an unexpected way.
Versatile_Jack · 60.8K Views
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